

SNOWBOND [incest; brother/sister; FFM; FF] This is a work of fiction. Love it or leave it.

A massive storm, a harrowing car wreck, and a struggle for survival forever change the lives of three people.


"There was slight confusion in the switch, as the girls had to swap positions, but they were in position soon enough, and I felt two ice-cold feet snaking their way up my thighs. Trudi, now on my right, slid up a little too quickly, and I jumped and yelped when her foot bumped directly into my testicles.

"'Ow! Trudi! Careful!' She hurriedly drew her foot back. Livvy let out a snort, as she apparently understood what had happened.

"'Oh, Mike!' Trudi said, 'I'm sorry!' And before I, or even she, knew it, she reached her foot forward again and gently and very briefly consoled my scrotum with it. 'I didn't realize I was that close!' I was about to object when she lifted her foot to place it where her left foot had been moments before. It had purely been an accident, followed by a sincere gesture of apology. And then, as her foot sought out my belly, she bumped into my now solid erection.

"'Hello!' she giggled.

"'Oh, god. I'm sorry Trudi,' I said. It was my turn to be embarrassed. All the while, Livvy had been getting herself repositioned and her foot sought out my belly as well. Like Trudi's foot, Livvy's bumped gently into my swollen penis.

"She gasped and scolded, 'Michael!' There was the hint of a bemused chuckle in her voice...."



Eric Shon

It was stupid of me to have left the hotel without proper protection, and even worse that I hadn't thought long enough about my own sister's well-being, but there we were, freezing our asses off. At the time I wasn't concerned for my own safety, but I could very well have frozen to death on that mountainside that night -- my sister and I both could have -- if it wasn't for Trudi.

My wife has meant everything to me since we met. She's been my confidante, my family partner, my foil when the kids presented too big a challenge for me. She has saved my life on several occasions. But that night Trudi saved me literally rather than figuratively. And for that, I'll love her forever.

The problem? Trudi isn't my wife.

It had all started romantically enough. I had been sent up to Valley Vista, our newest ski resort in Vermont, to oversee the final preparations prior to the grand opening. Due to a contractor dispute at the halfway point (for which I caught hell from the Albany office, I might add!), we were about four weeks behind schedule. The snow had started falling and ski season had started, but Valley Vista was still closed. It was Friday night and the resort was finally scheduled to open the next weekend.

Since I had worked almost non-stop for the prior four weeks, I managed to get the weekend off to take a rest. I planned a nice surprise for Annelle, my wife, so I didn't tell her I was coming home.

My sister Olivia -- my family calls her Livvy -- ten years my junior at 22, had been staying with me for the prior week. She has always been that waifish, attractive, southern California-blonde, free spirit. Her flaw was that who she found attractive among whom she attracted was usually the man mother warned her about. Several times in her teens she had been slapped around by abusive boyfriends. She just had a knack for attracting garbage.

After a frantic phone call from my mother, I set aside another room at the resort, as Livvy needed to escape from her marriage-gone-wrong. Her husband - Roger - had seemed like an okay guy, but my mother had her suspicions. No one could convince Livvy that 18 was too young an age for one to marry, let alone both partners. Before long the pressures of life got to him. I don't know if he had ever hit Livvy before they were married, but he apparently made a habit of it after the wedding, and so, after 4 years of trying to make it work, of trying not to say or do the things that would ignite his violent temper, Livvy finally realized she needed to get out. My mother knew Livvy couldn't stay with her. First of all, Livvy's husband knows where Mom lives. The second thing, which my mother wouldn't admit if she were even aware of it, is that Livvy would never stay with her and her I-told-you-so lectures.

So Livvy, vibrant and cheerful as ever, despite her hardships and failure, came to the resort to lay low for a while. Like me, my fellow Vista Resorts employees all stayed in their own resort rooms during the week in order to get the resort up and running as quickly as possible, so it was nothing to get Livvy a private, quiet place to stay. Just to make her feel useful, I also pulled strings to get her hired into the administrative offices as a temp.

An added bonus to making the trip home for my weekend with Annelle was that Livvy offered to ride down with me and baby-sit the kids for the weekend and allow Annelle and me lots of quiet time alone together.

I rushed the last few hours in my excitement and eagerness to get home, and that's where I made the potentially fatal mistakes. When you live in a resort town, chances are that your business revolves around tourists, and so you always keep a keen eye on the weather. In Florida you pray for blue skies and warm breezes, but in Vermont you thrill at the ominous gray monsters that loom overhead and drop foot upon foot of snow over the course of a couple of weeks. But, for some reason that I'm still at a loss to find, I didn't even glance at The Weather Channel on my way out of the hotel. Livvy had only flown in from southern California a week earlier and was too excited about the snow to have seen it as a potential threat to life.

The trip from Valley Vista to Albany in good weather takes about three hours, but about thirty minutes into the trip we hit a huge snowstorm. I didn't let it worry me; my Ford Explorer had tackled about the worst conditions Mother Nature could throw at Vermont, and I had come out unscathed. I just moved my ETA in Albany from about 8:00pm to about 11:00pm. Annelle wouldn't be any less surprised at my arrival, but we'd have to skip the romantic dinner and get right to the romantic sex. What did I care? I still had all weekend!

Fortunately for Livvy and me, or so I thought at the time, the roads were practically deserted. Apparently everyone but my sister and I had heard and heeded the weather warnings. We saw another car only every twenty minutes or so.

Since it happened, I have lost track of just how far into the trip we were. Maybe it was an hour; maybe it was four. However long it was had let me drop my usually high guard. The dark of night, the rhythmic swat of the windshield wipers, the steady breath of the heater fan, and the comforting whine of the transfer case throwing additional power to the front wheels of the Explorer had their effect on Livvy -- she was sound asleep against the front passenger door -- and apparently caused my mind to wander from the road. As I rounded a curve to the left on the two-lane road I saw a pair of oncoming headlights that I swore were in my lane! It dawned on me a little too late, and I swerved into the left lane, the lane for oncoming traffic. Well, swerving is never a good thing to do, especially in a ski country blizzard! I swerved nevertheless, feeling the tires give up what little traction they had in the heavy, wet snow. The Cherokee heading in the opposite direction didn't expect my sudden action, so it swerved in the opposite direction. In my attempt to get myself back into my proper lane, I swerved to the right. When I crossed the centerline hidden somewhere under the snow, the Explorer just completely let go of the road, and I was sideways to the line of the road. The headlights played across the trees as the rear end continued around, drawing me ever nearer to the ditch.

I remember it all in slow motion, the rear wheels hitting the gravel underneath the virgin snow at the shoulder of the road, the sudden positive traction causing the front end to whip around, completing the 360 degree spin, and hurling the vehicle into the deep chasm the Vermont Department of Transportation calls a ditch!

The Explorer came to rest at a surreal angle to the earth. The headlights cast their beam on an otherworldly, white landscape. I looked over to Livvy, and in the light reflected off of the snow bank I could see her, wide-eyed, gripping the dashboard with white-knuckled tension.

"Are you OK?" I asked after catching my breath.

"Yeah," she panted. "But if you wanted to wake me, a gentle shake would have been enough." Her humor confirmed her good health.

I thought that the best thing to do right now was to get out and survey the damage. I released the buckle on my seat belt, and I was suddenly drawn to my right by an incredible force that slammed me into my sister, who let out a startled "Ooof!" For several moments I couldn't understand what was going on, but after I shook my head and took a few deep breaths it dawned on me that the Explorer was laying on its passenger side.

"Fuck." I said aloud. I raised myself off of Livvy and focused on her as best I could in the dim light. "You still OK?"

Livvy answered me with a good laugh. I had a chuckle myself at the rather slapstick turn of the events of the last few moments.

I sat silent for a minute or two and did a quick self-assessment to make sure I wasn't hurt. I fished for the cell phone in the upended mess, but when I dialed all I could hear was static for a few seconds, and then it went silent. The mountains of Vermont are not conducive to cellular service even in good weather, so I was out of luck. Annelle had no idea I was even trying to get home, so she wouldn't be worried about me. Then I remembered the Cherokee that had flashed briefly in my headlights as it swerved off into oblivion!

"Shit!" I said. "The Jeep!"

"Don't worry, Mike," Livvy reassured me. "Insurance will cover it."

"No. The JEEP. That's how we got here. I almost hit a Jeep." I maneuvered myself off of Livvy and helped her get out of her seat belt. Using the front seats as ladder steps, I climbed and opened the driver's side door and held it open while Livvy crawled out and stood atop the Explorer's driver's side. Then she held the door open to let me climb out. I jumped the six feet or so to the snow at the bottom of the ditch and promptly fell on my ass. I got to my knees and brushed the snow off of my jacket, and then I stood, my feet, clad only in leather deck shoes, sinking into the snow past my ankles. As I helped Livvy down from the overturned Explorer, a fleeting thought passed through the back of my mind, and I regretted leaving my Timberlands in my room at the resort. But at the moment I was more concerned with the driver of the Cherokee.

Neither Livvy nor I could get any traction to climb out of the ditch until we got to a drainage culvert where there apparently was a driveway. Helping each other, we climbed up to the top and ran along the side of the road until we saw the taillights of the Cherokee, also in the ditch, also overturned, on its driver's side. "Oshitoshitoshit!" I muttered as I climbed down the culvert, certain that I had killed someone tonight.

I ran around to where I could look in through the windshield, and I knocked on it. "Hey! Are you OK?"

"Yeah," came the reply. It was a woman. "I think so. Can you help me get out of here?"

"Hold on!" I shouted. I ran to the rear end of the Jeep and, using the trailer hitch as a handhold and a step, I climbed up to the side of it, walked to the passenger door and opened it. I reached in and helped her climb out. Livvy helped us to the ground and then we stared at the helpless Cherokee for a few minutes.

"I rolled over, too," I said. "Over on the other side." I motioned to the drainage culvert.

"Why did you cut in front of me like that?" There was a flare of anger in her voice.

"Why were you in my lane?" I shot back.

"ME?! You're the asshole who swerved in front of me! What have you been drinking?"

"Listen lady, YOU'RE the one who..." I felt Livvy's hand on my shoulder as my temper began to flare. I hadn't been angry to this point, and I realized that arguing now wasn't going to solve our immediate predicament. "OK, it doesn't matter whose fault it is. Right now we're both stuck, and we have to figure something out."

There was another long gap of silence. "You're sure you're OK?" I asked.

"Yeah," she said, still staring at her Jeep. "I'm fine. Shit!" she spat. "My husband's going to kill me!"

"Nah, there's not much damage..." I muttered. "And I'm sure he'll just be grateful you weren't hurt."

"NO! I was supposed to meet him for a ski weekend." Her voice was shaky, on the verge of tears. Livvy stepped to the woman and gripped her arm.

"You were just in a wreck!" Livvy said. "I'm sure he's not going to worry about a ruined weekend."

"No. You don't understand. It's just that we've... Oh, never mind."

"Hey, at least someone's expecting you," I said. "My wife doesn't even know I'm coming home."

"Shit!" She started to cry.

Livvy tried to console her. "Hey, come on. It's OK. We're all OK."

"Yeah. We're fine," I said. "We just have to find a phone and call a tow truck."

"Oh! I have a phone!" she chirped, almost cheerful. She turned toward the Jeep and then, with a deflated sigh, said, "In the Jeep."

"It doesn't matter anyway," I said. "We're out of range. I already tried with mine."

"Damn it!" she snapped. I heard her sniffle again.

At that moment we heard the low, snow-muffled rumble of a vehicle passing on the road above us. "We'll just have to flag down a car and get a ride to the nearest gas station or something, and call from there," I said.

"All right," she said.

As we ambled up the drainage culvert I noticed she had on only a pair of athletic shoes, offering her feet slightly more protection than my shoes did for my feet, or Livvy's stylish hikers did for hers. We stood to the side of the road and waited for another vehicle to pass. And we waited. And waited.

We stood there for what had to be a half-hour in the heavy, wet snow, ankle deep and climbing ever higher. We were all shivering like crazy, and not another car had passed.

"Maybe we should walk down the road and see if we can find a place," Livvy said.

"No. I think we should stay here by the cars," I replied. "Someone will come by here eventually and see them."

"Yeah," the woman said, with more quivering in her voice. "But we might have frozen to death by then."

She was right. There wasn't much in the way of traffic that night, and there was no telling how far we'd have to walk to find a phone. We'd already been standing there in the cold and snow so long that our wet feet were numb, and I especially wasn't dressed for the weather in my Land's End field jacket and my snappy summer shoes!

I looked around for a few moments and noticed a dark figure silhouetted against the snow, fallen and falling. I walked over to it; it appeared to be a sign of some sort. I brushed the snow off of it and tried in vain to read it in the darkness.

"Hey!" I called to the women. "Take a look at this."

They hobbled over through the snow. "What's it say?" Livvy asked.

"I don't know. I can't make it out."

She pulled her hands out of her pockets and brushed more snow off of the sign. She ran her hands over the surface and said, "Feel this!"

She guided my hand to the cold wood surface and I felt what seemed to be chiseled symbols. "What's it feel like to you?" she asked. The woman from the Jeep reached up and felt the sign, too.

"I don't know. My fingers are kinda numb."

"It feels like a picture of a tent or something," the woman said. "Maybe this is a campground or picnic area."

I pressed my fingers harder against the wood, forcing some feeling into the tips. I felt two edges at angles to each other rising to a point. When my fingers reached the point I slid them down over the smooth surface until I felt another point cut into the wood, with edges falling away. It indeed felt like the international symbol for a campground.

"I think you're right! It IS a tent!"

"Wouldn't there be a lodge there or something?" she asked, hope filling her voice.

"Hell, I don't know. We could check." I looked into the trees, away from the road. "This is a driveway or trail of some kind. There's no way to tell how long it is. We should probably stay by the cars as long as possible." Silhouetted by the snow, the women seemed to be looking to me for action. I looked back at the trail. "You want to try it?"

The Cherokee woman almost shouted her answer. "Yes! It's got to be better than freezing to death out here! Maybe there's a fireplace or a wood stove!"

Livvy perked up at the woman's comment. Just the thought of a roaring fire warmed me up.

We walked to the road for one last look for any cars. None appeared, so we all ventured off down the trail. After trudging for fifteen minutes we noticed by the patterns of the trees that there were smaller trails splitting off.

"Which one should we take?" Livvy asked.

"The one we're on seems to be the main trail." I guessed. "Let's just see where it leads." By this time I couldn't feel my feet below me and I was really starting to think we could die out there. Even though I didn't know this woman, I was grateful for her company and Livvy's so we could make decisions that made sense to everybody.

It crept up on us in the darkness. We had walked right up to it, and had we not stopped for a breather, we might have walked on past it to our doom. I engaged in a futile attempt to warm my feet by stomping them, but merely managed to send a slightly painful tingling up to my knees. "Ladies," I said, panting, "I don't know how much longer I..." My words trailed off.

"How much longer what?" Livvy asked.

"Holy shit 'n Hallelujah!" I screamed.

They turned to look at what I saw and just simply screamed in joy. It was a building. It loomed in the darkness before us, and it appeared to have four walls and a roof. Whatever it was, it held the promise of sanctuary from the elements.

Livvy ran, tripping up the three steps concealed by the snow, and pulled on the door. It didn't move, so she pushed on it. "Oh, no!" Despair sounded in her voice.

"Let me try," I said, moving her out of the way. I, too, pushed, and then pulled on the door. I threw my shoulder into it, but it didn't budge. "Stay here," I said. I wasn't going to let a locked door defeat me. I ran around the corner to find a window, and I found one I could reach near the back corner. When it didn't open to my push, I simply knocked out a pane with my elbow. I reached in and fumbled with the latch, finally working it free with the last of the feeling in my fingers. I climbed in and stumbled among junk furniture strewn about the room. I came to a door, opened it, and sensed a large space around me. I baby stepped my way through the darkness, waving my arms in a wide arc, my eyes bugged nearly out of my head trying to take in any light they could. I finally came to a wall and made my way along it until I found a door.

"Hello? Are you still out there?" I called. I realized at this moment that I didn't know the Cherokee woman's name or even what she looked like.

"Hurry up! Let us in!" I found the dead bolt, twisted the knob, and the door came open. They rushed in, and I felt four arms wrap around me. I felt breath at my ear as the Cherokee woman whispered, "Thank god! I didn't want to die out there!"

"My name's Mike. What's yours?"

"Oh jeez! I'm Trudi."

"Hi, Trudi. I'm Olivia."

"Hi, Olivia. Under any other circumstances I'd say I was pleased to meet you."

"Well, everything's better, now." Livvy's optimism would not be defeated. "So you can say it."

"Well, Livvy, we're not out of the woods yet!" I chuckled at my pun even though I was serious. "We have to get warm quick, or we're in big trouble!"

We tried the first light switch we found, but the electricity to the place had apparently been cut off. Then we began a search for a fireplace, which wasn't hard to find at all. Livvy and I went to the wall opposite the entry door, and there it was. There was even wood in a bin off to the side. The problem was matches. There were none to be found near the fireplace, and in the almost complete lack of light, the search elsewhere was slow and cumbersome. We each searched every drawer and shelf we came to, and still no luck. The last resort was the kitchen, full of cabinets and drawers, but there was still nothing to be found. I had just given up in there when I heard Trudi call out with that frail strain of hope: "Livvy? Mike? I think I've got something!"

I stumbled as fast as I could into the main room. "Trudi? Where are you?"

"Over here," she called, off to my left. I made my way, reaching out until I touched her back. "Here," she said, and grabbed my hand. She guided it to a stack of cloth.


"Blankets! A whole closet full!" I could hear the tears of joy welling up in her throat. It didn't have the room-warming appeal of a roaring fire, but it would do.

I felt hands press on my back and go around my waist; it was Livvy. "Somebody find something?"

"Blankets!" Trudi and I said in unison.

Without thinking, I immediately grabbed a handful of blankets and wrapped them around me, and I could hear Trudi and Livvy doing the same. I said, "We're going to be here all night. We might as well make ourselves comfortable." We wandered about, feeling our way around the furniture. I announced that I had found an armchair and I sat down. Livvy squeezed into it with me, sitting half on my lap. Trudi still fumbled about a bit, and then I heard the creak of furniture, and the sound of her shuffling feet stopped.

I was still shivering like crazy after a few minutes, and then Trudi said, "Damn! This isn't working. I'm still shivering!"

"Me, too, Trudi!" I called out to her. I stood up and made my way over to where her voice was and Livvy followed. My feet hit the foot of the furniture Trudi was on, and I stumbled forward. My hands came to rest on what I thought was a sofa. I turned and sat next to her, but when I leaned back, I fell onto my back.

"Hey!" I shouted. "This is a bed!"

"Yeah," was all she said.

We sat there for a while in silence, save for the sound of our teeth chattering, and I tried to figure out why I couldn't get warm. For several minutes a feeling nagged at me that I knew how to solve this problem, and then suddenly it hit me. I remembered back to my days in the Army when we camped out for weeks at a time in the dead of Winter in Germany. It came back slowly, but it came back.

It was my first cold weather bivouac, and when it came time to turn in, I just took off my boots and climbed into my sleeping bag. I slept for about an hour, but then I woke up shivering like a maniac! The next day I bitched to the platoon sergeant about it, and he laughed. "You climbed in with your uniform on?"

"And my coat," I said.

"You have to strip, son! Your body heat reflects off of your sleeping bag and keeps you warm inside. You wear clothes and they block that heat from escaping from your body."

I didn't believe him, but that night I paid attention to the soldiers who'd been around longer, and sure enough, they all stripped down to their skivvies before climbing into their bags! I stripped down to my t-shirt, but left my trousers on. I was warmer up top, but I still caught a chill in my legs. After two nights of next to no sleep, I stripped down to my shorts and bare chest. And believe it or not, in 25-degree weather and sleeping on the ground, I woke up sweating in my sleeping bag! From that point on, I never had a problem sleeping on bivouac.

Now I was unsure of how to enlighten the girls to this knowledge. I debated it in my mind, but in the end I realized that no amount of embarrassment was worth possibly freezing to death.

"Trudi? Livvy?"

"Yeah, Mike?"

"This is going to sound weird, but it just came back to me. In order for you to get warm, you have to take your clothes off."

"Mm hmm." The room reeked with skepticism.

"I learned it in the Army. I thought it sounded silly, too, when I first heard it, but it's true." With that I stood up, dropped my blankets to the mattress, and began removing my clothes. My shoes were soaked, as were my pants up to my knees and in the seat, and the shoulders of my light jacket. No wonder I was cold! Once I had my pants off, I felt the seat of my underwear, and they were soaked, too. I looked to the point in the darkness where Trudi and Livvy sat on the bed. Even though I couldn't see them, I shrugged my shoulders and dropped my shorts to the floor. The cold air wrapped itself around me in those brief moments until I rearranged the blankets over my shoulders. I sat back down on the bed and immediately felt the warmth spreading through my body.

"Ooooh yeah!" I muttered. I kept moaning my pleasure as goose bumps raised across my body.

I heard the bed creak as somebody stood up. After the sound of a blanket hitting the floor, I heard the rustle of damp clothing being removed. A moment later the weight returned to the bed and I heard Trudi exclaim, "Oh god! You're right! Much better!"

As Trudi and I sat there moaning in pleasure with the warmth returning to our bodies, I heard Livvy finally stand and remove her clothes, retrieve her blanket, and sit back on the bed.

"How do you feel, Liv?" I asked.

"I'm still cold, but it's definitely better," she said through chattering teeth.

I stood and felt my way around to the other side of the bed and climbed on. "Gotta warm my feet," I said as I lay down and stretched the blanket over myself, covering my feet, which still had not regained any feeling.

"Good idea," Livvy said, and I heard her stretch out beside me. A moment later, as their need for warmth overcame their shyness toward each other, and Trudi's to me, Trudi asked Livvy to scoot in a little to allow her room to lie down as well. We lay there like three shivering bugs in cocoons, trying to get warm.

After about a half hour of tossing and turning, Trudi asked, "Hey guys, are your feet getting warm?"

"Nope." I responded. "I'm getting kinda worried."

Livvy said, "I still can't feel my toes."

Trudi stuttered. "Well, I was"

"What, Trudi? This is no time to be embarrassed about anything."

"Well, I was wondering if somebody could rub my feet for me. I'll return the favor, if you think it would help."

I tried to think of a way to keep everyone under the blankets and still get their feet rubbed. Just then I sat up. "Yeah. I have an idea. Sit up."

Trudi and Livvy did so, and I slid down to the other end of the bed, turned and faced them. "Scoot to the center and sit close to each other. Now let me have your feet." They slid their feet forward, I felt for them and grabbed Trudi's left foot and Livvy's right. I spread my legs and scooted forward until their feet were against my thighs. "Now each of you take one of my feet and place it against your belly and rub it." I scooted further forward as I held their feet until they pressed against my belly. I let out a wail. "Man! That is cold!" I bore the chill against my warm flesh, wrapped my blanket tightly around their feet, and myself, and began to massage vigorously.

Both women yelped loudly as my feet reached their abdomens, but they quickly recovered and began massaging my feet as I did theirs.

Gradually I felt the feeling return to my feet as they gently encouraged the blood to again circulate there. I massaged their feet as tenderly as I could, running my hands halfway up their calves and squeezing softly, tugging their flesh toward me, the soles of their feet pressed against my belly.

Enough sensation had returned to my feet for me to tell what each was doing to them. Trudi was massaging each toe individually, pulling and twisting on each one, and gently tickling the ball of the foot at the base of each toe. Livvy was rubbing the sole of my right foot with her thumbs and sliding her palm over the top of my foot and over the toes, bending them toward the sole with each pass. Then I noticed a wonderful warmth on either side and on the sole of my left foot. At first I thought it was just the blood returning to that area, but then I realized that Trudi had my foot wedged between her thighs, and the sole of my foot was lodged tightly against her crotch! This revelation made me a little uncomfortable, and I squirmed just a bit in hopes of sliding my foot back a little. I could feel her pubic hair grind under my foot.

"Ooh! Hey! Stop! That tickles," she said, with a slightly breathy giggle. The physical intimacy of the situation coupled with knowing where my foot was, and the sexy edge her voice had taken on stirred me. I didn't want it to -- this was a life-and-death situation, after all -- but it did.

The blood was certainly circulating somewhere other than my foot! Just as the blood began to engorge my penis, I said, "OK, switch!" and I lifted their feet off of my belly, hoping to get my mind off of the physical contact and let my erection dissipate.

There was slight confusion in the switch, as the girls had to swap positions, but they were in position soon enough, and I felt two ice-cold feet snaking their way up my thighs. Trudi, now on my right, slid up a little too quickly, and I jumped and yelped when her foot bumped directly into my testicles.

"Ow! Trudi! Careful!" She hurriedly drew her foot back. Livvy let out a snort, as she apparently understood what had happened.

"Oh, Mike!" Trudi said, "I'm sorry!" And before I, or even she, knew it, she reached her foot forward again and gently and very briefly consoled my scrotum with it. "I didn't realize I was that close!" I was about to object when she lifted her foot to place it where her left foot had been moments before. It had purely been an accident, followed by a sincere gesture of apology. And then, as her foot sought out my belly, she bumped into my now solid erection.

"Hello!" she giggled.

"Oh, god. I'm sorry Trudi," I said. It was my turn to be embarrassed. All the while, Livvy had been getting herself repositioned and her foot sought out my belly as well. Like Trudi's foot, Livvy's bumped gently into my swollen penis.

She gasped and scolded, "Michael!" There was the hint of a bemused chuckle in her voice.

"Oh, jeez," I sighed. "Livvy, I'm so sorry!"

"Don't worry about it, Mike," Trudi said. "You said it yourself. This is no time to be embarrassed." I tried to shift a little to keep my throbbing penis away from Trudi's foot, but then it would touch Livvy's. Neither of them said anything, but Livvy's foot squirmed away each time it touched my penis.

I contained my embarrassment until the warmth and feeling returned to my right foot, and I could feel the heat from Trudi's vagina against my heel. Or was it just the heat from my imagination? Either way, combined with the girls' cooing over my manipulation of their feet, and wriggling their toes against my belly, it had my penis throbbing wildly and thumping against their ankles. Trudi giggled each time we made contact in that way.

"Guys, I'm really sorry about this," I said. "I didn't think I . . . I'd, uh . . ."

A giggling Trudi cut me off. "Stop worrying, Mike. I mean, if this were some sort of sick scenario you had orchestrated, then I'd be disgusted, but it's not. This is a serious situation -- though it IS kinda sexy, after all -- strangers sitting in the dark, naked under blankets, rubbing each other's feet. It's romantic, in a way."

Livvy chimed in: "Yeah, and two of them brother and sister!" The three of us erupted into raucous laughter.

"REALLY?!" Trudi gasped. "I thought you two were...well, you know..."

"What? Married?" Livvy asked.

"No. Cheating! Mike mentioned his wife, and you two seemed so close and familiar that I just assumed you know...."

"Fucking?" Livvy finished Trudi's sentence and sputtered in laughter. The absurdity of it got us all going again, and the bed shook with our chuckles.

"I was going to say," Trudi spat out between guffaws, "'The other woman,' but your word is accurate!"

When the laughter died down and I caught my breath I said, "Yeah, well, it's still embarrassing."

"Well, then," Trudi sighed, "I won't embarrass you any more," and she lifted herself and scooted to the side of the bed. As she did, my foot rubbed the entire length of her vagina, from the top of her patch of pubic hair all the way down over her buttocks. "Might as well try to get some sleep, don't you think?"

"That's not a bad idea," I said. I took Livvy's left foot in both hands and asked, "How you doing, Liv?"

"I'm good," she said, wiggling her toes. As her toes moved, her ankle slid very gently against the turgid shaft of my penis. She squeezed my toes together. "How 'bout you?"

"As good as I can be, I guess." I said. I pulled my foot away from Livvy's belly and she retracted hers from mine.

"I've got dibs on this side!" Livvy called out playfully.

Before I could get a word out, Trudi shouted, "I've got this side," leaving me uncomfortably in the middle. I lay down on my back and repositioned the blankets so that no cold air was creeping in on me. In the next few minutes my erection finally dissipated and I drifted off to a fitful, uncomfortable sleep.

In what had to be less than a half hour later I was shaken awake. I was shivering. "Mike? Mike!"

"Trudi? What's wrong?"

"I'm still cold. I can't stop shivering."

"Me, too."

"SHIT! I'm cold!" Livvy barked through chattering teeth.

I had an idea as to what could keep us warm, but I was afraid suggesting it might sound a little perverted: a man and two women, naked, all lying together under one blanket? It would be a lot warmer, but to suggest it would...

"Would you guys mind it too much if we all got under the same blankets?" asked Trudi timidly. "I'm always warmer when my husband's with me under the covers."

I was dumbfounded. "Um... I don't know...."

"Livvy?" Trudi pleaded.

Livvy said, "It's got to be better than this. Mike?"

"Jeez... I...."

"Please, Mike!" Trudi shouted. "I'm freezing my ass off!"

I could only think of the unavoidable erection I had gotten when we were just rubbing each other's feet, and I imagined that snuggling up with two women -- never mind that one is my sister -- wasn't going to be any easier. I pictured an angry Trudi, whom I still had not seen yet, and a disgusted Livvy, both unable to understand how I could be so perverted. I pictured my wife with the divorce papers in one hand, and a gun in the other, not sure which I'd prefer. But Livvy was right. It had to be better than freezing alone. "Oh, all right."

"Oh, god! Thank you!" Trudi gushed. She rolled toward me and lifted her blankets. "Here," she said. "Let's just pile all the blankets on top of us." Somebody tugged at my blankets and I let them roll out from under me. When the cold air reached the warmer parts of my body, I hurriedly helped to spread the blankets out over the three of us. My contribution complete, I lay back down while Trudi and Livvy worked to spread their blankets out.

It seemed like a perfectly sound idea -- until Trudi pulled her blankets over us; she rolled half on top of me, pressing her soft breasts into my chest.

"Excuse me!" She giggled. "Here you go Livvy. Got yours?" Trudi quickly lay back down.

Just as she settled down, Livvy leaned over from the other side and added her blankets to the pile. I felt the hard nipples of her small, firm breasts poke me in the chest. "Oops!" she said in a chuckle, and then she rolled to her back and away from me.

I lay there for a few minutes feeling awkward. I can only fall asleep lying on my side. It doesn't matter which one. There I was, lying in bed naked. To my left was a naked woman, a stranger whom I had never seen other than in silhouette. To the other side, the side usually occupied by my wife, was my younger sister, just as naked as the two people in bed with her. I debated which side I should turn to, which naked woman I should face as I tried to fall asleep. In bed, my wife and I always spooned, her ass against my abdomen, and I usually found myself with my hand around her waist or cupping a breast. If I were to wake up and find Livvy snuggled up to me, her ass against my naked genitalia, my hand warming one of her perky little breasts, I'd never be able to face her again. As for Trudi, I would never have to face her again anyway, so I rolled to face her, so even if something intimate occurred unintentionally, at least I wouldn't be seen as having tried to take advantage of my own sister. Trudi was lying on her side and facing away from me. My hand brushed her back as I tried to get comfortable. She sensed my movement and slid toward me, snuggling her ass to my belly.

"JEEEZUS, Trudi!" I yelped. "Your ass is FREEZING!" Livvy chuckled behind me

"Didn't I tell you that?" Trudi giggled again.

I let out a chuckle. "You're just like Annelle!"

"Well, then. You should feel right at home!" She completed her snuggle, pressing her back and ass firmly against my front. I felt Livvy move behind my back, and I felt her hand touch my waist. She tentatively slid herself toward me until her body was against mine, her cold nipples poking me in the back; her hand slid around my waist until it bumped into Trudi's hips, and she pulled back just a bit and stopped. For as uncomfortable as I was with the situation, it was warming up quickly under the pile of blankets between two other warm bodies. My only problem now was where to put my hand. With Annelle it was always around her waist or cupping one of her small breasts. I just laid it on my side, on top of Livvy's hand, and then she pulled her hand out and rested it on my forearm.

True comfort does wonders for sleep. I was dozing almost immediately. I don't know how much later it was when I was awakened, but to my initial horror I had rolled to my other side and was now snuggled up to my sister's back, with my hand happily cupping her right breast and her rear end comfortably tucked against my abdomen. What woke me was the sensation of Livvy moving against me as if she had become uncomfortable and moved to correct it. My second horror was when I discovered that my erection had returned and was now nestled between Livvy's buttocks and snaking up between our bodies. Livvy's wriggling was riding her butt cheeks slightly up and down the length of the swollen shaft of my penis. Once I realized what had happened, I jerked myself away from my sister and rolled over onto my back, feeling the rough fabric of the blanket scrape against the underside of my throbbing hard-on.

Livvy didn't move or show any other indication that she was aware of what had happened, so after a few nervous minutes I relaxed. I put my mind on the dangerous circumstances we were all in, and my erection slowly waned. I rolled to my left again to face Trudi, who was still on her side facing away from me.

My mind drifted to Annelle and getting to see her for the first time in four weeks, and after the ordeal of wrecking the Explorer in the middle of a blizzard and being stranded in an abandoned camp ground. Of course, I wouldn't tell her ALL of the details, even though nothing happened. As I slipped into slumber I saw Annelle, naked in our bed, luring me closer with her mischievous eyes. The image in my dream dissolved to Annelle with her lips sliding up and down my swollen cock, and her tongue tickling the shaft with the tip of her tongue. I slowly thrust my hips in a lewd fucking motion, feeding my cock into her hungry mouth.

"Mike," she said. "MIKE!" she whispered urgently. I couldn't figure out how she could speak my name with my cock in her mouth.

"MIKE! Wake UP!"

I awoke with a loud snort. Trudi was whispering loudly in my ear. "Having a nice dream?" Trudi's voice was at a low, seductive purr.

Full consciousness hit me and I realized that Trudi was lying on her back, and my body was draped across hers, my hand firmly grasping her full left breast. My right leg was lying across her thighs and bent at the knee. My throbbing, erect penis was pressed tightly against Trudi's right hip, squeezed between our bodies, and poking out between us, aimed at the ceiling.

I gasped. "Ohmygod!" I said aloud, though conscious not to wake up Livvy. I began to withdraw my hand from Trudi's supple breast, but she laid her hand firmly atop mine and stopped me. I tried to retract my hips, but she reached down with her other hand and wrapped her fingers around the swollen head of my penis.

"No. Don't move," she whispered. Her grip on my erection eased and she squeezed and stroked the part of it she had in her hand. "You have a nice cock, Mike." The word, "cock," rolled off of her tongue with a crimson thickness, causing mine to spasm pleasantly in her grip.

"Poor baby," she said. "It looks like you need some help." She rolled toward me, gently forcing me to my back. As more of my cock became accessible to her, she slid her hand down its length until she gripped the base. I felt her breath on my face as she brought her lips to my cheek and kissed me softly. Her supple breasts flattened against my arm as she lay against me, and then she began to stroke the entire length of my cock with her hand. "I'll take care of it."

To simply call what Trudi did to me a hand job would never do it justice. Her hand was so warm and soft, yet so strong that I couldn't believe it was a hand. It almost felt fluid. Of course, a four-week stint without sex, and fine-grit sandpaper would feel nice. She rode her hand down the length of my shaft, splitting her fingers open and caressing both the top and underside of my hard rod and then squeezing the head between her fingers. She rotated her hand and slid her palm along the sensitive skin stretched along the underside, only to slide her hand up and over the head, smearing the pre-cum that had been squeezed out of it, and slide it back down. Trudi's fingers played across my cock like a virtuoso's playing a concerto, alternately stretching the skin in a pleasurable legato and peppering my psyche with an almost savage staccato. The feel of the rough blanket against the head of my dick every time Trudi's smooth hand traveled away from it to stretch the skin all the way down to my balls soon became an unbearable pleasure -- smooth, rough, smooth, rough -- in an unending barrage of rhythmic stimulation.

My body went rigid, and that was Trudi's cue. She began a series of strong pulls upward on the shaft, her fingers beating against the corona of the head, sending excruciating joy into my body through the tiny, most sensitive spot where the head forms a seam and meets the shaft. Just as she sent me over the edge she pulled to the uppermost position and held, squeezing with her fingers in the same rhythm that she had been stroking me.

My body was wracked with a most intense orgasm, but I was able to suppress the scream that wanted to come out in an effort to avoid waking my sleeping sister beside me. The full load of my cum was now coating my belly and the blanket above me. I heard Trudi whisper, "God damn!" Then I heard almost furtive slurping sounds, and I was left with only the conclusion that she was licking her fingers clean of my come.

After I caught my breath Trudi returned her hand to my belly and played with the remaining come there. My mind returned to reality and I began to think about what had just happened. There I lay between my sister and a beautiful (from what could tell, anyway) stranger, and I had just engaged with the stranger in what could only be construed as cheating on my wife.

"Shit," I groaned as I rolled to face away from Trudi.

"What's wrong, Mike?" Trudi asked.

"How am I going to face my wife, now?"

Trudi slid her body against mine, tucking her abdomen up against my ass. "Mike, don't be silly. She doesn't have to know," she whispered. "We had an accident. You touched me, I touched you, and something nice happened. But nothing happened. Just think of it like you had a wet dream about an old girlfriend."

I simply sighed, unsure of what to say.

"Besides," she said as she slid her hand around to my crotch, "she would be silly to throw this one away just because it went off in the night!" Trudi's hand found my cock still mostly erect. "Hey! So when do you turn 18?" She giggled at her own joke.

I remained silent.

"Look," she sighed. "It was keeping you awake. You need sleep. You needed the release." Her fingers tickled at the base of my cock and then slid halfway up the shaft. "You still need it."

"Trudi," I protested, but she continued, slipping her fingers around my shaft to continue her manipulation. She said nothing. I said nothing. Her strokes were beginning to feel very good again.

I lay there panting as my erection grew to full size under Trudi's skillful ministrations. What I didn't realize until it was too late was that the tip of my cock was bumping repeatedly into Livvy's ass, as was Trudi's hand.

But then it was too late. Livvy awoke. My sister rolled over suddenly and said, "Mike? Are you okay? What's going on?" Trudi froze, her hand stopped in mid-stroke on my throbbing cock. "Mike?" Livvy rolled further over and placed her hand on my arm, trying to shake me awake. Where she placed her hand was just inches above where Trudi's arm was draped over me to reach my crotch, and I feared that Livvy would feel Trudi there, and find out what we were up to.

And then Livvy said, "What the...?" And my fear became reality. She had indeed bumped into Trudi's arm. I felt her hand slide off of me where Trudi's arm was. "What the fuck is going on?" The next thing I felt was Livvy's hand, following down Trudi's arm, reaching Trudi's hand, which was still clutching my throbbing cock. With the head of my dick protruding past Trudi's fist, I felt Livvy's hand slide over me, stop, and squeeze lightly, as she tried to figure out what was happening. She repositioned her hand several times, squeezing and releasing, as if to make sure what she felt was really what she thought she felt.

Then Trudi spoke up. "Your brother needs some help, Livvy."

Livvy's hand stopped inspecting. "What do you mean, 'help?'" But she didn't release me.

"His body needs relief -- so he can sleep -- and I'm just trying to help." Trudi slowly stroked my cock, bumping Livvy's hand with her own.

"Relief . . . " Livvy said, trying to follow. "You mean...?"

"Yes. I mean 'release.'"

Livvy's hand squeezed my head.

"But he's married," Livvy protested.

"And so am I," parried Trudi. "And I'll never see him again. But he's too much a gentleman to say or do anything for himself." Trudi stroked me a few more times during her argument, her hand unabashedly bumping Livvy's each time. Livvy's light touch intensified slightly. "And," Trudi continued, "you yourself can probably tell that he certainly needs it."

Livvy's hand re-investigated my cock, this time applying a gentle squeeze to the head. I heard a nearly inaudible whimper, and then she said, "I guess you're right."

Trudi said, "I promise you. Go back to sleep and I'll quietly take care of him, and you'll never know it happened."

"Okay." Livvy said. But her hand maintained its grip on the head of my dick.

There was a long moment of silence as neither hand moved on my cock. Then Trudi broke the quiet. "Livvy?" After another silence and several throbs of my cock, Livvy's hand started to move, only it slid further down the shaft. This seemed to startle Trudi, who drew her hand back from my cock. Livvy's hand slid down until her fingers touched my pelvis.

"Jeez, Mike," Livvy whispered. "I never knew your penis was so big."

I struggled to find a word. Of course she never knew. Why would she know anything about my cock? "I... Well, I, uh..." I could think of nothing to appropriately respond. And then her grip tightened gently around my cock, and she began a slow push and pull action on it. I couldn't believe that she was actually jacking my dick!

Very quietly I heard Livvy say, "If my brother needs help, then I'll help."

I groaned softly, and Trudi whispered into my ear, "Oh my god, I don't fucking believe it!" I became aware of the fact that Livvy had probably gone almost as long or longer than me without sex, and perhaps that was driving her at that moment. However, I didn't want to spend too much time thinking about it, despite the signals my brain was trying to send to me that this was very sordid.

Livvy's hand came to life under the blanket and began to jack me with vigor. Another groan escaped my lips, and Trudi pulled at my arm to roll me onto my back.

"Yeah, Livvy. That's it. Jerk your brother's big cock!" Trudi hissed in the darkness. Her comment seemed to inspire Livvy, as she sat up and laid her lithe body across mine and continued to jerk my cock.

I felt Trudi sit up as well, and her hands slid up and down and around on the area of my torso that wasn't covered by Livvy. Shortly I felt a hand running up and down my thighs. As I writhed in the pleasure of Livvy's manipulations, my hands reached out into the night and found both women. Trudi was on my left, kneeling above me running her hands up and down my body. Livvy was on my right, draped over me with her back to my face, and jerking my cock with what I could only call eagerness. The blankets were essentially off of us, but no one seemed to mind the cold at the moment. My left hand landed on Trudi's right thigh, and I began stroking her there. My right hand landed on Livvy's back near her right hip. I stroked up and down her waist and over her hipbone, but I was very conscious not to stray to her ass cheek.

Trudi's strokes on my left thigh were inching closer to my crotch with each upward stroke until she went for broke and cupped my balls.

"Oh, yeah..." I heard escape from my lips, and my hips oozed forward, sliding my cock up through Livvy's hand.

After a few seconds with her hand on my balls I heard Trudi whisper, "Livvy?"


"Do you mind if I suck on your brother's cock? I'm going crazy over here."

There was a heavy silence for several seconds, and then Livvy's whisper. "Okay."

I felt weight shifting to my left as Trudi repositioned herself. Livvy lifted weight off of me, but essentially stayed where she was. I felt a second hand wrap around my cock and slide down. Both women were gripping my cock. Next I felt a warm wetness envelop the head, and it slid up and down a few times. Trudi was sucking my cock! A few more suctioning strokes and Trudi pulled her hand away. She slid my cock deep into her mouth until her lips touched Livvy's hand. Livvy merely squeezed at the base of my cock. Hot mouth was exchanged for cold air and then back again repeatedly for what seemed like hours. Trudi certainly seemed to know what she was doing, and she certainly seemed to enjoy it.

My groans and Trudi's slurps were the only sounds that reverberated in the darkness against the walls of whatever building we were in until I heard Trudi's mouth leave my dick with a loud smack. "Oh yeah, Livvy! That feels nice." I had no idea what Livvy was doing to her, but whatever it was, Trudi liked it.

After another while, Livvy moved beneath my hand, and that's when I realized that I had been gripping one of her ass cheeks for I don't know how long! Another couple of sucks, a few more hand strokes, and I felt the bed rock again with the shifting of weight. The suction resumed with a little more vigor and stronger suction. The familiar sensation started in my groin, but it was a very slow build. The non-stop action after my first orgasm was key in delaying the next, but it was definitely building now, nonetheless. I felt Livvy's hand grasp my right wrist, and then redirect my hand from her supple ass cheek to the heat between her legs. She was dripping wet, and made it very clear that she wanted me to play with her there. My thumb practically fell into Livvy's pussy, and I rubbed her clit with the side of my index finger, occasionally pinching it between the finger and the pad of my thumb. I could feel Livvy tremble with the added sensations.

The next thing I knew I felt soft warm flesh pressing against my left arm, and hot breath whispering in my left ear. I was very confused.

"Livvy's sucking your cock."

All at once that slow build ratcheted up to full speed, my mind filled in the darkness with an image of my beautiful sister's face, with her supple lips wrapped around my stiff cock! My body tensed, my grip clamped down on Livvy's pussy where my thumb was buried to the hilt, and I felt Trudi's face lower to mine. Her lips covered my lips, and her tongue slipped into my mouth.

I screamed into her mouth as my orgasm exploded down the length of my wildly throbbing cock. If I could have warned Livvy, I would have, but my mouth was otherwise engaged. Spasm after spasm of my cock dumped loads of cum into my sister's savagely sucking mouth. I have no idea if she swallowed any or all of it, but she never took her mouth off of my pumping shaft. Somewhere in the middle of my orgasm I heard Livvy whimper loudly around my cock, and her body spasmed violently. Shortly thereafter I felt a warm gooey wetness run down over my fingers from her wet pussy.

Finally my orgasm subsided, and Trudi released my tongue from her sucking mouth. A few more violent tremors wracked Livvy's body, still wrapped around my thumb, and then she collapsed, toppling over to her right side.

After a few more moments I felt the bed shaking. I lifted my head to scan the darkness with my ears. It was Livvy, and she was sobbing. "Shit! What have I done?" I thought to myself. "She must be horrified." Very quickly I sat up and reached out toward the sound of her voice. My hand found her left butt cheek, so I reached further down the bed until I found her arm. I grasped it and pulled it. She sat up willingly and came to me.

"Livvy," I said, wrapping my arms around her and lying her down beside me. Trudi grabbed the blankets and pulled them back over the three of us and snuggled up against my back. "Livvy, it's all right. I know this is something we should never have done, but these are strange circumstances. I'll never tell anyone what we did. Please, stop crying. Everything'll be okay. I promise."

Trudi was rubbing my left arm and shoulder, as if to reassure me as I reassured Livvy. Livvy's sobs continued. "Come on, babe." I hadn't called her that since I was in college. "No one will ever know."

Finally she spoke. "Shut up." Livvy rolled out of my embrace and faced me, and wrapped me in an embrace of her own. Her arms reached past mine, and I can only imagine that they also held Trudi, for all I felt against my back were Trudi's plentiful breasts. I felt Trudi's arms draped across my waist where I can only imagine they held Livvy. As the meat in this sandwich, I was made very aware that my erection had not yet dissipated after my second orgasm in half an hour. My cock was nestled very comfortably between my abdomen and my sister's warm, flat belly. "I know that what we did is wrong, supposedly," Livvy continued. "But what you don't know is that what we just did was the most incredible experience of my life.

"Every man I've ever loved seemed to think that he had to beat me into submission before he could ever make love to me. And it was never left to me to make love. It could never be my idea. It was sex on his terms - their terms - not mine. It was like I had to be there whenever he was horny; I had to service him. But if I was ever horny, I was just some whore. And either way, I always got a beating, and then I got fucked.

"Michael, for the first time in my life, I just came while making love. With them my orgasm was secondary, which means nonexistent. The only time I ever came close to coming with Roger was when he was drunk. He always took longer that way, so it always felt better for me. But once I started to feel good, he got mad and he started slapping me again. It was like he was determined to deny me any pleasure. When we made love while he was sober, or just not drunk yet, he just stuck it in me, fucked me for about two minutes, and came."

I knew Roger was an asshole, but this was the first time I ever really wanted to kill a person.

Livvy went on. "So for all of my adult life, I wasn't really sure if a beating wasn't supposed to go along with sex. Well, tonight opened my eyes. At first I was horrified to think that you and Trudi were doing anything. I mean, what about Annelle? But then I felt your penis in her hand, so hard and hot. I mean, I'm a woman. I loved Roger. I really did. Early on, the sex was okay. I always thought he was attractive. The sight of his naked body and erect penis always turned me on. Whenever I thought about how good his penis felt way up inside me, I would get wet. And when we started to make love it did feel good. But then it always turned sour when he saw that I was enjoying it. I wanted to please him. Seeing him get hot got me hot. But Roger didn't want me to please him. He just wanted to please himself, and to use me to that end."

"Bastard!" Trudi spat from behind me.

"Yeah," Livvy agreed. "It just took me way too long to convince myself that he would change.

"So, anyway, when I realized that what I felt in my hand earlier was your penis, well... I've been so horny for so long, and just having a hard cock in my hand, no matter whose it was, instantly had me dizzy with, ...with... LUST! And when Trudi said you needed help, I couldn't fight the desire to make you feel better. To please you.

"Then, when she started sucking you...oh my god! I thought I was going to pass out! I just had to try it!"

"TRY?!" I gasped. "You never did it before?"

"Well, again, with Roger, it was never fun for very long. And it couldn't be my idea. He would tell me to suck it, tell me how to suck it. So I knew how he liked it to feel. I wanted to please him so badly, so I would do that for him. But he seemed to sense that I was GIVING him pleasure, rather than him TAKING it. It was the closest thing to control I had over him, and he wouldn't stand for it. So usually, oral sex was a violent event with his hand gripping the back of my head and forcing his penis halfway down my throat. Then he'd say I was doing it wrong, and he would pull my mouth off of him, slap me around a little, and then throw me to the bed or the floor or whatever surface that struck his fancy, and then he would fuck me until he came.

"Son of a bitch." I muttered.

"So once Trudi started sucking you, I just knew I had to see what it's like to have control over a man, and to take him all the way that way. Thank you, Trudi."

"Yes, Trudi," I chimed in with a chuckle. "Thanks."

Trudi chuckled back. "Much obliged. Both of you."

There was a brief moment of silence and then Trudi spoke again. "You like girls, sweetheart?" More silence.

"Well--" I started, clearing my throat. "I had hoped I showed my appreciation-"

"Not you, silly!" Trudi cut me off.

More silence, then Livvy answered. "No. Why?"

"Well, those weren't man's hands squeezing my tits while I was going down on your brother. Care to explain?"

I could practically hear Livvy pulling the words out of the darkness to prepare an answer. "Okay. I wasn't exactly honest in my answer. I don't know. I just... my fucking husband's got my mind all screwed up." Livvy relaxed, and I could sense candor coming on. "With the way Roger treated me, I wondered if all men were like that. Did dykes beat each other up like that? I just couldn't picture a woman doing such things, so I thought about it from time to time. What would it feel like to squeeze a woman's breasts the way I like to have mine squeezed? What would it feel like to suck on them? How do a woman's lips feel to kiss them? You know. Stuff like that.

"So, I just took a chance knowing that your boobs were hanging there somewhere in the darkness. And, if you didn't object, it was my way of saying thanks for being so concerned for my brother."

"Umm, you're welcome," Trudi replied. "And... so?"


"How did it feel?"

"How did what feel?" Livvy seemed perplexed.

"To squeeze a woman's breasts? How did it feel?"

"Oh! Umm... well, it felt... sorta... really nice."

"Felt great on this end, sister."

"Thanks," Livvy said. "Or... You're welcome."

"Both. Back at ya." Both women giggled.

Trudi pulled Livvy's hips closer, which meant that Livvy's body pressed firmly to mine. I felt my cock throb against Livvy's belly; it had not flagged one bit since spending in Livvy's mouth. Livvy returned the hug across my chest, pulling Trudi's breasts even flatter against my back. My left arm snaked out and around Livvy's back and I pulled her to me. We held the embrace for a few moments and then both women relaxed. Livvy squirmed a bit and pulled away slightly. Then I felt her right hand slip down my torso to my hips, and then down between us to gently grasp my cock. It sent a wave of pleasure across my body and I heaved a big sigh. She kept her hand there, so I moved my left hand from her back and slid it between us. My fingertips searched and found, and I palmed one of my sister's small but firm titties. I felt her body push against my hand as I squeezed.

We three lay there for a few silent minutes while Livvy silently squeezed and released my cock and I groped her chest. I don't know if Trudi knew what was going on, but after a few minutes I felt her raise up and lean across me with her head above mine.

"Livvy," she said.


"Come here. Come close for a second."

Livvy raised herself up toward the sound of Trudi's voice. "Yes?"

"I've never done this before." Trudi was whispering. "But you're so sweet, and I wish I could give you everything you want."

"What are you--?"

"Shh." Trudi interrupted. Then there was silence.

At first I thought it was silence, but then I felt Livvy squeeze my dick really hard. And then I heard it: above my head, mere inches away, I heard a liquid, slurping, suckling sound, and a couple of heavy sighs, the tell-tale clues of a French kiss in progress. Trudi was kissing Livvy on the mouth! My cock swelled at the realization and Livvy's hand responded again. I made a rapid judgment based upon where the sounds were coming from and I leaned my head in Livvy's direction. I was correct. Just mere inches separated my face from Livvy's titties. My nose bumped into one of them and I quickly guided my mouth to the nipple and sucked gently. I didn't want to take anything away from my sister's new experience. After several minutes of this, I heard the women break off the kiss. Amid heavy panting, they spoke in whispers.

"Trudi, that was incredible."

"I've never kissed a woman before. Not like THAT!"


I think Livvy responded to my suckling of her nipple. "Ohh. Kiss me again!" I heard their mouths come together in a "howm" sound. Trudi rested her weight more on me, and her breasts were pressing into the back of my head. Livvy's hand was gripping and stroking my cock in a slow frenzy as my tongue slapped her nipple back and forth in my mouth. They broke off again.

"Trudi." Livvy whispered even more quietly, as if she could say anything without me hearing it. "My brother is sucking on my tit. I have his cock in my hand."

Trudi responded. "Is it hard?"

"It never went down. All this time and it never got soft!"

"Let me see!" Trudi's hand slid over my hip and found Livvy's hand wrapped around my dick. Livvy pulled her hand away just enough to allow Trudi to replace it with her own, but Livvy held the head of my cock between the knuckles of two fingers. "Ohh. It's so hot!"

"He's dripping all over my fingers," said Livvy.

Then I felt Trudi's hand on my hip and shoulder, pulling me over onto my back. "If you don't mind, sweetie," I wasn't sure who she was talking to at first, "you've already come once, and I'm about to claw my own eyes out." As she spoke and rolled me to my back she threw the blankets off of herself and me. The bed rocked wildly for a moment, and then I felt hands on my chest, a pressure against the side of my left hip, and then the mattress fell away slightly to my right. All of a sudden a hand gripped my cock, pointed it upward, and I felt my cock consumed in a white-hot torrent of softness. "Uuuhhh, GOD DAMN! YES!" Trudi had straddled me and impaled herself on my cock! She came within seconds of piling my cock into her snatch to the hilt in one swift move. She bucked and rocked on my cock like I was an angry bull.

"Jeezus!" Livvy spat next to me. That must have been awesome!"

"Bet your sweet ass, girl." Her orgasm subsiding, Trudi continued to slide my cock in and out of her wet pussy as she talked. "You're not the only one who's been a little hard-up, lately. Ohh, yeah!"

My hands gripped Trudi's hips. I felt Livvy's hands sliding up and down my torso, and eventually down to my pelvis, where she explored where my cock entered Trudi's body.

"Here, baby," I heard Trudi say from above me. "Suck these for me." She leaned forward, and I stretched my neck up to find her tits. I found her right nipple and sucked it hungrily into my mouth. "Ohhh, YES!" Trudi shouted. I moved to suck on her left nipple only to bump into Livvy, cheek-to-cheek!

"Oops! She giggled, and she turned her head toward mine and kissed me full on the mouth. I returned her kiss wantonly until I heard Trudi speak from above.

"Hey!" she complained. "That was feeling really nice." So Livvy and I returned to our respective nipples. Trudi resumed her bouncing on my cock, which was just about numb from all the activity of the night.

With Livvy and I alternately sucking on Trudi's tits and tweaking her nipples. She came violently at least three more times. She collapsed to one side and I climbed on top of her to continue drilling her. As I fucked Trudi, I felt Livvy push her way between us to suck on Trudi's tits. Trudi's screams filled the darkness of the building as she came time and again, until finally she pleaded with me.

"Oh, GOD, Mike! Stop! Please, stop! You're gonna kill me!" Trudi panted. I reared up and pulled my heavy cock out of her. I was breathing heavily myself. Livvy rose up beside me and began stroking my hard cock, wet with Trudi's cum. "Why don't you give some of that to Livvy?"

That stopped us cold. Livvy's hand stopped stroking me and left my cock all together, bobbing there in the cold night air. The thought had been in the back of my mind. With everything we had done tonight, I still couldn't accept the idea of having sex with my sister. True, she had performed oral sex on me, and I did bring her to orgasm with my fingers, but there's crossing a line, and then there's crossing a line. You know? And the other things were done in a blind passion, almost without thinking, each of us working out some sort of demon. After that, we were of sound mind. All I did from that point on was cheat on my wife with a woman stranger. Well, okay, and I sucked on my sister's tits while she stroked my cock. I just couldn't bring myself to fuck her.

"I can't do that." It was Livvy, to my relief. "He's my brother."

"What?!" Trudi said in a laugh. "But you just sucked his cock a little while ago. He CAME in your MOUTH!" There was a thick silence. "Oh, JESUS CHRIST!" Trudi cried. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to... Of course you won't do that. God, I'm such a stupid COW!"

"Don't say that," Livvy said. "I can see it from that point of view. But what we did earlier... I don't know. It wasn't right, but it was SO right. I'm not ashamed of what we did. Well, maybe I am. I might be, later. Jeezus, I don't know." I felt Livvy's hand slide up my thigh where I kneeled on the bed. "All I know is that what happened tonight, well, I needed it." Livvy's hand tickled my hip as it crossed over and once again grabbed my dick. I looked down and saw her staring off into space.

I saw her! Dawn was approaching. I looked to where Trudi lay on the bed. At this point she was merely a gray shape against a lighter gray shape, but the morning light was coming up, slowly illuminating everything.

"What are your thoughts, Mike?" Livvy asked. Her warm hand gripped my cock gently.

"At this point," I started, "I don't think it's a good idea. Maybe we should stop now." I resigned myself to the approaching reality that would accompany the approaching new day. Livvy, however, didn't seem so ready to quit.

"Are you sure, Mike?" I could now see the irises of her eyes against the white orbs as she turned them to look at me. "It seems we kind of left you hanging, here." She squeezed my cock as she used it as leverage to shift her position. "I could suck you again, if you'd like." And before I even had a chance to respond to her offer, I was in her mouth.

"Oohhh, god!" I panted. Livvy squeezed the base of my cock as she worked her mouth over the rest of its length. I could see the dark shape of her head bobbing against the lighter shade of the bed. I could even make out the silhouette of my cock as it slid in and out of Livvy's mouth.

Trudi sat up and came to my other side. She wrapped her arm around my thigh and traced her thumb along my scrotum underneath. "Mmm. Let me have some!" There was a popping sound as Livvy pulled her mouth off of my dick to let Trudi have a go. Trudi dived onto my dick like cocksucking was a sport. She pulled her mouth off of it. "Mmmm. I can taste my pussy on your cock. Can you taste it, Liv?"

"Is that what that is?" I saw Livvy's head move toward me again, and I felt her mouth envelop the head of my cock. "Mmmmm." She cooed. Then she pulled off and said, "I didn't even think about that. If you had said something before I sucked on him, I wouldn't have even tried. Livvy resumed sucking me.

Trudi sat back and ran her hands over Livvy's body. Livvy moaned on my dick when Trudi played with her tits. Then Trudi slithered back down to the mattress and, in the twilight, I couldn't yet quite make out what she was doing. Livvy moaned again and pulled her mouth off of me with a loud "sspop!"

"Oh, yeah. Stick those fingers in me! Fuck me with your fingers. Ungh! Yesss! Rub my clit!" Livvy's mouth returned to my dick with a renewed vigor while she moaned and grunted around it. I was still numb down there.

After a few minutes Trudi repositioned herself again. By now there was enough light seeping in through the windows to tell that Trudi was positioning her face under Livvy's crotch. Just as I made that assessment, Livvy leapt, jerking her head back and off of my dick.

"AHHH, GODDD! That is incre-WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" She had to look down at Trudi to figure out what the sensation was rifling through her body. She reached down and screamed, "OHH YES! Eat my pussy!" She rocked back and forth on Trudi's face while using my hips as support. I touched Livvy's hand to bring her back to my reality, and she dutifully swung her head back up and sucked me into her mouth.

In another minute Livvy again pulled her mouth off of my dick, only this time she pressed her forehead to my hip and screamed in ecstasy as her orgasm flooded Trudi's mouth. As her spasms subsided, Livvy flopped over onto her side. Trudi sat up and moved to Livvy's side and kissed her on the mouth. "Can you taste your pussy on my tongue? You have a wonderful pussy." They kissed again. Trudi's hand slid up my thigh and grasped my cock. "Come here, Mike." I knee-walked toward Trudi until I felt her mouth close over my cock. She only sucked for a few strokes until she pulled me out of her mouth and said, "Come here and taste your sister's pussy." I was about to object when Trudi planted a wet kiss on my mouth. On her tongue was the distinct, musky flavor of a woman's vagina.

As we kissed she lay back, pulling me down with her. I lay on my side for a few moments to keep that kiss going, but then I felt a hand on my thigh. Livvy's mouth sought out and sucked in my throbbing cock. She was lying across Trudi's and my legs. The sky outside was now a bright purple to announce the impending sunrise, and I was now able to make out certain details of Trudi's face as we sucked on each other's tongue. She was gorgeous. While we kissed, Livvy's mouth left my cock, and a few seconds later Trudi's kiss went flat. She looked at me and pulled her mouth away from mine. In a whisper she said, "Livvy's eating my pussy!"

I looked down to Trudi's abdomen. Beyond my dick lying bent across Trudi's hips was my sister, eyes closed, on her knees, her ass in the air, with her nose and mouth buried in Trudi's muff. I was enthralled. Never had I witnessed one woman making love to another, and now here was my sister making love to this beautiful stranger. My cock throbbed against Trudi's thigh, and she reached down to grasp it. She whispered in my ear, "Bring that thing up here. I'll take care of it." I rolled off the edge of the bed and walked to where Trudi's head was and presented my cock to her. She inched her body toward mine until she could get her mouth around my cock. I stood, mesmerized, looking at Livvy who mindlessly licked the insides of Trudi's pussy. My eyes traced up Livvy's back, up to the split globe of her ass waving in the air. The room was essentially lit now by the diffuse light bouncing off of the snow through the windows. Livvy and Trudi's skin was pink in the air that no one seemed to notice was still frigid. I had never noticed Livvy's ass before now. It was perfect. I stepped back from the bed, my dick popping out of the mouth of the surprised Trudi, and I moved down to the end of the bed where Livvy's ass was wriggling in the air. I knelt on the bed and ambled my way behind Livvy. Her ripe pussy glistened at me in all its wetness, the ready receptacle of a woman gripped by lust. I reached forward and ran my finger along the crease. Livvy tensed and shuddered, but she did not stop eating Trudi's pussy. The room around Livvy's ass went to a blur as I became consumed with one desire. I reached out and grabbed an ass cheek in each hand, straightened my back, stepped forward, and slid my stiff cock into my sister's pussy. With no resistance, it slid into her all the way until I had no more dick to give her.

Livvy let out a loud, "Ooooff!" but that was it. After that she was fucking back every thrust I fucked into her! She raised herself up on her hands and threw her head about wildly as my cock slammed into her, and she screamed repeatedly, "FUCK ME FUCK ME," each word coinciding with the impact of my pelvis with her ass. Trudi, her pussy abandoned by Livvy, sat up and watched for a few moments, and then she leaned forward and kissed Livvy on the mouth. She turned away from Livvy and scooted to the edge of the bed, and took the two steps to get to me. She reached behind me and between my legs and stroked my balls as they swung back and forth beneath me. She leaned to me and spoke softly into my ear. "Are you getting close?"

And suddenly I realized that I was. I nodded, and then Trudi slid her hand between my pelvis and Livvy's ass. I stopped fucking, and Livvy turned around to see what happened. "Turn around and lie on your back, Livvy. Watch your brother's face when he comes. In less time than it takes to think it, Livvy rocked forward, spun around, flopped onto her back, and had her legs in the air on either side of me, waiting for the return of my cock to her pussy. And I obliged. I took in the sight of Livvy's little titties as they shuddered with each of my thrusts. I bend my head down to suck each one into my mouth in turn. Livvy screamed as another orgasm seized her. Her legs wrapped around my waist with a strength I never realized such a tiny girl could have and didn't let me go until she was through with me. And I kept fucking.

And finally the sensation gripped my scrotum like an iron fist. My hips broke rhythm on each thrust, and my breathing became more of a wheeze, and a guttural moan escaped from my mouth with each outward breath. Then, just as I felt the spasms start, Trudi reached in between Livvy and me and wrenched my cock out of her pussy. I reared back at this, only to look down and see spurt after spurt of white fluid come shooting out of my cock as though it were a fire hose. Trudi massaged and stroked my cock like she expected a gallon to come out, and to look at Livvy's chest and belly, you might think a gallon did come out of me! Trudi leaned down and sucked the last drools of cum from my penis, and Livvy sat up to do the same.

With a groan I fell to the left of Livvy, and Trudi lay to Livvy's right, pulling up the blankets to cover us again. "You just fucked your sister, Mike. What changed your mind?"

I looked at Livvy's relaxed, smiling face. "I'm not sure. I just think she really needed it. I love you, Livvy. You are truly a beautiful woman. Any man should consider himself lucky to spend a minute with you."

Livvy's face beamed in an even brighter smile. "I love you, too, Mike." She rolled to me and planted a deep, moist kiss on my mouth. Then she rolled to face Trudi. "Trudi. Thank you. You've opened a door for me, I think." They kissed as passionately as lovers.

We lay there for about a half hour, snuggling, talking, kissing, when all of a sudden the front door burst open and a man dressed in brightly colored, down-stuffed clothing tumbled in from outside and fell amid a cloud of snow-dust.

Trudi and Livvy jumped at the noise, and I was pretty startled, myself. But it was only then that I bothered to look at our surroundings. It seemed to be some sort of a recreation room with rooms on either side for offices and storage. We were in one of those rooms, obviously used as sleeping quarters. The intruder stood up and looked around, and then he saw us. He rushed toward us and ripped his ski mask off. "You folks belong to those SUVs out there in the ditch?" We all three nodded. "Is there just the three of you? Anybody else?" We shook our heads. The man then fumbled in his clothing until he pulled out a black box with a stubby black rod protruding from the top.

"Rescue four-seven, base."

The radio barked loudly back at him.

"Rescue four-seven. Bingo. Times three. Dayroom. Red. Over."

The radio barked again as he returned it to its hiding place. He ignored it.

"You folks okay? Snowplow reported seeing your cars in the ditch, and we got out here as soon as we could. Frankly, we didn't expect to find anyone alive. Judging by the amount of snow on your cars, they were out there most of the night."

"Nine-thirty, ten-o'clock, I'd guess." I said. "No cars, no plows, so we had to find something."

Rescue Four-Seven looked around and spied our frozen clothes on the floor. "Good move. Probably saved your life." Then he looked at us with a rather amused expression. Being naked, none of us was willing to move with this stranger watching us. "Smart to get under the covers together. Multiply the body heat and everybody wins. I trust you folks all know each other?"

I looked from left to right. "We do, now!" Livvy and Trudi both laughed.

Just then three more men in puffy down outfits burst through the door, and before long the whole place was full of people. Someone finally brought dry clothes to us, and gave us enough privacy to allow us to get dressed. I found it amusing that they left us together, and I got to have one last glance at my lovely sister and the buxom Trudi in the nude.

They led us out to their vehicles and took us to the nearest hospital to make sure we were really okay. Later on they brought us our valuables from our vehicles and from the campground, and they made arrangements to get us home.

While we were waiting for our rides, Livvy and I sat with Trudi. There was sadness in her pretty face. Her blue eyes took us in briefly before she dropped her head and shook it, her brown hair waving back and forth.

"What's wrong, Trudi?" I asked.

She looked up. Tears welled up and ran down. "I've only known you two for a few hours, and I don't want to let you go."

"Stop now" Livvy said. "You're safe now. Go home to your husband and know that everything's okay."

Trudi uttered a contemptuous laugh. "My marriage is over. I was driving to meet my husband last night when we wrecked. We've been on the rocks for quite a while, and we keep trying to make it work. Well, last night opened my eyes to just how dead my marriage is. I almost didn't go, anyway, but I'm driven by the futile determination that I will not let this marriage fail. I didn't really want to go.

"So, it's over. I'll just go home, pack a bag and fill out the papers."

A few minutes later, our rides arrived, and we all exchanged hugs and went home. I remember watching Trudi walk toward the Vermont State Patrol car with her head hung low, and I wished I could keep her.

* * *

Valley Vista resort finally opened the weekend after the wreck, and I moved my operation back to Albany. Livvy had impressed the other supervisors enough that they hired her on full-time, but due to a company policy regarding family members working together, she had to work in a department other than mine where I would have no direct supervisory role over her. That suited us both just fine. In the summer she had begun dating again, even before the divorce was final, but now her suitors seemed to be of a much higher caliber, and when they weren't, she gave them the heave-ho very quickly.

The answer to the obvious question is no. After we left the abandoned campground, Livvy and I went back to being a normal brother and sister. I chalked the experience up to dire straits and what can happen when people try to survive. I made sure not to ask Trudi for any contact information so that even if I wanted to, I couldn't find her again. My marriage has stayed strong, and Annelle is none the wiser. She doesn't need to know.

* * *

It was early November of the following year, on a Friday night. I was working late, as usual, when my office phone rang.

"Mike. It's Livvy. I've got a problem."

"What's up, Livvy? Everything okay?"

"Yeah, fine. My car broke down, and I need a ride. Can you come get me?"

I checked my watch. "Ah, sure. Where are you?" I wrote down the address. "I'll have to call Annelle and let her know what's up, but then I'm on my way."

"Oh, I already spoke to her. I called your house first. She said you were still at the office. She said she'll see you when you get home."

The address was in Coulter, about fifteen miles beyond the Albany city limits. Twenty three-twenty five Haevern Road turned out to be a Best Western motel. I wished she had mentioned that; it would have been a lot easier to find than the stupid numbers.

I entered the lobby, but Livvy was nowhere to be found. When the desk clerk offered assistance I said, "I'm looking for Livvy Walters." She took back her maiden name after her divorce from Roger. "She told me..."

"Ah, yes. Mrs. Walters." The clerk said after clicking the keys on his computer. He reached down and pulled out a key. "Your wife requested that you just go straight to the room. The number's there on the tab."

"My wife." I stared at him briefly. He just stared back. Then he pointed to the appropriate doorway.

I found the room and slipped the key into the slot. As I opened the door I said, "Livvy, what's going on? We gotta... HOLY SHIT!"

I crossed the threshold only to find the room brightly lit and two naked women on the bed writhing around in a torrid embrace. One face looked up at me. It was Livvy.

"Hi, Mike. I have a surprise for you." The other woman turned her face to me. It took me no time at all to recognize those blue eyes and that gorgeous face surrounded by that full, luscious head of brown hair.

"Trudi?!" She extricated herself from Livvy's clutches and approached me. Her full breasts bounced with her steps, but the rest of her body was firm and tight. I felt the keys drop from my fingers and the blood surge to my cock. Trudi wrapped her arms around me and placed a wet kiss on my mouth, which I returned with ardor.

"MMMmmm. Hi, Mike."

In another instant Livvy was beside Trudi to make it a three-way hug. "Happy anniversary, Mike." As I tried to crunch the numbers and remember when the wreck had happened, the girls pulled me toward the bed and simultaneously undressed me. I put up a pathetic protest, but was betrayed by my stiff cock bobbing in the breeze. The evening started with both women sucking me until I came explosively in their mouths. The rest is just more sex.

And that was the first annual celebration of our incredible awakenings. Once a year we get together for a night or two of uninhibited sex, Trudi, my sister, and me. All through the rest of the year Livvy is absorbed in her life, and she never mentions any of the real details of our "ordeal" in the mountains, to me or to anyone else. And Trudi, though she lives in one of the outlying areas of Albany, never comes into my life except for that special night or weekend in November every year.

We formed a bond in the snow that fateful night. Each of us feels it. Each of us honors it. With each new season of snow, we renew and reinforce that bond. When you feel you owe your life to someone, such a bond can never be broken.


ALBANY New York -- An Albany man was brutally beaten and raped Saturday night, and police are without a suspect. Roger Beane Wankerly was found nude and unconscious early Sunday morning in the alley behind Alliotus Grocery, 2115 West Wentworth Avenue.

In a statement to Albany Police, Wankerly claims that he was attacked after leaving Hiram's Tavern, 1851 West Wentworth Avenue, around 1:30am. In his statement he alleges that "a large man" attacked him from behind.

According to Wankerly, the assailant, whom Wankerly claims he does not know, told him, "Before I can [engage in sexual intercourse with] you, I [have to] You know how it goes." Wankerly was then beaten about the head until nearly unconscious. Then his attacker forced Wankerly to perform oral sex on him, after which, Wankerly claims, he was sodomized by the suspect.

Witnesses who last saw Wankerly at Hiram's Tavern Saturday night prior to his attack claim that Wankerly was heavily intoxicated and verbally abusive to several patrons, and was then asked to leave after attempting to start a fight with a male patron. Wankerly was attacked minutes later.

The alleged cryptic comments of the attacker imply more intimate knowledge of the victim, and are likely worth looking in to, police say. However, based on witness statements, it's probably a case of Wankerly trying to fabricate a suspect, or just his imagination, police say.

Police spokesman Lt. David Callaghan said, "It's just another case of a loser mouthing off one too many times at the wrong people. And the loser loses again."

Unless more witnesses come forward with new information, police say they are doubtful that a suspect will be found. Wankerly is in good condition tonight at Greater Albany Medical Center, and is expected to fully recover.

It was several weeks after our first anniversary romp. Livvy's eyebrows arched almost to her hairline when she started reading the newspaper clipping I handed to her. I could tell at first she was worried, but then when she saw that Roger is still alive, she seemed to relax. As she neared the end of the story, a smirk graced her face.

She looked up at me from her desk with an expression of love and gratitude. "Did you do this, Mike?"

I knew she didn't think that I would have actually done it, to actually beat Roger and fuck him up the ass. But she suspected that I might have had somebody do it. I looked at her and simply shrugged my shoulders.

"Michael?" She cocked her head and gave me her best don't-you-dare look.

I just walked away and looked forward to next November.

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