Unexpected Company -- (incest, tease, slow burn, niece, fM, fFM) -- PART 3 — Final


A bachelor living alone out in the country gets an unexpected visit from his sister's kid, and she turns his world upside down. FINAL INSTALLMENT


I heard the door to the guest bedroom open and shut, so I turned to face the hallway entrance to present the table. Renate came around the corner and the vision that greeted me caused my heart to rise in my throat. She had pulled her hair up off of her neck and tied it gracefully up on her head, sexy little wisps hanging down to frame her face. The black dress she wore clung tightly to her every feature, a bodice hanging from a thin string that circled her neck, wrapped under her arms and around low on her back, leaving her shoulders bare. At either side was a tantalizing swell of a breast assuring anyone who might be curious that she wasn't wearing anything underneath the top half of the dress. The dress finished only a few inches later, barely below mid-thigh. Her long legs snaked out below into a pair of black suede leather pumps.

I spoke my mind as the thought occurred without thinking to speak. "Oh, my god, Rennie. You are absolutely stunning!”

Her face bespoke her surprised pleasure. "Why, thank you Uncle Alvin! You look pretty handsome yourself." She came up to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Let's eat!”

We served each other her meat loaf, which turned out wonderfully...as meat loaf goes...and we ate our fill. Over the wine Renate looked at me silently for a long moment. "Al," she said almost in a whisper. "I've have had such a great time here with you. I don't know if I can thank you enough."

I smiled at her. "You don't have to thank me, Rennie…"

"Oh, but I do, Al. I will." She blushed slightly.


Unexpected Company
by Eric Shon


This is a work of fiction. Love it or leave it.

I started a pot of coffee and went out on the deck to meditate. I began tinkering with the hoses and their connections with the thought passing that I was more relaxed now than I had been in over a month. Gratification mixed with guilt. Guiltification. What a mix.

I had gotten so immersed with the hoses that I had completely forgotten about the coffee until Renate came out to the deck with two cups. Her hair was wet, leaving water spots on her light blue t-shirt, beneath which I only saw her bare legs. I thanked her for the coffee and we both sipped silently, watching the river slip past, oblivious to us.

We stayed quiet for a long time, and then she turned abruptly to me and said, “Al..."

"Rennie, " I interrupted, "I just can't express how sorry I am for what happened this morning. I…"

"No, Al! It was my fault. I should never have let my curiosity take me that far. I'm the one who should be sorry.”

"No, I should have stopped it long before that, Rennie. I'm sorry.”

"I'm really sorry, too, Al. I just hope you're not mad at me." The look on her face was pure terror. I melted.

"God, no, Rennie! I could never be mad at you!" I wrapped my arms around her, and she reciprocated, squeezing me tightly. "I was just so afraid that YOU were mad at ME!" Telling her how good it had felt to release all that stored up sexual frustration, especially at the touch of the soft hands of such a sexy, beautiful woman definitely was not the right thing to say at this point, so I kept my mouth shut.

We released the hug and Renate stared at the deck, blushing bright red. “Al...?"


"Is it always that much?" She cocked her head and looked up at me from beneath the red strands of hair.

"What's that?”

"You know...your...um... um...your...your come." Her face was now almost as red as her hair.

I felt the blood rising in my own face at the prospect of answering her question. "Um...well, no. Not…usually."

My answer only seemed to fuel her curiosity. "Oh? Why not? I mean, what...I mean... Why not?”

How does one put it? "Let's just say that it's been a while for me, and a little attention...um, as unexpected as it was...a little attention went a long way." I cleared my throat nervously.

Renate jerked her head up to me, her face about to erupt in laughter. "I'll say! A LONG way!”

The blazing image of a long rope of semen arcing from my swollen cock and impossibly high into the air and splatting onto my own face flashed through my mind, and I burst out with laughter at her joke. And again I found myself amazed at how this woman, this child, could turn any embarrassing situation into a positive experience.

* * *

Renate and I immediately set to work on the hoses and clamps for the hot tub. I got her started on pre-fitting the clamps to the ends of the hoses, and then I went below to begin fitting them. By lunch time they were all connected and tightened down. We had a quick bite and a cold drink. Afterward Renate followed me back out to the deck.

"Rennie, the next thing is the plumbing down beneath the deck," I said. "Not much for you to do.”

"OK," she replied. "I'll just lay out some more." The image of her shapely ass in her thong danced briefly across my memory. Fortunately, thanks to the morning's earlier release of all my tensions, the image caused little more than a twinge in my penis, so I went below comfortably.

The measurements and the cutting of the PVC pipe went fairly quickly and the tub was finally hooked up to the plumbing system. I checked all the connections for a final time, checked over the hose connections once more, and then I climbed back up to the deck. I was about to call Renate's name just as I looked down at her sunbathing on a towel spread across the deck. She was lying on her back, totally nude. I thought again and looked away, and went into the kitchen for a glass of water.

After a big gulp I just resolved myself to the fact that this kid was a force of nature. She obviously enjoys being without clothes, so I might as well not fight it. Just sit back and take in as much as I can and enjoy it.. She's only going to be here a few more days, so what the fuck! Get an eyeful!

I took off my sweat soaked t-shirt and walked back out to the deck and sat on a deck chair and studied the exquisite beauty of the goddess that was my niece. The sheen of moisture coating her body highlighted curves and depressions, mounds and swells. Her pink nipples resting atop her modest swells of breast rose and fell gently in time with her breathing, and her belly did likewise. The tiny, tangled patch of red hair, darker than that on her head, protected the subtle folds of her womanhood from the direct rays of sunlight, from the direct gaze of her uncle. But there she was in all her naked glory, and she was mine alone to behold. I continued the exercise, my eyes traveling up and down the length of her body, from her lightly freckled face to her long and shapely legs to her cute little feet, and back the other way, the whole time my cock growing and throbbing in my pants.

Then she stirred. Her arm moved up to shield her eyes from the sun and she craned her head around until she saw me. “Finished?"

I made no effort this time to conceal the fact that I had been staring at her body. She gave no indication whether she knew that I had been, nor whether she cared. "Not quite, " I replied. "I still have to hook up the pump.”

Renate turned and sat Indian-style and raised a hand up to me, beckoning me to help her up. I stood and walked to her and grasped her hand. "How long will that take?”

I looked at the tub and scratched my head. "Well, anchor the pump, hook up the hoses, run a cord...about an hour." I hoisted her to her feet. Her breasts jutted out toward me, her nipples pointing at mine.

"Then what?" she asked, turning her head to look at the tub, too.

"Then we fill it with water, turn the pump on, and get wet.”

Renate whirled her head around, her eyes bugged out. "REALLY? It's done?!”

"Yup!" I answered. "If you want, we can celebrate your going off to college tonight rather than Saturday. Might as well get some use out of it!”

"Oh, AL! You are the coolest man in the world!" She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed tightly. All I could feel were her nipples boring into my chest. Her breasts were so firm that they didn't seem to give under the pressure, and the nipples were like blunt darts. I returned her embrace and felt my hands slide up and down her back, and a little too far over her buttocks.

"Well, I'd better get to it." I said, reluctantly pushing her nubile body away from mine. I started on my way back down below when she stopped me.

"Al, I have a great idea. While you're finishing up the hot tub, I'll make a nice celebration dinner!”

"Sounds great! Then we'll take a celebratory bath!" I said, chuckling lightly.

"Deal!" she chirped. She reached up and kissed me, a light peck on the lips, and then she darted into the house.

I went below and busied myself with the pump, anchoring it in place and hooking up the various hoses. I went inside for the final step - electrical cord - and smelled something wonderful coming out of the oven. I wondered at the time what she could have possibly found in my kitchen to make such a delicious aroma. She was out of sight herself, but I heard the shower running as I passed the bathroom on my way to the idea room where the orange extension cord was that I had decided to use.

Once back outside I connected the pump to the house's electricity, climbed atop the deck, filled the tub with water, and turned it on. The water bubbled and frothed nicely with a gentle, though noticeable hum from the pump.

When I got back inside Renate was at the stove wearing a big t-shirt. "I'm gonna take a quick shower and change clothes," I said passing through.

"Put on something nice. This is a special occasion!" she called out to me.

After the shower I contemplated in front of my closet for a few minutes.. At first I thought I would feel silly dressing up for dinner in my own home. But then I thought, this is for Rennie, and it's special for her. So I laid out a sport coat and a tie on the bed, and pulled on a blue Oxford knit shirt and khaki pants. I wandered out into the living room in stocking feet.

"Need any help out here?" I asked.

"Can you set a table?" she asked me back, facing her task at the stove.

"'Can I set a table?' 'Can I set a table?' you ask?" I responded with mock incredulity. "Just you wait and see the table I set!”

I leapt into setting one hell of a table. Tablecloth, place mats, salad forks, dinner forks, spoons, butter knives, steak knives (I didn't even know what we were having yet!), salad plates, dinner plates, water glasses, wine goblets, candles, the whole works. I pulled a bottle of wine from the rack and set it on the table, and then, in a fit of true inspiration, I reached into the very bottom of the wine rack and pulled out a bottle of champagne.. I looked around for something to put it in, and I was struck again. There, off in the corner where Renate had apparently pushed it, sat Conchita's bucket, still full of dirty water from her cleaning job on Sunday. I poured the water out into the sink, rinsed it out thoroughly, and began dumping ice into it. I carried it back to the table and jammed the bottle of champagne into the ice and left it to chill through dinner.

Renate looked in on the setting and whistled. "Now that's a table!"

I beamed proudly and replied, "Well, it has to be to fit a dinner that smells as wonderful as what you're cooking up.”

Renate snorted at me. "It's meat loaf! All you had in the refrigerator was beer, ground beef , a couple of eggs, and a potato!”

I pursed my lips momentarily. I had gone overboard on the table even for a presidential dinner, so I figured I might as well roll with this. I looked back at the grand table, and then at Renate. "So exactly what wine goes with meat loaf?"

Renate strained to suppress a laugh, her cheeks dimpling madly. "I don't exactly know. Do we care?”

"Not exactly," I said, a laugh creeping through my words. Renate's composure broke and she fell into a fit of laughter, and I followed suit.

When we calmed down Renate said, "Well, I'm going to go get dressed. It should be done by then." As she left the room I walked over to the stereo and looked for a CD. The whimsy of the evening had not left me, so I chose an album of sultry, sax-driven, smooth jazz to complement the romantic mood set by a majestic meal of meat loaf.

I then went to my room and slipped on a pair of casual dress loafers, and donned my coat and tie. I came back out and lit the candles, filled the water glasses, and poured the wine.

I heard the door to the guest bedroom open and shut, so I turned to face the hallway entrance to present the table. Renate came around the corner and the vision that greeted me caused my heart to rise in my throat. She had pulled her hair up off of her neck and tied it gracefully up on her head, sexy little wisps hanging down to frame her face. The black dress she wore clung tightly to her every feature, a bodice hanging from a thin string that circled her neck, wrapped under her arms and around low on her back, leaving her shoulders bare. At either side was a tantalizing swell of a breast assuring anyone who might be curious that she wasn't wearing anything underneath the top half of the dress. The dress finished only a few inches later, barely below mid-thigh. Her long legs snaked out below into a pair of black suede leather pumps.

I spoke my mind as the thought occurred without thinking to speak. "Oh, my god, Rennie. You are absolutely stunning!”

Her face bespoke her surprised pleasure. "Why, thank you Uncle Alvin! You look pretty handsome yourself." She came up to me and kissed me on the cheek. "Let's eat!”

We served each other her meat loaf, which turned out wonderfully...as meat loaf goes...and we ate our fill. Over the wine Renate looked at me silently for a long moment. "Al," she said almost in a whisper. "I've have had such a great time here with you. I don't know if I can thank you enough."

I smiled at her. "You don't have to thank me, Rennie…"

"Oh, but I do, Al. I will." She blushed slightly. We sipped the wine quietly for a few moments, the sax dripping thick riffs from the speakers.

"OK," I said, rising from my chair. "Time for a toast." I plucked the champagne out of the bucket and popped the cork. Just as I was about to pour, Renate stopped me.


"What is it?”

"We almost forgot the tub! Let's celebrate there like we talked about today.”

She was right. It only seemed appropriate to celebrate in the tub. After all, that was the reason I had decided to take off of work for the week and put it in before I had originally planned. I set the bottle back down into the ice and said, "And so we shall!”

I grabbed the glasses and the champagne/cleaning bucket and headed out to the deck, and Renate fell into step behind me. The light from the living room fell through the floor-to-ceiling windows and softly illuminated the deck. I set the bucket down next to the tub and turned the pump switch on. I set the thermostat to about 90 degrees and watched the bubbles churn.

I bent and grabbed the bottle and a glass and began to pour. When I looked up Renate was unfastening the hook at the back of the string around her neck. I stood, mesmerized by the realization that this one simple adjustment would cause the whole thing to come off. She looked right into my eyes the entire time, drawing her hands forward, each clutching an end of the string, and lowering her hands slowly to her sides. She was doing a deliberate strip-tease for me, and was making it as exciting as she possibly could. She stood for a moment, her nipples hardening in the cool night air. Then, with her hands at her sides she grasped the hem of her skirt and subtly wiggled her hips to coax the fabric over her shapely hips. The fabric pulled away, slowly revealing to me that she was not wearing a stitch under that dress.. My heart leapt into my throat again as the realization hit that she had been sitting across from me at dinner with no panties on under her dress! My cock was stirring like crazy inside my undershorts, trying to straighten itself out as quickly as possible. When the black fabric was clear of the widest point of Renate's hips, it simply fell to the deck in a small pile at her feet. She stepped out of the dress and stood for a moment, clad now only in those black suede leather pumps, her sleek legs rising from them, parting seductively, and then returning at the top of her hips, where my eyes suddenly locked.

"Rennie! Your…"

Without looking down to where I was, she said, "I shaved. Just like you." She walked toward me, walked like I hadn't seen her walk in the four days she had been here. Her hips undulated sensuously as she stepped toward me, causing her now bare pussy to swing hypnotically back and forth. "See?" She reached down and spread her legs a bit, and pulled up on her bare, shaved flesh. Her head turned up to me, her eyes mere slits as she savored her fingers on herself. "I can't believe how smooth it feels.”

My eyes locked on her hand as it pulled wantonly up on the soft flesh of her pussy. She placed her hand over mine on the full champagne glass. She pulled the glass out of my hand and said, "Let's get wet." She walked to the edge of the tub, slipped off her pumps, and slid slowly into the churning water.

With my hands trembling, I pulled my clothes off. I got to my undershorts and pulled them off without even thinking twice of my raging hard-on, even though Renate stared at it from the moment it sprang free until I slipped into the water next to her.

"Mmmm. This feels great!" she said, rocking her head back. I did the same, enjoying the sensation of the warm bubbles rising all around my body, working into every nook, cranny, bend, and fold of my body.

My solitary pleasure was momentarily interrupted when she said, "Refill!" I opened my eyes to see her holding her empty champagne glass in front of my face. I looked around to see where I had left the bucket and found it on the deck just beyond Renate to her right. I reached around her for it, but it was just out of reach. I had to raise myself to get a foot on the seat so I could reach behind Renate to get the bucket. As my hand touched the bucket I felt the cool evening air grace my erection. My right hip was touching Renate's shoulder, so my cock must have been almost right in her face! When this realization hit me, I grabbed the rim of the bucket and sat down quickly, splashing water up into the air. I looked briefly at her, but her face gave away no indication of what she saw or thought.

I held my glass in my left hand and poured with my right. As I did this, Renate slid toward me and reached her left arm around my neck, glass in hand, presenting it to me to fill as I did mine. I was intensely conscious of her breasts rubbing wetly against my right arm as I poured. I became aware of Renate pressing harder against my arm, so I looked at her to see what was up. Her face was right next to mine, and her eyes burned into my eyes from an inch away. She let out a feverish sigh and suddenly dropped the glass into the water, raised up and planted her lips on mine. At first I didn't know what I should do, but then her left hand grasped the back of my head and pulled me to her. Just then I felt her tongue dart out against my lips. I resisted kissing my niece this way. It wasn't right. No sooner had her tongue assaulted my lips than I felt her right hand slip through the water and come to rest on my belly, and then slide quickly downward and grasp my rigid cock! My reaction was to gasp, which caused my mouth to open, which allowed entry to her probing tongue. Her hand slid down past the base of my penis and over my balls. My left hand released the full glass, and my right released the bottle, which floated off somewhere in the tub. Both hands reached up and caressed Renate's face and I returned her kiss in earnest, my tongue swatting at hers, they both intertwining in their lustful, erotic dance. Her right hand returned to my cock and gripped it tightly. Renate then turned her body toward me, lifted, and she moved in front of me. Her tits raised out of the water, and it wasn't until I felt them graze my chin and slide downward that I fully realized what she was doing.

"RENNIE! NO!" My hands raised up to her ribs, just beside each of her breasts, but it was too late. Under the 90 degree water I felt white heat envelop the head of my cock, sending an uncontrollable shudder up my body, and then she slid down quickly and softly, her pubic bone thumping against mine. "UUUUHHHH!" I gasped. A tiny thought in my brain focused on the ease with which she impaled herself on me -- absolutely no resistance.

"OH, Jesus FUCK!" Renate cried, and then she sucked hungrily on my neck.. My hips jerked up involuntarily, a whole system of values below my brain working their own agenda. I felt her knees raise up and bump my elbows, and her arms wrapped around my neck. With her feet on the seat on either side of my hips, Renate began bouncing up and down on my rigid cock. Within only a few seconds I felt her body go rigid and she uttered unintelligible syllables. A mind bending symphony of muscular contractions wracked my tightly enveloped dick as her orgasm wracked her body. A pleasure spasm pulsed in my cock and shot through my body, and I cast all of my misgivings into the night air. There was one fantastically gorgeous woman wrapped around my cock, and I could no longer see the reason around resisting her despite the fact that she was my sister's daughter. Just as Renate's orgasm was releasing its grip on her body, I grasped a firm butt cheek in each hand and held her still while I pumped frantically into her hot pussy.

"OH! Yes, Uncle Al, YES!" she panted into my ear. The water was sloshing wildly around us as I ravaged her cunt below the surface. She participated in the rhythm of our fuck by supporting her weight with her grip on my shoulders. Then suddenly her grip became vice-like and she just hugged me to her chest. Between clenched teeth she screamed out another orgasm, her body going rigid again. Only this time I kept going, forcing her onto my dick and back off of it with the grip of my hands on her ass.. Another scream lashed out at the night, only this time she couldn't stifle it between her teeth. The heat of her passion echoed out over the river. She simply went limp on me, as though she had fainted, but still conscious. Without removing my cock from the tight confines of her pussy, I lifted her up as I stood, turned, rested her gently on the deck, and continued to pummel her snatch. My legs were still immersed in the water of the hot tub, her ass hanging just over the edge of the tub. I held her legs aloft and took in the breathtaking sight of her body in sexual overload. Renate simply lolled her head from side to side as I pounded into her pussy. I looked down in disbelief as my tumescent penis plowed her pink folds, bare skin to bare skin as our shaved pelvises came into repeated contact, our wet flesh beating out the rhythm of our passion with a thick "splap" every time I sank myself into my niece's hot, tight, pussy. She just lay there moaning incoherently as I drilled her, her pussy clasping and then releasing my cock.

Slowly I felt an expansion start at the base of my cock, seemingly thickening with each stroke. My scrotum seemed to constrict tightly as if more and more flesh was needed to supply the expansion of my rod into Renate's tight folds. Suddenly my rhythm broke. My hips began to jerk spasmodically on each thrust until finally I lunged forth into Renate, my hands pulling at her thighs in order to bury myself as deeply inside her as I could. Deep, deep inside my niece I felt the head of my cock expand with excruciating pleasure and then the violent expulsion of my semen coated the walls of her vagina again and again. I arched my back and craned my head back and I saw stars...of course we were outside and it was night time, so I really saw stars. But for that moment it was as if I were adrift in the universe. No sound, no sensation, no world, no gravity could interrupt this solitude...except for a scream off in the distance. A scream that seemed to draw slowly nearer to the universe I drifted through. A scream that sounded vaguely familiar. The scream that was my voice echoing through my head and out into the woods surrounding my house. The scream that ended as I dumped a huge load of my sperm laden semen into my incredibly gorgeous 17 year old niece.

I collapsed forward on top of her and she weakly looped her legs around me. We both lay there panting, speechless, until she giggled a little bit. Then I felt her run her fingers through my hair as she said, "You filled me up quite well!”

"Thanks," I said in response to what I thought was a compliment.

"No. You really filled me up. It's running down my butt!”

I raised up off of her and looked down at the juncture of our bodies. Sure enough, at the opening of her vagina, around the base of my still submerged cock was an ample dose of my semen slowly trickling down between her buttocks. I slowly withdrew my still rigid penis from her and a huge dollop of white cream oozed out of her pussy.

"Jesus!" I said. "I don't think I've ever come that much before!”

"What," Renate sputtered. "You mean since this morning?" I remembered back to the surprise of that morning when my cock went off in her hand. "I thought you said it wasn't always that much!”

Swallowing a sudden pang of guilt for having just fucked my niece silly, not to mention myself, I simply said, "It must be you.”

Renate giggled. "Must be…"

I fished the bottle of champagne and the two glasses out of the tub, poured them both, and lay down beside Renate on the deck.

After a few sips of the bubbly Renate sighed, "God, Al. I never knew it could feel so good. I was so far gone I couldn't even remember my name. It was never like that before.”

"Before?" I said. "So there's been a ‘before.'"

"You thought I was a virgin?" Renate asked, her voice sliding up in pitch, revealing surprise.

"Well," I stammered. "I guess I assumed it since you were so wide-eyed at the beach yesterday, and then this morning.”

"Nope," she answered. "I lost it when I was fifteen. I gave it to David Boyd. What a jerk." She sighed, and then went on. "He just couldn't wait. He always had his hands up my shirt, down my jeans, always putting my hands on his crotch. He got me all bothered one night, and I said what the hell. He just rammed it in me the first time, and before the worst pain went away he came. And then he left. And every time we did it after that it was pretty much the same. In-out, in-out, and POP! And then he'd leave me with his stuff just dripping out of me. I never even got to see his penis up close. He just whipped it out, put it in, came, and went. Then a girlfriend of mine got pregnant with her boyfriend, and I got scared so I called off the sex with him. And then he dumped me.

"Anyway, that's why I was so interested in yours. I've never seen one up close...until now." I remained silent after her revelation. She looked at me. "Are you disappointed, Al?”

I squirmed a little. "Well, a little. I guess when I realized what we were going to do I had expected it to be your first time. But I guess I'm also a little relieved that the man who took your virginity wasn't your…um....wasn't...."

"My uncle?" she finished my thought. "Well, I guess it doesn't really matter. I didn't value it enough to wait and let someone special take it. And besides, you're the one who made it special for me. I've never felt this good before, and you're the one who made me feel this way. I knew you'd make it special.”

I sat up with a start. "Hang on a minute, Rennie! You have to know that I didn't intend to do this. It just happened. I didn't plan this.”

Renate smiled at me and reached up to my shoulder, pulling me back down to lie next to her. "No, Al. It didn't just happen. I know you didn't plan it. I did!”

"WHAT?!" I sat up again.

"Calm down," she said, pulling me back down next to her. "I've wanted this since I can't remember when. When you told me at Christmas three years ago that I could come visit you any time, I couldn't wait for the chance! I wasn't sure what I was going to do when I got here until you came to get me at that convenience store.

"When you pulled up in your truck and hopped out...Jeezus! I got all wet!”

"RENNIE!" I blushed. My penis stirred.

"Well, I did! And then dancing with you at Betty Jean's that first night? When we got home I was so wet I couldn't wait to get out of my clothes and rub myself off. I did it thinking about you and how I felt you against me...down there...while we danced.

"It was that night, after I got myself off, that decided I wanted you to make love to me. I tried the next morning but you ran off. Then, when we went to the beach I thought for sure you'd go for it when you suggested skinny dipping…"

I interrupted. "I never suggested it. I just mentioned it.”

"Same difference." She continued. "I thought more dancing would get you in the mood, but it didn't. Nothing seemed to get you to want to make love to me. You never made a move.”

"And I never would have, Rennie. God knows you've been driving me crazy. You're an incredibly beautiful, sexy woman. But you're my niece. My sister's daughter. It's wrong. I'm gonna go to hell for this.”

Renate seemed to ignore my concerns. "So I took matters into my own hands..." She reached out and began to stroke my cock, which hadn't quite subsided yet from our earlier activity.

"Rennie, please!" I said, removing her hand from my penis. Nonetheless, it responded to her touch.

"This morning I thought I had you for sure when you let me touch you. But after you came you freaked and ran off. I was afraid you wouldn't come out of the bathroom.”

I said, "I was afraid you went into your room to pack up and leave. I was so embarrassed!”

"No," she said. "I went back to my room to masturbate! I couldn't believe I got to touch your penis, but when it went off like that just from my touching it, I was dizzy. I lost count of the number of times I came in my bed!”

The image of her jerking me off, and then my imagined vision of her jerking herself off caused my penis to twitch and rise off of my belly.

Renate slowly stroked my chest. "When you told me the hot tub would be done today, and that we could celebrate, I knew that it had to be tonight or I'd go crazy! I'm glad it finally happened. I can't wait to do it again!”

I sighed. "Rennie. We can't do it again. This was wrong." The very hot moment when she swung her leg over me in the hot tub and slid her pussy over my cock played itself back in my memory, and I regretted that we couldn't do it again. But then her hand was on my hard cock again. I wrapped my hand around her wrist, but she had her hand wrapped around my tool, so the more I tugged at her wrist, the more friction was applied to my penis. At that moment she rolled toward me and kissed me deeply. I didn't resist like I wanted to. I opened my mouth and welcomed her tongue. I let go of her wrist, but she continued to stroke me. Before I knew it she had raised herself to her knees and then straddled me again. I looked up just in time to feel her pussy swallow my cock, again her searing white-hot pussy sinking immediately to the bottom.

Renate leaned forward this time and pressed her tits into my face. I searched out one nipple and sucked hungrily on it. Just then she sat up and looked me in the eyes, a lusty smile across her face as she rode my cock in and out of her hole.

"Come on, Al. Tell me this is wrong. Tell me you don't love the way it feels to be sticking way up inside me. If you're going to hell for this, then I'm going with you. Come on, Al. Take me to hell with you!”

With a lustful grunt she leaned back down again, supporting herself with her hands on the deck on either side of me. I reached my mouth up to suck on her tits once again. I heard a sloppy squishing noise and knew that it was her wet pussy sucking on my cock. I could feel every square inch of her vaginal walls as they slid wetly and tightly over every square inch of my penis. And I felt the last square inch of my conviction give way. I surrendered to my hot, sexy, gorgeous niece in that moment.

"I love you Rennie. Oh, GOD! Ride my cock!" She paused for a moment to shift her feet under her and then she began bouncing along the entire length of my cock, supporting her weight with her hands on my chest. Her breathing grew sharp and the slurping noise became more noticeable as her speed increased. I felt a cool sensation sliding over my scrotum. I glanced down between our bodies and saw that there was a clear fluid running down the shaft of my cock each time Renate withdrew me from within her. This liquid was running down over my balls. As the realization hit me that she was having orgasm after orgasm out of her love for me and the action of our bodies together, I quickly went over the edge. I launched another powerful stream of semen into my niece's hot wet orifice. I felt the grunt strain past my throat and she looked down at me, smiling. She lowered her face to mine for a sweet kiss, and then she collapsed dreamily onto my chest.

After a few moments she lifted her pussy off of me. I couldn't believe it, but I was still over half-erect. Renate looked down at the copious amount of semen that had leaked out of her and onto me. She looked back into my eyes, giggled, and said. "We're not stopping tonight until that thing is empty!"

* * *

I awoke the next morning feeling more rested, more relaxed, more content, and happier than I can ever remember being before. I was certain that I hadn't dreamt it all, but I was afraid to look to my side and not see Renate there beside me. But then she stirred and moaned, and I closed my eyes and felt a smile break out across my whole body.

I had done the deed. There was no going back now. I had intimate sexual relations with the daughter of my sister. I had fucked my niece. After we retreated to my bedroom I lost count of how many times. All I knew at that moment was that I was sore just about everywhere, but it was the sweetest ache I had ever known.

Renate stirred again and I rolled to face her. Her hair was fanned across her closed eyes, and her sleeping lips were poised in a happy little smile. The sheet that had covered us during the brief night -- the morning birds were chirping loudly to announce the coming sunrise when we both finally gave out -- was wrapped around her thighs and mine. I looked down at her smooth breasts and their little pink nipples, the nipples I had longed to suck since she had arrived, though it had never been a conscious thought until they were in my mouth. My eyes advanced to the recently shaved mound of her pussy, the pussy I had longed to fuck since she had arrived and didn't realize until our third go the night before when I finally realized that I didn't care that what we were doing was wrong.

"I thought we wore that thing out!" Renate said, startling me. She was looking at my swollen prick, stirred to erection by the view of her body, and the review of our previous night.

"He's very dedicated," I said. "Very sore, but ready to go back into action no matter how terrible the duty!”

She scooted closer to me and wrapped her hand gingerly around my cock. "Until last night he didn't seem to have seen much action lately!" She looked directly into my eyes as she spoke, moving only her thumb along the sensitive underside of my penis.

I shuddered slightly at the sensation. "He hasn't," I confessed. Suddenly I didn't see any reason to hide my sex life from her. She was the best thing that had happened in it, and all others seemed to pale in her light.

Renate laid her head on her arm, still looking directly at me. "So tell me about your girlfriend.”

And I did. I told her about Carolyn and how we had met at Waldo's. I told her how Carolyn and I had wound up in her car where she gave me a blow-job, and then the next weekend introduced me to her husband. Because I didn't freak out I became like a toy to her, and whenever her husband didn't feel like it or didn't have time for her, I always answered the call. It had been like that nearly two years.

Then I told her how Carolyn had gone off on vacation with her husband and kids, and how I had ideas about Stacey, the waitress at Waldo's, whose flirtations seemed more than superfluous. Then I told Renate how a week without the regular attention from Carolyn, and my stifled plans for Stacey due to her own impending visit, and then the near miss with Conchita, the cleaning lady, Renate's beauty and sexiness and her relentless teasing had wreaked havoc on my libido.

"But now," I said, "I don't have to think about any of those people any more." Renate's hand was stroking smoothly and steadily up and down the length of my solid cock. "I have you.”

Renate's hand stopped suddenly. "Wait a minute, Al." Her warm hand rested in mid stroke.

"What?" I asked, startled by her reaction.

"Look. This has been the greatest week of my life, and I wish we could do this forever, but we can't. I mean, I love you to death, and you've made me feel so incredibly good. But you ARE my uncle.”

I felt the pang of guilt return. It must have shown on my face.

"No! It's not that! I wanted this!" She squeezed my penis tightly. "And I want it to continue. It's just that...I just mean...you shouldn't close any doors.”

"Huh?" I was truly confused.

"I'm saying that this moment can't last as it is. I'm going into the Army as soon as I finish school. That's four long years away, but once I go in, I'll be gone. I certainly can't take you with me. And believe me, I wish I could!

"So you should try to find someone who'll make you happy.”

"But you do make me happy," I said.

"Yes, but neither of us can afford to have anyone find out what we've been doing together. You can't look at me as your lover forever. We can make each other happy as much as we want -- I'll come here every weekend during school to be with you -- but you can't stop looking for someone to share your life with, because I can't be that person. Maybe Carolyn will leave her husband for you, or that girl from the bar might really be the one. Maybe you'll have another shot at the bucket lady! Whoever it is, when you do find someone, I'll be happy for you. But until then, I'm right here." She resumed stroking my cock.

Again, this child amazed me with her reason. She hadn't gone into this incestuous relationship without thinking it through. And she saw immediately that it had to end at a certain point. The only point to which I had seen was where we were going after she finished stroking my cock.

And we arrived at that point soon enough as she locked her eyes onto mine and rolled to her back and spread her legs. I immediately followed and climbed on top of her. Her hands sought out my throbbing penis and guided it into her. As I sank into her wet depths I saw the next four years of bliss with her, and then an eternity of loneliness once she left for the Army, as I was sure I could never find anyone who could make me as happy as Renate could.

* * *

I was physically drained after the long night of frantic sexual activity and the morning repeat -- evidence that I wasn't a kid any more. Renate was, however, and she quickly bounded up and into the shower, changed and left for some grocery shopping.

After I heard the door close behind her I dozed for what felt like a half-hour. Then I took my sore, limp self into the bathroom for a shower of my own. As the warm water coursed over my body I looked down to my battered penis, shriveled and glowing pink from all the action of the previous hours. I know it sounds strange, but it looked happy. Content. Sated.

As I toweled off I heard that soft sweet voice through the closed hallway door. "Back already, honey?" I called out. "Just put the stuff wherever you can. I'll sort it out later!”

She answered me, but through the door I couldn't make out what she said.. I heard cabinet doors opening and clunking shut. I finished drying myself off and slipped into a pair of athletic shorts. I walked out into the living room and could see her on her hands and knees, her fine rear end protruding from a cabinet as she searched around inside. On her head was some sort of floppy painter's cap. The tight fabric of her black stirrup pants accentuated the curves and swells of her beautiful ass. I sneaked up behind her, dropped to my knees and grabbed her by the hips and ground my pelvis into the cleft of her ass cheeks. She jumped at first, bumping her head lightly on the top of the cabinet, but then she pushed her ass back against me and gyrated to the rhythm of my dry-hump thrusts. With my dick hardening against her I eased back, in the mood now for a kitchen floor fuck. She rode back with me slowly, pulling out of the cabinet as she went. As her head cleared the frame she reached up and took the hat off her head, and long, jet-black hair cascaded down over her back! It wasn't Renate I was dry-humping on the kitchen floor; it was Conchita!

"OH MY GOD!" I screamed in embarrassment as I fell on my ass. I sprang to my feet. "Oh, Conchita! I'm so sorry! I thought you were someone else!”

Conchita eyed me as she stood up. The look on her face struck terror in my heart. It wasn't fear. It looked almost like anger, but there was a strange turn in her lips, almost like a smile. She advanced on me slowly, and I backed away until I ran into the counter. Conchita closed the gap between us to only a few inches, still staring into my eyes.

"I'm really so, so very sorry. I -- The bucket's on the —"

She quickly reached up to my head and pulled my face down to hers, kissing me feverishly on the mouth. She pulled away for a panting breath. I stammered, "Wait a minute..." but she closed the gap again, this time piercing my lips with her tongue. I could feel her firm breasts pressing into my chest as she heaved her breath in and out. My hands instinctively came to her waist and slid over her back. She rubbed her belly against the protrusion at my crotch.

Conchita once again pulled her lips from mine, and this time I recognized the look of lust in her eyes. "Conchita, wait a minute. We can't do this." She answered me by grabbing my hand and pulling me into the living room where she sat on the arm of the recliner. She removed the white cotton top she wore, revealing once again that she was braless. Before I could react she grabbed my hands and placed them on her breasts. My cock twitching inside my shorts caught her eye and she released my hands and quickly slid the shorts off of my mid-section and dropped them down around my ankles. Her nostrils flared and her eyes widened, and without looking back up at me she slurped the head of my dick into her mouth!

My knees almost buckled at the sudden onslaught of wicked sensation that her mouth sent shuddering through me. My hands slid to her shoulders as she bent to her task. I felt my head rock back in ecstasy as I felt her tongue basting the underside of my cock. She began bobbing her head in rapid, short strokes, which brought my head down to look at her. She had one hand resting on my ass and the other was repeatedly bunching up the fabric at her crotch and releasing it, her fingertips sliding the fabric against her pussy.

Just then the kitchen door opened. Renate had returned with the groceries. "OH! Holy Shit!" The surprise in her voice was peppered by a slight chuckle.

Conchita stood bolt upright, abject terror on her face. She looked first at Renate, and then at me, and she was near tears in an instant. Her hands trembling, she reached for her shirt and began to put it on. The embarrassment was visibly burning in her cheeks as she muttered to herself in Spanish.

Renate ran toward us. I really didn't know what she was going to do. Here it was only an hour or so after she told me to find someone to make me happy, and there I was with someone, and I was obviously quite jolly! Was she going to kill Conchita? Was she going to kill me?!

"No! No! No!" She ran to Conchita and placed her hands on her shoulders. Then, to my utter amazement and to Conchita's, Renate began to speak to her in Spanish!

There were several exchanges, with Conchita looking up at me from time to time. Then Conchita smiled slightly and rubbed her hand up along my thigh. Despite my initial embarrassment and shock, my dick hadn't lost an inch of stiffness. Renate turned to me and Conchita grasped my dick gently.

"Rennie! When did you learn...? What did you say...? How did you...?" My mouth then began to gape open and shut like a fish.

"I studied all four years in high school, and I was an exchange student to Spain in my junior year. I told Conchita that you've been talking about her ever since the day she left her bucket behind, and that you told me she's the most beautiful woman you've ever seen." Renate then removed her t-shirt. As my eyes fell to her tits my dick was enveloped in warm wetness. "She told me that she was attracted to you, too, but when you made the pass at her she was afraid to follow you because you might think she was a slut for giving in so easily. She was confused. That's why she ran away.”

I answered with a heavy groan as Conchita sucked deeply on the head of my dick.

"She came back after thinking about you all week and deciding that it was something she wanted.”

"And what about you?" I panted.

"I promised that I wouldn't tell anybody about this if she promised to teach me how to do what she's doing right now!" With that Renate kissed me deeply and slid down next to Conchita. Conchita removed my dick from her mouth with a slight pop and rattled off something to Renate, who then turned her head to the side and began licking my balls. Conchita said another word or two and I felt half of my scrotum get sucked into Renate's mouth! My knees buckled with a groan from deep within me, causing the girls to laugh as I nearly toppled onto them. Conchita stood up and led me by my dick to the sofa. She sat me down with my butt on the very edge, and then kneeled on the floor to one side, and Renate kneeled on the other side. Conchita grasped my dick and offered it to Renate who tentatively reached her head forward and licked the underside of my dick. I drew a sharp breath due more to the excitement of having Renate providing me oral pleasure than to the oral pleasure itself. Conchita said something else and Renate opened her mouth wide and took me in. Her mouth was much hotter than Conchita's, but I had already developed a soft spot for Conchita's tongue -- or would that be a hard spot? As Renate slid her mouth down, more and more of the shaft disappearing past her lips, Conchita gently massaged my balls, the entire time correcting and encouraging Renate in Spanish. Then Renate reversed her motion and slowly withdrew me from her mouth. I wasn't sure then what the Spanish word for "suck" is, but Conchita apparently said it. Halfway up the shaft Renate lit into some suction so powerful that it caused me to raise my hips and my ass up off of the sofa! I let out a groan that rattled the rafters.

Another command from Conchita and Renate released me. But just as quickly Conchita sucked me in and began battering me with her tongue. This caused my hips to bounce up and down counter to her rhythm. Renate followed her cue and caressed my balls. After a few seconds of this Conchita raised off of me and commanded Renate yet again. Then she began licking and sucking just the head of my cock while Renate licked up and down the shaft and continued caressing my balls.

With a look from Conchita they switched and Renate sucked the head of my cock into her mouth. Conchita chirped something to her and I suddenly felt Renate's tongue begin to swipe savagely at the sensitive ridge of skin on the underside, just at the base of the head.

Each swipe elicited a yell from me and my hips bucked, trying to get more of my dick into her mouth. Conchita slid her tongue down the shaft, past the base and onto my balls and licked and sucked exquisitely there.

After a full night and part of a morning of fucking, Renate had become familiar with the tell-tale signs of my impending orgasm, so she signaled to Conchita, who pulled herself and Renate off of me. She stood up and drew me to my feet. She pointed to the sofa and ordered something. I looked at Renate, who said, "Get on your knees on the edge of the sofa." I did so, and the girls kneeled back down in front of me.

Renate returned to my balls, sucking and nibbling at them while Conchita went to town on my dick. She pistoned her head back and forth while applying strong suction. Almost immediately my hips began bucking on their own in response to the rhythmic pleasure my cock was receiving.

My trip to ecstasy momentarily interrupted earlier, I was now almost home! My rhythm became erratic and spasmodic, which told both girls I was about to come. Renate removed her mouth from my balls and replaced it with her hand, and Conchita adjusted her action to suction and tongue lashing just on the head, and stroking the shaft with her hand. Suddenly my stomach muscles contracted and my head flew back. My cock pulsed in Conchita's hand and I felt the first spurt of liquid pump into her mouth. She quickly popped her mouth off of me and directed Renate to take me in. Two spurts erupted into the air and over the girls' shoulders before Renate got there. The heat of her mouth doubled my orgasm and the next spurts were more powerful than the ones that had already gone off, and Renate swallowed them hungrily. The spasms tapered off and I had control of my hips again, and I began to hump my cock into Renate's face, the final dribbles of semen pouring onto my niece's hot tongue.

"AAAhhhhhh! GODDDD!" I collapsed back onto the couch as Renate slipped my dick from her mouth. The girls looked at each other and laughed, teacher and student proud of their accomplishment. Suddenly Conchita stood up, removed her stirrup pants and her panties, straddled me and guided my still-hard cock into her pussy. Renate went wide-eyed as she took in the spectacle.

From all the attention, my dick was past the point of soreness. It was numb. Conchita rode my cock for about a minute until she let out a scream, shuddered violently, and then collapsed on my chest.

* * *

I'd like to say that we fucked the rest of the day away, but the honest truth is that I was completely drained and exhausted after that last incredible event. But what did happen changed my life forever.

We all sat there talking for the rest of the day, though I only heard two thirds of the conversation. What Conchita had to say was translated by Renate. We confided to Conchita that Renate was my niece, and that this week was the first time we had ever had sex with each other. We told her as recompense to Renate's promise not to divulge Conchita's activities to anyone. We felt we could trust her with our secret, and assured her that she could trust us with her secret. But it turned out that she didn't want to leave. Through the rest of the day we sort of worked out a fantasy arrangement. Since we all had secrets to keep, and since we had all enjoyed making these secrets, why not continue our activities?

Conchita went back to the cleaning service, but returned every night for the rest of the week and enjoyed the close company and pleasure of Renate and me each night. When it came time for Renate to leave Conchita was there to help see her off.

After she was gone I called her mother, my sister Connie.

"How was she? Did she behave?”

"She was great, Connie," I said, biting my tongue.

"She didn't pester you too much, I hope?”

"She's a great kid. I can't believe what a beautiful woman she's grown up to be.”

"God," she sighed. "She's out there on her own already! I still have her baby clothes, for crying out loud!”

"I just want to apologize for all my griping last weekend." I said. "Her coming here was not what I expected." BOY! Wasn't it! "We had a great time.”

"Well...she'd probably kill me if she knew I told you this," Connie said, "but she's always had kind of a crush on you. She's looked forward to an opportunity to visit you ever since she saw you last. I hope she wasn't a pain in the ass for you.”

"Well," I sighed, a wry smile breaking across my face. "After living with me for a week, I'm sure she got her fill of old Uncle Alvin. I'm sure the crush is over.”

I had to cut the conversation short before I began to give away too much about the girl's visit.

Throughout the next week, after Renate's departure, Conchita returned to me each evening and we speechlessly explored each other's physical world to the point of exhaustion, only to be joined the next weekend by Renate. And it has continued that way ever since. As a matter of fact, Conchita has moved in. On the weekends and holiday breaks when Renate comes down -- after we've all spent ourselves on each other physically -- Renate acts as a language tutor to both Conchita and me, and Conchita and I are now communicating more and more on our own.

The beach down by the river has seen as much action as Daytona during Spring break, and the hot tub stays in shape, especially when Renate is with us.

And the idea room, as it was dubbed by Renate, is beginning to take shape since lately I've been having ideas about starting a family.

We have planned quite a festive time for the weekend of Renate's graduation. The day after the commencement exercises is the day Conchita and I are to wed. Renate will be the maid of honor. And then the three of us will spend our honeymoon in Mexico on the beaches of Veracruz, close to Conchita's family in Oaxaca, though to everyone's knowledge Renate is returning to Morden to house-sit for me.

If anyone were to ask me who I thought was the most amazing person I know, I would have say that it is my niece Renate. For someone so young to be so resourceful, so intelligent, so loving, and so knowledgeable about life is truly rare in this world. Not only did she insist that I find someone who would make me happy, she helped me realize who that person would be. And when she finishes college in two years and has to go off to serve in the Army somewhere in the world, my happiness won't be diminished, for she has left me well supplied.


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