I'm Rich


Short family history, my family was always rich and over the years got richer and fewer in numbers. Finally in 2020 the family numbers dropped drastically t0 just 6, due to the pandemic and old age. The family that was left wasn't all that well either, except for me that is. I always take my doctor's advice, the others didn't, believing the Weidos. As they hadn't gotten the virus during 2020, thought they were safe and then they finally caught it, No vaccinations and other health problems. Left only 2 of us and my great uncle 64 had cancer already and was in isolation in an oxygen tent which shielded him from the virus. But the cancer took him early in 2022, now just me and at 30 I was last in line and got everything. But realized I was last of the family line and needed to boost the numbers quickly. I've always had girlfriends and partied heavily, but not wanting to be last of my family line. But none of the women I had dated were marriage material in my book. But busy taking charge of my inheritance I would leave it a while. But I change my mind as I came across several females who worked for the family. The three women were mother 38 and her two daughters 20 and 18. Worked in the head office building, they looked nice dressed modestly and I thought one of them might be marriage material. I thought I could marry and breed a new family, focusing on the daughters. But the mother wasn't bad looking herself, later on plane trip to another city to finalize some inheritance related issues. They were showing a movie, and I wasn't paying much attention. But I heard the word harem mentioned by the man across from me, I looked up seen women dressed like harem girls. Then back to my work and after landing doing the business I was there for. I caught a plane back home, with everything now up to date mostly I had time to think, and the three women came to mind. While thinking which daughter I would choose, the harem girls from the movie came to mind. I thought having a harem would increase the family numbers quickly, but it wasn't possible to have a harem these days. The family Latin Motto Non deficere (Do Not Fail) came to mind. I decided to ask them if they would become my harem, no harm in asking. In the office next morning I did some investigations on them first and also had an agency investigate them further. Nothing bad was found and they were just getting by and none dating. So, I had them all sent to my office, at first, they thought were getting fired as rumors were going around as they always do when a new boss starts. I told them straight away their jobs were safe, and I had a proposal to put to them all, it must also be kept secret. Adding whether they accepted or refused their jobs were secure and told them to wait until I asked for questions. I told them I wanted to make them my harem and rebuild my family line quickly, telling them they would all be equal in the harem and treated as my wives and a contact would secure their rights and futures if they agreed. I ask what they thought they were all shocked of course and asked for time to think it over. I said I'll give you a week to ask to see me again and if you don't want to accept just don't ask to see me. But it has to be kept secret by all. Four days later I was informed the women wished to see me taking that as their approval, I drafted a contract for us all to sign, having done law at university it was a simple straight forward easy to read one page document. The next day they came to my office and told they were willing to agree as long as their futures were protected. I showed them the contract which laid out their responsibilities and mine and what they would get if they decided to leave the arrangement in the future. The only condition they weren't happy about was leaving any child behind if they left. But they would be allowed to visit the child regularly. I said I was building up my family numbers and wanted any children kept together to be raised by me with their mother's support. I expected more questions, but each of them signed the agreement and then I did as well. That was their last day in their old jobs, they became my personal staff, separate from the company. Living with me and sleeping with me, it took several months before one got pregnant and it was the mother, quickly followed by the youngest daughter and shortly after the oldest daughter completed the trio of pregnancies. The Mother and older daughter both had girls and the youngest daughter had a boy and soon we start trying again for more children. Being rich I can support a very large family and will have as many as I can with my harem. It's up to them how we have, I've left that totally up to them to decide. None have stated their reluctant to continue as of now, they say they are all very happy with our agreement.
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