Sexual Awakening - It's All about Me


I woke up early and went to the toilet. Nobody is having me ever again I said into the mirror. I will make sure that I am dirty so they won’t come near me.
I went back into the bed room, Gary was lying there with his nasty cock that he’d fuck her with all small and smelly. I hope he has caught something nasty off her big hair cunt I thought. If he had waited I was him for ever.
I put on a pair of panties and shorts. I selected a vest and T shirt and put them on too. I looked in the mirror. Far too sexy I thought. My nipples were poking thought so I pulled a sweat shirt on and a pair of baggy jeans. Socks and my walking boots completed my dress for the day.
I grabbed my big coat with the fur lined hood and walked into the garden.
It was quite warm even at 8 am but I still put my coat on, put the hood on and zipped it up so only my face and hands were on show.

I lay on a lounger as people started to wake and dress and come out into the sun. Each time somebody asked me why I was dressed for winter I told them to fuck and mind their own business.
Off to Truro Ted announced and mum and dad got in Ted’s car. Gary got in with Roy and Ann while I climbed into the back of Ken’s sports car.
As we drove along Flo asked me what had upset me. Nothing OK I replied with a snappy tone. I was just asking you were the sex goddess before, always flashing you wonderful body and making Ken have sex with me all the time. And all the others you have fucked too I growled. Ken and I are very open in our relationship and never get in the way of great sex. So you’re saying its fine for Gary to take my cherry then fuck my mum? Well they seemed to enjoy each other so much.
A light went on in my brain. So I wasn’t Gary’s first, she was. Fuck I thought and he told me I was his first. I’m going to kill both of them.
My eyes started to fill with tears and I was so angry I said that I was giving up sex and only going to do it with dogs in future.
Ken and Flo looked round at me then Ken slammed on the brakes. What was that Ken asked? I am only going to let dogs anywhere near me from now on. They are bigger and don’t upset you. So how long have you been doing sex with dogs Flo asked? I did it yesterday up my ass and I loved it. My friend Lucy helped me when Jasper pushed his big ball all the way in so I wouldn’t get hurt. And he stayed in me for ages shooting tones more than any man can. Are you telling fibs Ken asked? No, I can show you my big stretched ass hole if you like. There’s probably still some of his cum in me if you want it because I’ve not had a shower today. Where did this take place then Flo said? On the beach, I was licking Lucy’s pussy when Jasper stuck his cock in me. We went back to her house and her and her mum Carol sucked his cock until he came again.
Ken started the car and we drove in silence to Truro. Ken parked up and we got out. It was roasting hot and I could feel the sweat running down my back and front and into my jeans. I felt very uncomfortable but I wasn’t going to let these people see my body ever again.

We all walked into the centre of the city get a drink and something to eat. They all went in a café but I went to a supermarket and bought a large bottle of water and sat opposite the café drinking while they have their food. Gary kept waving to me so I put two fingers up at him. He started showing me his food and indicating it was nice so I gave him two middle finger salutes and sat on the bench behind looking the other way.
They finished and my mum stormed over and asked what I was playing at? I totally ignored her and took another drink out of the bottle. She knocked the bottle of water out of my hand, good job it was a plastic bottle. I stood up and slapped her across the face and ran to the Cathedral in tears.

As I went in a man said that a service would be starting in ten minutes. Fine I replied and sat down about halfway down the building. I could see the pipe organ and it looked massive. A lady approached me and asked if I was OK. I’m fine, I just what to hear the organ if that is OK? Yes certainly she said and handed me a hymn book and a sheet with the order of service on it.
A man walked passed me towards the stairs for the organ loft. I ran after him and asked if he was the organist? Yes he replied and I need to go and get things ready for the service. Would it be possible for me to go up and watch you play, I have walked from Exeter to see this organ, I waited for the bolt of lightning to strike me dead but nothing happened? I am from Manchester and I do play the organ at my local church. One moment he said and rushed off to speak to somebody. He came back and said it would be fine but I must not touch anything. I smiled and followed him up the narrow staircase to the organ, whispering a prayer of forgiveness for my lie about walking there.
I nearly had an orgasm when I saw the console. It was huge with lots of stops and 4 manuals. I stood there with my mouth open and my chin almost on the floor. The organist introduced himself as Paul. He was about late 20’s early 30’s and drop dead gorgeous with black hair and brown eyes. Sit on the stool for a minute until I get the dots ready (music). I sat there and put my fingers on the keys. I felt like I was god and my body was trembling. Paul came back and placed the dot on the music desk. I know that one I said referring to the Bach Fantasy Prelude in Eb major and started to hum it as I pretended to play it on the keyboards.
Very good Paul said you can play it at the end of the service if you like. You would need to remove your boot though he said. I had a little squirt of pee in my pants. Good job I was wearing so many layers I thought. Sorry but I couldn’t because my feet stink. So would mine if I had walked all that way he laughed. I removed my coat and boots and stood next to him as he played so soft music as people started to flood into the Cathedral.
The service started and Paul played with such control and his stop changes where simply wonderful. During the service he told me that he would give me the signal when to start playing when the service was over. I thought he was joking but apparently he wasn’t.
As the last few bars of the final hymn were played, Paul slid off the organ stool and invited me to take his place. I felt like I had not butterflies but great big vultures in my stomach and they were going to eat me.
I set the stops for the opening chords and waited for the signal from Paul. That was the longest 2 minutes of my life ever. Paul nodded and I started to play. It has a slow introduction so that was good. Then it gets quite heated and I was playing like my life depended on it. The piece is only four minutes and just went for it. The last 16 bars I let rip and I did have a real orgasm playing an organ instead of riding one. I finished and the sound echoed around for several seconds. Paul hugged me and said that I had put him out of a job. I turned and started crying into his shoulder.
Gaynor that was perfect, I can’t play that piece as good, and I noticed you weren’t even looking that the music. Play something else if you like but make it soft so it will not disturb the people who come in for silent pray and also the visitor. I thought for a second and decided on the slow movement of Suite Gothique by Léon Boëllmann. I pulled my sweat shirt off and because it was wet my T shirt and vest lifted up too exposing my boobs. I took the sweat shirt off my head and quickly pulled my vest and shirt down hoping Paul hadn’t seen me. No such luck he was stood there with a big grin on his face. I started playing and Paul just closed his eyes like he was asleep. When I finished Paul gave me clapped his hands and said do you know the final movement? Yes I replied looking a bit smug. Wait there a minute Paul said. Just look over the wall and I’ll see if they will let you play it.
Paul rushed down stairs and cross the nave into and anti room. I saw Ken, Ted and my dad looking at different things in the building. I did a loud cough and Ted looked up. I wave and he waved back. He nudged Ken and my dad and pointed up to me. I wave and they waved back but my dad also shook his head.
Paul came back out and gave me the thumbs up. He was followed by a load of old guys who sat down ready to hear me play. Fuck my mum and dad I mumbled as I got back on the organ stool.
I needed to concentrate because this could go very wrong. I choose two soft pedal stops and light flute on the swell division and started. Shit I was playing it too fast but I couldn’t slow down now. I slowly build up the sound until I reached the slight pause going into the finale. Then it was all hell let loose. My legs were whizzing on the pedal board playing octaves. I had the entire heavy reeds going and I think somewhere something was rattling. I got to the end and held the last chord for ages.
I let up on the keys and pressed the general cancel button so all the stops went back off. I switched the blower off and pulled my sweat shirt back on.
Then I could hear people clapping. I looked down and loads of people were stood there looking up at me. I put my boots on and grabbed my coat and made my way down the stone steps.
People started hugging me and telling me how good I was. Some Arch bloke came up to me and asked if he could have a word. Yes of course I said and followed him into a room were there were several other men sat at a long table. Take a seat Miss he said so I sat on the only other chair right in the middle of the room. He took his seat in the centre of the men who all looked very scary.
Where are you from my child he asked? Child, fucking child I thought to myself. I’ve had more cocks than you have hot dinners and you call me a child. Manchester I replied in my best voice. And before you ask any more questions I would like to say something. Yes, certainly go ahead.
I came into this wonderful place of worship, I was asking for mercy and trying to soften them up, to see the pipe organ. I would have just sat and stared at it just thinking of what it would sound like. But I saw Paul and asked if I could look at his organ. There where several chuckles. You know what I mean, any way I told a lie to get up onto the organ loft and I know god has told you to punish me. I did say I was sorry to god but he will be listening to people who need him more that me. I am so sorry and deserve all you do to me. But I did enjoy playing the organ so I had an orga… The Arch guy held up his hand and said we get the picture. We were bowled over at the way you played, so precise and with such dexterity. We have had some wonderful organists visit over the years and you are up amongst the best. Who is your organ teacher; we will contact them and see if you can be found an organ scholarship. I teach myself Sir I replied. I play the tuba and have always loved the pipe organ sounds.
They continued to ask me questions for about 20 minutes and said it was a pity I lived so far away because they would offer me the post of organist right away. What about Paul I asked, he is very good? He is deputy organist at the moment. Dr somebody or other I had never heard of was retiring soon and they were looking for a new person to take up the post.
I need to find my family I said because we are staying miles away and need to get back. Each guy shook my hand and thanked me.
I walked out of the room and all the fucking happy campers were stood there waiting for me. Let’s get back Roy said and out of the Cathedral we went and got into the cars for the drive back home. Flo said that she would get in the back because such a talent should travel in style. No, I’ll be fine in the back I said and climbed in.
As we returned I realized I hadn’t put my coat on and because the windows were open, a cool breeze was making my nipples stick out and Ken kept looking at me thought the mirror. Fuck I thought and pulled my coat over me.
You are a very talented lady Flo finally said. The way you played that organ today was wonderful, I bet your mum and dad are very proud of you. They don’t give a shit about me and I play all organs very well. I’ve never had a complaint yet. You like the way I suck your cock don’t you Ken? Even when it’s covered in shit after you have fucked my dad’s ass hole. Ken just looked at me. Have you ever fucked Flo’s ass hole Ken? If not you can do mine today. It might be a bit smelly and dirty but I would suck it clean afterwards. Flo said why are you being so nasty? I’m not, just asking Ken if he want to fuck my ass. Have you a problem with that? Your just being silly now Ken said. No I’m fucking not, do you want to fuck my ass, yes or no? I’ll even lick Flo’s ass while you ram you hard cock up my shit tube. I knew I was getting them going because Flo was feeling Ken’s cock through his shorts.
We arrived back at the house and we went in. Well I asked are you fucking my ass or what? It will hurt Flo said trying to put me off. So fucking what, I am already hurting after seeing Gary fuck my mum. We entered their room and started to strip off. I must tell you that I haven’t had a shower since yesterday and I’ve had a dog up my ass and a few cocks in my cunt, they all left cum in me. I lied about the last bit.
Flo lay on the bed and I straddled her face. You smell wonderful Gaynor, Flo said. I must stink I replied. Yes you do but I like a dirty pussy to eat and ass she said. As she started to lick my pussy, I felt Ken’s cock pressing against my ass hole. Without any warning he plunged right up my anal passage. Flo lightly bit my clit as I buried my face in her cunt to stifle a scream.
Fuck that hurt I thought but at least he will not knot with me. Ken started long slow strokes as Flo nibbled my clit and licked his cock. I was eating her pussy and fingering her ass hole. Ken was starting to swell in me and I knew he would cum soon.
Fuck me harder I screamed as I climaxed. I suddenly felt Ken’s hot seed shooting into my bowels and I climaxed again.
When he finished he pulled out my ass was popping and farting his cum from me. I could feel his cum running over my pussy lips and Flo was doing her best to swallow it all. I sat up and Flo stuck her tongue up my still gapping ass hole. Fuck that’s nice I said. I pushed like I was having a shit and Flo was moaning and lapping at me.
I climbed off her and turned round to see her mouth covered in brown coloured cum. It looked more like a chocolate milkshake. She reached up and grabbed Ken’s cock; it looked like a chocolate finger and slid it between her lips. WTF I thought, that’s my shit she is eating. I was stunned because I had never seen this before. OK I had licked poo stains in my friend’s panties but never the full wet stuff. I started to play with my pussy, this is so wrong I thought but I wonder what it tastes like?
I climbed back on top of Flo and put my face near her mouth. Fuck, the smell was Yuk but I stuck my tongue out and touched Ken’s cock. It didn’t taste too bad so I started licking it. Flo took Ken’s cock out of her mouth and offered it to me. I didn’t hesitate and let it slip into my mouth.
So I was sucking he shit covered cock and Flo was licking his balls. Ken came in my mouth and then stepped back. Flo and I swapped his cum and I even swallowed some of the shit stained cum from my ass.
You’re such an amazing young lady Ken said; please don’t waste your life. You learn so fast and love to try new things. I will try Ken and how did Flo start to suck shit covered cocks. I climbed off the bed and waited for his reply.
I think you might be too young to understand Flo said. Try me bitch, I fuck and sucking you say I’m too young to understand. Just love sex end of. Well ken said, there are lots of ways people get their sexual kicks, S & M, BDSM, animals, Lesbian and Gays sex. You’re gay because I saw you fucking my dad’s ass and you Flo eat pussies. Yes Ken said, but we do other things that some people find strange. Like what I demanded, sex is sex. What I am about to tell you goes no further than this room OK? Fine with me I replied. We are into water sports and scat, Flo said. Ugh, lost it already I replied. OK, we piss and shit on each other and sometime eat and drink it too Ken said.
I sat there I total silence, my brain trying to process the information. Ken and Flo sat, waiting for my reply.
Sounds like fun I said, when can I join in I said? Who else does it with you I asked? All the people here Ken said, we have get together at someone’s house and just play it by ear. So you all drink piss and eat shit, even my mum and dad I said? I a word yes said Flo. Fuck me I replied, no wonder the fucking old cunt doesn’t have sex because they don’t want Gary or me finding out.
I picked up my clothes but gave my dirty panties to Ken and said something to keep, there’s a shit stain where I didn’t wipe my ass this morning. Both Ken and Flo kissed me and I left. I walked naked down the corridor to my room. My brain was all over the place. I kept thinking of people pissing and shitting in wide open mouths and I was getting wet.
I threw my stuff on the bed and grabbed a towel and went for a shower.

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