Horse meat.
Mostly Harmless
My face is flushed, I'm perspiring, my breath is erratic and I can feel my nerves making me twitch.
Thats just the outside... and inside?... Oh god!, inside, I'm so fucking wet and horny, wanting to do it with him... why does seeing him make me feel like this?
I'm embarrassed by what I'm thinking about, but it doesn't stop me from thinking about it... wanting it. My body relishes the sight, ignoring my mind's remonstrations... and each time the stallion pump's himself into the mare, my body reacts by pumping back at him, like it was me underneath him and not her. Like it's me ravishing him, not him ravishing her.
Stop it, Melanie!... no... no... no... I take what I see and put myself in her place... he does it again... again... again... the stallion is sexing me up, slowly, deeply, on and on and on... driving it up inside, way up inside me, his cock hitting the far end, filling me to the limit, I'm forced out so wide around him... wrapped tightly around him, he stretches me in every direction, every nerve ending is in intimate contact with him. The nerves relax when he withdraws the thickly tapered monstrosity backwards... and it send bursts of pleasure through me when he humps himself forward again, again, again... he's going to come in me... I know it, I feel it before it happens, a thrust, a wetness where none existed a second ago... he withdraws and the suction pulls his spoof after the flaring head of his cock, coating my innards with it.
The next thrust is lubricated by what he has just ejaculated... now he glides upwards, going further, new territory, more pre-cum. I can feel it flowing from him to me, he forces a final unforgettable inch inside and shoot's his load as deep as he can, withdraw's... fires another shot of it up there, withdraw's... pumps... and shoots, withdraw's... pumps... and shoots... and I'm climaxing with him, loving the feel of it. I want it... I want it to happen to me.
I want it so much.
He's done with the mare.
He slip's out of her, revealing himself to me again. It is still big, half of it is dry, half of it is wet, from being in the mare. The wet part of it is shiny, smooth and clean. I'm fascinated by how it look's, glistening in the sun, his come still slowly flowing out of the end, which has flared out wide and it's coming out of the mare, as well.
He's still usable, I want to use him... I could use him... if I could take him away somewhere quiet now... but Mum does that part.
Mum walks with him, talk's with him, cool's him down... takes him away, so he can rest.
I suck in my breath, thinking about it... and look up from looking at the stallion to see, with shock, that Mum and the owner of the mare are looking at me.
I drop the look that must have been on my face... eyes sharply focussed on his penis... coupled with lust and the desire to feel it in my hands, in my body... had they seen my unguarded scrutiny of him, had they seen the lust within me, recognised it for what it was?
Had they seen that I'm a dirty little teenager, building up a sweat, thinking about screwing the horse?
If Mum finds out, I'll be dead meat.
I couldn't stand up to their scrutiny for more than a second... I looked away from Mum's stare but I found myself looking at out the horses cock instead... shit!, don't do that, you idiot!... quick!, escape!
"I'm going back up to the house!" I announced and quickly walked away... leaving Mum and the other lady to finish up.
I was thinking about it, as I walked towards the house...
My sexuality had been slow in manifesting itself, I had been feeling nothing for boy's... or girls for that matter.
Now, suddenly, seriously, it turned out that I was different.
Seriously, seriously different... and the urge to do something about it was overwhelming.
I took the shortcut, back through the barn. Jed nickered to me and I diverted over to his stall... then inside it.
I'd spent a lot of time with Jed... he was mine, if I could trust any horse to do it right with me, it would have been Jed.
But he was a gelding... he had no ball's, what could he do to help me, without balls??... Nothing.
I was sad for him. I was sad for me.
Suddenly curious to know what it would feel like, I reached out and touched the nub of his cock... the rest of it was up inside his body. It was safe, it was dead meat anyway, and it was Jed, who had never hurt me. I rolled my finger tip around the little bit that I could touch... smooth skin, no different to any other. Two finger's... three... rubbing him, trying to get a response... nothing... dead meat, poor Jed... poor me.
I gave him food instead... and he was happy to have it, not even aware of what he was missing out on. I went on, inside, washed my hands and waited for dinner.
That night I thought about doing it with Jed... I dreamed that he could do it, I wanted him to do it.
I woke up, early... I woke up with a plan.
Before anyone else was up, I had pulled on my shorts and T-shirt and was out of the house.
I went to Jed, last. I went into his stall and closed the door behind me. Then I stood by his head, scratching behind his ears as he exteneded his nose towards me, just like he usually did.
Yes... it's me!, you see me, you smell me...
But today I smell like a mare in heat...
Would you like some of her?
Would you like some of me?
Come and get it, Jed!
Please... please... try and get it.
A small thrill went though me as his cock slowly distended away from his body... one foot... two. It was just dangling though, it wasn't stiff. He didn't thrust it at me, it would take more than just standing there to make this work.
I leaned over, reached under his body and ran my hand over it, base to tip and back again, marvelling at how smooth the bare skin was. I undid the zip on my shorts, tugged them down to my knees and rubbed my self, up and down too. So smooth... so tempting. I drew it out sideways and brought it into contact with the skin on the outside of my thigh, his cock was a thick hot bar heating my skin... but it wasn't as hot as I was, on the inside.
I worked at him, my finger's gripping harder, my hand moving faster.... jerking him off... trying to get him to react the way I needed him to. He stiffened up in my had and he involuntarily started to thrust himself in the direction that he wanted to go, at me.
I turned and placed the tip of him against the gap at the top of my thigh's and pumped him with both my hand and my body, from my new position. He slipped through the gap, tight against the skin of my inner thigh and pressed against the outside of my vagina, pressing against it, sliding past it... so close to where I wanted him now.
Jed moved his front feet, his belly pushing me lower as he manovered himself over the top of me and then he kind of... bucked... his cock into the gap, I aimed it for him... and it went into me... Jed squealed... I squealed... then I clamped my mouth shut, staying in the crouch as Jed pumped more of himself up inside me... I was muffling the grunt's as he forced it in... I was too small for it... he pushed it upwards anyway... too tight for such a big cock... he made it fit... not wet enough... he was wet enough for the two of us, I couldn't fit all of him in me... when it hit the end, the part on the outside bent enough to soften the thrusts... he filled me up completely, but he didn't break me. Jed settled into that slow, steady thrusting that I'd been wanted to try out.
Take it, Melanie!... he'll only last 30 seconds!... take it!... take it!... take it!...... take it!... take it!... take it!... you can do it!... take it... use it!... use it... use him... so fucking big!... so fucking good!... fuck me... fuck me... good boy!... fuck me... I was used to it now... good boy!... I was greedy for it... I wanted more... so I was fucking Jed too... loving the intense stretching sensation... my lip's following the movement of his cock... pulled outwards... shoved inwards... over the G spot... again... again... again. It felt like Jed was working towards ejaculating in me... but he was a gelding... he had nothing to come with... he kept on going... and going... and going... harder... harder... faster.
He suddenly braced himself deep inside of me and... shot... his load... of something... into me, withdrew, pumped... did it again.
Huge... huge... squirts of what ever it was. I felt myself being filled with it... pumped and squirted into!... felt it running back down my body... Pump and squirt!... felt it forcing itself between him and I... squirt!... out of the entrance... squirt... down my thighs... Jed stood still now... squirt!... squirt!... squirt. I was squirting too!... squirt... squirt... squirt... both of us shuddering with the release...
When he pulled himself out of me, the bulk of the liquid was dumped into my shorts before my body closed again... it was clear.. so it wasn't sperm... only semen... only a bucket-load of semen.
I had squishy, squashy, sloppy bit's all the way up inside me.
I stood and took stock of myself... I was feeling unsteady on my feet... like all the new fluid inside of me was shifting around, disturbing my centre of gravity, making me list... I slowly eased my wet panty's up, then my sodden short's... I need to get cleaned up. I need to get cleaned up now. I staggered for the first few feet, then regained my balance and headed to the house, to the shower.
Jed was finished with me... he ignored me as I left... I didn't care... I was finished with him too... for now.
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