My Family from my Family


I lived alone on my farm until last year and the pandemic lockdown, my parents and sister left for the city in 2012 and I stayed behind to run the old farm buying it from my parents over the following years. I had just paid it off at the end of 2019. My father Ronald was 13 years older than my mother Christine 57 and got sick (cancer) living in the city and passed away early 2019. My sister Kirsten 28 single still lived with Christine and both worked in a fashion store. When the pandemic started and the threat of a lockdown, the fashion shop closed putting both out of work. Christine still had money to fall back on. But Decided the farm was the place to be, so her and Kirsten came back to the farm. They were joined shortly after Elaine 54 (Christine sister) divorced and her daughter Dianne 26 single. The farm was the place to be as it gave you the freedom to move around outside and still isolated from everyone in the area. Except for the people you lived with. I had plenty of room 5 bedroom house and one bathroom, I had horses, cattle, pigs and poultry, with 2 dogs. I grew wheat mainly and some alfalfa for income, the livestock was for that little extra income. We all settled in together as the lockdown came into force. A week or so into the lockdown I went horse riding to check my fence at the back of my property. While I riding along the fence, Dianne rode up and joined me. We talked as we rode and when we to a small grove of trees, Dianne want to stop and sit under the trees for a while. I didn't have much on so I stayed with her, while talking and getting fairly personal about our sex lives. We started kissing and ended up fucking and I wasn't as quick as I should've been. I didn't withdrawal my cock quick enough and left my sperm inside Dianne. She just shrugged it off and said it takes more than one fuck to pregnant. I agreed and we finished our ride, later on she came up to me and asked about another fuck. I was agreeable, but said I should get condoms to be sure. She nodded and I drove to local gas station and fill my pickup and used the toilet and got condoms from the vending machine there. I also ordered some online to have a good supply. I fucked Dianne again after everyone else were asleep and the next day again went riding to the grove of trees laying out a canvas tarp and was soon joined by Dianne, I was up to nuts in Dianne when Kirsten caught us and wanted in on the fun as she said. So I fucked my sister also and Dianne wanted another fuck and then Kirsten wanted another fuck also. Over the next couple days I had to go to gas station for more condoms and soon the machine was empty. I'm sure we weren't the only ones getting condoms from there. Luckily the condoms I ordered online turned up before we ran out. While fucking Kirsten I was really going at it and the just as I came the condom broke and I seeded Kirsten. Don't worried by it all that much, but a couple months later both Dianne than Kirsten had missed their periods and I ordered pregnancy tests online. Both Christine and Elaine had picked up our closeness and at first thought nothing of it. But Christine opened the package with the test kits thinking it was something for tractor I working on. As she knew I was waiting for a part, instead of bring to me unopened. Seeing pregnancy test kits it take them both long to guess why they were ordered. Confront us all in the barn they soon had the answer, but weren't as upset as I expected at getting caught fucking my sister and cousin. They said if I was horny for sex I should've seen one of them as they are passed having babies. But they took the girls back to house to use the tests. I thought was just one being pregnant would be okay. But both showed a positive result and after using other test the following week and they showed stronger results than the first tests. As soon as they could both Kirsten and Dianne went to a doctor and had it confirmed they were pregnant. One good thing I could fuck them without condoms and they couldn't get more pregnant than they were already. Both Christine and Elaine also decided that I should give them equal attention as well. With both babies being born in early May and late May. I've a son and a daughter. Kirsten named hers Christine after our mother and Dianne named hers Daniel after our late grandfather. We're all living together and I'm regularly fucked any who will let me and so far they all do.
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