Mutual enjoyment


Late 2022 I inherited a boarding house, nothing flash. But it gave me a place to live, and 5 rooms already rented out. Having been recently divorced and not on my children Christmas card lists, it suited me. It had self-help kitchen and so I didn't have to cook lucky for the boarders. At 43 and single again and still able to do my job, it was perfect for me. No child support to pay nor alimony, I could enjoy myself. But I wasn't ready to start dating again, not then at least. One of the 5 boarders was a teacher 50 and she had money problems stemming from her divorce. Her ex failed to pay her alimony on time sometimes several months late at a time. Having to go to court each time to make him pay. Then to top it all off she was let go due school cutbacks. Out of work for several weeks didn't her finances. It was during this period we started our arrangement; she provided me with sex and no rent was required to be paid. It started as a once-a-week thing and now is whenever either wants fun as we call it. No relationship just mutual satisfaction. Also, the judge tied of her ex-husband's antics changed how his payments are made. If he is late the payment due doubles each week until he pays, then back to the normal payment till he plays up again. He hasn't tested it as of now, as an increased incentive a few nights in jail are also on the table if he misses more than one payment in a row.
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