Life's Pathways - Female Company


Nicky and I walked over the site and through a gate and into the meadow.
She said she felt exposed in the things she was wearing.
I have the same bits as you I said, yours are bigger.
We sat down on the banks of the river and I asked if she had ever done it with a guy before?
Not really Nicky said a bit of a feel at school but she hated boys.
Why I asked? Because they only one thing and I what to love. Nice I said, I lost my virginity the other day. It was wonderful, but I did not tell he who had took it.
I removed my trainers and jeans and lay down on the grass. I pulled my T shirt up so the sun would shine on my stomach. Nicky sat there just taking in the sight of this young girl’s body. Her flat tummy and deep belly button, her long tanned legs but most of all her wide hips and the bulge of her pussy wrapped in her cotton panties.
Nicky took her trainers off and the shorts Jenny had lent her. The white panties she had given her were too small and her pubic hair escaped from the leg hole and a little was showing over to waist band. Jenny she noticed hadn't got any hair on show. Because she was wearing a halter top her midriff was already bare. She lay down and closed her eyes.

After 30 minutes Jenny sat up and asked if Nicky wanted some beer or vodka? Both Nicky said with a giggle so Jenny handed her a can of beer and opened the vodka.
They both took long swigs from the cans, Jenny purposely letting some spill onto her T shirt. Shit she said and started laughing. Jenny handed Nicky the vodka who took a long drink and when she finished she was out of breathe.
She handed the bottle back and Jenny started to drink. She coughed several times because she hadn't drank vodka before. Nicky gently rubbed her back. She ran her fingers down Jenny's spine until she reached her exposed bum cleft.
Jenny squealed and turned to look at Nicky. Sorry Nicky said. No I liked it Jenny replied.
Jenny finished off she can and then put the cap back on the vodka. She turned and kissed Nicky full on her lips. Nicky was slightly shocked at being kissed by another girl and one younger that her.
Jenny stared into Nicky’s eyes looking for a reaction. Their eyes were locked and the atmosphere was electric. Jenny put her hand on the back of Nicky's head and kissed her passionately, her tongue gently worming its ways into Nicky's mouth.
Nicky dropped her can and took hold of Jenny's head and they fell back onto the ground.
Neither girl had done girl on girl to this level before. Their juices were flowing and were both getting close to climax even though no sexual act had taken place.
Nicky was first to peak and moaned and clung to Jenny sobbing into her neck.
Jenny hit her wall and started to cry, her tears running into Nicky's ear. Both were totally spent.

Jenny sat up and grabbed the vodka and took a huge swig, she didn't cough this time. Nicky sat up and asked what the fuck just happened? I don't know Jenny replied but it was fucking amazing.
She felt between her legs and said fuck I think I have pissed myself. She looked at Nicky's panties and said so have you.
She stood up and removed her T shirt and soaked panties. Nicky looked at Jenny's wonderful body. Nice sized breast and her hairless pussy.
Come on Jenny said to Nicky. No I can't, my body is a mess. Well it looks like a nice mess to me Jenny replied. We are both females and unless you have a cock we are the same. Here have some Dutch courage Jenny said handing her the vodka. Nicky drank some and put the bottle down.
Jenny held her hand out to help Nicky stand up.
Jenny took hold of the waist band of Nicky's panties. Nicky grabbed it too but Jenny said you have seen me naked now it’s your turn. She yanked then down before Nicky could react exposing her pubic bush. Nicky tried to cover it with her hands but Jenny took hold of them and said no you don't.
Jenny bent down and helped her to step out of the panties. Jenny kissed Nicky's bush causing her to shudder.
She stood up and kissed her again and said we might need a lawn mover on that but we can tidy it up. They both giggled. Jenny reached behind Nicky and untied the strings on her top. She let it fall to the floor revealing a huge pair of breasts. Before Nicky could cover them Jenny kissed both ruby red nipples and then licked them. God you’re a big girl Jenny said what size are they? 40F last time I was measured Nicky replied. The F is for fucking hell is it Jenny said and burst out laughing. You cheeky sod Nicky said and grabbed Jenny's breasts. They embraced and now it was bare flesh on bare flesh.
Everything they did after that was just natural to them. Licking, sucking, biting was all good to them. It was as thought they had been lovers for ever. Even the tastes and smells of unwashed body parts failed to put them off to the point where each girl enjoyed her partner’s ass holes sending screams of delight from the recipient’s mouth.
They drank the lagers and finished off the vodka and Jenny asked Nicky if she wanted to stay with her tonight. What will your father say Nicky asked? Who fucking cares, you’re my guest so fuck him.
Come Jenny said lets go to the house and started putting their clothes in the bag. What are you doing Nicky asked? Packing up to go home. But I'm not walking naked through the farm estate Nicky shouted. We don't have to I know a way around the side that brings us to the rear of the house. Fine Nicky said, the alcohol fogging her judgement.
They held hands as they walked back through the meadow and towards the main drive into the farm.
Jenny said wait here while I cross first and she ran across the driveway and into the bushes.
Jenny waited until she could she a car coming down from the farm. was quite a distance off but the drive would see Nicky run naked across the road.
Now Jenny said, and Nicky jogged across the drive with her huge boobs bouncing all over the place. Quick a car Jenny shouted and Nicky screamed and jumped into the bushes not before the driver sounded his car horn at the sight of two naked beauties in the woods.
Do you think they saw anything Nicky asked? No we were covered by the trees. How wrong could she be, the driver was Jack and he knew both girls.
They followed the path until they heard some talking over in a clearing.
Let go and see who it is Jenny said. No fucking way Nicky replied, I'm naked and I don't want any one seeing me. I've seen you Jenny said and fondled her breasts.
Jenny pushed her way through the bushes until she saw two guys naked, drinking beer and rubbing each others cocks. She recognized them as Marcus and Deny, two grooms from the stables. Both had nice meaty cocks and they were starting to make her pussy tingle.
Nicky came behind her and nearly gave them away by gasping out loud but managed to put her over her mouth before another sound escaped.
I want them both Jenny said, they can have any hole they want. You are not serious are you Nicky said. Yes I am, you join in as well. No fucking way am I getting fucked by either of them gays. Well I think that we are gay after what we did earlier. Are yes, but they are guys and that is wrong. I would love to watch two guys fucking Jenny said.
Mind the bag if you're not going to join in Jenny said and walked over to the guys. Hi guys she said as she approached.
Nicky watched from a distance as Jenny chatted to Marcus and Deny, they both kissed her and fondled her boobs and bum. She had taken hold of their cocks and gently rubbed them. She heard her giggle and she crouched down and Nicky could see the stream of golden pee coming from her bladder and hitting the ground making a splashing sound.
Nicky wasn't sure but she thought that Jenny was licking the ends of their cocks. She is a dirty cow she said to herself.
She watched as Jenny shook hands with them and then got down on her hands and knees. Marcus knelt down behind her and pushed his cock into her pussy. Nicky then watched in horror as Deny got down on his knees and forced his cock into Marcus's ass hole.
What the fuck she whispered, she had never seen that before.
They stayed coupled for about 5 minutes then the boys swapped positions. Each guy seemed to enjoy having their asses reamed by a cock. Jenny was certainly enjoying herself.

Before they climaxed they all separated, the guys stood up and Jenny knelt on the floor. The guys rubbed themselves to an orgasm each spewing huge amounts of cum on Jenny's face hair mouth and body. She squealed with delight as the hot cum went into her mouth. Jenny had her middle fingers in each guy’s ass hole and was frigging them, her fingers were going all the way in.
The guys swapped sides and started licking each others cum off her body. Nicky was rubbing her pussy wishing that she had joined in.
When she was clean the guys dressed and as they walked away Jenny reminded them of their promise for the next day. Fine they said, the big field over on the other side of the farm.

After Marcus and Deny were out of sight, Nicky rushed over and said that Jenny was one dirty fuck cow. They both lay on the floor kissing until Jenny said they had to get to the house.

Fuck Jenny said when they reached the house. What's wrong Nicky asked? My dad is still here and he has been on the war path since I did something wrong. Why what did you do, Nicky said? I'll tell you later Jenny said.
Now what ever happens just follow me OK. Yes Nicky said not knowing what was going to happen.
The walked though the front door and her dad shouted Jenny her now. She dropped the bag and took hold of Nicky's hand. Nicky tried to break free. No, let me handle him Jenny said and she dragged her into the lounge.
Have you no shame child Ben shouted as they entered the room.
What's your problem Jenny shouted back. Your naked that is the problem he replied. It didn't bother you the other night whet you took my virginity and then fucked twice more.
Ben stood up a walked towards her 16 year old daughter. Hit me then she said. Nicky my lover will see how nasty and cruel you are. It was OK went you were ripping my cunt open with that huge cock of yours and don't forget I'm not on the pill.
Ben sat down and took stock of what she had just said. Shit he might have got his teenage daughter pregnant.
I told dad we were going to my room and he snapped out of his thoughts.
So you’re not going to visit your mum then he asked? Yes we are going to have a shower first and I think Nicky needs a hair cut I said pointing to her big bush. Nicky gave me a punch on the arm and we giggled.

We went up stairs and had a shower. I removed most of Nicky's bush. Just left a short landing strip and she said it felt good.
Dad was screaming for us to hurry up. I shouted for him to being Nicky's panties and jeans up. They were dry because we have a washer dryer. And keep your eyes closed we are nude. He brought them up and I could see a bulge in his jeans.
Put a short skirt and a sleeveless blouse on. I gave Nicky a shirt that was too small but we did manage to try it so her huge breasts didn't fall out.
As we got into the car dad gave me a puzzled look. Tell you later I whispered.

We went in to see mum but dad wouldn't leave this time so I changed he Bandeau top with Nicky helping me then I had to do her bottom half.
I removed her sanitary pad and tampon and wipe her clean.
I played with her clit until she moaned and then I inserted a clean tampon.
I bent over and kissed her pussy. Dad shouted WTF? I am looking after my mum, she has needs too. You kiss her then. He screwed his face up, Nicky just looked at me.
The doctor came and said it would be at least a week before mum could go home and then she would need constant care until see could walk again.
Hi Nicky it is so nice to see you mum said. You look a lot better than you did in the stable Julie Nicky replied. I feel a lot better, not mum said.
We are all missing your at work and can't wait for your return. We all miss your sense of humour and the way you help us.
I'm sure Ben his doing OK mum said. He is but he is not as funny as you Ma'am Nicky said. Call me Julie, I hate formal chat.
We all laughed. Right people the nurse said. Julie needs some rest because she is back in theatre tomorrow morning. What Jenny said, shocked at the news. It's just a slight tweak to your mum arm nothing bad. She won't even be put to sleep.
We prepared to leave and Nicky stuck her hand out to shake mums. No Nicky a kiss please mum said. Nicky bent over and kissed mum on the cheek. The lips young lady mum told her so Nicky did as she was told.
I bent and kissed mum. She put her tongue in my mouth then whispered she loved me an reminded me to take care of dad.
We left while mum and dad had a few minutes alone. As we walked away, Nicky started crying. What's up babe Jenny said? I love your mum more than I think I should she replied. She is mum to all of us at work even the older ones like Jack. Not I mean in a sexual way she said. Well you'll just have to do with the younger version until she is better Jenny said. They kissed, both girls holding onto the others butts.

Emm Ben said when he arrives at the car. Nicky blushed but Jenny said got a problem?
Ben's mind was racing, two young women with not a lot of clothing on, kissing and touching each other. He was into lesbian porn and has watch loads in his time. Julie liked watching it with him and they had been some great sex after.
The girls sat in the back and kissed and fondled each other all the way to the pub.
Keys Jenny said. I'm not drinking just juice for me but you two can have a drink Ben said.
The ordered three curries and Ben had lime and lemon juice. He bought the girl double vodka on the rocks each.
As the night passed Ben had two more drinks of lime and lemon, he bought double after double vodkas for Jenny and Nicky and they were becoming quite loud.
They finished their food and he paid the bill. They had had at least 7 doubles apiece and were now quite vocal.
The girls sat in the back of the car chatting about boys and what they would love to do to them. Ben listened in silence taking in all their comments.

They went into the house. Jenny stripped off and then removed Nicky's top exposing her breasts to Ben.
God they are huge Ben thought, I wouldn't mind giving Nicky and tit fuck or Jenny for that matter.
Ben went upstairs to get changed and when he returned both girls were naked and Jenny was between Nicky's legs eating her pussy.
Ben was wearing his robe naked underneath and his cock swiftly stiffened. He watched his daughter's firm ass wiggle as she tucked into Nicky's juice filled pussy. He pulled his cock out and started to massage it. Nicky gasped at the size of it. She pushed Jenny away and crawled over to him. She pulled his hand away and slipped it into her mouth. Nicky managed to take about 7" in before she gagged. She pulled he mouth off it and spit the vomit onto Ben's thigh.
Jenny pushed Nicky out of the way and without stopping slid the full cock down her throat. Ben groaned and Nicky gasped
Not as big as Clyde jenny thought but not bad.
Who wants fucking Ben asked? Not me Nicky said I want to save myself for my wedding night. I do Jenny said. Fine and do you want a good look at me in action Nicky? MMMMM yes please she said.
Get in the 69 position then and we will take it from there.
Nicky lay on the floor and Jenny straddled her face and then buried her face in her friend’s pussy. Ben knelt behind Jenny and lined his cock up to his daughter's wonderful pussy. His balls were resting on Nicky's face and he could feel her licking his balls. He slid into Jenny's wet pussy and started to slowly fuck her.
Nicky was amazed that Jenny could take the full 12" into her young pussy and thought how she could make Ben go faster. She reached up and pulled Ben's ass cheeks apart and started to rub his ass hole. Ben loved it and quickened his pace.
Jenny was making muffles sounds because her face was buried between Nicky's thighs. Nicky flicked her tongue over Ben's balls and shaft on each stroke. He grunted approval, so Nicky slid one middle finger into Ben's ass hole.

Ben wanted to punish Jenny for her night of passion with the horse and he knew she wasn't sorry so He pulled his cock out of her dripping pussy and with one action slammed it into her ass hole.
Yes Jenny screamed, fucking harder. Ben couldn't believe it. Nicky squealed as she saw the huge cock sliding into her friend’s ass hole.
His balls were slapping against her dripping pussy, splashing Jenny's pussy juices onto Nicky's mouth and chin.
Nicky thought what the hell and plunged three fingers into Ben's ass hole, which seemed to go in easily. Nicky squirted and Jenny drank with gusto.
Ben couldn't hold on and let his cum spew into his daughter's bowels. Jenny was having a huge orgasm as her felt her dad's hot liquid filling her.

Ben pulled out and his shit covered cock hit Nicky right on the lips. Jenny jumped up and pushed Ben onto his back and straddled his face with her ass over his mouth, his shit stained cum dripping into his open mouth. Jenny deep throated the shit covered cock and started to clean it.
Nicky had never witnessed such a depraved sight in her life. Daughter sucking her shit off her fathers cock and the father rimming his come out of his daughters extremely loose ass hole.
She licked and sucked Ben's shit off her fingers so maybe she was has bad.

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