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437 stories found
Joining TogetherI'm Steven married to Louise and we have 3 children. A few years back I inherited my farm from my father who had passed away, my mother had died years before him. The farm was small and wasn't able to be very profitable as it was, barely getting by. Our neighbor also died soon after and his daughter Louise inherited, her farm was similar to mine and her mother had left many years earlier. Louise was able to run the farm herself, but faced the same problems I did the size made it hard to make a p... reading time 3 mingenreStraightwritten on
Steven farm boyI was sentI'm a high school dropout and live off the family compassion, I 23 do actually work low paid jobs. But the family boosts my quality of life, free rent at a family-owned house and assistant when needed. As I wasn't in meaningful work and my father's younger brother died in a car accident, I was sent to help my aunt 34 by marriage they had a small flower farm 15 acres and hadn't any children before his passing. Only been married just under 3years and my uncle was 9 years older than his wife. They ... reading time 2 mingenre
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Helper to HusbandFarmingLong story short my family are all farmers, my uncle Henry the eldest of my mother's sibling was always in a hurry and the only thing he didn't rush to do something about was his health. So when he started getting chest pains he ignore them and when the pains got really bad and he was taken to hospital it was too late. The heart attack was fatal, the doctor said if he had come in sooner and had tests, they would have found he needed by pass surgery and he would still be alive. Anyway aunt Lacy 5... reading time 4 mingenre
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David TReturn to the Farm I'd been away 5 years working overseas and returned to the family farm at the beginning of the year. I'm Noel 25 eldest of 3 and I returned to help Grandma Emma 63 run her farm, as Grandpa George passed away in December. Emma is my mother's mother and Emma had 2 children but George jr (youngest) was killed fighting forest fires 7+ years ago. He was to take over farm but wasn't married or had any children of his own. My parents live and work in the city and aren't interested is running a farm. No... reading time 4 mingenre
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NoelWorking in the CountryI lost my job in the city and couldn't find anything that suited me there and I started to look further afield. I found a job in the country and applied and got an interview, I packed my bags and headed off. If I was unsuccessful I would keep traveling, on arriving that the farm for the interview. I met Judith 57 widow and owner of the farm and was successful in getting the job, not that I was the best applicant. I was the only applicant and I was given a bed in the bunkhouse, all meals would be... reading time 3 mingenre
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RichardMy mother became InsatiableMy mother Katherine 41 divorced lives with me, Alfred 22 on our family chicken farm, left to my mother by her late father also called Alfred. My father Robert didn't like the country life and preferred the city and when grandpa Alfred (widower at the time) got sick he stayed behind in the city and ended up finding another woman and divorced Katherine. That was almost 2 years ago now, Alfred got worse and died 10 months ago. Katherine wasn't really hurt by Robert divorcing her as they weren't hav... reading time 3 mingenre
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Alfred GFarm BoyI consider myself a farm boy, but that is stretching quite a bit. The farm is family owned and one of quite a few the family owns. I'm the manager of the farms a title gotten because I'm a relative and one who didn't go passed high school. I was put on a farm to be out of sight mainly but have learned a bit on the running of a farm. When the previous manager retired, I was put in his place as everything was more or less computerized there wasn't a need for another manager. But it gave them a pla... reading time 4 mingenre
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Lucky Farm BoyBuying my own FarmMy family has been farmers for generations and I intended to carry on the tradition, but the government had other ideas. They brought our farms for the military and family decided to start over in the city. But I still wanted my own farm and started looking for my own place. I couldn't afford farms in my local area and started looking further afield and finally found a place just over 2 hundred miles away. It had 550-acres and a 3 bedroom houses, barn and several smaller sheds and a small lake a... reading time 2 mingenre
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DavidMy Sexual TrainerI'm from a well to do family and was awkward and nervous around people almost all the time. With a bad stutter, I'd been made fun of most of my life. My mother had little time for me as I was an embarrassment to her, and my father avoided me as much as possible. When I had to be with them, being totally unavoidable. Like visiting my father's mother, she had always looked out for me and had gone into a retirement village due to her many health concerns. They had to visit her at least twice a mont... reading time 4 mingenre
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Loner no moreMan of the HouseIn 1947 I lived in a remote valley with my family, I was the oldest of 3 and we lived with my mother and father. I was 18 when my father died that year and I was left as the man of the house. My father hadn't been in the war as he was unfit for service and 48 in 1942. Mom was 38 in 1947, we lived mainly off our land. I only went to school till I was 11, my mom told I was now man of the house and the family depended on me. There was no chance of me getting away to my own way in life. Nor did I ge... reading time 2 mingenre
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John WPregnant SisterI'm Gary 25 youngest of 5 and work and live on the family farm. Last year in June my only sister Robyn 27 returned to the farm pregnant and out of work due to the pandemic. Her partner Donald had left her and move interstate. Losing her job shortly after that, she decided to return to the farm. Our parents retired to the coast after our father Patrick had a heart attack and left me to run the farm. My older 3 brothers are married and work in the city. So it was just me and Robyn on the farm, Rob... reading time 4 mingenre
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Gary WDidn't go to Plan. ButI'm Trevor 33 married to Lucy 31 and have 2+ children, when I was still single I had eyes for Lauren. She was gorgeous and I wanted her above anything else. So I planned to get her alone and it didn't go to plan, the wrong person got the note. That person was Lucy who was quite shy and didn't respond. But had broken the ice so to speak and we got talking a week later and as my plan to get to know Lauren was still failing. I asked Lucy out instead and it was to a party I knew Lauren would be at a... reading time 2 mingenre
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Trevor...The FarmA good few years ago when I was 20 and in the army, I was stationed near a small town. Not much to do in and around the place, most of us went to the city on our leave. Near the camp was an old farm and the lady that owned it was in her late fifties, she lived alone. Then one day a truck hit the old wooden water tower, causing it to collapse. As the wooden water tank was filled with water, it caused a mini flash flood on the farm. No real damage, but it needed a cleanup and I was one of the crew... reading time 4 mingenre
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RoryMy crazy uncle/husbandI'm 27 and a high school dropout, I wanted to party and not study. So, I didn't do well at school. I worked low paid jobs to get by and partied, but the pandemic put an end to that. Out of work and a long way from home and no money, my mother's sister who had died of cancer in 2018, her husband 49 was the closest relative living close to me. He hadn't remarried, nor did they have any children. My mother always said he was a bit crazy, and I've always liked him when I saw him. He liked to put pra... reading time 2 mingenre
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Niece to wifeMy Aunt SallyMy Aunt Sally 50 is my aunt by marriage and so my fucking her isn't incest in my book. But if the rest of the family found out, I don't think they would agree with me. I first got to fuck Sally as my uncle Donald got really drunk and passed out, Sally herself was tipsy and I was tasked with getting them home. Stay the night at their place and one of them would bring home in the morning. Anyway, I got them both home and Donald was out like a light, I got him to his bed and covered him with a blan... reading time 2 mingenre
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Helpful NephewCaught by LockdownI'm Kevin 25 single and due to the lockdown I was caught away from home. I went to my aunt Paula's farm to help out after the death of uncle Keith early last year. Keith was older than Paula and had stroke and died. Paula 39 was left with the farm and only her daughter Emma 20 to help her. My mother Karen asked me could I go and help her younger sister, as I had just lost my job. I agreed mainly because I would be away from the city for a while and I'd enough of it's crowding for a while. A mont... reading time 2 mingenre
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Kevin HI got the FarmMy uncle Gordon passed away last year and as the only male relative I got his 483 acre farm. Gordon had a son Gordon junior but he was killed on active service and with no other children it came to me Nathan 26 single and only child of Bethany (Gordon's only sibling) deceased 2011. My father Nathan worked his own farm until it was purchased for expanding a airport. He wasn't well at the time either and passed away in 2019. I was at university and doing agriculture sciences and I passed out last... reading time 4 mingenre
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Nathan I started a harem accidently I married at 24 and at university and my wife wasn't pregnant at the time. We just decided we were right for each other and so we married. I come from old money as they say, my family have always been very well off and I had no interest in a city business life like my father. I had money already and was studying animal husbandry and planned to live in the country on acreage, same for my wife she was a country girl and didn't want to live in the city, but unlike me she didn't come from old mone... reading time 4 mingenre
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Harem manFun on the FarmI'm Damien 22 quiet by nature, I don't have a girlfriend yet and didn't do good enough to go to university like siblings. As the middle child of 3 and trained as a carpenter and mechanic. My father Mark brother older brother Thomas got the family farm on the retirement of their father Thomas, he had always been working there anyway and my father mark worked in town as a carpenter and he trained me and I also learnt to be a mechanic. With grandpa Thomas now living next to us in the town, I was as... reading time 4 mingenre
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Damien farm loverIt started with the Covid lockdownI live on my farm, and it is fairly remote and so I felt safe when the pandemic started. I have no siblings and parents were both gone before the pandemic and were lifelong preppers. In their late thirties when I was born. I'm now 34 and I went to school like every other person and so I got a fairly good education. Basic computers as they weren't really big at the time, I was in school. But I kept up with them and liked using the internet, which my father as a great help with his prepping. Easil... reading time 2 mingenre
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Covid Cousin fuckerMy Rural HomeI'm Jason 32 married to Hattie 27 two years ago and have a son Jason 1, I live on my own farm of 363 acres I got from my late uncle David, my mother Karen's brother. My parents live in the state capital with my 2 siblings. I left left school at almost 15 and went to work on David's farm. I've been there ever since, I met Hattie 5 years ago and after a time we became a couple then married. Uncle David had a heart attack and passed away days later just before Christmas 2019. He had no children of ... reading time 4 mingenre
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Jason AFarm LifeI'm Richard 21 single and live on the family farm. My father Glen died three years ago in in a tractor rollover. So it just me and mother Joyce 38 now on the farm, I'm a only child. We have some cattle, 2 horse and chickens and grow soya beans mainly. Last years in spring I was watching the cattle and the bull was mating with the cows. Joyce came over to talk to me about replacing the chicken wire on the chicken pen. She asked Why so interested in the cattle. I replied I'm jealous of the bull, h... reading time 2 mingenre
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RichardLife on the FarmI'm not a great ladies' man and go to the city and hire hookers, as where I live is too small to have hookers and everybody would know. I went once a month and stayed Friday thru to Monday morning. I'm Simon 32 single solid build and plain looking and financially well off. I met a waitress Suzie 28 in the city at a diner I used to get meals and tried like every other diner had in asking her out and had the same success I failed. Anyway, she told me she was leaving the city and didn't where she w... reading time 3 mingenre
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Simon now marriedHorny little devilI'm Dan short for Daniel 24 single, I've always been a horny little devil and wanted to fuck anything with a pulse. But not having much success due to most of the people in our town are relatives. All the girls I knew were relations and I wanted to go away to another town to find a girlfriend. Then uncle Ross then 46 had an accident last year and a few weeks later he died. As he and aunt Rose 42 (mom's sister) lived in the next town over, I volunteered to help her out on their property. They had... reading time 3 mingenre
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DanielFun on the FarmI'm Maria 34 single and pregnant, last year my love life was not doing well. So I decided to visit my cousin David 31 single who ran the family farm and have a break riding horses and relaxing away from the city. The owns many different businesses and the farm is one small part, I also work for the family business and could take a break fairly easily. I just told grandpa Alexander I needed a break. The farm also had some small forested hills and they had trails going thru them, great for riding.... reading time 4 mingenre
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Maria cousinlover