My Harem


Short history, I was sent to finish a project (overseas) which was behind quicker. I was then 30 and had become the trouble shooter of the company I worked for. Not in any relationship and always had a work first mindset. I replaced my older cousin, and he returned home. I quickly cut thru the delays, telling contractors their contacts were to be cancelled and that hurried them up a bit. But other delays on deliveries were solved by cancelling the transport contact as the company was over extended and couldn't for fill the contact's delivery time clause. This was when I was in talks with the other contactors and seeing me cancel one contact was enough to boost their efforts. With another delivery contact on stricter conditions increased the work to bring us closer to finalizing the project quicker. Now with the work progressing better, I had time to play. Not much in the way of available women, the only singles were either too old or too young. I returned to the closest city to try my luck there and would visit the project site regularly. In the project office in the city was a pretty woman 22 and she was single. But didn't date as her family was poor and they needed her wage to keep them going. Family honor was also involved and played a huge part in their lives. But there was two reason she would be perfect for me, first she spoke English and second, she was very beautiful. I was used to getting my own way and a sort of keep off the grass sign only added to my desire to succeed. I found she was on the local marriage market, but being so poor had no local takers. I thought I could marry her, and I would get everything I wanted. But on further research I found out I would be responsible for her whole family. That would've been a deal breaker for me, but her family consisted of her mother 39, her younger sister 19 (handicapped with only one leg) her aunt 36 and her cousin 18. Her family worked any job they could to earn money for the family, only the older daughter had a fulltime job. So, if I married her I would the head of the family and be responsible for the dowries of her family if they were to marry. Or as I quickly realized I could marry them myself, as there were no limits on the number of wives. You only had to show you could support them. My interest was piqued you could say and so I checked the mother, sister, aunt and cousin. All were fairly good looking, the sister managed to get around with a pegleg, a proper modern artificial leg would help her a lot better. I hadn't mentioned before I'm quite a greedy person and the thought of 5 willing women catering to my every sexual whim was too much for me to pass up. I made the offer of marriages, and they were somewhat shocked at first. But the prospect of better life was too much to refuse, and I quickly married all 5. Of course, I married the older daughter first as that made her the senior wife, then her mother, aunt cousin and sister the order drawn from a bowl. After consummating with them all a proper artificial leg was sourced for my fifth wife. After a year more living there I returned home with my 5 wives, 2 pregnant and 3 children. They all got pregnant fairly quickly, only the aunt and the sister of my first were a little slower. It works great for me, mainly because I'm a greedy person.
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