Collecting Rent


I'm Daniel 27 single and last year I inherited everything from my father Daniel senior, he got the virus and passed away he was 58. My mother died 12 years ago of cancer and I'm the only child. My father was very well off and dabbled in most things, stocks, bonds and real estate. Real estate he own several industrial properties and an apartment building of 10 apartments. It's an old building but is kept in good order, as my father said it easier to fix a small problem, than wait until its a big problem and it has to be fixed. The family home was only a 3 bed cottage and he was selling it when he died, it sold shortly after his funeral. I done as he intended and moved into the apartment building. It wasn't to be more hands on, it was closer to his offices. I had just about finished university and at the finish I moved into his apartment, not changing anything he had setup. All rent were paid at the offices and once a month the building was checked over for any problems or tenants could just report any problems straight to the office and repairs were made asap. I didn't have to bother with rent as my apartment was exempted. I started to get the hang of his businesses over time, one of the tenants in the building was my old history teacher from before I went to university. Robyn 60 was still at the same school, but with lockdowns and all the other stuff with the pandemic had fallen behind in her rent. Then she also got sick, but had the vaccine and got over the virus and recovered. But it caused her fall further behind in her rent. I wasn't aware of her rent problem. As I was still getting to grips with the business and the rent problem weren't on my radar as they say. Robyn was paying the back as quickly as she could. But my property manager had decided to evict her, it was then I became aware of her problem. But too late to stop it, the apartment was already rented by new tenants contract signed, who were to move in the following weekend. Robyn was a teacher I really liked at school and when I had found out. I decided to to try and help, but found out it was too late to stop her eviction and also she hadn't anywhere to go either. I had a spare bedroom in my apartment and told her she could there as long as she wanted. Also the next apartment available in the building she could have. It wasn't a problem for the property manager as she had done her job and the apartment was ready for the new tenants. Robyn was happy to accept my kind offer as she put it and she wanted to pay the back rent and also something towards her living with me. I told her don't worry about that, you get back on your feet. Living together wasn't bad as we got on really well together. I liked her company and cooking and wouldn't care if she never moved out. But it was playing on her mind. But with the virus causing disruptions she was having trouble with just about everything. Living together in a two bedroom, one bathroom apartment you sometime see things your not meant to see. Like your old teacher totally naked in the bathroom after a shower drying herself. That's when I became aware of how great a body Robyn had. Lucky she was drying her face when I opened the door and didn't see me. A week or so later on the Friday night I was watching television and it was raining heavily outside. I usually went out on Friday nights and sometimes got lucky, but nothing planned that night. Robyn was reading and something got us talking and she asked what I was doing and without thinking I said staying home and playing with myself. I had said before I realized and was shocked I had said it. Robyn replied I will probably do the same myself, I've never been backward and so asked if she wanted to have some fun together. Fully expecting a shocked no, but she just looked at me and was quiet. I was about say sorry I'm a bit of prick that way. When she said we could give it a go if you really want too. Okay I said straight away, I started thinking of how nice she looked naked in the bathroom. So we went to my bed as it's the bigger bed and after a awkward start, we started fucking and she stayed the night with me and we fucked all weekend and started sleeping together regularly. I still dated and sometimes bought someone back to fuck. But I still don't have a girlfriend, but have a regular fuck in Robyn. A apartment came available and I asked Robyn to stay with me and so she passed on it. My sex is just for our mutual satisfaction and Robyn likes being satisfied at least 3 times a week.
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