

Waiting for the right moment, I turned my attention to the bitch lying on the blanket and, pumping gently to keep myself hard, introduced myself to her body. I rubbed my thick cock around the entrance, experimentally trying to probe deeper... the skin parted, rubbing the tip sensually but not letting me further inside... too dry!. I spat on my hand and used it to lubricate myself, and her. Now the head slid in slightly, I withdrew, applied pressure again, more went in, her sex slowly parting to give me access, "Mmmm, That's right, let me in!" I whispered to her. I did it again... further, further still... now the head was disappearing into her body, emerging damp, glistening in the moonlight. I felt the exquisite tension on the skin of my hard-on as it rythmically pressed back down my shaft, the spit slowly penetrating, lubricating deeper inside her and I began gliding in and out more freely. Deeper, deeper, I was half way... two thirds, full sized, hard as... I removed my hand, it was no longer necessary, my cock didn't need any more guidance to follow the path, my head pressing her outwards as I probed deeper. So hot! Mentally and physically.

I placed my hands and arms along her body and used my elbows to elevate and brace myself and my hands pulling her gently backwards, onto me, as I continued to work myself up between her legs. Now the skin was stretching tight, my cock pushed beyond it's normal length and fully penetrating her. It felt so good to be inside her again, the swollen head of my cock deeply exploring all she had to offer, now that the resistance had gone. I withdrew until the soft lips of her sex brushed over my sensitised head and then plunged it fully into her and our bodies pressed firmly together. Fuck, this was so good! My memories augmented what I was feeling.

The soft sound of leaves stirring tickled the edges of my hearing, I froze... rotating my head to identify the direction that it came from... behind me, from where I had left the pick-up... and then it was still again. I cursed the night, it allowed me to do this but it also hid anyone who chanced to be nearby. Imagination, I told myself, or some nocturnal animal. It was early morning... who would be out here anyway? No one could know... no one could find out that I did this. It came again and I swivelled my head around looking for what had made the sound. The last thing I needed was to be caught doing this! The light of the moon illuminated the small clearing, but the shaded areas under the surrounding trees were in darkness. A cold flow of air washed over me... it was just the wind I thought with relief and, ignoring the sounds, returned my attention back to the bitch. I revelled at how good it felt to have her body against mine again, enjoying the soft sounds that were escaping as I had my way with her.

Tina had used me... She'd dropped me, without telling me she had done so and I was the butt of my friends jokes before I found out. They told me she was screwing another guy, already. Bitch!
I hadn't been able to let it go... Ok... fine... I was obsessed with her... I had thought that I loved her... cunt-struck according to one in friend particular, who claimed he'd fucked her too. He wound me up with his consant jibes. I wanted some small measure of revenge... payback... I didn't want to hurt her, but if I planned it right, she wouldn't even notice if I had sex with her one more time. She had sex so often, was drunk so often... once more with me wouldn't even be noticed.

She had been ridiculously easy to pick up this evening. As was usual for her now, she was sitting by herself in the corner, looking around... probably scoping out the room for her next root... I had wandered over, carefully disguising my feelings, hiding my intentions... "Hi yah!. Good party!, Beer?" she had smiled, seemingly pleased that someone would talk to her and accepted it from me.... boom! gotcha! Within minutes she had been woozy and I had interceped her on the way to the toilet and there she was... stupified, in the back of my pick-up... and no one the wiser. "Surprise, bitch!"

I had brought her to this place, close to her home, where she would awaken and assume she fallen asleep, too drunk to make it back to her place. The signs of sex being no more than her usual Saturday night romp... a regular occurence for her... I was going to be gentle, she'd be none the wiser, she'd shrug it off as normal and happily go about fucking up boy's lives, ignorant that I had evened the score. I, on the other hand, would remember that I had got one up on her for the rest of my life. I wasn't going to use a condom this time either. A slut like her was sure to be on the pill and as I had never had had sex without one, I had decided to forgo it and come inside her. I would smile each time she cooly passed me by, knowing that she was indelibly graffitied inside... "Mark J came in my pussy... 2020".

She was suprisingly tight! I noticed her body was squeezing me as firmly as a hand... I was going to get off faster than usual. Normally I would try to extend the time before coming but there was no need for that tonight... tonight was for my benefit only, certainly not for Tina's.

The thought of emptying myself into her had me unconsiously humping her harder, even unconscious she was awesome, the anticipation of sending my come into her made me drive towards my orgasm... I came! as I heaved myself against her body she grunted softly... both of us suddenly noiser... withdraw!... now thrust! withdraw! thrust!... my come was lining her pussy, I felt it between my dick and her overused cunt. Closing my eyes, I pictured the huge gloops of come that I had saved for this moment, shooting into her as I thrust my cock as far inside her as I could. I was using her, like she had used me... ignoring everything except the pleasure that I was deriving from Tina, I would be finished soon... very soon... soon... riding her hard... when a light illuminated my eyelids. Surprised, I opened my eyes, just in time for a camera flash to blind me completely. Swirling shades of purple filled my vision, the force of my reaction pulling me out of Tina's body as I stood.

Walking back home, I had seen his truck, recognised it, realising that it might explain where my sister had got to. With our parents away, she had chosen to come to the party with me, rather than stay home alone. At least I had someone there who would talk to me. The thought of them together piqued the curiousity in me... and I needed to be sure she was safe. I had turned and carefully moved into position to watch, seeing that there was no violence... I found it surprisingly erotic watching his gentle lovemaking, seeing what I was missing, remembering what he was like. I had thought I would never be aroused again... but there I crouched, getting hot and horny, trying to control my breathing, excited at the feelings my voyeurism brought me. They would never know that I was there, hot, sweating and gently stroking myself in time with his lovemaking. Swallowing back my rekindled desire to be under him.

I had thought it was consensual, only realising that something was wrong as he shuddered, groaned and thrust his way through his orgasm, with no coherent response from the body beneath him. She was like a rag-doll, head flopping around in an uncontrolled manner as he emptied himself into her, grunting softly. Realisation and disgust flooded through me, I pulled out my phone, turned on the camera and approached them.

The first photo had caught him naked, lying full length on my sister.
Now he was floundering around the clearing, waving his arms, trying to grab me... I easily evaded him, taking more photos, keeping him blinded, as I captured who he was, what he had been doing... his erection clearly shown, still standing out and glistening with her wetness in the moonlight. I confirmed that she was indeed unconscious, she made no attempt to cover herself, lying supine and still on the blanket, legs still apart.

Before he could see clearly I had dumped my bag on the ground, shoved the camera into it and had my Dad's pistol in my hand. He froze at the sound of me cocking it, turning towards the sound but raising his hands defensively.
"You too!, you sick bastard!" I said, "Why?" I was ready to shoot him.
His vision must have cleared... he peered at me as I glared at him, did a double-take at my frowning face, recognised me, then stared at the limp body on the ground and whispered, "Tina!?... fuck!, I thought she was you!"
I eased my finger from the trigger slightly. That made some sense. Everyone disliked me now... I had been increasingly shunned and abandoned since... was Mark another one them? Looked like it! I wanted to shoot him... but what good would that do? He was shivering with shock, fear... the chilly air contibuting to his reaction. Tania would be cold too.

I had never been so scared in my life. Looking down the barrel of the gun at Tina, seeing her hand shaking, the resolve on her face... I thought she would shoot me.
I saw her decide what to do and braced myself for a bullet.
"Pick her up!" she hissed. It took a second for me to comprehend the order and then I moved carefully to obey. I threw her scattered clothing onto the blanket and wrapped it around Tania, took her into my arms. "To the house!" It was less than 100 yards, I retraced my steps to the driveway and then had an easier time of it, walking to the front door. I could feel my semen dripping from my shrunken cock, cold drops falling onto my thighs, rubbing over my nuts and further down as I walked. Tina went ahead slightly and had the door open and the lights on before I got there. A big dog barred my entrance with a low growl, all teeth and filled with menace, but it moved aside when Tina spoke to it.
Tania was feeling increasingly heavy... "Upstairs!", "Turn left!"... a bed, I lay her on the ground beside it and unwrapped the blanket, retrieving my clothing, Tina hissed at me as I exposed Tania to my view. Tania mumbled incoherantly in her sleep, I picked her up, unable to stop myself from checking her out. Identical... bueatiful... ruined. I placed her onto the bed, covering her quickly. "Out!"
The dog sniffed at me as I started to walk back through the house. I wanted nothing more than to run away from there but Tina stopped me when we got back to the kitchen. The dog continued it's examination of me, pushing it's cold muzzle between my legs, licking my inner thighs, my arse, I twisted away from his examination, wanting only to leave, but Tina stopped me with a gesture of the gun. "Let him!" The dog continued exploring me. I rotated my body away from him and squirmed in discomfort as he continued his exploration around my cock and balls.
What did I smell and taste of? Did he smell my come, or Tania's juices that coated my cock? He licked me repeatedly, his tongue rolling around my dick and nuts. Feeling the dog's tongue rolling my bits around was very disconcerting... I was well aware that it could have bitten them off me in a second. He walked away and I sighed and relaxed... too soon!. He walked in a circle around me and then, as if suddenly deciding I was suitable, tried to mount me. "Fuck off, dog!", I said and tried to move away from him, ineffectively fending him off at the same time.
"Let him!" Tina ordered.
"Fuck off!, are you crazy?", I retorted, as the dog grappled with my legs. I took my attention away from the dog and saw the look on her face... that was the wrong thing to say, I thought to myself.
"Get down and let him fuck you or I swear I will shoot you!".
I lowered myself onto all fours. The dog, sensing my submission, launched himself onto my back even before my hands had touched the ground. His hard cock stabbed into my gluts, hammering painfully in a wide circle around my bum hole. I could feel his semen squirting against my arse, I looked back between my legs and saw it cascading off my butt, running down my thighs. It's dick was thrusting blindly, hitting my bum, poking into my thighs, felt it sliding up between my buttocks. Firm, hot meat trying to enter me, squirting, seeking, probing. His legs were gripping me, front claws digging into my sides, back paws hitting my thighs. The dog's panting breath flowing over my back.
As if that slight change in my position aided him, the point of his cock stabbed into my hole. I tensed my body, my bum, against the small intrusion but the dog swiftly followed his initial penetration up with a thrust that slid an additional 3 inchs of his meat into me. I arched my back in pain and grunted as he overcame my futile attempt to keep him out. She had moved closer, standing beside me, watching my body's reaction and my facial expressions as the dog started fucking the shit out of me. It tapped itself deeper and deeper into me until the dogs knot was pressing incessantly against me, a solid mass of meat demanding entrance. I moved my hand to stop it but Tina pressed the pistol to me and shook her head. Bitch! I put my hand back on the ground and the moment when I could have stopped it from going inside passed. It rammed it's way in too, my muscle closing behind it and sealing my fate as certainly as a jailor slamming a door closed behind a fresh new prisoner in maximum security. I closed my eyes against the increased pressure and pain... the dog felt huge now, dog cock fully swollen as it continued rooting me... I could feel the tattoo of thrusts as his hardened tip smashed against my bowels, pressing deeper, deeper, deeper still I could feel him coming, his nuts emptying into me. His sperm was dripping out of me and starting to pool on the floor.

I had never felt so used, so dirty and so helpless. I had never experienced so much pain in such a short period of time... it wasn't a superficial hurt... I felt it deep in my core, I had been damaged, mentally and physically scarred from this experience. It had been a fundamental violation of my body and soul.
I would carry the scars, inside, forever, they were gouged out onto the walls of my rectum... "Mark J was fucked by a dog... 2020".
The dog, sated, settled into stillness, I could feel his full weight settling on to my back. The physical pain lessened and the only movement was the ongoing thud of my heart and the flexing of his meat inside me.

Tina brought a chair from the kitchen table, seating herself in front of me, legs spread, her cleavage and the swell of her breast showing as she lent lower to look me in the face. The gun now pointing at the ground. She was watching us with an odd mixture of expressions.... sympathy, satisfaction, some I could interpret... others, I didn't know what she was thinking.

"That's what it feels like to be raped... not pleasant is it?" I shook my head. No... not pleasant, you slut, you'll pay for it too!

"Did you really want Tania to feel that?" I shook my head again... no, I didn't want you to feel it either, bitch!

You idiot!" she said, "Why did you do it to her then?",
I shrugged and told her the truth, "I thought it was you, Tina, you wouldn't have given it a second thought... as if you haven't fallen asleep after drinking too much and woken up not knowing which boy had fucked you or even how many times you'd done it during the night... it would have mean't nothing to you... and everything to me"
She gaped at me, her face turning red with shame and then paled into a ghastly white. "Three!", She said tersely, "Three guy's, and you were one of them."
My face must have shown my sceptisim. "What about what everyone is saying?"
"I don't know what is being said, only that I don't have any friends anymore... what are people saying?"
"That you're the school slut, Tina... everyone knows it. It's more of a case of who haven't you screwed... your friend's boyfriends, teachers... everyone!, anyone! that's what is being said about you.!" I told her bluntly.
Her face expressed shock... "Lies!, all lies" she asserted...

He looked at me in disbelief, and then shook his head and said "Right!" sarcastically... "but what about what Tom is saying about you and him... what you did together..."
Tom!" I spat out my hatred for him. If it had of been Tom out there with Tania, tonight, he'd have been dead already.

My mind was being bombarded with everything that was happening...

I had thought that forcing Mark to take being raped by the dog would make things better... poetic justice and all that... but in truth, as I had watched them, I had wound up feeling bad that I had forced it upon him. I was the one seeking retribution for injustices and Mark wasn't who I wanted to pay.... Tom was... but was I any better than Tom?
Tania was the one who deserved the compensation... and what was I going to do about her? She would wake up and know someone had raped her... I couldn't let my sister go through what I had endured. But I couldn't remove the signs of sex either, what could I do about that?

I told Mark about Tom, what he had done to me, when it had happened. Being drugged first. Why I had left Mark afterwards. My confusion as my friends started giving me the cold shoulder and abandoned me. Why the gun... all of it. The words kept coming and I was both appalled and relieved that I had opened my heart to someone. I couldn't stop myself from crying at how I had been used and then abandoned by everyone afterwards.

If I was reading the emotions on Marks face correctly he was feeling angry, at me, at Tom... compassion, perhaps even empathy for me, for Tania. I could see him struggling to accept what I was telling him about Tom... until something I said changed his attitude from disbelief to acceptance... that I was telling the truth. He wasn't happy with me... but he believed me...

The dog slipped out of me... the knot suddenly small enough to exit... followed by a gush of dog sperm. Tina's eyes looked to see what was happening but before she could react, I lunged at her, spilling her off the chair and onto the Kitchen floor. She looked terrified as I dropped on top of her, forcing her hands wide and dominating her arms and body, until I had wrestled the gun away. I looked at her and saw the fear and knowledge in her eyes. I was too strong for her to fight back against successfully and now I had the gun too... I was naked, on top of her and could do whatever I wished. She shivered beneath me and closed her eyes, waiting... I understood and held my body still. When she opened them again and looked at me, I shook my head and rolled away, standing up, making space between us. She just looked up uncertainly at me until I stretched out my hand and helped her up. Taking the gun with me, I picked up the clothes that had been brought into the house and stalked off, in search of the toilet, leaving her in the Kitchen.

I believed what she had told me... for while she might have been lying, I didn't think so because one thing she said had rang true... that Tom had drugged her before raping her... it was he that had supplied what I had used on Tania tonight. That it had occurred while she was seeing me, made me more than just angry. After using the toilet I dressed in what had been scoopd up in the blanket... just having clothes on helped.

While Mark was gone I thought about Tania, Tom and myself... about Marks body lying heavily on mine, subjugating me... releasing me without hurting me. I watched as the dog cleaned himself up, cock retracting into his sheathe, wondering why he hadn't come to help.

Mark walked back through the room, clothed now, gun in hand, heading towards the door outside. I followed him.
At the door, he stopped, opened it and then turned and appraised me... I guess we both looked like shit. He stooped over and placed the pistol on the ground, then straightened. "I'm sorry" he said, "I'm sorry for everything." He wrapped one arm around my shoulders, I held myself stiff as he used the other to pull my head close to him... kissing my forehead, not sexual.. but as if I was a child that had been hurt. Then he walked off, leaving me feeling the touch of his lips on my skin... Tania!

I went to her bedroom.
I moved her off Marks blanket and rolled it up, throwing the leaves that had fallen of it into the centre and moving it to one side. I checked out her body for damage, nothing showed, at least he had been physically gentle, but the mental scars would be bad enough, I knew. What could I do? The dog shouldered his way into the room, the door opening until it hit the door stop. Tania mumbled in her sleep... what could I do?... nothing. The dog was questing the air loudly, unerringly guiding his attention to the source of what he was scenting at Tania's crotch, the now dry evidence of her abuse flaking off. I would clean her up first!
I went to get a damp face cloth from the bathroom, returning to find the dog tonguing her with long slobbering strokes. I let out a gasp at the sight and tried to protect Tania, pushing the dog away, it didn't work, he kept returning, continued licking her, his tongue curling around, displacing her labia, parting her skin, I spied her clitorus showing each time her skin parted, just a glimpse each time, before his tongue slid up over it, along the gap he created.... Tania twitching each time he did it. Soon her blonde pubic hair was free from Mark's dry come, her skin scrupulously cleaned and glistening wet with dog spit. No facecloth required now!

Tania was twitching, mumbling incoherantly, the drug seemed to be wearing off. The dog moved his attention to her thighs, repeating his task, I shrugged and spread her legs, making it easier for the dog, he jumped onto the bed, between her legs and went to work cleaning all he could reach, legs, belly, breasts and face... he was bouncing around the bed in excitment and I was trying to push him away again when Tania lifted a hand and rested it on him. "Good dog" she whispered, before her hand dropped slackly, back onto the bed. I don't know when the thought fully matured in my mind... one second I was thinking the dog was doing a pretty good job of cleaning Tania up... time to kick him out of the room, the next I was pressing my hand through her pubic hair, touching her warm, damp skin and flaring her vagina open... "Good dog!", I echoed as I stroked them both. "Good dog!, I encouraged him to lick her again.

I slid my finger into Tania, it quickly became lubricated with dog slobber and Marks come. I added a second finger and massaged the lubrication around before spreading her wider. My other hand found the dogs sheathe and he willingly started to hump it as I guided him closer to Tania' body. I felt him spread my fingers as he pushed pass, entering Tania, his knot, already bulging, pushed through the gap also. I felt him fucking my fingers, fucking Tania. The dog was locked into her, I was sure of it!
I left my fingers in place, sandwiched between their body's, the sliding sensation of his dick between my fingers mesmerizing me... so smooth, so firm, so large... so inticing... wedged between the straining body of the dog and my sister. I looked down at her, her boobs jiggling with the rapidity of the dogs strokes and, not really thinking, reached over and cupped one, feeling the nipple erect against the palm of my hand... Tania smiled and drowsily opened an eye... closed it again... She was waking! Shit!
If she woke to find the dog inside her, all the better... she'd jump to the conclusion that I wanted her too.. the dirty dog was the cause of how come her inside felt jumbled up.
I couldn't be there when she did wake though... how could I explain me standing around, casually observing, while the dog banged her? No!... time to leave! I withdrew both of my hands, picked up the blanket and backed out of the room, turning off the light.

Naked, I lay on my bed, wanting to sleep, but finding myself straining to hear them through the walls. Picturing them, picturing him, rooting her. Could I faintly hear the dog panting? The rapid but muted sound of flesh slapping together?. I remembered how he had felt between my fingers, his fat, throbbing length pushing it's way past... Was it because he wasn't a man, with a human's capacity for causing malicious pain?, I didn't know, but, by degrees... the sounds became more erotic the longer I listened. I imagined her body experiencing him enter her... entering me. Waiting for Tania's shriek of consternation as she woke up and discovered what he was doing... wondering if I would scream if it was me... or if I would remain silent, letting him continue. Was I hearing him forcing soft grunts out of my sister as he compressed and relaxed her unconscious body? I wasn't sure... but I struggled to control my own breathing as the sounds... thoughts? fed my strange new desires. I shivered in the pre-dawn cold.

I wanted to try it too... I didn't... did. What would he feel like? What would IT it feel like? Fur, coarse fur covering me, his weight pressing me down... I could emulate that, no harm in that, I thought...
I went to my parent's wardrobe and pulled out the old cloak, a heavy furred thing that I had noticed while scoping out Mom's clothes. I went back to my bed and drew it over me, the cold long-dead fur instantly changing to warmth as it took heat from me, in seconds the reflected heat made me comfortable, warm.

The bulk of the heavy pelt's fur was soft, individual hairs caressing me all over, inviting me to relax, enjoy. The fur whispered to me... no... I whispered it to myself.
I shivered again... not with the cold this time and the sensual feeling was accentuated. The coarser guard fur felt wiry, tweaking my areola and nipples like a softly applied claw, a gentle scrapping that would be equivilent to the tip of someones finger circling over them, tweaking , arousing... the dog's tongue would seek them out, licking them into stiff peaks. I squirmed at the sensation and a fold of the cloak dropped between my legs, like a warm furry hand pressing from upper thigh, over my mound, to my belly. Touching me, stroking me, parting me... no... that was my own fingers. Dog's fur was soft, warm, sensual... but his cock was hard, insistent, big. I recalled my fingers wedged between their bodies and the flush of excitement came again, I welcomed it... wanting to KNOW what IT felt like. The space around me was literally humming with my need. I pulled the cloak over my head, it rode up my body as far as my thighs, trying to muffle the sounds I was making as I played with myself. Fur encased my head and I breathed in, smelling and recalling the pleasant smell of the horny animal in the room next door... musky, masculine, friendly... the dog had never harmed me... we were friends that had grown up together. Played together... we were mates...

Suddenly, I knew he was there... silently watching, smelling me, wanting to know me. Doubts... should I?... Yes!. I swung my legs off the bed and rested them on the ground. I parted them slightly, he accepted my invitation and, ducking his head under the cloak, pushed his chest into the gap, widening my legs until they were splayed, presenting myself to him. His fur was rubbing my thighs as his head neared, his muzzle gently pressed in and he tongued my fingers, my pussy... his fur softer than the cloak, his warmth displacing the cool air that had rushed in, now he was heating my thighs... then I was warmer than he was, I was ready, my fingers and the sexy exhortations of the cloak had done their work... I wanted him so much!
I grabbed handfuls of fur, lifted his head away from where he was engaged in licking me and slid his head further up my body, displacing the cloak and replacing the pelt with his hot fur. His chest slide up my belly until I transfixed myself onto his boner. It was full sized, knot and cock fully formed as I welcomed him into my body. Perhaps it was because he had had a busy night, but he didn't do me hard, no blind, savage stabbing... instead, it was a gentle penetration, the tip touching me like a carefully inserted finger, my body bulging around the shaft as it continued in, stopping only when his knot pressed against me. I was full of his wonderfully hard cock and I pumped my body against him, feeling him move, everything pressing in deeper. I thrust and withdrew myself from him, feeling him tremble with his restrained need to take over and fuck me like a bitch... like he had done to the others... but here with me, under the fur cloak, he gave me what I needed, craved. I was in control, fucking him, using him to sex me up. I had thought I would never enjoy sex again. Like males ever again... but, primed by my voyeristic night, I frantically coupled with the dog, chasing down my orgasm like a wolf after a winter hare, heart pumping, blood coursing through my veins, coursing after my quarry which couldn't escape or evade me. I chased it down, seized it, feeling it shuddering through me. The dog, sensing my new need, pummelled me suddenly, but I didn't care! I welcomed his frenzied assault... feeling his wetness inside as he released his load into me... knowing that he had enjoyed fucking my body, knowing that I had value in his eyes. A true friend... and now my lover too.

The dog wasn't in the room when I woke... I remembered what had occurred and warmed at the thought of what he had done, accepting that my enjoyment of him was a good thing... as long as no-one found out. I tidied up the bed, went and showered. Then dressed and went to the Kitchen, feeling the slight ache that good sex leaves with you. Hoping everything had worked out OK, with her too.
We both made breakfast, taking time to pamper the dog and feed him... I glanced over at her... she seemed fine... happy, eyes sparkling, alive... it must have worked! Good! That had been the plan, certainly something needed to be done about the situation. It was the best I could do, given the resources that I had at hand.
I loved my sister... would I ever tell her how I had manipulated her? Exhorted the dog to have sex with her too? Probably not, to much risk... better to keep it a secret.

I looked at her, "Love you!" I said.
"Love you too!" replied Tina.
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