The plane crash chapter 13 to 18


The plane crash chapter 13 to 18

Chapter 13 - Mary Mary Quite Contrary Day 8

The next day started in a much more pleasant manner because we were warm and dry and safe. The storm, with all its rain and wind was of no threat to us. The cave remained dry and although there were a few streaks of water that wet the walls higher up and flowed like serpents, none had reached the floor of the cave. I would need to investigate the location above that allowed the smoke to escape but the rain to not enter. We were now living in a TeePee type cave. Another day though, there were more pressing things that needed to be dealt with. Like right now, we needed to eat something. All the girls were awake and just lying around talking. "Ok girls, the first thing I want to do is get some bananas and what ever other fruit we can find. Do not stray from the pond more that a few meters and always in pairs. If you go into the jungle, make sure you don't loose site of the cave or the pond and like I said before, if you get lost, don't go any further, call out and we will come and find you. We still don't know where we are or what dangers lurk in the jungle"

The morning sun cast shadows over the pond and the freshness and sweet smells of foliage and fruit wafted through the air. We were in a beautiful place. Throughout the day we organized work details, responsibilities, mental lists of things we needed to find or get from the plane and by the end of the day, which just seemed to fly by we were in pretty good shape. We foraged in close proximity to the pond, finding an ample supply of bananas, coconuts and pineapples. By the end of the day we were all tired and unlike the night before, we had all eaten well and were pretty well organized. We all climbed back up to our new temporary home and lit the fire. Being a camper of sorts, I had packed the usual things into my carry on, like lighters, a Buck knife all neatly concealed within other things. I have always been paranoid about things like that and even in my car, there is always a lighter, a box of waterproof matches and a survival kit. How I would have loved to have that here now but just having a lighter and my knife proved my point. Once the fire was burning we all sat around once again talking and giggling about the days happenings.

All the girls appeared to be adjusting well to our predicament and although there were some sad faces occasionally laughter came easily. Some of the girls had already lay down and after about an hour we were all winding down. Mary came and sat down next me, her red hair flaming in the dancing fire light. She looked so precious. After a few minutes she put her hand on my bare thigh and I covered it with my own, holding it against my skin. "Aren't you tired Mary?" "No I like being snuggled with you Marco. I miss my mommy and daddy already and my daddy always came to my room to tuck me in" "We all want a turn to snuggle too, you can't have him all to yourself Mary" chimed all the girls still awake. "Well we'll see about that, now try to get some sleep" Lots of giggles followed that remark. While we still had some light, we clambered around all the other girls who had made their palm leaf beds at the deepest end of the cave. We crawled to the front and into the alcove. The rock was fairly smooth and that was a blessing based upon the fact we had nothing to lie on other than a thick layer of green palm leaves. I must admit though it wasn't that bad. The thin blanket we had would keep us warm, although I wasn't cold. The small fire had warmed up the cave quite a bit and it was dry at least and no wind, a major blessing. The cave being rock, once warm would stay that way for a long time. Mental note to self, bring some of the seats and things like that from the plane to sit and lay on. I lay down and using my backpack for a pillow, got comfortable. Mary waited until I was settled, then crawled up into the crook of my arm just like the night before resting on her side. She flung one leg over mine with her head on my chest. "Comfortable young lady?" "Sure am Marco, you are so warm" "I really miss my Mom though" The feeling of this nubile, warm little girl, curled up against me had my cock hard within seconds. I didn't say a word nor did I try to hide it. Without so much as another word, she slid her hand down and placed it right on my cock. Mary Atkinson was 9 years old and played the flute.

She had been designated as a team leader because she was smart and a problem solver. Her long coltish legs made her look thinner than she actually was and she had a very nice ass for a little girl and her puffy pussy mons hid most of her treasure. Only a small portion of her clitoral hood was exposed. Her flaming red hair with freckled arms and cheeks gave her a glow and her full lips made her smile intoxicating. Her tummy was flat and she had an outy bellybutton. "Mary, are you sure you want to be doing that? You know how inappropriate that is" I whispered "Yes, but I like how it feels. When I was seven I used to play with my younger brother quite a bit and once I even put his thingy in my mouth. It tasted like peepee so I didn't do it anymore" "I can't believe you just told me that?" "Oh it's Ok, I don't want any secrets with you" She grasped my hard cock and began to rub it. "Yours is so big and it feels really nice, I like it Marco" she whispered softly Mary toyed with my prick for about 5 minutes, and then boldly slid her hand inside the waistband of my shorts. I jumped but I could not stop her. I was beyond help, allowing this 9 year old to fondle my erection and she loving every second of it. "It feels so hard but the tip is so soft and it is all wet Marco why is it all wet?" she said whispering ever so softly. I didn't say a word as she continued, now more bold. In the dim light, flickering off the walls of the cave, Mary pulled her hand from my shorts and tried to push them down but couldn't with her only free hand. I was too far gone now, crossed the border of reason, abandoning all sense of morality. I helped her push them down and my cock sprang free. She immediately grasped it again, sliding her tiny hand down to my balls. "You can touch me if you want to Marco; I promise I won't say anything. I am your special girl and you are my special man" "Mary Mary, you know this is so wrong don't you?" "My mommy has told me that it is not right to let anyone touch me without my consent, and I want you to Marco so you have my consent" I slid my hand down her back and cupped her little ass pulling her closer and she continued stroking my rock hard cock.

She circled her finger over the tip of my cock, which was now oozing copious amounts of lube, then slid her hand down to my balls again then back up to the tip to play. She inserted her finger into the hole, feeling around, separating it, and seeking to find the source of my juice. "Marco, what is all the slippery stuff on the end?" I whispered softly. "Oh Mary, you are so young and what you are doing feels so wonderful. When a man gets excited, his cock starts to produce a liquid that makes making love easier, but you are too young to know about things like that" "Does it taste like pee like my brother? What does it taste like?" "Sshhh, Mary, no it doesn't taste like pee and I really don't know what it tastes like, I have never tried it" I moved my hand up and slid it down inside her shorts, slowly running my finger down her bum crease. My mouth was dry, my hands were shaking and my heart was pounding like a drum. I was lost in lust and didn't know how to stop this and didn't want to. I massaged her cheek slowly then moved my hand down further until I felt her wetness. When I slid my finger up over her sphincter, she moaned then pressed her mouth against my chest to muffle the sound. Seeking further I was amazed at her wetness. Her tiny hairless pussy was wet. I didn't think girls her age could produce that kind of wetness but there it was. She was wet, excited and liking what we were doing. However wrong it was, it was right for her and now having crossed the line, for me as well. I was in heaven. She scooted up until her face was pressed into my neck and lifting her mouth to my ear, she whispered ever so softly. "Can I taste your juice Marco?" "My God Mary you are such a bad little girl, you are the last person I would have thought would be so curious about these things. Do you really want to?" "Yes, I think so" "Well if you want to then go ahead" My cock was pointing straight up at my belly button, hard as a rock. I thought she would just suck her finger but instead she turned and licked the tip of my cock.
It was so wet; I felt it drip onto my stomach. In the dim light, we could see each other clearly enough. The fire had died down to just embers making it glow in the darkness. The fire was almost 4 meters inside the cave and off to one side opposite the entrance to the alcove. The light reflected off the alcove wall. I was not sure if the other girls would be able to hear us as they were at the other end of the main cave and we were all the way into the alcove. I knew they couldn't see us so that was a good thing. However, they all seemed to accept that fact that Mary was sleeping with me and all wanted their turn so I didn't care. Her first lick sent shivers through my body and my cock pulsed in her hand. She tightened her grip on it and licked again like one would lick and ice-cream. Her position made it much easier to access her and I pushed my hand further and found her clitoris. I knew from the feel, it wasn't that big but when I touched it, she drove her little mouth down hard on my knob to muffle the sound of her ecstasy. I toyed with her for a minute or two and then withdrew my hand, drawing it to my mouth. She tasted wonderful, a little hint of peepee because she hadn't bathed since supper but a most wonderful taste. My mind raced. I wanted to taste her more; I wanted to stick my tongue into her. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned, moving up and putting her head in the crook of my neck. "Are you Ok with all this Mary?" "Oh yes, I like it a lot, can we do more?" "Listen, I want to kiss your vagina" "Marco, nobody calls it a vagina. I call it my clammy but most of the girls call it their pussy, everyone calls it a pussy, some of the older girls call it their cunty but I don't like that word. It sounds so dirty" "Well, can I kiss your clammy then?" "Sure you can, as long as I can kiss your hard cock" "You most certainly can kiss my cock Mary but first can you take off your shorts, but leave your panties on" "I am not wearing panties Marco, I threw them away, and they were pretty dirty. I washed my clammy really good today in the pool" She rolled over and took off her shorts and turned, taking my cock in her mouth once again. For her first time with a man's cock, she was doing really well. I hadn't had my cock sucked for a long time so feeling Mary's warm little girl mouth wrapped on me was pure delight. In my mind, I knew this was so wrong and that GOD would surely send me to hell for eternity plus a year, however a stiff cock has no conscience and quite frankly I don't think there are many men who would have pushed her away. I lifted her leg over my face and pulled her towards me. She was right and had washed herself really well and her smells were intoxicating and I was so sexually aroused by this skinny little 9 year old red headed baby girl that stopping was out of the question. I pulled her little bald pussy to my lips and plunged my tongue into her. She bolted stiff and hung onto my cock with both hands never letting it out of her warm wet mouth. How the hell did I ever get into this and where was it going to lead. I licked her clean, seeking more ever deeper places within her tiny hole. I pulled at her little clitoris, nibbling with my teeth. She really liked that but when I pushed my tongue at her bummy hole, she stiffened like a board. I could feel her tense and relax each time I snaked my tongue over her crinkled little rosebud. Surprisingly it didn't have a bum smell; but even if it had I guess I had fixed that. I sought more and more and licked and probed her every hole, deep, fucking her virgin holes with my tongue and then she stiffened, her mouth clamped onto my hard cock.

She jerked almost uncontrollably several times, grinding her clammy against my face and then stopped pressing down hard, her tiny body vibrating. I could have sworn she had an orgasm but she was only nine and I deduced that not possible. My cock was still hard as a rock and needed some release but I knew it was not going to happen tonight with Mary. Mary had now relaxed and I pulled her away from my cock, she wanted more but I wanted to sleep. Taking her would have to wait. "Marco, I had this amazing feeling. It was like an explosion inside me. I have never felt anything so intense in my life" "Mary, I am not entirely sure but I think you may have had an orgasm" "Oh Marco, I feel so good right now and whatever it was, I want more" "Listen young lady, we need to sleep right now" "Ok, but can we do this again tomorrow" "Well, I am not going to say yes. You are my special little girl but the other girls need attention too. You heard them wanting a turn" "But, if I am your special little girl, how come I have to share you with the other girls?" "Well I don't know how to answer that but let's just say that even though you may have to wait for your turn again, you are the first and that alone is very very special" "Ok, will you hold me while I fall asleep?" "Sure my princess, you bet, now put your shorts back on and let me hold you" She put her shorts back on and cocked one leg over my groin and rested her little red head on my chest. My cock was still hard in her hand but if she was going to take my cum in her mouth, I wanted to do it right and now was not the right time. I slid my hand into her shorts and grasped one of her bum cheeks, my little finger resting on her rosebud. "I like that Marco, I like it a lot" "I do too my princess, now let's get some sleep" I could not, even in my most wildest dreams, ever visualized what just happened between Mary and I and I knew that one day very soon, I was going to fuck her and I knew that she would welcome it and love it. I could only imagine what seeing her like she was in the light of day. Mary, with her little ass above me, her little girl pussy, hairless and smooth inches from my face, warm and wet, eager for me. We both were asleep in minutes. ***

Chapter 14 - A New Day Dawning

We had been stranded now 10 days. I awoke the next morning early, horny and with a piss hard on that would choke a cum slut, but refreshed and the girls were still all asleep. A very good sign because the trauma of the last few days surely took it's toll on them and sleep is always good medicine. The feeling of security and a full stomach can make you comfortable. I crawled through the cave opening and tied back the palm leaves allowing light to enter the cave. The palms and morning sun cast a shadow over the pond. The air was cool and fresh, the pond glistened with the ripples of the waterfall, the water so clear I could see the bottom for about 3 meters around the edge. The center was deep and the color of an emerald. I wondered if there were fish in the deeper middle as we had not seen any around the edges of the pond. "Good morning Marco" I turned to see Sandra crawling through the cave opening. "Good morning Sandra, did you sleep well?" "Yes but you and Mary kept me awake for a bit. I could hear you two. What were you doing to her?" "What do you mean, what was I doing to her?" "Well I heard her moaning and I could hear you whispering to her" "Oh she was just a bit cold and kept trying to snuggle with me and she couldn't get comfortable and kept me awake as well" "Oh" "Can I sleep with you tonight?" "Well, I don't know. I think we all need to sit down and have a talk and perhaps once we get a little more comfortable, you won't need to" "But I want to Marco" "Listen Sandra, you need to understand that what happened the other day was not right and I am concerned about that. You and Linda were really naughty the other day" "Yes but you liked it, didn't you? And you did sleep with Mary and I could tell from the sounds that it was more than just her getting comfortable" "Well I am not going to say any more about last night Ok but you need to understand that this sort of thing is not right..." "No buts, you liked it and so can I sleep with you tonight" My mind was racing, Sandra, that cute firm chubby little ass.

I knew right then that if Sandra slept with me, she wouldn't be a virgin by morning. "We will talk later Ok?" "Right now I want you to wake up all the girls and the first thing we are going to do is get washed up and then I want to go back to the plane and get as many things as we can that will make sleeping more comfortable" "Ok, but I really want to sleep with you tonight" "Ok, Ok get going and wake up the girls" Sandra, sitting beside me ran her hand up my thigh and quickly grabbed my cock giving it a playful squeeze. She looked me straight in the eye then turned and crawled back inside. I watched her, marveling at her sweet ass and wondered what she tasted like. We all gathered around the pond and some of the girls, still groggy were grumpy and whining about being hungry and complaining about not sleeping well and a variety of other similar things. I ignored them and directed them to get washed up. "Can we take our cloths off Marco" came the chorus "Well, I don't see anything wrong with that but think it would be better if you just kept them on, that way they will be clean as well" We all splashed about and finally everyone was done, sparkling clean, cloths and all. The wet shirt contests had nothing on these nubile young things and by this point everyone had tossed their training bras and wore nothing but halter tops and stretched out T-shirts. Little titties were visible everywhere.

This was day ten and already these little nymphs were headed down a dangerous path, not for them but for me. Some were still in shorts yet, having reworked their skirts and long pants, a few had fashioned sarongs from T-Shirts, which seemed to be the coming fashion for the group. Once one had one they all wanted one but there weren't enough T-Shirts and possibly today when we went to the plane, more could be found. They had ripped the arms and necks out of them and used my Buck knife to cut them the way they wanted. Some hid nothing at all, open on one leg, some long, some short, tied in a knot on their hips, those that had hips. A wonderful sight to say the least. It was a playground perverts wet dream. The girls slowly came around after our swim and wash. We gorged ourselves on fruit and with full stomachs, clean and fresh we headed off the plane. I was concerned that we had not seen another plane pass overhead nor had we heard anything that would suggest they were looking for us. At the crash site, we removed all but a few seat cushions nearly 80 of them and would need more than one trip to get them all. We tossed any that had blood on them or were ripped open. We packed up the life raft as well. This would make a great play toy for the girls in the pond. It was heavy though and I decided to fashion a hammock with poles to drag it back, but perhaps another day. I removed all the rope and coverings because they could be used for other things. The girls were in scavenger mode and worked really well as a team and organized everything into equal piles so everyone would have about the same amount to carry. We gathered up all the utensils and cups, glasses and quite a few metal trays that could be used for cooking and a couple of deep pans from the kitchen. We organized all the tiny airline pillows and blankets and dug around finding all napkins and toilet paper.

The cargo hold would be another day's work as I could not get it opened and had no way of knowing if we could enter some other way. Once ready we headed back to the pond. Mary, Becky, Sonya and Susan organized their teams to haul all the cushions and everything else we had carried, up into the cave. I went back to the plane to fetch more cushions with most of the girls leaving only the older ones to organize while we made the trip. After two more we had everything. The stack of cushions was huge and certainly more than what we needed but it was better to have them than not. All the girls were now busy in the cave and I decided to seek out more food. "Girls, I am going to look for some more food. Continue what you are doing and I will be back shortly. Try to organize the cushions well so we have good beds to sleep on." "Ok Marco, we will be good little homemakers for you" came the chorus I walked a very short distance into the jungle, maybe two hundred yards and immediately recognized Yucca bushes and a great area covered in what appeared to be wild sweet potato. These both would take some work as the edible parts were underground and I would need to fashion some sort of shovel to dig them out. The future looked bright with the fruit and now this; we could survive for quite some time. Almost an hour had passed so I walked back to the cave and could hear the splashing of water and the laughter and screeching of the girls. Once in the clearing, I noticed them all in the water, naked as the day they were born. My God what a sight that was. If ever there was a case to be argued for group think, this was it. I know most of the older girls were curious, that is natural. However, having the younger girls suddenly have the same thought patterns is odd, I mean all of them seemingly together. Group Think. No other explanation because I am sure if anyone tried anything back at the school, they would be Bubba's girlfriend by now. ***

Chapter 15 - Looky Touchy Feely

I sat down at the edge and watched them. They seemed to have forgotten the events of the past few days and looked happy and were having fun, like children should do. I studied each one, noting their bodies in various stages of development. My thoughts were not all pure, looking at their little titties, their pussies and little girl asses. The only ones that seemed to have any hair on their pussy were Valerie Smith who was stunningly beautiful, Becky Smithright who was a second but with smaller titties but beautiful just the same and Sonya Mendez whose dark skin and white bikini patch contrasted her dark space pussy down. "Come on Marco, come into the water with us" "No, I am just going to sit here and be lifeguard" "You can be lifeguard here as well, come on and have some fun with us" "Ok but just for a bit, we need to gather some more fruit and more wood for the fire. I want a huge pile of wood inside just in case there is a storm that lasts for a few days. I want to be prepared for the worst OK. I need to find something to make a shovel with" I got up and started to walk into the water. The thought of being in close proximity to all these naked young girls make my cock start twitching and in two seconds flat was a raging hard on. Now what. Surely they would be looking at me and my face flushed. Sandra yelled "Come on Marco, take off your shorts, we all know you have an erection" then laughed. All the other girls started laughing and the chant began. "Marco Marco take it off. Marco Marco take it off" Group Think I answered jokingly "Polo" "Come on Marco, we are all bare naked so you have to also" "Oh what the hell, you girls are so bad.

I can't believe that in two days you have all turned into naughty little girls and you are turning me into a pedophile" "Oh don't be silly Marco, we are here together and nobody cares if you see us. We are all having fun. Nobody is being made to do anything against their will. Come on let's see that big thing you have there" "Come on Sandra, you are getting downright potty mouthed and if you aren't careful I will spank you" "I might like that Marco" "You are so bad; I don't know what the hell has gotten into you all" Quiet took hold of the girls and all eyes were glued to my crotch as I pushed my shorts down. When my cock sprang free they all cheered. "Wow, Marco it is really big" exclaimed Valerie Smith The chorus responded with similar comments as I entered the water, quickly so as to cover up my nakedness. I felt embarrassed. Who was being used here and the thoughts of being a pedophile disappeared as fast as they came. "Awww come on Marco; let us see it up close Ok" "My God, you girls are really terrible. What the hell has gotten into you all? Two days ago you were all nice and proper schoolgirls and today you are like a pack of hungry little nymphs" "Awh Marco, when we were at home; our parents controlled everything we did and now here we are free and we can pretty much do whatever we want so let us. We'll be good little girls for you, we promise" "Ok, listen up. I will stand up and I want everyone to gather around and take a good look and then that will be that" Faster than I could get the words out of my mouth, they circled me, eyes glued to my now throbbing cock. Sandra was the first to reach out and touch me. I didn't try to stop her. I was way over the hill by this point and turning back was not an option.

One by one they all took turns, some more than once, touching, rubbing grasping and every other form of contact. "Does it stay hard like that all the time Marco?" asked Becky "No girls, it only gets hard when I get excited and right now as you can see, I am excited. I am not going to play the part of a school teacher any more as it just doesn't seem to work with you little girls. You are all very naughty and you have made me do things I would never have even thought of before. Now you are all my girls and I will not try to hide anything from you. Do you understand what I just said?" "Yes" came the chorus "Ok, now let's have some fun" As I walked further into the crystal clear water, they all followed and the shortest girls clung to my arms. Here I was in a pervert's heaven. These nubile little girls had pretty much given me permission to do what I wanted with them and I had given them permission to do what they wanted with me. We swam and played in the water for nearly an hour and I was in my glory. My cock never lost it's hardness and when I swam on my back it was like a snorkel above the water making all the girls laugh and giggle. They would swim to me and touch it, giving it a flick as they went by, watching it spring back. I would reach out as well and touch them as they went by or grab them and pull them close, feeling the warmth and smoothness of their young bodies. They loved it when I let them hold my cock and even the young ones like Heather, Linda and Christina, although a bit shy at first, joined it and didn't mind me touching them. Their little bodies and their little hairless pussies were so soft and so smooth.

The feeling was incredible. I got bolder and kissed a few of them. Valerie actually kissed back and her full lips were wonderfully soft. After seeing Valerie they all had to try it. I kissed them all, tasting their little girl mouths, feeling their soft lips. We had been in the water for over an hour, so I suggested that we call it and go get some work done. We all got out of the water, put on our cloths and headed into the cave. What they had done with all the cushions and other things was amazing. We had nearly 80 of them to use. They had laid them out into one large bed 6 cushions wide by 8 cushions long and had drug some large loose stones to wedge them in place. The communal bed. I was surprised by mine. They had laid out the cushions to cover the entire width of the alcove and 5 cushions deep, a huge bed. I wondered what was going through their minds when they made it. I would bet there was a lot of talk and giggling during that process. I had two pillows. "And whose idea was this?" "Sandra thought it would be nice being as how you are the adult and you do most of the work around here and because we will all be having a turn sleeping with you it would need to be big" "Well that was very thoughtful of you Sandra, thank you" "Listen, it is still early so I am going back to the plane to search for some tools" "Can I come Marco?" asked Mary "Does anyone else want to come?" Nobody responded. "Well, it is quite a long walk Mary, are you sure you are up to it?" "Yes, I will be fine" "Well then I guess just us two Mary" *** Chapter 16 - Mary's Awakening We were able to walk quickly as our trail was already well trampled from the trips we had made and the number of girls who had made the trail. However, the canopy let very little direct light in so I don't think our trail would be noticeable from the air. That worried me. When we got there I searched the kitchen area at the back of the plane looking for the emergency toolkit that was usually mandatory on every public plane. I don't know why I hadn't thought of that earlier but now it was a necessity.

Finally I found it. A bright yellow Pelican case. It weighed about 25 pounds. Inside was a stainless steel shovel with pick, hatchet, compass, commando saw, a couple knives, Band-Aids, waterproof matches, parachute cord and an amazing assortment of other survival items. I noticed Mary outside the open hole in the nose of the plane. "Mary, I found what I was looking for" "What did you find?" "You know, I was looking for a shovel or something to dig with but what I have now is the airline survival kit. It is going to make things a whole lot better for us and now I can dig up some of the roots and things to cook" I closed the box and carried it outside to show Mary. She crouched down as I opened it, her knees apart. I could see right up the pant leg of her shorts and in the clearest of light caught sight of one of nature's wonders. She caught me looking. "What are you looking at Marco?" "Mary, your clammy is so beautiful" "Do you want to play with it Marco?" "After last night my princess, I have thought of nothing else" "Can I suck your cock too; I really like it a lot" "Sure you can, I liked it as well my princess" We took off our cloths and for the first real time, I saw this skinny little red headed girl with no breasts other than a couple of pink nipples, a hairless pussy and those full lips that were about to wrap themselves around my thundering hard cock. At this moment, she was the epitome of beauty. I picked her up and kissed her and she clumsily kissed me back. Without putting her down I sat down on the ground and grasped both her bum cheeks pulling her close to my chest. My cock was in between us pressed against our bellies. I sought her little slit, wet with excitement and scooped up her juices, then circled her bummy hole with my middle finger.

She coiled at me, wrapping her long coltish legs around my back and moaned aloud. "Oh Marco, I love that so much. My little clammy feels so wet" "You are so sweet and so tiny down there" I laid back, pulling her with me, our lips locked to one another. She pulled away and looked at me very carefully, studying my face, seeking some kind of assurance. "What is it princess; do you not want to do this?" "Oh no, I want to but after last night when I had my orgasm I was wondering about you. Do men have orgasms too?" "Yes we do and when the time is right you will see what happens when a man has an orgasm. Right now I need you to suck me princess" "Oh yes, I have waited all day for this, I was hoping none of the other girls wanted to come." I lifted her up and kissed each of her little nipples, biting on each one softly. She moaned ever louder. Mary turned around and pointed her little bald pussy right at my waiting mouth then pounced on my rock hard cock, drawing my bulbous knob into her warm mouth. The two folds of her virgin little girl pussy glistened with her juice and I could see the creamy white being to ooze from her bright pink hole. I dove into her, hungrily lapping her juices, probing her bummy hole and then her little pussy, seeking more of her love juice. I could sense her enjoyment sucking my cock by the slurping noise she was making and the more I plunged my tongue into her, the harder she sucked me. "Mary, I want to fuck you. I know you are still a virgin but I really need you right now" "Will it hurt Marco?" "Yes, the first time always hurts a little and it won't matter if it is today or next month or next year. It will hurt the first time" "Can we go slow and will you be gentle?" "Of course my princess, the last thing I want is for you to feel abused or hurt in some way" "Ok then" I lifted her up and turned her around and locked my mouth to hers once again. With a free hand I guided my pulsing cock to her tiny hole and pushed. My cock would not go into her pussy. She was wet, so wet but I couldn't get my cock into her. "Let me sit up Ok and I will try Ok" She sat up then lifted her knees and knelt over me. She grasped my cock and guided it to her bald cleft, shiny with her wetness.

She pushed down slowly and I could see my knob disappear into her body. She stopped, trembling like a leaf in the wind. "Oh Oh Oh it feels really funny Marco and it hurts a little" "Do you want to stop?" "No" With that, she pushed down a bit further. I could feel her tightness squeezing my cock like a vise, the sensation exquisite. She stopped pushing and sat there partially impaled on my pulsing cock. I could hardly control myself and I knew that an orgasm was building. How long I could hold out with her little pussy clenched on my cock was a mystery. I kept my eyes glued to her little bald pussy, drinking in the sight of my cock partially inside her. She slowly, centimeter by centimeter, slid down on me, forcing my throbbing cock into her tight little pussy. I was in awe at the sight of her little pussy impaled on my pulsing cock. I groaned."Mary, my love, my princess, don't you feel any pain?" "No, but it feels a bit weird and I feel so full" She continued slowly easing my cock into her tiny body. I kept eye contact with her and did not notice any sign of pain or discomfort on her sweet face. Finally, she just sat down fully and I was buried in her little pussy right up to my balls. "Mary my darling little girl, you don't feel any pain?" "No, it feels wonderful, your cock is so big and I can feel it way up inside me" "Mary, are you a virgin, have you had sex before?" "Yes, I am and no I haven't Marco, you are the first person who has even seen my clammy" "Then how come you didn't have any pain?" "Well, when I was 8, I fell on my bike and I had blood in my panties and my Mom told me that I had broken my hyma" "Broke your hyma huh! It is called your hymen, angel. Well that explains that" I grasped her skinny hips and lifted her up a little then pushed her back down. She was so exquisite and so tight, her clammy muscles squeezing me in a vise like grip.

She was wet from her excitement and I easily was able to lift her and re-enter her until she caught onto the rhythm. She rode my hard cock like a cowgirl almost bouncing up and down, crying and wailing like a banshee, caught in the throws of ecstasy. She loved fucking. "Oh Marco, this feels so good. Your cock is so big and so hard and I love the feeling when it goes all the way inside" "Mary my princess, your little clammy is so tight and it feels so wonderful but I am ready to cum Mary. Are you ready?" "Yes Marco, I am ready" Having said that I felt the boil and exploded as she was pushing down. "Marco, Marco, it feels so hot. Are you having an orgasm?" "Yes, Yes" I groaned shooting my hot load into her little pussy. She stiffened as the second jet of my hot seed entered her and she pushed down hard. "Marco, Marco, I am getting that funny feeling again. Oh it feels so good. I really like this Marco" I could feel my sperm being forced out of her tiny bald pussy. I looked down between her coltish legs watching a copious amount of cum dripping from her impaled little clammy. The events of the last few days, many erections without release had built up an enormous amount of sperm and not having had sex for almost a month prior made my orgasm incredibly intense. "Mary, you little pussy is incredible" I groaned as I continued pumping spurt after spurt of semen into her treasure. My orgasm continued for about 30 seconds. She looked down between her legs and noticed the pool of my cum all tangled in my pubic hair. "Is that your orgasm Marco?" "Yes Mary, that is sperm or cum and it looks like you little pussy is not big enough to hold it all" "We talked about that in SexEd class and they said that is what makes babies. Am I going to have a baby Marco?" "No Mary, you are too young to get pregnant and thank God for that" "Oh good, can we do it again?"

My cock never lost it's hardness and I started moving in her again. I lifted her up and then laid her down on her back, my cock never leaving her tight hole. "Now my angel, I am going to fuck you, just lay back and enjoy and if it starts to hurt I want you to tell me to stop OK" "Ok but it feels really good and I really like this Marco." I started sliding my still raging hard on into her, slowly at first then picked up the tempo till I was pounding my cock into her. She lifted her legs slightly to allow me to penetrate her more. My pulsing cock ramming into her tight bald clammy made her gasp and moan and cry out each time I hit bottom. After a few minutes I could feel another orgasm snaking it's way from my balls. When I felt the first spurt I plunged into her holding my cock deep in her little cunt filling her tiny little girl pussy with more cum. "Oh Marco, that feels so good. I can't imagine anything more wonderful. Your orgasm feels so warm inside me and I feel so full" "Mary, you are just amazing. I have never felt anything even remotely like this. You are so special my little lover" "Wow Mary, you are so incredible. I never thought that a young girl could feel like this" We lay together for several minutes, locked with my cock filling her, my cum leaking out and running down her bummy crack. "Do you think we should start back Marco? I think the other girls might be wondering what we are up to and might get worried" "Yes I think we should" We packed up the Pelican case and a few other odds and ends I thought would be useful and headed back to the group, walking hand in hand. "Marco, are you going to have sex with all the other girls too?" "What kind of a question is that Mary? I haven't thought about that, you are my special girl and if I did, would you be mad at me?" "No, I know the other girls have been talking about your cock and how big it is and they are all wondering what it would be like and now I can tell them. They will be so jealous" "So, if I wanted to sleep with the other girls, you wouldn't have a problem?" "No, I know I am your special girl and I am the first one, so no I wouldn't be mad and as long as you and I can fuck whenever I want, then I guess it will be Ok" "Mary, my princess, you are so very special and I promise we can have sex, maybe not whenever you want but I promise I will try to keep you happy. Ok!" "Ok" When we were a few hundred yards from our new camp, she squeezed my hand and then ran ahead.

By the time I got to the pond, she was already naked and in the water with the rest of the girls, once again naked. What a wonderful sight. It was at that point, looking at all those nubile young girls my life was changed forever. Women just didn't have what these little nymphs had. Their flat tummies, their bald little pussies, their tiny titties and their innocence, and curiosity, their willingness to please and be pleased. I had no idea how I was going to handle this situation once we returned to the school, the girls would be changed forever as well. "Listen, I am going to dig up some root and things to eat maybe you can tend to the fire so it is ready when I get back" "Ok" came the chorus I took the shovel and went to the location I had seen the yucca plants and started digging and within a few minutes had quite a pile. My first experience tasting yucca was on a trip to Barbados and have liked it since. How I was going to cook it was another story because I only saw it being boiled but the old woman had told me that they used to just lay it on the fire and it would blacken the outside but inside it would be cooked and white. Once I returned, all the girls had put their cloths back on and were all sitting around the base of the cave. "What have you got there Marco?" "Well, I found these roots, they are called yucca and I think if we just throw them on the fire, they should cook just fine. They are like a potato. I have never had them baked but I have had them boiled and they taste really good" "Tomorrow I will find something to make a grill and if we gather a bunch of rocks, we can build a fire pit out here close the water. We can use the large stainless steel tub from the plane to boil them as well" We got busy immediately and gathered a few large rocks and some smaller ones as well and built a rectangular fire pit. Tommorow I would adjust it to place the tub on securely. I put enough wood on the fire to get a good bed of coals and then put about 20 pieces of yucca, peel and all on the hot coals. About 30 minutes on the fire was about the right amount of time. We all sat around the fire eating yucca and bananas until we were stuffed. Everyone was so full. I was relieved that we had found a substantial food source. It was already dark after we had finished eating and most of the younger girls had already gone up to their beds and were fast asleep. The twins and a few of the other girls were sitting off to one side playing hand games. Sandra, Mary, Sonya and Valerie were sitting with me in a small circle around the fire. Mary kept looking at me with a wanton smile on her face but I let her know with a slight head movement that she would not be sleeping with me tonight. Sandra moved close to me and kept playfully putting her hand on my thigh. Sonya and Valerie were being very coy about the whole thing and knew their turn was coming. One by one the girls playing hand games went up to bed as did Sonya, then Valerie. ***

Chapter 17 - Oh Sandra

I feigned a number of yawns and suggested that I was tired and I was going up to go to bed. That brought big smiles from Sandra but Mary pouted. I glanced at her and gave her a wink and blew her a kiss. She smiled back and quietly crawled up to the cave and off to her bed without saying a word. What a good little girl she was. She was the first and memorable. The fire in the outdoor pit was still burning but surrounded by a pit of rocks posed no problem so I decided to let it burn out. I got up and headed to the cave. Once inside I put another couple of pieces of wood on the cave fire which cast a warming glow throughout the cave creating shadows throughout. A few girls were still sitting around the fire talking but I said my goodnights, kissed each one, stretched then headed to the alcove and crawled to my bed and a few minutes later, Sandra came and sat down on the edge of the seat cushion. I could tell she was very nervous and was fidgeting with her hands, her head down and slightly turned away. "What is the matter young lady?" "I am scared Marco" "Oh don't be afraid little one, why don't you just come and lay next to me, nothing is going to happen unless you want it to. You do not have to be afraid of anything." "Can we just snuggle then? Marco?" "Sure we can, come crawl in here with me" Sandra crawled in and lay her head on my chest. She was trembling a little and did not know what to do with her hands or where to put them. Thankfully the airline always has a small supply of tiny blankets and little pillows. There were enough of them that every girl had one and there was still a few left over so they had piled them around the edges of the alcove. Sandra Olsen although only 10 years old, had small perfectly round cone shaped titties about the size of an egg. She played the bass and played it well. Her dark skin made her tan lines very visible and even though we had plenty of sun over the past few days she didn't lose them.

Her plump ass had deep dimples just above the cheeks and her clitoris was visible and large and the crinkled labia were exposed and long. She was average height and still had some baby fat around her tummy. I pulled her close taking her firm plump little girl ass in my hand, massaging her cheeks until she relaxed. "Are you Ok now my little darling?" "Yes, I think so, I really like it here but there are times when I miss my Mom and Dad" "That's normal darling little girl, I am sure we will be rescued soon, so it is Ok to miss the ones you love" "You will be gentle won't you?" "Yes I will of course, and you don't have to do anything you don't want to do" I brushed the back of my hand over her little cone titties, letting my fingers ripple over them and felt the nipple begin to harden. After a few minutes she was purring like a kitten. "Are you Ok now, are you comfortable?" "Yup, I am good now, just a little nervous though" "Awh, don't be nervous, everything is going to be just fine, you will see" Sandra just laid there cuddling for almost ten minutes, rubbing my chest with her hand then slowly began moving her hand down, stopping when she touched bare skin. I took her hand in mine and guided it just inside my waistband. She continued, and then stopped again when she felt my pubic hair. She knew my cock was already hard because it was tenting my shorts and in the soft glow of the firelight it was obvious. She knew what she wanted but was being a bit shy. It is one thing to be bold when you are with other girls and another when you are alone. I gently grasped her forearm and slowly pushed her hand further down until I felt her warm little hand take hold of my cock, her breathing was shallow. She offered no resistance. "Marco, it is so big and so warm" Now she was over her nervousness and she had what she had come for, her turn, my cock all to herself. "Well, it is big and warm for you my little angel, a man loves having his cock touched and especially likes to have it sucked" "You mean like putting it in my mouth?" "Yes, but you don't have to do that Sandra. You do what you want to do and nothing more. I will not force you to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Do you want me to take off my shorts?" "Ok, if you want to" "No Sandra, it is if you want me to. Like I said you do not have to do anything you don't want" "Then yes you can take off your shorts" I removed my shorts; giving Sandra unrestricted access to my throbbing cock. The cave was surprizingly warm and we could not have asked for a more secure location. Sandra fondled it for a few minutes and then feeling more at ease she curled herself closer to me and cocked one leg over mine. I slid my hand into her shorts, pushing them down exposing her plump little girl ass. She did have a wonderful little ass. Sliding my finger along her crease, she arched her back inward and pushed her sweet ass outward, opening her crease to my fingers. I passed my open palm the full length of her little pussy, feeling her clitoris, then her labia now wet with anticipation and excitement. I was engulfed in lust when I drew my fingers to my nose. The sweet combination of little girl pee smell, sexual pussy juice and a slight aroma of bummy almost made me cum right there. It was so much stronger a smell than Mary, who had very little smell at all. Pushing my hand back into Sandra's shorts, I pressed my finger against her rosebud. She tightened her grip on my cock and moaned aloud. "Ssshhhh, Sandra, you need to control yourself" "Sssooorrry Marco, that feels nice" "Yes, you like that do you?" "Oh yes, it makes me shiver" I continued circling my finger around her bummy hole and then pushed her shorts down further. She hesitated when I tried to push then all the way down but quickly turned, pulled her hand out of my pants and took them off herself. While she was sitting up I lifted her halter top over her head exposing two of the most perfect little titties, the warm glow of the flickering fire made them glow. I quickly took my T-Shirt off as well. We lay there together, skin against skin for several minutes before she took hold of my cock again. She lay half on my stomach with her head just above my belly button. In the dim glow I could see the shadow of her head hovering a few inches from my thundering cock. I had pumped a full load into Mary this morning but I knew there was another one building.

My balls were sucked up close to my cock and full. I reached down and took her left hand which lay just above my pubic hair and directed it to my testicles. She cupped them both, and then massaged them, the heat from her little hand, relaxing my scrotum until my balls were dangling slightly. I couldn't reach her bummy any longer so toyed with her little titties, wonderfully firm. I pulled her around a little so I could touch her again and continued fingering Sandra's little rosebud, dipping down to collect the juice being secreted by her fuzzy little pussy. It was a wonderful feeling, the hair so soft and sparse. I had noticed her in the pond and wondered what it would feel like and now I had her. The hair was so soft and so sparse it barely hid her treasure and in the sunlight it sparkled; now it was by shadowy touch. Her pussy was amazingly beautiful all puffy lipped and wet, her clitoris now standing out like a little cock, the fire light filtering through her legs. I pulled at her bummy cheeks motioning her to stretch out with her head down by my cock. I turned onto my side and pulled her little fuzzy pussy to my mouth. I licked at her clitoris causing her to grind her pelvis into my face. I lifted one leg hooking my arm behind her knee, exposing her little pussy and dove in, first licking the full length of her treasure, then sucking her labia into my mouth. That made her grind into my face as well. After a few minutes I felt the warmth of her mouth wrapped around my cock once again, heaven. "Mmmmmmm" she gurgled as she sucked my bulbous knob I licked her copious juices, now flowing profusely and then sucked her engorged clitoris into my mouth, flicking at it with my tongue. She went over the edge, stiffening her legs. I grasped her plump little ass, pulling her strongly, continuing my sucking and flicking, not allowing her to escape my lashing tongue. She released my cock. "Marco, oh, oh Marco, I think I need to pee. Oh, Oh" Sandra released herself to me and I plunged my tongue deep into her virgin little hole, pressing my chin against her clitoris while my tongue danced into her wet little girl pussy. What she expelled was a mixture of little girl cum and pee pee. I drank like a thirsty man in the desert. Her pee pee was just a few little squirts but her cum was copious. I sucked at her little pussy until I could taste no more juice then pulled her arm, turning her around and drawing her face close to mine. "Marco, Marco, what happened?" "Well Sandra, you had an orgasm, did you like that?" "Oh yes Marco, I liked it a lot. It was such an intense feeling. I like it so much" "When do men have orgasms? Can I make you have an orgasm?" "Well yes you can and there are a couple of ways, one you can suck me some more or I can fuck you" "Oh I want to fuck; Mary told me she really liked it when you fucked her" "Oh Mary did, did she." "Oh Marco, don't worry, everyone knows you fucked Mary and everyone already has a turn.

Some of the younger girls are a bit scared but they all want to try, it doesn't matter if they hear us, they all know we are going to fuck, or at least I told them I was going to" "Well, you know you don't have to if you don't want to angel, but what have you girls been up to and what have you been talking about?" "Marco, we are all little girls and we talk about everything, nobody can keep a secret. Ever since we saw your cock and touched it, we have talked about nothing else. Everyone wants to touch it some more" "My God, what have I done?" "Marco, don't worry, nobody is ever going to know. We talk amongst ourselves but we will never say anything to anyone once we get back home" "Aawww I am surely going to go to hell for this and I just know something bad it going to happen when we get rescued" "No it won't, you don't have to worry. All us girls have sworn a pact of secrecy and nobody will ever know but us" "Now will you fuck me Marco, I have waited all day for this and it is my turn and I don't want to miss my turn" I pulled her face to mine and kissed her full on the lips, parting hers and pushing my tongue into her mouth. She kissed me back, a little clumsy at first but she caught on quickly. Little girls learn very fast especially when they are really into what they are doing. I lifted her up and toyed with her little cone titties which caused her to moan aloud. "Ssshhhh, Sandra, please be quiet Ok" "Why Marco, all the girls weren't asleep when you licked Mary and we heard everything. We heard her moaning" "Oh Jesus, what have I done to you girls?" "You haven't done anything Marco, how many times do we need to tell you. Don't you realize that all little girls are not as innocent as everyone believes, we know all about that stuff. We get together and look at dirty pictures on the internet but it just isn't the same as having a big cock right in front of you and yours is definitely big" Throwing all caution to the wind, I sucked one of her little titties again and turning her over, lay on top of her supporting my self on my elbows, my cock a thundering hunk of pulsing manhood. "You realize this is going to hurt a bit don't you?" "Yes, Mary told us all about when you fucked her when you went back to the plane" "Yes but Mary was not a virgin because she had an accident on her bike when she was 7 or 8 and therefore it was not the same for her. It will hurt Sandra" "I am ready Marco" I sat up and dipped my fingers into her now sopping wet little pussy. Her hymen covered the entrance and only permited my finger. I then positioned my bulbous knob at the doorway to her treasure. She tensed. I worked it up and down barely entering until I felt her relax. I pushed and my knob popped inside her. "Oh Oh, it is so big Marco, go slow" "This is the time Sandra, are you ready?" Before she could answer I plunged into her, burying my cock in her tight wet hole. "Oh Oh Aaaahhhh, Oh it hurts, Oh my God it hurts" My lust for this chubby little nymph was overpowering as I pushed ever deeper until I felt my ball touch her wetness. I pulled out an inch then drove into her again.

She squealed. I could hear the girls in the other room giggling like a bunch of geese. "Ok out there, you just wait until it is your turn and see how funny it is" Not a peep came from them. Quiet descended throughout the cave. "Oh it hurts Marco" "Do you want me to stop?" "No, oh please, oh just go slow Ok?" I was beyond myself. She was so much tighter than Mary and her plump little body felt so different than the skinny little girl I had fucked this morning. So far even though I was really excited by Sandra if I had my choice of fucking Mary right then I would choose her. She was my girl. I pulled her knees up a little, opening her little pussy more. I slowly began to stroke her with my throbbing cock, her little pussy stretched to the limit. She was so tight and the clenching of her pussy muscles sucked me like no mouth could. After a few minutes, her cries of pain subsided and her moaning began, each stroke bringing more moans. "Uuuggg, Uuuggg, Uuuggg Oh Marco it doesn't hurt very much any more and I like this a lot" her voice jerked with each thrust of my cock. "You are amazing young lady, you feel so wonderful" I whispered I now began to pull all the way out and each time I shoved my pulsing cock back into her she cried as it passed her now torn hymen but then moaned when I sunk it into her. "Fuck me Marco, don't worry I am ready for my first time, you can fuck me how you want" Hearing that, I increased the intensity of my stroke and now began fucking her little hole with abandon. In less than a minute, I felt the boil and the sensation of my cum travelling down the passage. The first squirt brought a loud squeal from her and she stiffened then began to spasm. "Aaaayyyyyy, Oh, Oh, fuck me Marco. Fuck my little pussy. Oh I am getting that feeling again. Oh fuck me Marco" She pushed her little pussy at me as I pumped my sperm into her little tight pussy, spurt after hot spurt brought more squeals until I was done. I could feel the cum oozing out of her tiny hole. She was putty and melted. We talked in whispers now. "Oh Marco, that was so wonderful. Your cum felt so hot" "Wow young lady, you are something else. You liked that did you?" "Oh yes and I can hardly wait until it is my turn again" "Well the night is not over my sweetie so how about we get a little sleep and who knows what will happen" "Ok but my pussy is really wet and dripping. What do I do about all your cum" "Well it is too dark to go outside to wash so I guess you will just have to sleep like that" "Eeeeyyyyuuuooo, there is so much of it Marco" "Ok then just a minute" I grabbed my sweatshirt and handed it to her. She got up and squatted in front of me, the light from the fire silhouetting her little pussy, an amazing sight.

She swabbed her little pussy until she was satisfied there was no more leaking out, then crawled in next to me, put her head on my chest and was asleep in seconds. I laid there with this warm little creature, no longer a virgin visioning her plump little ass and fucking her in the daylight. Being able to see her body and her facial expressions would add a whole new dimension to her. I wondered how Mary was going to take all this and then I was gone. I slept like a rock. I have always slept good after dumping a load of sperm. Sandra got her first pussy full and loved every spurt of it. We were now stranded for a bit over two weeks and quite frankly I have not given up hope of being rescued but it has been over a week since the plane passed over and nobody has come for us. The light was just beginning to filter into the cave. Sandra was already awake and was gently massaging my cock which was now rock hard. Through groggy eyes I could see her plump little girl ass and the light passing through her legs. I could see the groove of her pussy mons and her labia in silhouette. A wonderful sight to say the least. I was hooked on these little girls and thoughts of being rescued no longer indulged my mind. My mind was now obsessed with my little girls and their little titties and the wonderful feeling of my cock in their tiny virgin pussy. I passed my hand over her bum cheeks and she turned and smiled, totally pleased with what she was doing. She pushed down the thin airline blanket, revealing my pulsing cock. Without so much as a second to waste she wrapped those beautiful full lips around it and sucked hard. After a few minutes of toying with her pussy, now wet again or still, I pulled her up and on top of me. She spread her legs on either side of me as I spread her bummy cheeks apart gripping each plump cheek with my fingers then seeking her little bum hole. Positioning my cock against her cleft made her moan softly. I pushed up with my hips forcing my bulbous knob inside her wet little girl hole. I pushed and entered her easily. Her face showed no signs of discomfort. Gripping her plump little ass cheeks, I pushed her down on my hard cock bringing more moans from her lips. I kissed her. She kissed me back with such passion it surprised me.

This little 10 year old was amazing. She sucked my cock like no woman has ever and with such enthusiasm. Her moaning softly in my ear made my lust boil. She felt so good. Her second fuck and I entered her easily, her movements matched mine. I pumped at her without even thinking that a few hours ago this little 10 year old pussy had never had a cock in it and now had my hard throbbing cock buried to the hilt. Each time I pushed she pushed back until I could hold out no longer. "Sandra, Sandra, I am going to cum in your little pussy again. Are you ready?" "Oh yes, fuck my little pussy Marco, fuck me like a woman." "Arrggghh, I love this so much Marco, I love this so much" I pumped at her, driving my cock into her tiny pussy, feeling her muscles contract as she arched her back pushing hard against me. She gripped my chest muscles with both hands, fingers digging into my armpits. I exploded in her and with each push another spurt of my hot semen. "Ohhhh, Arrrrggggg, Ohhhh Yes, fuck me Marco. I am getting that funny feeling again. Push your big cock into me Marco" I continued feeding her little hole with my cock until she collapsed against me. My cock was still hard inside her and I kept pushing, keeping it buried in her little girl pussy. We lay there, locked together, man and child. My little lover, she too was mine. "Marco, are you finished yet?" came the chorus from several of the girls. "What do you mean?" "We are all awake and can hear you guys" "What did you hear?" "We heard Sandra moaning and we could hear you too" "Well, yes we are finished if that is what you want to call it." "Can we come and sit with you?" "Ok just a minute" I pushed Sandra off to my side and as my cock slid out of her wet pussy hole, I felt my cum dripping down my leg. She was full. I pulled the blanket up over us and called the girls. "Ok you can come now" ***

Chapter 18 - Good Morning Playtime

All the girls entered the alcove and sat around us. Sandra was smiling, the beads of sweat still visible on her forehead and cheeks. "Did you like it Sandra?" asked Sonya Mendez "Oh it was so wonderful. Aren't we bad little girls? Our parents would freak if they knew what we are up to, don't you think?" "Oh my mother would have a heart attack and my father would probably send me off to a convent for sure." replied Louise Tarpin "Did you guys fuck?" asked Theresa Holmstead "Whoa little girl, what kind of language is that, and what kind of question is that?" "We all listened to you guys and we heard everything" said Christina "You girls surprise me to no end, first I am shocked by your open discussion about all this and second for what has gotten into all you girls. You were all little angels in school and now it seems you are all pre-occupied by nakedness and my cock and now this" "What has gotten into you all?" "You know we start SexEd in grade two and the books they use to teach us don't show very much. The other day when we saw your cock, it was the most exciting thing we have ever done and we all want to see it more" replied Allison All the talk with these little girls gave me a raging hard on again and it was obvious because the thin blanket hid nothing. "Can we see your cock before we go?" asked Christina "It is sticking up under the blanket" Before I could answer Sandra whipped the blanket down and my bulbous knob shot skyward, my shaft flexing up and down. They all giggled. "Wow, Marco it seems so much bigger today than when we saw it the other day, can we touch it again?" "Oh what the hell go ahead knock yourselves out but gentle Ok?" They all moved in a circle around me and shared my cock; many little hands at once, grasping and stroking it, making it dance. They were enthralled by the size and how hard it was. Christina and Sonya were directly in front of me on either side facing my cock and when they leaned forward for their turn, they raised their little girl asses. I took my opportunity to fondle them and received no resistance from either. Sonya's ass was quite amazingly beautiful and was almost heart shaped, little love handles stuck out from her waist. The leg of her baggy shorts revealed her panties that looked like she needed to throw them away like the other girls had done.

Christina, with her long blonde hair flowing down like a water fall on either side of her neck actually pushed back at me when I touched her cute tiny ass. She had no hips to speak of but the cutest little ass. Her shorts were tight spandex and the smoothness was invitingly erotic. "So what are we going to do today Marco?" asked Margie "Well, I thought we would take a hike and follow the stream at the end of the pond and see where it goes" "Can we all come?" asked Linda "Sure, I don't see why not" After a few minutes, I patted both Christina and Sonya on the bum and suggested that we get ready to go. "Ok girls; don't wear it out all at one time. Let's all get our shoes on and get moving. It is already close to 9:00 and I want to be back here before 2:00." The girls got their things together and we descended outside and sat around the cold fire pit gorging ourselves on fruit and berries until we couldn't eat more. I suggested we all jump into the pond to get cleaned off and wet down our cloths for the hike, the sun was already hot, glowing in the morning sky. After a few minutes of horsing around it was time to go. We set off into the jungle at a little after 10:00, following the stream. It ambled along slowly, the water clean and clear and a little cooler than the water in the pond. It was more drinkable being filtered over rocks and gravel with plants sucking up what nutrients they could from the fast running water. "Don't stray off the trail girls, I don't want any of you to get lost or hurt" A big chorus of "OK" bellowed from the lush green vegetation.

Following the stream was an easy walk and most times the water was no more than a few inches deep and fast running and the occasional small pool formed with the water a foot to two feet deep. I noticed no snakes or lizards and although there was a lot of birds, didn't notice a lot of insects either. The girls were really relaxed now and having been here for over two weeks made them comfortable with the jungle and their surroundings. They laughed and giggled, joking amongst themselves. I was quite a few yards ahead and could here them suddenly turn quiet and then a roar of laughter. "What is so funny back there?" "Oh nothing Marco, we were just talking about you" Again a burst of laughter. "So are you going to tell me what is so funny?" "Maybe later" chimed Sandra We continued our journey following the creek and when we encountered a pool the girls all jumped in getting wet all over again, keeping cool in the hot sun. The sight of all those nubile little girls with their shirts and blouses plastered with sweat and transparent kept my cock hard almost continuously. I had turned into a pervert and loved it. After more than an hour and a half walking, we came to another clearing, much larger than the one with the pool and the landscape had flattened out somewhat. I decided we should stop there for a while and investigate the jungle around the edges of the clearing. I still had not seen an animal and that concerned me somewhat but in a way also gave me a sense of security. The girls of course had no idea of what could or could not be lurking in the jungle. The stream flowed to one side of the clearing and continued out the other side but we all decided that we would not go any further today and would head out earlier next time.

We were not sure how much further the stream went but were all disposed to find out. Our next trip would need some planning for perhaps an overnight in the jungle. Security for me was the main concern as we still did not know what was out there. It was now 12:30 and it had taken us an 2 hours and 30 minutes to get here so we decided to head back. The walk back was a bit more difficult because we were constantly walking up hill, not steep but steady. It was difficult to judge the elevation but I figured our cave was probably about 500 feet above the clearing we had found.

Chapter 13 - Mary Mary Quite Contrary Day 8 The next day started in a much more pleasant manner because we were warm and dry and safe. The storm, with all its rain and wind was of no threat to us. The cave remained dry and although there were a few streaks of water that wet the walls higher up and flowed like serpents, none had reached the floor of the cave. I would need to investigate the location above that allowed the smoke to escape but the rain to not enter. We were now living in a TeePee type cave. Another day though, there were more pressing things that needed to be dealt with. Like right now, we needed to eat something. All the girls were awake and just lying around talking. "Ok girls, the first thing I want to do is get some bananas and what ever other fruit we can find. Do not stray from the pond more that a few meters and always in pairs. If you go into the jungle, make sure you don't loose site of the cave or the pond and like I said before, if you get lost, don't go any further, call out and we will come and find you. We still don't know where we are or what dangers lurk in the jungle" The morning sun cast shadows over the pond and the freshness and sweet smells of foliage and fruit wafted through the air. We were in a beautiful place. Throughout the day we organized work details, responsibilities, mental lists of things we needed to find or get from the plane and by the end of the day, which just seemed to fly by we were in pretty good shape. We foraged in close proximity to the pond, finding an ample supply of bananas, coconuts and pineapples. By the end of the day we were all tired and unlike the night before, we had all eaten well and were pretty well organized. We all climbed back up to our new temporary home and lit the fire. Being a camper of sorts, I had packed the usual things into my carry on, like lighters, a Buck knife all neatly concealed within other things. I have always been paranoid about things like that and even in my car, there is always a lighter, a box of waterproof matches and a survival kit. How I would have loved to have that here now but just having a lighter and my knife proved my point. Once the fire was burning we all sat around once again talking and giggling about the days happenings. All the girls appeared to be adjusting well to our predicament and although there were some sad faces occasionally laughter came easily. Some of the girls had already lay down and after about an hour we were all winding down. Mary came and sat down next me, her red hair flaming in the dancing fire light. She looked so precious. After a few minutes she put her hand on my bare thigh and I covered it with my own, holding it against my skin. "Aren't you tired Mary?" "No I like being snuggled with you Marco. I miss my mommy and daddy already and my daddy always came to my room to tuck me in" "We all want a turn to snuggle too, you can't have him all to yourself Mary" chimed all the girls still awake. "Well we'll see about that, now try to get some sleep" Lots of giggles followed that remark. While we still had some light, we clambered around all the other girls who had made their palm leaf beds at the deepest end of the cave. We crawled to the front and into the alcove. The rock was fairly smooth and that was a blessing based upon the fact we had nothing to lie on other than a thick layer of green palm leaves. I must admit though it wasn't that bad. The thin blanket we had would keep us warm, although I wasn't cold. The small fire had warmed up the cave quite a bit and it was dry at least and no wind, a major blessing. The cave being rock, once warm would stay that way for a long time. Mental note to self, bring some of the seats and things like that from the plane to sit and lay on. I lay down and using my backpack for a pillow, got comfortable. Mary waited until I was settled, then crawled up into the crook of my arm just like the night before resting on her side. She flung one leg over mine with her head on my chest. "Comfortable young lady?" "Sure am Marco, you are so warm" "I really miss my Mom though" The feeling of this nubile, warm little girl, curled up against me had my cock hard within seconds. I didn't say a word nor did I try to hide it. Without so much as another word, she slid her hand down and placed it right on my cock. Mary Atkinson was 9 years old and played the flute. She had been designated as a team leader because she was smart and a problem solver. Her long coltish legs made her look thinner than she actually was and she had a very nice ass for a little girl and her puffy pussy mons hid most of her treasure. Only a small portion of her clitoral hood was exposed. Her flaming red hair with freckled arms and cheeks gave her a glow and her full lips made her smile intoxicating. Her tummy was flat and she had an outy bellybutton. "Mary, are you sure you want to be doing that? You know how inappropriate that is" I whispered "Yes, but I like how it feels. When I was seven I used to play with my younger brother quite a bit and once I even put his thingy in my mouth. It tasted like peepee so I didn't do it anymore" "I can't believe you just told me that?" "Oh it's Ok, I don't want any secrets with you" She grasped my hard cock and began to rub it. "Yours is so big and it feels really nice, I like it Marco" she whispered softly Mary toyed with my prick for about 5 minutes, and then boldly slid her hand inside the waistband of my shorts. I jumped but I could not stop her. I was beyond help, allowing this 9 year old to fondle my erection and she loving every second of it. "It feels so hard but the tip is so soft and it is all wet Marco why is it all wet?" she said whispering ever so softly. I didn't say a word as she continued, now more bold. In the dim light, flickering off the walls of the cave, Mary pulled her hand from my shorts and tried to push them down but couldn't with her only free hand. I was too far gone now, crossed the border of reason, abandoning all sense of morality. I helped her push them down and my cock sprang free. She immediately grasped it again, sliding her tiny hand down to my balls. "You can touch me if you want to Marco; I promise I won't say anything. I am your special girl and you are my special man" "Mary Mary, you know this is so wrong don't you?" "My mommy has told me that it is not right to let anyone touch me without my consent, and I want you to Marco so you have my consent" I slid my hand down her back and cupped her little ass pulling her closer and she continued stroking my rock hard cock. She circled her finger over the tip of my cock, which was now oozing copious amounts of lube, then slid her hand down to my balls again then back up to the tip to play. She inserted her finger into the hole, feeling around, separating it, and seeking to find the source of my juice. "Marco, what is all the slippery stuff on the end?" I whispered softly. "Oh Mary, you are so young and what you are doing feels so wonderful. When a man gets excited, his cock starts to produce a liquid that makes making love easier, but you are too young to know about things like that" "Does it taste like pee like my brother? What does it taste like?" "Sshhh, Mary, no it doesn't taste like pee and I really don't know what it tastes like, I have never tried it" I moved my hand up and slid it down inside her shorts, slowly running my finger down her bum crease. My mouth was dry, my hands were shaking and my heart was pounding like a drum. I was lost in lust and didn't know how to stop this and didn't want to. I massaged her cheek slowly then moved my hand down further until I felt her wetness. When I slid my finger up over her sphincter, she moaned then pressed her mouth against my chest to muffle the sound. Seeking further I was amazed at her wetness. Her tiny hairless pussy was wet. I didn't think girls her age could produce that kind of wetness but there it was. She was wet, excited and liking what we were doing. However wrong it was, it was right for her and now having crossed the line, for me as well. I was in heaven. She scooted up until her face was pressed into my neck and lifting her mouth to my ear, she whispered ever so softly. "Can I taste your juice Marco?" "My God Mary you are such a bad little girl, you are the last person I would have thought would be so curious about these things. Do you really want to?" "Yes, I think so" "Well if you want to then go ahead" My cock was pointing straight up at my belly button, hard as a rock. I thought she would just suck her finger but instead she turned and licked the tip of my cock. It was so wet; I felt it drip onto my stomach. In the dim light, we could see each other clearly enough. The fire had died down to just embers making it glow in the darkness. The fire was almost 4 meters inside the cave and off to one side opposite the entrance to the alcove. The light reflected off the alcove wall. I was not sure if the other girls would be able to hear us as they were at the other end of the main cave and we were all the way into the alcove. I knew they couldn't see us so that was a good thing. However, they all seemed to accept that fact that Mary was sleeping with me and all wanted their turn so I didn't care. Her first lick sent shivers through my body and my cock pulsed in her hand. She tightened her grip on it and licked again like one would lick and ice-cream. Her position made it much easier to access her and I pushed my hand further and found her clitoris. I knew from the feel, it wasn't that big but when I touched it, she drove her little mouth down hard on my knob to muffle the sound of her ecstasy. I toyed with her for a minute or two and then withdrew my hand, drawing it to my mouth. She tasted wonderful, a little hint of peepee because she hadn't bathed since supper but a most wonderful taste. My mind raced. I wanted to taste her more; I wanted to stick my tongue into her. I tapped her on the shoulder and she turned, moving up and putting her head in the crook of my neck. "Are you Ok with all this Mary?" "Oh yes, I like it a lot, can we do more?" "Listen, I want to kiss your vagina" "Marco, nobody calls it a vagina. I call it my clammy but most of the girls call it their pussy, everyone calls it a pussy, some of the older girls call it their cunty but I don't like that word. It sounds so dirty" "Well, can I kiss your clammy then?" "Sure you can, as long as I can kiss your hard cock" "You most certainly can kiss my cock Mary but first can you take off your shorts, but leave your panties on" "I am not wearing panties Marco, I threw them away, and they were pretty dirty. I washed my clammy really good today in the pool" She rolled over and took off her shorts and turned, taking my cock in her mouth once again. For her first time with a man's cock, she was doing really well. I hadn't had my cock sucked for a long time so feeling Mary's warm little girl mouth wrapped on me was pure delight. In my mind, I knew this was so wrong and that GOD would surely send me to hell for eternity plus a year, however a stiff cock has no conscience and quite frankly I don't think there are many men who would have pushed her away. I lifted her leg over my face and pulled her towards me. She was right and had washed herself really well and her smells were intoxicating and I was so sexually aroused by this skinny little 9 year old red headed baby girl that stopping was out of the question. I pulled her little bald pussy to my lips and plunged my tongue into her. She bolted stiff and hung onto my cock with both hands never letting it out of her warm wet mouth. How the hell did I ever get into this and where was it going to lead. I licked her clean, seeking more ever deeper places within her tiny hole. I pulled at her little clitoris, nibbling with my teeth. She really liked that but when I pushed my tongue at her bummy hole, she stiffened like a board. I could feel her tense and relax each time I snaked my tongue over her crinkled little rosebud. Surprisingly it didn't have a bum smell; but even if it had I guess I had fixed that. I sought more and more and licked and probed her every hole, deep, fucking her virgin holes with my tongue and then she stiffened, her mouth clamped onto my hard cock. She jerked almost uncontrollably several times, grinding her clammy against my face and then stopped pressing down hard, her tiny body vibrating. I could have sworn she had an orgasm but she was only nine and I deduced that not possible. My cock was still hard as a rock and needed some release but I knew it was not going to happen tonight with Mary. Mary had now relaxed and I pulled her away from my cock, she wanted more but I wanted to sleep. Taking her would have to wait. "Marco, I had this amazing feeling. It was like an explosion inside me. I have never felt anything so intense in my life" "Mary, I am not entirely sure but I think you may have had an orgasm" "Oh Marco, I feel so good right now and whatever it was, I want more" "Listen young lady, we need to sleep right now" "Ok, but can we do this again tomorrow" "Well, I am not going to say yes. You are my special little girl but the other girls need attention too. You heard them wanting a turn" "But, if I am your special little girl, how come I have to share you with the other girls?" "Well I don't know how to answer that but let's just say that even though you may have to wait for your turn again, you are the first and that alone is very very special" "Ok, will you hold me while I fall asleep?" "Sure my princess, you bet, now put your shorts back on and let me hold you" She put her shorts back on and cocked one leg over my groin and rested her little red head on my chest. My cock was still hard in her hand but if she was going to take my cum in her mouth, I wanted to do it right and now was not the right time. I slid my hand into her shorts and grasped one of her bum cheeks, my little finger resting on her rosebud. "I like that Marco, I like it a lot" "I do too my princess, now let's get some sleep" I could not, even in my most wildest dreams, ever visualized what just happened between Mary and I and I knew that one day very soon, I was going to fuck her and I knew that she would welcome it and love it. I could only imagine what seeing her like she was in the light of day. Mary, with her little ass above me, her little girl pussy, hairless and smooth inches from my face, warm and wet, eager for me. We both were asleep in minutes. *** Chapter 14 - A New Day Dawning We had been stranded now 10 days. I awoke the next morning early, horny and with a piss hard on that would choke a cum slut, but refreshed and the girls were still all asleep. A very good sign because the trauma of the last few days surely took it's toll on them and sleep is always good medicine. The feeling of security and a full stomach can make you comfortable. I crawled through the cave opening and tied back the palm leaves allowing light to enter the cave. The palms and morning sun cast a shadow over the pond. The air was cool and fresh, the pond glistened with the ripples of the waterfall, the water so clear I could see the bottom for about 3 meters around the edge. The center was deep and the color of an emerald. I wondered if there were fish in the deeper middle as we had not seen any around the edges of the pond. "Good morning Marco" I turned to see Sandra crawling through the cave opening. "Good morning Sandra, did you sleep well?" "Yes but you and Mary kept me awake for a bit. I could hear you two. What were you doing to her?" "What do you mean, what was I doing to her?" "Well I heard her moaning and I could hear you whispering to her" "Oh she was just a bit cold and kept trying to snuggle with me and she couldn't get comfortable and kept me awake as well" "Oh" "Can I sleep with you tonight?" "Well, I don't know. I think we all need to sit down and have a talk and perhaps once we get a little more comfortable, you won't need to" "But I want to Marco" "Listen Sandra, you need to understand that what happened the other day was not right and I am concerned about that. You and Linda were really naughty the other day" "Yes but you liked it, didn't you? And you did sleep with Mary and I could tell from the sounds that it was more than just her getting comfortable" "Well I am not going to say any more about last night Ok but you need to understand that this sort of thing is not right..." "No buts, you liked it and so can I sleep with you tonight" My mind was racing, Sandra, that cute firm chubby little ass. I knew right then that if Sandra slept with me, she wouldn't be a virgin by morning. "We will talk later Ok?" "Right now I want you to wake up all the girls and the first thing we are going to do is get washed up and then I want to go back to the plane and get as many things as we can that will make sleeping more comfortable" "Ok, but I really want to sleep with you tonight" "Ok, Ok get going and wake up the girls" Sandra, sitting beside me ran her hand up my thigh and quickly grabbed my cock giving it a playful squeeze. She looked me straight in the eye then turned and crawled back inside. I watched her, marveling at her sweet ass and wondered what she tasted like. We all gathered around the pond and some of the girls, still groggy were grumpy and whining about being hungry and complaining about not sleeping well and a variety of other similar things. I ignored them and directed them to get washed up. "Can we take our cloths off Marco" came the chorus "Well, I don't see anything wrong with that but think it would be better if you just kept them on, that way they will be clean as well" We all splashed about and finally everyone was done, sparkling clean, cloths and all. The wet shirt contests had nothing on these nubile young things and by this point everyone had tossed their training bras and wore nothing but halter tops and stretched out T-shirts. Little titties were visible everywhere. This was day ten and already these little nymphs were headed down a dangerous path, not for them but for me. Some were still in shorts yet, having reworked their skirts and long pants, a few had fashioned sarongs from T-Shirts, which seemed to be the coming fashion for the group. Once one had one they all wanted one but there weren't enough T-Shirts and possibly today when we went to the plane, more could be found. They had ripped the arms and necks out of them and used my Buck knife to cut them the way they wanted. Some hid nothing at all, open on one leg, some long, some short, tied in a knot on their hips, those that had hips. A wonderful sight to say the least. It was a playground perverts wet dream. The girls slowly came around after our swim and wash. We gorged ourselves on fruit and with full stomachs, clean and fresh we headed off the plane. I was concerned that we had not seen another plane pass overhead nor had we heard anything that would suggest they were looking for us. At the crash site, we removed all but a few seat cushions nearly 80 of them and would need more than one trip to get them all. We tossed any that had blood on them or were ripped open. We packed up the life raft as well. This would make a great play toy for the girls in the pond. It was heavy though and I decided to fashion a hammock with poles to drag it back, but perhaps another day. I removed all the rope and coverings because they could be used for other things. The girls were in scavenger mode and worked really well as a team and organized everything into equal piles so everyone would have about the same amount to carry. We gathered up all the utensils and cups, glasses and quite a few metal trays that could be used for cooking and a couple of deep pans from the kitchen. We organized all the tiny airline pillows and blankets and dug around finding all napkins and toilet paper. The cargo hold would be another day's work as I could not get it opened and had no way of knowing if we could enter some other way. Once ready we headed back to the pond. Mary, Becky, Sonya and Susan organized their teams to haul all the cushions and everything else we had carried, up into the cave. I went back to the plane to fetch more cushions with most of the girls leaving only the older ones to organize while we made the trip. After two more we had everything. The stack of cushions was huge and certainly more than what we needed but it was better to have them than not. All the girls were now busy in the cave and I decided to seek out more food. "Girls, I am going to look for some more food. Continue what you are doing and I will be back shortly. Try to organize the cushions well so we have good beds to sleep on." "Ok Marco, we will be good little homemakers for you" came the chorus I walked a very short distance into the jungle, maybe two hundred yards and immediately recognized Yucca bushes and a great area covered in what appeared to be wild sweet potato. These both would take some work as the edible parts were underground and I would need to fashion some sort of shovel to dig them out. The future looked bright with the fruit and now this; we could survive for quite some time. Almost an hour had passed so I walked back to the cave and could hear the splashing of water and the laughter and screeching of the girls. Once in the clearing, I noticed them all in the water, naked as the day they were born. My God what a sight that was. If ever there was a case to be argued for group think, this was it. I know most of the older girls were curious, that is natural. However, having the younger girls suddenly have the same thought patterns is odd, I mean all of them seemingly together. Group Think. No other explanation because I am sure if anyone tried anything back at the school, they would be Bubba's girlfriend by now. *** Chapter 15 - Looky Touchy Feely I sat down at the edge and watched them. They seemed to have forgotten the events of the past few days and looked happy and were having fun, like children should do. I studied each one, noting their bodies in various stages of development. My thoughts were not all pure, looking at their little titties, their pussies and little girl asses. The only ones that seemed to have any hair on their pussy were Valerie Smith who was stunningly beautiful, Becky Smithright who was a second but with smaller titties but beautiful just the same and Sonya Mendez whose dark skin and white bikini patch contrasted her dark space pussy down. "Come on Marco, come into the water with us" "No, I am just going to sit here and be lifeguard" "You can be lifeguard here as well, come on and have some fun with us" "Ok but just for a bit, we need to gather some more fruit and more wood for the fire. I want a huge pile of wood inside just in case there is a storm that lasts for a few days. I want to be prepared for the worst OK. I need to find something to make a shovel with" I got up and started to walk into the water. The thought of being in close proximity to all these naked young girls make my cock start twitching and in two seconds flat was a raging hard on. Now what. Surely they would be looking at me and my face flushed. Sandra yelled "Come on Marco, take off your shorts, we all know you have an erection" then laughed. All the other girls started laughing and the chant began. "Marco Marco take it off. Marco Marco take it off" Group Think I answered jokingly "Polo" "Come on Marco, we are all bare naked so you have to also" "Oh what the hell, you girls are so bad. I can't believe that in two days you have all turned into naughty little girls and you are turning me into a pedophile" "Oh don't be silly Marco, we are here together and nobody cares if you see us. We are all having fun. Nobody is being made to do anything against their will. Come on let's see that big thing you have there" "Come on Sandra, you are getting downright potty mouthed and if you aren't careful I will spank you" "I might like that Marco" "You are so bad; I don't know what the hell has gotten into you all" Quiet took hold of the girls and all eyes were glued to my crotch as I pushed my shorts down. When my cock sprang free they all cheered. "Wow, Marco it is really big" exclaimed Valerie Smith The chorus responded with similar comments as I entered the water, quickly so as to cover up my nakedness. I felt embarrassed. Who was being used here and the thoughts of being a pedophile disappeared as fast as they came. "Awww come on Marco; let us see it up close Ok" "My God, you girls are really terrible. What the hell has gotten into you all? Two days ago you were all nice and proper schoolgirls and today you are like a pack of hungry little nymphs" "Awh Marco, when we were at home; our parents controlled everything we did and now here we are free and we can pretty much do whatever we want so let us. We'll be good little girls for you, we promise" "Ok, listen up. I will stand up and I want everyone to gather around and take a good look and then that will be that" Faster than I could get the words out of my mouth, they circled me, eyes glued to my now throbbing cock. Sandra was the first to reach out and touch me. I didn't try to stop her. I was way over the hill by this point and turning back was not an option. One by one they all took turns, some more than once, touching, rubbing grasping and every other form of contact. "Does it stay hard like that all the time Marco?" asked Becky "No girls, it only gets hard when I get excited and right now as you can see, I am excited. I am not going to play the part of a school teacher any more as it just doesn't seem to work with you little girls. You are all very naughty and you have made me do things I would never have even thought of before. Now you are all my girls and I will not try to hide anything from you. Do you understand what I just said?" "Yes" came the chorus "Ok, now let's have some fun" As I walked further into the crystal clear water, they all followed and the shortest girls clung to my arms. Here I was in a pervert's heaven. These nubile little girls had pretty much given me permission to do what I wanted with them and I had given them permission to do what they wanted with me. We swam and played in the water for nearly an hour and I was in my glory. My cock never lost it's hardness and when I swam on my back it was like a snorkel above the water making all the girls laugh and giggle. They would swim to me and touch it, giving it a flick as they went by, watching it spring back. I would reach out as well and touch them as they went by or grab them and pull them close, feeling the warmth and smoothness of their young bodies. They loved it when I let them hold my cock and even the young ones like Heather, Linda and Christina, although a bit shy at first, joined it and didn't mind me touching them. Their little bodies and their little hairless pussies were so soft and so smooth. The feeling was incredible. I got bolder and kissed a few of them. Valerie actually kissed back and her full lips were wonderfully soft. After seeing Valerie they all had to try it. I kissed them all, tasting their little girl mouths, feeling their soft lips. We had been in the water for over an hour, so I suggested that we call it and go get some work done. We all got out of the water, put on our cloths and headed into the cave. What they had done with all the cushions and other things was amazing. We had nearly 80 of them to use. They had laid them out into one large bed 6 cushions wide by 8 cushions long and had drug some large loose stones to wedge them in place. The communal bed. I was surprised by mine. They had laid out the cushions to cover the entire width of the alcove and 5 cushions deep, a huge bed. I wondered what was going through their minds when they made it. I would bet there was a lot of talk and giggling during that process. I had two pillows. "And whose idea was this?" "Sandra thought it would be nice being as how you are the adult and you do most of the work around here and because we will all be having a turn sleeping with you it would need to be big" "Well that was very thoughtful of you Sandra, thank you" "Listen, it is still early so I am going back to the plane to search for some tools" "Can I come Marco?" asked Mary "Does anyone else want to come?" Nobody responded. "Well, it is quite a long walk Mary, are you sure you are up to it?" "Yes, I will be fine" "Well then I guess just us two Mary" *** Chapter 16 - Mary's Awakening We were able to walk quickly as our trail was already well trampled from the trips we had made and the number of girls who had made the trail. However, the canopy let very little direct light in so I don't think our trail would be noticeable from the air. That worried me. When we got there I searched the kitchen area at the back of the plane looking for the emergency toolkit that was usually mandatory on every public plane. I don't know why I hadn't thought of that earlier but now it was a necessity. Finally I found it. A bright yellow Pelican case. It weighed about 25 pounds. Inside was a stainless steel shovel with pick, hatchet, compass, commando saw, a couple knives, Band-Aids, waterproof matches, parachute cord and an amazing assortment of other survival items. I noticed Mary outside the open hole in the nose of the plane. "Mary, I found what I was looking for" "What did you find?" "You know, I was looking for a shovel or something to dig with but what I have now is the airline survival kit. It is going to make things a whole lot better for us and now I can dig up some of the roots and things to cook" I closed the box and carried it outside to show Mary. She crouched down as I opened it, her knees apart. I could see right up the pant leg of her shorts and in the clearest of light caught sight of one of nature's wonders. She caught me looking. "What are you looking at Marco?" "Mary, your clammy is so beautiful" "Do you want to play with it Marco?" "After last night my princess, I have thought of nothing else" "Can I suck your cock too; I really like it a lot" "Sure you can, I liked it as well my princess" We took off our cloths and for the first real time, I saw this skinny little red headed girl with no breasts other than a couple of pink nipples, a hairless pussy and those full lips that were about to wrap themselves around my thundering hard cock. At this moment, she was the epitome of beauty. I picked her up and kissed her and she clumsily kissed me back. Without putting her down I sat down on the ground and grasped both her bum cheeks pulling her close to my chest. My cock was in between us pressed against our bellies. I sought her little slit, wet with excitement and scooped up her juices, then circled her bummy hole with my middle finger. She coiled at me, wrapping her long coltish legs around my back and moaned aloud. "Oh Marco, I love that so much. My little clammy feels so wet" "You are so sweet and so tiny down there" I laid back, pulling her with me, our lips locked to one another. She pulled away and looked at me very carefully, studying my face, seeking some kind of assurance. "What is it princess; do you not want to do this?" "Oh no, I want to but after last night when I had my orgasm I was wondering about you. Do men have orgasms too?" "Yes we do and when the time is right you will see what happens when a man has an orgasm. Right now I need you to suck me princess" "Oh yes, I have waited all day for this, I was hoping none of the other girls wanted to come." I lifted her up and kissed each of her little nipples, biting on each one softly. She moaned ever louder. Mary turned around and pointed her little bald pussy right at my waiting mouth then pounced on my rock hard cock, drawing my bulbous knob into her warm mouth. The two folds of her virgin little girl pussy glistened with her juice and I could see the creamy white being to ooze from her bright pink hole. I dove into her, hungrily lapping her juices, probing her bummy hole and then her little pussy, seeking more of her love juice. I could sense her enjoyment sucking my cock by the slurping noise she was making and the more I plunged my tongue into her, the harder she sucked me. "Mary, I want to fuck you. I know you are still a virgin but I really need you right now" "Will it hurt Marco?" "Yes, the first time always hurts a little and it won't matter if it is today or next month or next year. It will hurt the first time" "Can we go slow and will you be gentle?" "Of course my princess, the last thing I want is for you to feel abused or hurt in some way" "Ok then" I lifted her up and turned her around and locked my mouth to hers once again. With a free hand I guided my pulsing cock to her tiny hole and pushed. My cock would not go into her pussy. She was wet, so wet but I couldn't get my cock into her. "Let me sit up Ok and I will try Ok" She sat up then lifted her knees and knelt over me. She grasped my cock and guided it to her bald cleft, shiny with her wetness. She pushed down slowly and I could see my knob disappear into her body. She stopped, trembling like a leaf in the wind. "Oh Oh Oh it feels really funny Marco and it hurts a little" "Do you want to stop?" "No" With that, she pushed down a bit further. I could feel her tightness squeezing my cock like a vise, the sensation exquisite. She stopped pushing and sat there partially impaled on my pulsing cock. I could hardly control myself and I knew that an orgasm was building. How long I could hold out with her little pussy clenched on my cock was a mystery. I kept my eyes glued to her little bald pussy, drinking in the sight of my cock partially inside her. She slowly, centimeter by centimeter, slid down on me, forcing my throbbing cock into her tight little pussy. I was in awe at the sight of her little pussy impaled on my pulsing cock. I groaned."Mary, my love, my princess, don't you feel any pain?" "No, but it feels a bit weird and I feel so full" She continued slowly easing my cock into her tiny body. I kept eye contact with her and did not notice any sign of pain or discomfort on her sweet face. Finally, she just sat down fully and I was buried in her little pussy right up to my balls. "Mary my darling little girl, you don't feel any pain?" "No, it feels wonderful, your cock is so big and I can feel it way up inside me" "Mary, are you a virgin, have you had sex before?" "Yes, I am and no I haven't Marco, you are the first person who has even seen my clammy" "Then how come you didn't have any pain?" "Well, when I was 8, I fell on my bike and I had blood in my panties and my Mom told me that I had broken my hyma" "Broke your hyma huh! It is called your hymen, angel. Well that explains that" I grasped her skinny hips and lifted her up a little then pushed her back down. She was so exquisite and so tight, her clammy muscles squeezing me in a vise like grip. She was wet from her excitement and I easily was able to lift her and re-enter her until she caught onto the rhythm. She rode my hard cock like a cowgirl almost bouncing up and down, crying and wailing like a banshee, caught in the throws of ecstasy. She loved fucking. "Oh Marco, this feels so good. Your cock is so big and so hard and I love the feeling when it goes all the way inside" "Mary my princess, your little clammy is so tight and it feels so wonderful but I am ready to cum Mary. Are you ready?" "Yes Marco, I am ready" Having said that I felt the boil and exploded as she was pushing down. "Marco, Marco, it feels so hot. Are you having an orgasm?" "Yes, Yes" I groaned shooting my hot load into her little pussy. She stiffened as the second jet of my hot seed entered her and she pushed down hard. "Marco, Marco, I am getting that funny feeling again. Oh it feels so good. I really like this Marco" I could feel my sperm being forced out of her tiny bald pussy. I looked down between her coltish legs watching a copious amount of cum dripping from her impaled little clammy. The events of the last few days, many erections without release had built up an enormous amount of sperm and not having had sex for almost a month prior made my orgasm incredibly intense. "Mary, you little pussy is incredible" I groaned as I continued pumping spurt after spurt of semen into her treasure. My orgasm continued for about 30 seconds. She looked down between her legs and noticed the pool of my cum all tangled in my pubic hair. "Is that your orgasm Marco?" "Yes Mary, that is sperm or cum and it looks like you little pussy is not big enough to hold it all" "We talked about that in SexEd class and they said that is what makes babies. Am I going to have a baby Marco?" "No Mary, you are too young to get pregnant and thank God for that" "Oh good, can we do it again?" My cock never lost it's hardness and I started moving in her again. I lifted her up and then laid her down on her back, my cock never leaving her tight hole. "Now my angel, I am going to fuck you, just lay back and enjoy and if it starts to hurt I want you to tell me to stop OK" "Ok but it feels really good and I really like this Marco." I started sliding my still raging hard on into her, slowly at first then picked up the tempo till I was pounding my cock into her. She lifted her legs slightly to allow me to penetrate her more. My pulsing cock ramming into her tight bald clammy made her gasp and moan and cry out each time I hit bottom. After a few minutes I could feel another orgasm snaking it's way from my balls. When I felt the first spurt I plunged into her holding my cock deep in her little cunt filling her tiny little girl pussy with more cum. "Oh Marco, that feels so good. I can't imagine anything more wonderful. Your orgasm feels so warm inside me and I feel so full" "Mary, you are just amazing. I have never felt anything even remotely like this. You are so special my little lover" "Wow Mary, you are so incredible. I never thought that a young girl could feel like this" We lay together for several minutes, locked with my cock filling her, my cum leaking out and running down her bummy crack. "Do you think we should start back Marco? I think the other girls might be wondering what we are up to and might get worried" "Yes I think we should" We packed up the Pelican case and a few other odds and ends I thought would be useful and headed back to the group, walking hand in hand. "Marco, are you going to have sex with all the other girls too?" "What kind of a question is that Mary? I haven't thought about that, you are my special girl and if I did, would you be mad at me?" "No, I know the other girls have been talking about your cock and how big it is and they are all wondering what it would be like and now I can tell them. They will be so jealous" "So, if I wanted to sleep with the other girls, you wouldn't have a problem?" "No, I know I am your special girl and I am the first one, so no I wouldn't be mad and as long as you and I can fuck whenever I want, then I guess it will be Ok" "Mary, my princess, you are so very special and I promise we can have sex, maybe not whenever you want but I promise I will try to keep you happy. Ok!" "Ok" When we were a few hundred yards from our new camp, she squeezed my hand and then ran ahead. By the time I got to the pond, she was already naked and in the water with the rest of the girls, once again naked. What a wonderful sight. It was at that point, looking at all those nubile young girls my life was changed forever. Women just didn't have what these little nymphs had. Their flat tummies, their bald little pussies, their tiny titties and their innocence, and curiosity, their willingness to please and be pleased. I had no idea how I was going to handle this situation once we returned to the school, the girls would be changed forever as well. "Listen, I am going to dig up some root and things to eat maybe you can tend to the fire so it is ready when I get back" "Ok" came the chorus I took the shovel and went to the location I had seen the yucca plants and started digging and within a few minutes had quite a pile. My first experience tasting yucca was on a trip to Barbados and have liked it since. How I was going to cook it was another story because I only saw it being boiled but the old woman had told me that they used to just lay it on the fire and it would blacken the outside but inside it would be cooked and white. Once I returned, all the girls had put their cloths back on and were all sitting around the base of the cave. "What have you got there Marco?" "Well, I found these roots, they are called yucca and I think if we just throw them on the fire, they should cook just fine. They are like a potato. I have never had them baked but I have had them boiled and they taste really good" "Tomorrow I will find something to make a grill and if we gather a bunch of rocks, we can build a fire pit out here close the water. We can use the large stainless steel tub from the plane to boil them as well" We got busy immediately and gathered a few large rocks and some smaller ones as well and built a rectangular fire pit. Tommorow I would adjust it to place the tub on securely. I put enough wood on the fire to get a good bed of coals and then put about 20 pieces of yucca, peel and all on the hot coals. About 30 minutes on the fire was about the right amount of time. We all sat around the fire eating yucca and bananas until we were stuffed. Everyone was so full. I was relieved that we had found a substantial food source. It was already dark after we had finished eating and most of the younger girls had already gone up to their beds and were fast asleep. The twins and a few of the other girls were sitting off to one side playing hand games. Sandra, Mary, Sonya and Valerie were sitting with me in a small circle around the fire. Mary kept looking at me with a wanton smile on her face but I let her know with a slight head movement that she would not be sleeping with me tonight. Sandra moved close to me and kept playfully putting her hand on my thigh. Sonya and Valerie were being very coy about the whole thing and knew their turn was coming. One by one the girls playing hand games went up to bed as did Sonya, then Valerie. *** Chapter 17 - Oh Sandra I feigned a number of yawns and suggested that I was tired and I was going up to go to bed. That brought big smiles from Sandra but Mary pouted. I glanced at her and gave her a wink and blew her a kiss. She smiled back and quietly crawled up to the cave and off to her bed without saying a word. What a good little girl she was. She was the first and memorable. The fire in the outdoor pit was still burning but surrounded by a pit of rocks posed no problem so I decided to let it burn out. I got up and headed to the cave. Once inside I put another couple of pieces of wood on the cave fire which cast a warming glow throughout the cave creating shadows throughout. A few girls were still sitting around the fire talking but I said my goodnights, kissed each one, stretched then headed to the alcove and crawled to my bed and a few minutes later, Sandra came and sat down on the edge of the seat cushion. I could tell she was very nervous and was fidgeting with her hands, her head down and slightly turned away. "What is the matter young lady?" "I am scared Marco" "Oh don't be afraid little one, why don't you just come and lay next to me, nothing is going to happen unless you want it to. You do not have to be afraid of anything." "Can we just snuggle then? Marco?" "Sure we can, come crawl in here with me" Sandra crawled in and lay her head on my chest. She was trembling a little and did not know what to do with her hands or where to put them. Thankfully the airline always has a small supply of tiny blankets and little pillows. There were enough of them that every girl had one and there was still a few left over so they had piled them around the edges of the alcove. Sandra Olsen although only 10 years old, had small perfectly round cone shaped titties about the size of an egg. She played the bass and played it well. Her dark skin made her tan lines very visible and even though we had plenty of sun over the past few days she didn't lose them. Her plump ass had deep dimples just above the cheeks and her clitoris was visible and large and the crinkled labia were exposed and long. She was average height and still had some baby fat around her tummy. I pulled her close taking her firm plump little girl ass in my hand, massaging her cheeks until she relaxed. "Are you Ok now my little darling?" "Yes, I think so, I really like it here but there are times when I miss my Mom and Dad" "That's normal darling little girl, I am sure we will be rescued soon, so it is Ok to miss the ones you love" "You will be gentle won't you?" "Yes I will of course, and you don't have to do anything you don't want to do" I brushed the back of my hand over her little cone titties, letting my fingers ripple over them and felt the nipple begin to harden. After a few minutes she was purring like a kitten. "Are you Ok now, are you comfortable?" "Yup, I am good now, just a little nervous though" "Awh, don't be nervous, everything is going to be just fine, you will see" Sandra just laid there cuddling for almost ten minutes, rubbing my chest with her hand then slowly began moving her hand down, stopping when she touched bare skin. I took her hand in mine and guided it just inside my waistband. She continued, and then stopped again when she felt my pubic hair. She knew my cock was already hard because it was tenting my shorts and in the soft glow of the firelight it was obvious. She knew what she wanted but was being a bit shy. It is one thing to be bold when you are with other girls and another when you are alone. I gently grasped her forearm and slowly pushed her hand further down until I felt her warm little hand take hold of my cock, her breathing was shallow. She offered no resistance. "Marco, it is so big and so warm" Now she was over her nervousness and she had what she had come for, her turn, my cock all to herself. "Well, it is big and warm for you my little angel, a man loves having his cock touched and especially likes to have it sucked" "You mean like putting it in my mouth?" "Yes, but you don't have to do that Sandra. You do what you want to do and nothing more. I will not force you to do anything you don't feel comfortable with. Do you want me to take off my shorts?" "Ok, if you want to" "No Sandra, it is if you want me to. Like I said you do not have to do anything you don't want" "Then yes you can take off your shorts" I removed my shorts; giving Sandra unrestricted access to my throbbing cock. The cave was surprizingly warm and we could not have asked for a more secure location. Sandra fondled it for a few minutes and then feeling more at ease she curled herself closer to me and cocked one leg over mine. I slid my hand into her shorts, pushing them down exposing her plump little girl ass. She did have a wonderful little ass. Sliding my finger along her crease, she arched her back inward and pushed her sweet ass outward, opening her crease to my fingers. I passed my open palm the full length of her little pussy, feeling her clitoris, then her labia now wet with anticipation and excitement. I was engulfed in lust when I drew my fingers to my nose. The sweet combination of little girl pee smell, sexual pussy juice and a slight aroma of bummy almost made me cum right there. It was so much stronger a smell than Mary, who had very little smell at all. Pushing my hand back into Sandra's shorts, I pressed my finger against her rosebud. She tightened her grip on my cock and moaned aloud. "Ssshhhh, Sandra, you need to control yourself" "Sssooorrry Marco, that feels nice" "Yes, you like that do you?" "Oh yes, it makes me shiver" I continued circling my finger around her bummy hole and then pushed her shorts down further. She hesitated when I tried to push then all the way down but quickly turned, pulled her hand out of my pants and took them off herself. While she was sitting up I lifted her halter top over her head exposing two of the most perfect little titties, the warm glow of the flickering fire made them glow. I quickly took my T-Shirt off as well. We lay there together, skin against skin for several minutes before she took hold of my cock again. She lay half on my stomach with her head just above my belly button. In the dim glow I could see the shadow of her head hovering a few inches from my thundering cock. I had pumped a full load into Mary this morning but I knew there was another one building. My balls were sucked up close to my cock and full. I reached down and took her left hand which lay just above my pubic hair and directed it to my testicles. She cupped them both, and then massaged them, the heat from her little hand, relaxing my scrotum until my balls were dangling slightly. I couldn't reach her bummy any longer so toyed with her little titties, wonderfully firm. I pulled her around a little so I could touch her again and continued fingering Sandra's little rosebud, dipping down to collect the juice being secreted by her fuzzy little pussy. It was a wonderful feeling, the hair so soft and sparse. I had noticed her in the pond and wondered what it would feel like and now I had her. The hair was so soft and so sparse it barely hid her treasure and in the sunlight it sparkled; now it was by shadowy touch. Her pussy was amazingly beautiful all puffy lipped and wet, her clitoris now standing out like a little cock, the fire light filtering through her legs. I pulled at her bummy cheeks motioning her to stretch out with her head down by my cock. I turned onto my side and pulled her little fuzzy pussy to my mouth. I licked at her clitoris causing her to grind her pelvis into my face. I lifted one leg hooking my arm behind her knee, exposing her little pussy and dove in, first licking the full length of her treasure, then sucking her labia into my mouth. That made her grind into my face as well. After a few minutes I felt the warmth of her mouth wrapped around my cock once again, heaven. "Mmmmmmm" she gurgled as she sucked my bulbous knob I licked her copious juices, now flowing profusely and then sucked her engorged clitoris into my mouth, flicking at it with my tongue. She went over the edge, stiffening her legs. I grasped her plump little ass, pulling her strongly, continuing my sucking and flicking, not allowing her to escape my lashing tongue. She released my cock. "Marco, oh, oh Marco, I think I need to pee. Oh, Oh" Sandra released herself to me and I plunged my tongue deep into her virgin little hole, pressing my chin against her clitoris while my tongue danced into her wet little girl pussy. What she expelled was a mixture of little girl cum and pee pee. I drank like a thirsty man in the desert. Her pee pee was just a few little squirts but her cum was copious. I sucked at her little pussy until I could taste no more juice then pulled her arm, turning her around and drawing her face close to mine. "Marco, Marco, what happened?" "Well Sandra, you had an orgasm, did you like that?" "Oh yes Marco, I liked it a lot. It was such an intense feeling. I like it so much" "When do men have orgasms? Can I make you have an orgasm?" "Well yes you can and there are a couple of ways, one you can suck me some more or I can fuck you" "Oh I want to fuck; Mary told me she really liked it when you fucked her" "Oh Mary did, did she." "Oh Marco, don't worry, everyone knows you fucked Mary and everyone already has a turn. Some of the younger girls are a bit scared but they all want to try, it doesn't matter if they hear us, they all know we are going to fuck, or at least I told them I was going to" "Well, you know you don't have to if you don't want to angel, but what have you girls been up to and what have you been talking about?" "Marco, we are all little girls and we talk about everything, nobody can keep a secret. Ever since we saw your cock and touched it, we have talked about nothing else. Everyone wants to touch it some more" "My God, what have I done?" "Marco, don't worry, nobody is ever going to know. We talk amongst ourselves but we will never say anything to anyone once we get back home" "Aawww I am surely going to go to hell for this and I just know something bad it going to happen when we get rescued" "No it won't, you don't have to worry. All us girls have sworn a pact of secrecy and nobody will ever know but us" "Now will you fuck me Marco, I have waited all day for this and it is my turn and I don't want to miss my turn" I pulled her face to mine and kissed her full on the lips, parting hers and pushing my tongue into her mouth. She kissed me back, a little clumsy at first but she caught on quickly. Little girls learn very fast especially when they are really into what they are doing. I lifted her up and toyed with her little cone titties which caused her to moan aloud. "Ssshhhh, Sandra, please be quiet Ok" "Why Marco, all the girls weren't asleep when you licked Mary and we heard everything. We heard her moaning" "Oh Jesus, what have I done to you girls?" "You haven't done anything Marco, how many times do we need to tell you. Don't you realize that all little girls are not as innocent as everyone believes, we know all about that stuff. We get together and look at dirty pictures on the internet but it just isn't the same as having a big cock right in front of you and yours is definitely big" Throwing all caution to the wind, I sucked one of her little titties again and turning her over, lay on top of her supporting my self on my elbows, my cock a thundering hunk of pulsing manhood. "You realize this is going to hurt a bit don't you?" "Yes, Mary told us all about when you fucked her when you went back to the plane" "Yes but Mary was not a virgin because she had an accident on her bike when she was 7 or 8 and therefore it was not the same for her. It will hurt Sandra" "I am ready Marco" I sat up and dipped my fingers into her now sopping wet little pussy. Her hymen covered the entrance and only permited my finger. I then positioned my bulbous knob at the doorway to her treasure. She tensed. I worked it up and down barely entering until I felt her relax. I pushed and my knob popped inside her. "Oh Oh, it is so big Marco, go slow" "This is the time Sandra, are you ready?" Before she could answer I plunged into her, burying my cock in her tight wet hole. "Oh Oh Aaaahhhh, Oh it hurts, Oh my God it hurts" My lust for this chubby little nymph was overpowering as I pushed ever deeper until I felt my ball touch her wetness. I pulled out an inch then drove into her again. She squealed. I could hear the girls in the other room giggling like a bunch of geese. "Ok out there, you just wait until it is your turn and see how funny it is" Not a peep came from them. Quiet descended throughout the cave. "Oh it hurts Marco" "Do you want me to stop?" "No, oh please, oh just go slow Ok?" I was beyond myself. She was so much tighter than Mary and her plump little body felt so different than the skinny little girl I had fucked this morning. So far even though I was really excited by Sandra if I had my choice of fucking Mary right then I would choose her. She was my girl. I pulled her knees up a little, opening her little pussy more. I slowly began to stroke her with my throbbing cock, her little pussy stretched to the limit. She was so tight and the clenching of her pussy muscles sucked me like no mouth could. After a few minutes, her cries of pain subsided and her moaning began, each stroke bringing more moans. "Uuuggg, Uuuggg, Uuuggg Oh Marco it doesn't hurt very much any more and I like this a lot" her voice jerked with each thrust of my cock. "You are amazing young lady, you feel so wonderful" I whispered I now began to pull all the way out and each time I shoved my pulsing cock back into her she cried as it passed her now torn hymen but then moaned when I sunk it into her. "Fuck me Marco, don't worry I am ready for my first time, you can fuck me how you want" Hearing that, I increased the intensity of my stroke and now began fucking her little hole with abandon. In less than a minute, I felt the boil and the sensation of my cum travelling down the passage. The first squirt brought a loud squeal from her and she stiffened then began to spasm. "Aaaayyyyyy, Oh, Oh, fuck me Marco. Fuck my little pussy. Oh I am getting that feeling again. Oh fuck me Marco" She pushed her little pussy at me as I pumped my sperm into her little tight pussy, spurt after hot spurt brought more squeals until I was done. I could feel the cum oozing out of her tiny hole. She was putty and melted. We talked in whispers now. "Oh Marco, that was so wonderful. Your cum felt so hot" "Wow young lady, you are something else. You liked that did you?" "Oh yes and I can hardly wait until it is my turn again" "Well the night is not over my sweetie so how about we get a little sleep and who knows what will happen" "Ok but my pussy is really wet and dripping. What do I do about all your cum" "Well it is too dark to go outside to wash so I guess you will just have to sleep like that" "Eeeeyyyyuuuooo, there is so much of it Marco" "Ok then just a minute" I grabbed my sweatshirt and handed it to her. She got up and squatted in front of me, the light from the fire silhouetting her little pussy, an amazing sight. She swabbed her little pussy until she was satisfied there was no more leaking out, then crawled in next to me, put her head on my chest and was asleep in seconds. I laid there with this warm little creature, no longer a virgin visioning her plump little ass and fucking her in the daylight. Being able to see her body and her facial expressions would add a whole new dimension to her. I wondered how Mary was going to take all this and then I was gone. I slept like a rock. I have always slept good after dumping a load of sperm. Sandra got her first pussy full and loved every spurt of it. We were now stranded for a bit over two weeks and quite frankly I have not given up hope of being rescued but it has been over a week since the plane passed over and nobody has come for us. The light was just beginning to filter into the cave. Sandra was already awake and was gently massaging my cock which was now rock hard. Through groggy eyes I could see her plump little girl ass and the light passing through her legs. I could see the groove of her pussy mons and her labia in silhouette. A wonderful sight to say the least. I was hooked on these little girls and thoughts of being rescued no longer indulged my mind. My mind was now obsessed with my little girls and their little titties and the wonderful feeling of my cock in their tiny virgin pussy. I passed my hand over her bum cheeks and she turned and smiled, totally pleased with what she was doing. She pushed down the thin airline blanket, revealing my pulsing cock. Without so much as a second to waste she wrapped those beautiful full lips around it and sucked hard. After a few minutes of toying with her pussy, now wet again or still, I pulled her up and on top of me. She spread her legs on either side of me as I spread her bummy cheeks apart gripping each plump cheek with my fingers then seeking her little bum hole. Positioning my cock against her cleft made her moan softly. I pushed up with my hips forcing my bulbous knob inside her wet little girl hole. I pushed and entered her easily. Her face showed no signs of discomfort. Gripping her plump little ass cheeks, I pushed her down on my hard cock bringing more moans from her lips. I kissed her. She kissed me back with such passion it surprised me. This little 10 year old was amazing. She sucked my cock like no woman has ever and with such enthusiasm. Her moaning softly in my ear made my lust boil. She felt so good. Her second fuck and I entered her easily, her movements matched mine. I pumped at her without even thinking that a few hours ago this little 10 year old pussy had never had a cock in it and now had my hard throbbing cock buried to the hilt. Each time I pushed she pushed back until I could hold out no longer. "Sandra, Sandra, I am going to cum in your little pussy again. Are you ready?" "Oh yes, fuck my little pussy Marco, fuck me like a woman." "Arrggghh, I love this so much Marco, I love this so much" I pumped at her, driving my cock into her tiny pussy, feeling her muscles contract as she arched her back pushing hard against me. She gripped my chest muscles with both hands, fingers digging into my armpits. I exploded in her and with each push another spurt of my hot semen. "Ohhhh, Arrrrggggg, Ohhhh Yes, fuck me Marco. I am getting that funny feeling again. Push your big cock into me Marco" I continued feeding her little hole with my cock until she collapsed against me. My cock was still hard inside her and I kept pushing, keeping it buried in her little girl pussy. We lay there, locked together, man and child. My little lover, she too was mine. "Marco, are you finished yet?" came the chorus from several of the girls. "What do you mean?" "We are all awake and can hear you guys" "What did you hear?" "We heard Sandra moaning and we could hear you too" "Well, yes we are finished if that is what you want to call it." "Can we come and sit with you?" "Ok just a minute" I pushed Sandra off to my side and as my cock slid out of her wet pussy hole, I felt my cum dripping down my leg. She was full. I pulled the blanket up over us and called the girls. "Ok you can come now" *** Chapter 18 - Good Morning Playtime All the girls entered the alcove and sat around us. Sandra was smiling, the beads of sweat still visible on her forehead and cheeks. "Did you like it Sandra?" asked Sonya Mendez "Oh it was so wonderful. Aren't we bad little girls? Our parents would freak if they knew what we are up to, don't you think?" "Oh my mother would have a heart attack and my father would probably send me off to a convent for sure." replied Louise Tarpin "Did you guys fuck?" asked Theresa Holmstead "Whoa little girl, what kind of language is that, and what kind of question is that?" "We all listened to you guys and we heard everything" said Christina "You girls surprise me to no end, first I am shocked by your open discussion about all this and second for what has gotten into all you girls. You were all little angels in school and now it seems you are all pre-occupied by nakedness and my cock and now this" "What has gotten into you all?" "You know we start SexEd in grade two and the books they use to teach us don't show very much. The other day when we saw your cock, it was the most exciting thing we have ever done and we all want to see it more" replied Allison All the talk with these little girls gave me a raging hard on again and it was obvious because the thin blanket hid nothing. "Can we see your cock before we go?" asked Christina "It is sticking up under the blanket" Before I could answer Sandra whipped the blanket down and my bulbous knob shot skyward, my shaft flexing up and down. They all giggled. "Wow, Marco it seems so much bigger today than when we saw it the other day, can we touch it again?" "Oh what the hell go ahead knock yourselves out but gentle Ok?" They all moved in a circle around me and shared my cock; many little hands at once, grasping and stroking it, making it dance. They were enthralled by the size and how hard it was. Christina and Sonya were directly in front of me on either side facing my cock and when they leaned forward for their turn, they raised their little girl asses. I took my opportunity to fondle them and received no resistance from either. Sonya's ass was quite amazingly beautiful and was almost heart shaped, little love handles stuck out from her waist. The leg of her baggy shorts revealed her panties that looked like she needed to throw them away like the other girls had done. Christina, with her long blonde hair flowing down like a water fall on either side of her neck actually pushed back at me when I touched her cute tiny ass. She had no hips to speak of but the cutest little ass. Her shorts were tight spandex and the smoothness was invitingly erotic. "So what are we going to do today Marco?" asked Margie "Well, I thought we would take a hike and follow the stream at the end of the pond and see where it goes" "Can we all come?" asked Linda "Sure, I don't see why not" After a few minutes, I patted both Christina and Sonya on the bum and suggested that we get ready to go. "Ok girls; don't wear it out all at one time. Let's all get our shoes on and get moving. It is already close to 9:00 and I want to be back here before 2:00." The girls got their things together and we descended outside and sat around the cold fire pit gorging ourselves on fruit and berries until we couldn't eat more. I suggested we all jump into the pond to get cleaned off and wet down our cloths for the hike, the sun was already hot, glowing in the morning sky. After a few minutes of horsing around it was time to go. We set off into the jungle at a little after 10:00, following the stream. It ambled along slowly, the water clean and clear and a little cooler than the water in the pond. It was more drinkable being filtered over rocks and gravel with plants sucking up what nutrients they could from the fast running water. "Don't stray off the trail girls, I don't want any of you to get lost or hurt" A big chorus of "OK" bellowed from the lush green vegetation. Following the stream was an easy walk and most times the water was no more than a few inches deep and fast running and the occasional small pool formed with the water a foot to two feet deep. I noticed no snakes or lizards and although there was a lot of birds, didn't notice a lot of insects either. The girls were really relaxed now and having been here for over two weeks made them comfortable with the jungle and their surroundings. They laughed and giggled, joking amongst themselves. I was quite a few yards ahead and could here them suddenly turn quiet and then a roar of laughter. "What is so funny back there?" "Oh nothing Marco, we were just talking about you" Again a burst of laughter. "So are you going to tell me what is so funny?" "Maybe later" chimed Sandra We continued our journey following the creek and when we encountered a pool the girls all jumped in getting wet all over again, keeping cool in the hot sun. The sight of all those nubile little girls with their shirts and blouses plastered with sweat and transparent kept my cock hard almost continuously. I had turned into a pervert and loved it. After more than an hour and a half walking, we came to another clearing, much larger than the one with the pool and the landscape had flattened out somewhat. I decided we should stop there for a while and investigate the jungle around the edges of the clearing. I still had not seen an animal and that concerned me somewhat but in a way also gave me a sense of security. The girls of course had no idea of what could or could not be lurking in the jungle. The stream flowed to one side of the clearing and continued out the other side but we all decided that we would not go any further today and would head out earlier next time. We were not sure how much further the stream went but were all disposed to find out. Our next trip would need some planning for perhaps an overnight in the jungle. Security for me was the main concern as we still did not know what was out there. It was now 12:30 and it had taken us an 2 hours and 30 minutes to get here so we decided to head back. The walk back was a bit more difficult because we were constantly walking up hill, not steep but steady. It was difficult to judge the elevation but I figured our cave was probably about 500 feet above the clearing we had found.
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