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431 stories found

Farm Life updateRichard again, last year I started having sex with my mother Joyce and once I was slow to pull out and left my cum inside her. She was worried as she thought it was less than a 50 50 chance of her getting pregnant. She got pregnant and after having tests done and the baby was fine she decided to have her. We named the baby Catherine after Joyce's late mother. We are still sleeping together, but Joyce insists I try and find a girlfriend, I've had several dates. But as of now nothing has come of a...reading time 1 mingenre
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Two CarsI've always been a car nut as my mother Carol calls it and always wanted a corvette stingray. Then I manage to get one in an auction, it needed a lot of work. That didn't bother me at all, my main worry was getting the parts I needed at the right price. I was lucky a friend of a friend told of another corvette in a scrapyard. I went and looked it over and I bought as-is for parts and they even delivered it to my home free of charge. It had most of the parts I would need to fix up my auction purc...reading time 5 mingenre
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My AuntMy Aunt Rachel is 38 widowed and has 1 child Robert 19 and he's in the army and posted overseas. Rachel lives on a remote farm in a small valley among the foothills. I'm David 24 single youngest son of Rachel's brother Mike. I went to help Rachel on the farm in march this year. I am good with engines and other things, a sort of all round handyman. I wasn't interested in going to university, only enjoying myself. I had good grades at school but couldn't face more by going on to university. I went...reading time 2 mingenre
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My FarmI'm John 42 widower 2 grown children who have moved to the city. My late wife Cheryl died 5 years ago in a car accident and we had married when both were 17 and Cheryl was pregnant. We never regretted how the decision to marry and had a great life together. I was devastated at her death and became a recluse for a year and rarely left my farm, my children were the only people I talked too during that year. Then 3 years ago I had a visit from Maureen my cousin, daughter of Caroline (deceased) sist...reading time 3 mingenre
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Grandma's FarmI'm Nick short for Nickolas 23 and I work as a carpenter, wasn't smart enough to go to college and so became a carpenter. I decided on a break from the city and took a job close to my mother's mother Linda's farm. Linda 60 doesn't run the arm, she leases the land to a neighbor and lives in the farmhouse and only has the garage next to the farmhouse for her personal use all other buildings are part of the lease contract. Which suit Linda very well. I decided to stay with Linda as it was better th...reading time 3 mingenre
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Escaped Hi. I'm Jonn. I'm a 20 year old man who p lives with his mother. I recently moved back with my mother because of COVID and this has caused me a large amount stress. I was layed off my dream job just two days ago, and haven't found work since. I have always been into zoo sex since I could remember and always fucked my mom's dog when she wasn't home. I've slept with dogs, sheep's, pigs, and goats: but never mares. Yesterday I was lucky. I went out to visit a friend farm, only to find out she w...reading time 3 mingenre
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My Cousin BillWilliam 33 answers to Bill has always been a nerd, geek and a bit weird. But he is now a rich nerd, geek and successful cousin. Turned his trust fund into a successful online business and hasn't looked back. He bought an old farm and turned into his home, has horses and a dog. Like the rest of the family he rides horses. The only outdoor activity he does, the dog Chester lays by his feet and was his only company for a long time. He did have family come out and visit and he went and visited them ...reading time 5 mingenre
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Jane the seducer
The GoatI'm Annabelle 25 and last week I was at the family farm with my boyfriend Scott. We were walk around and in the back paddock decided to have sex on a haystack. After we had fucked and I was ready to return to the house. Scott dropped his cellphone and as he bent over to pickup it up. Brutus my younger brother's goat came charging up and butted Scott in the arse and he landed in a muddy puddle left over from recent rain. I peed myself laughing and Scott isn't happy about being the butt of everyon...reading time 1 mingenre
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Family FarmI'm Lester 29 youngest of 3 and too dumb to go to university, so I look after the family farm. Great Granddad Russell's old farm, the start of the family corporate empire. The only part of the family company that cannot be sold, its not run as a commercial part of the business. It's more a holiday retreat, to recharge the batteries. With horse riding and just relaxing, there's a 40 acre manmade lake on the property. Made in the thirties to store water for drought times. But since several dams ha...reading time 6 mingenre
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Lester farmboy
My life is just getting better UpdateWith 3 children another on the way I'm quite happy with how my life is going. A son and daughter to my mother-in-law Sharon and a daughter by my wife Wendy. Who has tested positive to being pregnant again. I've enlarged our house and was given an extra 40 acres by my family as a wedding present, and they know of my relationship with Sharon and love all their grandchildren. With an extra house built on my farm by my parents for their visits which are regular 1-week visits about 6 weeks apart. Lif...reading time 1 mingenre
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Andrew H R B
My Cousin continuedHolly was pregnant and had twin boys in October both very healthy and back in March we returned to the city and Holly changed her surname to mind and now wear her mother's wedding rings. Back on the farm we have settled into the local community and are accepted as a married couple. Holly wants a least one more child a girl and I said Well we'll keep trying until we get it right. She laughed and said 10 it is then, that took the wind out of my sails so to speak. But I'm quite happy to have as man...reading time 1 mingenre
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Kevin P B
FarmingI'm Clifford 34 answer to Cliff and own a 840+ acre farm and also run a few head of cattle. I also have chickens and 3 horses. Along with my dog Chester, that was how it was before the pandemic struck. Never been a party guy or ladies man, I kept to myself mostly. With both parents deceased and no siblings, I didn't have much in the way of family, my late mother had a brother, who had 2 daughters. But hadn't seen them since they were about 10 or so, with both uncle and his wife also deceased. I ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Fun on the Farm updateClark again, I'm still fucking both Muriel and my mother Kathleen and have added Cheryl 21 to my harem you could say. Cheryl and I started dating and fucking and I went away to pick up an old mustang car I'm now doing up. I was gone 3 days left at 7am Friday and returned about 4pm Sunday. Muriel and Kathleen had Cheryl come and visit, they seduced Cheryl and she stayed with them Friday night, all Saturday thru Sunday. On my return we had a foursome and Cheryl has since moved in with us, we're ne...reading time 1 mingenre
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Clark farm lover
My Family from my FamilyI lived alone on my farm until last year and the pandemic lockdown, my parents and sister left for the city in 2012 and I stayed behind to run the old farm buying it from my parents over the following years. I had just paid it off at the end of 2019. My father Ronald was 13 years older than my mother Christine 57 and got sick (cancer) living in the city and passed away early 2019. My sister Kirsten 28 single still lived with Christine and both worked in a fashion store. When the pandemic started...reading time 5 mingenre
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Ronald jr
Farm lifeI've always wanted to live in the country and in a small town, my family is well off and my father expected his children to prosper. I done well at school and went on to university, but was a small town boy still preferring the country and having been raise there mostly away from the city. The city bored me and my 2 siblings loved the city life, I hated it and as soon as I could I returned to my home town. But I had passed university and done well, in veterinary sciences and agriculture subjects...reading time 4 mingenre
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Henry H
GrandmaI'm Daniel 23 single, early last year I went to stay with my Grandma Jane 62 widow, She lives on a twenty-acre pig and chicken farm. She worked alone since Grandad Arthur passed on 5 years ago, stroke and when Jane hurt herself I went to help her. I worked cleaning streets and doing other lousy jobs for the city, I thought to work with pigs and chicken was trading up. I had visited the farm while growing up and knew its layout. Jane told what I had to do each day and I soon got to know my jobs w...reading time 7 mingenre
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My family inheritanceI'm Greg 24 until early last year single, my great uncle Andrew on my late father's side of the family died and as his only living relative I inherited his entire estate just over forty acres with a 5 bedroom house and a barn and some livestock. The land was an entire island set in a lake and it away from most of the populated areas near the lake and had been off limits to people for years. I myself hadn't ever been there, my mother had also passed away when I was only young and I lived with my ...reading time 4 mingenre
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The TreehouseAs a child, I loved going to my grandparent's farm and when I grew up and went to university I studied agriculture and animal husbandry. I always intended to live and work on a farm, by the time I was finished university, my grandparents were ready to retire and I was given the farm to manage. I was happy with this and soon moved in and my grandparents retired to a retirement village near the coast. I had some money of my own, as as a family we're quite well off, I did up the farmhouse and bough...reading time 6 mingenre
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Natural dayI inherited a 80 acre farm from my grandparents-sort of. I paid off couple of siblings $100k so farm wouldn’t be sold and the cash subdivided. I loved the old place. Growing up sometimes I would spend summer there. Lost my virginity in the barn loft at 15. Had several lesbian experiments before and after that. Even let a dog hump me. Several times. Sex was a pleasure that I enjoyed. Mostly of the land was subleased to a company to grow feed corn. The farmhouse was red brick with severa...reading time 2 mingenre
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Stephanie K
Breeding the NeighborsI'm Mark 33 single and live and work my own farm of 450-acres, my house is 3 bedrooms, 1 bath and is at the end of a row of houses in our town. When I bought the land 7 years ago the farmhouse was a wreck, one whole had fallen away from the house and the roof had a big hole in it and all the windows were broken and the doors and walls were full of holes. It was cheaper to buy the end house in the street at the boundary of my land. Instead of repairing the old farmhouse. So I had the old farmhous...reading time 6 mingenre
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I gave horse riding Lessons to my old TeacherI'm Gavin 27 and live on my families farm , my father had a heart attack and he and my mother moved into town closer to the hospital. I run the farm by myself, I wasn't in a relations at the time of this story. I was in the produce agents getting some things for the farm and Kathy 49 came in asked if they knew anyone who gave horse riding lessons. Kathy is my old school teacher from my last couple of years at high school. She was married then and is now divorced no children. The agent said he kn...reading time 6 mingenre
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Gavin riding instructor
My 3 WivesI'm John now 75 retired and have 9 children 14 grandchildren and 2 wives. I had 3 but sadly one passed away from cancer 5 years ago. All my wives knew about the others and we even holidayed together. When I was single and my work had me travel I met a girl and started dating her in 3 different states. Then one got pregnant, all got pregnant around the same time. I was honest and asked each what they wanted and they each wanted me to marry them. All knowing about the others at the time and so aft...reading time 1 mingenre
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Retired John
Farm Visit updateDavid again Rachel and I got married in July and live 5 miles from Wendy and we all sleep together regularly and Sue is also a regular visitor. Rachel is pregnant with our first child expected in December. Pauline, the office busy body got caught in bed with a married member of staff Bob by his wife and left town suddenly. Pillar of the church she portrayed herself as she didn't hang around long and Bob and his wife have decided to stay together. I'm still fucking my mother, Sue and aunt Wendy, ...reading time 1 mingenre
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Rural LivingAs a child I lived on a farm and then my father died and my mother remarried and we moved to the city to live. I was almost 10 at the time and a only child, I felt I didn't fit in living in the city and wanted to return to the farm. But had been sold. My mother was happy in the city with her new husband and their 3 children. I wasn't neglected, but didn't change my feelings living in the city. I left school as soon as I could and trained as a mechanic and read everything I could on farming and r...reading time 7 mingenre
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My Cousin DaveMy cousin is the strong silence type rarely talks, but never takes a backward step. Last year at the wedding of sister Susan, his sister Betty was there with her husband John and John became angry and started to abuse Betty. But then he slapped her and Dave came out saw it happen and laid out John with one punch. Later on after John had recovered, he told Betty that he will finish it at home and Dave took John outside and had a talk with him and John went white as a sheet. John hasn't laid a han...reading time 5 mingenre
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