Company Property (Part 2)
Emilio Falcon
Clair didn't have much appetite, so Bethany offered her a warm protein shake that the facility produces.
"It's common for the new hires not to eat much. Try this, honey. It'll keep you going without filling you up." Bethany's voice was sympathetic and kind.
Clair noticed everyone watching her with excitement on their faces
With her discomfort growing as she observed the men's excitement, She decided to try Bethany's protein shake. She took a sip and was pleasantly surprised by its taste and texture. However, the enthusiastic and anticipatory looks on the faces of the Ranch's inhabitants left her with a sense of foreboding.
After she had finished the shake, Clair couldn't help but wonder about its contents and the reaction from those around her.
Bethany was pleased and stared at Clair. "Good girl, your little tummy is warm and full now. We like our property to be healthy and happy."
Bethany's compliment about Clair finishing her drink was tinged with a sense of satisfaction, and her comment about the Ranch valuing health made Clair uneasy. However, Bethany's choice of words disturbed Clair the most. Referring to her as "property" rather than an individual left her with a stark reminder of her situation.
"I think you should get an idea of the kitchen and night duties you're expected to perform," Bethany said, clapping her hands.
A group of beautiful women in servant outfits entered the room to clear the dishes. Clair was led away from the dining area and into the kitchen for her night duties. The sight of these women dressed similarly to her Added to the mystery of the Ranch, causing Clair to wonder what she had gotten into.
In the large kitchen, A young woman in a servant's outfit instructed Clair to clean the dishes and complimented Clair.
"Your presence here is bound to turn some heads." As the two women worked, Maria said, "Everyone is talking about how beautiful you are."
Clair was flattered and continued working alongside Maria in the kitchen As the woman shared her story. She explained that she had been at the Ranch for four years. Maria's revelation shed light on the circumstances that had brought her to the Ranch: her father's debt to the company had left them with no other option but for her to sign on and work at the Ranch. Her understanding of the Ranch's enigmatic world deepened as she heard Maria's story. It became evident that individuals here had been drawn into the Ranch due to financial hardship and the complex agreements with Mr. Meyer. Clair, feeling the weight of the unusual customs of the Ranch, couldn't help but draw a parallel to the concept of servitude.
She asked Maria, "Isn't it like being a slave?"
Maria, with a solemn nod, acknowledged the similarity. "Yes, it does feel that way sometimes," she replied. "Don't tell anyone I said that. We don't want to get in trouble."
The request for Clair to avoid causing trouble was a plea for her to navigate this complex world cautiously and accept the Ranch's unconventional norms to avoid potential consequences. With a sense of compliance and an understanding of the expectations placed upon her, Clair worked alongside Maria to complete the tasks in the kitchen. However, her unease grew when Mr. Daniels entered the room. His hands were on her backside, pulling and handling the material.
"Shit looks good on you, Little One. We have a long day tomorrow, so bedtime for you." He left her feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable.
With a forced smile, Clair nodded and replied, "Thank you, Mr. Daniels. I'll get to bed."
As he walked away, Maria added' "He likes you; don't get him mad. Better do what he says even if it disgusts you, Clair."
The Ranch had turned her life into a complex puzzle, and she couldn't help but wonder what the next day would hold. After her unsettling interaction with Mr. Daniels, Clair returned to her room and entered the warm bed. The lack of a lock on her door left her vulnerable, but exhaustion eventually overtook her worries. She drifted off to sleep with a heavy heart and many unanswered questions.
Clair woke up to the sound of the speaker in her room announcing the start of the day. The speaker ordered her to shower, shave all body areas except her face and head, and apply a scent that smelled like fresh flowers. Feeling robotic, she followed the instructions and completed her morning routine. Once she was ready, a new set of work clothes was supplied, similar to her previous outfit but adorned with a black stallion logo. The top was noticeably see-through, and her nipples were clear protrusions. The black leather skirt exposed the lower part of her cheeks. A leather thong was all she was supplied with for underwear. Clair was instructed by the mechanical voice to drink the warm shake on the nightstand and proceed to the stables for work assignments.
She followed the instructions from the mechanical voice, drinking the warm shake on the nightstand. These shakes only added to the mysterious atmosphere of the Ranch, and she couldn't help but wonder about their contents and purpose.
As Clair arrived at the stables, she was greeted by Mr. Daniels's smiling face. He now wore a shirt labeled "Overseer." The sight of his shirt and his grinning expression starkly contrasted with the unsettling encounters she had previously experienced with him.
"Hello, Little Filly. Did you drink your breakfast this morning?" Mr. Daniels asked in an odd tone.
Clair nervously responded," Yes, sir, I drank it all up."
He licked his lips and smiled, "Good girl, Get that ass over here so we can get some work done."
As Clair walked by, Daniels forcefully swatted her rear end and exclaimed, "Dam, you look like you belong at this stable, baby. Makes me look forward to working every morning."
Mr. Daniels walked Clair to a high window, instructing her to look inside. However, Clair wasn't tall enough to see the room's interior. Recognizing the challenge, Mr. Daniels lifted her up so she could have a clear view. Clair looked into the room and noticed Daniels's hot breath on her bottom, Leaving her with a growing sense of unease and uncertainty.
"See Thor in there?" He asked.
"Yes," she responded, nervous and feeling like a little kitten in his grasp.
The massive horse was asleep on his enormous bed.
"This is Thor sleeping; don't wake him up; you need to be quiet when you mop his stall," She could feel his nose bump her rear end, "You smell so nice, and your skin is really soft." He added.
Clair was increasingly uncomfortable in the arms of the giant black man. He gently put her down and adjusted her blond hair.
"Now, Little one, Go around, get the mop bucket, and clean his stall. Be very quiet and get it spotless. I'll check back in a bit. Better take off the slippers so you'll make less noise."
He lifted Clair up and sat her on a tall fence post. He lifted her legs and removed her slippers while ogling the face-height view. His hands began to massage her feet.
"Nice little feet. You need a toe ring. I'll get one for you, and you'll get one of our stable belly chains. Tomorrow, they'll be with your uniform."
Clair was frightened but didn't want to make waves, so she responded, "Yes, sir."
Clair started to clean Thor's stall carefully and deliberately, being mindful not to wake the massive black horse. The gentle and cautious approach was essential, considering the size and power of Thor. Though enormous, Thor had a cute little snore as he slept. It was comforting, and she couldn't help but admire the muscled and shinny body of the stallion. As Clair continued to work in Thor's stall, she continued admiring the massive horse's imposing presence. His sheer strength and beauty were captivating, and despite the unconventional circumstances, Clair couldn't deny the awe-inspiring nature of the animal. She worked and watched, paying less attention to the bucket than she should have. This resulted in a loud "Clang" when she accidentally kicked it. The deafening noise of the metal bucket startled the horse from his slumber, and he awoke with a sudden start. Realizing her mistake, Clair felt terror wash over her as she saw the giant animal's reaction.
Thor, now awake and alert, Looked at the frightened woman, making Clair even more nervous. The horse moved slightly and gracefully lifted itself off the bed. Clair had never seen a horse move so smoothly and soon stood next to a gigantic stallion studying her with its massive brown eyes.
"Hey, Thor. It's Clair. I was tidying up your stall. Apologies for disturbing your slumber. Would you fancy catching a bit more shut-eye?" She inquired, silently hoping, "If he nods off again, perhaps he'll be snoring again before Daniels catches wind of it."
Thor nudged her softly, and she lifted her hand to pet him. She was on her tiptoes, trying to pat the bottom of his chin. She had never been this close to such a large animal. Thor bent his head and nibbled her top, grasping the cloth with his teeth. The top slipped down as she protested and tried to turn his attention, exposing her right breast. His tongue found its mark, and he licked her breast, sending a ripple of shock through her.
"Oh dear!" she said, frightened.
Pushing his head away as nicely as possible and fixing her top. As she backed away, she couldn't help but notice the stallion was getting excited.
"Oh my!." Clair exclaimed, "I've really messed up."
Looking down at the soft but incredible penis Thor was presenting. She heard the sound of footsteps approaching the stall. Daniels asked if she was done. Discovering that Clair had woken up Thor, Mr. Daniels was clearly annoyed. He informed her that she would be punished for not following the rules of the Ranch. Clair's heart sank as she realized the consequences of her mistake.
"I'm very sorry, sir," she cautiously responded. "I knocked the bucket, and it woke him up." Her eyes met Daniels's with tears in them.
"It won't be too harsh, little girl, But I gotta report this, and you'll be fine,"
Daniels almost sounded sincere in his response, But Clair was worried about the extent this place would go to make a point.
"The parade rails need cleaning. You can start on those while I pay a visit to Bethany." He handed her a plastic bucket and rag and showed her what to do.
Before he left, Daniels rubbed her rear end, whispered in her ear, " I'll make sure it's not too bad, baby." and walked toward the primary office.
Clair was crying and trying her best, thinking they might ease the punishment if she kept doing a good job. Lunchtime arrived, and Bethany was there to give Clair her shake.
"It's got a few new additions that'll keep you going, dear. You have punishment tonight, but Daniel and I agree it'll be a light sentence."
Clair wondered what they were feeding her but drank the shake eagerly. She was hungry, and the warm fluid calmed her.
"Good little girl, let's not have any more accidents, okay?" Bethany calmly said while putting a hand on Clair's cheek. Clair responded by nodding her head.
She continued until the rails were all clean and the sun was beginning to set.
The loud speaker's mechanical voice called for the "End of work" and "Prepare for dinner."
The thought of her punishment slipped her mind as she walked to her room. She placed her dirty clothes into the basket and entered the shower. After drying off, she found her evening clothes. It was a knee-length skirt, panties, and a tiny top barely covering her nipples.
"This is odd," she thought, "I'm now wearing more clothes to dinner?"
She felt less exposed even though her breasts were prevalent. The looks of the men were even more humiliating than the previous evening, and she began to worry again.
As she entered, Bethany tapped her glass and called for quiet, "Everyone, This little one has failed in her assigned task. She woke Thor during his extended rest period and is now subject to correction. Daniel will perform the punishment. Come over to this table, Filly." She looked at Clair sternly.
Mortified, Clair did as told. An oversized chair was placed on the tabletop. She looked at Clair sternly. Mortified, Clair walked over to the table, and an oversized chair was placed on top. Everyone gathered around as Daniel climbed onto the table and sat down.
"Get up there, Maria, help her,"
Maria stepped forward and took Clair's hand; she guided the frightened girl onto the table, and Daniel took Clair's arm.
"The punishment is public spanking, dear."
Clair's heart sank as she realized the humiliation and pain she must endure.
Daniels said, "Let's bend you over, little one," and pulled Clair over his knee.
Bethany added, "All spankings are done bare, dear."
Clair's face lit up and turned red as Daniel pulled her skirt down to her knees. Her panties were the only hope for padding, But soon after, she felt a considerable hand pulling her panties down, exposing a round bottom.
"Look at that, will ya?" she heard a man's voice say.
Daniel was rubbing her bottom, and everyone was trying to get a better look. Maria held Clair's legs apart until her skirt and panties were tight against her legs and exposed Clair's pussy enough for the men to get excited.
"She's tight," they said.
Clair was on the verge of fainting due to the humiliation and began crying. As she did, the first slap on her rump turned her attention.
"Owww," she cried and fidgeted to no avail against her captors.
Daniel slid a hand between her cheeks and rubbed the nub of her pussy, Slap! Again, she felt the impact of his massive hand, Her body went limp as she resigned herself to her fate, and she felt Daniel getting hard with every slap on her ass.
The humiliation lasted four more spanks, and Bethany called, "Stop! Now you know we are not kidding around with the rules here. Punishments can get much more severe. Pull off her skirt, and she can keep the panties for now."
Maria removed Clair's skirt and pulled up the sheer panties. Daniels let her up, and she climbed down from the table crying.
"Now have a seat, dear, and drink your Shake." Clair tried to sit but jumped up immediately while the workers laughed at the little girl with a sore bottom. "I guess you can stand to eat dinner, dear."
She drank her shake and felt the warm fluid filling her tummy. The conversations around the table mostly involved how sexy it looked to see her bare bottom slapped by that big black hand, and she wanted to cower into a ball on the floor from embarrassment.
"Maria, bring the salve over here and put some on poor little filly here," Bethany spoke in a false-sounding tender voice.
Maria walked up to Clair, told her to bend over, and started rubbing cooling gel onto Clair's rump.
"It's common for the new hires not to eat much. Try this, honey. It'll keep you going without filling you up." Bethany's voice was sympathetic and kind.
Clair noticed everyone watching her with excitement on their faces
With her discomfort growing as she observed the men's excitement, She decided to try Bethany's protein shake. She took a sip and was pleasantly surprised by its taste and texture. However, the enthusiastic and anticipatory looks on the faces of the Ranch's inhabitants left her with a sense of foreboding.
After she had finished the shake, Clair couldn't help but wonder about its contents and the reaction from those around her.
Bethany was pleased and stared at Clair. "Good girl, your little tummy is warm and full now. We like our property to be healthy and happy."
Bethany's compliment about Clair finishing her drink was tinged with a sense of satisfaction, and her comment about the Ranch valuing health made Clair uneasy. However, Bethany's choice of words disturbed Clair the most. Referring to her as "property" rather than an individual left her with a stark reminder of her situation.
"I think you should get an idea of the kitchen and night duties you're expected to perform," Bethany said, clapping her hands.
A group of beautiful women in servant outfits entered the room to clear the dishes. Clair was led away from the dining area and into the kitchen for her night duties. The sight of these women dressed similarly to her Added to the mystery of the Ranch, causing Clair to wonder what she had gotten into.
In the large kitchen, A young woman in a servant's outfit instructed Clair to clean the dishes and complimented Clair.
"Your presence here is bound to turn some heads." As the two women worked, Maria said, "Everyone is talking about how beautiful you are."
Clair was flattered and continued working alongside Maria in the kitchen As the woman shared her story. She explained that she had been at the Ranch for four years. Maria's revelation shed light on the circumstances that had brought her to the Ranch: her father's debt to the company had left them with no other option but for her to sign on and work at the Ranch. Her understanding of the Ranch's enigmatic world deepened as she heard Maria's story. It became evident that individuals here had been drawn into the Ranch due to financial hardship and the complex agreements with Mr. Meyer. Clair, feeling the weight of the unusual customs of the Ranch, couldn't help but draw a parallel to the concept of servitude.
She asked Maria, "Isn't it like being a slave?"
Maria, with a solemn nod, acknowledged the similarity. "Yes, it does feel that way sometimes," she replied. "Don't tell anyone I said that. We don't want to get in trouble."
The request for Clair to avoid causing trouble was a plea for her to navigate this complex world cautiously and accept the Ranch's unconventional norms to avoid potential consequences. With a sense of compliance and an understanding of the expectations placed upon her, Clair worked alongside Maria to complete the tasks in the kitchen. However, her unease grew when Mr. Daniels entered the room. His hands were on her backside, pulling and handling the material.
"Shit looks good on you, Little One. We have a long day tomorrow, so bedtime for you." He left her feeling uncomfortable and vulnerable.
With a forced smile, Clair nodded and replied, "Thank you, Mr. Daniels. I'll get to bed."
As he walked away, Maria added' "He likes you; don't get him mad. Better do what he says even if it disgusts you, Clair."
The Ranch had turned her life into a complex puzzle, and she couldn't help but wonder what the next day would hold. After her unsettling interaction with Mr. Daniels, Clair returned to her room and entered the warm bed. The lack of a lock on her door left her vulnerable, but exhaustion eventually overtook her worries. She drifted off to sleep with a heavy heart and many unanswered questions.
Clair woke up to the sound of the speaker in her room announcing the start of the day. The speaker ordered her to shower, shave all body areas except her face and head, and apply a scent that smelled like fresh flowers. Feeling robotic, she followed the instructions and completed her morning routine. Once she was ready, a new set of work clothes was supplied, similar to her previous outfit but adorned with a black stallion logo. The top was noticeably see-through, and her nipples were clear protrusions. The black leather skirt exposed the lower part of her cheeks. A leather thong was all she was supplied with for underwear. Clair was instructed by the mechanical voice to drink the warm shake on the nightstand and proceed to the stables for work assignments.
She followed the instructions from the mechanical voice, drinking the warm shake on the nightstand. These shakes only added to the mysterious atmosphere of the Ranch, and she couldn't help but wonder about their contents and purpose.
As Clair arrived at the stables, she was greeted by Mr. Daniels's smiling face. He now wore a shirt labeled "Overseer." The sight of his shirt and his grinning expression starkly contrasted with the unsettling encounters she had previously experienced with him.
"Hello, Little Filly. Did you drink your breakfast this morning?" Mr. Daniels asked in an odd tone.
Clair nervously responded," Yes, sir, I drank it all up."
He licked his lips and smiled, "Good girl, Get that ass over here so we can get some work done."
As Clair walked by, Daniels forcefully swatted her rear end and exclaimed, "Dam, you look like you belong at this stable, baby. Makes me look forward to working every morning."
Mr. Daniels walked Clair to a high window, instructing her to look inside. However, Clair wasn't tall enough to see the room's interior. Recognizing the challenge, Mr. Daniels lifted her up so she could have a clear view. Clair looked into the room and noticed Daniels's hot breath on her bottom, Leaving her with a growing sense of unease and uncertainty.
"See Thor in there?" He asked.
"Yes," she responded, nervous and feeling like a little kitten in his grasp.
The massive horse was asleep on his enormous bed.
"This is Thor sleeping; don't wake him up; you need to be quiet when you mop his stall," She could feel his nose bump her rear end, "You smell so nice, and your skin is really soft." He added.
Clair was increasingly uncomfortable in the arms of the giant black man. He gently put her down and adjusted her blond hair.
"Now, Little one, Go around, get the mop bucket, and clean his stall. Be very quiet and get it spotless. I'll check back in a bit. Better take off the slippers so you'll make less noise."
He lifted Clair up and sat her on a tall fence post. He lifted her legs and removed her slippers while ogling the face-height view. His hands began to massage her feet.
"Nice little feet. You need a toe ring. I'll get one for you, and you'll get one of our stable belly chains. Tomorrow, they'll be with your uniform."
Clair was frightened but didn't want to make waves, so she responded, "Yes, sir."
Clair started to clean Thor's stall carefully and deliberately, being mindful not to wake the massive black horse. The gentle and cautious approach was essential, considering the size and power of Thor. Though enormous, Thor had a cute little snore as he slept. It was comforting, and she couldn't help but admire the muscled and shinny body of the stallion. As Clair continued to work in Thor's stall, she continued admiring the massive horse's imposing presence. His sheer strength and beauty were captivating, and despite the unconventional circumstances, Clair couldn't deny the awe-inspiring nature of the animal. She worked and watched, paying less attention to the bucket than she should have. This resulted in a loud "Clang" when she accidentally kicked it. The deafening noise of the metal bucket startled the horse from his slumber, and he awoke with a sudden start. Realizing her mistake, Clair felt terror wash over her as she saw the giant animal's reaction.
Thor, now awake and alert, Looked at the frightened woman, making Clair even more nervous. The horse moved slightly and gracefully lifted itself off the bed. Clair had never seen a horse move so smoothly and soon stood next to a gigantic stallion studying her with its massive brown eyes.
"Hey, Thor. It's Clair. I was tidying up your stall. Apologies for disturbing your slumber. Would you fancy catching a bit more shut-eye?" She inquired, silently hoping, "If he nods off again, perhaps he'll be snoring again before Daniels catches wind of it."
Thor nudged her softly, and she lifted her hand to pet him. She was on her tiptoes, trying to pat the bottom of his chin. She had never been this close to such a large animal. Thor bent his head and nibbled her top, grasping the cloth with his teeth. The top slipped down as she protested and tried to turn his attention, exposing her right breast. His tongue found its mark, and he licked her breast, sending a ripple of shock through her.
"Oh dear!" she said, frightened.
Pushing his head away as nicely as possible and fixing her top. As she backed away, she couldn't help but notice the stallion was getting excited.
"Oh my!." Clair exclaimed, "I've really messed up."
Looking down at the soft but incredible penis Thor was presenting. She heard the sound of footsteps approaching the stall. Daniels asked if she was done. Discovering that Clair had woken up Thor, Mr. Daniels was clearly annoyed. He informed her that she would be punished for not following the rules of the Ranch. Clair's heart sank as she realized the consequences of her mistake.
"I'm very sorry, sir," she cautiously responded. "I knocked the bucket, and it woke him up." Her eyes met Daniels's with tears in them.
"It won't be too harsh, little girl, But I gotta report this, and you'll be fine,"
Daniels almost sounded sincere in his response, But Clair was worried about the extent this place would go to make a point.
"The parade rails need cleaning. You can start on those while I pay a visit to Bethany." He handed her a plastic bucket and rag and showed her what to do.
Before he left, Daniels rubbed her rear end, whispered in her ear, " I'll make sure it's not too bad, baby." and walked toward the primary office.
Clair was crying and trying her best, thinking they might ease the punishment if she kept doing a good job. Lunchtime arrived, and Bethany was there to give Clair her shake.
"It's got a few new additions that'll keep you going, dear. You have punishment tonight, but Daniel and I agree it'll be a light sentence."
Clair wondered what they were feeding her but drank the shake eagerly. She was hungry, and the warm fluid calmed her.
"Good little girl, let's not have any more accidents, okay?" Bethany calmly said while putting a hand on Clair's cheek. Clair responded by nodding her head.
She continued until the rails were all clean and the sun was beginning to set.
The loud speaker's mechanical voice called for the "End of work" and "Prepare for dinner."
The thought of her punishment slipped her mind as she walked to her room. She placed her dirty clothes into the basket and entered the shower. After drying off, she found her evening clothes. It was a knee-length skirt, panties, and a tiny top barely covering her nipples.
"This is odd," she thought, "I'm now wearing more clothes to dinner?"
She felt less exposed even though her breasts were prevalent. The looks of the men were even more humiliating than the previous evening, and she began to worry again.
As she entered, Bethany tapped her glass and called for quiet, "Everyone, This little one has failed in her assigned task. She woke Thor during his extended rest period and is now subject to correction. Daniel will perform the punishment. Come over to this table, Filly." She looked at Clair sternly.
Mortified, Clair did as told. An oversized chair was placed on the tabletop. She looked at Clair sternly. Mortified, Clair walked over to the table, and an oversized chair was placed on top. Everyone gathered around as Daniel climbed onto the table and sat down.
"Get up there, Maria, help her,"
Maria stepped forward and took Clair's hand; she guided the frightened girl onto the table, and Daniel took Clair's arm.
"The punishment is public spanking, dear."
Clair's heart sank as she realized the humiliation and pain she must endure.
Daniels said, "Let's bend you over, little one," and pulled Clair over his knee.
Bethany added, "All spankings are done bare, dear."
Clair's face lit up and turned red as Daniel pulled her skirt down to her knees. Her panties were the only hope for padding, But soon after, she felt a considerable hand pulling her panties down, exposing a round bottom.
"Look at that, will ya?" she heard a man's voice say.
Daniel was rubbing her bottom, and everyone was trying to get a better look. Maria held Clair's legs apart until her skirt and panties were tight against her legs and exposed Clair's pussy enough for the men to get excited.
"She's tight," they said.
Clair was on the verge of fainting due to the humiliation and began crying. As she did, the first slap on her rump turned her attention.
"Owww," she cried and fidgeted to no avail against her captors.
Daniel slid a hand between her cheeks and rubbed the nub of her pussy, Slap! Again, she felt the impact of his massive hand, Her body went limp as she resigned herself to her fate, and she felt Daniel getting hard with every slap on her ass.
The humiliation lasted four more spanks, and Bethany called, "Stop! Now you know we are not kidding around with the rules here. Punishments can get much more severe. Pull off her skirt, and she can keep the panties for now."
Maria removed Clair's skirt and pulled up the sheer panties. Daniels let her up, and she climbed down from the table crying.
"Now have a seat, dear, and drink your Shake." Clair tried to sit but jumped up immediately while the workers laughed at the little girl with a sore bottom. "I guess you can stand to eat dinner, dear."
She drank her shake and felt the warm fluid filling her tummy. The conversations around the table mostly involved how sexy it looked to see her bare bottom slapped by that big black hand, and she wanted to cower into a ball on the floor from embarrassment.
"Maria, bring the salve over here and put some on poor little filly here," Bethany spoke in a false-sounding tender voice.
Maria walked up to Clair, told her to bend over, and started rubbing cooling gel onto Clair's rump.
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