Three Sisters


I was kicked out of home at 16 for being a/hole and so I had to make my own way in life. But it was the best thing for me as I finally woke up to myself and it was too late to mend the fences with my very angry family. So, I worked laboring jobs to get by and I had to behave as I wanted to eat, and they wouldn't tolerate any crap from me. At 22 I scored a job (handyman) on a property owned by 3 sisters 37,35 and 32 all lawyers and were career driven women. After 18 months working for them, I was settled and happy with my lot as they say. I lived in a shed 15' by 12', and it had everything I needed. Power and a potbelly stove to warm the insulated walls, a bed, table, chair, old TV with a shower and toilet in on corner. All I really needed and better than all the place I had since being kicked out of home. Then the middle sister decided she wanted a child before she was passed it, none of them dated and so she decided to ask me to father her child. I agreed, why not I like sex and will any woman I can. Of course, our secret meetings didn't go unnoticed and the other 2 sisters also decided to have a child each and again I was the chosen father. They said all having the same father would make the closer to each other. It didn't concern me I agreed and was moved into the house and my own room. The middle sister got pregnant followed by the youngest than the oldest and as of last month I've 3 children to the 3 sisters girl boy girl and the middle sister is talking about another. I'm ever ready to father more.
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