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To my great surpriseMy skinny brother 31 wasn't anything special in looks or build and was a high school dropout. He trained as a mechanic and started his own business as a mobile mechanic and was doing okay. But wasn't going to get rich, he was one of 2 mechanics in our town and the other was grumpy old man and so avoid by the younger people and most single women. But as the town isn't that big, there aren't many younger people or many single women. But my brother also profited because he came to you, and you didn...reading time 2 mingenre
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Very Surprised Sister........
Finding a Husband/PartnerAt 36 my clock was ticking as the saying goes, I had a great career and hadn't allowed myself relationships. As they would cloud the issue, I started thinking of having a child. But wanted a family not buy sperm and do it that way. Sounds simple, I'm fairly good looking and well off, so a catch you could say. First problem, all the men I was interested in were already married or gay. There were some who would willing jump into my bed, but I didn't want to wreck a marriage. Then there was Dave 40...reading time 4 mingenre
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Husband Hunter
Boating with My Aunt updateJefferson again my aunt Tracey returned late January 2022 and brought her goddaughter Emily 23 with her. Tracey was back and straight into my bed and had Emily join us. Emily was the only child of very close friends of Tracey and late husband Johnathon, and they were her godparents and Covid took her parents in early 2021. Emily is a shy woman and Tracey had seduced her on her return and had decided to bring her back as our plaything and as a possible wife for me. Well, we married fairly quickly...reading time 2 mingenre
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The HorseI bought an old farm of 123 acres (2021); I don't farm it. I live there to be away from the rat race of the city. I (33) work from home via the internet and only have 4 horses, poultry and 2 dogs. I built a small lake in what was a bit of a hollow and it serves to water horses and my ducks/geese swim on it. No real close neighbors, my closest neighbors are half a mile away on a 25-acre block. I hadn't much to do with the locals until March last year. My neighbors have an old stallion, and my hor...reading time 2 mingenre
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Very Lucky Neighbor
Moving to a new home.I'm Colin 60 retired never married, no children at the time. I've always been busy with my career and with no siblings or close family, I had travelled the world work and having a great time. I've had many women over the years and didn't find anyone of them I wanted to marry. So I decided to return home and retire, I bought a 3 bedroom house on 17 acres. The house was in the corner of the property closest to the local town, with a barn and a workshop it would suit my plans for my future. I boug...reading time 5 mingenre
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Three SistersI was kicked out of home at 16 for being a/hole and so I had to make my own way in life. But it was the best thing for me as I finally woke up to myself and it was too late to mend the fences with my very angry family. So, I worked laboring jobs to get by and I had to behave as I wanted to eat, and they wouldn't tolerate any crap from me. At 22 I scored a job (handyman) on a property owned by 3 sisters 37,35 and 32 all lawyers and were career driven women. After 18 months working for them, I was...reading time 2 mingenre
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Eveready Handyman
My Husband sold meThree years ago my husband Donald then 28 sold me to a man he met in a bar for $5000, It was only for 28 days 4 weeks and I was his to use as he saw fit. The man David 46 single and lived just outside of town on a 45 acre property and done well at his job. I'm Vivian now 30 1 child and 1 on the way. David treated me well, unlike Donald who would hit just for something to do. Anyway as the days passed I was fucked by David, not roughly like Donald did me and I got pleasure from the sex with David...reading time 2 mingenre
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Vivian M
I bought a house/annex and 5 acres sight unseenI wasn't ever good with women and used hookers for sex, it easy to get and no hoops to jump thru to get it as long as you had the cash. My career was the complete opposite to my love life and at 36 I discovered I was in a rut and so I moved to country town. Bought my property and the town wasn't small it wasn't big enough to be called a city. I didn't want a place where everybody knows you, I'm the private person type. After settling in I got the lay of the land as they say and was quite happy t...reading time 5 mingenre
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Happy Lover/father
The old Goat LadyI bought a house on the outskirts of town, the houses get further apart as you travel away from town. My place was second last house on 6.5 acre block no house across the road and the last before a couple of miles of empty land was Edith's 60 house on 13 acres or so, she farms goats. Which she sells or hires out to clean away weeds and bushes the land owners wants removed, they do a very job as I found out. I moved in at the start of March and hadn't seen Edith at all by the end of May. But had ...reading time 5 mingenre
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Daniel O
I was a Wild Child I was an average at best student and finally I was allowed to leave school by my mother. She lived in the country and my father lived in the city, he didn't like the country and my mother had asthma and preferred the cleaner air of the country to city's air. I was a troubled birth, and my mother couldn't have any more children as a result. I've an older brother who is like my father and rarely visited our mother. But my mother was the money in the family, 3/4 of the family's wealth came from he...reading time 4 mingenre
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Wild Child tamed
My neighbor's wifeI'm single and 34 and live on the outskirts of my town on 2.5 acres in a 3bed cottage. My home is in the front corner of the property closest to town and my closest neighbor house is only about 20 yards away from my home. He 32 and I don't get on and rarely speak to each other. His wife is a quiet woman 28 and I like her and speak to her as often as I can, when he isn't around. They have no children, and I was told by her it's because she can't have any. She never said why, her husband regularly...reading time 2 mingenre
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Horny Satisfied Neighbor
Filling the Home I'm Ronald 24 up to 4 years ago only child of Susanne 39, I always lived with my mother and grandparents Ronald and Helen. My grandparents passed away in the forest fires of 5 years ago, they were caught on the road in their car when the fire engulfed their car. That left me and Susanne alone, as my father had cleared out long before I was born. We're fairly well due to the family estate left by my grandparents. Living in a fairly remote area of the state, Susanne is a quiet person and very trus...reading time 2 mingenre
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Family MattersI'm Glen 34 married to Lauren 32, we have 3 children all under 9. I also have 2 children with Casey 29 both under 6. Casey is Lauren's sister and only sibling, their mother died 17 years ago of cancer and their father died 7 years ago car accident. Casey was always a quiet shy child and it increased after the death of her mother. With the death of her father she came to live with us. Casey didn't date or go anywhere much at all, except with late father and now us. Lauren has her own career and h...reading time 2 mingenre
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Glen 2 wives
My new JobI'm Robert 27 single work as a full-time gardener come, handyman, I started work last November for Graham 76 and his wife Marie 59. Graham still runs his own company and also sits on boards of others as well, he is always busy and away a lot. Marie is at home most of the time and directs the staff of 5 which I'm one. I'm the only one to live on the property of 23 acres, I live in a small gatehouse. I'm not needed to open the gates as they are controlled at the main house. I have most of my meals...reading time 2 mingenre
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My uncle DavidDavid 46 is single never married and has 7 children by different women and I'm not sure of how but he is extremely well off. Own a a 30+ acre property and large house and I visit him with my mother Karen 43, I didn't know my father and learnt never to ask as a child. I'm Elizabeth 21. Karen got pregnant at university and that's all I know, I've only met 6 of the 7 cousins in my uncle David's family. Not ever even heard the name of the seventh cousin. Karen never talks about who my cousin is, she...reading time 2 mingenre
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Elizabeth 1of 7
The slave explainedSlaves as Property Owning a slave is a serious responsibility. A slave is valuable property and should be treated as such. I would never permanently damage any of my slaves. It would be pointless to damage something you own and value. A damaged slave cannot work effectively for you. As my property she is an asset. If l did become continually displeased or bored with a particular slave I would not hesitate to resell her or pass her on to a friend. There are no safe-words in my domain. I decide wh...reading time 8 mingenre
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PowerI'm married to a giant asshole, and he was neglecting me sexually. Not that he's a great lover and is great looking or was playing around. He wasn't he's far too lazy for that. He pays the lowest wages he can get away with and wouldn't pay them at all if he could. He isn't donating to any political party as he says others do that and he still gets the benefits also. We've a son and daughter who don't like their father and left home as soon as they could. I'm 55 and get very horny very often and ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny Wife
Collecting RentI'm Daniel 27 single and last year I inherited everything from my father Daniel senior, he got the virus and passed away he was 58. My mother died 12 years ago of cancer and I'm the only child. My father was very well off and dabbled in most things, stocks, bonds and real estate. Real estate he own several industrial properties and an apartment building of 10 apartments. It's an old building but is kept in good order, as my father said it easier to fix a small problem, than wait until its a big ...reading time 5 mingenre
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Daniel K
Needing a FuckI was being neglected by my husband sexually and I knew he was fucking other women but hadn't caught him. I've the money in this marriage and if I catch him, he's toast. But I want sex also, I still look good at 52 and give men boners still. But my husband has younger tastes, so I decided to copy his actions and find myself a younger man to satisfy my sexual neglect. I found a young man 23 who works for us, short at 5'5" and solidly built and quiet oh so quiet. It was almost 2 years working for ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Horny soon to be ex-wife
Retreat to the BunkerMy late father Richard who died early year was a prepper for forty or so years of his life. Our mother passed away in 2013 from cancer. The bunker is buried on 37 acres property, which to anyone passing it looks empty, except for an old barn. On the highway side of the barn there's nothing to see and on the other side it has solar panels. They provide the power for the bunker, since the start of the coronavirus outbreak. Both me and my sister Gwen 23 single went straight to the bunker for safety...reading time 2 mingenre
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It's TimeI'm Henry 59 done very well career wise and extra well financially. Always to busy for long relationships, I used women when and where ever it suited me. Rarely with a woman more than a week, use and forget. I'm a only child and both parents are passed on, no real close relatives either. I always said when I got bored making money I would retire, that I did in August 2018. At the top of my career and it was boring doing the same old things day after day. I lived abroad for many years and regular...reading time 5 mingenre
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Henry family man
Family BusinessI'm Robert 25 and I work for the family business, I left school at 15 not being a great scholar like my 2 siblings and a great disappointment to my father Henry. I get all the jobs for the family like cutting hedges and mowing lawns and anything else they need doing. Two years ago my father's uncle Donald died he was 73 and was a collector of various things. That great aunt Harriet 62 wanted gone from there 45 acre rural property. It was stored in 7 outbuildings and contained just about everythi...reading time 5 mingenre
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I was desperate Lost my husband and out of work with 2 small children to support, my parents were dead from not getting vaccinated against Covid. I only had an older brother left and we weren't on very good terms. I was popular at school and my brother was called a nerd and worse and I also made his life hell. Anyway, he got a good job and went off to live by himself in small town working via computer and keeping to himself. Rarely getting visitors, which were our parents until they passed away. I'd married an...reading time 5 mingenre
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Desperate no more
To Ask is to ReceiveI come from a family of bible bashers and I'm not as committed as them to going to church. I've a good job and also my own place, I got it as soon as I could to get away from home and into my own place. I could've rented but I wanted my own personal place where I could be myself. I'm no great lover and had some minor success with girls, but then I got lucky. My grandmother Sylvia 62 widow of 4 years lost her home in a hurricane, lost her roof and was also flooded. She went to stay with my parent...reading time 2 mingenre
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John B J
PrepperI'm John and I'm a prepper, at 40 and well off financially. I started prepping in earnest, I purchase a 30-acre block of land and made a plan on how I would use it for my prepping. I ordered 2 survival bunkers that I would bury connecting by a tunnel and built a small dam across a gully to store water. There is a small mine going straight into a hill on the property and I intend to bury my bunkers nearby. I'm going to close the only entrance of the mine with concrete and cover that with dirt an...reading time 2 mingenre
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