Laura 2: The Sleep-over cont.
Mostly Harmless
I could feel my orgasm fading away... and Dad's too, a slight shrinking sensation... the small tremors in his cock still adding to the wetness in me. He'd come... I'd come... in the end, it had felt so good!
He collapsed onto me, still holding me in place... everything except my mouth felt good... the fingers of his hand were still jammed in there... and it was aching.
"Thank you, Laura!" Dad said...
**It's Stanis!, Dad!... you did it to me, not Laura... and I feel great!... thank you, too!**
He took his fist out of my mouth... I closed my mouth and licked my lips... should I tell him that he'd fucked me by mistake?
Or try and hide it from him...
He still thought I was my friend, Laura... I wanted to tell him... that it was me, that I had been the one who'd made him come... his daughter, Stanis. Tell him that I was the one that had made him feel so good, that I loved him... and if this is what it took to be loved then it was OK with me. I'd gone from struggling against it to enjoying it so much that I had orgasmed... I didn't mind being fucked by him at all... I wanted to tell him!
Then the light was turned on.
Looking up, I saw Laura at the door... taking in the scene... Dad, naked, on top of me... taking me from behind... nothing could disguise the fact that Dad had been fucking me. I had no options' now...
I would have told him later! I would have broken it to him slowly.. gently... but Laura had taken that option from me!
I'd heard the sounds... came looking to see what was going on and listened in the Hallway as Stanis's Dad fucked her too... wanting in on the action, my body wanting to get in there, but letting them finish... this was turning out to be a really good night for me!
I waited until the action reached it's peak... it was obvious to me that they were both coming... Stanis making oddly sibilant sounds that gave way to a very satisfied drawn-out moan that I recognised from my own exploit's with her Dad's monster cock.
I flicked on the lights, catching them right at the end... Steve, ball deep in Stanis, straining forward to get maximum penetration, back arched, body tight... and Stanis!
She'd let her Dad take her from behind! She was face down, looking towards the door, eye's alight and with a dirty little smile playing on her lip's!... hands gripping the sheets tightly, humping herself backwards, working herself onto her Dad's cock... she'd loved it too, just like I had... just as much as Steve had....
"Mmm!", I said to myself approvingly... perfect!
Steve took one look at me and then he looked at the girl he'd just fucked... that self-satisfied look that he had been wearing dropped off his face and it was replaced with shock! He hadn't known!
He braced himself and pulled his cock out of Stanis, I watched it sliding out from her and wanted to straddle him and use it on me again too... I'd never seen one from this perpective before... and still wet from another girl... wet Stanis... wet Laura...
"Oh shit!, I thought you were Laura!... I'm so sorry!, Stanis!" he said to the girl on the bed... he was reacting as if he'd raped her... but the look on her face told a different story! I saw a girl that wanted that meat back inside her... like a new toy had been taken away from her.
He slid off, to the side and turned away from her... rejecting her now... Stanis turned and would have consoled her father... he jerked his body and withdrew from her embrace... she lay there, clearly wanting to comfort him... I could see that she was more upset by his rejection than by being accidentally screwed by him. Steve grabbed the duvet and pulled it about himself... as if he was trying to hide what he'd done... trying to process how he could fuck his own daughter, not realise who it was and enjoy doing it to her... ignoring that fact that she clearly didn't mind... blocking out what she was saying...
"It's OK, Dad!"
"I didn't mind!"
"I love you!"
"Dad?... please... hold me? Don't you love me too?"?
Now Stanis was crying... not because of what her Dad had done... but because of what he wasn't doing... she needed to know he loved her still... but he was too wrapped up in his own thoughts...
Well.... fuck!
That hadn't been part of my plan!
What to do now?
I wasn't a psychologist!
I didn't have a clue as to how to proceed...
**Ah, bullshit, Laura!... you know what needs to happen!, you can't make it any worse than it already is!... you're responsible for this mess!... now sort it out!"
I turned off the light and went around the bed, hopped in so Steve was between Stanis and I... I could feel her eye's on me... feel the suspicion... was this a final move, on my part, to steal her Dad from her?
No! She was my friend!
Oh sure... I'd seduced her Dad!... but I wanted her too.
I turned to face him, pressing in closer, get him noticing that I was still naked... get him to remember what I looked like, felt like, get him horny again... it was probably too soon for that... he had girls on either side of him now... both wanting diferent thing's from him... both pressing in, wanting to feel his warmth.
He turned away from me, us... facing up, looking only at the ceiling, so he didn't have to look at either of us!
Dad's head had swivelled towards the door too... looking at Laura... turned back to look down at me... now Dad knew... knew he'd fucked his daughter.
He moaned in shock... withdrew himself from inside me, his cock slowly snaking out as he shuffled backwards.
I was unable to stop it from going... I tried to grip it, to stop it from leaving me but now I was full of Dad's spoof and so slippery inside, out it went, leaving an empty void and a sad girl behind.
Laura's eyes flicked from my face... to my arse... touched her lips with the tip of her tongue, watching Dad's cock as it exited from my PJ's... there wasn't anything I could do to stop her from looking.
Even worse, Dad apologised... I didn't want an apology! I wanted him to hug and hold me! But Dad turned from me, rejecting me now! Leaving me staring at his back... He shrugged my hand away...
This was turning into a nightmare!
The light was suddenly turned off... Laura!
This was all Laura's fault! If only she had kept out of my life! Out of Dad's life!
Kept her nose out of what Dad was doing to me... Dad would never have found out, until I was ready to tell him... but no! she had to come along and fuck everything up! Dad... me... everything!
I heard her walking around the bed... felt her slip in next to Dad... I hated her! I wished I'd never met her! Even now she was trying to steal my Dad away from me!
He turned from her too!
I glared at her... thieving bitch!
Dad was shaking still.. cold... in shock...
I felt her hand on my shoulder... she gave it a small grip of... reassurance?
Dad was between the two of us, her hand lying across his chest... holding him in place, holding me in place too, not pushing me away... inclusive. What was she up to?
Her hand slid down my arm and, taking hold of my wrist, she drew it over Dad's stomach, letting it rest there... he was tensed up so tight, I felt his abs!
Her hand slid back up my body, over my shoulder, it encouraged me to lean into Dad, drawing me in closer, turning her body towards him too, now we were both giving him our warmth... pressing against him, warming him as he shivered...
I guess we both loved him...
It's OK, Dad... it's OK!
Slowly, slowly, he relaxed... tensed... relaxed...
He might have slept.
I know I did...
Slowly the light in the bedroom improved as dawn approached... light enough to see the other two. Light enough to see they were still asleep. Light enough to see Steve was hard, even though he was asleep.
My hand was still across his chest, I lifted it and stealthily moved it down his body to gently touch him with a gentle caress... so much meat! So much to desire!
Even though my movement was slow and careful, Stanis's eyes opened... regarding me nuetrally... her own hand came down there too... touching mine as it moved lightly up and down... she knew what I was doing!
I caught her hand between my fingers and brought it into contact with the skin on Steve's dick... she froze, feeling it on her finger tips... I quirked my eyebrows, my expression silently asking the question...
Yes... or no?
Did she want Steve that way? Or not.
She bit her lip and nodded to me.
I moved my fingers to on top of hers, lightly cupping her hand and guided it up and down his skin, moving it slowly up to the glans and back down... she started to move it by herself...
Laura smiled at me slightly as I explored Dad's cock... explored the man beside me. Remembering the feel of it inside me, the emotions it had brought to me... the orgasm, this man... Dad... had given me.
Laura's hand left mine and moved sideway's... towards me, towards my pussy... finger, going under the top of my PJ bottom, finding my thighs compressed against her, she stroked the pubic hair lightly... caressing Dad's cock, thinking about Dad's cock... Laura's fingers caressing me... did I want it in me? Dad's cock/Laura's hand... yes.
I relaxed my stance, and allowed her finger's to pass inwards. I couldn't have asked for a more gentle and delicate touch... hard cock/soft fingers... too soft! They aroused, but they didn't satisfy! Soon I was gasping .. wanting more, trying to get more... get more, go deeper! get more harder! I needed it deeper/harder, my body was moving now, craving it from Laura... although I knew she was going to withhold it from me. I knew what she intended to do, what she would use to satisfy me! Cock! Dad's... Steve's... cock!
She was making me want it... need it!
And here I was, with my hand wrapped around him!
Dad's cock... long and stiff and capable of satisfying me...
My body was aching for it! Moving forward to get it!
I recognised the desire, my need to get it in me... I couldn't take it anymore! My decison made, I stopped touching the object of my desire and reached for my PJ bottom instead. Rolled away, to lie flat and raised my bum so I could hooked them down... and off... I took all of it off for him... for me.
I woke up, aware I was hard, too tired to open my eyes... at first... then I felt the fingers on it... too many hands, too many body's... too many people in my bed... too many hands on my cock!
One on either side of me... I cracked my eye open and checked them out...
Laura stroking my cock!
Stanis stroking my cock!
Both of them leaning on me, each of them lightly pressing me down, holding me still as their fingers moved over me, sharing me, no sign of conflict between them as they worked away at my cock, in unison... I was wide awake now... looking at them both.
Laura reached up and drew the sheet and duvet off us... they were naked... warm breasts and bodies partly resting against me, on me, Laura's started rubbing my upper body as Stanis continued to stroke my cock... my cock started to shrink... the shock of seeing Stanis in bed with me still... over-riding the feeling of her fingers on me...
"It's OK, Dad" she said... fingers squeezing harder accentuating the touch. I watched her hand as it touched me... her fingers wrapping over the head of it... soft fingers enveloping it, cushion it, stroking it...
Stanis's hand was focussed on the head of my cock... rolling over it, again and again, feeling good... she kept doing it until I started to pump my cock in an attempt to lessen the rising tension in me.
I might have been feeling regret for my actions last night, but they were both naked and seemingly keen for more... still... I wasn't prepared to make a move on them... I just lay there experiencing both their hands on me...
Steve body was tensing up now, as Stanis manipulated him... but he was just lying there, not pushing us away, but not actively participating yet... clearly reluctant to do anything to us. He was lightly pumping his cock through her fingers, so it wasn't an out and out rejection, but it was clear he wasn't going to take control, either.
I reached out and put my hand around Stanis's neck and encouraged it lower... her eyes came to mine and I nodded sideways at Steve's dick... drawing her mouth closer to it. The tip of her toungue flicked out and she touched the underside of his corona, both of us hearing Steve's intake of breath...
A lick, a nibble... she took the head into her mouth, bobbing her head lower and lower on it until it was slick with her saliva and her mouth was full. I saw her cheeks draw in as she applied suction to it.
Seve's eyes were wide now... he closed them as Stanis sucked on him and his head turned as if denying what he felt. I saw the tension building up in him though... until he couldn't help himself and he started to react by pumping himself into her mouth.
I took his left hand and placed in onto Stanis's back, first just encouraging him to stroke her, then guiding the hand down onto Stanis's bum... he got the idea immeadiately and his hand started to work in time with the sucking motion, disappearing from my view, around Stanis's butt
until she was bouncing slightly as well.
Steve was getting into the spirit of the occasion now, getting comfortable with having two girl's in his bed... his other hand searched between my legs and I knew I was feeling what he was doing to Stanis...
Dad's finger was working it's way deeper inside me... and he was fucking my mouth as his finger probed me... in sync... stroking me, making me wet for him, for this big thing between my lip's. Wet pussy, wet mouth!
Slippery pussy! Slippery mouth!
I took my mouth off his dick... saw Dad's pre-cum stretching between us... it had been my thought that I would make him come in my mouth... until I saw his cock, wet with it and I knew I could do better, for Dad.
I left his cock and straddled him, seeing him look at me with that shock in his eye's again...
The woman's mouth came off the end of my dick and she turned onto my stomach and looked me in the eyes... my finger had come out of her, just as wet as any other woman I'd aroused...
Stanis was wet and wanton... just for a second, she looked at me like she was my daughter... then she slipped my cock inside her and my Snake-woman was back... pumping me deeper and deeper, tighening around me as she worked me up inside herself. I left Laura and put my hands around Stanis's waist pulling and pushing her lightly onto me... most of it was dry still... I didn't just slip gently into her, but despite how tight she was, we slowly worked my boner deeper and deeper into her... there! All the way!
Stanis lay on top of me and I wrapped my arms around her...
Again, there was that small pause!
Stanis looked at me and whispered... "Fuck me, Daddy!"... reminding me on how wrong this situation was... I started thinking about it...
"Fuck me, Daddy!" accompanied with a miniscule backward motion, my cock, still seated inside her, eased forward, eased deeper...
"Fuck me, Daddy!" Stanis asked for it... my thoughts went to the illegalities of incest...
"Fuck me, Daddy!" Stanis gave herself to me... To the morality of it...
"Fuck me, Daddy!" Stanis moved more firmly... To how nice she felt... I should resist!
"Fuck me, Daddy!" I wanted to resist! I would resist!... I tried to sit up...
"No!... fuck me!, Daddy!" Now she was using her weight to hold me in place... wanting me to stay where I was... inside her... she wanted me... wanted me to... asking for it.
I put my hand on Steve, holding him down... and hissed at him warningly...
No!... no escape!
Stanis hissed as well... rose off him and then dropped her weight back onto him...
again... again.... harder.... faster... Stanis took control and the slapping sounds that she created showed the intensity of her need. It wasn't a one-way street... Steve started going at her too, hands on her hip's urging her to go faster, deeper... she wasn't fast enough! Steve rolled on top and sped up even more, with a quick slap, slap, slap slap sound.... Stanis was begging for it, encouraging him, but Steve slowed down instead, slow and gentle... lay down on top of her, setting the speed to a slow grind that left Stanis groaning in disapointment... clearly she wanted it hard and fast.
More help was required!
I clambered on top of Steve... making him the meat in a girl sandwich. I lay down too and used my body to move his... his skin rubbing mine, turning me on... I'd been enjoying watching the two of them anyway... this felt sexy as fuck, like I was doing them both... the best of both worlds! screwing the girl... using the boy to acheieve it!
Imagining the extra weight meant extra depth... Steve's cock being driven further into her by my actions... harder and faster now, his butt rubbing my body as I drove him downwards, into Stanis. She was looking at me, not Steve and I imagined what Steve's cock would be doing to her... what I liked it doing to me... harder... faster, both of them groaning at my weight, my fucking of them.
Looking into my eyes as she fucked Dad... made him fuck me, the way I wanted him to. Both of them now paying attention to my need's... I reached up and touched her too... urging them both to finish me off...
Stanis under me, Laura on top... two young women showing me what they wanted!
"Fuck her!, fuck her hard!" Laura whispered to me, "She loves you.. she wants this!" Laura sped up as I looked at my daughter, under the two of us... I could see she wasn't upset as Laura and I built up speed again... I tried to assess what Stanis wanted. Her hand was urging me to do it faster and faster... faster... faster.
Laura slipped off to one side as I made my girl come... this time it was for Stanis... because I loved her.
Feeling her reaction to me.
She loved me too.
I loved both of them.
Just as we hoped... the two of them showed their true colours...
Continue to read from the same author
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Molly Granger: story
Cassie: Fucked silly.
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