Great Aunt Beth


I'm David 27 now, a high school drop out. Eight years ago I got in to trouble and my family got me out of it. But there was a condition attached, I had to go and work on Great aunt Beth's farm for 2 years. I hadn't seen Aunt Beth since I was 8 or 9 and she was a very formidable woman and was dreaded by the whole family. Great uncle Bert 70 had passed away she needed someone to do work on the farm. I think the family was worried that they might called in to help. So when I got into trouble, they got me off with a 2 year good behaviour bond and the judge (old friend of the family) send me to work on Great aunt Beth's farm. I was taken to the farm and told if I didn't obey the conditions of the bond, I could expect 2 years jail no parole. Great aunt Beth 65 at the time, tall and slender and good looking for her age. But hard to tell as she had a very stern look on her face, I had never seen her smile. I was given a room outback and told that I was to start next morning at 6 and breakfast was 5.30. I went to bed early and was woken at 5 by Beth and told to washup for breakfast. Breakfast was good and then I was given a list of chores to do before lunch. At 10 I was called for morning tea as she called it. I returned to the chores after and was called for lunch at noon. After which I was given another list of chores to do till dinner. At 3 I was called for afternoon tea and back to work. At 5 I was finished doing the lists and was told to clean up for dinner. Due dinner Beth told me that after tomorrow I should be caught up on the backlog of chores and that I wouldn't have work so hard after that if I kept up with the work. She also said That I would be paid the going rate and would Saturday afternoon and night to myself and could use the old pickup. As long as I behaved myself. Work became easier after I had caught up with the backlog. Berth wasn't as bad as I had expected, as long as I didn't play up. Two weeks after arriving on a Saturday afternoon I was in my room and reading a porn mag, that I hd got the Saturday before. I started to play with myself and later after cleaning up. I went and had dinner with Beth, she asked if I was going into town that night. I replied " Yeah I going to the movies. " Good" was the reply "So am I. You can drive me, if it won't be any trouble". "No trouble" I replied. I drove her to the movie theatres and she went to 1 and I went into another. Mine got out first, so went and had a beer and returned as her theatre was coming out. I asked " If she wanted to do anything else before going home". She replied " Bert and I used to go fo a coffee at the roadhouse on our way home. But don't you want to do anything". I replied " I have already had 2 beers and I happy to go for a coffee". So we went and had coffee and returned to the farm around midnight. The next morning I done all the days chores by morning tea time and after I went into my room and start to read my mag again. About 15, 20 minutes later Beth walked in and caught me masturbating, she didn't say anything. Just dropped off the fresh bedsheets and left. I was shocked at getting caught and quickly got up and dressed and changed the bedsheets and took the others to her and tried to apologize to her. She said " No need. I don't expect you to be a monk and I still masturbate, now that Bert is gone". This was a bit a shock to me as I thought that she was passed it long ago. She saw the look on my face and " I'm not past it youngman and I could give some of the young women a run for their money. You mark my words". I replied " I bet you could" and I turned to leave. With that she said " You want try me out and see. I ain't over the hill yet". I was shocked again and said " I've better not, I don't want to let you you down" trying to away. With that she said " You won't let me down and if you need help with sex, I'll show you what you need to do or tell how to do it better and what is better. You don't need a condom as I couldn't have babies when I young and I'm way past it now. So how about giving me a good fucking, David". So I said "Okay" and she took me to her bedroom and we had sex. After dinner was finished and I was helping with the washing up. I got the urge and grabbed her ass and she turned around saying " You want to Fuck your old aunty again do you". " YES" I replied and ispent the night with her. During lunch next day she said " That she had enjoyed our fucking and was wondering. If we might make it a regular or an occasional thing". I said " Anytime you want I'm ready and willing". So I fucked Beth at least once a week and after several months we were getting on well. My father dropped out 1 weekend to check on my behaviour and Beth said " I was doing fine and she was happy with my work".
As my father left, he told me to keep up the good work. A month after that Beth introduced me to Jane. Jane worked at the feed store and Beth wanted me to meet her. Later beth told me " That Jane was good match for me and that she would make a good wife". Jane is no model, a fuller figure. But not overweight, so Jane and I started dating and after 6 months married. Jane knew that I was still fucking Beth, as Beth had told her. Jane had also slept with Beth on and off. Just as my bond was coming to an end Jane gave birth to a girl Gwen and I had already asked Beth if I could stay on after the my bond finished. To which she replied " I'm was hoping you would stay". I now have 3 children Gwen, Dave jr and Bert. I still fuck Beth and Jane and we're happy with the arrangement. Beth only has sex about once a fortnight now, but sleeps with us most nights. Jane has told me that she is pregnant again and is getting us a bigger car.
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