Bad girl...Tina!


I was standing in the Kitchen, head throbbing, hung-over, when, with the indecent familiarity that dog's have, the family pet's muzzle pressed up between my legs. He spread my thighs and inhaled the strange scent that, no doubt, still lingered there.
"Get out of it, dog!"
I turned at the sound of his voice. Dad!... did he know? Had he worked it out? God save my bod!
I prayed he hadn't... he'd thought I was Mum, home early. I hoped he thought it had been a dream. That it hadn't happened!. But I knew that the strange icky, yicky, sticky feeling, inside me, was Dad's come... not a dream or imagination... and all my fault! I was such a slut!

The dog transfered his attention from me, to my father. As I watched, the dog walked over to Dad and sniffed his groin too. The dog couldn't know that it was the scent of Dad's sperm leaking out of me... but he surely knew that Dad's cock smelt of my pussy. That, by the smell of it, Dad's cock had been ball-deep inside me and was covered with the lubrication he had brought out from deep inside as he fucked me. Yes... the dog knew, but I prayed that Dad didn't. I needed to take a shower, soon. I had to get rid of the incriminating smell... I didn't want Dad to see the dog sniffing around me... not today!

The dogs scrutiny lifted Dad's body parts and although still covered with his dressing gown, the seperate parts were easily discernable to me. Knowledge of what he'd felt like last night trickled through my mind... I'd had my first... real...orgasm on the end of Dad's cock... but I had been drinking. I shivered lightly... last night had been mistake after mistake, culminating in Dad having sex with me... not that he had realised that it was me.
Now I was afraid of what his reaction would be... and of mine. I was still staring at him (Tania... you dirty slut!... how could you? You fucked your Dad!), wanting him (He had been GOOD!, so fucking good! gentle, when I was used to rough, uncaring.), afraid of my desire and the conflict inside me (Yeah, Girl!...Do it again!,(SLUT!) and suddenly embarrassed by the fact I was still looking at him as he fended the dog away and looked up at me. I turned back towards the sink and continued to rinse my cup.

Dad came and stood behind me, I could feel the warmth of his body bridging the gap he usually kept between us. His proximity was warming my bum, warming inside me... (yes! Daddy, yes!). I repressed the urge to press back against him (Slut!), feel his body (Oh Daddy!, Daddy!... Yes!), feel him close again... imagining him unbuttoning all of my Pajama top this time, touching my body again, pushing my pajama bottom down to the floor, open his dressing gown as he hardened up, spreading my legs and feeling his hands on my hips as he pulled me backwards, onto his cock, (He was so fucking BIG!) taking me again, as I leaned against the bench, presenting myself to him... (Slut!)
But this time I wanted him to know that it was me... wanted him to say MY name (Ohh Tania!, yes!) as he did it, as I... and he... came. Feel him emptying his balls into me again, knowing I had pleased him. (Ride my dick, take my come inside you... you're MY little SLUT now!...) Wait... what was that Daddy?? (Suck my cock, slut!... Yes Daddy!... Swallow it, slut... ... yes Daddy!... Crawl on top and get it inside you, slut!... ... ... Yes, Daddy!)

The rumours were true... I really was a slut... but until last night I could... did... deny it.

No!... He MUSTN'T know that it was me, last night!... but part of me wanted him to make me come again. (Please, Daddy!)

" 'morning, Tania" he greeted me as usual, then rested his hand lightly on my shoulder, squeezing it gently before moving away, towards the refrigerator...

His touch! I felt where his hand had been... just like last night... why? when I had only wanted to talk, get a wiser opinion than my own befuddled thoughts? Why did I choose to go to him then? So many bad choices... that had wound up feeling so good.
What would Mum say if she ever found out?

But Mum was away for a week, looking after her mother, Grandma was sick and needed someone to help around the house for a few days. She was due home tomorrow night.

Last night, my twin sister... Tina, Mark, and I, had all gone out to a party together, leaving Dad at home.

Tina and Mark had split up for a while, as some malacious rumours had been spread around our school about Tina, but slowly they had got back together. Now, the stigma seemed to have been transfered to me... I didn't like that much, I hadn't even had sex with a guy, but now I was treated like a leper by the boys I might have been interested in, or at least hang around with, and a guaranteed root by the bad ones... males are so stupid!, right?!... except Mark... he had been quiet around me... treated me with a strange blend of care and respect... protective of me... like I imagined a brother would be like, but there was something in his manner I couldn't identify... something strange, not brotherly... but not... hungry... either.

Being twins, Tina and I had shared everything growing up, except a few special treasures... I thought Mark would fall into that category... I didn't expect Tina to share Mark and I wouldn't try and steal him, even if I had known how to go about it. But I was lusting after my sister's boyfriend and it made me wonder, what was wrong with me?.
I had hidden my envy from her, hidden that Mark stirred a sexual response in me... it was too easy for me to imagine him naked. To imagine him having sex with me, him on top, looking down at me as he gently thrust into me, his cock firmly pressing me outwards, so big inside me, so stimulating, becoming more and more forceful as he orgasmed in me... I had dreamed about him, waking up panting, hot... excited, wanting him again... but there had never been a first time!? It was such a weird feeling of deja vu... like I knew him sexually when I didn't.

Tina planned to sleep with him tonight, she had confided with me. The first time since they had broken up. Mark didn't know, yet.
Mark had bought some beer which he was sharing with us both. I didn't usually drink much, but tonight I was feeling sorry for myself. Mark and Tina were having a good time, but I was being semi-ignored by them and completly by our peers. Alone... I had never been alone before. It wasn't nice. (Another beer, Tania?... Thank you Mark... I want you!)

I looked at them together, mesmorized by their casual closeness and seeing the awareness that something special was on offer tonight blooming slowly in Mark. Marks hand going around Tina, resting between her ribs and hip, drawing her closer, hip to hip, hand dipping down to briefly brush her bum, the back up again. Tina smiled at him, her eyes silently encouraging him to do more... a quick kiss in response. It was so erotic, knowing what she planned, watching her, eyes daring him... her body inviting him... so easy to think of Tina's body as mine. We were identical... oh sure, a couple of moles were different, but apart from that? indistinguishable.
We liked the same things... so, watching them, it was if his hands were on me. I could feel myself responding to what I was seeing, the subtle exploration of how far the other would go (We're wet for you, Mark!). I looked away, nobody else seemed to be noticing what was happening.
Looking back I found Mark looking at me now, he smiled appreciatively and I saw him check me out, eyes drifting over my breasts, into the fresh dampness, between my legs, that he had created. I tried not to squeeze them together as he looked... I held myself still as his eyes roamed downwards. Surely there was no visible sign of how he made me feel?... I had to brace myself to stop reacting to the carnal thoughts that were in me from showing externally. Unconsciously though, we had both stiffened up, like bitch's in heat, with me mimicing Tina's readiness. (Yes!, look at me!, yours for the taking!... take me, Mark!)
He smiled, recognising my response as identical to the one in the woman beside him. He licked his lips, they were dry, I thought... he wanted me to wet his lips for him, wanted me to give him my wetness (Lick me, Taste me, Feel me, Suck me!... FUCK ME!), he could take it from me, taste me, take me, have me, I wanted to feel him tongue me, the taste of my need making his mouth wetter... satisfying his thirst, feeding his hunger for me... yes Mark... yes! I want you too!... I must have communicated how I felt to him somehow, because suddenly his eyes opened wide and a shocked look passed over his face, as if he had suddenly realised this was his girlfriend's sister that was tempting him... I had been so sure of his desire... so sure... and yet some odd look flashed across his face... disgust, loathing? His reaction felt like a slap to my face. I turned away from my sisters boyfiend, I couldn't bear to look at his contempt for me... he thought I was a slut too!... and I would have been!... for him... if he had wanted me too.

Someone offered me a RTD, I seized upon the excuse not to look at him, drank from the bottle. I took my time finishing it (RTD?, Tania?), wandering away from them, discovering that, once I was away from them that people would talk to me... give me more to drink (Another RTD, Tania?)... lots more (Another drink, Tania?). In my misery(Another beer, Tania?), I drank more than was sensible... took drinks from people... boy's (Another RTD, Tania?)...(Another beer, Tania?)... (Another beer, Tania?) that it wasn't wise to be drunk around. Eventually Tina and Mark came over, finding me safely wedged, between two guy's, on a couch. They were ready to leave and insisted that I go with them. I followed them outside... but I couldn't tag along... Tina had plans that didn't include me... Mark certainly didn't want me around. It made sense to me that I walk home, despite their obvious concern... it wasn't very far, although there was a frost outside. I admit that I didn't really remember most of it, I was too busy thinking about Mark and I. There was no Mark for me and never would be... he hated me! They both did. Would... fuck it! Why was life so hard?

I was so dumb!, mistaking the way he had looked at me as something it wasn't... wanting to be the slut that they all thought I was. I was shivering, the cold biting through shoes that weren't made for walking on icy grass, the frozen beads of dew turning into liquid, stealing the heat from me. I was sobbing now, from the pain in my body and soul... and my feet. I stumbled my way along the dark road, ice cold breezes cutting through my clothes.
I need help, advice... but who to ask? I walked up the driveway to the house. The outside light was on, the house cold and dark. Dad must have been asleep for hours... in my Bedroom, I fumbled with the buttons on my pajamas, caring only that they felt slightly warmer. I needed to talk to Dad... now!

His light snoring guided me to his bed, despite the complete darkness in the room... I stood beside him, shivering... I was so cold and drunk that thinking straight was difficult. One problem at a time, Tania! The King size bed had ample space and the duvet was a welcome covering that kept the cold out. I snuggled into the space Mum usually had and tried to thaw out, unable to stop myself from grativating towards the heat source... Dad. He snored on, oblivious to my presence. Taking care not to touch him, I inched backwards, closer to him. Each time the heat in the bed increased, each time I appreciated the increased warmth that he projected.
I misjudged the space between us, pressed against him. His snoring stopped and Dad rolled onto his side, towards me. His groin pressed against my cold bum, a solid mass of heat from thigh to hip, burning hot even through my PJ's... my eyes widened. Oh shit!, Oh shit! so hot, he was so hot!!
Feeling my Dad's body against me, a corner of my drunken mind stirred with interest and began seperating out his body parts, feeding the information to the rest, boniness?... his knees, long... firm... muscular, that was his thighs, hips... and centred in the middle of that mass... against my butt... soft tissue... most of my mind and all of my body fliched away from the sensation and thought of my Dad's cock and balls flaccidly resting against my arse, hanging down, close to my own sex. The thought of him... there... I almost moaned in fright... although that slutty, drunken, corner of my mind was quietly speculating about it, thinking about those parts of Dad... curiously, idly speculating how they would feel... erect... inside me... moving, inside me.
I was shivering with dread now, Dad's weight made a small depression in the bed and my body was inclined to roll into it... making it harder to escape from the touch of his body. In fact, as time passed, I was settling further and further into that depression. Slowly the contact area and pressure was increasing... I had to get away!

Breathing deeply, I slowly tried to edge away from him... trying to seperate myself from contact, I was uncomfortable to be so close to him... uncomfortable with the speculative whispers, my desire to try him out, "Experiment! You'll like it! Tania... It's OK... everybody thinks you are a slut anyway..."
I was a slut... Tina and I both were... just not the way everybody thought... only now she had Mark and wasn't interested in the other things anymore. I felt heat washing over me in waves, my dirty mind's indecent thoughts, instructions, diagrams, dreams and memories flooding into me. Still, I was embarrassed at it's sordidness... as it reminded me of the sexual things I HAD enjoyed in my life, that had felt good... so good... Dad will be good too, my mind promised me. I found myself entertaining the idea... it was no more illegal than my other exploits, my mind whispered to me... no! NO! I wasn't getting turned on by Dad!... it was the other things that were making me wet! I closed my eyes, trying to reject the sensation inside me...

I lifted my legs out of contact and then my shoulders, bracing them so I could lift the middle of my body away from Dad but his hand and arm moved and wrapped casually over me, draping over my stomach and restraining me where I was. Dad's snoring stopped again and he made a kind of snuffling sound, as the additional weight of his arm slowly drew me back into the depression. Slowly sliding me back into contact, his warmth touching my bum first, then from my shoulder to my knees, I had to wait for him to take his hand away... then I could go. At least I had stopped shivering, I consoled myself...

Another snuffle from Dad and his body flexed against me... I couldn't do anything to escape him pressing firmly against me, so I just held my breath and waited for the snoring to start again. The cold soles of my feet came into contact with the warm top of his feet. Dad's fingers twitched and flexed, then Dad's hand flared open, his fingers putting light pressure through my PJ top, touching my stomach... it was not an unconscious movement! Oh fuck! He's awake! Go back to sleep! Please God.... make him go back to sleep!

"Kitty?" Dad's voice rumbled quietly. I went taut, in shock, he thought I was Mum!... well, of course he did! Who else would be in his bed?
Just stay quiet, Tania! He'll go to sleep, you can sneak away and everything will be OK!
Dad's hand slid up, over my pajamas, over my ribs, onto my breast, cupping me in his fingers. I gasped at the contact and his fingers massaged it gently, softly increasing and decreasing the pressure across it's surface.
Please sleep, please!, I licked my lips and exhaled, focussed on his hand, wishing he would stop the light fingered exploration of my breast... it wasn't physically painful... Dad wasn't hurting me, but the things it was doing to my mind was scary. Oh God! Stop Dad! Stop it, please!... gentle caress!... Oh shit... fingers kneading my nipple... Ahhh!

"You're home early?!" Dad said... He took his hand off my breast and back onto my stomach. I sighed in relief and my body relaxed... too soon!, he pulled me back against his body, his hot but flaccid meat was still drooping down, now it was gently wedged between us, it's heat burning through my PJ's, heating my lower butt cheek, surrounded by his slightly cooler hip and thighs. His cock only inches from me. Now his fingers were moving, circling, stroking upwards...

I wasn't going to pretend I was Mum, I couldn't do that... but he was asking questions and becoming more and more alert as I remained silent... I couldn't let myself be discovered! But to speak was to be caught...
"Mmm Hmm" I hummed quietly to him, hoping that he would be satisfied and just go back to sleep. The situation was getting out of hand and my reactions to it just seemed to making it worse... just go back to sleep, I pleaded silently.

Dad's hand twitched and slid back up my body, it took me a second to realise his questing fingers had snuck under my PJ top, and now, sliding underneath it, his fingertips retraced their path, to cover my breast again. The cloth of the pajamas had dulled down the feeling, his hand was marked with grooves and creases, coarse and soft, finger prints, all enriching the tactile sensation of being touched. I closed my eyes as Dad repeatedly compressed and relaxed my breast... I couldn't ignore the feeling, my nipple hardened slightly. Dad opened his fingers and my nipple protuded out of the gap, he lightly contracted his middle and index finger around it, lifting it away from my body, then releasing it... repeating the movement, each time my nipple pushed it's way further out as it stiffened under his attention. I tried pressing my upper body backwards, away from his hand but I just wound up rocking forward and backwards against Dad's chest... which he didn't seem to mind at all.

I felt his cock stir, stiffening slowly against my bum... twitch, then relax, flex... stiffen, relax... swelling larger each time... thicker, longer, harder... now Dad leaned out of contact and his cock sprang up between us, the head sliding in an arc, coming to rest in the gap between my bum's cheeks.
Dad closed the gap again and I felt his erection sandwiched between us, pulsing larger still... for fuck's sake, how big was he? I wondered. Now when I rocked backwards I was welcomed with the feeling of a swollen dick being pumped firmly along my crack. I stopped rocking away from his hand, but he kept pumping that cock of his between us... the firm skin massaging my bum, the head of it pushing my cheeks to and fro... my titties, my bum, both now warmed by Dad... so warm! I was so warm... He kissed my shoulder, my neck, smelt my hair and exhaled his warmth over my shoulder... I felt the love that he had for Mum... and realised that that was the answer to my question... not sexual need, just being close to someone that cared that you felt needed... and I wished I could experience something like that too. I relaxed and let him hold me, touch me, slowly being seduced. I didn't reject the fingers tracing their way lower, sliding under the bottom half of my pajamas. I welcomed it and pushed against his fingers as they explored my pubic hair, as they slowly felt out the shaved areas, dipping lower and lower down my body, tracing the short curly hairs in the centre that, if you followed them, lead you between my legs and into my body.

"Naughty girl", Dad whispered. His fingers were like flotsam caught in a whirlpool, circling closer and closer to me, discovering me as they passed by, arousing me as they went... my body was twitching as his finger circled feeling it at the entrance, dipping inwards, then passing by as it circled... His dick pressing against me adding to my need. I spread my legs slightly more... just get your finger into me! It slipped through the gap, no more than finger tip deep, picking up the wetness there and withdrawing to be rubbed on the outside, onto my clitorus, wet slippery lubrication that turned his finger into a silken glove that could do nothing wrong as it returned inside me curling and diving inside slowly working it's way in as far as it could go. I was pumping against his finger now, wanting more inside me, needing more, demanding more, more! deeper! I wanted the cock that was resting unused against my bum. I wanted it's length in me! I pushed my pajama bottom down my legs, bringing them up and removing the pajamas, flinging them towards the door. Soaking wet with my horniness, my panties went with the bundle.

Naked now, head buzzing with drunken horniness, I leaned back into contact... Dad was naked already, I discovered, he must have been naked all along. I never knew that he slept like that. I could feel his pubic hair pressing coarsly against me, so close to the finger that returned to its task of stroking my vagina. I reached down and took his cock in my hand, pumping it to see if he was hard enough, the skin stayed where I gripped it but the undelying meatiness moved under my fingers... Thick and ready. I pulled myself forward, feeling the head of his cock ride down my crack to the point where it would go forward. Dad pumped it in the direction it was pointing and the head pressed against my cheeks and then slid against my anus. It firmly pressed the skin aside... my bum hole seemed to stretch slightly and my eyes widened at how big the head felt. He withdrew and thrust again, so big!... I could have let him do it... but maybe he didn't do that with Mum... I couldn't risk finding out that Mum didn't do anal. He withdrew his cock, and I adjusted the trajectory so the next thrust guided him against my wet labia instead. Dad ran his Tania soaked finger over himself, using his hand to lubricate the head more. Then he penetrated me, coating it more from my wet entrance, making it flare open. The bulborus head spread me wider and wider. I put my hand there too, wanting to touch him as he took me... as I took him into my wet pussy. The head slipped in, my fingers felt it disappear even as my body registered the presense and accomodated his girth and length. The slow withdrawl and penetration continued until Dad had all of his cock in me... I was not a virgin... I enjoyed every inch and every second that it took... that I took, inside.

Dad was in control, cock pumping, fingers stroking in a slow methodical way... the full cycle took about 4 seconds or so, sometimes shallower, sometimes deeper... but always at the same time... on and on, never stopping... a predictable, slow rhythm that I could count on, my body began to meet his thrust's with my own, I could control the movement, the depth and angle that his cock went in at, moving him around so he was rubbing me all over, inside, I sped up and he met my unspoken request, pulling me back against him and speeding up with both cock and fingers that never ceased to rub my clitorus... softly... firmly, one finger...two! Oh yes! Fuck me like that! I could come if you continue to do that to me! I didn't rush, didn't feel I had to rush... it seemed like Dad could maintain this slow methodical method for as long as I needed. He didn't seem to mind that I used him... just steadily gave me what I needed.

Minute after minute, he fucked me like he loved me and I just needed to act on what my body wanted: Oh God, Dad! it's so good!... soon!... I'll come soon! It's coming! It's coming... OOhhh! "Fuck me harder, Daddy... Now!.. really fast! Yes! Yes!"... I was suddenly pounding myself against Dad's body, literally impaling myself as deep as I possibly could as my body demanded the deepest possible penetration to satisfy itself. I made Dad's cock fuck me hard, it hurt me, it satisfied me, over and over... he couldn't match the erratic movements that my orgasm demanded, I wanted him deep! our bodies slapped together!. Fast! he stabbed into me as fast as he could, but I was faster still, so his cock was withdrawn until I felt his head exiting me, then we rammed it back up to full depth... again... again... all that time his fingers were flying over my clitorus, driving my orgasm forward, at top speed.
I wanted to regain control but Dad's fingers on my twat wouldn't let me rest, running over my clitorus, wave after wave of convulsions rippled through my body, being met with his firm, fast, pounding meat. I was sore but still my orgasm continued. I realised Dad was coming too, grunting and fucking me with his own needs, feeling his cock, feeling a different sort of wetness inside me now... I put my hand on his fingers, trying to get him to stop... I wanted to stop, my heart felt like I was dying... his fingers came to rest and my body relaxed... he stroked me again and as the orgasm made me spasm against him, he gave my pussy another series of quick pumps, more of his come entered me. He let me quieten again. No fingers, just the motion of his cock, seating it as far inside as posible and holding it there... he did my clitorus again and pumped quickly into my tense body as the spasms returned. He continued to fuck me like that, again and again, my pussy was full, leaking, sore... I could feel him softening now, now he let me take his fingers away... now that he was finished and we were both sated. He slowly withdrew his cock, it slipped down, wetly flexing against my bum hole as it passed by, coating it with either my pussy juice or dad's come, I didn't know which.
Dad ran his fingers over my sopping wet pubic hair and a residual spasm ran through me again... he resisted the temptation to finger my clit again but chuckled at my reaction. He rolled me onto my back and kissed me gently... I kissed him back.

"Thank you!... I love you!", he said, "See you in the morning!"
I waited until he was snoring again and went to the Bathroom, feeling his come sticking to inside me, to my thighs, my pubic hair... I didn't care. Dad loved me and I was happy.





Had it been her or her sister last night?, I wondered... this morning both of them looked like they'd been up half the night, rooting... both with tousled hair and the look of women that have had a good banging... one of them certainly had.

Which of my daughters had slipped into my bed, last night?... which one had I fucked?
Hell, I hadn't realised it wasn't Kitty until I had my hand on her pussy! Kitty didn't have a landing strip shaved on her twat... thats when I knew.
It was the cold feet that fooled me... Kitty always warmed her feet on mine... I'd flinch my feet away, but ultimately let Kitty warm up using my feet.

By that stage, thinking it was Kitty, I'd groped the girl's titties and had my hand under her panties... on her slick pussy... I was fully aroused and ready for sex by then. Tina?... Tania?... had had more than enough time to have put a stop to things... no! the girl wanted me to fuck her and I hadn't had the resolve not to. I felt guilty now... I had cheated on my wife and used my daughter to do it... enjoying her youth, her firm body writhing against me, coming inside her, such a sweet sensation... sick bastard! At least they were all on the pill! I had the small comfort of knowing that nothing would come of it.

That's an odd thing... did they know I've been looking at them develop, since they became teenagers? Imagining boy's having sex with them... unable to stop myself from thinking about them sexually... in my mind, replacing the boy with myself when I was her age. Imagining what it would be like to have had their hot young body to fuck?... never showing how tempting they were? Wanting them for years, but not giving in to my want's.

Last night was a dream, fulfilled... the feeling of her smooth body!... my cock inside that tight wet pussy! She was everything I had imagined... better! I hadn't planned on finishing off in her... she had been so quiet, just the little noises that you get from a woman when you're doing them firmly... compressing their lungs... both of us enjoying my hard cock as I took her... but then I felt her starting to come and I was so close to it myself that when she lost control and said, "Fuck me harder, Daddy... Now!.. really fast! Yes! Yes!" Well, I couldn't stop myself from emptying my load into her. She was such a sweet fuck, she wanted me... she wanted it... and I wanted her too! I didn't want to stop! and I knew it was OK to blow my load.

But this morning, the cold reality was that I had been wrong to do it... Bad Daddy! my mind used her voice to chide me sardonically as I imagined her finger stroking along my cock... her soft mouth taking me inside... slipping me into her wetness... Stop that!

Tania was by the sink, washing her cup when the dog and I had entered the Kitchen... the dog sniffed her box then came over and sniffed me too... did we smell of each others scent? Was she the one? I looked into her startled eyes and thought it may have been... but not 100 percent sure. I stepped up behind her and rested my hand on her shoulder, enjoying the warm skin, remembering her body from last night, hidden beneath the PJ's... so easy to remove them... to do it again!
It didn't matter if it was or wasn't her... she would feel the same. I enjoyed the touch, thought about how it had felt when I was fucking her.
I always would remember now, trying to stop, thinking how wrong it was... and how good... too late now...

Let her think I didn't know... it was better that way.

"I'm going to have a shower", Tania said and walked away... my eyes followed her... soft skin, tight curves and nice arse... a sexy 20 year old, body begging for it... drawing my cock towards her, knowing that if I pushed it against her, while she was walking, her bum would rhythmically grip my cock and draw me back inside... warm, welcoming, wet...
Stop that... it's your daughter!
I love you, Tania... I want you... and I know you want more too.
Stop that!
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