The plane crash chapter 31 and 32


The plane crash chapter 31 and 32

Chapter 31 - Squeaky Clean

"What's up Susan, how come you aren't in the pond with the rest of the girls?" "I have my period and I feel all yikkee" "What do you mean you have your period? You are only 11 years old" "Almost 12 Marco, almost 12 and this is only the third time. The first time was just a couple of spots and the second time a little bit more. This time there isn't a lot but still it is there." "Well you know it is a big pond and it would be good to let the water clean your pussy" "Yes but after it runs down my legs and it makes me feel uncomfortable" "Aww come on Susan, at least it will be clean, it is really important to keep your pussy clean and unlike at home where you would need to wear a tampon, here you can just go into the water to keep it clean, come on angel. Come into the water with me and let me wash you" "What? You would put your hand on my pussy when I am having my period?" "Sure why not, touching that sweet thing would be my pleasure, period or not, come on let me wash you" "No Marco, that would be so gross for you" "No it won't Susan, it is only blood and it won't gross me out even a little, come on, let me wash you" "Well, Ok are you sure it will be Ok?" "Of course angel, come on" I held out my hand and pulled her to her feet, then wrapped my arm around her and walked into the water until the water was just above her breasts. "Put your hands on my shoulders angel" Susan put her hands on my shoulders and I walked further into the water until it was just below my nipples. Susan bobbed up and down, holding on to me to keep herself afloat. "Susan, spread your legs a little angel and climb up on me and rest them on my hips" She spread her legs and lifted herself, resting her calves on my hips. I gripped her ample bum cheeks and pulled her closer to me, then dipped my hand in between her spread legs seeking her pussy.

I cupped her mons, my fingers pressed into the small cleft just above her clitoris and stroked my hand towards her bummy, brushing over her clitoris. "Marco, that feels really good you know" "I thought you might like it. You know when a woman or in this case a young girl gets her period, most of them get really horny. It is a shame though because that is the worst time for it and most girls feel a bit dirty. Quite frankly it doesn't bother me and I wouldn't have any problems having sex with you when you were having your period" "Oh Marco, you are such a dirty man, that would be so gross" "No it wouldn't, you just have to get over the idea of it all" I stroked Susan's pussy crease on the outside of her mons then between her lips, each time applying pressure to her now engorged clitoris. It was huge for a little girl and Susan gasped each time, pulling her body to me, pressing me. I was enjoying the warmth of this young body pressing against me in the cool water. I continued with my cleaning job, inserting a finger just inside her little hole then massaging her clitoris. I moved my other hand from her bummy cheek and brought it between us. Susan steadied herself against me, her arms now around my neck. "What are you guys doing over there?" shouted Mary "I am having a private conversation with Susan, a private conversation, emphasis on private" "Doesn't look like you are talking much" giggled Valerie "Yeh, looks like you are being naughty" said Sandra "No we are just talking about girl stuff, you know Susan has her period and you also know she is a bit shy about that so we are discussing that" "Yah sure you are" and all the girls started giggling but paid no more attention to us. "Yah yourself and when you start having a period and you come to me we'll see Ok" Silence because they knew their turn was coming. Not if, but when. I had my one hand pressing between us and the other wrapped around Susan cupping her pussy that even though we were in the water, was slick with her little girl juice. I pressed my finger on the side of her hard clitoris and began moving it back and forth, letting it slide the bump over and over, keeping pressure on it at all times.

My other hand cupped her little pussy and with one finger just barely inside her; pushed my thumb against her bummy hole. It felt soft and relaxed but I decided not venture there until the time was right, Susan's turn was coming. "Marco, that feels good, my little button is just loving it. It feels so much better when you do it." I worked her little bummy with my thumb, stretching it, my thumb barely entering but enough for the sensation she was about to experience. My finger was now flicking her love button quickly and I could feel her tighten her grip on my neck, her legs straight out and stiff. "Oh Oh Oh, I am getting a funny feeling Marco, yes Marco. You are...You...I... Oh Marco I am cumming. You are so wonderful. Oh I love this so much. Ohhhhhhh yes, yes" She wailed out loud enough the other girls turned to look and all started to laugh. "Hah, just talking eh, doesn't sound like it to us. I think Susan just had an orgasm, don't you girls?" yelled Heather Simpson "Yeh, sounds like you just blew her panties off" yelled Patty Martin "Oh yeh, well I am not wearing any panties so there" My cock was hard as a rock and the thought of the twins rushed through my head at that moment. "Well, Patty just wait until tonight young lady and we'll see what comes out of your mouth" "Probably your cock" giggled her sister Brenda "Oh aren't you all just the dirty little girls. Potty mouth the works of you. I love you girls so much you know" "Yeh we know and that's not all" giggled Susan "That was really wonderful Marco, thanks for making me come into the water and thanks for washing me, I think my little pussy is pretty clean right now, don't you?" "Yup I think so too, so later tonight you can wash up again and if you do it three or four times a day, you shouldn't have to worry. What did you do the last time you had your period?" "Oh I used an old Tshirt and washed it out every day. But I will wash in the pond from now on. But I can still use that old Tshirt as well Ok" "Sure as long as you are comfortable with that. So far you are the only one of my angels who has started her period but I would imagine some of the other girls are close as well.

You know that now that you are menstrating we are going to have to be really careful so as not to get you pregnant" "Does that mean that we won't be able to have sex when it is my turn?" "Well we don't always have to stick my cock into your pussy you know" She was silent for a minute, then looked at me with a funny smile. "Does that mean you would fuck me in my bummy?" "Well yes if you want to but as long as we count the days from when you start and not do it in your pussy for a couple of days before and after the 14th day, we can still fuck your little pussy" "Well the other girls said they liked it in their bummy so I probably would too, so when it is my turn can we try that too?" "I don't see a problem and I only want to make you girls happy" "Oh you make us girls really happy and we all love you very much. Isn't it amazing how just a couple of weeks ago we were all in school, coming and going from our boring lives at home to this, a paradise with my friends and you" "Well it certainly has been an eye opening experience for me and I don't know if I could ever go back to that. You know I think the hardest thing would be not being able to fuck you little girls. I know I am a pervert for letting this happen but now after fucking you girls..." "You aren't a pervert Marco and trust me, if we didn't want to do this I know you wouldn't have started or forced us" "Well yes, but I should have been strong enough to resist the temptations, you are all so young, beautiful but young and it all started so innocently" "Really, I don't think that would have been possible, now knowing how much you like sex it would only have been a matter of time before one of us got to you.

This is the perfect arrangement you know, each of us having a special night with you all to ourselves and pretty damn good for you too to be able to have one of us during the day as well, wouldn't you say" she said with a smile. "Well yes, it is certainly a dream come true and I am sure there isn't a man alive who wouldn't want to be in my shoes, but that doesn't make it right. Oh I know I am the luckiest man alive and you all so willingly give yourself to me, your treasure, your hearts. I love you all very much" All the other girls came and crowded around us now and I let go of Susan and grabbed Mary, she was the closest. She wrapped her skinny legs around me. My cock was a pipe bomb in the water pointing straight up. As I pulled her to me, I cupped her bum cheeks in my hands and kissed her then lifted her up kissing each of her little titties then pushed her away in the water. "Thank you Daddy" One by one the girls came to me and each one, I cupped their bummy cheeks, kissed their lips and then their little titties. My baby girls, my angels, my lovers, mine all of them. Each replied the same. "Oh so now I am your Daddy" "Yup you are" came a chorus "Well what does that make me now? An incestuous father?" "Don't be silly Marco we just thought it would be nice being as how right now you are more like a father than our real fathers but if you don't like it we won't call you that anymore" "No, I don't mind and thank you for the confidence. I know you all have placed a lot of trust in me and I hope I haven't let you down" "No you haven't and we all love you very much and feel very secure here with you. You know the other day we were talking about some of the things we used to do at our parents house and it was really quite a boring and lonely existance we had, not all of us but most of us" said Audra Brown It was getting late in the day and I was hungry so we all went up to the cave and prepared supper.

The girls now wore hardly any cloths, mostly a loin cloth made from an old Tshirt or a pair of shorts that had the crotch stitching let out to make a skirt of sorts, none wore anything to cover their budding little titties making fondling them real easy and I did at every opportunity. They loved my attention to them. The fact that I actually liked touching their little titties somehow made them feel more womanly, that I acknowledged they had breasts and that they were beautiful enough that I would want to play with them. Little raisins, puffy aereoles, cone shaped, round and firm all of them beautiful, soft and sensitive to my touch. Even the young girls like Heather, Linda, Louise and Christina who didn't have any breasts, puffy or otherwise; loved my rubbing their little nipples and I spent a lot of time paying attention to my girls. After dinner I let the girls clean up and didn't even attempt to offer help but went and sat at the entrance legs stretched out, my back resting against the wall, gazing out upon my domain, king of the hill, master of the house and lover of my little girls. ***

Chapter 32 - Conversation With Brenda

I thought about how we got to where we were at that moment and how lucky I was but also how devastated the parents must be, not knowing I thought would be the hardest part. The girls were happy and showed no signs of distress or want to change the situation, happy to be alive and here with me and the rest of the group. Brenda came and sat beside me, a bit timid at first but I pulled her to me and up on my lap, her back against my chest her legs spread on either side of mine. My hands were resting on her tummy, lightly brushing back and forth to her hips. She melted into me with her head turned looking out over the dense forest stretched out before us. We could see for miles over the tree and palm tops now beginning to mist over. "So are you excited about tonight Brenda?" "Yes we are, we are so excited and when Patty woke up this morning the first thing she said was 'Tonight is our turn oh goody'." "You know Marco, Brenda and I have licked each others pussy" "Well aren't you the little tattler" "No I am not, I just thought you should know that we are really comfortable with each other and we have no secrets" "Well, I guess that is normal for twins, especially identical twins" Brenda and Patty Martin were identical in every respect and both played the violin. They were a little short but I assumed that a growing spurt was about to happen because their mother was quite tall for a woman. Their shoulder length brown hair was almost an auburn color and had a shine that glowed almost red in the sunlight. They were a bit chubby but firm and with flat tummies and in really good physical condition. Their hips had already developed and above their firm and plump heart shaped asses were deep dimples. They had the most perfectly shaped breasts about the size of an orange and dark brown aureoles that turned almost black when a nipple formed. Both of them were always very friendly with me. She moved my right hand up to cover her breast, those perfect hard little titties with soft nipples. I grazed my hand over the nipple making it begin to crinkle turning it into a hard little nub. Softly I worked the other one into the same hard little nub. She was now purring like a kitten. "That feels nice Marco, your hands are really soft for a man" "Well I haven't done too much work for the past few weeks so I guess that is a good thing" "I feel really good right now, I am so relaxed and feel really comfortable with you" "Well I am happy for you, I feel pretty good myself. You know this is the first time we have actually been alone like this. You know you and your sister are really quite beautiful" "Do you really think so Marco?" "Yup I sure do and your little titties are two of the most wonderful little things I have ever put my hands on, just perfect Brenda, just perfect. Can I touch your pussy?" "Sure you can, I am yours you know. We all are yours and we want nothing more than to make you happy" I slid my left hand across her chest and cupped her right breast then moved my hand down between her legs. I could feel the heat radiating from her. I slid my hand along her thigh until I felt the soft downy hair on her pussy, then let my fingers dribble over her mons feeling her clitoris as my fingers passed. Then cupping her little fuzzy pussy, I tweaked her tittie, rolling it between my finger and thumb. "That feels so wonderful Marco, is it always this good" "Oh it gets better honey you just wait and see" "Marco, do you like it when we call you Daddy?" "Sure I do Brenda and what a wonderful compliment. Do you miss your family?" "Well, my Dad a little but my Mom, no. She is such a bitch and my Dad is pussy whipped and they fight all the time. Patty and I are always being sent to our room and then the yelling starts" "Whoa where did you learn the pussy whip thing?" "One day my aunty, my Dad's sister was there when my Mom and Dad were argueing like they always are and she said that my Dad didn't have any balls and that he was pussy whipped.

When I asked my aunty what that meant she said that my Mother verbally abused my father and it was an expression that meant my father was a weak man. I didn't think he was but after that day I paid more attention to what my Mother was saying to him and he was definitely pussy whipped" I laughed aloud and Brenda giggled. I started playing with her mons, separating them. Her labia were quite puffy and long but didn't protrude which was peculiar because from just looking at her you couldn't see them but then I didn't ever get a close look at her little fuzzy pussy before. I toyed with them then slid my finger up and hooked it under the opening of her clitoral hood, pushing it back to expose her her button. She reacted by opening her legs wider. "Mmmmmm, I like that too Daddy" I continued massaging her clitoris which slowly grew as it became engorged with blood and now protruded from the hood. She began to softly moan. "Mmmmmm, Oooooohhhhh yes Daddy I really like this. It feels so much better when you do it" "I can feel your cock Daddy, it is getting really hard and big" "Yup, you are getting me excited young lady but you are going to have to wait till later, here comes Patty" "What are you guys doing?" "We're just sitting here enjoying the sunset and talking" "Come sit with us Patty" I said Patty sat beside me, turned a little and rested her head on my arm still wrapped across her sister's chest, still fondling her little tittie. "So are you going to fuck us both tonight Marco?" "Well aren't you direct and to the point young lady" "Well are you?" "Yes I am, are you excited about that" "I sure am but a little scared, I know I shouldn't be because if you can fuck Linda and she liked it a lot, I don't see why I can't but I am still a little scared. Is that Ok?" "Sure it is but trust me, I will be really gentle and as I explained to the other girls, the first time almost always hurts a little" "That's what scares me, does it hurt a lot?" "Well only for a minute or so but after that no, only the first time angel" We sat there in silence.

I moved my hand from across Brenda's chest lowering Patty's head down onto her sister's thigh, then cupped her buttocks, sqeezing gently. I kept my other hand between Brenda's legs, toying with her little nub clitoris, her moans barely audible, her pussy slick with her little girl juice. Patty moved up a little and I put my hand between her bummy cheeks, feeling her peach fuzz pussy. It was already wet. I stroked Patty's wet slit and found her nub as well, kneeding it back and forth with my finger. Patty moved slowly to the rythm of my finger then pushed her ass out tucking her legs up giving me easier access to her treasure. She was wet and slick. I lathered my fingers then drew them up across her little bummy hole, then with my finger back doing it's job on her clitoris, I circled my thumb on her now wet bummy hole.

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