Cassie: Fucked silly.


My manager had thought of me, when the job came up.
"I know you like this sort of thing!" he had enthused, "It'll be a walk in the park, for you, Cassie!"

I read the job description and my eyes lit up. It was to be like a National Geographic or BBC documentary, that you see on on TV, and I'd be front and centre, on show to the viewer's.
Big idea, big budget... if I negotiated wisely it could mean a good pay-packet!
A small, dedicated, production team... director, camera, sound... and me... a fresh face in the industry... but a rising star.
Low key, low impact... a big adventure!
Foreign travel, paid for by someone else!
A once in a lifetime oppurtunity, to do something I might otherwise never have the chance, or money, to do...

I went home and thought about it, excited by what I thought it would be like.
Then some doubt's crept in... I tempered my excitement with the fact that there would be some danger involved.
But... if I could do what was being asked for... wow!... it would be huge! and just... wow!, you know!
It would be the first time it had ever been done! Recorded! Shown!
Now my imagination ran away with me, again.

I sent in my resume and I got shortlisted immeadiately.
I pulled out all the stops to impress them...
I got the job!

Chapter One.

I looked around the spartanly furnished room and then down at myself.
For out in the field, I'd chosen to wear the quintessential outfit for this type of work. I liked the loose-fitting Khaki trousers, I went with a lighter shade for the shirt. Robust, but light and quick drying for the rainy season, which was due to start soon. Long sleeves and legs so everything was covered, except my hands. I'd had cut my hair short. Still feminine, but easier to care for. I put the hat on my head.
I wanted to look competent.
I wanted to look professional.
I was serious... studious... earnest...
I was the Zoologist.

The one thing that detracted from that image, was the hat.
I had arrived without one, but one of Tracker's had given it to me, to help shade my eyes from the sun. He was a big man, with big hands and a big accented voice. The hat was an Indiana Jones sort of thing... God knows why he had it, it was too small to fit on his head. Even taller than I was, the Tracker had looked down into my eye's and plopped it onto my head, then he angled and tilted it rakishly.
"There!" he'd said... "Now you look perfect!". He smiled broadly, probably amused at how ridiculous he'd made me look.
I had to admit, it was better than using my hand's to shade my eye's... so I'd kept wearing it.
It kept the insect's off my head.
I checked that my notebook and pen were in my pocket, picked up my day pack and walked out to the others.

We trekked up the mountain and went to where we had last seen them... then the Tracker followed the spoor and returned to lead us to them again... once we found them we settled down to the task of observing.

I was sitting and watching them from on top of a small hummock. It gave me both the best view of the area and it let me be seen as well... I didn't want one of them to encounter me suddenly and be startled.
I concentrated on my role. I was here to study them.
I took notes, made sketches, capturing the essense of their lives as I watched their daily routines, drawn in by their slow acceptance of me. Now, after several weeks, they were comfortable in my presense and I was both allowed and drawn, to be closer to them. The younger ones touched me curiously first, then the females. The males, the Blackbacks and the single Silverback held themselves back slightly, I assumed all it would take was more time, for them to accept me too.

The Silverback was so big! Big and majestic, he was a superior example of the species. He easily drove off the younger Blackbacks that were too assertive around him... or around the females.
He was huge, compared to me. He looked at me ocassionally as he lay resting contentedly several metres away, idly scratching his belly and scenting the air.

A female, Leah, was interested in him... she approached him boldly... looking him in the eye. He moved to mate with her as I looked on... notebook and pen in hand. The camera guy was around somewhere, but not in my field of view. He always managed to disappear into the background, you could never tell where he was. I hoped he was getting this.

The female presented herself to him. He positioned his legs down each side of her body and crouched over her. She moved herself back up against him, seekiing to arouse him, moving herself up and down, up and down, the smooth skin of her buttocks gently rubbing the males groin as she simulated the mating action.
Yes!, he was responding! Stimulated, excited my her brazen display, he lifted her by the waist and began pulling her back towards him. More positioning, the female squirming as she pressed against him, eagerly seeking what her estrus was demanding. Panting with desire, wanting it so badly, wanton with the lust that was driving her even more than it was driving the male.

The pen in my hand was flying across the page of the notebook, catching what I saw, the details, my thoughts, my insights...

Trying to picture the unseen mechanics going on to make this happen. I imagined the males erection, unseen by both male and female, unseen by myself, stiffening, extending... fully extended now, the female manouvering it to where she wanted it. Nearly mad with the drive to mate, wet with desire, as the female guided the males efforts and moved to assist him get inside her body.
Get... It... In... There!

Yes!, I saw the moment they succeeded, a quiet huff of pleasure and anticipation from them both. The female bracing herself for what was coming next. The male surged in closer still, pressing in firmly, his groin, hard against her backside. He relaxed and then pumped, relaxed and then pumped, relaxed and then pumped, leaning into her to get extra depth, pumping it, retracting, pumping it in... feeding it into her body with a slow, careful, increase of power until he was fully, firmly, penetrating the female. She was matching his pace with backward movements too, both of them softly grunting, the sound coming to my ears as they did it, they didn't go any faster, the male was still gentle compared to the other animals that I had experience of, but now he was noticably firmer in his action's, driving then both forward. I couldn't look away, didn't want to miss anything of this special moment.
Of course, I'd been around all all manner of animals mating... they were part and parcel of what I did for a living. Gorilla's were special though.
I'd been interviewed for portions of the documentary we were making and I would be required to do it for this... a cold clinical dissection of what the viewer's were seeing. The clip would show me in the foreground, watching... intent on the on-going copulation, my eyes focussed on the two mating creatures, just in front of me. I would be dryly, dispassionately, relaying what the viewer was observing, sharing these intimate moments with the animals and I.

But I wasn't dry or dispassionate at the moment, just the opposite, in fact.
My body was humming... and I was all the more concious of it because I was sure I was on camera... my body vibrating softly in my core, the sensation radiating down to where my own sex was responding to what I was seeing, the activity going on in front of me was getting more and more intense.
I was wet with wanting it.
I was struggling to breath normally, not wanting to gasp the air in... not wanting to be seen breathing heavily, getting sweaty with emotion, not on-camera.
Pant! Cassie!... pant!
Resisting the temptation to give in to my desire, fighting not to let go, wanting to close my eyes in reaction to what I was feeling...
Wanting to open my mouth and softly moan...
I'd never felt as bad... as good... as this before!
I held my face straight and forced myself to look composed!
I couldn't fool myself... but I could fool the viewers!
I could look at the camera and show them what they expected... show them the Zoologist.
Clinical, dispassionate.
I wanted to wet my dry lips, but I knew how that would look... Cassie licking her lips... wanting some of that, wanting a piece of the action, wanting a piece of him. Wanting to be groped by him, wanting him to relieve the tension in my breasts, in my belly... wanting the male to be straining to go deeper and deeper, not in her, but in me... relieving his sexual tension in me... and relieiving my sexual tension as well... it wasn't impossible!
Me too!, Me too!, Me too!
Do it to me too!
What was wrong with me?, wanting that? I mean: REALLY, wanting that?
I wasn't buzzing anymore!
I was throbbing as I watched now, unable to look away... I felt the pulse throbbing in my neck, in my groin, I was wanting to pump my body, in time with his.
Pump, pump, pump!
Throb, throb, throb!

His buttocks were flexing as he drove it inwards, big and muscular, so tight!... taking her from behind, in time with his thrust's her body rocked forward and back as he withdrew, thrust and withdrew, slowly building up speed. I closed my legs tighter, accentuating where the throbbing was centred, pulsing in my thighs and pulsing between them, too.
I wanted to have a fuck. I wanted him to fuck me!
Oh God! I wanted to feel him between my legs! Wanted the satisfaction of being given an orgasm by him! It wasn't impossible and it wouldn't take much... not now! It would be two similar animals mating.
The two animals doing it in front of me had primed me for it!
I wanted to entice him over... come to me, come in me! You like Leah!, you'll like me too! I can show you thing's that Leah would never dream of!
This!, and this, and this!
Oh God! Stop it, Cassie! Just stop it! Don't hump yourself... don't!.
I squirmed, but nothing could relieve the feeling, the need, rising inside me.
Wet... horny... I started to grit my teeth... it was so hard, not showing what I was feeling, what I wanted to do with him. What he could do to me.
My neck was burning too... with the need to look around, to check the camera wasn't focussed on the millimetric movements that I was making now, looking at the pulse as it betrayed my interest... I felt so exposed! Like I was the object of their scrutiny... the camera man lookng at my arse as I tried to satisfy my craving for sex with the animal in front of me. He was so close! I would make it easy for him! I'd be so easy... so good to him!... anything he wanted! I closed my eyes and my body moved slightly... as I imagined what I would do for him... and what he would do for me
Yes!, yes!, yes... oh yeah!

The male and female finished up, both of them sated, they split up, and they moved away. I didn't get to see what he looked like. It was all over in a couple of minutes... I would have lingered with him! Shown him how much I had enjoyed it... I would have done more to thank him, afterwards... I would be better for him than a female like Leah could be. Given the chance I would make him want me again and again... do it with him again and again...

I licked the perspiration from my lips... and took several deeper breaths, until my composure returned. I turned... smiled at Tony, the camera-man, who was close behind me. He gave me a thumbs-up and said, "I got it!, good work Cassie!. The Trackers waiting for us at the bottom of the clearing. Times up!, for today." he turned and walked off, downhill, out of sight.

I loosened my belt and delved my hand down the top of my trouser's, slipping my fingers under my panties, wanting to touch myself. I groaned at the sensual feel of my finger rasping through my pubes... between my panties and my puffy wet pussy. I parted myself and I slid myself in, curling it upwards, pushing it into my body... bending it and making it into a hook and pulling it up to create pressure inside me. Letting go, flicking my finger and fucking the gorilla's erection in my mind. I closed my eye's at how it made me feel... so good! so good... I wanted his cock in me... I focussed on my hand, knowing what to do... working my finger faster, working my pussy, working it inside myself... the sound of someone approaching! I whipped my fingers clear of my trousers and wiped it dry on the trouser leg... the big Silverback!

He sniffed my front and then pushed his face between my leg's, sniffing so hard I felt the hot air rushing from behind me through the gap, into his nostril's. Sniffing my horniness, my dampness, my sexual need into his nose, then gusting even hotter air back past my wet sex. Again, again and a third time.
Processing what he smelt... he was interested! I could tell! He wanted me! He would take me! I reached for my belt buckle again... getting ready to drop my pants for him... excited that the chance had come at a time when I was primed for it... to hell with the consequences, now was good! Under his scrutiny and with my desire peaking suddenly, I undid the buckle and started to undo my trousers... I was ready for him!
But no!... he lost interest... turned away, leaving me with my pant's undone, half down my butt, watching him go regretfully. I tried following him, pants rolled down to my thigh... tried to entice him... to no avail... fuck!
I'd missed my chance!
Angry at myself, for failing to entice the animal, I pulled my pant's up, picked up my pack and stalked off to rejoin the other's.

Chapter Two.

I'd be leaving, soon.
We were over budget and the backers were getting irritated.
The contract was due to be cancelled.
The Director was getting desperate to complete the project... pressure was mounting to get the final shot's.
I'd be leaving, soon...

The dominant male was still ignoring me.
It was obvious that I was more interested in him, than he was in me. No matter how hard I tried to tempt him, he just wasn't interested in having sex with me... I was missing some vital ingredient... but what?.
He must have smelt it... when I got wet and horny for him... the thought of having him do me, made me bite my lip and contract my leg muscles in the anticipation of feeling his meat inside me... unlike other animals, he had real arms that could hold me, hold onto me, a big powerful body as well... he was a gentle giant... but no... it wasn't happening. He wasn't interested. I was allowed to be close to him, he'd sit by my side... even drape a heavy arm over my shoulder... but he considered me alien and not acceptable, in the way that I wanted to be.The rainy season had come, and gone... and everything was damp still... today, even my clean undies from the laundry bag were smelling odd, musty... they were slightly damp, even before I'd pulled them on. I had no choice though. I shrugged and pulled them on... I'd worn worse.
It didn't matter, I'd be leaving soon, anyway.

Once again, we were going up the mountain.
The Tracker had gone forward to check they were still where he had seen them earlier, a few minutes away, at the top of the hill. The rest of us were waiting in a small clearing.
I needed a pee... wanting some privacy, I ducked away into the bushes, there was little chance of privacy, once we got up to them. Those camera guy's filmed everything!
So I was hiding in the bushes, taking a leak.

Still thinking about my predicament, I stood and pulled up my pants, scanning the clearing ahead of me. It was empty... the film/sound guy's, the Director... they had moved on, without bothering to wait for me!

Irritated at them, I huffed my breath out and looked down to fasten my belt. The hot wind blew my breath back into my face, then it changed direction and gusted onto my back... that's odd, I had time to think... and then a hand grabbed a handful of my belt and the waistband of my trousers. I was yanked backwards and my legs slipped on the grass. I face-planted in the dirt. A face pressed into my butt, sniffing loudly beyween my leg's. It pushed inwards, the strength of it spreading my legs and a hot breath panted over me. I looked back... a male gorilla, not the dominant male... but one of the Black-back's that lived adjacent to the main group, had hold of me. Satisfied with the smell of me, it dragged me backwards, downwards, into the ravine... then it turned and literally scampered down the hill. Towing me quickly, I was slid, arse-over-tit, down the hill. On my arse, on my stomach, sticks bruising and poking me, the button's on my shirt catching, popping free, ripping off. I was rolling onto my back, onto my front, through the grass, bushes and dirt. The downward travel pulled my shirt and my bra up to my neck... and so my tit's and all were covered in all manner of mud and shit, when I came to a stop, bruised and sore, at the bottom of the gully. The grip on my trousers relaxed.
I looked up at him, still in shock at how suddenly this attack had been.
He looked at me with interest.
Gorilla 101: Look away. Don't provoke them. Be non-confrontational... Be submissive...
Fuck that!
I angrily yelled at it... trying to scare it off, trying to get someone's attention.

Of course, that was the wrong thing to do... but I doubted it would have made any difference. Yelling into it's face... made it come for me. I'd been looking at the bigger, gentler, male at the top of the hill... but this one was scaring me. It weighed 3 or 4 times what I did and I suddenly realised that getting away from it, away from it's aggression, would be a good idea. I tried to scramble back up the hill. It latched onto my trousers again and yanked me down once more. I turned to kick out at it and he pulled the trousers down my legs in a single jerk. The trouser legs caught on my boots, hobbling me... and the gorilla used them to tow me backwards, closer... closer... I clenched my legs together... he spread his leg's apart... and there it was!

My research on the net had told me that the average gorilla was only two inches long... we're talking small potatoes, right? But I was looking at the "above average" version here... three inches!.
I would have laughed at how short it was, but I was being confronted by a animal intent on having me. I wasn't ready, I didn't want to... not with this young one, anyway. He was too aggressive!
I was suddenly more unsure of what I'd thought about doing with them.
This was a wild animal... not someone's pet.
I had changed my mind!!
I felt a primal fear... No!, I wasnt ready for it, I wanted to be ready! Not now!... not yet!Not like this... I was alone!
But it seemed my failed attempt's to interest the big gorilla, had inflamed this immature one... denied access to the harem, he'd decided to have a go at the only other female available to him and he wasn't picky about me being a different species either.
"Immature" was only relative, I could see that... this one was hard for me... I got a good look at him as he crouched over me.

I tried to fend him off, to get time to free my legs, but he was too close for that, looming over me.
The beast wrapped his limbs around me. I tried to crawl away from him, but he dragged me back, by the shoulders. I turned in his grasp and kicked out at him... He grunted in surprise but then bulldozed my frame into the soft dirt until my knees and legs buckled and they collapsed towards me, letting him in closer. Frantic now, I rolled onto all four's and tried to crawl away from the threatening animal, hearing... feeling... his response... the tip of his cock prodding my arse. He followed me, driving me in front of him and I wailed in terror... feeling the hair on his legs brushing me they moved up my sides, knees touching my bum, knees touching my hips, knees touching my sides, with me stuck between them. His arm was on my ribs, on my arms, rolling around my shoulder... suddenly they were touching my neck... tightening together, my head sticking out the front of a furry prison. Effectively corraling me so he could do what he wanted.
His knees blocked the way and his groin touched my butt... his groin... and his cock.
Now, I screamed in fear, I screamed for help, but there wasn't anyone there, no-one who would save me, I doubted they would hear me, if they were at the top of the hill... they would return when I didn't show up... but they would be too late to to get here in time... it would only take him a couple of minutes to do what he wanted to me.

His muzzle lowered and he snuffled the top of my head, the width of his mouth almost as wide as my head, his jaw's strong enough to easily crush my skull... I was a big woman, but compared to him... tiny!
I'd never felt so small in all my life! Nor the fear of being small! I was tiny, helpless, against him.
I prayed that I might survive... maybe he would fuck me to death.
I prayed that it would be over quickly... one way or another.
In shock and in fear, I lay face down in the dirt, waiting for him to take his pleasure from me.

He rubbed his thing up and down my crack, but I was lying flat on the ground with my butt clenched tightly against him... luckily the angles were all wrong for him to slip it in!
That was a good thing too, as he slowly grunted and thrust at me, up and down, the force he slowly applied to my body, pressing forwards and backwards. Feeling it pressing against me. Short and stubby... hot and wide. Seeking the way in.
He was already leaking out, over me... like a first-time school-boy, unable to control himself. Good! he was young... inexperienced... maybe I could make him finish before he got into me?!

I relaxed my tight muscles and let the now soft skin massage his thing gently, inflaming him... satisfying him... he started to make quiet lowing noises.
Yeah!... that's it you little bastard!... you feel that nice smooth arse, don't you!!
You want a piece of that don't you?.. yeah, I bet you do! Thats right!... pump it!
It's all yours! Come get some!
Uh Huh! that's right... pull me back, against you... lean into those thrusts... I'm your's!... take it from me!.. take it hard! you can come if you like... just not inside me!... good boy! Harder now!
I smiled, I felt I was in control of him, so I stopped thinking about escape and thought more about how good it felt...
His cock was a broad, hot, thing, pressing down on me, the weight of it sliding, up and down, in the groove of my bum, sliding smoothly in it's bed, made slippery by what he was leaking. I felt his dick pulsing gently and smiled, knowing he would blow his load soon. He was so immature, he didn't realise what I was doing to him, not knowing what he was going to miss out on.

I was so smart... using his lack of knowledge against him... stupid male!, so easily led!
I had to admit though... now I was in control... under these circumstances... that cock of his did feel nice... large enough to satisfy, big enough to do the job! Rubbing my butt... I'd never felt anything like it before!... I imagined it in me... it's OK to just think about it!, Cassie... work it, Cassie!, good girl!... feel's good, doesn't it!
The feeling of his big fat cock slowly moving, got to me... the feeling of myself being pumped along in the dirt, tit's rolling in the soft dirt, pressed into the dirt, cock extended out along me... the cheeks of my arse massaged by it, forced apart as it nestled heavily between them... nice!, it felt nice! Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, after all... if I just relaxed, allowed my self to go with the flow?... and it was flowing! Him and me both. I rubbed my arse against him... sliding myself up and down... and it made me want more... not in me!... no... but... I could come doing just this alone!
Why not, Cassie... if he comes on the outside and you enjoy it... why not? Maybe he'll go away if you make him come on the outside?
No risk!, no pain!... no slap's to the arse, no hair-pulling... better than a guy!
Fuck him, Cassie, fuck him!
Nice and slow!
I liked it! Nice and slow!
I relaxed... nice and slow!
Closed my eyes, sighing it how he was making me feel now... fuck! This was actually quite good!. He was good! Feeling him pressing me forward... an irresistable pressure, feeling him outside, wanting him inside.
One hand on my shoulder... pulling me backwards lightly, accentuating my movement, when he thrust again...
The other one worming under my belly, huge palm on my skin, big fingers... flexing slightly, moving me back also.
So good!
Both of us were voicing our satisfaction now... I liked it... I liked him doing this to me! I wanted him to last, I wanted to come too, come first... but he started to shudder and my butt was getting wetter by the second! He was going to blow his load before I was ready!

I eased forward, trying to get him to calm down... slow down... slow down!, I want you to last until I can come too! There's plenty of time, big boy! plenty of time! I was trying to coach him, like he was the first-time school-boy that I compared him to... not especially bright, all balls and no brains... no stamina... until you taught them better... they were very enthusiatic though!
The hand on my shoulder braced, pulling me back, the hand on my belly lifting my lower half up, off the ground... the angle changed and his cock slid against my anus. I gasped at the feel of him there, at the entrance. The gorilla rested his cock against it and gave a questioning sort of a grunt. "What's this?"
My eyes widened and I grunted in shock... I could feel the tip of his head nestled in firmly, against my bum hole... but not pushing in... yet.
I felt him wiggle it from side to side, "Mmmph?" he said... I said "No!" sharply... his attention came back to me... "Huh?"
"Huh!" Dismissive! he wasn't prepared to listen to me! He knew a good thing when he felt it!
"Unnngh!" Pressure, heat, hardness! the sensation of being it pushed inwards...
"UNNGH!" Forceful!, dominating... a parting of the way, a penetration of me, of something moving inwards...
"Mmmm!" Satisfaction! he liked what he was feeling, he wanted more, he wanted me...
"Ungh... ungh!... ungh!... ungh!.. ugnh!.. ungh!, ugnh!, ungh!, ungh!.... unghhhh.. uh..uh.. Uuhhhhhh!!
I was screaming... of course I was screaming!, long and loud, as the gorilla entered me. The head passed inside, the thinner part of the shaft gripped tightly by my sphincter... he gave some solid pump's to my body, so forceful that it felt like I was splitting in two. I had never been stretched so wide, so quickly, ever before... I was unprepared for it to be in my bum... unlubed, it was comparatively dry. The shock and pain of this sudden change in what was happening swamped my thinking, briefly... more screams as I writhed, trying to get free of the arse-splitting pain of it.
My trousers impeded my struggles, but my thrashing legs kicked my boots off and I pulled my feet through the bunched up legs as I tried to kick the gorilla away from me, without success.

Then, mercifully, he was coming... up my arse. I could feel the gush of his come filling me, coating us both, feel the silkyness of it, thick... creamy. I gasped and shuddered like a gaffed fish on the end of his hook as he continued to spear it into me.
Pain... so much pain!
His thrusting slowed to a stop... his arms released their grip on me and he slumped and moaned his satisfaction... I could his spoof ejaculating into me... the scream-out-loud pain eased as he emptied out into me... as his come filled my bum... soothing the raw nerve endings... a thick lubricating cream filling me... to late to prevent the initial pain, but at least it was helpmg to ease it now.

Chapter Three.

There was a sudden roaring sound from above and we both heard a thrashing in the the tree's above us... my gorilla's head suddenly lifted and he scanned the top of the ridge nervously. He made a sound that distinctly sounded like "Oh, shit!" in Gorilla talk and he pulled back from me, pulling his wet dong free from my now sloppy gaping hole.

There was another angry bellow from above and the sound of shrubs being bashed aside.
The younger gorilla looked fearfully up the hill at the sound's approaching us. A path of destruction was being smashed through the undergrowth, accompanied by outraged sounds. Clearly the Silverback had noticed what was going on and was pissed off at this younger one's actions.
The smaller gorilla didn't hang around... he took off, running as fast as he could.
He obviously didn't want to be found, with his cock still wet from fucking me, when the source of that noise arrived. I was too broken-arsed to do more than try to hobble away.

The Silverback strode up to me, looking to where the Blackback was still running and hurled gorilla threats and insults after him. He stood above me, glaring after the smaller male... then his attention moved to look at my smeared, naked body, seeing the damage the younger one had caused and his spoof leaking out of my arse. The Silverback grumbled through closed lips and he glared at me too... as if being banged by the other gorilla was my idea... like it was my doing... well, maybe just a little! I cowered submissively, low to the ground.

He bent lower and sniffed my arse... snorting in disgust at the smell of the other males come, it was dribbling out of me, I was wet with it, it was coating my crack, up inside my bum, dribbling out and down, into my pubic hair... I was covered in goop.
The Silverbacks scrutiny made me want to close my legs, turn away... afraid and ashamed that I'd wound up encouraging the other male to mess with me. Liking it. I had been close to coming with him. I moved to stand up, but the Silverback shoved me back down again. Clearly he wasn't finished growling me yet. He continued to remonstrate me, his gruff questioning tone growing more and more fierce. Finally he gave me a another push and I rolled into a ball on the ground but kept eye contact with him.

He wiped the other one's spoof off me, wiped my arse, wiped around my vagina, wiped it off my pubes. Then he wiped his finger's clean on the grass. He sniffed me again. His nose wrinkling... the smell of the other male lingered, still on me, still offending him. I could smell it on me too... a thick musky tang, in the air, as well as the smell of his come.
He looked at me, then rumbled again, to himself this time. As if he'd made up his mind about something... he shoved me harder. I shook my head, I didn't understand. He was acting differently now, now that I'd been serviced by the young male. Another shove, it turned me away from him.

He wanted me to go!... fine!... I'd go then!.

I stood and scanned the ground for my pants and torn off shirt... aware that the Silverback was still looking at my nudity.
I was stooping to pick up my pant's when the attack came... the Silverback leaped against me knocking me over, onto my butt... before I could regain my footing, he was between my leg's, in the missionary position... I caught sight of his cock, dipping towards me. I scrabbled backwards from this agonistic display, but he just lowered himself onto me and his weight on my hips pinned me down and stopped me from moving any further from him. His dick slid up my belly as he started to pump at me, evidentally, despite my comparative similarity to a female gorilla, something hindered the males ability to get it in me, easily.

He started to hoot his discontent, thrusting harder, harder... starting to get frustrated... getting angry again... he might hurt me! He might break me! I reacted as if he was a man, seeking to calm him, help him... I reached down and took his cock into my hand. Suddenly he was still... looking at me in shock. I looked at him, knowing he'd never been handled like this before... not knowing if I had just invited disaster, not knowing how he would react. His cock was a short thickly tapered thing, hot and sticky in my hand. I let my hand lift and lower on him... lifted and lowered my hand... faster, faster!, now he started to thrust again. I guided it to where it belonged, where we both wanted it to be.... still jerking him off. Aiming him, rubbing him, rubbing me... swallowing as I felt him touching me... in the right place.
Just... there!
The tip nestled just in the right spot and I wriggled so he could feel me... so he knew where he was now. That's it... come to Cassie!
He knew what to do now and started to fuck me in that same, slow, even, style that he used on Leah and the other female gorilla's. He rocked me forwards and backwards... unlike a guy where the shaft is mostly the same diameter, his tapered cock made me open and close, open and close, tip... to base. Tip... to base. Shudder... release! Shudder... release!.
I liked it! Not just the usual sliding up and down but the widening and constriction sensation as well.
I always thought that I would... but this was so much better than I had imagined that it would be! Even the earlier fast, but mercifully brief, butt-fuck had helped pave the way for this... I'd been about to come and I was still primed for it, hornier than ever because it had been denied to me then.

I knew this one was gentler. I could feel that he was gentler!... I wanted to give this Silverback... my Silverback, the best fuck he'd ever had... one he'd remember fondly for the rest of his life... but I only had about 2 minutes left to do it in!

Shudder... release! So good! I wrapped my legs as far around him as I could, dug my ankles into his butt cheeks and, the next time he thrust in close, pulled him in even tighter against me. His cock went in nearly an inch further, my skin, softer than what he knew, moved under his mass and my added effort... I smiled at his look of astonishment and did it again on the next thrust, turning slightly so instead of a straight shot, his cock pressed in sideways, adding to the sensation we felt.

The was more rustling in the bushes and Leah appeared, watching intently... there was my veiwing audience! She came close enough to touch but made no objections to what she was seeing. Maybe she didn't recognise the missionary position as sexual? Maybe she didn't care... anyway, she watched on as we continued.

I put my arms around his shoulders and pulled myself off the ground, clinging to him, gravity sliding me further into his lap. He sat up and wrapped his arms around my shoulders and we were almost face to face. I lifted myself up and dropped myself onto him, feeling his shaft going deeper still, I closed my eye's and moaned, the base of his cock was as wide as my fist, the pressure from it going in felt so good! I did it again, looking at his facial expression, he liked it too!
The next time he helped... he pulled me down at the same time and he went even deeper... "That's good!", I encouraged him and he did it each time we came together.
"That's good!" I sighed and pressed into his chest.
"That's good!" I let him take over and concentrated on my own pleasure.
"That's good!" I was in the arms of a gentle giant...
"That's good!" He was rocking me, kind and attentive, cock deep inside...
"That's good!" I was stretched so wide, taking pleasure from him.
"That's good!" Everything I had ever wanted in either a man or an animal.
"That's good!" Slow... and deep... and big... and strong... irrisistably strong. I liked his kind of strong!
"So good!" I sucked in my breath and held it...
"So good!" the next thrust was contained within me...
"So good!" I didn't let my emotions go, I bottled them up inside,
"So good!" kept it all inside me, allowing it to build up,
"So good!" build up...
"So good!" soon!
"So good!" Build up... Oh God... soon!
"So good!" Now I was the one trying harder, going faster, taking control...
"So good!" making sure that I came first, making sure that I didn't miss out.
"So good!" Gasping as it hit me, washed over me, panting as I suddenly needed to fucked him hard and fast, doing to myself what I recognised he wouldn't do to me. Oblivious to anything else I rammed his pole up me, quivering on the end of it, getting all of his depth and girth inside me, my orgasm driving me to do him harder... faster. He let me go, to ride free of his interference. Liberated, I rode him in a frenzy, loving that moment, loving it, loving him.
Easing of to find he was still building up to hs own orgasm...

I was done... but I owed him... I wanted to thank him... wanted to make it special for him too... wanted to give him something to remember me by... I would be leaving... I couldn't stay... as much as I had enjoyed it, it just wasn't possible.

So, for the Silverback, I didn't try to get away, now I was finished... I continued to ride him as his own orgasm approached.... judging when it was the right time...
Now!... now I was the wild thing, here in the jungle!.

I slipped off him and took him in my mouth, hearing both him and Leah's startled grunt, I sucked him down my throat and gave him his first ever blow-job, deep throat style, marvelling at how he felt, storing it away in my memory.
Sucking on him, gagging on him, feeling the flexing continue, deepening, quickening, feeling his come as it started to pulse out, from his ball's, into his cock.
I took my mouth off him and let the first squirt go into my waiting mouth and I tasted gorilla-flavoured come for the first and only time in my life. Then I used my hands to jerk him off, so some of it splattered over my face... aimed it onto my breasts... then I put him back inside me and rewarded him by letting him finish off in my hot, wet pussy... loving the pulsing gush of it, as he filled me up, inside, stirring him around and around inside me.
I smiled at the happy male sounds, that he made, as I did it for him... the female was touching herself and touching him too. She'd appreciated the show, also.

I let him empty out, enjoying his closeness... he was going to finish soon... soon... there! was over! His big arms rested quietly around my shoulders, only embracing me, now, not lifting and dropping me on to himself.... his... our... enjoyment complete.

Done! We were both done!
I'd done it!... Gorilla sex!
He'd done it too, Human sex!
I took a few deep breaths... kind of sad that it was over.
I'd be leaving, soon.
Nothing would better than what I had just succeeded in doing... I wanted to remember this time... it had been perfect!
For him and for me!
I gave the gorilla a final hug... in gratitude and in thank's... then I climbed off him.

I found my pants and undies, socks and boot's, sat on my arse and put them on. Picked up what was left of my shirt, used it to wipe the come that was running off my tit's, down onto my belly and then put it on. Ripped like it was, it flapped in the wind, showing me off to anyone who saw me... tantalising them with glimpses of tit and nipple.

Finally, I stood up, and looked around... and found that Leah wasn't the only one watching me...
The film crew was there too, sweating in the sun, as they watched the action.... how much had they seen? How much had they caught on film?
"Did you see it happen?" I called out anxiously to the camera man... I had to know!
"Yeah, I got it, Cassie!", Tony said... still filming me.
"Did you get it all?"
"I got it all!... including the Blackback!" he responded..."We got the money-shot, we got everything!" he said happily, "It's in the Can!, Cassie!, I'm sure it will be a wrap!, when the boss see's it!"
"Good!" I said, hopeful that I wouldn't have to do it again.

The Silverback still looked dazed...
I'd fucked him silly.
I smiled... obviously I'd left an impression on him... it's not like he got fucked by a woman every day... let alone a porn-star!
Thinking about it, I smiled some more.
I smiled more than I had smiled in a long time... repressed a giggle.
He'd fucked me silly!

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