My Brother


I've always been a shy person and done well at school, I've one sibling a brother 2 years older than me. Both born to mature parents my father was 42 when I was born and mother 39 and they passed away in 2020 in a snowstorm highway accident early in that year. I was 27 at the time and still living with my parents, my brother was working in his chosen career in the state capital. After the passing of our parents, we decided to live together and moved to the west coast to restart our lives without our parents. Having few close relatives and not close to any of them, we thought to make our own way a sort of fresh start. Of course, it all coincided with the start of the pandemic. In a new place hardly knowing anyone else we had to isolate together. My brother was called nerd, geek and other names during his schooling and isn't a very outgoing person as a result. I'm shy and more outgoing than my brother, he had transferred in his job to the west coast. Had hardly started when the lockdown was proclaimed, we stocked up on everything and would order anything else online when required. As the lockdown proceeded, we started to get very bored and mucked about to release the boredom. Which led to us sleeping together, being very careful we used what we had read to have sexual intercourse for the first time. A first for us both, as the lockdown dragged on, we had sex more and more. Hadn't used any precautions but were very careful and it was only after when my brother asked me to have his child. Did we stop being careful, we investigated what problems our child could have and found it was unlikely not a 100% as long as it wasn't a regular occurrence in the family line. We had no incest in our family line as far back as we could trace it. I decided to risk it, and we got our son and earlier this year (May) another son. no health problems with either, we act as man and wife and are quite happy with our actions.
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