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437 stories found
Farm Life I'm Glen 42 married to Leslie 41 and we've 4 children, Leslie's sister Noleen 39 came to live with us 6 years ago after her husband Norman was killed on active service. As we are her only close relatives and Noleen joined in a sexual relationship with Leslie and me and has now had 2 children by me. Her and Norman hadn't had any children before he died and with Leslie pregnant when she arrived, Noleen became motherly towards our children and also very horny as well. So she asked Leslie about gett... reading time 1 mingenreStraightwritten on
Glen MMother & Sister I'm now 34 and am still recovering from the Accident of 10 years ago. But I can now walk, even if it is with 2 canes. I was in an accident in the family's scrap steel yard. I standing near they were moving scrap and when it was dropped, part of it hit a piece rail and it catapulted a piece of scrap that hit my back. I was badly injured and was in hospital for 11 months and 2 operations. With a lot help and treatment I slowly improved. My fiancee didn't want to look after cripple and she departe... reading time 3 mingenre
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MikeFamily Farm continuedI'm quite content with my life with Monica and our daughter Kathleen after our mutual grandmother, Elizabeth is very happy with granddaughter and as Kathleen is a regular visitor to see her great granddaughter is tasked with looking after her on her visits. Monica is back riding Barney again and I've had been busy building a stable beside the cottage ready for winter. My parents are also visiting more as little Kathleen is their first granddaughter. Which has allowed me and Monica time alone hor... reading time 1 mingenre
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Lester farmboyGreat Aunt BethI'm David 27 now, a high school drop out. Eight years ago I got in to trouble and my family got me out of it. But there was a condition attached, I had to go and work on Great aunt Beth's farm for 2 years. I hadn't seen Aunt Beth since I was 8 or 9 and she was a very formidable woman and was dreaded by the whole family. Great uncle Bert 70 had passed away she needed someone to do work on the farm. I think the family was worried that they might called in to help. So when I got into trouble, they ... reading time 6 mingenre
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DavidFinally 18I was finally 18. I was happy that I turned 18 two days ago and was finally getting the farm my late father left me and my mother. I was happy because I was always left alone with my horses, all male by the way. But I never done anything with them. But this day, I was lucky. I was alone all weekend, while my mother was gone to see her fuck buddy. She's been seeing this man almost immediately after dad died. I had gone that night to see that one of my horses was still up. He seemed to be very wor... reading time 3 mingenre
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PeopleFucking bandit Once upon a time, in the land of whipper town lived a hypersexual woman. She lived on a farm and owned 2 cows, 2 goats, 4 male pigs, and 2 dozen chickens. She always found creative ways to get off fucking her make cow, every chance she gets. On this faithful day a friend of hers let her ride her elephant into the woods for a walk. They've been gone for only 10 minutes when she felt horny she waited til they got off the path and into the woods just far enough to let the elephant to mount her. ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Done I do as toldI'm Oliver 21 never a good student I left after high school and work on the family farm. As the youngest of 3, I'm quite shy as my mother puts it. My older brother Patrick calls me retarded, but that because I don't chase girls like he does. Anyway one day he thought we were alone and started his usual crap and got caught by our grandma Emma 61 widow and she let him have it. Emma is a slender and short at 5'3" and nobody in the family wants to get her angry with them. Anyway Emma had come lookin... reading time 5 mingenre
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Oliver McMy sister in lawMy wife Angela and her parents died in a car accident 2019 and I was left to raise our then 4 year old daughter Maria alone. My father had passed away when I was 19 and mother had left him when I was 8 no idea where she is. No Grandparents either and Angela's sister Helen 28 the only close family I could ask for help. If Helen was an actor she would always be type casted as the classic librarian in any movie. Quiet and slowly spoken and quite shy around most people, she isn't an librarian use to... reading time 3 mingenre
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George NMy donkey dickI'm a 18 year old woman living alone in a deserted farm. I own 2 make donkey's who's taken a liking to me sexual. I blame myself because I've always masturbated in front of them. Last night was great. They cornered me in one of the stalls. Is seen them drop their 10 foot dicks on the floor. I got on all fours, resting my body on a hay stack. 1 if the donkey's forced it's thick cock into my ass, no help with lube. The other into my pussy. They mount me being rough and careless with me. I'm cons... reading time 1 mingenre
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Classic The Return Home UpdateIn the year since my last story Hanna married me in December, Rose has had a baby boy we called Richard Wayne after our Grandfather and Father. Hanna is due next month and is having a girl, Rose sleeps with us every night and I still do Lois every now and then. Jane has regular sex with me and has also seduced Judith into her bed and I have also started fucking her. Rose wants another child and isn't taking any precautions, but doesn't expect to get pregnant until she stops breastfeeding Richard... reading time 1 mingenre
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DavidTo get my inheritanceI was in line for a large inheritance, a very large inheritance. One problem, there was three conditions attached to the inheritance. First was to settle down, second was to marry and third start a family. I wasn't without my own money, but it wouldn't last forever as I don't believe in working and prefer to enjoy myself instead. At 31 I wanted to travel and party, and I'd been doing just that since I was 24. My father was dead and I'd no siblings only a great uncle left a very rich person and a... reading time 4 mingenre
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Money loving HusbandDoing my aunt, and her daughterI am 55 yrs old now, but something happened the other day that got me REAL excited! I grew up on a farm, and we we're taught to check in on some of the older members of our community at times. Years back, when I was in high school, there was a widow that lived on the road out to our farm. I would stop in at times to check on her. She was my aunt, about 4 generations back, and one summer day, I was over there helping her weed her garden. I noticed that she keep positioning herself in the ne... reading time 5 mingenre
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Hayseed6977@Church GoerI regularly go to church and call myself a Christian, but on reading the bible. I found out I wasn't really a Christian, just someone who calls himself a Christian. It states in the bible how to be a follower of Christ and I don't follow that path. But I believe I'm a good person and that's good enough for me. Some in my church are born again Christians and they're further away than I am from being actual Christians. But my neighbor being the biggest pain in the butt of them. He probably knows n... reading time 1 mingenre
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Church GoerThe hidden secret I had meet my wife about 26 yrs ago,she was 20 I was 23,she had a large family, grew up on the farm, not much town time as she has put it to me,her sister is a year older and hot as fuck with nice large tits,yes I have thought about them threw the yrs,we all get along great,live close to each other’s family,well about a year ago I had a bad leg injury at work so I came home early,low a behold walk in and my wife and her sister was ramming these two big black toys in each other, my eyes could no... reading time 2 mingenre
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RogerA happy accidentI'm Wilfred 32 single and run my own small farm and keep to myself a lot. Never one to party and chase women, but after the passing of my father in 2015 I started to stay at home more and more. My mother had passed away when was 9 and it was just me and my father from then on. I had some relationships, but none that clicked. Then in May I was fixing the Boundary fence near the road that passed my land and a car had a blow out it left the road and turned over. I rushed over to help and found only... reading time 4 mingenre
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WilfredNo one would believe Ewe. Chapter 7Two weeks following the rekindling of my intimacies with Daisy I decided that perhaps I should begin enacting plans to breed more of the sheep in the same manner as Daisy, whilst I was surprised that my attempts at breeding her had been successful in the past I wanted to add more lambs to my count of children, I considered each lamb born of my union with Daisy as a child of mine, whilst my sperm did not inseminate Daisy's egg I had been the one to fuck her and pump said sperm into her, a mock ar... reading time 4 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
TheWelshDragon95Too good to pass upI was 34 and travelling around, well off financially so able to whatever I wanted within reason. Came to a small town in my old pickup I drove not to attract too much attention. I stopped at a gas station/diner for a meal and to have a quick look around, if I liked something I would stay longer if not I would continue on my way. At the gas station a woman was having trouble with her car. I'd been taught by my late grandfather all about fixing cars and got it going for her. That caught the attent... reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny TravellerMy Sister I'm Daryl 56 widower, 2 grown children who have move to the city and married. I lost my wife Cheryl 3 years ago to cancer. I lived alone, then my only sister Dianne 49 came to stay with for holiday. She got divorced and wanted to get away from things for a while, they had sold their house and split the money. Both were working in finance industry at the time, Dianne was looking for a transfer at the time. To get away from her ex, as they worked at the same place. So while looking she came to see... reading time 3 mingenre
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DarylTravelling, then got luckyI was orphaned at the age of 5 and adopted by a family and at age of 16 started travelling. My adopted family weren't sad to see me go as they weren't a loving family and had only taken me in for the money the state gave them. Once I left school and got a job the money stopped. I soon decided giving most of my pay to them wasn't doing me any good I headed off. I picked fruit and done odd jobs here and there slowly picking up skills, at the age of 20 I was with group of travelers. It was with the... reading time 3 mingenre
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Lucky, Lucky ManSent to assist my Aunt DaisyI'm Luke 23 youngest of Arnold and Rosemary, I lost my job at the supermarket because a larger supermarket started up. So unemployed I was sent to help my aunt Daisy 46 single never married and lived on a small farm raising poultry and pigs. I've heard all my life Daisy was strange , weird and round the bend. She was my mother's younger sister and only sibling. I had no choice there were no jobs I could do available and so I was to stay with Daisy. I was shocked on arrival, I saw movement up by ... reading time 3 mingenre
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LukeMy Mother became my Lover updateI'm David and I run the extended family feed farm several states away from most the family farming interests. My mother Jane came for visit and wasn't happy about the state of the house and returned home packed up her stuff and returned to live with me. My father David had died when I was 8 and Jane hadn't dated or had any sexual relationships until we started sleeping together. Jane wanted me to find a wife and decided to help me find a wife. But knowing our shy I was around women, decided to s... reading time 4 mingenre
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David JHen sexI've never seen a chicken pussy so tight and small till today. I started working on this farm with chickens and I took noticed that this particular one was thick and had a nice ass. I took her to the far back of the barn and dropped my pants to the ground. I'm fully erect at this point, no lube in site and inserted it into her extremely tight pussy.i could barely fit seeing that she's been fucked. She started cumming with every thrust. In the heat of the moment I came into her. I didn't pull ... reading time 1 mingenre
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KisdHitchhikingI decided to hitchhike around looking for work and seeing the country at the same time. I'm Nelson 26 and after a week and going thru 2 states, I got picked up by Lauren 56 widow and she offered me a job. She ran a small goat farm, selling goatmilk, goats and also renting them out to clear out overgrown pastures and gullies. She lived alone and I accepted mainly for something to do and for a break in my travelling. I soon found out she liked a drink and fucking when she had a few. This is where ... reading time 2 mingenre
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Nelson..My First TimeI'm Greg 24 very shy around women outside the family, its takes me time to be comfortable around other then family women. I'm okay with my grandmothers, mother, sister, aunts and cousins. But if a woman visits I rarely talk to them, I only answer when I'm asked something and only after being told to answer by a family member. We live on a farm and the farms around us are also family owned. I rarely go to town and then only to the hardware or such like places. My mother sometimes takes me with he... reading time 3 mingenre
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GregThe trouble with living in a small TownThe trouble with living in a small town is that everyone knows everyone else and most of them are your relatives as well. That was my major problem as I grew up, all the girls who were close to my age were relatives. I thought I would never find a girlfriend in our town. I did go out to movies and dances, but I was with my cousins or sisters at every event. I started to get dejected by the lack of a possible girlfriend in my town. It was then that Aunt Elizabeth 52 asked me to visit her on her f... reading time 5 mingenre
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