Company Property (Part13)
Emilio Falcon
"I can't wait to see that little traitor get back to her job as a human sleeve, " Tammy chuckled. "I think she'll enjoy her partner's newest enhancements."
Clair thought she should act as an inquisitive intern, which was easy because she was interested in everything associated with the company that now owned her. So she asked, "Is he still human? Surely, he isn't a real Orc?"
Tammy rolled her eyes, smiling, "Honey, He didn't start as an Orc. If that's what you're asking, he can only be called an Orc now, an Incredible creature after the transformation. She's actually quite lucky; the company could have mated her to pigs or bred her to an even filthier animal, getting off easy if you ask me; the sleeve lives in a state of orgasm all day."
Clair was excited to see what the Orc looked like. " It sounds like a fantasy novel or something. That's pretty exciting."
The women entered through a large wooden door and saw Kelly standing in the center of the room. Miko was being attended by two beautiful women dressed like slave girls. They braided her hair and dressed Miko in a leather belt and moccasins. A jeweled headdress was placed upon her head, and Clair felt that Miko looked incredibly stunning, like a forest nymph from a fantasy novel; her arched back and round rear seemed to flow from her rib cage and perfectly firm breasts.
"She looks so beautiful," Clair said as she approached Miko.
"She sure does," Kelly answered," Like a Hood Ornament on a classic car, perfect cock sleeve."
Miko seemed to exude an air of pride, Solemn, yet she appeared to Clair to be pleased with the compliments. One of the slave girls chirped a muffled squeal." Oh, she's wet! Don't worry. You'll be riding our husband soon!"
Clair looked at Kelly, "Husband?"
"Yes," Kelly said. "The Orc has three wives as well as his sleeve. They tend to his every need, Like a harem."
Tammy eagerly added, "These girls love having an Orc for a husband; he keeps his females busy."
Both slave girls turned to look at Tammy with lustful smiles, "He's the boss. We do anything he asks."
Clair could feel ground tremors and gasped, "Oh my, Is that an earthquake!?"
Tammy blurted out, "No, little girl, That's about 800 pounds of green beef lugging a tree size cock for our little sleeve here!"
She patted Miko on the rump, "Gear up, baby; Daddy's home, and he's hungry."
The two slave girls opened a jar of what was labeled "Formula X, EVERLUBE" and began rubbing it all over Mikos's pussy.
"OOO, that's the new compound. She'll stay slick for a week with that stuff", Tammy said, Dipping her hand into the jar and examining the clear, viscous lubricant. She played with between her fingers and then inserted them into her warm pussy, "Oh my, It tingles even more than the old stuff. Ahh ahh," She began bucking her hips and breathing heavily.
Miko had also started to breathe faster; her nipples were rock hard as she waited to be rejoined by the monster.
Clair had almost forgotten Tammy was completely naked while they were exploring the building, But now, in their heightened state, she was transfixed on the two nude women as they tried to fight off the effects of the formula.
"Such an erotic situation. Both of them are about to fall and writhe around," She thought.
"Good gosh, Tammy, You're worse than the property around her; I could have told you not to try that stuff; it'll drive you over the edge, honey!" She looked at Tammy, smiling, "And the fact that you refuse to wear clothes just makes it easy for you to lose control."
Clair watched Tammy fight her urges, and after Kelly's remarks, it seemed Tammy was embarrassed and blushed. "Misty, You see how she still gets embarrassed? Tammy here is permanently held in a state of humiliation. She can never feel comfortable being publicly nude and used; that's her wish; the Doctor gave her this gift. And as many huge cocks she fucks, She will never get tired of the act, Always longing for sex, Forever."
Clair responded truthfully, "Sounds like a lifelong wet dream, MMM."
Tammy rubbed her plump, firm breasts, "It's an amazing feeling; I have to fight my urge to run and hide when men stare at me; it's so exciting."
"Well," Kelly said, "You'd better get some control back; our huge guest is almost here; I can feel the floor shake!" She pointed to a large door.
Mikos's oiled body glistened with a slight sheen of glitter applied by the slave girls; she held her head up and stared at the door, Waiting to greet her Orc. Her arched back raised the perfectly round rump, And the lubrication between her legs reflected an overhead light like a beam shone on a target. As the large door opened, Clair gasped at the sight. A third slave girl held the hand of what could only be described as a green giant. His enormous mouth sported huge tusk-like lower teeth, and his massive nose sported a large golden ring. He slowly strode into the room, and as he entered a little further, Clair understood; along with his eight to nine-foot muscular body, He had the most enormous penis She had ever seen, complete with basketball-sized balls, Swinging very low as he shuffled into the room.
"Ooh, Just look at that!" Tammy exclaimed as she ran over to the Orc. She rubbed his body and lifted a leg to feel his skin against her pussy.
"Let's get his balls supported, girls," Kelly ordered.
The slave girls began dressing the Orc in a leather vest as well as a hammock-looking harness to support his massive testicles. Tammy helped and, with both arms, hefted the tree trunk of a cock up to clear the way for the ball supporter. "It's like lifting a baby cow! And he isn't even hard!" She lowered her head and began licking the member.
Clair spoke to the nervous Miko, "He is sure an impressive male. You're lucky to be his sleeve," She tried to sound upbeat, hoping to calm the frightened girl.
Miko tentatively nodded her head, and Clair could sense a little jealousy in her as Tammy continued her examination of the enormous penis.
"Tammy," Kelly said, Since you're so into that thing, "Would you please apply the cream so we can get tiny Miko home?"
Needing no coaxing, she began rubbing white cream onto the shaft, Her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she lovingly caressed the length. A loud grunt from the Orc indicated he was enjoying the attention, which made Tammy even more excited. A massive hand reached down and cupped Tammy's rear; with an effortless hoist, she was lifted to the giant's face as he studied her.
"I like this one," He said," Tammy tried to fight back for a split second; startled by his actions, He quickly spread her legs and began licking her pussy. Her protests turned to squeals of delight as she bucked and ground onto his foot-long tongue.
Kelly let out a ringing laugh, and Clair went along with it, Laughing at the woman's predicament; the long flesh lapped in and out of Tammy and would wrap up and into the crack of her ass from time to time.
"Thanks, Tammy, That'll keep him occupied while the girls get everything ready; you lucky little bitch, I'm about to strip and join in!"
Tammy turned her sweaty head around and smiled at Kelly. Grabbing onto the Orc's head, she continued her ride, reaching powerful orgasms as the mighty male broke her fighting spirit.
When the slave girls had finished their work, Kelly ordered the Orc to put Tammy down. Obediently, he responded and gently placed the near-unconscious woman onto the floor, where she lay still, moaning and jerking.
"That was interesting," Said Clair, "He's amazing!"
Tammy got up and stood meekly and uneasy; she felt her body blushing again, "He is like a dream; Miko is so lucky; I don't understand how this could be punishment!"
The Orc looked at Miko, Who had been silent since his arrival, "I want my sleeve. My cock is cold," He reached out to the little woman, Who instinctively raised her arms. Using one hand, he grasped her around the waist and lofted the beautiful female high in the air.
"I missed you; my sleeve wife needs to stay with me always," His voice shook the windows, and Clair could feel the deep tone in her chest.
Miko spread her legs as two slave girls lifted his now erect cock. The sleeve had been obedient and brave this whole time, But now as the immense head of the Orcs cock pressed against her warm hole, She began protesting and kicking; the slave girls held her legs and guided the penis home. As it entered, Clair heard a "Pop!" Then, Miko stopped fighting for a moment and let out a startled grunt. She resumed fighting as she slid down the shaft.
"Wow," Tammy chimed. The Doctor is a magician; in any real-world situation, that thing couldn't fit inside a human!"
The slaves tied Mikos's feet, and her wrists were secured to a strap around the giant's neck; she buried her face into his stomach and rested from fighting the inevitable.
"So warm," Said the Orc," And he started jumping up and down, causing Mikos body to rise and lower a foot at a time, Slapping her pussy deeper and deeper on his stump.
"Look at her bounce!" Kelly said as she got a closer look at the incredible penetration, "Still got a little fight in her, But not for long."
Clair drew closer to the scene.
"She's starting to fuck him back! Incredible work! A real living cock sleeve," Tammy sounded envious of Miko.
The women watched as The great Orc claimed his toy. His grunts became more strained, and his mighty back arched as he reached orgasm; with a final exhale, he pumped his seed into the limp, hanging woman. Mikos' flat stomach began to expand, indicating a considerable load.
"Good!" Tammy cheered excitedly, "Get it all into her; she loves to have you fill her. Her tummy looks like she's six months pregnant with all that cum inside!"
Clair couldn't take her eyes off of the incredible sex act she was witnessing and hadn't noticed that she was touching herself as she watched.
Clair thought she should act as an inquisitive intern, which was easy because she was interested in everything associated with the company that now owned her. So she asked, "Is he still human? Surely, he isn't a real Orc?"
Tammy rolled her eyes, smiling, "Honey, He didn't start as an Orc. If that's what you're asking, he can only be called an Orc now, an Incredible creature after the transformation. She's actually quite lucky; the company could have mated her to pigs or bred her to an even filthier animal, getting off easy if you ask me; the sleeve lives in a state of orgasm all day."
Clair was excited to see what the Orc looked like. " It sounds like a fantasy novel or something. That's pretty exciting."
The women entered through a large wooden door and saw Kelly standing in the center of the room. Miko was being attended by two beautiful women dressed like slave girls. They braided her hair and dressed Miko in a leather belt and moccasins. A jeweled headdress was placed upon her head, and Clair felt that Miko looked incredibly stunning, like a forest nymph from a fantasy novel; her arched back and round rear seemed to flow from her rib cage and perfectly firm breasts.
"She looks so beautiful," Clair said as she approached Miko.
"She sure does," Kelly answered," Like a Hood Ornament on a classic car, perfect cock sleeve."
Miko seemed to exude an air of pride, Solemn, yet she appeared to Clair to be pleased with the compliments. One of the slave girls chirped a muffled squeal." Oh, she's wet! Don't worry. You'll be riding our husband soon!"
Clair looked at Kelly, "Husband?"
"Yes," Kelly said. "The Orc has three wives as well as his sleeve. They tend to his every need, Like a harem."
Tammy eagerly added, "These girls love having an Orc for a husband; he keeps his females busy."
Both slave girls turned to look at Tammy with lustful smiles, "He's the boss. We do anything he asks."
Clair could feel ground tremors and gasped, "Oh my, Is that an earthquake!?"
Tammy blurted out, "No, little girl, That's about 800 pounds of green beef lugging a tree size cock for our little sleeve here!"
She patted Miko on the rump, "Gear up, baby; Daddy's home, and he's hungry."
The two slave girls opened a jar of what was labeled "Formula X, EVERLUBE" and began rubbing it all over Mikos's pussy.
"OOO, that's the new compound. She'll stay slick for a week with that stuff", Tammy said, Dipping her hand into the jar and examining the clear, viscous lubricant. She played with between her fingers and then inserted them into her warm pussy, "Oh my, It tingles even more than the old stuff. Ahh ahh," She began bucking her hips and breathing heavily.
Miko had also started to breathe faster; her nipples were rock hard as she waited to be rejoined by the monster.
Clair had almost forgotten Tammy was completely naked while they were exploring the building, But now, in their heightened state, she was transfixed on the two nude women as they tried to fight off the effects of the formula.
"Such an erotic situation. Both of them are about to fall and writhe around," She thought.
"Good gosh, Tammy, You're worse than the property around her; I could have told you not to try that stuff; it'll drive you over the edge, honey!" She looked at Tammy, smiling, "And the fact that you refuse to wear clothes just makes it easy for you to lose control."
Clair watched Tammy fight her urges, and after Kelly's remarks, it seemed Tammy was embarrassed and blushed. "Misty, You see how she still gets embarrassed? Tammy here is permanently held in a state of humiliation. She can never feel comfortable being publicly nude and used; that's her wish; the Doctor gave her this gift. And as many huge cocks she fucks, She will never get tired of the act, Always longing for sex, Forever."
Clair responded truthfully, "Sounds like a lifelong wet dream, MMM."
Tammy rubbed her plump, firm breasts, "It's an amazing feeling; I have to fight my urge to run and hide when men stare at me; it's so exciting."
"Well," Kelly said, "You'd better get some control back; our huge guest is almost here; I can feel the floor shake!" She pointed to a large door.
Mikos's oiled body glistened with a slight sheen of glitter applied by the slave girls; she held her head up and stared at the door, Waiting to greet her Orc. Her arched back raised the perfectly round rump, And the lubrication between her legs reflected an overhead light like a beam shone on a target. As the large door opened, Clair gasped at the sight. A third slave girl held the hand of what could only be described as a green giant. His enormous mouth sported huge tusk-like lower teeth, and his massive nose sported a large golden ring. He slowly strode into the room, and as he entered a little further, Clair understood; along with his eight to nine-foot muscular body, He had the most enormous penis She had ever seen, complete with basketball-sized balls, Swinging very low as he shuffled into the room.
"Ooh, Just look at that!" Tammy exclaimed as she ran over to the Orc. She rubbed his body and lifted a leg to feel his skin against her pussy.
"Let's get his balls supported, girls," Kelly ordered.
The slave girls began dressing the Orc in a leather vest as well as a hammock-looking harness to support his massive testicles. Tammy helped and, with both arms, hefted the tree trunk of a cock up to clear the way for the ball supporter. "It's like lifting a baby cow! And he isn't even hard!" She lowered her head and began licking the member.
Clair spoke to the nervous Miko, "He is sure an impressive male. You're lucky to be his sleeve," She tried to sound upbeat, hoping to calm the frightened girl.
Miko tentatively nodded her head, and Clair could sense a little jealousy in her as Tammy continued her examination of the enormous penis.
"Tammy," Kelly said, Since you're so into that thing, "Would you please apply the cream so we can get tiny Miko home?"
Needing no coaxing, she began rubbing white cream onto the shaft, Her tongue hanging out of her mouth as she lovingly caressed the length. A loud grunt from the Orc indicated he was enjoying the attention, which made Tammy even more excited. A massive hand reached down and cupped Tammy's rear; with an effortless hoist, she was lifted to the giant's face as he studied her.
"I like this one," He said," Tammy tried to fight back for a split second; startled by his actions, He quickly spread her legs and began licking her pussy. Her protests turned to squeals of delight as she bucked and ground onto his foot-long tongue.
Kelly let out a ringing laugh, and Clair went along with it, Laughing at the woman's predicament; the long flesh lapped in and out of Tammy and would wrap up and into the crack of her ass from time to time.
"Thanks, Tammy, That'll keep him occupied while the girls get everything ready; you lucky little bitch, I'm about to strip and join in!"
Tammy turned her sweaty head around and smiled at Kelly. Grabbing onto the Orc's head, she continued her ride, reaching powerful orgasms as the mighty male broke her fighting spirit.
When the slave girls had finished their work, Kelly ordered the Orc to put Tammy down. Obediently, he responded and gently placed the near-unconscious woman onto the floor, where she lay still, moaning and jerking.
"That was interesting," Said Clair, "He's amazing!"
Tammy got up and stood meekly and uneasy; she felt her body blushing again, "He is like a dream; Miko is so lucky; I don't understand how this could be punishment!"
The Orc looked at Miko, Who had been silent since his arrival, "I want my sleeve. My cock is cold," He reached out to the little woman, Who instinctively raised her arms. Using one hand, he grasped her around the waist and lofted the beautiful female high in the air.
"I missed you; my sleeve wife needs to stay with me always," His voice shook the windows, and Clair could feel the deep tone in her chest.
Miko spread her legs as two slave girls lifted his now erect cock. The sleeve had been obedient and brave this whole time, But now as the immense head of the Orcs cock pressed against her warm hole, She began protesting and kicking; the slave girls held her legs and guided the penis home. As it entered, Clair heard a "Pop!" Then, Miko stopped fighting for a moment and let out a startled grunt. She resumed fighting as she slid down the shaft.
"Wow," Tammy chimed. The Doctor is a magician; in any real-world situation, that thing couldn't fit inside a human!"
The slaves tied Mikos's feet, and her wrists were secured to a strap around the giant's neck; she buried her face into his stomach and rested from fighting the inevitable.
"So warm," Said the Orc," And he started jumping up and down, causing Mikos body to rise and lower a foot at a time, Slapping her pussy deeper and deeper on his stump.
"Look at her bounce!" Kelly said as she got a closer look at the incredible penetration, "Still got a little fight in her, But not for long."
Clair drew closer to the scene.
"She's starting to fuck him back! Incredible work! A real living cock sleeve," Tammy sounded envious of Miko.
The women watched as The great Orc claimed his toy. His grunts became more strained, and his mighty back arched as he reached orgasm; with a final exhale, he pumped his seed into the limp, hanging woman. Mikos' flat stomach began to expand, indicating a considerable load.
"Good!" Tammy cheered excitedly, "Get it all into her; she loves to have you fill her. Her tummy looks like she's six months pregnant with all that cum inside!"
Clair couldn't take her eyes off of the incredible sex act she was witnessing and hadn't noticed that she was touching herself as she watched.
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