I liked it a lot.
Mostly Harmless
I'm stuck in the house... it's just him... and me.
I'm sitting at the table... more aware of his presence than ever before... is it just me, or is he making a point of watching me?
I wish he wouldn't do that!... you know... the whole blind adoration thing... when you glance at them... then look away... then look back a minute or so later... and they're still looking at you... and you know that they haven't moved, or even blinked, since the last time you looked.
That intense scrutiny was starting to unnerve me...
I think he wants me...
I glance over at him again... he see's me looking, he licked his lip's, like he's tasting something good... and I think it's me that he's thinking about.
I think he wants to lick me... I cross my legs... there's nothing for him to see, now... not that there was anything to see, earlier, either... I'm trying not to think about that tongue of his... trying to deflect the thought of what he wants to do with it... but I'm getting damp at the thought of letting his tongue closer... closer... the initial contact... silky smooth... making me wet...
I work at controlling my breathing.... work at breaking the cycle... looking...looking away... looking again, wondering what it would be like, looking... wondering... my leg's opening, closing, opening, closing... control that breathing!... in... out... gently now... gently in.... gently out... once again my thoughts turns to the dog... gently in... gently out... gently in...
**Make yourself a coffee!** I desperately seek a way to turn my mind from where it's leading me... up the stairs, to my bedroom.... the soft padding of his feet following me... turning back the sheets, turning to him...
I walk over to shut the dog into the Laundry, close out the sight of his questioning eyes... his tongue... his sheathe... his cock... the tip starting to protude as I approach him... I close the door and I rest my head on it... almost crying in frustration.
I need some cock.
I close my eyes and try to banish both the memory of what I have seen and my desire to see more...
3 days in, and the isolation is driving me crazy...
I'm watching the TV, browsing the internet and frigging myself on my bed.
The dog is starting to look real good, to me. The scent of his skin and fur is a pleasant, mild, muskiness, that beg's me to draw it slowly through my nose, it encourages me to hug him, bury my face into his thick soft coat and hold his body against mine, tightening my arms around his chest, feeling his strength... he fills my arms... he'd fill my hand... he'd fill my body... I'm not doing a very good job of pushing him away... I pull at him, drawing him against my breast's, pressing them up against the side of his chest... I marvel at how that casual compression makes me feel... wanton... sexy...my breathing deepens... I catch myself as I mentally offer myself to him again.
I stand... embarrassed at how unseemly my actions are becoming... but instantly I'm thinking about it again. I go and watch the TV... then turn if off, unable to concentrate... I browse the internet... but I use it to delve deeper down the rabbit hole of dog sex... I'm on top of my bed... riding it... imagine I'm riding him... I can't get him out of my mind... and I'm unable to stop, I'm humping him... humping him good, he's so good, just what I need... I ride my finger's harder and harder, thinking that it is a pale comparison to what the the real thing would be like. I lose myself, I lose control and by the time I'm finished, there is no doubt in my mind that I will try to replicate what just happened, with him.
I roll off my bed.... still dressed in my bra and panties. I ease the soggy edges back over myself... then I go to him, feeling both a reluctance and a willingness, feeling excited... feeling hopeful... not knowing what will happen or what I will get, out of the encounter... I'm trying something new... I hope he can satisfy my need.
From the bedroom, down the stairs to the Laundry... questioning myself... do I really want to go through with this?... I open the Laundry door... he doesn't give me time to change my mind... instantly he's standing in the doorway, preventing me from closing it... his tail wagging... so happy to see me... lashing me with it, causing little flickers of pain, as he whips it over my arse... he walks around me... whipping me... surveying my body... whipping it... marking it... I stand still for him, but needing more than that just a light whipping from him. He takes his time... I swallow my sense of urgency... I let him discover me at his own pace... he's sniffing inquisitively, alhough he must know the smell of me... he pushes his nose into my butt, then in from the front... sniffing so hard I'm surprised my pussy isn't inahled into his skull.
How can he resist the smell of a wet pussy?
I smile... it's going to work out... just fine!.
I push myself out at him... Smell it?... Do it... be a bad dog!... bad dog!... bad dog!...
His tongue is moving on me... I like it, I want it... bad girl... bad girl... bad girl...
I want it so bad...
Bad girl, Bad girl, Bad girl...
"Come on, dog... Let's go play!"
I make a run for my bed, but the dog is too close behind me... he takes me down, in front of the fireplace. He straddles me... I grab his collar and tussle with him, mock fighting, but roughly, liking how he responds to it. The dog is rough too. but it's exciting not painful... he grab's onto the front of my bra and lifts me up, shaking me around, his lip's and clenched teeth rubbing the side's of my tit's as he shakes me this way and that. The bra can't cope with the stresses that he put's on it... it comes apart in his mouth... and everything fall's out... he goes for my tit's, a firm tongue licking and lifting each side, he closes his mouth and bulldozes me flat onto the carpet, his chest on mine, tits crushed underneath. I grab him with my arms and legs and hold him to me, my body craving his. I make a grab for his sheathe and encourage him to get hard, wanting it now, wanting him to hump me.
I felt his cock, I felt that thrill you get when a male responds to your touch... He's trying to drive his cock up inside me... the fabric at my crotch is pushed inwards, but it isn't pierced or torn... not yet. I feel him squirting, his wetness meeting, mingling, with mine.
There's no time to try and change things... this will be the time and place... not in my bedroom.
Down and dirty, like a bitch... here and now!
I'm flat on my back and he's straining to enter me. I slip my hand under one side of his body and ease my panty's to one side for him... instantly he hammers it onto me, lowering himself so I feel his tight nuts press into my arse.
Just as quickly, I'm smiling, his penetration of me is swift and accurate... I lift my knee's, press down with my ankles and present myself to him, firming up all of my muscles... he fucks his way into that firmness, it takes him, guides him... I hook my hands around the top of his legs, below his shoulder blades and pull him into me, pumping my pussy up to meet him, trying to match his speed and rythym... it's impossible... he stretches his head out and fucks me like he's crazy, letting loose a non-stop mumbling, grumbling sound of contentment, punctuated with tiny grunts at the end of each stroke... his enjoyment is obvious... the sound embody's what I want from him... honesty and appreciation... then I realize that the warm glow inside me is not entirely from his enjoyment, alone... he is pleasing me too... I'm actively trying to get more from him, get what I need... taking it from him... it was good!... and then it got better... his knot bulged out of his sheathe... I felt him pressing it into me... I wanted to see it, see what it looked like, compare how it felt with how large it was... but he put it against me and bucked it up inside, sliding it out of sight.
It's so different to what I have experienced before... I lie there, taking it... feeling the changes as he goes at me.... short and thin... thickening up... lengthening... the bold insertion of the knot... the swelling sensation, everything pumping hard and fast... liquid exploding out of him, spraying, gushing... the gradual slowing of that... more of a pulse than a pump... in comes the knot... everything swelling up... bigger than a man, wierdly shaped, sharply tapered... the bulkiness of the knot pressing the G spot out, forcing his knot and sizable cock, in further, a slow motion rearrangemnt of my body parts to accomodate it. I close my eyes and wonder how it can possibly fit within me. I'm so full of him... full of knot and cock and come... I'm aware that his orgasm is quiet, but effective... if only I hadn't done it earlier, I might enjoy one too... I don;t believe that he will last long enough... but I make him move inside me... knowing that I could come, given time... I work my body to achieve that watching his eye's change as he realises my enjoyment... crazy lust is replaced with that look of adoration again... I feel his love... and in my own way, I love him back.
His cock is a monstrous, marvelous thing... when I move, I can feel it all along it's length, feel the quiet litle spasm's doing their work... his orgasm reduced to a slow transfer of liquid between us... it's running out of me... down, past my bum, lubricating all... gentle and sensual... I can feel it... I feel everything... I feel his cock's slow movemnt as I take control of his body, my arms and legs working themselves, working him in the way that he has to move... he doesn't mind... he's content to just lie there for now, wrapped in my embrace. I use him... and he lasts... and lasts... and lasts ... until I'm desperately fucking him around inside me, bouncing around the carpet, using the weight of his body to give me what I need. I finally wrap my leg's around his arse and drive him even deeper... clenching and unclenching my legs, making his big sharp cock prod me, deeper... deeper... forcing me over the edge, giving myself the orgasm that I had promised myself earlier...
Gasping at the release, I hold him tightly to him... rocking him and I in time with my body's demands... in time, I'm finished... I let him go...
We seperate...
I'm satiated... he gave me what I needed...
I look at what the dogs got... what we used on me...
I'm impressed... both at him and at myself...
It's so big!... and I took it all of it... and I liked it....
I liked it a lot!
Continue to read from the same author
previous story
Thief... as good as gold.next story
Horse meat.
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