Erotic stories of Jippjo-39
Profile page of Jippjo-39. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Jippjo-39 wrote 44 erotic stories which have been read 269.7K times
Straight | 20
Bisexual | 10
Gay | 6
Zoophilia | 2
First times | 2
Funny | 2
Incest | 1
Domination | 1
2024-08-20 00:10:34
2020-03-22 16:42:41
Straightwritten on
The one that got awayGoing back into my memory bank; I came up with this 90 yr old Bitch. I was minding my own business when out of the blue came this 90 yr old Black female. I’ve seen her around town, and the world was that she liked fucking young boys. I’m think that I’m about 16 yrs old. As I walked down Meriam St. She and I were directly in each other’s path. Once we met, she stated that she liked messing round with young boys.
Can you imagine being stopped by a 90 yr old female who’s interested in having sex ... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
At 88, she’s so much in denial!Wow, can you believe it. I’ve been fucking her for twenty yrs, and she’s always been in denial. I met her when she was 67 yrs old and we began a 20 yr fuck fest. I was 42 yrs old when things heated up. Fucking an older woman excited me because the community thought she was a lonely ole bird. I’m a professional counselor by trade and I just happened to be counseling a neighbor of hers.
As time passed, I would speak to her in passing which lead to small talk. The small talk got me into her apartm... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
What a difference Cold Weather makes.Can’t believed I’ve fucked so many white females. True story, but first let me explain how I got here. Seven yrs ago I decided to relocate to Minnesota due to a job change and a change in scenery. I was born and raised in Louisiana, graduated high school and college there.
I got married for a second time and moved to North Carolina . While residing in Louisiana, I wasn’t really interested in an interracial relationship. North Carolina is a little different from Louisiana in that interracial rel... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
All the disgusting (🤮) things!Of all the Disgusting Things I’ve done in my life, and I’ve live to tell. Life is hard, in fact it’s so hard; doing the wrong things are most popular. How I’ve live to grow old is a mystery because of my involvement in so much disgusting shit. I never thought I would suck a dick. Sucking a dick to me was so repulsive; I would have fucked up a nigger even if I thought he was thinking of suck foul shit. To be honest, sucking a dick was one of my lowest accomplishments. Many times I wanted to shoot... reading time 3 mingenre
Bisexualwritten on
Playa, playa!In my earlier yrs on this earth; I was definitely a Playa, and I played the game to the fullest. I was an unofficial Pimp, but I never had whores trolling the streets for me. I trolled the streets in search of devilment. Ol boy, did I get into trouble. I never engaged in activities that would mount to criminal charges, but on the moral compass; I was a total failure. When it comes to moral fortitude, just look around your neighborhood or community is see what’s going on.
Being a Playa means tha... reading time 4 mingenre
Bisexualwritten on
visitsThe life of a “Good Dick.”Well, well, well, I got something to tell you. I’ve read a litany of stories on this site, and I try to figure out which ones are true. All of the stories can’t be true, because I want to believe that some of us got morals. Fuck no, I ain’t got no morals and will literally suck any dick that comes my way. I love a big fat plump dick resting on my tongue (👅) and deep throating me to the point where I’m about to pass out. I love staring at a dick of any kind, it could be a horse dick, dog dick, an... reading time 4 mingenre
Gaywritten on
One Night (Fucking) Stand!Has anyone ever had a “One Night Stand,” I have, and I’ve lived to tell about it. This story took place in Monroe, La. It was on a Saturday night and I was out on my own. On Winnsboro Rd. there used to be clubs galore. People of all ages hung out on Winnsboro Rd. because that’s what we did. Clubbing has it purpose, you want to have a good time, drink, do drugs, make a hustle on the side. It’s all a part of clubbing.
In my younger yrs, I was known as the Party Animal. In fact I lived in clubs. I... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
The Night I was Fucked twice by then same Guy. This is a strictly gay story, and I totally dropped the ball one night while cruising the streets in Charlotte, NC. It all happened because I was bored and was looking for some action. Being single and living alone is definitely not a good recipe living in the USA. There’s too much temptation, and a horny dick is not equipped to be steadfast and unmovable. Trust me, I’ve tried everything to curve my sexual appetite. I’ve beat my meat (dick) so much, I had to call Adult Protective Services (APS) ... reading time 5 mingenre
Gaywritten on
Stoping by the Adult Video Store.Has anyone been ever stopped at an adult video store. That a rhetorical question, I know the answer. The first time I visited an adult video store, I was in for the shock of me life. Just like any inquisitive twenty yr old, I thought the establishment sold adults videos. It never dawned on my about other activities that went on behind the curtains. BOY! Did I get a shock. Never heard of a Glory Hole, but it didn’t take me long to find out. As a matter, I was so green; I didn’t even know what a p... reading time 4 mingenre
Gaywritten on
Crack Head!From the beginning, I want my readers to be aware that this is not a story about drugs. Although it behooves me to think that a person can become so aloof within his or her life, and just throw it away over drugs. I’ve known several lowdown, disgusting, nasty as Crack Heads who would preform almost any kind of disgusting act. A Crack Head motherfucker is one of the lowest individual you would ever want to meet.
Human life is valuable and should not be frowned upon, because we are human, we make... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
I like the Dog Pussy better!Ever since I was a little boy, my fantasy was to fuck an animal. Not knowing how this infatuation came about; I find myself spending lots of time reminiscing about my early childhood. Trying to figure out my connection to beastatility or my desire to fuck a dog, a cat, a horse. My dick was always on hard as far back s I could remember. I know for a fact that I was not sexually abused as a child. I don’t believe I’m suppressing any hidden agenda that would cause me to inflate my curiosity toward ... reading time 4 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
I’m not Proud to say it, but I fucked “Mack” in the Ass!Yes, I Fucked Mack in the Ass and I’m not proud of telling this story. Even to this day I regret fucking him, but it felt so dammed good. My relationship with Mack started out with a blowjob, this homosexual motherfucker was good at what he did. I’m innocent, I’m green, not knowing that getting my dick sucked could become so mesmerizing. When Mack initial began sucking my dick, I was 18 yrs old, not a virgin, but a virgin to homosexual sex. At that time, I had no earthly idea what I was getting ... reading time 4 mingenre
Gaywritten on
A Bleeding Pussy (literally)!🦂I’m going to continue on my college theme because so much happened in my life, while attending college. Being popular on campus allowed me to fuck up without having consequences. Women would flock my way, I was well known because of my athletic prowess, my looks were average. Trust me, if you have a big dick the word is going to get around campus. Girls were curious to see if the rumors were true or not.
My long term piece of pussy kept me busy, the girl only wanted to fuck, suck dicks, and eat... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Homo-sexual University!Homosexual University is my account of my four yrs of living on campus at a well known university. Colleges are known for their higher education and sports programs. Some universities concentrate on research, where as others are known for producing political front runners. All universities send out their annual brochure that picture smiling students and a litany of courses offered,
What we don’t see is the fucked up side of colleges and universities. There’s a litany of violence on college camp... reading time 4 mingenre
Bisexualwritten on
visitsJohnny the Dick SuckerWelcome back fans, this non fiction story is about my old college roommate, Johnny the Dick Sucker. Back in Fall of 1978, I was entering my Freshman yr of college. Had no idea of what college life would be like, and I had no expectations. Living in an athletic dormitory has its advantages, but it sheltered me from a lot of the on campus activities. If you all be reading my installments, I was a top clad track runner. My best time in the mile run was clocked in at 4:02, very impressive back in ... reading time 4 mingenre
Bisexualwritten on
I loved that Nasty Bitch!Married life and marriage is so dammed overrated, life itself is so darned complicated. Marriage is a job in which we all have to work on, you heard me. Any successful marriage takes on an identity of its own; I’m considering myself to be an expert at. Being involved in three failed marriages gives me a clear perspective on the inner workings of how to fuck up one life.
This post is from my worldview on marriage and how manipulative a good piece of pussy can be. Most females knows in the back o... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
My Unbelievable Date!🤪This is another one of my true encounters, but think you’ll have to read the whole story, there’s a surprise ending. As men, we also want the prettiest, most sexiest, and well put together bitch on the planet. I’m no exception; I parade around as if I’m fucking God’s Gift to the entire female population.
In my warped and fucked up mind; I think that all the pussy should be at my disposal. It has never dawned on me that I’m not as spectacular as I believe. I’m average looking, 5ft. 11in. tall an... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Gray Haired Pussy(8)This is my last installment in met series of Gray Haired Pussy. I want to take this time to apologize for my writing style. I am not a professional writer and I do my best to proof read my shit before submitting it. The contents are all true, on occasions I might manipulate a word or two trying to excite my readers.
Gray Haired Pussy is a topic worth discussing, because I think our senior citizens are taken for granite. Gray Haired Pussies want to be heard and not drowned out by society or soc... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
visitsGray Haired Pussy (6)Just imagine walking down the street in your hometown and this pretty ass female approaches, and ask if you want to fuck her. Every hard dick man wouldn’t hesitate to get into those panties, let’s reverse the scenario and insert a crusty as 90 yr old female. What would you do and how would you handle the situation? All of my Gray Haired Pussy installments have been truthful, yes, I have an obsession for old wrinkled pussy. I treat all pussy the same and try not to discriminate. I’m being honest... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
visitsGray Haired Pussy (5)Here’s the deal! I’m challenging every male reader to try a piece of Gray Haired Pussy. The Gray Haired Pussy comes with no drama, and it there to be fucked at your disposal. There’s a different in Gray Haired Pussy and Granny Pussy. Granny Pussy relates to a female who has grandchildren, but lacks a Gray Haired Pussy. Technically, it’s possible to be a granny at 30 yrs old, but a Gray Haired Pussy comes with age. I’m thinking mid 60’s on up. 99.9 % of the Gray Haired Pussy has forgone their ch... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Gray Haired Pussy (4)By now my readers either think that I’m crazy or I’m lying, but to those who can’t handle the truth, don’t read the post. Elderly pussy fucking is a real deal. I’m not the only one fucking elderly pussy, I’m just open enough to tell my stories. It’s no ashame in explaining to the world that most elderly females still like being fucked.
There a litany of information available on how and why the elderly population continued to fuck. It a shame that elderly people have to fuck in secrecy, fucking ... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
visitsGray Haired Pussy (3)Gray Haired Pussy III is my third installment on fucking elderly female. The story you’re about to read is also true and remarkable, because this bitch knew how to fuck. The fucking continues too this day, but not as often. Her name is Esdale S. and this is truly the best price of pussy I’ve ever encountered. At 69 yrs old, Esdale B. knew how to handle a dick. A little background information on how I met Esdale B. One morning in April 2002, Esdale B. stumbled into my office with a male neighbor... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
visitsGray Haired Pussy (1).As a young man, I never envisioned having a fetish about fucking grandmas. When I say grandmas, I mean old crusty titty sagging, wrinkled skin, tootles babes. It’s amazing how we categorize elderly people. 80 year old females want to fuck also, I know because I’ve fucked several of them. These are females in their right minds, not talking about those with dementia. So many elderly females have come on to me, I’m thinking about writing a book. Arvela B. (68) was the first piece of Gray Pussy I... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
The Act of Becoming Homosexual 😀😀😀Ok, I’m back with a blistering account of how I became a freak of nature. I really don’t know where to start, because I grew up as a normal male in a normal household. Never in my mind did I ever think my sex life would be turned inside out, but being young, dumb, and even more stupid.
How did I become so fuck up sexually, there were plenty of girlfriends in my life. Getting a piece of pussy was like going to the grocery store and buying groceries, it was that easy. When I was in my early teen... reading time 4 mingenre
Bisexualwritten on