A Bleeding Pussy (literally)!🦂


I’m going to continue on my college theme because so much happened in my life, while attending college. Being popular on campus allowed me to fuck up without having consequences. Women would flock my way, I was well known because of my athletic prowess, my looks were average. Trust me, if you have a big dick the word is going to get around campus. Girls were curious to see if the rumors were true or not.

My long term piece of pussy kept me busy, the girl only wanted to fuck, suck dicks, and eat pussy. Here name was Vanessa T. and we were linked together for several yrs. Vanessa T. was overweight but had a charming personality. Vanessa T. was one of my pussy sources, she was not my girlfriend. At 19 yrs old, Vanessa T. loved to fuck; I believe she used sex to over compensate for her weight.

Like I stated earlier in one of my post, fat pussy is not for me. Vanessa was so easy to fuck, she contacted me. A guy should never ever, ever, ever turn down a piece of pussy. Vanessa served as my emergency stash of pussy. Vanessa’s dormitory and my dormitories sat perpendicular from each, and I could look out my dormitory window and see her fat ass running across the street. Just imaging a 250 lbs, 5ft. 5in. bitch running, everything in motion, titties flopping, boody shaking, and with a smile on her face. She’s on her way to my room to get nasty and do the nasty.

One thing I will say, this fat mother fucker had some good pussy. This pussy was so good (how good was it) it would make you wanna slap ya momma. Now that’s so good pussy. Give Vanessa T. Some credit, she knew that a man could not and would not turn down a good piece of pussy, even if it’s from a fat girl, pussy is pussy.

Vanessa T. finally made it to my room. We wasted very little time undressing; we had to make this a quick fuck because our dorm manager was a matter of fact kind of person. If he caught her in my room; I would have consequences to pay. We disrobed and I began to drill that fat ass pussy like I’m on a construction site. The more I stroked it, the wetter it got. I was really trying to put a hurt on that pussy. A good hurt, not a bad hurt, but an insane hurt, I wanted her to remember this fuck for the rest of her life.

This pussy was so good, I sware it was talking to me. Voices were telling me to fuck it, fuck in harder, was I insane, for a short moment I was. While fucking Vanessa T. I remember one of my homie telling me he had also been fucking her. Vanessa T. fucking one of my homie. There are boundaries to be followed, homies don’t fuck with each other’s piece of pussy. With this in my mind, I began to fuck Vanessa T’s pussy like I was trying to solve a mystery, I wanted to arrest the bitch and get a good fuck. When I fuck, I like to see my dick in action so I don’t normally turn the lights off.

Fucking this piece of pussy out of madness, all of a sudden a tsunami of blood gushed out of the pussy. It seemed like gallons of blood that saturated my bed, sheets, and pillowcases. Never saw so much blood come from a pussy. I panic because I was going to have to explain this to my roommates and dormitory manager. According to Vanessa T. she felt fine, and there were no evidence that she was injured.

That fuck scared the living shit out of me; I stop seeing Vanessa T. because of an STD. Good sex can also become dangerous sex. Guess what? That’s what happens on a college campus.
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