The Plane Crash Chapter 6-12
The Plane Crash Chapter 6-12
Chapter 6 - Waiting For Daylight
"Listen up girls, I want you to gather round and stay close together. It looks like you have enough palm leaves so huddle together and I will go back into the plane to look for something to build a shelter" It was still a few hours before light so I went back to the plane to see what I could find to use as some cover. The flashes of lightning were the only source of light as the emergency lighting had died. This made navigating amongst the plane difficult. All the girls were shivering, mostly from trauma because it wasn't really that cold out. Finally I found the location of the emergency life raft which contained a wealth of usable items including a flashlight. The length of rope was just what I needed. I returned to the girls and stretched the rope between two palm trunks and pulled it tight and began leaning the palm leaves against it to create a lean-to, then using the palm leaves under the injured girls as a sled pulled them in out of the rain and instructed all the other girls to huddle around them and to hold each other to keep warm. It was now almost 5:00 and becoming somewhat lighter, the rain was becoming softer and the lightning subsided. I huddled with the girls who now were huddling me, more from fear than from cold. We were all soaking wet and tired but right now it was impossible to sleep.
Morning and light would bring more challenges. I could feel the heat pouring off this gathering of nubile young bodies and after a while we all just kind of sank into each other waiting for dawn to arrive. Linda Marshal had crawled up between my legs and now rested her back against my chest. I had Margie Cohen on one side and Becky on the other tucked under my arms which were wrapped around their backs. All the girls wanted a piece of me and any part of me they could touch was theirs. I felt like a mother hen. Light finally began to filter down between the palms in long streaks, fanning out to wide patches of light and gave us a clear glimpse of the wreckage. The girls had now almost adjusted to the situation and although our cloths were damp we were comfortable. The lean-to I had made in the dark was actually quite good. The girls had gathered a significant amount of palm leaves and having used most of them, made the lean-to both strong and protected from the wind and light rain. We waited another hour and it was now light. Some of the girls had already gotten to their feet and were stretching, removing the cramps from a cold, wet sleep. I got up myself and stretched along with them then surveyed our situation. I slowly made my way back into the plane, checking each row and under each seat, mentally taking inventory of what was there, who was there and what the status was. After I had accessed that there were no more survivors aboard, I exited the plane. I needed to search the path of wreckage to look for other survivors. I instructed the girls to not wander off, as some of the girls were now in explorer mode, having lost their fear. "Susan, Mary, Becky and Sonya - you are group leaders and I want all of you to listen to them and I don't want anyone getting lost and you leaders are responsible for your group. I am holding you accountable. Our survival depends on everyone playing their part and being a team OK." The chorus of Ok rang out loud and clear and I felt confident that we were going to survive and to be rescued soon. "I will take 3 or 4 girls with me and the rest of you stay close together and no wandering off by yourself. Always keep the plane in view and do not lose sight of it when you are exploring." "Teresa Angela Brenda and Patty, you come with me" ***
Chapter 7 - Surveying the Wreckage
As we walked back along the crash trail, I was horrified by what we saw. As the girls moved in and around pieces of wreckage, I caught myself looking at them in a way I had never done before. Oh, I saw the girls every day and looked at them but never really studied them. My little incident with Mary had awakened a dark side within me and it stirred me. Teresa was average height with long blonde hair and blue eyes and had the cutest little ass and she had a wiggle when she walked. Her little titties were beginning to bud and through her T-shirt I could tell she did not have a training bra. Her aureoles were puffy like one would expect at that age, but overly large and showed as two dark stains on the front of her shirt. Angela was a bit on the chubby side, but still very attractive. She had breasts, but probably more baby fat than anything. She always wore a smile and always gave me a hug if she saw me in the hallways at school. I was always very careful not to allow body touching in any way. A hug was more like putting my hands on her shoulders and doing a cheek kiss. The two twins, Brenda and Patty were just adorable. Shoulder length brown almost auburn hair, thin but not skinny. Their bodies had started their adolescent development. Their hips had already shown themselves and both had quite nice sized breasts that actually had a nipple, seen clearly with their shirts unbuttoned and the little halter top, still damp clinging to them. They both were always very friendly with me. I couldn't help thinking why I hadn't noticed them in the way I looked at them now.
Theresa started to cry aloud and called Angela, Brenda and Patty. "Oh Angela" she sobbed strongly and sat down on the ground as the three girls crowded around her. When the two twins looked at what Theresa saw, they both started to vomit. We had found the bodies of two girls, Melissa Hanson 8 years old and Mallorie Fendi, 8 years old. They had been sitting with Agnes but no sign of Agnes. The two girls were obviously dead and their twisted mangled bodies were covered in blood. What a shame I thought. Looking at their tiny bodies made me dizzy and I needed to sit down as well. I started crying again. We continued our search for a couple of hours but never found Agnes and surmised she was probably buried under debris. The pieces of wreckage covered a long narrow strip through the palm trees, most of which had bent when the plane passed and were missing a lot of leaves but had now returned to upright position providing a canopy above the trail. I wondered if a rescue plane passed overhead, could they see the wreckage trail. I was certain of it. We gathered a few things, like carry on bags that had been strewn along the wreckage trail and other small things that I thought might prove useful, as much as we could carry and headed back to the plane. I gathered the girls. "Listen up girls, we are alive and although some of us are injured, we are alive" "The situation back there is just awful and I don't want any of you going back there for now, understood?" "Yes Marco" came a chorus. "I want to find us a location more secure and not too far from the wreckage. I am sure they are already looking for us so we need to keep our eyes and ears open for any signs or sounds of rescue. Now I want all you girls in groups of three to spread out ahead of where we are and look for a cave or an overhang or something that can serve as a home for us until the rescue gets here." "Remember, do not loose sight of the plane and if you do, I want you to call out and do not proceed any further, stop and stay put. Do not panic and do not try to find your way back, stay put and call out. Try to spread out in your group but also do not loose sight of each other. When I get back I want to get as much stuff out of the plane that is usable and then I want to find something to dig some holes to bury the dead girls." As soon as I said that I knew I should have kept it to myself. Like flipping a cry switch, everyone started to wail. What a sound. "Please girls, I know it is a sad day but we can't let this get in the way of our own survival, so enough of that. I don't want to get tough with you and I don't want you to think I don't care. I would like to cry as well and have but right now we need to put our strong faces on" "If we don't bury them today, they are going to attract animals and at this point I don't know where we are and what kind of animals are here. So keep your eyes and ears open, this is very important my little darlings." "While you are out exploring, I will check on the girls with injuries, now be careful and remember what I said" "As well, if anybody besides Audra, Linda, Susan and Donna have any type of injury I want to see you as well before you go exploring" ***
Chapter 8 - Doctor Marco
"Now ladies Audra, Linda, Susan and Donna, I want to check on your injuries first but the rest of you girls, this is no time to be shy about anything and if you have any problem, big or small, come to me and I will listen" I sat down in our lean-to and called Donna first. Donna was, I considered the worst off and I tended to her first. She seemed more coherent now than last night. "Donna, come sit" I checked on the bump on her head and although it was still swollen she didn't have any more pain although she did say she had a bit of a headache. I passed my hand over her back with slight pressure and she winced when it passed over her shoulder blades. "Ow, that hurts Marco" "Ok, listen I am not a doctor but I need you to take off your top so I can check you over. Do you have a problem with that?" "No Marco but do the other girls have to see me naked?" "Well no, not if you don't want to, I can go fetch a few more palm leaves and put them in front of the lean-to Ok?" "Ok" I hung four large leaves in front of the lean-to and now had a corner almost 2 meters wide that would serve some privacy. "Ok, now let's get started" Donna without so much as a hesitation pulled her top over her head revealing two of the cutest little nipples perched upon her breasts. Her aureoles had just the slightest puffiness. Most beautiful little things. I began with her back and she had a large bruise on each shoulder blade and she winced when I touched them. I then started to checked her all over probing with my fingers up and down her rib cage and then with slightly more pressure on her abdomen. "Well Donna, do you still have pain in your tummy?" "A little but not as much as last night, I think I will be fine" "Well young lady, I think you are going to be Ok as well, put your top back on, but if you have any more pain in your tummy, come to me Ok" "Ok Marco, you are a pretty good doctor even though you aren't one" "Ok off you go, Linda your turn" Linda came in and sat down and without so much as a word, pulled her top off.
The cut had some caked on blood which I felt should be cleaned. I got one of the bottles of water we had taken from the plane and knelt down in front of her, instructing her to raise her arm. "Ooooohhh that hurts a little when I stretch my arm up" "Yes that is just the skin being pulled opening the cut a little, don't lift your arm too high then. Now this might sting a little but be brave my little princess Ok" I wet my fingers and dabbed them on her cut. She pulled away at first touch but then didn't flinch while I continued dabbing her cut. "Wait a minute princess I need to get a cloth of some sort to properly clean this up for you" I rummaged through all the things we had pulled from the plane and found a clean white cotton shirt which I then tore into strips and returned to the lean-to. I wet a piece of the cloth and continued to clean her wound, dabbing softly. I poured more water onto the cloth and then with the palm of my hand pressed it against the wound, my thumb was resting on her little nubbin. She looked at me and I looked back, eye to eye contact and she smiled and whispered. "That feels good Marco" "Yes it should feel much better now that it is a bit moist and clean" "No your thumb Marco, it tickles a little and it feels nice" "Oh you are a bad little girl Linda. I am sorry for touching you like that. I didn't mean to" "Oh it is Ok, I like it and you can tickle me like this any time you want" "OK young lady, that will be enough of that.
You know that would be wrong and I am sure your parents have told you many times that it is not correct" "But it feels nice Marco, how can it be wrong if I like it" "Well you have a point there princess but I don't think it would be right. Do you know what kind of trouble I could be in if someone saw me do this or if you told someone?" I had to admit her soft baby girl skin felt good and her tiny, tiny aureoles were really cute. My God I thought, what the hell has gotten into you. It was like I was being controlled by some nasty force and I knew it was wrong. "Oh, you don't have to worry Marco, I won't tell anyone" With my hand still pressing the cloth against her cut, I slowly glided my thumb over her aureole and it quickly turned into a tiny raisin. She purred. I could not help myself and as quick as I started I stopped. "Ok princess, I need to tend to the other two girls now so I will check on your wound later, put your top back on" "Ok but remember, you can if you want to" "Ok Linda, our little secret Ok?" "Ok, I really liked it though, so it's Ok" "You are a bad little girl Linda, a bad little girl" I said with a smile "Now get out of here and call Audra" "Audra, your turn" Audra was the athletic type and was very strong for her age. She had almost ear short hair with little wisps that hung down to her shoulders in front of each ear. She had a dark complexion with coal dark eyes. Really a beautiful young girl. "So how is your arm?" "It is really sore but I am Ok, we are so lucky Marco" "Sit down here and let me look at you" "Do you want me to take of my sweater?" "First of all, how did you ever get that sweater back on?" "The girls helped me but should I take it off?" "No I don't think that will be necessary, although later I want you to get out of that thing and put something without sleeves on, but I do need you to roll up the sleeve, do you think you can?" "No I don't think so but I can lift my arms above my head. Why can't you just pull one sleeve off?" "Well, I guess I could do that" She lifted her arms above her head and I stood up and grasped the cuff and slowly pulled up. She started to cry and I stopped. "No don't stop, just pull if off slowly" I continued and helped her bend her arm down enough to pull the sleeve off leaving her head and other arm in the sweater. I sat back down and my gaze was caught by the most perfect breast I had ever seen. For an 11 year old, she was at least a 32B and her nipple was erect and dark with little white bumps around the outside. Amazing and I felt a stir in my groin. What went through my mind at that moment changed my perspective about young girls forever and I knew there was trouble brewing and a whole myriad of things flashed through my mind, leaving me sitting there with my mouth open. "My arm Marco, my arm" "Oh yes, I am sorry Audra" "It's Ok Marco, you are the first man who has ever seen me naked, not even my Dad has seen my titties" "Well, aren't I the lucky one" I was shaking like a leaf in the wind and stuttered a bit, then coughed my response. "I... I... I... feel privileged young lady and I am sor sor sorry, your brea...I I I mean they, I mean you are so beautiful and I know what I just said is inappropriate" "Don't worry, I won't say anything" I removed the splints and ran my fingers up and down each side of her upper arm and although it was bruised and swollen, I could feel the fracture points and it seemed to be aligned well. I kept returning my gaze to her breast and she noticed. "Do you think my titties are nice Marco?" "I am not sure I should answer that Audra, do you know how inappropriate all this is and now you ask me to comment on your breasts" "Marco, we are in a situation that is not normal and we are all here together and I know from talking to the other girls that you had an erection in the lineup on the airplane" "Oh Christ, does everyone know and who told you?" "More than one girl saw it Marco, you tried to hide it but we saw it" "Well, what the hell does that have to do with this conversation?" "I am sure everyone knows, because we all laughed about it, do you have one now Marco?" "Audra, please, please can we just stick with the issue here and let me put the splint back on and tend to your knee?" "Sure but do you think my titties are nice and do you have an erection?"
I didn't answer and continued with my examination and cleaning the cut on her knee with water. "Well are you going to answer me?" "Listen Audra, I don't know what has gotten into you, but we shouldn't be talking about this. It is a conversation that only adults should be having" "Ok Marco, but you need to know that it is Ok. I know what my Mom says about older men and how they like to look at young girls and do things to them. I have read about a lot of that stuff in the encyclopedia and on the internet with the other girls and I know all about sex and things like that" "Audra, for Christ sake would you stop talking like that" "Marco, girls my age are a lot more mature than you think and I know all the girls in the school think you are a hottie" "Awwwhhhh for Christ's sake Audra, please can we drop this now, please you are making me uncomfortable" "Well, answer me, do you have an erection now?" "Yes, are you happy now?" "Can I see it?" "No this conversation is over, cover yourself up and get out of here and call Susan Ok" "Ok, but I am not going to drop this, I want you to know that" "Listen, we will be rescued soon and be back in school before you know it and I should report you to the school Principle" "And what will you say. I had an erection on the plane and another one tending to me. That would go over really nice, you would probably be picked up by the police" Audra pulled down the corner of her sweater, got up and called Susan. As she left she gave me a look that scared me. What the hell was I going to do now? Blackmailed by an 11 year old nymphet. Nightmare!!! I was shaking when Susan came in and I was now faced with another situation. Susan was menstruating and I know there was nothing she could have put down there to collect her period and wondered how I was going to handle the situation. "Hi Susan, how are you feeling?" "Well my shoulder still hurts a bit and my bummy is pretty sore but I think I am Ok, thanks to you" "Great, then I guess we don't need to check you over" "Well, I think you need to look at my bummy, because it bothers me a lot and it is so itchy and I can't scratch it" "Uuummmm, Ok well just turn around and I will check it over" As quick as I could get the words out my mouth she had untied the string on her shorts, pushed them down over her hips, turned and presented her plump little girl ass to me. "Whoa Susan, I don't think you need to push you shorts down all the way" I now looked at her in a different light and my erection maintained full mast. For a young girl, she had an amazing ass, complete with dimples above her crease. I was actually being turned on by all this doctor shit and the girls seemed to be taunting me. Where was this all going to lead?
I ran my finger along the scratch which now in the light of day was more a cut than a scratch and in several places along the length, blood had dried meaning it was healing but in a couple of places there was a white puss, very little but still enough to be concerned about. The last thing we needed was in infection and no antibiotics. I tore another swatch of cloth from the shirt and went to fetch the bottle of Johnny Walker, wet the cloth with a little alcohol and proceeded to dab it on the infected areas. She winced at first touch then innocently bent forward which opened up her bum crease and I could see she was menstruating a lot because the blood was nearly up to the location of the scratch. "Does it look Ok Marco?" "Yes it looks fine, however I think we will need to check it again later today and hopefully after I finish cleaning it, you won't be itching anymore. There are a couple of places where infection has started but they are small and should clear up quickly. I think you need to wash yourself down there and I am sure that is partly to cause for your itching. You are menstruating for sure Susan and quite a lot I think. I don't know much about all that stuff but I think if you can find somewhere to wash up and then find a cloth to put over your uuummm, your vagina" "Over my what? You called it a vagina; we girls call it our pussies or our cunts" "Oh, Jesus Christ Susan, did you have to say that, pussy Ok but the other word, that is such a dirty word" "Oh relax Marco, we all call it that so don't worry though I will try not to use it around you, you sound like my aunt" "Do you think I will have a scar?" "It is possible but you are young and when you are a little older it should fade away to nothing" "So do you think it looks good now?" "Well yes it does but like I said we should check it again later Ok." "DO you need to check my other parts?" "What other parts?" "You know, my cunty" "Susan, there's that word again, what kind of a word is that?" "I am sorry Marco, that just slipped out, we have all gotten used to calling it that and it sounds so dirty don't you think?" "Yes it does and I don't have another name for it other than pussy. Jesus that is an awful word to use for such a sweet thing" Crap, I thought, just got over that and opened up another can of worms. "Do you think my pussy is sweet Marco? Do you need to look at it or do you want to look at it" "Aw come on Susan, give me a break. You pull your shorts down and show me your bare bum and now you are asking me if I think your pussy is sweet?
I can tell if you girls don't quit with your teasing me I am going to have to give you some sort of detention" Susan was no longer talking like a little girl and her conversation was very meticulate and very adult for an 11 year old. "Listen up Marco, we are not in school any more and we girls, at least the older ones are not all as innocent as you might believe. I know that none of us has ever had sex but we are not stupid when it comes to that" "Jesus, Susan, you are talking like a naughty girl here and I never looked at you girls with anything other than pure thoughts and now you, Audra, Donna and even young Linda seem to think that teasing me is funny" "Marco, I am sorry I didn't mean to tease you. I guess the thoughts of being stranded on an island with a man has let loose some feelings. You know we have read stories about being stranded on a desert island with a boy and all the fantasy stuff but here we are with a real man" "I can tell you are excited by all this because I noticed your erection. Can I see it?" "My God, no you can't, what the hell has gotten into you girls? Now pull up your pants and get the hell out of here" "Don't be mad at me Marco, it was only a question and you don't need to worry about any of us saying anything" "Susan, please just go Ok. I need to think clearly and you girls are not helping me by taunting and teasing me with your bodies" "Marco, nobody is teasing you. We all have questions and it would be nice for you to answer them. It won't hurt you to let your guard down you know. We are all here together and if you have looked around, you will see that most of the girl's cloths are all torn and full of blood and whatever so you better get used to seeing little girls parts. Like you said this is no time to get sentimental or shy and it is also not the time to turn into a prude" "You are the only adult left here with us and we need you. Most of the younger girls are still scared and we older girls are well, curious if you know what I mean" "How can you think of things like that in the situation we are in?" "We are all alive and for the most part in pretty good spirits considering what we just went through so lighten up. We have" She made a lot of sense but the reality of it all was that all these girls were jail bait. However, I had to admit I was turned on by their innocence and by their now seeming promiscuity. My only hope was that we would be rescued soon and the sooner the better. Some thoughts running through my head were evil and certainly career terminators. "Listen, Susan can we not talk about this anymore. Obviously you know that nothing can or is going to happen and I am still your teacher and I am still responsible for you all and really I need your help with the other girls and this kind of talk is not helping me" "Ok I will drop it, for now; only for now" Susan left the lean-to and I followed her and called all the girls together. It took some time because some were still out exploring. I sent Susan and Mary to fetch the rest of them. Once gathered, I asked each team leader to report what they had found and nobody had anything positive to say. It was decided that we would begin expeditions and mark the trail so we wouldn't get lost. We needed to find a source of water and more food, because the packaged food on the plane was not going to last more than a day or two at the most. If this island and I assumed it was an island was anywhere near Hawaii there should be some fruit trees and who knows what other things we might find. ***
Chapter 9 - The First Expedition
I had done survival training when I was about 18 and have read and watched enough TV to be able to find edible fruit and roots and the like so I was not too concerned but we still needed to find them. It was decided that Mary, Valerie and the two Martin twins would come with me on the first expedition and equipped with a bottle of water each, we took off to the east at about 10:15 am. We tore strips of palm leaves and tied them to trees marking our trail and covered a significant distance I approximated at about 2.5 miles and found nothing but jungle so we decided to turn back. The small clearing we were now in was shaded and a cool breeze fanned the palm leaves. The absence of any fruit trees or small recognizable brush had me wondering about a food source and although I wasn't worried, the girls expressed concern. I assured them that we still had a number of directions to explore and we were sure to find something. The girls were a bit tired and were complaining which was normal; it was a long walk and not an easy one. Nobody had slept much during the night and I decided to sit and rest a bit before heading back. The girls wandered about 30 feet away and sat down huddled together in a circle sitting cross legged and started talking amongst themselves. "Do you think we will be Ok Valerie, I am so scared about what will happen to us" said Mary "I think we will be Ok, Marco is here with us and he is pretty smart" "Wherever we are they will be looking for us and we should be rescued soon" chimed Patty Martin After about 20 minutes, I got up and stretched. I was pretty tired but this was no time to be slacking off. We had a nightmare on our hands and sleep would come later. "Are you ready to go girls?" "Yes I am ready to go" said Mary Our walk back was a bit quicker than our trip there, entering our makeshift camp shortly before 12:30. Even though I was tired, I knew it was my responsibility to make sure the girls were protected. I told the girls that I would venture off in another direction alone but that was met with disapproval and so Sandra and Linda were selected for the trip. We headed off in the direction of the sunset and had gone no more than 3/4 of a mile when the jungle opened up into a clearing with a pond about 20 meters wide and 30 meters long. The water was a blue green and the afternoon sun reflected its brilliance as we approached. It was fed by a waterfall about 3 meters high and I noticed that the water cascaded down a rock face and dumped into the pond from a ledge. I checked the water first and it was cool but warm enough to swim in and so clear in places around the edge the bottom was clearly visible. The water from the waterfall cooler but not cold and very clean and drinkable. This was a very good sign and my estimate of survival jumped 200 percent. I told Sandra and Linda they could drink the water and told them to wait where they were and began walking the circumference of the pond where I found a small creek that dumped into another much smaller pond.
There were bananas and plantains hanging from many of the trees. We would need to investigate this more but this seems like a great place to set up a camp. I continued walking around the shore until I reached the other side of the pond and could see Sandra and Linda sitting at the edge with their feet dangling in the water. I proceeded to follow the base of the rock and no longer obscured by the dense foliage, could see the face was quite high. Higher up there was little or no vegetation so I started to climb. I climbed what looked like a long ways up, probably 20 meters and reached the source of the water. I couldn't see much because most of the trees were that tall but decided that would be enough for today. After we settled in I would have to overcome my vertigo and climb to the top. From there I may be able to tell where we are. I had reached the crack in the rock where the water appeared to be coming from and then staying about a meter away from the water soaked rock, began to descend. The water ran down its face then dumped onto a long sloping ledge about three meters above the pond and then into the pond. It was very picturesque. The ledge was about 10 meters wide and the water spilled onto it wetting a little more than half, then ran down and created a beautiful little waterfall into the pond. I descended until I stood upon the dry part of the ledge that created a lip on the rock face and I figured I was only about three meters or so above the ground. I walked to the end of the ledge and grasped some vines or roots preparing to descend and noticed the vegetation hung down over the face of the ledge and continued to the ground. As I started, I had lifted the vines up and noticed a small passage on another much smaller ledge beneath the one above. It created a step. I swung over to about a meter from the waterfall and parted the vegetation. There before my eyes, about 1.5 meters high and 3 meters wide was an opening that appeared to be the entrance to a cave. It was early afternoon and the suns rays beat against the rock face and when parted the vegetation the inside flooded with light. On my hands and knees,
I crawled in. About 2 meters inside, it opened into a huge cavern but I couldn't see because the vegetation had fallen back and blocked the light. I crawled back and tied the vegetation to each side with a vine so allow the light in. Both girls were watching me the whole time I was exploring and talking back and forth. "Marco, can we go swimming?" yelled Sandra "I don't see why not, this would be a good time to wash up and clean your cloths, but be careful, I don't know how deep the water is" I yelled back "Do you think we should take our cloths off Sandra?" "I don't know, do you think Marco would get mad?" replied Linda "I don't think so, I know he has been looking at us differently since he examined us" said Sandra "Well, then let's go swimming naked. I have always wanted to do that, come on let's go" replied Linda with a giggle "Ok, this will be so much fun" I turned back to my task at hand and didn't see the girls getting into the water. After clearing all the vegetation, I entered the cavern once more and once my eyes adjusted to the light I could see more clearly. I could see that the cavern was large enough to make this a safe place to sleep and be protected from the elements. The cavern was about 7 meters wide and 12 meters deep and high; probably 6 meters or more almost in a cone shape. A smaller tunnel about 4 meters deep ran off to one side, about 2 meters from the entrance. It was about 2 meters wide and about 3 meters high. I was jubilant and went back outside and descended using the vines and roots that extended to the ground. I would need to build or fashion something to enable the girls to climb the two meters up to the cavern. In the meantime the vines could be used as a rope to scale up. I noticed the girls in the water up to their necks and decided to swim across rather than walk all the way back around, the added benefit being clean cloths. As I approached Sandra and Linda I noticed their cloths on the bank and stopped swimming. I could just touch the bottom while keeping my head above water. The water in the center of the pond was quite deep and although the water was crystal clear I could not see the bottom. ***
Chapter 10 - Crossing the line
"Young ladies, what are you doing without your cloths?" "We asked you if we could go swimming" "Well yes but I didn't think you would be naked, I thought you could wash your cloths at the same time, this is very inappropriate girls" "It feels really nice Marco, the water is so wonderful. I can't wait to tell the other girls about this place." I proceeded a little closer, until I was about a meter away and the water was up to my chest. "Listen, we need to get back now. I found a cave just above us there, where I cleared away the vines and I think that will be a good place to setup camp" "I will go ahead a bit and wait for you while you two put your cloths on" "Oh Marco, you are such a prude. We are just little girls and I am not ashamed to dress or undress in front of you" replied Linda "You have already seen my titties and I am not shy, are you Sandra?" "No, I am not shy either" "I still think it best if I go ahead a bit" Before I could say another word the two waded slowly to shore until their little girl asses were visible, and then ran the rest of the way. Sandra, 10 years old, had dark skin and bathing suit tan lines. Her little ass, a bit on the chubby side was flawless and rippled with firmness. I stared at her for a minute before Linda called, staring at me, staring at Sandra. "Oh so you wanted to go ahead and miss this huh" Both Linda and Sandra turned and mooned me both giving little asses a wiggle, bending over slightly. Linda bent a bit further, hands on her knees and I could see her little crinkled bum hole. Damn what a wonderful sight. "You girls are really bad, you know that? I am your teacher and what you just did is totally inappropriate" They were both turned, facing me now. "Yah, well you don't have to look if you don't want to, but I think you like it don't you?" said Sandra "I don't know what has gotten into you girls. Listen, this is totally inappropriate, totally and I am your teacher and an adult and you are my responsibility. I cannot stress to you enough that this will get me into so much trouble. When we get back home, all that is needed is for one of you girls to say something overheard by an adult and I will be in jail faster than you can blink your eyes. Besides that, if you are not careful you are going to turn me into a dirty old man" "Well, maybe a handsome dirty young man" replied Linda "But you like it don't you?" "Well, I have to admit, you are both are beautiful young ladies and well, yes I do like it but it is still inappropriate" Linda was a little short for a ten year old but she too had an amazing ass but then I guess all young girls have amazing asses and her titties were two pink rosettes with a slight breast and puffy swelling of the nipples. Dear God, what thoughts were running through my head?
Yesterday I would have never even dreamed of such a thing and the next day circumstances put me here with two of the most beautiful young creatures that God created. Linda Marshal was seven. Her shoulder length blonde hair sparkled in the afternoon sun. She was short but then I guess all seven year olds are short. She had a hidden clitoris and her labia did not show. Just a little girl cleft, hairless and smooth. I glanced back and forth between the two, comparing them. Sandra was ten and had dark skin, tan lines and her plump ass had deep dimples. Her clitoris visible and large, stood out above her crinkled labia and exposed. She was average height and her baby fat build gave her a cuddly look especially with her small perfectly round cone shaped titties that were orange size. Like an orange cut in half with a raisin in the center. Beautiful firm little girl breasts, amazingly erotic. "Can we see you Marco?" I coughed and stuttered. "What? Uh What did you say? Now you have really gone over the edge will you just quit with this already" "Oh come on Marco, we showed you ours!" "I didn't ask you to show me yours. This isn't an I'll show me mine if you show me yours thing and you realize that if I did, I would never be able to look at you girls the same again and you the same for me and you also realize how totally inappropriate that would be" "And so what, after all that has happened, I don't think any of us are going to be able to look at each other the same" said Sandra "Come on Marco, show us, we won't tell anyone" The thought of exposing myself to these two young girls made my cock twitch and within seconds it was hard. Oh this was great, not only was I thinking about showing them my cock, but an erection was also going to say that I liked it and I was excited by it. I hesitated a moment. "Come on Marco, show us" "Come on Linda and Sandra. This is not cool at all and you are asking me to do something that I know is morally wrong" "Awww come on Marco, just a little peek. Ok?" Against all better judgment and throwing caution to the wind, I waded out of the water until it was just at my knees. I was now about 2 meters from the girls and hesitated again. I slowly pushed my pants down. I am a commando style dresser and have always likes the freedom of not wearing any type of underwear.
My pubic hair is always neatly trimmed and I frequently shave my testicles and the sides of my cock. I hadn't done that for a few days and a little stubble was growing on the sides but it was still clean with just a prominent tuft directly above my cock. My cock was hard at the thought of exposing myself to these two and as soon as the top of my pants liberated my member, it sprang upwards like a missile. The girls jumped and gasped. "Oh my God Linda, it is so big" "Can we see it up closer?" asked Linda I waded out to the water and stood directly in front of them. Their gaze never left my cock. I could tell by the look on their faces, they had never seen one in the flesh before. "Wow, Linda isn't that the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. It is amazing Marco and it is pointing straight up. Can I touch it?" "My God girls, I am going to hell for this. So if this is a show me yours and show me mine, if I let you touch mine, do I get to touch yours? That is a joke girls, it is a joke Ok. I am just kidding Ok" Sandra slowly moved her hand towards my cock and with her index finger, gave it a little poke causing it to spring back up when she pulled her finger back. She giggled and jumped back like it was going to bite her. Linda didn't hesitate and just reached out and grasped it with her full hand. My cock pulsed at the touch and she let it go momentarily then grasped it again, feeling it pulse. "Sandra, it is so hard, put your hand around it. It feels amazingly powerful and wonderful and it pulses too" Sandra took my cock in her hand and squeezed it then slid her hand up to the tip which was now wet with precum. My cock was pulsing strongly. She slowly moved her hand back down and then back up to the tip again. "Marco, how come it is so hard down here and only the tip is soft and smooth, and what is that stuff on the end?" "Ok, touchy feely is over, let's all get dressed and head back to the plane to tell them the good news" "Why do you not answer our questions Marco, you are so bad" "Listen, what we just did is totally and I mean totally inappropriate and I should seek medical attention to have my head examined for even exposing myself, not to mention allowing you to touch my cock" "But we are all curious Marco, girls are different than boys" "Oh so I have noticed and that bothers me as well" "But why, we are just little girls Marco and we are curious" "Oh I know you are little girls but you need to understand that men who look at little girls are called pedophiles and I am not one of them. It scares the hell out of me having you here naked. It scares the hell out of me that I am excited by seeing you naked. It scares the hell out of me that I got an erection looking at you two" "Why Marco?" "Well first of all I am your music teacher and second and adult and third it is wrong" "Well it isn't like you asked us, we asked you; so why would that be bad?" "You don't understand the law like I do and for doing what I just did could land me in jail" "But who is going to know, I won't say anything and Linda won't either, so will you answer us now, we want to know Marco, please" "Ok, I will but you must promise me you won't say anything to the other girls" "We promise" "Oh you are both such liars but Ok, a man's cock gets hard when he gets excited and when he gets excited, his cock starts to produce a liquid lubricant and the tip is soft so that it doesn't hurt the woman" "Are you excited now Marco? What is lubricant for? What do you mean hurt the woman?" "Oh my God, I knew this was a bad idea" ***
Chapter 11 - Rescue Eminent
Just as the words left my mouth, I thought I heard the sound of an airplane. "Listen up, quiet, I think I hear the sound of an airplane" The only sound was that of the falling water and we all strained our ears searching for the sound I thought I heard. Then all of us heard the sound and immediately turned our gaze to the sky. The sound became louder and our excitement heightened. "Girls, put you cloths on now" The two quickly put on their cloths and I pulled up my pants, my erection gone almost immediately. The sound continued to get louder and I thought I saw a plane just over the top of the rock face but could not be sure. They were out looking for us. "Well girls, they are out looking for us and surely they will see the wreckage and will send a rescue boat to get us" We all grasped hands and started jumping around, all thoughts about my cock had disappeared and we were so jubilant. "Quick, pick up your things and let's get back to the other girls" We hurried back to the plane wreck, the two girls were behind me most of the way and I could hear them whispering. What the hell did I do back there. This was surely going to turn into a nightmare and surely when we got back home, someone would talk and I would be going to jail. We hurried, almost running through the brush, following the markings we had placed on the trail and within 30 minutes we were back at the camp. We explained our sighting to the girls as well and we all started jumping around and dancing, excited. "Did you see the plane girls" "Yes it passed over us and we were all shouting and jumping around. I am sure they saw us" "Wonderful, wonderful. Oh my God, we are so lucky. Listen, they will be sending a rescue boat probably tomorrow so let's all just relax now" I was beside myself with joy for a couple of reasons, one we were about to be rescued and second, the situation with these curious little girls would be over and we could get back to normal if that was at all possible. The night passed with us all huddled together, only this time Linda and Sandra made a point of getting close to me. They had not forgot. The possibility of being rescued did not stop them from pursuing their curiosity. When it came time to bed down or leaf down because that is what we had to lay on, Linda made a point of squirming her way between my legs.
I kept pushing her away but she managed to end up where she wanted to be. Sandra was tucked under my left arm with her head on my chest and was asleep quickly. The other girls huddled around me, all getting as close as they possibly could, arms, legs head and body were all sought for contact. I was so tired and so happy that we were finally going to be rescued that I drifted off quickly. We were all covered by drawing up the palms leaves over us and with the heat from all our bodies and our breath, it was quite cozy. The morning light brought new hope. Linda was still tucked between my legs and had somehow wormed her warm little hand into my crotch. Sandra had slid down and her head was resting on my thigh. I don't know how the hell we slept like that but we slept. The stirring of the other girls, one by one greeted the new day and the prospect of going home. We waited all day and then into the night and nothing. Everyone was disappointed and the whining started. ""When are they coming Marco, did they see us Marco, I am hungry Marco, will they come today Marco, I hurt Marco, and a million other Marcos"" and finally we huddled once more for another night. Maybe tomorrow. The next day began like yesterday and we waited and waited. I could see another storm brewing off to the south and if it was anything even remotely like the last one, I was not going to spend another night soaking wet and cold but I felt we needed to stay were we were. The storm passed us by luckily and we only experienced some strong winds. Another day passed, we had been here nearly a week. The girls had become very relaxed around me and modesty was no longer an issue for most of them and their cloths got skimpier to the point where some of the girls wore tops that hid nothing. The shoulder straps stretched from both washing, sleeping, playing, climbing and all the other activities and little titties were visible on them all. On more than one occasion, I felt my cock stir. The girls noticed too and lots of giggling and whispering was the norm. I was becoming slightly uncomfortable because my thoughts were no longer those of a teacher. ***
Chapter 12 - The Big Move
After 5 more days of waiting, I had had enough and decided it was time to vacate this location and seek better shelter and the good water source at the pond. We were now stranded here for over a week and I had become tired of hauling water back from the pond and the weight of the yucca and plantain was getting tedious. All the airline food was long gone and cooking was a real chore and finding dry wood became an issue as well. Even though the girls helped me with enthusiasm, I could tell it was hard on them. "Listen girls, I am not sure how long it will take them to come and get us but we can't just sit around here waiting and we need to gather up our things and head to the pond. The cave there will provide us good shelter. We will mark the trail really well so that when they come they can follow it to where we are but we really need to get into survival mode" "There is a lot of fruit and other things around the pond and won't have to be carried and we can set up a camp fire that won't be affected by the rain or wind. "I want everyone to pack up as much as you can carry and let's get out of here. I don't want to spend another night huddled, waiting to die. Another storm is brewing and we need to get someplace safe" The girls packed up nearly everything we had taken from the plane and I knew I was going to have to make a few more trips to pull as much stuff as we could from the plane but that was another day and right now we needed to get to a safer and dryer place. We headed off down the trail we had marked and although it was slow going we got to the pond just after 4:00. Thankfully it was less than a mile away so the trip only took about 40 minutes. I gathered a few logs and some smaller branches and using strips of cloths as rope, fashioned a ladder to get up to the cave. The ladder was a little wobbly at first but once I had gone up and down a few times it had settled well and was quite strong. I instructed all the girls to gather dry wood and palm branch stubs so we could build a fire, both for light and for heat. The approaching storm looked like it might hit us during the night as did the one that put us here. They all set out close by the cave and within an hour they had a huge pile stacked below the ladder. Wood gathering complete I instructed the girls to begin hauling all their things up. One by one, they made their way up and into the cave helping the younger ones, team work. Watching them from below was an erotic sight and we all knew I liked it. Seeing these young girls, with their cute little asses struggling up the ladder made my cock stir and I was compelled by some evil force to stand below them to get a better view with the pretext of holding the ladder steady. Linda and Sandra made a point of making sure I got a good look at them from below and on more than one occasion turned and smiled at me, knowing full well what I was looking at. I was in trouble. The other girls were not much better and by the time three or four of them had made it up, they all had caught on, giving me a real show. I was now attracted to these little girls and was surely going to hell for what I was thinking. Imagining shoving my cock into Sandra was foremost on my mind and Linda's little bald cleft was still imprinted on my brain and thoughts of licking her little pussy made my cock harder, it seemed to twitch constantly. Mary was the last to go up and when all the other girls had disappeared inside the cave she started. "Marco, what did you and Sandra and Linda do when you found this place?" "What do you mean?" "Am I still going to be your special girl Marco?" "Mary, I don't understand what your are getting at" "Well, last night Linda was between your legs and Sandra was sleeping almost in your lap, does that mean you like them more than me?" "Oh my sweet Mary, don't you worry about any of that. Nothing happened between Sandra, Linda and I. You are still my special little girl but you have to realize that you aren't the only one here and I need to tend to the other girls as well. You will have to be a big girl and accept that. Do you think you can? Tonight you can snuggle with me Ok" "Ok" We finally got everything up into the cave. I called all the girls back outside and made a game of throwing all the wood up in the cave entrance. Counting how many made it in and how many didn't.
Once again we all clambered up the ladder and once again the exaggerated display of little girl asses made the climb interesting and exciting. This was beginning to be a game of interesting prospects and if I really analyzed it, I was ashamed of myself but could not help myself. We stacked all the wood neatly to one side. One good thing about the cave was that the floor sloped a little towards the entrance so that any water that may enter due to rain would flow outward and not into the cave. I suspected that might be a problem since although the top of the entrance had a small overhang, driving rain could still enter and possible flood the cave. I started a fire using some dried moss and dry palm leaf stubs. They burned really hot and did not produce a lot of smoke, however after the fire had been burning for about 20 minutes, I noticed the smoke had found an exit somewhere above, probably more cracks in the rock and the cave was relatively smoke free. This however could present a problem later with heavy rain and our safe dry home might become a swimming pool. The slope towards the entrance would help but we would still be wet, although with all the rain in the last few days, the floor of the cave was dry so I was puzzled but happy. After about an hour the cave was very cozy. The girls had hauled quite a number of palm leaves up to place on the floor of the cave to sleep on. I went back down and gathered some more larger, greener palm leaves and made a door, tying them with vines to the other vines, making the entrance almost water and wind proof. If we didn't get rescued soon, at least we were protected from the weather and the possibility of unknown animals. It was now getting a bit dark, the storm was rapidly approaching and no longer a real threat to us and our only problem would be water seepage through the rock. We sat around the fire for almost an hour and discussed the day, talked about tomorrow and new hope of being rescued. The girls were sitting in a variety of positions offering glimpses of little titties and bum cheeks and panty shots and with the shadows cast by the fire light, they took on an almost erotic glow. It was a wonderful sight and I was sexually excited by it and at the same time embarrassed by it.
Here I was, a grown man, their teacher being sexually turned on by a bunch of little girls. Outside the storm was now raging upon us and we could hear the wind whipping rain against the palm leaf door. Everyone was tired from the trek to the cave and although a bit hungry, we had decided we were too tired to bother cooking and would sleep hungry and really go hunting tomorrow morning. A new day dawning. We talked for almost another hour and the girls started drifting off, one by one huddled together, warm, safe, happy and content. I checked the entrance once more and then found a comfortable spot and laid down, exhausted but content. Mary waited a few minutes until she felt I was comfortable and then came and lay beside me, her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close and was gone.
Contd. O
Chapter 6 - Waiting For Daylight
"Listen up girls, I want you to gather round and stay close together. It looks like you have enough palm leaves so huddle together and I will go back into the plane to look for something to build a shelter" It was still a few hours before light so I went back to the plane to see what I could find to use as some cover. The flashes of lightning were the only source of light as the emergency lighting had died. This made navigating amongst the plane difficult. All the girls were shivering, mostly from trauma because it wasn't really that cold out. Finally I found the location of the emergency life raft which contained a wealth of usable items including a flashlight. The length of rope was just what I needed. I returned to the girls and stretched the rope between two palm trunks and pulled it tight and began leaning the palm leaves against it to create a lean-to, then using the palm leaves under the injured girls as a sled pulled them in out of the rain and instructed all the other girls to huddle around them and to hold each other to keep warm. It was now almost 5:00 and becoming somewhat lighter, the rain was becoming softer and the lightning subsided. I huddled with the girls who now were huddling me, more from fear than from cold. We were all soaking wet and tired but right now it was impossible to sleep.
Morning and light would bring more challenges. I could feel the heat pouring off this gathering of nubile young bodies and after a while we all just kind of sank into each other waiting for dawn to arrive. Linda Marshal had crawled up between my legs and now rested her back against my chest. I had Margie Cohen on one side and Becky on the other tucked under my arms which were wrapped around their backs. All the girls wanted a piece of me and any part of me they could touch was theirs. I felt like a mother hen. Light finally began to filter down between the palms in long streaks, fanning out to wide patches of light and gave us a clear glimpse of the wreckage. The girls had now almost adjusted to the situation and although our cloths were damp we were comfortable. The lean-to I had made in the dark was actually quite good. The girls had gathered a significant amount of palm leaves and having used most of them, made the lean-to both strong and protected from the wind and light rain. We waited another hour and it was now light. Some of the girls had already gotten to their feet and were stretching, removing the cramps from a cold, wet sleep. I got up myself and stretched along with them then surveyed our situation. I slowly made my way back into the plane, checking each row and under each seat, mentally taking inventory of what was there, who was there and what the status was. After I had accessed that there were no more survivors aboard, I exited the plane. I needed to search the path of wreckage to look for other survivors. I instructed the girls to not wander off, as some of the girls were now in explorer mode, having lost their fear. "Susan, Mary, Becky and Sonya - you are group leaders and I want all of you to listen to them and I don't want anyone getting lost and you leaders are responsible for your group. I am holding you accountable. Our survival depends on everyone playing their part and being a team OK." The chorus of Ok rang out loud and clear and I felt confident that we were going to survive and to be rescued soon. "I will take 3 or 4 girls with me and the rest of you stay close together and no wandering off by yourself. Always keep the plane in view and do not lose sight of it when you are exploring." "Teresa Angela Brenda and Patty, you come with me" ***
Chapter 7 - Surveying the Wreckage
As we walked back along the crash trail, I was horrified by what we saw. As the girls moved in and around pieces of wreckage, I caught myself looking at them in a way I had never done before. Oh, I saw the girls every day and looked at them but never really studied them. My little incident with Mary had awakened a dark side within me and it stirred me. Teresa was average height with long blonde hair and blue eyes and had the cutest little ass and she had a wiggle when she walked. Her little titties were beginning to bud and through her T-shirt I could tell she did not have a training bra. Her aureoles were puffy like one would expect at that age, but overly large and showed as two dark stains on the front of her shirt. Angela was a bit on the chubby side, but still very attractive. She had breasts, but probably more baby fat than anything. She always wore a smile and always gave me a hug if she saw me in the hallways at school. I was always very careful not to allow body touching in any way. A hug was more like putting my hands on her shoulders and doing a cheek kiss. The two twins, Brenda and Patty were just adorable. Shoulder length brown almost auburn hair, thin but not skinny. Their bodies had started their adolescent development. Their hips had already shown themselves and both had quite nice sized breasts that actually had a nipple, seen clearly with their shirts unbuttoned and the little halter top, still damp clinging to them. They both were always very friendly with me. I couldn't help thinking why I hadn't noticed them in the way I looked at them now.
Theresa started to cry aloud and called Angela, Brenda and Patty. "Oh Angela" she sobbed strongly and sat down on the ground as the three girls crowded around her. When the two twins looked at what Theresa saw, they both started to vomit. We had found the bodies of two girls, Melissa Hanson 8 years old and Mallorie Fendi, 8 years old. They had been sitting with Agnes but no sign of Agnes. The two girls were obviously dead and their twisted mangled bodies were covered in blood. What a shame I thought. Looking at their tiny bodies made me dizzy and I needed to sit down as well. I started crying again. We continued our search for a couple of hours but never found Agnes and surmised she was probably buried under debris. The pieces of wreckage covered a long narrow strip through the palm trees, most of which had bent when the plane passed and were missing a lot of leaves but had now returned to upright position providing a canopy above the trail. I wondered if a rescue plane passed overhead, could they see the wreckage trail. I was certain of it. We gathered a few things, like carry on bags that had been strewn along the wreckage trail and other small things that I thought might prove useful, as much as we could carry and headed back to the plane. I gathered the girls. "Listen up girls, we are alive and although some of us are injured, we are alive" "The situation back there is just awful and I don't want any of you going back there for now, understood?" "Yes Marco" came a chorus. "I want to find us a location more secure and not too far from the wreckage. I am sure they are already looking for us so we need to keep our eyes and ears open for any signs or sounds of rescue. Now I want all you girls in groups of three to spread out ahead of where we are and look for a cave or an overhang or something that can serve as a home for us until the rescue gets here." "Remember, do not loose sight of the plane and if you do, I want you to call out and do not proceed any further, stop and stay put. Do not panic and do not try to find your way back, stay put and call out. Try to spread out in your group but also do not loose sight of each other. When I get back I want to get as much stuff out of the plane that is usable and then I want to find something to dig some holes to bury the dead girls." As soon as I said that I knew I should have kept it to myself. Like flipping a cry switch, everyone started to wail. What a sound. "Please girls, I know it is a sad day but we can't let this get in the way of our own survival, so enough of that. I don't want to get tough with you and I don't want you to think I don't care. I would like to cry as well and have but right now we need to put our strong faces on" "If we don't bury them today, they are going to attract animals and at this point I don't know where we are and what kind of animals are here. So keep your eyes and ears open, this is very important my little darlings." "While you are out exploring, I will check on the girls with injuries, now be careful and remember what I said" "As well, if anybody besides Audra, Linda, Susan and Donna have any type of injury I want to see you as well before you go exploring" ***
Chapter 8 - Doctor Marco
"Now ladies Audra, Linda, Susan and Donna, I want to check on your injuries first but the rest of you girls, this is no time to be shy about anything and if you have any problem, big or small, come to me and I will listen" I sat down in our lean-to and called Donna first. Donna was, I considered the worst off and I tended to her first. She seemed more coherent now than last night. "Donna, come sit" I checked on the bump on her head and although it was still swollen she didn't have any more pain although she did say she had a bit of a headache. I passed my hand over her back with slight pressure and she winced when it passed over her shoulder blades. "Ow, that hurts Marco" "Ok, listen I am not a doctor but I need you to take off your top so I can check you over. Do you have a problem with that?" "No Marco but do the other girls have to see me naked?" "Well no, not if you don't want to, I can go fetch a few more palm leaves and put them in front of the lean-to Ok?" "Ok" I hung four large leaves in front of the lean-to and now had a corner almost 2 meters wide that would serve some privacy. "Ok, now let's get started" Donna without so much as a hesitation pulled her top over her head revealing two of the cutest little nipples perched upon her breasts. Her aureoles had just the slightest puffiness. Most beautiful little things. I began with her back and she had a large bruise on each shoulder blade and she winced when I touched them. I then started to checked her all over probing with my fingers up and down her rib cage and then with slightly more pressure on her abdomen. "Well Donna, do you still have pain in your tummy?" "A little but not as much as last night, I think I will be fine" "Well young lady, I think you are going to be Ok as well, put your top back on, but if you have any more pain in your tummy, come to me Ok" "Ok Marco, you are a pretty good doctor even though you aren't one" "Ok off you go, Linda your turn" Linda came in and sat down and without so much as a word, pulled her top off.
The cut had some caked on blood which I felt should be cleaned. I got one of the bottles of water we had taken from the plane and knelt down in front of her, instructing her to raise her arm. "Ooooohhh that hurts a little when I stretch my arm up" "Yes that is just the skin being pulled opening the cut a little, don't lift your arm too high then. Now this might sting a little but be brave my little princess Ok" I wet my fingers and dabbed them on her cut. She pulled away at first touch but then didn't flinch while I continued dabbing her cut. "Wait a minute princess I need to get a cloth of some sort to properly clean this up for you" I rummaged through all the things we had pulled from the plane and found a clean white cotton shirt which I then tore into strips and returned to the lean-to. I wet a piece of the cloth and continued to clean her wound, dabbing softly. I poured more water onto the cloth and then with the palm of my hand pressed it against the wound, my thumb was resting on her little nubbin. She looked at me and I looked back, eye to eye contact and she smiled and whispered. "That feels good Marco" "Yes it should feel much better now that it is a bit moist and clean" "No your thumb Marco, it tickles a little and it feels nice" "Oh you are a bad little girl Linda. I am sorry for touching you like that. I didn't mean to" "Oh it is Ok, I like it and you can tickle me like this any time you want" "OK young lady, that will be enough of that.
You know that would be wrong and I am sure your parents have told you many times that it is not correct" "But it feels nice Marco, how can it be wrong if I like it" "Well you have a point there princess but I don't think it would be right. Do you know what kind of trouble I could be in if someone saw me do this or if you told someone?" I had to admit her soft baby girl skin felt good and her tiny, tiny aureoles were really cute. My God I thought, what the hell has gotten into you. It was like I was being controlled by some nasty force and I knew it was wrong. "Oh, you don't have to worry Marco, I won't tell anyone" With my hand still pressing the cloth against her cut, I slowly glided my thumb over her aureole and it quickly turned into a tiny raisin. She purred. I could not help myself and as quick as I started I stopped. "Ok princess, I need to tend to the other two girls now so I will check on your wound later, put your top back on" "Ok but remember, you can if you want to" "Ok Linda, our little secret Ok?" "Ok, I really liked it though, so it's Ok" "You are a bad little girl Linda, a bad little girl" I said with a smile "Now get out of here and call Audra" "Audra, your turn" Audra was the athletic type and was very strong for her age. She had almost ear short hair with little wisps that hung down to her shoulders in front of each ear. She had a dark complexion with coal dark eyes. Really a beautiful young girl. "So how is your arm?" "It is really sore but I am Ok, we are so lucky Marco" "Sit down here and let me look at you" "Do you want me to take of my sweater?" "First of all, how did you ever get that sweater back on?" "The girls helped me but should I take it off?" "No I don't think that will be necessary, although later I want you to get out of that thing and put something without sleeves on, but I do need you to roll up the sleeve, do you think you can?" "No I don't think so but I can lift my arms above my head. Why can't you just pull one sleeve off?" "Well, I guess I could do that" She lifted her arms above her head and I stood up and grasped the cuff and slowly pulled up. She started to cry and I stopped. "No don't stop, just pull if off slowly" I continued and helped her bend her arm down enough to pull the sleeve off leaving her head and other arm in the sweater. I sat back down and my gaze was caught by the most perfect breast I had ever seen. For an 11 year old, she was at least a 32B and her nipple was erect and dark with little white bumps around the outside. Amazing and I felt a stir in my groin. What went through my mind at that moment changed my perspective about young girls forever and I knew there was trouble brewing and a whole myriad of things flashed through my mind, leaving me sitting there with my mouth open. "My arm Marco, my arm" "Oh yes, I am sorry Audra" "It's Ok Marco, you are the first man who has ever seen me naked, not even my Dad has seen my titties" "Well, aren't I the lucky one" I was shaking like a leaf in the wind and stuttered a bit, then coughed my response. "I... I... I... feel privileged young lady and I am sor sor sorry, your brea...I I I mean they, I mean you are so beautiful and I know what I just said is inappropriate" "Don't worry, I won't say anything" I removed the splints and ran my fingers up and down each side of her upper arm and although it was bruised and swollen, I could feel the fracture points and it seemed to be aligned well. I kept returning my gaze to her breast and she noticed. "Do you think my titties are nice Marco?" "I am not sure I should answer that Audra, do you know how inappropriate all this is and now you ask me to comment on your breasts" "Marco, we are in a situation that is not normal and we are all here together and I know from talking to the other girls that you had an erection in the lineup on the airplane" "Oh Christ, does everyone know and who told you?" "More than one girl saw it Marco, you tried to hide it but we saw it" "Well, what the hell does that have to do with this conversation?" "I am sure everyone knows, because we all laughed about it, do you have one now Marco?" "Audra, please, please can we just stick with the issue here and let me put the splint back on and tend to your knee?" "Sure but do you think my titties are nice and do you have an erection?"
I didn't answer and continued with my examination and cleaning the cut on her knee with water. "Well are you going to answer me?" "Listen Audra, I don't know what has gotten into you, but we shouldn't be talking about this. It is a conversation that only adults should be having" "Ok Marco, but you need to know that it is Ok. I know what my Mom says about older men and how they like to look at young girls and do things to them. I have read about a lot of that stuff in the encyclopedia and on the internet with the other girls and I know all about sex and things like that" "Audra, for Christ sake would you stop talking like that" "Marco, girls my age are a lot more mature than you think and I know all the girls in the school think you are a hottie" "Awwwhhhh for Christ's sake Audra, please can we drop this now, please you are making me uncomfortable" "Well, answer me, do you have an erection now?" "Yes, are you happy now?" "Can I see it?" "No this conversation is over, cover yourself up and get out of here and call Susan Ok" "Ok, but I am not going to drop this, I want you to know that" "Listen, we will be rescued soon and be back in school before you know it and I should report you to the school Principle" "And what will you say. I had an erection on the plane and another one tending to me. That would go over really nice, you would probably be picked up by the police" Audra pulled down the corner of her sweater, got up and called Susan. As she left she gave me a look that scared me. What the hell was I going to do now? Blackmailed by an 11 year old nymphet. Nightmare!!! I was shaking when Susan came in and I was now faced with another situation. Susan was menstruating and I know there was nothing she could have put down there to collect her period and wondered how I was going to handle the situation. "Hi Susan, how are you feeling?" "Well my shoulder still hurts a bit and my bummy is pretty sore but I think I am Ok, thanks to you" "Great, then I guess we don't need to check you over" "Well, I think you need to look at my bummy, because it bothers me a lot and it is so itchy and I can't scratch it" "Uuummmm, Ok well just turn around and I will check it over" As quick as I could get the words out my mouth she had untied the string on her shorts, pushed them down over her hips, turned and presented her plump little girl ass to me. "Whoa Susan, I don't think you need to push you shorts down all the way" I now looked at her in a different light and my erection maintained full mast. For a young girl, she had an amazing ass, complete with dimples above her crease. I was actually being turned on by all this doctor shit and the girls seemed to be taunting me. Where was this all going to lead?
I ran my finger along the scratch which now in the light of day was more a cut than a scratch and in several places along the length, blood had dried meaning it was healing but in a couple of places there was a white puss, very little but still enough to be concerned about. The last thing we needed was in infection and no antibiotics. I tore another swatch of cloth from the shirt and went to fetch the bottle of Johnny Walker, wet the cloth with a little alcohol and proceeded to dab it on the infected areas. She winced at first touch then innocently bent forward which opened up her bum crease and I could see she was menstruating a lot because the blood was nearly up to the location of the scratch. "Does it look Ok Marco?" "Yes it looks fine, however I think we will need to check it again later today and hopefully after I finish cleaning it, you won't be itching anymore. There are a couple of places where infection has started but they are small and should clear up quickly. I think you need to wash yourself down there and I am sure that is partly to cause for your itching. You are menstruating for sure Susan and quite a lot I think. I don't know much about all that stuff but I think if you can find somewhere to wash up and then find a cloth to put over your uuummm, your vagina" "Over my what? You called it a vagina; we girls call it our pussies or our cunts" "Oh, Jesus Christ Susan, did you have to say that, pussy Ok but the other word, that is such a dirty word" "Oh relax Marco, we all call it that so don't worry though I will try not to use it around you, you sound like my aunt" "Do you think I will have a scar?" "It is possible but you are young and when you are a little older it should fade away to nothing" "So do you think it looks good now?" "Well yes it does but like I said we should check it again later Ok." "DO you need to check my other parts?" "What other parts?" "You know, my cunty" "Susan, there's that word again, what kind of a word is that?" "I am sorry Marco, that just slipped out, we have all gotten used to calling it that and it sounds so dirty don't you think?" "Yes it does and I don't have another name for it other than pussy. Jesus that is an awful word to use for such a sweet thing" Crap, I thought, just got over that and opened up another can of worms. "Do you think my pussy is sweet Marco? Do you need to look at it or do you want to look at it" "Aw come on Susan, give me a break. You pull your shorts down and show me your bare bum and now you are asking me if I think your pussy is sweet?
I can tell if you girls don't quit with your teasing me I am going to have to give you some sort of detention" Susan was no longer talking like a little girl and her conversation was very meticulate and very adult for an 11 year old. "Listen up Marco, we are not in school any more and we girls, at least the older ones are not all as innocent as you might believe. I know that none of us has ever had sex but we are not stupid when it comes to that" "Jesus, Susan, you are talking like a naughty girl here and I never looked at you girls with anything other than pure thoughts and now you, Audra, Donna and even young Linda seem to think that teasing me is funny" "Marco, I am sorry I didn't mean to tease you. I guess the thoughts of being stranded on an island with a man has let loose some feelings. You know we have read stories about being stranded on a desert island with a boy and all the fantasy stuff but here we are with a real man" "I can tell you are excited by all this because I noticed your erection. Can I see it?" "My God, no you can't, what the hell has gotten into you girls? Now pull up your pants and get the hell out of here" "Don't be mad at me Marco, it was only a question and you don't need to worry about any of us saying anything" "Susan, please just go Ok. I need to think clearly and you girls are not helping me by taunting and teasing me with your bodies" "Marco, nobody is teasing you. We all have questions and it would be nice for you to answer them. It won't hurt you to let your guard down you know. We are all here together and if you have looked around, you will see that most of the girl's cloths are all torn and full of blood and whatever so you better get used to seeing little girls parts. Like you said this is no time to get sentimental or shy and it is also not the time to turn into a prude" "You are the only adult left here with us and we need you. Most of the younger girls are still scared and we older girls are well, curious if you know what I mean" "How can you think of things like that in the situation we are in?" "We are all alive and for the most part in pretty good spirits considering what we just went through so lighten up. We have" She made a lot of sense but the reality of it all was that all these girls were jail bait. However, I had to admit I was turned on by their innocence and by their now seeming promiscuity. My only hope was that we would be rescued soon and the sooner the better. Some thoughts running through my head were evil and certainly career terminators. "Listen, Susan can we not talk about this anymore. Obviously you know that nothing can or is going to happen and I am still your teacher and I am still responsible for you all and really I need your help with the other girls and this kind of talk is not helping me" "Ok I will drop it, for now; only for now" Susan left the lean-to and I followed her and called all the girls together. It took some time because some were still out exploring. I sent Susan and Mary to fetch the rest of them. Once gathered, I asked each team leader to report what they had found and nobody had anything positive to say. It was decided that we would begin expeditions and mark the trail so we wouldn't get lost. We needed to find a source of water and more food, because the packaged food on the plane was not going to last more than a day or two at the most. If this island and I assumed it was an island was anywhere near Hawaii there should be some fruit trees and who knows what other things we might find. ***
Chapter 9 - The First Expedition
I had done survival training when I was about 18 and have read and watched enough TV to be able to find edible fruit and roots and the like so I was not too concerned but we still needed to find them. It was decided that Mary, Valerie and the two Martin twins would come with me on the first expedition and equipped with a bottle of water each, we took off to the east at about 10:15 am. We tore strips of palm leaves and tied them to trees marking our trail and covered a significant distance I approximated at about 2.5 miles and found nothing but jungle so we decided to turn back. The small clearing we were now in was shaded and a cool breeze fanned the palm leaves. The absence of any fruit trees or small recognizable brush had me wondering about a food source and although I wasn't worried, the girls expressed concern. I assured them that we still had a number of directions to explore and we were sure to find something. The girls were a bit tired and were complaining which was normal; it was a long walk and not an easy one. Nobody had slept much during the night and I decided to sit and rest a bit before heading back. The girls wandered about 30 feet away and sat down huddled together in a circle sitting cross legged and started talking amongst themselves. "Do you think we will be Ok Valerie, I am so scared about what will happen to us" said Mary "I think we will be Ok, Marco is here with us and he is pretty smart" "Wherever we are they will be looking for us and we should be rescued soon" chimed Patty Martin After about 20 minutes, I got up and stretched. I was pretty tired but this was no time to be slacking off. We had a nightmare on our hands and sleep would come later. "Are you ready to go girls?" "Yes I am ready to go" said Mary Our walk back was a bit quicker than our trip there, entering our makeshift camp shortly before 12:30. Even though I was tired, I knew it was my responsibility to make sure the girls were protected. I told the girls that I would venture off in another direction alone but that was met with disapproval and so Sandra and Linda were selected for the trip. We headed off in the direction of the sunset and had gone no more than 3/4 of a mile when the jungle opened up into a clearing with a pond about 20 meters wide and 30 meters long. The water was a blue green and the afternoon sun reflected its brilliance as we approached. It was fed by a waterfall about 3 meters high and I noticed that the water cascaded down a rock face and dumped into the pond from a ledge. I checked the water first and it was cool but warm enough to swim in and so clear in places around the edge the bottom was clearly visible. The water from the waterfall cooler but not cold and very clean and drinkable. This was a very good sign and my estimate of survival jumped 200 percent. I told Sandra and Linda they could drink the water and told them to wait where they were and began walking the circumference of the pond where I found a small creek that dumped into another much smaller pond.
There were bananas and plantains hanging from many of the trees. We would need to investigate this more but this seems like a great place to set up a camp. I continued walking around the shore until I reached the other side of the pond and could see Sandra and Linda sitting at the edge with their feet dangling in the water. I proceeded to follow the base of the rock and no longer obscured by the dense foliage, could see the face was quite high. Higher up there was little or no vegetation so I started to climb. I climbed what looked like a long ways up, probably 20 meters and reached the source of the water. I couldn't see much because most of the trees were that tall but decided that would be enough for today. After we settled in I would have to overcome my vertigo and climb to the top. From there I may be able to tell where we are. I had reached the crack in the rock where the water appeared to be coming from and then staying about a meter away from the water soaked rock, began to descend. The water ran down its face then dumped onto a long sloping ledge about three meters above the pond and then into the pond. It was very picturesque. The ledge was about 10 meters wide and the water spilled onto it wetting a little more than half, then ran down and created a beautiful little waterfall into the pond. I descended until I stood upon the dry part of the ledge that created a lip on the rock face and I figured I was only about three meters or so above the ground. I walked to the end of the ledge and grasped some vines or roots preparing to descend and noticed the vegetation hung down over the face of the ledge and continued to the ground. As I started, I had lifted the vines up and noticed a small passage on another much smaller ledge beneath the one above. It created a step. I swung over to about a meter from the waterfall and parted the vegetation. There before my eyes, about 1.5 meters high and 3 meters wide was an opening that appeared to be the entrance to a cave. It was early afternoon and the suns rays beat against the rock face and when parted the vegetation the inside flooded with light. On my hands and knees,
I crawled in. About 2 meters inside, it opened into a huge cavern but I couldn't see because the vegetation had fallen back and blocked the light. I crawled back and tied the vegetation to each side with a vine so allow the light in. Both girls were watching me the whole time I was exploring and talking back and forth. "Marco, can we go swimming?" yelled Sandra "I don't see why not, this would be a good time to wash up and clean your cloths, but be careful, I don't know how deep the water is" I yelled back "Do you think we should take our cloths off Sandra?" "I don't know, do you think Marco would get mad?" replied Linda "I don't think so, I know he has been looking at us differently since he examined us" said Sandra "Well, then let's go swimming naked. I have always wanted to do that, come on let's go" replied Linda with a giggle "Ok, this will be so much fun" I turned back to my task at hand and didn't see the girls getting into the water. After clearing all the vegetation, I entered the cavern once more and once my eyes adjusted to the light I could see more clearly. I could see that the cavern was large enough to make this a safe place to sleep and be protected from the elements. The cavern was about 7 meters wide and 12 meters deep and high; probably 6 meters or more almost in a cone shape. A smaller tunnel about 4 meters deep ran off to one side, about 2 meters from the entrance. It was about 2 meters wide and about 3 meters high. I was jubilant and went back outside and descended using the vines and roots that extended to the ground. I would need to build or fashion something to enable the girls to climb the two meters up to the cavern. In the meantime the vines could be used as a rope to scale up. I noticed the girls in the water up to their necks and decided to swim across rather than walk all the way back around, the added benefit being clean cloths. As I approached Sandra and Linda I noticed their cloths on the bank and stopped swimming. I could just touch the bottom while keeping my head above water. The water in the center of the pond was quite deep and although the water was crystal clear I could not see the bottom. ***
Chapter 10 - Crossing the line
"Young ladies, what are you doing without your cloths?" "We asked you if we could go swimming" "Well yes but I didn't think you would be naked, I thought you could wash your cloths at the same time, this is very inappropriate girls" "It feels really nice Marco, the water is so wonderful. I can't wait to tell the other girls about this place." I proceeded a little closer, until I was about a meter away and the water was up to my chest. "Listen, we need to get back now. I found a cave just above us there, where I cleared away the vines and I think that will be a good place to setup camp" "I will go ahead a bit and wait for you while you two put your cloths on" "Oh Marco, you are such a prude. We are just little girls and I am not ashamed to dress or undress in front of you" replied Linda "You have already seen my titties and I am not shy, are you Sandra?" "No, I am not shy either" "I still think it best if I go ahead a bit" Before I could say another word the two waded slowly to shore until their little girl asses were visible, and then ran the rest of the way. Sandra, 10 years old, had dark skin and bathing suit tan lines. Her little ass, a bit on the chubby side was flawless and rippled with firmness. I stared at her for a minute before Linda called, staring at me, staring at Sandra. "Oh so you wanted to go ahead and miss this huh" Both Linda and Sandra turned and mooned me both giving little asses a wiggle, bending over slightly. Linda bent a bit further, hands on her knees and I could see her little crinkled bum hole. Damn what a wonderful sight. "You girls are really bad, you know that? I am your teacher and what you just did is totally inappropriate" They were both turned, facing me now. "Yah, well you don't have to look if you don't want to, but I think you like it don't you?" said Sandra "I don't know what has gotten into you girls. Listen, this is totally inappropriate, totally and I am your teacher and an adult and you are my responsibility. I cannot stress to you enough that this will get me into so much trouble. When we get back home, all that is needed is for one of you girls to say something overheard by an adult and I will be in jail faster than you can blink your eyes. Besides that, if you are not careful you are going to turn me into a dirty old man" "Well, maybe a handsome dirty young man" replied Linda "But you like it don't you?" "Well, I have to admit, you are both are beautiful young ladies and well, yes I do like it but it is still inappropriate" Linda was a little short for a ten year old but she too had an amazing ass but then I guess all young girls have amazing asses and her titties were two pink rosettes with a slight breast and puffy swelling of the nipples. Dear God, what thoughts were running through my head?
Yesterday I would have never even dreamed of such a thing and the next day circumstances put me here with two of the most beautiful young creatures that God created. Linda Marshal was seven. Her shoulder length blonde hair sparkled in the afternoon sun. She was short but then I guess all seven year olds are short. She had a hidden clitoris and her labia did not show. Just a little girl cleft, hairless and smooth. I glanced back and forth between the two, comparing them. Sandra was ten and had dark skin, tan lines and her plump ass had deep dimples. Her clitoris visible and large, stood out above her crinkled labia and exposed. She was average height and her baby fat build gave her a cuddly look especially with her small perfectly round cone shaped titties that were orange size. Like an orange cut in half with a raisin in the center. Beautiful firm little girl breasts, amazingly erotic. "Can we see you Marco?" I coughed and stuttered. "What? Uh What did you say? Now you have really gone over the edge will you just quit with this already" "Oh come on Marco, we showed you ours!" "I didn't ask you to show me yours. This isn't an I'll show me mine if you show me yours thing and you realize that if I did, I would never be able to look at you girls the same again and you the same for me and you also realize how totally inappropriate that would be" "And so what, after all that has happened, I don't think any of us are going to be able to look at each other the same" said Sandra "Come on Marco, show us, we won't tell anyone" The thought of exposing myself to these two young girls made my cock twitch and within seconds it was hard. Oh this was great, not only was I thinking about showing them my cock, but an erection was also going to say that I liked it and I was excited by it. I hesitated a moment. "Come on Marco, show us" "Come on Linda and Sandra. This is not cool at all and you are asking me to do something that I know is morally wrong" "Awww come on Marco, just a little peek. Ok?" Against all better judgment and throwing caution to the wind, I waded out of the water until it was just at my knees. I was now about 2 meters from the girls and hesitated again. I slowly pushed my pants down. I am a commando style dresser and have always likes the freedom of not wearing any type of underwear.
My pubic hair is always neatly trimmed and I frequently shave my testicles and the sides of my cock. I hadn't done that for a few days and a little stubble was growing on the sides but it was still clean with just a prominent tuft directly above my cock. My cock was hard at the thought of exposing myself to these two and as soon as the top of my pants liberated my member, it sprang upwards like a missile. The girls jumped and gasped. "Oh my God Linda, it is so big" "Can we see it up closer?" asked Linda I waded out to the water and stood directly in front of them. Their gaze never left my cock. I could tell by the look on their faces, they had never seen one in the flesh before. "Wow, Linda isn't that the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. It is amazing Marco and it is pointing straight up. Can I touch it?" "My God girls, I am going to hell for this. So if this is a show me yours and show me mine, if I let you touch mine, do I get to touch yours? That is a joke girls, it is a joke Ok. I am just kidding Ok" Sandra slowly moved her hand towards my cock and with her index finger, gave it a little poke causing it to spring back up when she pulled her finger back. She giggled and jumped back like it was going to bite her. Linda didn't hesitate and just reached out and grasped it with her full hand. My cock pulsed at the touch and she let it go momentarily then grasped it again, feeling it pulse. "Sandra, it is so hard, put your hand around it. It feels amazingly powerful and wonderful and it pulses too" Sandra took my cock in her hand and squeezed it then slid her hand up to the tip which was now wet with precum. My cock was pulsing strongly. She slowly moved her hand back down and then back up to the tip again. "Marco, how come it is so hard down here and only the tip is soft and smooth, and what is that stuff on the end?" "Ok, touchy feely is over, let's all get dressed and head back to the plane to tell them the good news" "Why do you not answer our questions Marco, you are so bad" "Listen, what we just did is totally and I mean totally inappropriate and I should seek medical attention to have my head examined for even exposing myself, not to mention allowing you to touch my cock" "But we are all curious Marco, girls are different than boys" "Oh so I have noticed and that bothers me as well" "But why, we are just little girls Marco and we are curious" "Oh I know you are little girls but you need to understand that men who look at little girls are called pedophiles and I am not one of them. It scares the hell out of me having you here naked. It scares the hell out of me that I am excited by seeing you naked. It scares the hell out of me that I got an erection looking at you two" "Why Marco?" "Well first of all I am your music teacher and second and adult and third it is wrong" "Well it isn't like you asked us, we asked you; so why would that be bad?" "You don't understand the law like I do and for doing what I just did could land me in jail" "But who is going to know, I won't say anything and Linda won't either, so will you answer us now, we want to know Marco, please" "Ok, I will but you must promise me you won't say anything to the other girls" "We promise" "Oh you are both such liars but Ok, a man's cock gets hard when he gets excited and when he gets excited, his cock starts to produce a liquid lubricant and the tip is soft so that it doesn't hurt the woman" "Are you excited now Marco? What is lubricant for? What do you mean hurt the woman?" "Oh my God, I knew this was a bad idea" ***
Chapter 11 - Rescue Eminent
Just as the words left my mouth, I thought I heard the sound of an airplane. "Listen up, quiet, I think I hear the sound of an airplane" The only sound was that of the falling water and we all strained our ears searching for the sound I thought I heard. Then all of us heard the sound and immediately turned our gaze to the sky. The sound became louder and our excitement heightened. "Girls, put you cloths on now" The two quickly put on their cloths and I pulled up my pants, my erection gone almost immediately. The sound continued to get louder and I thought I saw a plane just over the top of the rock face but could not be sure. They were out looking for us. "Well girls, they are out looking for us and surely they will see the wreckage and will send a rescue boat to get us" We all grasped hands and started jumping around, all thoughts about my cock had disappeared and we were so jubilant. "Quick, pick up your things and let's get back to the other girls" We hurried back to the plane wreck, the two girls were behind me most of the way and I could hear them whispering. What the hell did I do back there. This was surely going to turn into a nightmare and surely when we got back home, someone would talk and I would be going to jail. We hurried, almost running through the brush, following the markings we had placed on the trail and within 30 minutes we were back at the camp. We explained our sighting to the girls as well and we all started jumping around and dancing, excited. "Did you see the plane girls" "Yes it passed over us and we were all shouting and jumping around. I am sure they saw us" "Wonderful, wonderful. Oh my God, we are so lucky. Listen, they will be sending a rescue boat probably tomorrow so let's all just relax now" I was beside myself with joy for a couple of reasons, one we were about to be rescued and second, the situation with these curious little girls would be over and we could get back to normal if that was at all possible. The night passed with us all huddled together, only this time Linda and Sandra made a point of getting close to me. They had not forgot. The possibility of being rescued did not stop them from pursuing their curiosity. When it came time to bed down or leaf down because that is what we had to lay on, Linda made a point of squirming her way between my legs.
I kept pushing her away but she managed to end up where she wanted to be. Sandra was tucked under my left arm with her head on my chest and was asleep quickly. The other girls huddled around me, all getting as close as they possibly could, arms, legs head and body were all sought for contact. I was so tired and so happy that we were finally going to be rescued that I drifted off quickly. We were all covered by drawing up the palms leaves over us and with the heat from all our bodies and our breath, it was quite cozy. The morning light brought new hope. Linda was still tucked between my legs and had somehow wormed her warm little hand into my crotch. Sandra had slid down and her head was resting on my thigh. I don't know how the hell we slept like that but we slept. The stirring of the other girls, one by one greeted the new day and the prospect of going home. We waited all day and then into the night and nothing. Everyone was disappointed and the whining started. ""When are they coming Marco, did they see us Marco, I am hungry Marco, will they come today Marco, I hurt Marco, and a million other Marcos"" and finally we huddled once more for another night. Maybe tomorrow. The next day began like yesterday and we waited and waited. I could see another storm brewing off to the south and if it was anything even remotely like the last one, I was not going to spend another night soaking wet and cold but I felt we needed to stay were we were. The storm passed us by luckily and we only experienced some strong winds. Another day passed, we had been here nearly a week. The girls had become very relaxed around me and modesty was no longer an issue for most of them and their cloths got skimpier to the point where some of the girls wore tops that hid nothing. The shoulder straps stretched from both washing, sleeping, playing, climbing and all the other activities and little titties were visible on them all. On more than one occasion, I felt my cock stir. The girls noticed too and lots of giggling and whispering was the norm. I was becoming slightly uncomfortable because my thoughts were no longer those of a teacher. ***
Chapter 12 - The Big Move
After 5 more days of waiting, I had had enough and decided it was time to vacate this location and seek better shelter and the good water source at the pond. We were now stranded here for over a week and I had become tired of hauling water back from the pond and the weight of the yucca and plantain was getting tedious. All the airline food was long gone and cooking was a real chore and finding dry wood became an issue as well. Even though the girls helped me with enthusiasm, I could tell it was hard on them. "Listen girls, I am not sure how long it will take them to come and get us but we can't just sit around here waiting and we need to gather up our things and head to the pond. The cave there will provide us good shelter. We will mark the trail really well so that when they come they can follow it to where we are but we really need to get into survival mode" "There is a lot of fruit and other things around the pond and won't have to be carried and we can set up a camp fire that won't be affected by the rain or wind. "I want everyone to pack up as much as you can carry and let's get out of here. I don't want to spend another night huddled, waiting to die. Another storm is brewing and we need to get someplace safe" The girls packed up nearly everything we had taken from the plane and I knew I was going to have to make a few more trips to pull as much stuff as we could from the plane but that was another day and right now we needed to get to a safer and dryer place. We headed off down the trail we had marked and although it was slow going we got to the pond just after 4:00. Thankfully it was less than a mile away so the trip only took about 40 minutes. I gathered a few logs and some smaller branches and using strips of cloths as rope, fashioned a ladder to get up to the cave. The ladder was a little wobbly at first but once I had gone up and down a few times it had settled well and was quite strong. I instructed all the girls to gather dry wood and palm branch stubs so we could build a fire, both for light and for heat. The approaching storm looked like it might hit us during the night as did the one that put us here. They all set out close by the cave and within an hour they had a huge pile stacked below the ladder. Wood gathering complete I instructed the girls to begin hauling all their things up. One by one, they made their way up and into the cave helping the younger ones, team work. Watching them from below was an erotic sight and we all knew I liked it. Seeing these young girls, with their cute little asses struggling up the ladder made my cock stir and I was compelled by some evil force to stand below them to get a better view with the pretext of holding the ladder steady. Linda and Sandra made a point of making sure I got a good look at them from below and on more than one occasion turned and smiled at me, knowing full well what I was looking at. I was in trouble. The other girls were not much better and by the time three or four of them had made it up, they all had caught on, giving me a real show. I was now attracted to these little girls and was surely going to hell for what I was thinking. Imagining shoving my cock into Sandra was foremost on my mind and Linda's little bald cleft was still imprinted on my brain and thoughts of licking her little pussy made my cock harder, it seemed to twitch constantly. Mary was the last to go up and when all the other girls had disappeared inside the cave she started. "Marco, what did you and Sandra and Linda do when you found this place?" "What do you mean?" "Am I still going to be your special girl Marco?" "Mary, I don't understand what your are getting at" "Well, last night Linda was between your legs and Sandra was sleeping almost in your lap, does that mean you like them more than me?" "Oh my sweet Mary, don't you worry about any of that. Nothing happened between Sandra, Linda and I. You are still my special little girl but you have to realize that you aren't the only one here and I need to tend to the other girls as well. You will have to be a big girl and accept that. Do you think you can? Tonight you can snuggle with me Ok" "Ok" We finally got everything up into the cave. I called all the girls back outside and made a game of throwing all the wood up in the cave entrance. Counting how many made it in and how many didn't.
Once again we all clambered up the ladder and once again the exaggerated display of little girl asses made the climb interesting and exciting. This was beginning to be a game of interesting prospects and if I really analyzed it, I was ashamed of myself but could not help myself. We stacked all the wood neatly to one side. One good thing about the cave was that the floor sloped a little towards the entrance so that any water that may enter due to rain would flow outward and not into the cave. I suspected that might be a problem since although the top of the entrance had a small overhang, driving rain could still enter and possible flood the cave. I started a fire using some dried moss and dry palm leaf stubs. They burned really hot and did not produce a lot of smoke, however after the fire had been burning for about 20 minutes, I noticed the smoke had found an exit somewhere above, probably more cracks in the rock and the cave was relatively smoke free. This however could present a problem later with heavy rain and our safe dry home might become a swimming pool. The slope towards the entrance would help but we would still be wet, although with all the rain in the last few days, the floor of the cave was dry so I was puzzled but happy. After about an hour the cave was very cozy. The girls had hauled quite a number of palm leaves up to place on the floor of the cave to sleep on. I went back down and gathered some more larger, greener palm leaves and made a door, tying them with vines to the other vines, making the entrance almost water and wind proof. If we didn't get rescued soon, at least we were protected from the weather and the possibility of unknown animals. It was now getting a bit dark, the storm was rapidly approaching and no longer a real threat to us and our only problem would be water seepage through the rock. We sat around the fire for almost an hour and discussed the day, talked about tomorrow and new hope of being rescued. The girls were sitting in a variety of positions offering glimpses of little titties and bum cheeks and panty shots and with the shadows cast by the fire light, they took on an almost erotic glow. It was a wonderful sight and I was sexually excited by it and at the same time embarrassed by it.
Here I was, a grown man, their teacher being sexually turned on by a bunch of little girls. Outside the storm was now raging upon us and we could hear the wind whipping rain against the palm leaf door. Everyone was tired from the trek to the cave and although a bit hungry, we had decided we were too tired to bother cooking and would sleep hungry and really go hunting tomorrow morning. A new day dawning. We talked for almost another hour and the girls started drifting off, one by one huddled together, warm, safe, happy and content. I checked the entrance once more and then found a comfortable spot and laid down, exhausted but content. Mary waited a few minutes until she felt I was comfortable and then came and lay beside me, her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her, pulling her close and was gone.
Contd. O
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