My tenth anniversary present


What happens when you spend your anniversary with another woman???

My name is Roy, I am 33. My wife Anna Is 32. We have been very happily married for ten years today. I have never cheated or even looked at another woman. If you could ever see Anna as I do you would know why.

She is beautiful with light curly brown hair to her shoulders, she stands 5 feet 4 inches tall with a 36 22 34 figure that makes all the men turn to look. Though she is busty her legs are her best assets. In the right pumps they are captivating. But still all her outer beauty is nothing compared to her personality. She is joylessly up beet and full of energy. There is no such thing as a bad day when she is around. She has a smile that the sun cold learn how to shine form, and a wit about her that keeps you on your toes. She would be perfect if it wasn’t for her exhibitionist tendencies. She loves showing off, and not just her smile and legs. She would ware short skirts with no panties and spread her legs at restaurants and bars, loose low-cut shirts with no braw and make sure to bend over. The ladies have fallen out several times in bars restaurants dance clubs and well even office parties. I would be so humiliated I couldn’t stand it sometimes. However, she is my wife, my choice, my woman and I love her, so I can handle that. She has so much good things going for her I am not going to try to change the one bad thing. And who knows It may not be a bad thing. Just a thing.

We have some traditions on our anniversary, one is we go out to eat at a really nice restaurant, where we both dress to impress. She is in a wraparound Minnie dress black that shows a large open diamond between her breasts of nothing but skin because she isn’t wearing a bra. She looks super-hot with her stockings and 4-inch stiletto’s. her dress isn’t sleeveless but the sleeves are broken exposing parts of her shoulders and upper arm. One word would describe the woman in front of me, SEXY.

I am in an Armani tailored suit that matches her black well. Though I have boxer-briefs on she is going iron woman, both top and bottom. I can admire her nipples which stick out a good half inch beyond the front of her dress. Did I mention Sexy.

We have ordered and I was about to announce my anniversary gift to her as she interrupts. “Baby I know you like to give me your gift now, but I am waiting for mine to arrive and I want to give you it first.”

“ok.” I answer her very hesitantly

“Please understand that this is something so special that I know you are going to love it. And I have been anticipating giving it to you for almost a whole year now.”

“I would never have been able to wait a whole year to give you something. You must have the restraint of a saint in you.”

She smiles big, she is a sucker for complements. “You are worth it besides I am not sure how you will take it, it is an unusual gift and, well, I am hoping that you will receive it as a token of how much I love you.”
“and I do love you so much baby. Please believe that no matter what happens.”

Now I was starting to get nervous and concerned. “Baby your starting to scare me here. is there is something you want to tell me now?”

She suddenly jumped up and started waiving at some people like they were on fire, “Over here.”

A couple appeared I stood, the man was to skinny with long blond hair, scraggly beard, very tan skin, a hipster for certain. He wore shorts and a tea shirt, with a belt to hold up the shorts and tennis shoes for his feet. She had shorter blond hair very tan as well, she was really pretty, however way to skinny like her man, she has a pencell skirt on with a halter top that would look ok if she actually had breasts. She had to have supported no more than a 24 double a cup. She did have a nice bubble butt though. She seemed on fire and excited, and so did he.

“Roy this is Pug and Lou, short of Lucy.”

“Witch is shorter still for Lucila.” She interrupted and giggled.

I had to laugh at her spirit but not her joke.

Anna continued “She is, well actually they both are your anniversary gift. Lou is going out with you tonight for your first half your gift form me. You will get to do to her everything you would do to me tonight, while pug here gets to go with me, he is going to get your second half your gift ready for you. We will meet at home tomorrow around 9 am.”

I sat totally dumbfounded, what the hell as this Pug takes my wife’s hand and pulls her along out the door. Lou sets beside me and takes my arm, “don’t mind him he is really excited, tonight he will be getting what he has wanted for almost a year now. You should know what a tease Anna is, and she is even worse at work. She has been teasing him cense he has been there, well me too but she more than just teases me, you should be proud of Anna though, all the showing off, and touching feeling and even the kissy face she refuses until tonight to let him stick it anywhere but her mouth. She has some stamina I tell you.”

“What you saying she is having an affair with Pug?”

“Oh no sr. she is just playing with us. It isn’t an affair, she watches out for us, so we can go crazy at work. There isn’t anything we haven’t done with your wives help, she is a saint. Oh, don’t get me wrong she has participated by eating my pussy and I eating hers, and Pug even ate her pussy while she ate mine, she gave him some blow jobs but that isn’t sex at all. He loves it when he shoots all over her tits, she has such wonderful tits. “

I was dumbfounded, this woman is telling me that my wife has been having an affair with her and her man and making it like they took the trash out together.

Anyway, what Anna wanted for tonight was to give me to you. I am to do whatever you want, I am not allowed to say no to you for any request you have, no matter how degrading. I am hoping to get up in the morning very sore and full of you,” she smiled, “And you can tell Pug what a filthy slut I was tonight.” She gave a sultry look, “the only requirement is to use me as you see fit.”

I am in shock, completely speechless. I shake my head and finally ask, “what, what, what is Anna and Pug doing?”

“Oh, they are going somewhere, I don’t even know where to have her anal virginity removed. Every sense she watched Pug fuck me in the ass the first time she wanted him to take her virginity too. But she wouldn’t until you could ‘fuck someone at the same time, she didn’t want to cheat on you.”

I choked up a little and kept lessening.

“So that is what they are doing, she promised him full access to all her holes if I show up to take you for a long all-night ride for your anniversary. It is a win, win for me.” She smiled at me for a long time, “So what do we do first, are you going to share me like you did with Anna? She told me you like to make her show her pussy and tits to strangers. I am looking forward to that.”

“Are you telling me that I am supposed to have my anniversary with you instead of my wife doing all the things to you that I would do with her?”

“Yes” she smiled again.

I took several deep breaths before I accepted my fate. And my pain. Anna had been cheating on me for a while now, and I find out on my anniversary. to be honest I wanted to start crying, to go home and roll up into a ball and wail like a two-year-old. But I couldn’t. I looked at Lou and then my watch, “we have to go, or we will be late.” I said in a droll voice.

She sprang up and took my hand. “Ok where are we going?”

“I have tickets to a theater,” I answer “The duck hunter who shot an angle. It was something Anna wanted to see.”

She dragged me out of the restaurant. I managed to leave the proper amount for the bill and tip before she yanked me along.

We got a cab and I gave him the address, she was right beside me molding herself to me the whole way, I could only think of that hipster fucking my wife where she would never let me touch. She put my hand on her legs. I immediately removed my hand. She was trying to get me to do something I wasn’t going to do. I am not going to hurt my wife like that.

We arrived at the theater and went inside, I thought of what Anna said, she is yours for the night do everything to her you would do to me. So, I reached into my pocket and turned to her. “That is a very nice dress you are wearing Lou, but I think it is missing something.”

She gave me a confused smile. I handed her the box. She opened it. The black onyx stones that surrounded the 20-karat gold neckless was a beautiful accent to the dress in itself. However, the three two karate rubies one in the middle and two a third of each way around her neck made it say look at me here, I am special.

She smiled in awe. “I can’t accept.”

I interrupted her. “Didn’t Anna tell me to do everything to you I was going to do to her? Well this is exactly what I was going to do to her, give her this. So now it is yours. I will be very insulted if you refuse.”

She almost had a tear in her eyes then handed it to me and asked “can you put it on for me”

I smiled. “of course, I can.” Took it from the box and latched it on her neck. She ran to the first bathroom to look at in in the mirror. When she came out she was beaming with a smile that could destroy the play it was so bright. I bought her some wine and found our seats.

The play was so funny I fell out of my seat. Lou tried to help me up but was laughing so hard she came down on top of me. The actors where laughing so hard they couldn’t even say some of their lines. We both laughed until we both shed tears. When it was over we danced all the way to the car, I drove her to a restaurant that had a special desert I loved and ordered cherries jubilee with two spoons. She loved it, I took her to their bar which had a dance floor and we danced about three songs then ordered her more wine. I made sure she wouldn’t run out of wine. The plan A seemed to be working and I had called a friend for plan B but I hoped I wouldn’t need it.

He arrived, and I paid him for what he brought me, Lou was quite astute and asked what I wanted from him. I laughed and told her that he was a friend I wanted something for Anna. She accepted it at face value. But she also added. “You can do whatever you want with me you know that don’t you?”

Lou took my arm and shook it. “Why haven’t you asked me to expose myself to anyone yet?”
I laughed. “Anna is the exhibitionist, not me. She would show off her pussy and tits like I would show off a new tie. I would get so dammed embarrassed I could scream, I never did. I look at it as everyone has a flaw, I am not going to change her good points, so I will be allowing to have flaws as well. She is full of good points. I am afraid to change anything about her because I might mess some of them up.”

We had more wine and danced then she started getting tired. I took her to the car and thanked god when she fell asleep. I threw the pills I bought out the window and drove home. I pulled into the drive and carried her from the car. I put her in the spar room removing her shoes only and then tucking her in. I then went to my room and locked the door.

Next morning

I woke with the alarm, I don’t drink much so I felt ok it was eight A.M. I began to start breakfast but I made a pitcher of bloody marries first, I made one complete with the celery stock and took it to the spare room, I knocked. “are you decent?” I asked.

“Uh, oh, Ay, yea I am ok come on in.” was her answer.
I laughed and opened the door ready to bolt if she wasn’t covered. she was still under the covers when I handed her, her drink. Then I handed her some Advil with a smile. “Good morning a bloody Marie and some Advil that should make you all better in a moment. Breakfast will be ready in about thirty minutes. I am sort of planning it to be ready when Anna and Pug get here.”

She smiled and said I will help you in a moment. Let me get up and ready.

I smiled and left the room.

I went to the kitchen cooking potatoes and getting the eggs ready for omelets. The phone rang, and I answered, it was Anna.

“How was your night?” she asked

“Are you still an anal virgin?” I asked

“That would be a no Roy not anymore.” She giggled.

I fell to my knees and cringed. I knew she was going to do it and tried to prepare myself, but there was no way of really preparing for the blow. With all the grit I could muster I told her. “That is a very special gift, I am so glad you found someone special to give it to.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“You have kept it for a long-time baby, I know you waited for the right man to give it to. Is all. Pug seems pretty cool.”

“How was your anniversary?” she asked.

“I missed you, I missed you a lot. Baby I love you.”

“Was she good?”

“She was nice, we, I guess had a good time you will have to ask her, like I said. I missed you too much to have a good time. I have breakfast cooking if you hurry.” Tring to change the subject.

“Be there soon.” Then she hung up.

I was on my knees in front of the kitchen cabinets holding the phone, looking at the floor I started to cried, Short uncontrolled whimpers of pain. I was afraid I would lose control when I felt a hand around my neck and then an embrace, Lou had found me and was trying to comfort me. There really was no hope there but I had to get it under control. It took a while, but I started to stand, she helped me. Then I washed my face with a dirty dish rag. I was surprised that Lou didn’t leave,

“I am ok now Lou. Thank you.”

She embraced me and said. “I didn’t think there where men like you in the world anymore.”

“Hu?” I questioned

“You didn’t take advantage of me at all. You could have had me free of charge, your wife even gave me to you, you still passed on me. Ann is one lucky woman.”

“Yea.” I said hanging my head. “Glad someone is lucky here.” I turned and nervously cooked another omelet.

The last omelet was cooked and plaited when the front door opened, Both Anna and Pug walked in smiling ear to ear. The cocky bastard Pug went right to Lou and hugged her kissed her and grabbed her ass, “your next baby.”

Lou tried to hold him back, but he was too far gone to show any restraints. He sat down at the head of the table and looked at the omelets and said, “is this for us?”

“Yes dig in.” I answered. I got everyone sat before Lou could corner Anna or Pug. I sat on the side of the table next to where Anna sat at the other end of the table form Pug. Lou sat between me and Pug.

Anna started it. “How was your night?”

Lou tried to stop it, but I took over. “I can’t speak for Lou, but I had a good time, we went to the theater, I had bought you tickets to the duck hunter that shot an angle. It was so funny Lou had to pick me up off the floor.”

Lou started laughing “we had to pick up each other off the floor.” She corrected. “It was some trick too. My god the actors where laughing so hard they couldn’t even say their lines.”

Both Pug and Anna looked strange at us.

After a moment we stopped laughing and I continued the story. “from there we went to Bennies for cherries jubilee.”

“We got two spoons.” Lou continued “it was the best desert I have ever ate. And don’t forget that you bought me several glasses of wine at the theater and oh my god look at my neckless.”

Anna looked at the neckless and for the first time showed emotion “He gave that to you?”

“You told me to do to her what I would have done to you without exception.”

Anna gasped

“From desert we went dancing. Your husband is a marvelous dancer Anna. He was so formal and made me feel like a queen.” Lou interjected.

“We drank more wine and went home.” I winced when I said that word. “Lou fell asleep in the car, so I carried her in the house and put her to bed in the spare room, I only took off her shoes.” I firmly said directly to Pug, then I turned to Anna and smiled “You know I hate shoes in bed.”

After a moment I asked, “So tell me about your night.”

Anna was still speechless mouth agape that nothing happened staring at us with her mouth opened.

Pug on the other hand was too wired and spout out. “Dude you wife is incredible. She would.”

Lou kicked him hard under the table, then told him “Shut the fuck up.”

“It’s ok Lou.” I said staring at my omelet. “I have been preparing myself for this. Let him talk.”

“No.” Lou demanded. “He will keep his tongue. You don’t deserve this.”

Anna looked at me and whispered. “You didn’t want this?”

I looked down and shook my head. Anna sprang up from the table and bolted to our room, slamming the door. As realization of what she did to me set in. she had cheated on me hoping I would have sex with Lou, which would make it ok in her mind.

Lou jumped up and pointed to Pug, “get the fuck out. Go home. I will call Uber when I leave.” She pointed to the door.

Evidently, he had more smarts than I gave him credit, he got up and left without another word.

Lou looked at me and said “I need to talk to Anna, then you will have to. I know what you want, it will be tough, but you are a great man. I know you can make it. If Pug ever touches her again I will castrate him. Then I will let you know.” She came to me and hugged me. I am so sorry Anna found you first.” She went to our room, I was surprised the door was unlocked.

I could hear the shouting. “you were supposed to seduce him. You said you wanted to fuck his brains out. And did you even kiss him.”



“I didn’t think so. And now what the fuck.”

“He loves you. Dammit Anna I only wish I could find someone like him.”

Crying, sobbing. “He will leave me, you should have herd what he said on the phone.”

Quiet whispers. More sobs.

I couldn’t take it. I wanted to leave.



More whispers.

I start cleaning the kitchen. I was just about done when both the girls came out of the room. Anna looked like shit. Not only was she well fucked last night but she looked like she had just been crying for a year now.

Anna ran to me and hugged me good. “I am sorry for what I did. I am sorry. I thought you would like to have a gorgeous woman. God baby can we get passed this?”

“I don’t know Anna, you know you gave a fucking hipster something I have been wanting for years now. And have been carrying on an affair for how long, about a year now? Then you bring his wife to me, so you can dissuade your guilt.” I stare at her then continue. “I trusted you, I always knew about your exhibitionist tendencies and sort of turned me on, but I never knew you could be lose beyond modesties’.

I am right now looking at the woman I have loved and trusted for ten years now knowing she is full of another man’s cum, my eyes start to sting and turn red. “You are full of him in places you won’t let me go. And you want me to say ok fine now?” I turn and walk to the room, but I really don’t want to go there, I go to the bathroom instead.


It has been almost a year now, I had slept in the spare room for several months, we were just polite at first. I guess it was about three months before I asked her out, we went to a theater lost boy. We held hands and then went home. I stayed in the spare room that night as swell.

I asked her to dinner a week later she accepted and wore a sexy dark blue dress very a low cut and short. She went all out with make-up stockings pumps and a necklace I recognized. The one I had given to Lou. I had not seen her since that night however she called me twice a week and would update me on both Pugs and Annas conduct at work. They had been behaving themselves since our anniversary and she had been keeping up with Anna well. So, I had a lot of insight into why she did it, as well as how bad she had felt. I thought She had never thought of me at all while she planned this. She wanted something form someone else, not me, I was wrong.

At dinner I pulled her to the edge of the seat and put my hands between her legs, from there I spread them slightly and took my hand higher, I was surprised when I had found a pair of panties. I adjusted her, so I had access to the panties and began to rip them off her. I wasn’t being subtle. I sat the torn panties on the table in front of her and reached behind her unsnapping her bra with just a flick of my right hand, then I reached up her lose sleeves and brought down her straps, pulling on one I watched as both he breasts moved out of her bra one at a time. I then investigated the restaurant and noticed I wasn’t the only one who watched the show. I would be lying if I didn’t say I was surprised how well she took what I was doing. She took it very well, her look of surprise was priceless, it was usually me who had that look. I put her bra on the table as well looked at her an asked. “Since when do you wear underwear on a date with me?”

“I understand that you didn’t like that?” Anna said dryly.

“I love you and it is a part of you,” I say staring right into her eyes. “I said you would embarrass me with your exhibitions, but I never said I didn’t like it. In fact, I said it turned me on most the time. It is sort of sexy.” I started rubbing her pussy. “look at the pussy only I can touch, feel, finger, and fuck.”

Anna opened her legs wide, the people male and female watched as I put my hand back up her legs to her pussy. She slumped into her chair, so I could have access to it. I had never felt it so wet, my finger slipped into her accidentally. I touched her clit and she gasped into an orgasm clamping her teeth together and trying to stifle her moans of pleasure. I took my hand from her legs and licked my fingers.

Anna put her bra and torn panties in her purse.

After that I paid the bill and went home, we made love for the first time since our anniversary. She offered me her ass.

I began to press my dick into her barely used ass when she started to wince. She started to cry out win I just barely got the head of me about one third of the way in. I pulled out at once. “What’s wrong baby, I thought he took you virginity?”

She was still trying to recover when she answered me. “He did but you are like five times bigger than he is, shit that hurts give me a second and try again.”

I looked at her stunned as I suddenly realized what she had been doing on our last anniversary. she was going to give me her ass, but new she couldn’t do it with my size and girth. She practiced with a smaller man. She wasn’t being selfish at all, well as much. I laid beside her and held her tight. Baby if you really want to give me your ass maybe we try some but plugs to loosen you up down there. I don’t want to hurt you anymore.”

That night I texted Lou “Lou this is going to sound a bit strange and please hold back any judgments you may have, but can you text me a photo of Pugs dick?”

It came in only moments later and I laughed. Five inches long and no about the size of my finger. That explains a lot, Anna obviously thought she could handle that and get ready for me. Yea that’s how I want to see it. I am not looking at it any other way.

I moved back to our room that night, though I never made it into her ass until months later. I even took Lou and Pug out to see Anna the musical. I bought Lou another neckless to replace the one Anna had retrieved from her. I had Annas permission to do so.

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