Exquisite Error


She jumped when she felt my body there in her bed. Her touch woke me. "Who's there?" she whisper-shouted in the darkness.

"It's me. Paul." I mumbled.

"What are you doing in my bed?!" her whisper had a sort of amused alarm in it.

I paused to think before I answered.


Exquisite Error
by Eric Shon

As I look back on the whole thing, my chance phrasing of "It's me. Paul," was just dumb luck. If I had said, "I'm Paul," or "My name is Paul," the seventeen year-old girl would have run to the light switch, and then run screaming out of her room. But I said what I said, and the situation got complicated. ...And interesting....

The confusion started long before when I "met" her mother online. I had placed a personal ad on one of those internet meeting places, and Diana had responded after a few weeks. It turned out she lived in a state that bordered mine, only about three hours away. We traded e-mail back and forth for about six months, learning things about each other and sharing secrets and things, developing a friendship without ever meeting in person. I learned that she was divorced, and had two daughters: Karen, 13; and Justine, 17. A funny coincidence: Justine's boyfriend and I had the same first name! In revealing things to each other, we learned that we were roughly the same age, I 34, and she 36; that we would never date, not only because of the geographical distance between us, but also because neither was the other's type. ... not to mention that she had a boyfriend already. Don't ask me why she answered a personal ad! But we did get along great as friends. It took us both a while to warm to the idea, but once I sent her my phone number, we became fairly frequent phone pals.

And after a few months of that, the Summer was upon us. In one of our phone chats she mentioned that her daughters were leaving that weekend to visit their father in upstate New York, and would be gone for about a month. She invited me down for the upcoming 4th of July holiday. After hashing out a few details, like that she would prefer I stay in a local motel, and that I might have to spend an evening on my own if her boyfriend called, I agreed to make the drive.

Call me ignorant. Call me stupid. I neglected to make any motel reservations because, since she lives in a resort town, I figured the place would be dead on a Summer holiday. I would just drive into town, grab a room as close to her house as possible, and call her when I was settled in.

It's one of those ironies of life. When you fret and worry that you forgot to bring something along on a long trip, it turns out you forgot nothing. But when you're cocksure you've remembered EVERYTHING, you arrive at your destination without something vital, like socks or shirts! In this case, it was hotels. This town was jammed FULL! There was not a room to be had. Even the most flea-ridden, cockroach-infested dives were packed to the gills. I drove up and down the main tourist drags checking at motel after motel, getting the same answer -- "No rooms!"

In my desperate search for shelter, it had gotten very late. I didn't want to take my chances catching some Zs on a park bench, only to wind up in a police station by morning, so despite the late hour, I called Diana to tell her what had happened.

The phone rang for quite a while, and then the answering machine picked up. "Uhhh, Hi, Diana, this is Paul. It looks like we underestimated this town! I'm stuck with no place to stay! I have the directions to your house, so I'll park in your driveway. When you wake up and see the strange car in front of your house, and the strange man in it, it's me! So, I guess I'll see you in the--"

"Hey! Don't hang up!" she mumbled into my ear. "Just come over now. You can sleep in Justine's room."

"Are you sure about this?" I asked, grateful for the invitation, but fully aware that she might be going against her better judgement by taking a stranger into her home.

She let out a groggy, amused chuckle. "Yeah, I'm sure, you nut! But if you try anything, I'll kill you!" I laughed. She knew I wouldn't try anything. I knew I wouldn't try anything!

Following the directions she had given to me days before, I made it to her house in about fifteen minutes. The living room light was on, but there was a long period of silence between my ringing of the door bell and her opening of the door.

Having never seen Diana before, I was pleasantly surprised to see that she was a fairly attractive lady who didn't even come close to how I had pictured her from only hearing her voice on the phone. Of course we had concluded in e-mail and on the phone that neither of us was attracted to the other, and despite the fact that she was a pretty lady, I wasn't aroused. She was my friend, and I knew that it would stay just that.

Diana stumbled down the hallway, opened a door and said, "This is Justine's room. Just throw your stuff in there. You might want to take all the teddy bears off the bed so you can sleep. I'll see you in the morning." With that she crossed the hall and closed her own door behind her.

After the long drive into town, and then the fruitless search for a room, I was tired. I stripped down to my jockey shorts and lay on top of the covers, for the room was rather warm. I drifted off to sleep rather quickly....

That was when I felt hands on my chest for a brief moment, and then a gasp above me.

"Who's there?"

"It's me. Paul."

"What are you doing in my bed?!"

It felt like I had just closed my eyes, but I found out later that I had actually been asleep for about 90 minutes. In my grogginess I had a dual awareness. On one level I thought it was Diana questioning me, but on another level I was certain it was Diana's daughter, Justine. My brain sensed a sort of danger arising from confusion, and it desperately tried to conjure up the words to tell her who I was and why I was in her bed, but all that came out of my mouth was a slurred, "Your mother let me in."

"Huh!" she laughed, incredulous. "You're kidding!" she whispered.

"No," I whispered back. "I couldn't find--"

"Shhhh." I felt a light breeze pass my face as though a bird's wing had flapped past me, and I caught the sweet scent of clean laundry. Then I heard her giggle softly, and her hands came to my chest. Her weight shifted to my chest, and I felt a warmth cover me. I was coming out of my grogginess by this point, and my hands went up to stop her, but they came to rest on her naked breasts.

Propriety burst forth in my brain as the last clouds of drowse cleared, and I realized something terribly wrong was occurring. I was just about to speak out and tell her to stop, that I wasn't who she thought I was, and that we had better wake her mother and tell her that her daughter was home from New York unexpectedly, and that something embarrassing had just occurred in the girl's dark bedroom, and that I had better go sleep on the couch in the living room, or out in the car. But all that evaporated from my conscience when her lips crashed down onto mine and her breasts billowed out against the pressure of my hands and she kicked her leg over my thighs and she ground her naked crotch into the front of my jockey shorts. Suddenly, all I could think was "Here I am, a 34 year old man in a 17 year old girl's bed, the 17 year-old on top of me, her breasts in my hands, her tongue in my mouth, rubbing her naked pussy against my crotch. Despite the incredible case of mistaken identity, to speak out now will only cause panic. I'd better just remain calm and figure a way out of this."

I decided to remain still and unresponsive in hopes of making her stop and ask questions. Despite the feel of her nubile body and incredibly firm breasts in my palms, her passionate kissing, and her urgent grinding against my pelvis, I remained unaroused. I knew that this situation was a mistake, and I didn't want it to go too far.

My plan dissolved when she pulled her lips off of mine and whispered at me, "Playing hard to get, huh?" With that, she reared up, placed her hands on my chest, kicked a leg over, spun on her knee, and reversed her position.. I really couldn't tell she was doing this since it was so dark in the room, but I learned what she had done the minute I felt her pussy smash right up into my face! No sooner did she park her muff at my mouth than she pushed the waistband of my jockey shorts down around my knees and slurped my limp penis into her mouth! She spread her legs apart, her knees sliding out away from my ears, and her moist pussy spread across my nose and lips. The smell of her young musk was too much to ignore, and soon I had my arms wrapped around her ass and driving her pussy harder and harder onto my mouth. Her lithe body slithered and wiggled against my chest and stomach exquisitely as she responded to my tongue in her snatch and she sucked life into my dick. It had started growing the moment her pussy plopped onto my face and I had lost any resistance to her wanton advance. To tell her I was not her Paul at this point meant certain terror on her part, and a certain rape rap on mine!

For the life of me, I had no idea how I was going to get out of this predicament, but I knew for damn sure WHAT I was going to get out of it! Before too long I was pumping my now fully erect cock up into her 17 year old mouth, and she was matching my strokes with expert timing and DAMN good sucking!

She used both hands to grip the base of my cock, her fingers pressing into my scrotum, stretching the skin on the underside of my cock tight and making it super sensitive. She bounced her head up and down fervently on my rod, slurping noisily as her suction broke at the top of her stroke. I could feel the night air hitting my wet cock flesh as her lips left it exposed on the upstroke, only to feel new wetness as her mouth made its return trip down, coating it with more saliva.

Suddenly the rhythmic pumping of my hips was stalled and they started to buck and jerk spasmodically. I gasped loudly, and then buried my face in her pussy again to stifle my scream as my orgasm jetted gobs of semen into her mouth. I could hear her straining to swallow as much cum as she could -- the sloppy smacks of her lips against my cock, the gurgling of her throat as it tried to keep up with the violent pulsing of semen into her mouth.

Then, just as quickly as my orgasm rose, it subsided. Justine sat up, forcing her weight onto my mouth, and said, "God, Paul, I've never had so much trouble getting all of your penis in my mouth! You must have grown in the two weeks I was gone!"

I sort of rasped my response into her pussy, flicking my tongue against the wet flesh just beyond my lips, as her weight more or less had me pinned in one position. Then she purred, "Mmmmm, Paul! Make me come!" She leaned forward again and took my semi-hard cock back into her mouth. She didn't attack it with the same fervor as she had before, but her attention to it did cause it to return to full hardness in a matter of moments.

After a few deep swipes of my tongue through her wet pussy lips and across her budding clitoris her ass began to writhe up and down past my tongue. She moaned on my dick and backed up harder against my face. I felt goosebumps spread across her ass under my hands and then her body shuddered. Her mouth popped off of my dick and she said, "Ohhhh, baby, yeah!" and she began to back herself into my face in an ever-quickening rhythm. Her thighs began to shudder on either side of my head, and I knew she was getting close. She had completely abandoned my cock, as this was her moment. I felt her brace herself by placing her hands on my hips. I reached a hand around her thigh and began massaging her clit from the front. It was big and slippery and standing out proudly, and when my fingers first found it, she jumped as though hit with a jolt of electricity.

Then, without warning, she let out a stifled grunt and grasped my hips with iron hands. I could feel the flesh inside her pussy contracting wildly as her orgasm rocked her, and a little dribble of fluid oozed out onto my tongue and chin.

After using several minutes to cool down and experience waves of little mini-orgasms, Justine leaned her body over and off of me, and turned to lie down and snuggle with me. Pillow talk meant certain discovery, so as she lay down, I rolled over toward her and raised myself up to my knees. My hand found her knee and slid up to her pussy. With no hesitation she parted her legs to give me full access. I crawled over her and rubbed my cock up and down along the folds of her pussy. She raised her head up to mine and whispered into my ear: "Jeez, Paul! You never want to go again so soon. You must have really missed me!"

I just panted in my anticipation for her cunt.

"Did you?" she asked, her whisper raking my ear.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Did you really miss me that bad? You're like a different person!"

"Yeah," I whispered back, and then groaned as my cock slid deliciously into her sopping wet pussy. I leaned forward, placing my hands on the bed on either side of her shoulders and began to pump steadily into her. Having just come moments earlier, I knew this was going to be one good, long fuck. I got up to a good pace, repeatedly driving my cock into the girl's pussy until I felt her pelvic bone crash into mine, and then all the way out until her the wet inner lips of her pussy were just barely kissing the tip of my dick. Each time I drove back into her she gasped, and each time I pulled out she let out a long pleasurable moan.

After about five minutes of this steady pistoning she began to pant more and more heavily. She reached up and wrapped her hands around my neck and pulled me to her. As her tongue parted my lips her legs wrapped around my waist and squeezed me down onto her and into her. I felt her body shudder softly as she went over the edge into a long, powerful orgasm, moans escaping from her throat into my mouth. Though locked into her pussy by her powerful thighs, I continued grinding my cock back and forth about half an inch to keep up the friction against her clit. Wave after wave hit her, transmitted to me through her vice-like legs, their grip at the peak when she was coming, and gradually weakening until the next one hit her.

After about five or six of these cycles she went totally limp, save for her heavy breathing. I still lay on her chest, and thus pinning her to the bed I began to drive toward my own orgasm. The pop of my belly slapping onto hers began to seem extraordinarily loud to me, and I didn't want to risk waking her mother, so I pulled out of her. She gasped and tried to pull me back down, but understood immediately when I put my hands under her ass and tried to turn her over. She rolled immediately to her belly and raised herself up onto her knees. She immediately reached behind her, and before I could acknowledge how good her hand felt on my cock, I was swallowed into her cunt and driven in to the hilt by her backward lunge.

The change of position for her was like a new day, and she was suddenly back into her orgasm cycle, only this time I could feel her muscles contracting and squeezing my cock. The pressure was building up behind my balls, but I wasn't ready yet. As her last orgasm hit her she began moaning loudly--almost wailing--and I had to pull her up by the hair and cover her mouth with mine to keep her quiet. After the wave passed I released her and she slumped to the bed. Her knees gave out and she flopped prone on the bed, my dick popping out of her pussy with a wet smack, sending her pussy juices flying.

I reached down and grabbed a handful of her tight ass cheek and rolled her to her side, lifted her leg up into the air, straddled the other one, draped her calf over my shoulder and drove my cock deep into her. She moaned a simple, "Oh, GOD!" and let out a staccato whimper with every inward thrust I made. The feel of her inner thigh brushing against my balls as I slid in and out of her drenched pussy was incredible! As I plumbed the bottom of her cunt, it felt like I could be sucked fully into her if I didn't watch out. My cock felt like it was swelling to immeasurable size, and the sensation below my waist was breaking beyond my control.

I felt so good I literally let out a sob as my body went totally berserk inside. Outside I locked into a frozen thrust into her wondrous pussy. I came so hard that I was incapable of thrusting in and out--simply locked into her at the deepest point as my balls drained completely into her. I could feel my scrotum draw up into my body almost as if her body were a vacuum drawing everything out through my cock.

Finally my body relaxed and went totally limp on top of her, her leg dropping from my shoulder to the bed. I slid off of her, my sweat covered body slithering across hers. She kissed me briefly and whispered, "God, Paul! You've never lasted that long before, EVER! Were you taking lessons while I was gone?" She giggled. I giggled. I waited to catch my breath, and then I waited another few minutes to get up the nerve.

"Justine..." I whispered. "There's something I need to tell you."

No response.

"Justine?" Her deep, unaffected breathing told me that she was sound asleep! Since I knew I wasn't going to be able to tell her the terrible truth at that moment, I relaxed. I told myself that, after I regained a little of my strength, I would gather up all my things and remove myself to the couch in the living room and deal with it in the morning. I reflected back on the tryst in the dark I had just had with the 17 year old girl, both marveling in amazement and shuddering with fright over the fact that she thought I was somebody else all together! I reflected a moment too long, for the next thing I remember I felt the bed move and I opened my eyes.

The sun was shining brightly into the room, and as I focused I noticed that I had my arm draped over her lovely body, my hand cupping her perfect little breast. I began to look around for a clock to see if I had any time to escape. There was none beyond the girl, so I released her breast and rolled to my back to look at the other side of the room. As I rolled away from her, I felt her roll with me, grab at my hand and say, "No! don't go!"

I rolled back toward her and she rolled toward me. Our eyes met. She froze for an excruciatingly long moment, her eyes going so wide I thought her eyeballs would pop out! I could almost see the previous night flash through her head as she relived the event. Her brain seemed to feverishly try to figure out who I was and how I got into her bed, and how I managed to fuck her so thoroughly without her knowing I wasn't who she thought I was, and what was I going to try now!

And then suddenly the expression on her face changed, and she looked at the door. I sensed that she now remembered that she was the one who climbed onto me, and if her mother found us, how would she explain why she got into bed with a stranger, and if she thought I was her boyfriend, why she would have gotten into bed with HIM in her mother's house, and at only 17!

She looked back at me with a more relaxed expression, and smiled tentatively. She pulled the covers up around her naked breasts and stammered, "Oh my god. Have you been here, like, all night?"

"Yes I have," I replied.

She covered her face in abject embarrassment. "OH my GOD! When I came in and found you in my bed, I thought you were someone else!"

"I know. I figured that one out myself."

"But you said you were Paul."

"I AM Paul," I said.

Her face still buried in her hands, she rolled onto her belly and buried her face in her pillow. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god! Why didn't you say anything?!"

"Well," I ventured, "for one thing, if I had said anything in those first moments, I'm certain you would have screamed bloody murder, and your mother rushing in and finding you naked in the room with me could have wound me up in jail. Second, I tried to refuse your advances and wait until things cooled down so I could explain rationally. Third, I tried to say something, but you...um...sat on my face. Let's just say after that I couldn't help myself. The Paul you thought I was is really a lucky guy!"

Justine rolled her face out from the pillow and looked at me, a mischeivous grin playing across it. "Really? You really think so?"

"Well, not last night, I guess!" I laughed. She smiled broadly.

She raised herself up onto one elbow, her body open to my view. Her small tits hung there so perfectly, and Justine, either unaware or uncaring that they were on display, chatted on: "Well, YOU were fucking incredible! I've never come that much in a WEEK of fucking Paul!"

I was a little embarrassed by this nubile teen speaking so frankly of her sexual relationship with her boyfriend, but when I noticed that her hand had disappeared under the sheets, and the flush that came to her cheeks, my cock began to swell as I realized she was masturbating to the memory of our coupling only hours before. I was fully hard in a matter of seconds, and she saw the sheet move as my cock twitched underneath it. Blind to her movement, I felt her hand slide up over my hip and grasp my turgid member and begin to stroke it. "And you're so much bigger than Paul, too!"

"Justine, last night it was just a misunderstanding. To do it again now will be a mistake. Your mother will catch us."

Justine looked at the clock and said, "Nah. It's only 7:30, and on Saturdays she never gets up before 10. We've got time." She slid the covers off of me, her eyes widening as she saw my body displayed before her, my cock rising up in all its glory. "My god, you're gorgeous!"

Whether she was remarking on my body (though slim, I'm rather out of shape), or my cock, I don't know, but she wasted no time in gobbling it into her mouth. Rather than protest further, I just rested my hands on her head and felt her novice technique work over my cock. After a few minutes of her enthusiastic attention, I reached over to her glistening snatch and slid a finger over the slit. She came immediately, depositing a healthy dose of clear pussy milk into my palm. Quickly she kicked her leg over my body and once again backed onto my face. Having visual stimulus to go with the physical, unlike the night before, I very quickly neared orgasm under the slippery ministrations of her lips and tongue. I drove my tongue deep into her snatch, triggering another orgasm, her taste flooding my mouth delightfully. No sooner had she pressed her fingers into my scrotum, just as she had the night before, than I felt my hips buck up, driving my cock into her eager mouth. She bore down, taking the crown into her throat, and I exploded. Justine began bobbing her head up and down and applying furious suction, draining my balls completely. Just as my orgasm was subsiding, my continued suckling of her clit brought on her final orgasm of the moment. She ground her hips back and forth over my face, using my chin to stimulate her clit, dousing my face with her nectar.

After using her sheets to clean us both off, I asked her why she had come home so early.

"Well, my dad is a real asshole, and his wife is just an unbelievable bitch. She and I got into it over some stupid thing about her cooking, and my dad came down on her side. He called me an ungrateful bitch, I told him to fuck off, and I grabbed my things, took a cab to the airport, and here I am. Who are you?"

After a night of blissful fucking, and a morning encore she asks who I am! By the time I had told her the whole story she was fully dressed and had packed into her suitcase the nightgown she had only worn for about thirty seconds the night before. "Now where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going home, sir," she said with a sneaky smirk on her face. She quietly opened the door to her bedroom, and confident that her mother was still asleep, walked down the hall, through the living room and quietly out the front door. After about fifteen seconds I heard the doorbell ring, a loud bang on the door, the door open again, and a cheerful, "Mom, I'm home!" She dropped the suitcase to the floor, walked down the hall, and banged on her mother's bedroom door.

Diana came out all groggy and said, "What the hell are you doing home?!"

Justine replied, "Oh, Mom! I hate Daddy's wife! We got into a fight, and I left. I took the red light (red eye?), and the cab just dropped me off."

I just had to see the expression on this girl's face as she lied through her teeth to her mother, so, opening the door, I tried my best to look like I had just been woken up by the noise rather than literally sucked into full consciousness twenty minutes earlier!

"MOM! Why is there a man in my bedroom?!"

"Justine, this is my friend, Paul. We've been trading e-mail for a few months. He's visiting for the weekend. Paul, this is my older daughter, Justine."

"Hi, Paul," Justine said. "Pleased to meet you."

"Justine," I grinned back, "the pleasure is ALL mine!"
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