Bonzi VS The Kissass Squad.


It is time for storytime with Bonzi and this one is one you will love! Once upon a time there was a nasty little trollup/cretin by the name of Rollermate, Rollermate(or Emmet as he was called) was one of those tryhards who thought that claiming to be trans or NB made them that and he was a weird one at that. One day Nathan got a message from him and the message was 'dude, you are accusing me of being in a cult? That is disgusting and sick.' 'Dude, you told me to get a life and also sucking up to Kochu, Jasper and Gavin will not get you anywhere. Also you said you did not like my stories.' 'You found my DA to complain to me!'

'Come on now, it was not even that difficult to figure it out. Anyway, besides I think you owe me an apology.' ‘I owe you nothing, creepazoid.’ That is when Nathan got mad and decided to use his knowledge of the supernatural to perform a ritual to summon a being capable of messing with the poor delusional idiot.

That being of course was Bonzi…’How may I assist you today?’ ‘I need you to teach a bastard whom I disagreed with, a lesson.’ ‘I can certainly do that.’ The purple gorilla used his magic to turn into smoke and transported himself into Emmet's apartment.

Bonzi manifested in Emmett’s apartment just as Emmett was about to submit one of his usual smutty anime character transformations, his wall was decked out in posters for obscure characters from anime shows only he and his friends watched and he had a cursed group of friends too, there was Stone, who seemed to often want to be someone other than herself and Kit who had cursed transformation choices that no man on earth would find appealing.

He laughed at how stupid Emett’s friends were for choosing to simp over anime characters. ‘Look at how stupid and skinny looking these so called husbandos are. You guys think they are attractive? You all have trashy tastes and like trash, you deserve to be taken out.’

‘Who the heck are you? Some kind of random OC made for the purpose of a revenge fic?’ Stone stupidly asked. ‘I am Bonzi, the lord and master of the internet. And this is no revenge fic, this is real.’

He laughed at Stone before concentrating his magic on her, he looked through her cursed choices in transformations until he found Skibido Toilet, he selected the funny meme and focused on the form of the meme, which caused Stone to feel rather weird.

Her bones slowly crunched and snapped as her chest and torso expanded to become more masculine, followed by her breasts retracting into her chest as her arms broadened and her hands swelled, her hips retracting while her feet enlarged and her privates shifted to become male. ‘What the hell is going on?’ ‘I have picked the perfect form for you, my dear Stoney. You love Skibidi, so you get to be him.’ ‘This is so not fair.’ ‘Neither is blocking my friend just because of what he did to the main trio I dealt with but here you are, turning into a meme!’

She begged him for forgiveness but he laughed at her especially once her back and shoulders broadened and her neck thickened, her long red hair shapeshifting and shortening, turning from red to black as her eyebrows thickened and her eyes widened, her features masculinizing as her horrified expression warped itself into a permanent creepy looking smile, she tried to run away only to feel her now male body slowly being pulled down by a metallic formation sprouting from the ground.

The metallic formation slowly grew into the shape of a toilet, which began to creep upwards and absorb her legs, arms and feet and hands, but stretching her neck to monstrously long levels and sucking her into it, turning her into a living version of the meme. She tried to cry out for help but all that came out was that song. ‘And now for Kit!’

Kit attempted to run from Bonzi but just before she could do anything, he pointed at her and chanted, she started to feel violently ill as she puked up black ooze and her skin slowly developed bumps and boils on it as her arms grew thicker, her hands deforming and growing claws as spikes shot out of her back, her back broadened as her legs thickened and her feet deformed bursting through her shoes. ‘Ugh, please do not do this to me.’ ‘Sorry I cannot hear you when you have Emmett’s dick in your mouth. Why are you sucking up to that loser anyway, he has no talent.’

‘I do so have talent.’ ‘Your tastes suck Emett.’ Bonzi laughed as he thought of the perfect form to turn Emett into and immediately Emmett felt himself being able to move as his hands and arms were absorbed into his body which was lengthening and stretching as red and green metallic paint spread itself all over. As his legs were also absorbed into his body and his neck lengthened. ‘If you are going to be a personal dick-sucker for other people, then maybe you will do better as a dildo.’

He squirmed as he tried to escape and a pair of metallic wings and spikes formed on his back as two curved horns shot out of his head, his features slowly contorting themselves to become reptilian as his whole body hardened and became metallic, he lost his ability to to speak as his transformation completed, leaving only a metallic reptile themed dildo in his place.

Kit’s hair grew longer and messier as horns shot out of the top of her head, beastly impulses took over and she started to hump the dildo that used to be her friend, her features deforming as her teeth sharpened, her voice sounding deeper and more monster-like. ‘May this be a lesson to you all, block my friend for no reason other than sucking up to your friends and you will find yourself meeting your match, me!’

Bonzi used his magic to transform their room into a special weird museum and for his final act of revenge, he put Emmett on display as part of the merchandise in the store, he put Kit on display as one of the freaks, and he made meme videos of Stone, which made him very rich because everyone on the internet loves Skibidi toilet.

With all of the Jasper-Rolls kiss-ass gang finally gotten rid of, the purple gorilla used his magic to make sure nobody would treat his friends poorly again.
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