Libby finds out there's more to sex


Before I go any further I will tell you a bit about myself. I am small and my body is in proportion, small boobs and bum. I have short brown hair and when I was younger I was sometimes mistaken for a boy. I am single and prefer casual sex to long relationships.
I am 24 years old and I have a free spirit.

My story starts when I was going on a camping holiday. I loaded my battered old Ford Fiesta up with my tent and stuff. I know this might be a little bit disgusting for some but I will quite happily wear my clothes for a several days before I change them. That includes my panties. It's hard to find showers in a field.
I set off heading towards the Fens. It was somewhere I had only seen in books and on the TV. The weather was good and the sun was trying to break.
I was making steady progress with Fanny my car chugging along merrily. Every so often I would stop for a toilet break and stretch my legs. I think Fanny was relieved too.
I got a few miles from Kings Lynn and it started to rain. Not hard but enough to leave puddles on the road. It got to 8 pm and it suddenly went very dark and the rain came down like hell. I could hardly see the road in front of me and as I was driving down a narrow road, Fanny broke down. Shit I thought, haven't got a clue where I was and my coat was in the boot. Luckily I had managed to pull into the entrance to a field so I was off the road. About 300 yards down the road I could see a light on in a house. Maybe I could get help from there I thought so I got out of the car and went to the boot to get my coat. All I was wearing was a thin T-shirt and jeans and a pair of battered trainers. I put my coat on, locked up Fanny and started to run towards the house.

I knocked on the door; I was soaked through and felt miserable. The door open and a great big guy with a great big red beard opened the door. I nearly shit myself, he was huge and there were two big dogs barking behind him. I don't like dogs at the best of times but these looked like they would have me for a snack.
I was shaking, half because I was wet and half because I was scared of the dogs.
My car has broken down just down the road and I don't know where I am.
Come in he said and shouted at the dogs. A he was wearing was a pair of boxer shorts.
My name is Roger he said and held out his hand. Libby I said as I looked for the dogs. They won't touch you he said, they're my babies and are soft. We walked into the lounge and the dogs were sat there watching me. This is Carter and Piper, they are Great Danes. Come and say hello to Libby, Roger said. They both came over and started to sniff me. I shivered and Roger said I think they like you. I gave a weak smile. Carter jumped up and started licking my face. See I told you, Roger said and he is very happy to see you, look at his cock. I looked down and Carter's cock was sliding out of its sheath. Piper not to miss out on anything started to lap his cock. I giggled because it was the first time I had seen a female dog giving head.
I noticed that there was a bulge forming in Roger's boxers and I was feeling a bit wet between my thighs. I could always say that it was the rain.
Roger said, Libby you will catch your death in those wet clothes, let me get you a T-shirt and I will dry them for you. I'll be fine I replied. Have you seen the rain now he asked? I gently pushed Carter away and looked out of the window. I couldn't see my car just down the road. I suppose your right I replied and Roger went to get me a T-shirt. Go in the bathroom and change he said while I make a brew. Tea please I said as I walked down the hallway to the bathroom.
I removed my wet clothes; even my panties were wet so they came off too. I sat on the loo and had a pee. I looked around the bathroom; there was a huge stand alone bath in the middle of the room and a walk in shower that was big enough to get a whole rugby team in at the same time. I stood up, shit no paper. I went to the door and shouted that there was no loo roll. Sorry Roger replied, I was just about to do that when you knocked on the door. I went back in a pulled his T-shirt on. It was more like a dress on me than a T-shirt. It was down to just above my knees and the neck was too big so I had to wear it off one shoulder.
He gave me the loo roll and I wiped myself.
I walked back and into the kitchen where Roger had made two mugs of tea.
I handed him my wet clothes and he untangled them as he placed them in the dryer. I said you don't have to do my panties as I have clean ones in the car. OK he said, sniffed them and handed them back to me. Roger, why do guys like sniffing dirty panties I asked? I don’t know about the other guys but I love the musky smell, they to smell better as the day goes on. Why don’t you just smell the pussy? He laughed and replied I can’t imagine going up to a woman and asking if I could smell her pussy. I giggled and said, I wouldn’t mind you having a smell my pussy. I blushed as soon as I said it and changed the subject.
We talked about his job as a farmhand and how he had owned the dogs since they were pups.
I stood up and walked into the lounge and looked out of the window. It was still pouring with rain so I wasn’t going any where soon.
Roger came and stood behind me and said it looks lick you will be a guest tonight. He put his arms around my waist and I could feel his bulge pressing into the small of my back. Looks like it I replied, unless you want me to sleep in Fanny. Fanny he replied with a puzzled voice? Yes, Fanny my Fiesta car. Sweet he said and kissed the back of my neck. I shivered and my pussy started to respond. He moved his hand onto my breasts and he trapped my hard nipples between his fore and middle fingers. Even though he wasn’t touching them directly because they are so sensitive I moaned and my legs were going weak. I turned and kissed him.
He lifted me onto the window ledge and stood between me wide open legs. His growing bulge was pressing against my wet pussy, I was so turned on I wanted to rip his boxers off and slide that cock of his right up my dripping hole.
Come he said, lets retire to the bedroom. He picked me up off the window still and I wrapped my legs around his waist. As he walked to the bedroom the dogs started to growl. Hush up little ones we will have plenty of time later. The dogs lay back down as Roger carried me into his bedroom.
He laid me on his bed and removed his T-shirt exposing my naked body to him. I lay on my back and watched as he removed his boxers. I squealed as I saw the size of his cock. It was long and thick and his huge balls were covered in thick ginger hair. The head of his cock was peeping from his fore skin and it looked massive.
Roger climbed on the bed and buried his hairy face between my legs. I relaxed and let him do what ever he wanted to me.
He bit my clit, but it was a nice bit then he slowly lick up my body until he was biting my nipples. I ran my fingers through his thick red hair and tried to make him bit harder. He slid further up my body until his big hairy face was next to mine. I could see little beads of my pussy juice on his beard and could smell it.
I licked his face and kissed his nose. Because he was so tall he slid further up until his huge cock nudged my pussy lips. His hair chest and nipples were right there in front of me so I nibble on his very hard nipples.
Roger let out a low moan as I chewed away and his cock was rubbing between my pussy lips.
I placed my hands on his butt cheeks and whispered please as I tried to push him into me.
He slowly entered me and I wrapped my legs around him. God he was fucking huge, the biggest cock I had ever had by far. He slowly started his rhythmic thrusting and I keep sucking and gently biting his nipples. I could feel my pussy moving as it gripped his shaft. I was in heaven. He started to quicken his pace and He was starting to reach right up into the depths of my body.
As I reached my climax I felt Roger empty his warm seed deep inside me. I had tears of joy running from my eyes and down the sides of my face.
His balls were slapping against my bum hole and I climaxed again.
He finish and rolled over taking me with him so I ended up lying on top with that huge cock still buried in me. I lay my head on his chest and fell asleep.

The next morning I was alone in bed. Roger must have lifted me of him and got up because I know that in the night I was still on top of him with his cock still in me.
Got out of bed and went to the loo. Roger had put lots of loo rolls in the bathroom, cheeky sod. I finished and walked into the lounge and froze to the spot.
Roger was on one knee and his cock was sliding in and out of Piper’s doggy cunt and Carter was licking his ass hole. I stood there transfixed at the scene. His cock all shiny with dog juice and pre cum. Piper was just stood there, eyes glazed over and her tongue hanging out of the side of her mouth.
I put my hand over my mouth to stifle a moan. Carter was reaming Roger ass well and none of them even noticed me.
Roger gave out a low groan and it was obvious he was cumming inside Piper. She lowered her head and did a little yelp.
Roger withdrew his cock. It was glistening with cum and Piper’s juices. I got the urge to go over and clean it but I resisted.
The next thing shocked me even more. Piper lay on her back and Roger went between her hind legs and started licking her cum filled cunt. I slipped my hand down to my pussy. He was really licking, driving his tongue right inside a dog cunt. Then Carter climbed on Roger back and started to feel for his ass hole with his cock. No I said silently he won’t let him do that. Carter found his target and slipped into Roger ass and started fucking him like a jack hammer.
I squealed and bit by hand. Roger opened his legs wider so Carter could go deeper. Fuck, this is what he meant by later when the dogs growled last night.
Roger was grunting and his tongue was now exploring both Piper’s cunt and ass hole. How fucking low can he go, I thought.
I looked of the window quickly and it was still raining hard.
Roger gave a load moan has Carter knotted with him. Roger’s cock was huge again and pre cum was dripping on the floor.
Piper got up and slid under Roger and started to lick his cock. She was lapping away and Roger was in total ecstasy. Carter must have been cumming in his ass because Roger said, yes boy it so hot. Roger started to cum and Piper lapped it up as fast as she could. Then Carter pulled his knot from Roger’s ass. He screamed and Carter’s cum started running out of him.
I did a quick exit back into the bedroom and got on the bed pretending to be asleep. My heart was racing at what I had just witnessed.
I knew women did fuck with dogs but I didn’t know that men did or even eat dog pussy. He is either sick or very lonely I thought.
After about 30 minutes, Roger came in with a mug of tea. Morning sleepy head he said. I made like he had just woken me and stretched pulling the sheet off my boobs. Morning babe I said and sat up and took the tea from him.
He had showered because he smelled of soap and shampoo. Trying to hide it I thought.
It is still raining Libby he said. If you like I can get the tractor and we can tow your car to here. Thank you I said trying to act normal. I finished my tea and went to the toilet again. I needed to think. What do I do now, my car is fucked and I am in a dog fucker’s house. Shit what if he had fucked the dog before I arrived and hadn’t washed his cock. I could have dog VD or some other dog related STD. Or I could just pretend I didn’t see what he had done and let him fuck me again. God he does have a wonderful cock. The lucky dog bitch I thought. What if he asks me to join in, then what? I love eating pussy but I have never tried a dog pussy, and what about dog cock, what will that be like?
Just go with the flow Libby for now I thought. You can always say no. Yes that’s right I said to myself. But what if he gets the dogs to bite you or even kill you? God I am in fucking Shit Street here.
Walked out of the bathroom and the dogs were stood there looking at me. I patted them both on the head and went back into the bedroom with Roger.
OK let’s go and get my car and then we can make some plans I said. We walked to the kitchen where I rinsed the mug and stood waiting to see what happened next.
Roger grabbed his coat and keys and said he would be back with his tractor in 5 minutes. I was left with two frightening dogs.
Carter jumped up and pinned me against the wall while Piper sniffed and licked around my pussy. Fuck. I thought she can smell and taste her lover Roger on my pussy and she will now kill me. Carter’s cock was resting just above my boobs and his pre cum was starting to drip down between my boobs and run down my stomach.
Piper was trying hard to taste my pussy so I opened my legs for her. Don’t ask me why I did but suddenly her tongue was snaking its ways into my pussy.
Carter’s cock was now level with my bottom lips and was squirting pre cum now. And it had slipped right out of its sheath. It was pink with red and blue veins on it.
They were getting me turned on so much that I needed to do something. I thought why not and flicked Carter’s cock with the tip of my tongue. He yelped and tried to thrust it onto my mouth. Piper started to lick my button so I slid my lips around Carter’s cock and let him fuck my mouth. His pre cum was hitting the back of my throat so I swallowed as fast as I could. It wasn’t unpleasant just different. I slid down a little more and spread my legs. Piper’s tongue was now right up my pussy licking what was left of Roger’s seed.
I let my teeth gently rub on Carter’s thrusting cock. He let out a load growl and started to cum just as Roger walked in.
Shit, what was I supposed to do now? I had been caught red handed having sex with his dogs. Roger smiled and said once you have finished we can go and rescue your car. I was swallowing Carter’s cum as fast as I could but it was still running down my chin and chest. How much cum do dogs do? Carter pulled out of my mouth still squirting his cum onto my body and went and lay in the corner. Roger came over and started licking Carter’s spilt cum from my chest and boobs. Piper went and lay next to Carter and they watched us.

I pulled on Roger T-shirt and my trainers and we walk to his tractor in silence. Shit I said and ran back to get my car keys. The dogs ran to me and I said later my babies. I grabbed my keys and ran back to Roger.
It was still raining but it was warm. I climbed into the tractor cab but there is no way you can do it in and lady like manner and Roger had to push me up by my bare ass. I sat on the side as Roger sat in the big comfortable driving seat.
He pressed some buttons and it sprung into life. My ass was wedged against the window but what I didn’t know my ass and pussy were on show to passing motorists who sounded their horns when they went passed. Very friendly people I said to Roger. It might be that your pussy is on show look. I looked at the screen in the cab and my naked lower bits were on camera and Roger had not said anything.
We got to Fanny and she looked in a poor state. Roger got a tow rope from a box on the side of the tractor and fixed it to the tow loop on Fanny. He tied the other end to his huge tractor and asked if I had ever been towed before?
It started to rain heavily so I ran to Fanny. I slipped in the mud and landed with my ass and pussy in a pool of cold muddy water. Don’t you fucking dare laugh I screamed at Roger? I stood up and took the T-shirt off and tried to wipe the mud off me. More sounding of horns as cars drove passed. I gave them the one finger salute and climbed into my car.
I was freezing and damp and when I sat down the cold of the seat, I squealed with the coldness. Keep it in neutral Roger said and just lightly touch the brakes occasionally.
We set off slowly; Roger kept looking round to make sure I was OK. It was only three hundred yards but it seemed to take for ever. We finally arrived and I got out and stood there trying to let the rain wash the mud off me. Get inside silly; you can have a warm shower.
The dogs came over to me again and started licking and snuffing my pussy and bum. Hey really like you Roger said. Carter will not leave you alone now that you have sucked his cock. I found that sight of you against the wall sucking dog cock and Piper with her tongue right in your juicy pussy fucking beautiful Roger said.
Well I thought what you were doing this morning with them was disgusting I said. And what was so bad about it Roger replied? Well fucking a girl dog for starters, and then letting a male dog fuck your ass while you eat the girl dogs pussy, that is not right. They are my lovers, I have nobody else to turn to and they love it. It is still not right though is it I shouted? And what about you, you could have kept your mouth closed. I was curious I said trying to justify my reason for sucking a dog cock. That’s how I started babe; just a tongue here or them licking my cock clean after a wank.
I’m going for a shower Roger said. Do you want me to scrub your back he asked? Please if you don’t mind, my ass is quite muddy. I kicked off my trainers while Roger stripped off. I bent down and picked his boxers up and had a sniff, just a faint smell of pee and maybe a fart or two. I don’t get it I said and threw them back on the pile.
Carter and Piper started to bark. Going for a shower my lovelies then we can have some time together.
I got in the huge shower cubicle and Roger started the shower. I put some gel on my hands and started to soap his wonderful cock. It was soon standing out proud. I washed his chest then got him to turn round so I could do his back and ass. As I reached his ass crack he bent over and parted his cheeks. His hole wasn’t like a normal one. It was huge and looked like it had a donut ring around it. I washed it and stuck and finger in it. He didn’t say anything so I tried two. Again nothing so I put three in. MMMMM Roger said, good girl. I can take more if you want too he said. So I pushed four fingers in. He was loving it so I thought try my thumb too. I laid my thumb on the palm of my hand and slowly pushed it in. Roger grabbed my wrist and thrust my whole hand into his ass hole. He grunted and said go baby. I slowly moved my hand in his ass and he said deeper baby. So I kept pushing in and out until I was up to my elbow. Your doing fine babe just a bit more until I say stop. My elbow went in and I was soon shoulder deep in Roger ass hole. Wiggle your fingers babe he said. I wiggled my fingers and I could feel the insides of his bowels. My boobs were against the back of his thigh so I started to lick and his ass cheeks.
Can I take my arm out now please Roger, my arm is hurting? If you like and thank you so much babe, you are wonderful. I watched as my arm slowly reappeared from the insides of Rogers’s big body. His ass hole looked like it was coming out, there was a red ring sliding out as my arm was removed.
With my arm out his ass hole looked broken and sore. Does it hurt I asked? No it’s fine and will go back in a short while. I felt my fingers and they were cold even though they had been inside him. Hand and arm to my elbow had shit on them so I stared to wash it off. Roger grabbed my hand and started to lick his shit off them. He is one sick cunt I thought and if it wasn’t for that cock I would have left. No you fucking wouldn’t, I said to myself Fanny is broken and you need her fixing, your going nowhere without a car.
Roger lifted me off the floor and slowly impaled me on his wonderful cock. He pressed me against the shower wall and the water sprayed over us like in the porn movies. We kissed then Roger whispered had I ever tried anal sex. Once I said but the guy kept going limp. Do you want to try it again he asked? Yes I said breathlessly.
He lifted me off his cock and with his right hand placed the head of his cock onto my tight puckered virgin hole. Then he stuck and finger in it then lowered me down onto it. I couldn’t scream or shout, the pain was tremendous, like a red hot poker going into my belly. He slowly worked me until I could feel his balls. He slowly started to push me up and down on his cock. I thought I was going to pass out but gradually the pain went and I started to feel pleasure.
I started to sob and was kissing him all over his face. He quickened his pace and I was hanging on for my life. I felt his hot cum burning the insides of my bowels as I climaxed with him.
Roger gently lifted me off his cock and my ass started to make farting noises because of the air trapped in me. I looked down and his cock was streaked with my shit. Go on clean it Roger said as he turned the shower off. I’m not pulling that anywhere near my mouth I said sounding alarmed. Just do it or I will shout my babies and they will rip your throat out. I reluctantly dropped to my knees and took hold of his shit covered cock. I touch the end with my tongue, god I stunk terrible. I heaved and licked it. I can’t I said. Yes you can, just open your mouth and swallow it.
I moved my head away and took a few deep breathes then plunged it into my mouth. I could feel the shit pooling in my mouth and tried to let it run out but Roger’s cock was too big so I had to swallow. I shuddered and carried on the best I could slowly sliding my lips over it.
Roger grabbed my head and forced his cock down my throat. I didn’t even had time to gag it happened so quickly. I could feel his cock wedged in my gullet. I tried not to panic and started to take long breathes through my nose.
I started to squeeze his cock with my throat muscle and I got a response by Roger moaning. Fuck I was doing something right I thought. After several minutes Roger’s hot seed was shooting down the back of my throat. Thank fuck for that I though, I can now get this huge cock out of my mouth soon. But no Roger had one last little twist; he started to piss down my gullet and into my stomach. He swiftly pulled out of my mouth and directed his piss all over my face and hair. It went in my eyes and up my nose and it tasted very strong.
We shower and went into the bedroom still wet. We lay on the bed and Roger shouted to the dogs. They came bolting in and jumped on the bed. I recoiled in fear but Roger said that we were going a nap.
Carter lay next to me, watching every move. It was totally unnerving to have a huge dog stare at you. I drifted off to sleep and when I woke up I was tied to the bed.
What the fuck is going on Roger I shouted? It’s OK, I just did it for a bit of fun. I don’t find it very funny I shouted at him. He came in and untied me. Lets go and look at your Fanny he said. I think you have done more than just look at it already I replied. The car silly Roger laughed. I gigged and went outside.
It had stopped raining and the sun was out. I sat in the drivers seat naked carrying out his instructions. After several attempts Fanny spluttered into life.
Roger slammed the bonnet down and got in next to me. Lets go for a drive and she how she is he said. I’m naked in case you missed it. You’ll be fine, not many people around here he replied. So we set off driving down the country lanes, Roger giving me directions.
Roger said to put into a garage where we could put some motion lotion in. He was a funny guy in more ways than one. He got out and filled her up. I said I would pay when we got back.
Home James he said and don’t spare the horses. I drove at a nice steady pace until Roger asked me to pull over. I stopped in a lay-by and he asked if I liked horses? There OK I replied. Well come and see my little horse he said. I’m naked babe I reminded him. It’s fine, he like naked people he said with a big smile on his face.
He removed his top and I put it on. Better now he asked? Yes thank you I replied.
We went into a field and there was a huge horse grazing in a corner. We went over but I found it hard because I had nothing on my feet.
Hello son Roger said to the horse. It looked up and started sniffing Roger’s naked chest and head. I noticed it’s cock was sliding down between it’s legs and it started to paw the ground. It was huge, at least 18” long and as thick as my arm.
He walked round to the side and grabbed it. This is my big boy Roger said and he loves daddy don’t you. My head was spinning and I was wondering what the fuck was going on.
Roger bent down and started licking the mushroom shaped head. The horse stood still just flicking his tail. He got down on his knees and put the head of the horse cock in his mouth. This is so fucking wrong, a grown man in a field sucking horse dick in broad daylight. It still didn’t stop my pussy from leaking.
Roger stood up and removed his footwear on undid his jeans and slid them off. No fuck way I said. He went back under the horse and offered it’s huge cock to his ass hole.
The horse stabbed a few times then entered him. I screamed at the sight. Roger just grunted at each thrust. Each time more of the equine cock disappeared into him. I looked at my arm and thought fuck he could take it all.
Roger was now pulling on his own cock while trying to keep he balance so I removed his T shirt and got down on my knees in front of him. I kissed him and then let his huge cock into my mouth. He placed his hands on my shoulders for support as more of his cock slid down my throat with each thrust of the horse.
Fuck yes, Roger said as I put my hands behind him and felt his ass and the huge cock in his ass hole. I put my hand out and touched the massive horse balls. The horse let out a whine and thrust harder.
The horse exploded in Roger ass and soon after he did the same in my throat. Horse cum was running out of Roger like a running tap. I took some on my finger and lifted it to my lips. It tasted strong yet quite nice.
I let Roger’s fall from my mouth and moved to Roger rear. The horse pulled out and cum started gushing out of him but I got my mouth quickly over his ass hole and swallowed all that I could.
What the fuck am I doing in a field, naked and sucking horse cum out of a strangers hairy ass hole I thought? Why am I doing it? I have a good sex life with humans but because of this man I slid down a rocky road into bestiality. And the funny thing is he didn’t say anything to me, I just did it.
I lay down on the damp grass and looked you at the blue sky. Roger snuggled up to me, his wonderful cock brushing my thigh. I turned my head to look at him. I kissed his and said thank you. Why is that Roger replied? You have changed the way I look at sex and have opened my eyes to new things. Like what he said? You know replied and pushed him on his back and straddled him, your big cock, the way you have sex with your dogs and horses. Anal sex and deep throating too I had never done them before or the ways I sucked Carter’s hot cock.
We just lay there kissing and lick each others faces. We didn’t attempt sex but I don’t know why. It felt so good to be wrapped in Roger’s strong arms.
I must have dozed off because the next thing I remember is being in Roger’s bed with a soft blanket covering my nakedness. I got out of bed and found Roger sat on the sofa with the dogs licking his cock. His skin was pulled back and they where lapping his pre cum.
I sat on the armchair and Piper came over and started licking my pussy. I closed my eyes and let a pleasant wave wash over me. I slid down the chair and spread my legs wide so she could get her tongue further in my leaking pussy. This is not right I thought but I didn’t give a fuck.
Her tongue slipped into my stretched ass hole and I squealed with delight. I lifted my legs and held onto them so she worm her tongue right in my anal passage.
My juices where leaking and running down to my ass hole. I had multiple orgasms as Piper’s tongue did fantastic things to my pussy and ass. I was a quivering wreck and had tears of joy running down my face.
Piper stopped and I felt spent. Carter was still licking Roger’s massive cock head. It was now purple and looked very angry.
I got out of the chair and lay on the sofa with Roger’s cock right next to my mouth. Carter growled at me so I growled back. He looked puzzled and carried on licking his masters cock. I licked the top of Roger’s cock head and he groaned so I stuck my tongue in the pee hole. Fuck he said and started cumming in my mouth. I swallowed as fast as I could while Carter was trying to get some too.
When Roger had stopped, I pushed is cock to one side and let Carter lick the inside of my mouth.
When you two have finished I thought we could go to the pub Libby? I straddled him and he licked Carter’s spit of my face. Are we going like this babe I asked? Don’t be silly he replied, where would I put my wallet? I giggled and he lightly slapped both of my ass cheeks.
Lets shower he said. Fine but no fucking, I don’t want to go to the pub with cum running down my thighs I said. I stood up and noticed Carter was licking he own cock. I bent down and touched it and said later babe. Carter yelped as if he understood.
After the pub we got back and Carter ran to me. OK babe I said and stripped off. I don’t know if it was the alcohol or what but I knelt on the floor with my butt up so Carter could us me. He stiffed a few times and then mounted me. Roger stood there with his cock out of his trousers rubbing it. Carter did several jabs with his cock then shoot right in my pussy. It took my breath away, the speed he was pounding me. It felt like a hot poker searing my insides.
Meanwhile Piper lay in front of me on her back offering me her pussy. I licked it and she yelped, so I did it more and more slowly pushing my tongue in her hole.
Carter forced his knot inside me and I screamed, fucking hell that hurts and thought. He stopped thrusting and I could feel his hot dog cum squirting right inside my womb.
Roger climbed in front of me and slid his cock into Piper’s wet pussy so I bent lower and started to lick her dog ass hole while Roger’s balls rubbed on the back of my head. Carter was licking and nipping my neck, not hard but just enough that I could feel his teeth.
Roger filled Piper’s pussy with his cum and stood up. I moved back up and licked all Roger cum out of her pussy. She was yelping like mad.
Carter suddenly pulled his knot out my poor cunt and Roger got behind me and lapped Carter’s cum from me.
Once we had disentangled ourselves Roger said bed time. I followed him into the bedroom and we lay on the bed. We hugged each other and I put Roger’s cock between my thighs and we fell asleep.

That was my first experience of bestiality and I knew it would not be my last.

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