Family Matters
Glen 2 wives
I'm Glen 34 married to Lauren 32, we have 3 children all under 9. I also have 2 children with Casey 29 both under 6. Casey is Lauren's sister and only sibling, their mother died 17 years ago of cancer and their father died 7 years ago car accident. Casey was always a quiet shy child and it increased after the death of her mother. With the death of her father she came to live with us. Casey didn't date or go anywhere much at all, except with late father and now us. Lauren has her own career and having Casey living with us gave her the chance to further her career and have Casey look after her children. Which was fine at first, but Lauren looked at Casey's life and thought it was missing life itself. She was home always and never went anywhere herself. Lauren and I had to pick up the children from school as Casey didn't leave the house. Only went shopping with Lauren and because of all of that, Lauren decided we should give Casey a life. Meaning Lauren bought Casey into our bed and included her in our lovemaking, which led to her having her own children as well as looking after Lauren's children. Since that first night we were all together, Casey has always been in our bed. At first I thought it a bit strange or kinky having sex with 2 sisters. But now its normal to me and Casey is just as much my wife as Lauren is and is included in all family discussions. We relocated to a 7 acre property with a 5 bedroom house and have added 2 more bedrooms and another bathroom. Casey still hasn't gone anywhere by herself and I've taught her to drive over the years and she could drive really well, but it took 4 years to get her to go for a driver's license and Lauren had to be with her the whole time. We changed Casey's surname to mine legally to make it semi official she was my wife.
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