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379 stories found

Using my MoneyI'm very well off and was single and at 34 decided to start a family (2018). But didn't have a woman in mind to have my children. I also didn't own any businesses to find a woman who needed financial help in return would for have a child for me. I was into enjoying myself and my finances were well set up to provide for my future, always improving my finances. Regardless of how much I spent, with no actual home base. I travelled wherever I wanted to go and enjoyed myself and then moved to another...reading time 3 mingenre
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The Breeder
I bought a Nunery Yes, I bought a Nunery, one empty of Nuns it adjoined my property and was on a hill and had great views of the whole area including the ocean. But it came with restrictions, not religious one but historical ones. Meaning I couldn't touch it facade or bell tower and any additions had to match the rest of the building's exterior. Which was okay by me as that was the main reason, I bought in the first. It looked like a fort in old pirate movies I loved as kid growing up. It even had the ramparts al...reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny pirate
After SchoolAfter school As a youth I loved to explore the woods near our home. I lived near a piece of undeveloped land that comprised a total of several hundred acres, mostly wild and occasionally dense growth of trees, and vines. The property had some rolling hills and no pasture at all so anywhere you might go was quite secluded. I suppose it was possible that you might run up on another person exploring the woods as well, but the only other person I ever saw in those woods was a friend that went with ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Paid to FuckLong story short version. I left the army and found a job as a mechanic and worked for an old couple. But then they were going to close up and retire, there was no point trying to buy the place as the highway had moved miles away by passing the town. I was going to look for another place, but Henrietta 54 wife of the local rich guy Donald 67 offered me a job as mechanic. At first I thought it was just fooling with me, but it was real. Old Donald collected cars and was looking for someone to take...reading time 3 mingenre
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The FenceI'm Max 43 divorced 2 grown children, who have left home. After my divorce last year I bought a 3 bedroom 2 baths ranch style home on a 30acre Block. My house is at the end of the street and my land blocks the street extending any further, no neighbors across the street from me. But I have a neighbor on my left side, I like horses and own 6 of them hence the block of land. I have a large shed and a stable block on the property, I had built a holding yard at the stables and added a feed storage a...reading time 4 mingenre
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Hired to work on an EstateI was 29 at the time and looking for work, never done well at school and left. I learnt to fix cars, drive trucks, use large machines and maintain gardens. Along with welding and handyman skills, so when the job of Estate maintenance supervisor came up. I didn't think I had the skills; I've never supervised anyone before. But there was no one to supervise as the supervisor done everything himself, no other staff. While looking at the job notice I mention what I could do and that I couldn't super...reading time 4 mingenre
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I found love with WitchesI moved to a old part the state to restart my life after my divorce, luckily we had no children. She is a lawyer and decided her partner was better than me, I'm Kirk short for Kirkland 35. I work from home mostly and prefer it to a noisy office and so I moved away from where I could run into my ex at anytime to somewhere out of the way. I bought an old house and had it fixed up to suit my lifestyle and work. Closest neighbor about 200 hundred yards away and I put up a no trespass sign to show pe...reading time 4 mingenre
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Kirkland witch lover
Finding the perfect House for meI'm a horror movie freak and I always wanted an old house like you see in the Addam's family movies. I'm well off and thought about building one, but the cost was very high, and I decided to pass on building one. But as they say something always turns up, while out flying my plane I flew over an old town off the main highways in a less travelled area. I then saw a house that looked like something out of a horror movie from the air. I decided to investigate, and the following weekend drove out to...reading time 4 mingenre
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I'm hooked on GranniesI've a fetish for mature women, I was raised by my late grandmother Freda. She was a good looking woman and I got to see her naked a few times, mainly by spying on her. Anyway at the age of 23 and at university I got my first fuck, Trisha 45 or so. She worked at the university and got drunk at party there, I was able to fuck her and ever since I've had a interest in fucking mature women. I've fucked younger women, but found the mature women more exciting. not just laying there. I'm Douglas now 3...reading time 4 mingenre
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Douglas W B
Returning to my old Neighborhood I'm Ken 50 divorced, after my divorce was final late last year. I returned to my old neighborhood, where I was raised. I left when I was 19 to go to university and only returned during holidays. Being the only child of mature parents, I had just finished my studies at university. When my father died and 3 years later my mother passed away, I had met my wife at university and married her in my final year. I inherited property and money from my parents and used it to start my own business. The di...reading time 4 mingenre
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Rural LivingI'm Brandon 30 live on my own farm I inherited it on the death of my father Brandon. He was in his early forties when he married my mother Kathy and they had the second year of their marriage. Sadly Kathy passed away when I was 16 (cancer), with no brothers or sisters it was just me and my father. As the years passed he started to slow down due to different ailments he had. So I ran the farm mostly by myself, in late 2017 Brandon passed away in his sleep. I wasn't a party person mainly due to ru...reading time 4 mingenre
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Returned to the familyWhen I was 1 almost 2 my father disgraced himself according to the family and moved across the country to the other coast. My mother died giving birth to me and so for years it was just me and my father. Then he died in 2020 Covid and in 2021 I decided to return and reunite with the family. I was then 27 and had graduated from university, I was well off financially and always had been. So, I returned not knowing how I would be received by the family. Well, as it turned out and I was soon meeting...reading time 4 mingenre
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Happy Hubby
Taking AdvantageI have always been given everything in my life, raised in a sheltered environment. As an only child I didn't have other children to play with. As my parents were Iso listers, who believed in their personal space, and they lived away from almost everyone else and didn't want visitors. But I got well educated mostly via the internet on sites chosen by my parents. But they were both in their late thirties when they had me and very well off financially. My father had a heart condition all his life a...reading time 4 mingenre
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Lapsed Hermit
Home after years awayI'm Jake 40 short for Jacob and was single on my return, I went to live with my only known relatives. My sister Josey 38 short for Josephine and her daughter Kylie 20, Josey is a war widow. Always very close before I went overseas for adventure as I called it when I left. At 21 I was willing to finish university and wanted excitement, that I found and was lucky with the group I attached myself to. Done both legal and some illegal things over the years and also made quite a bundle to pay for my l...reading time 4 mingenre
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Final love affairMy final wrap up. It had been too long. A decade earlier my adopted mom was always into me. Yet a year after my fling, I broke the law one last time. I was to find myself back in the system for a good 9 years. Another property crime. My mom was angry and didn't talk to me for 3 years after my arrest. I broke her heart. Eventually we talked after my release where I served 4 years inside before getting out. I was more humble and getting too old for this boozing life. I never started booze again ev...reading time 4 mingenre
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Neighbours become Family.Years ago when I was 18, my mother Susan then 38 good looking with great figure. Moved to an Island to live after dad had past away from cancer. We were well off before his death, but he also had a large life insurance. We had holiday home on the Island and this became our home full time. Mom just wanted to get away from everything. The closest neighbours were a mile away and we had a shelted cove on our property, which dad had sand brought in to make a beach (130 tons) and with the large trees ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Gated CommunityI'm David 29 single, I inherited a house in a gated community from my mother. She was 39 when I was born and my father was 45. He died six years ago heart attack and my mother died last December from kidney failure, due excess alcohol. I also inherited enough money, property and shares to keep me comfortable for the rest of my life. I'm not a big drinker, I was turned off alcohol as a child by my parents excess drinking. I'm a artist not very successful yet, but am on the rise. In the community ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Round 3 at my place.When you know that you are not blood by definition, you could if caught, be arrested for incest. The good thing about fucking your adopted mother is that she loves it and refuses to charge you even though both are guilty. Even better when you fuck her really good and there is never any dissatisfaction on her part, you know you can always count on regular love making matches. Years have gone by and I was in the beginning of being a very serious trouble maker. I was 24 and finished up a serious j...reading time 4 mingenre
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Becoming a WarlockMy wife died of cancer in 2020 before the pandemic really started and our children don't visit me very much. During my lone lockdown I read books and watched TV and searched the internet. I was getting very bored at being unable to go anywhere, but while watching an episode of Bewitched. I started researching witchcraft and the occult, not believing any the theories. I decided to start a coven, why not I had nothing else to do at the time locked down. I started planning on what I wanted and star...reading time 4 mingenre
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The Horny Warlock
Can't have all your LifeCan't have fun all your life was my late father's favorite saying. But I thought I'll give it a good go and at 30 I was single and enjoying my life. My father then passed away heart attack at 75, my died (stroke) years before when I was 19. As an only child I was alone in the world except for my cousin Roberta 26 daughter of my late aunt, my mothers only sibling and who father had left them years before with no further contact. Roberta isn't really an outgoing type person prefers to keep to hers...reading time 4 mingenre
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Mark baby maker
My Lucky DayIt started as a usual day and I parked my car as usual and found a $20 bill and nobody around, so it was now mine. I got inside the workshop and the boss was there and as the first arrive I got the job. A very good client had car problems and I was to go out fix the the car. It was a 50mile round trip and told not to rush the job or the or driving there and back as the road was bad at the best of times. I wasn't expected back before lunchtime he said, that gave 5 hours to to do the job. I drove ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Playing with my NeighborsLate last year I moved to a small country town, I working from all the time now and was sick of the noise and crowds in the city. So I sold up and moved to a quiet country off the main highway. The town had seen better days and so I got a great house for a modest price, along with twelve acres of land. I do ride horses so I bought 2 and got a dog only a pup now. But growing fast, I Brendan 45 divorced 3 year ago and have 2 children who have their own lives now. I wasn't in the market for a relat...reading time 4 mingenre
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Brendan V B
True story losing virginity to Hound When I was a young teenager and beginning to explore my sexuality I wanted to have sex but was scared of losing my virginity. I had played around with boys letting them finger me but hadnt had sex with any of them. We lived out in the country and sometimes our neighbors hounds would stay around our property. I noticed one male was always trying to mount other dogs and I wondered to myself if he would do this to me if I let him. I waited until the perfect opportunity. It was afternoon after schoo...reading time 4 mingenre
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Awaiting Sentence Awaiting Sentence can be stressful especially if you are unsure if your going to federal prison or just a small provincial stretch. I was awaiting my justice in 97. I was expected to receive what I thought would be up to 7 years for property related offences. I had a cell mate who was very interesting. He or it came into my cell at around 3 am after processing. I wasn't the One to judge others. This inmate had the packaging if you catch my drift. Shocked me to no but I was lucky I gues...reading time 4 mingenre
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My Neighbor the WitchI've lived just outside of my home town all my life and bought the house off my parents 4 years ago. When my father got a job in the next state, I'm have a job with the county and also sell stuff online. There's a old house next to mind and it has been empty for twenty years at least. I always referred to it as the Adam's house as it look a little like the house in T V show Adam's family. It was on 5 acres and mostly overgrown garden, then I saw a for sale sign (2019) in front of it. I knew the ...reading time 4 mingenre
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David B B
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