Cassie: Back in town.


My mate had died during the winter.

I mourned her loss... she'd been the best of mates. I was alone in my enclosure now, and it was a cold and cheerless place, without her company.

My spirits sank low. I grew less tolerant of the other apes, the few that came to see me. They learned to leave me alone, as much as possible... leave that one alone, he was acting strange, pining for his mate.

Spring passed, I barely noticed... now Summer was here.
The daily riot of movement and noise coming from the adjoining enclosure slowly drew me back into the world. It drew me closer... closer, I took to spending more and more time, in sight and sound of the great glass wall that kept us apes apart. Life there, through the wall, was vibrant and everchanging. The young were like any young, curious, engaging. I couldn't help smiling at them. We were related to each other... not from the same family... but close enough for me to still see the similarity's. good enough, I decided.... and adopted them into my group.

Just like in the old days, the females gathered, close by, keeping an eye on the young... the old mature females, the mothers with older offspring that refused to sit quietly, gambolling around under the mother's watchful eye's. The newer mothers, with their young clinging to their backs or held to the breast.
It was late afternoon and I was as happy as I had been for a long time.
But light would fade soon... a few bird's returned early to their roosts's, in the taller tree's above us. The sun was now shining from low in the sky, making me squint to see them now, the sun affecting my vision... distorting their shapes, distorting their shadow's and my perception of them.

The scent of the unbred females drifted over the wall to me. The sweet scent of estrus, carried to my nose.
I shook my head.
No! They weren't right for me...
But I could see some of the females were appraising me, in the way that they did.
Boldly looking at me, boldly wanting me...
Oh! the thought of it!... desire returned to me, stirred me... body and soul!.
They weren't right for me... they weren't mine.
I wanted it all back again! The warmth of companionship, the joy of my young ones clambering over me, playing games on me and around me, with me. I wanted to experience, again, the female engaging in her provocative acts with me, enticing me with both looks and touch!

I wanted it to happen, if only it could happen!
I wanted the pleasure of mating... the feel of soft female fur under my hand's, as I caressed it, them... soft, so soft!, the warming desire in their eyes, the aquiessence, they wanted more from me, more than just the comfort of my proximity!.
I wanted to touch another and feel myself being touched in return... rubbing her arse with my hands... rubbing her arse with my my hand, my thighs, my cock.
Feeling my response as she teased me, teased it... up and out from my body, hardening, stiffening... bigger and bigger. Fully erect against her furry arse, the fur getting softer and softer as she demanded it, presented herself for me. Offering herself, shimmying her softness over my erection... demanding it from me... pleading that I be in her.
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!
Inflamed by her body's nearness, I entwined my fingers in her fur and draw her back against me.

Feeling her buttock sliding into position as I moved, feeling the smooth groove, wet from her body... on my cock... guiding me, rubbing, parting, for me... closer, closer!...
There!... the first touch of my cock in that place, warm!, so warm! The female's huff of excitment and desire mixed... she didn't wait! They never wait, they never hold still, when the cock, is so close to where they want it; she drove it in further, wanting it as badly as I did!

It slid up inside.. both of us reacting to the sensation of being stretched and compressed. A slow inhalation as it went! I closed my eyes, ecstatic, as my cock sliped deep into her body, but I've only just started!
I am so big!, She is so small! so fragile... I restrain the urge to grind myself inwards... little fuck, little fuck... don't break her! little fuck!
The pressure and the growing pleasure that increased as I mounted her... pumping it into her... yes... yes!... yes!... Oh!... Ungh!... Ungh!... Ungh... a growing desperation! The need to come... rising in me.
It had been so long, I wanted to, I needed to! I couldn't hold back my need, I had to do what my body was screaming for...

I wanted to... feel my erection sliding around inside her, wanted to feel her body pressed in close as I thrusted into her. Wanted to pull her back to me, wanted to feel our body's rubbing together, then part, then thump in close again... hear the sound of our bodies meeting... thump!, thump, thump, thump, thump...
harder, harder, harder, gripping her above her hips, pulling her backwards... I have to... have too!... it's so good, she's so good. My female, mine!
I'm crouched over her now, my want's making me dominate what is happening, harder, harder, harder, harder!
Want too!, Need too!
Muscles at thigh and buttock starting to strain, deform under the force of what I am doing to her. She's looking back over her shoulder, looking at me working her arse, her body compressed into the ground, head and chest being pushed into the dirt, arse cheeks in my hands, lifted. Cock running up deep inside her, Pumping it harder, harder, harder!
The feeling rising inside me!
It's coming!, it's coming!
I wanted it to happen!
Pulled her to me harder still...
Harder, deeper, harder.... deeper... HARDER!... ... DEEPEST! DEEPEST! DEEPEST!
The moment arrived and I felt the powerful contractions passing through my balls, felt my shaft convulsing as I start to empty into my female.... she's so good! so good! MMmmmm!... so good!
I clinch myself to her, arms on her shoulder's holding her back, onto me... covering her at this vital stage, crushing her to the ground, feeling the pressure of my orgasm, the pressure of her body squirming under me... No! stay still, stay still, I'm not done yet... not yet!... soon, I'll be done soon... let me empty out in you!
So good inside you!
So good!

There, I'm done!
How I wanted that!
How I needed that.
I grunted my satisfaction... this time had been for me, for my need had been great, taking only seconds, not minutes...
It had felt great!
My new mate had been great!
I stood up from my positon and opened my eye's... and, wanting to see the perfection that I had imagined, looked down at her... my female!

The great glass wall, formally clean and transparent, was smeared with the oils and dirt from my fur and skin... and, in the centre of the mark, was a clear spot, shaped like my phallus, marks from my balls rubbed below. Come was dribbling down, through the clear patch in the glass... masses and masses of it, that I thought I had been giving to my new mate. It was smeared over my cock, smeared around my balls, groin and thigh's... smeared everywhere and dribbling out of me still.

I scanned the area, females were scurrying away from my location, the young picked up or being shivvied away to safety. They disappeared, out of sight, along the path's and into the tree's, as they departed to safer parts of their large enclosure.
They wouldn't come back, I knew... I driven them away, just like I'd driven everyone else away.
I sighed...
Someone approached, on the other sdie of the glass wall...
One female remained.... surrounded by the sun, she stood observing me.
The smell of her excitement came to me... and I knew she was leaking, lubricating, her body wet... she'd liked my display... she still wanted a piece of me! But she could no more reach me, than I could reach her!
In my heart I claimed this last one as mine!

The last ray's of the sun disappeared and with the change of light, she was revelled to me. The smell of her reached my nostril's...
It was unnatural for her to want me... or for me to want her.
It was wrong... that she should smell so sweet.... the smell of her sex scent carrying the promise of her body... soft, warm... human.
Anger!... I smashed my fist's aganst the glass wall... again... again.... it shook and reverberated... a booming sound that startled the roosting bird's from the tree and the human outside my enclosure.
I beated my chest and it made a similar booming sound. She stepped backwards, then left... the sound of my anger chasing her away...

I hated her! I hated myself!
I felt wrong!
I felt bad!

I was angry at myself...
She was soft and warm... but thinking of her, like that, was wrong!
I wanted her...

Day shift...
I'd rushed on ahead... in time to see him start humping the wall... I had stood behind the other women... some of them were equally interested in seeing him in action. I was entranced by his cock as he thrust it out at us... wetly sliding, the squeaking sound of it coming through the glass, his quiet desperate grunt's coming through the heavy grill above it.
"There it is!"
"That's what I want!"
So, while the majority of the women did a runner from the sight of a male gorilla genitalia, as he tried to root them, I had enjoyed watching him do his thing... biting my lower lip as I imagined him in me. I wasn't the only one either, it's amazing how something like that get's you going... thinking about how satisfying it would be... make you want to try it out for yourself... take a walk... on the wild side.
Like that!
Just like that!
Not now, girl!
Not now... but soon!

I waited for the show to finish and then let the other women know that it was closing time. They left and I was alone with him.
I thought about what I wanted to do with him... soon!
Stepped up close... let him see me, let him smell me, that he might know me later, get him used to me...
I planned to see a lot of him!
All of him... soon!
I promised my body as my breathing deeper... wanting it now.
Wet, wet, wet... a nice warming response to my promise...
Then the Gorilla snarled at me... and his arms had bounced off the glass panel. I took a step back. He didn't like me!... or something about me got up his nose.
I stepped back some more... not tonight!
But soon, I hoped.

"Closing time, Cassie!"
I nodded to the other security guard as he came up the path and we continued down the hill, making people aware that the gate's would be locked soon.
I was done for the day. Day-shift only for me, to start off with.
I caught the bus home, happy to kick the new shoes off my aching feet. I put the dark blue blouse and skirt on a hanger and hooked it over the door to air.
Sat down for the first time this afternoon and turned on the Ipad...
Well... I'd wanted the job!
If you could live without it, you wouldn't have been driven to try to get it, would you, Cassie?, I asked myself.
No.. I wanted it!
Slightly different story, different venue.
I needed the money, until the royalties came in.
I wanted sex, again.
I wanted it so badly, I was prepared to do this to get it... Security Guard at a Zoo!
I couldn't wait until I'm was on the night-shift!

Night Shift!
At night, the paths were dimly lit, well enough to follow them around, to the Gorilla enclosure.
At night, only one guard was rostered on.
I was ready!
The camera's covered the entrances only, the rest of the zoo... nothing!
I had the key's, I had the lubricant, I had everything that I thought I might need... in my backpack.
Now, with just enough time before dawn, when it was unlikely for anyone to come and check on me... I made my way to his enclosure.

I passed through the two door's and out into the dark enclosure... then I followed the wall around towards the viewing area, where we usually saw each other.
He had mellowed... now he just eyed me up and down, his sniffing audible through the grill... sniffing my panties, I hoped.
I passed easily through the area's with lights, but had to use the wall to guide me through the dark places...

I heard her coming.
Smelt her.
I tried to stop wanting her, wanting it...
I growled at myself, inside my head... don't do it!
Let her go by.
Let her go!
I ignored my own advice and stood, as she felt her way along the fence, not even having to move to intercept her.
I guess I startled her, standing up like that, so close to her, in the dark.
She gave a cry of shock and tried to shove me away. She was taller than I was and I misjudged her weight... I grabbed at her, then shoved back at her, too. She flew away from me, the back of her head smacked into the wall. The woman took a step forward... then another, her hands went to her head... and then she collapsed into the dirt.

I prodded her... no!, she was out to it!
Good skill's, brute, give the girl the bash!
I ran my hand's over her body, trying to get a response.
Had I killed her!
Was she broken?
I rolled her over.
Not broken!

I bent down, sniffed her, up and down.
Sniffed her there... briefly.
Well, it wasn't as if she was going to say "No!" to me was it?

I tugged her skirt off, down her thigh's, off her legs.
With it gone, her pale skin made it easier to see her.
The shirt wasn't going to be so easy... I fumbled with the buttons, but then buried my face into her soft tit's and belly and ripped them off with my teeth, one by one. Spitting them out onto the ground. Her body lifted and slumped each time.
Slowly, being rough only when I had too, I ripped and stripped away the things that she had covered herself with.
Slowly, this distant cousin began to ressemble what I wanted, what I wanted to see, what I knew.
Nearly hairless, long and comparatively skinny... there were parts, that looked like they should.
These!... and that!
I cautiously touched her breast's, then felt the weight of them... they were good!, they felt warm under my fingers. The nipple's?, I bent over her and inhaled them into my mouth... then suckled them, gently teasing and drawing on them... until they crinkled up and expanded slightly. The woman murmured and stirred, but didn't waken.
They would do, too... and down there?

I touched her, examined her... making my finger gently part her skin as I rubbed at it. I used her own body's dampness to ease away the friction.
It looked, acted... the same... I shouldn't have been surprised... but I was.
I hadn't thought about it, in that way...
Using it? Yes, I'd thought about using it... using her.
But how it would look?
Not like this... so... similar, so... normal.

That looked the same, but there were differences.
The pubic hair was coarse... curly, she was furred in black, I shouldn't have been surprised... her head was covered with it, as it should be, short and straight. Her body looked odd, fur-less and smooth, as it was. But, down there, by her sex, there was a wild, untamed confusion of black thatched fur that grabbed and held your attention... it pointed the way, the way inside.
Where her pubic fur ended... her sex began.
She looked so much like an ape!
Warm... moist... and inviting...

I eased my finger inside her, gently rubbed until my knuckle was against her... the joint of my finger allowing me to flex it, inside her. I teased her wetness onto it.. then withdrew my hand.
Smelt it...
Oh... yeah!
She smelt the same!
She smelt good.
Like an ape, which I had expected... but, even better... she smelt like a girl Gorilla did.
Tangy... but sweet!

I felt it then... like her hand had come up to cup my ball's, lightly.
Like my heart was suddenly pulsing harder... blood rushing faster, quickening with excitment.
Like her hand was around the base of my cock, gently constricting the blood flow, holding the blood in my cock, as it pulsed harder, harder, causing it to swell.
Like her finger was idly stroking the tip...
The thought of her was arousing me... and I wanted to feel more.

I exhaled sharply at the erotic sensation she was causing.
I put my nostril to her body and drew my breath in again... getting a better sample of her scent, directly from the source. Then I tongued her, feeling her pubic hair, coarse on my tongue. Feeling her open for me... feeling the smooth skin under the outer covering. I ran my tongue, up and down it, along and then back to the middle.. then I slipped my tongue further inside her.

She twitched as I tasted her properly... not complaining about what I was doing, though, so I continued...
I would lull her until I was fully accepted... lull her with my tongue!

Lull!, lull!, lull!
Lull, lull, lull, lull, lull!

Deeper, deeper, deeper!
I came up for a breath, then went back to work...
Lull!, lull!, lull!
Lull, lull, lull, lull, lull!
I sat back and surveyed my handiwork, she was wet from my saliva, her own wetness mingling with mine, now.

It was time!
I couched over and felt my cock slip into place... eased myself into her... gratified to feel no resistance from her... only...
Wrongness!... my cock started to shrink.
No! No!, No!
I leaned back again to look at her...
She's an ape!
It's OK to have sex with an ape!
I used my hand to insert and rub myself inside her... she feels good!
It's OK!
Seriously... it's OK!
I stiffened up again...
I started to hump her body again... feeling myself slipping in... out... teasing my cock, making it want what it was feeling, by degrees making my cock want to have sex with her again, a different species... but that's OK,
It's an ape... It's OK to an ape...
Distantly related, to be sure... but related none the less... it's OK.
Definately female... So it's OK...
She smelt good, felt good...
I got hard!
I went soft!
Whats the problem, here?
Aw... shit!
So what if she wasn't conscious?
But it wasn't just the root!
I wanted more than that!
I'd bashed her brains out... now I wanted cuddles from her!
Not much chance of that!

I slipped my arms under her body and rolled her on top of me, so her arms draped, touching down my sides, I pushed my leg's between hers, cupped her smooth tiny arse in my hand and held her in place... and waited... See!, she want's it!, my cock twitched... she's on top... waiting for it! I twitched a second time and I ground her pubic hair against my cock... closed my eyes and imagined she was as interested as the first day, that she wanted me... that she wanted it, wanted me, liked it.
A fantasy... but it worked! My cock rose in response to the thought that she was willing... more than willing, wanting me... my cock was more than just a little stiff now... the thought of this female wanting me, holding me, actively wanting to screw me... it did the job!
Hard now, I slipped into her again and, using my hands on her, I worked her body... as if she was fucking me, not the other way around. I thought hard about that... she wanted it!

With one hand on her shoulders and the other on the small of her back, I worked her body in unison with mine, feeling her all along me now, so good!
Big thrusts that ran me far up inside her, so I was fully extended... I held it there, aware that I'd never been so deep before... looking at her quiet face, her breasts, feeling her arse, firm under my fingers...
I shouldn't be doing this!
But I couldn't help myself, now.
It just felt so good!
I put both of my hands on her arse and made her fuck me, pushing her down onto it until I was whining with my need to come in her... not since I was young had the urge to come been as strong as it was with this female!

I dug my fingers into her butt cheeks and slammed her on to me as my orgasm hit and I pumped the shit out of my sexy female.
For seconds, I lost my mind... and during that time, I rolled her, arse down, into the dirt.
I fucked her into the dirt... pulling her towards me by her shoulders, feeling my come shooting out of me... over and over, my nuts constricting and flexing with my need to breed.
Again!, again!, again!
Straining to put it as far inside her as I could....
Again!, again!, again!
Hearing her grunting as my weight forced the air out of her...
Again!, again!, again!
Hearing the amount of air lessening. All of it forced out of her as I forced myself in..
Again!, again!, again!

Head buried between her tit's, I sighed in contentment... I was finished!
I wanted to do it all over again, but I was worn out by the energy she had taken from me... soon!
I would do my mate, again... soon!
I clambered off her... realised what I had done...
I nudged her... nothing!
Broken her for good, this time!
But no... she still breathed.

I felt fucked!
My head hurt, my body hurt.
Shivering, I sat up... where was I?


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