Company Property (Part10)


Doctor Kelly opened the door, and the two entered the room where four petite, naked young women walked around with clipboards monitoring all sorts of readouts on machines. Each machine was hooked up to a nude man ball-gagged and secured to the floor at the feet while their arms were restrained and suspended above them; it looked like A BDSM torture chamber to Clair. She noticed the men were all fit and tan. They were beautiful examples of white men, but the most pronounced aspect of each male was their huge swollen testicles hanging between their legs.

The Doctor walked up to the nearest man and grabbed his dangling balls. She removed a rubber sleeve from his penis and motioned Clair to have a closer look," You see how his little penis is lost compared to his testicles?" She rubbed his balls, and the man moaned with pleasure, "We keep them in a perpetual state of orgasm, And they become pretty docile. The girls here are also affected by the pheromones and maintain an excellent work attitude."

She called over to A trim, dark-haired woman, "Becca, Come over here for a minute."

The woman responded and hurried over to the Doctor. "Yes, Ma'am. What can I do for you?"

The Doctor introduced Clair as a top-shelf Filly and asked Becca how her day was going.

"Oh! So much fun, Ma'am! The girls and I are milking them like crazy. It's so hot; thank you for assigning me as a milkmaid; I love it."

"Do you want to show the Filly here one of your tricks to get the most sperm?" Asked the Doctor.

"Oh yes, Ma'am, I was just about to help our little boy here." She slid a padded seat into place at belly height to the bound man, "This is my favorite way; I think it's his, too."

Removing the gag from the man's mouth. Becca climbed up onto the pad and wrapped her legs around his midriff. She placed her arms around his neck and began a very intense make-out session with the moaning slave, at times moving her mouth to his ear and whispering things like, "Give me more sperm, baby; your little white cock wants to make me happy."

Doctor Kelly stepped out of character and knelt, inserting the 5-inch cock into her mouth.

"Give the Doctor her fill, baby," The woman ordered, "My pussy is so wet, baby; I want you to feed the nice woman."

He let out a loud growl, and the massive orbs began pulsating; like an expert, Doctor Kelly swallowed, never spilling a drop. She pulled her mouth away and replaced it with the rubber sleeve. "I like to get mine fresh from the spout. He's got nice flavor."

Becca continued to coax him. Other girls were now performing actions similar to those of the other men in the room. "Quality control is essential; we don't want to produce a substandard load. Our dairy products are exclusive, and the women who buy them expect the best."

Clair was taken aback by the whole process. " How much sperm do they produce a day?" she asked.

"Several quarts. We fed them an exotic mixture of vitamins and elixirs created by the Master Doctor himself."

Clair raised her eyebrows as she was very impressed with the results.

"You can see that the men are treated much like the females regarding physical upgrades. They are all in shape and have great complexions. There are no offsetting issues like body hair or odors. Come over to this one and feel his balls, dear."

They both examined the next man in line; Clair reached between his legs and caressed the apple-sized globes, "So warm and smooth," She said with a lustful, soft voice. "And I love the way they hang low." She could feel herself getting wet, and an itch set in as her nipples became erect.

"Disrobe, dear. You can help him milk him," Kelly spoke softly.

Clair slid out of her uniform without thinking, exposing an unequaled body the other women couldn't believe.

"My goodness, Ma'am," A milkmaid said, "She's incredible!"

Clair didn't notice the comment; she had adjusted the padded seat in front of the man and was climbing up to wrap her legs around him.

"Hello, little boy, I'm Clair. Your balls have Something I want," she whispered into the man's ear as he fought against his restraints; she removed his gag and began passionately kissing him, "Good boy, You know that sperm is mine; I'm thirsty, baby. Pump it out for me."

Lifting her body, allowing the sex-crazed male to suck her hard nipples. Doctor Kelly adjusted Clair's seat, and she was now able to press her wet pussy to his mouth; a probing tongue drove her to ecstasy; as she gyrated against his face, the man convulsed, and the Milkmaids squealed with delight as a milk bottle attached to the machine filled with copious amounts of cum.

Clair turned her head and looked down. She smiled while watching the bottle fill, "Good boy! My, what a nice load you've given me," She clinched her legs around his head and bent over to give a hug, pressing her breasts tightly against him.

"Climb on down, dear, I have a gift for you," The Doctor put a hand on Clair's ass to help her; reluctantly, she backed away from his rapid lapping and climbed down from her perch; Doctor Kelly handed her the sizeable full bottle, "Lunchtime honey, You earned it!"

Clair again felt the creep of humiliation, "Sorry, Ma'am, I got carried away,"

"Ohh, don't worry about it; you've inspired the Milkmaids into a new approach at milking; you doubled the normal haul! I'm impressed." She looked at the nude goddess standing there holding the giant milk bottle of sperm. "Follow me to lunch as you are. We're meeting with some out-of-town guests, and they'll enjoy your company."

The feeling of humiliation was so strong now, Knowing that she would be meeting V.I.Ps completely nude, Let alone the fact her lunch was fresh pumped sperm.

The warm bottle felt nice in her hands as they walked to the conference room.

"These visitors are here to tour our complex; since you're our prized Filly, We want them to see our masterpiece. I'm sure you'll be on your best behavior, Dear."

Clair answered, "Yes, Ma'am, Thank you for the high praise."

The Doctor looked at her and spoke sensitively," You are worthy of the praise, dear, and I enjoyed your company today."

Her remark raised Clair's spirits, and she felt much more relaxed. Inside the room, a semi-circle table and chairs were decorated with dishes and glasses, and Several important-looking, well-dressed men and women stood talking and holding drinks. As they entered, the room went silent, Followed by a communal gasp.

"Oh my goodness, Look at that one!"

Feeling all eyes upon her nakedness, She stood with her head down.

When a large, foreign-looking man approached, he asked, "How is such perfection possible? How much for the girl? I must have her; she has no rival!" His tone was forceful and demanding.

The Doctor smiled and said, "Now Abdul, You know these are the company's property, and this one is not for sale; we offer many females for lease, but Filly 33 is our possession only."

Grunting angrily, he placed a large hand on Clair's little shoulder. His other hand followed along to her rear end.

"Let's get her in the center of the room so everyone can see our work of art." The Doctor announced, "She is to be a key element in the Master Docs grand project. You'll all get to see her in her element soon enough."

Standing on display in the middle of the room, Clair was admired and gently touched by everyone; a servant girl in a tiny French Maid outfit took the bottle from her, "We'll warm up your sperm for you."

Then Kelly asked the visitors to "Please be seated, and we can begin." The Men and women in the room all took their seats while Clair was left naked and alone in the center of the semi-circle.

"You see what the Doctor has done with this specimen? And not only is she a work of art physically, but she is also a perfect specimen psychologically and sexually, positively off the scale on every point." Doctor Kelly's voice had an overriding sound of pride, "Extraordinary and not to be treated as an average female; she just broke our single-load sperm record. As you can imagine, it came naturally to her; who wants her company for lunch?"

The room exploded with pleas for Clair to sit next to them; in the end, Doctor Kelly decided the three men from Ghana should have the honor. Clair sat between them, who moved their chairs to surround her. The food was served, and her warmed bottle was returned; Clair took a sip and smiled at the freshness.

"Look at how she enjoys sperm fellows," One of the well-dressed black men said, "Like a baby lamb sipping from its mother. If you were mine, I'd have you suckling from the largest cocks in the country; I have many exotic pets."

Abdul yelled from a few seats down, "I'd breed her to my prize stallions, A princess worthy of my four princes!"

Clair was embarrassed, humiliated, and at the same time flattered by all the fuss; the women in the room kept asking if she'd been bred yet, and the Doctor kept informing them that the Master hadn't finished his project yet, So Clair was being acclimated to her new life. She drank the sperm deeply, Feeling the satisfaction of knowing she milked it out herself, leaving a froth around her lips.

"Little one, I see you need a wash." The man to her left whetted a napkin and wiped her mouth, "So much sperm for you, little belly," His hand found its way to her stomach, "Such perfection. My Zoo would be the talk of Africa if I had you. I would keep you fed with semen from my racehorses! It's worth millions a gallon, but you, my precious, are worth it, And your days would be spent in the company of the very horses supplying your sustenance. I would show you to the most powerful people, and they would watch in awe of the beautiful copulation before them."

Clair continued to drink the load and looked up at the man with doe eyes,

"Yes, Sir, That would be a dream for any girl. I imagine your horses are the most stunning animals, and my body would keep them happy."

Doctor Kelly said, "Again, I must inform you that just as you would never sell your most prized animals, they can never be replaced. The same goes for this Filly; she is one of one." Thinking about her following words, she inserted, "She will never be on the auction block!"

Disappointment filled the room. "Why tempt us with such treasure, then?" a woman at the end of the table asked.

"It is to show off what the Doctor has created, Like displaying a work of art to a collector; she is our Mona Lisa, If you will grant me that analogy."

Abdul looked at Kelly and added, "The Mona Lisa has been stolen; your Filly could also meet the same fate."

Clair was a little frightened at his remark; She had never felt like such an Object before, a precious commodity that people were willing to do anything to possess.

"If such a situation did arise, I assure you the company would use its full power to remedy it!" The Doctor's voice had become stern.

Abdul looked at his feet. "Okay, I only spoke what everyone else was thinking. You tempt a Lion with a steak, and the Lion may not be restrained." He looked at Clair with mad lust in his eyes. "I so want this little one."

Having finished her bottle, the Servant took the bottle. As the woman began to walk away, One of the large black men grabbed her by the waist and pulled her midsection to his mouth. She fought, then gave in as the man began to assault her orally, "We wouldn't risk our relationship with you, Doctor Kelly; my associates are quite happy with your company. I'll take this one tonight in my room."

The Doctor, now relaxed again, answered, "Of course; you see, We are ready to accommodate our clients. Good choice; she's new and inexperienced, but her designation is pleasure servant, so give her a good lesson. She'll be waiting for you and your friends in your suite after your visit; use her however you see fit."

Clair could see the girl's horrified face, "Oh, I've got all sorts of plans for you, baby," the large man said to the girl," You'll be calling us masters by morning and beg for more cock." The shy, terrified woman answered, "Yes, sir, I'm here for your pleasure."

He then pulled off the servant girl's panties, "You won't be needing this tonight." He asked Kelly, "Can we get her all made up like a harem girl?"

Kelly nodded, "Of course, I'll send her to the wardrobe department."

"Perfect," he said, "We shall enjoy her tonight."

After inspecting the goods, he let the girl up; Kelly called for another assistant to remove the servant and prepare her for the men. She also requested some clothes for Clair.

"We'll need you a little more covered for the rest of the day. This display was just for the guests."

The new outfit arrived a few minutes later, and It surprised Clair. It was a Tinkerbell-like costume with wings, a short green skirt, and no panties; the green top stopped just below her nipples.

"Follow Dominic. She'll help you get dressed."

A woman clasped Clair's hand and walked her into the middle of the room. Everyone was now eating lunch and watching the show. Dominic dressed Clair and quickly and expertly put her blond hair up. She looked like a little fairy, and the guests all gasped at her beauty again.

"Like a storybook," A woman commented.

Abdul grumbled, "She should belong to me."

Doctor Kelly stood and wished the guests well as she bid goodbye, "Now, Filly, Follow me; we have an interesting property to look at."

After leaving the room, Clair and the Doctor entered the courtyard. Maintenance workers all stared at her. Soft comments murmured she felt more exposed than ever.

"We are going to see a little visitor from our fantasy branch, meaning the not of the real world realm; this is the new area the Doctor has decided to investigate; he's very big into erotic fantasy and animation."

Intrigued, Clair asked, "You mean like sword and sorcery?"

"Yes. In fact, Orcs and dragons are in the works. He's got a few genuine Ocs he created that are being fine-tuned in the lab; they started human but have been modified into another race altogether, Giants with low intelligence and, of course, massive sex drives. The property we are going to look at was once a Production Assistant at our studio; she wanted to do a little porn work and tried to defraud the company out of millions; she's now a brand new category of slave; what we are calling a sleeve."

Clair's eyes widened. "A sleeve, Ma'am? What does she do?"

Doctor Kelly joyfully answered, "A sleeve spends most of her day impaled by a huge cock; she becomes a piece of clothing for the wearer; in this case, her master is an 8ft tall 600-pound green Orc; he fucks her all day." She looked at Clair's shocked face, "She hasn't been fully treated, so her stretch is permanent; as the monster walks, She bounces up and down on his balls, And the girl is kept in a constant state of orgasm. As you can guess, Her mind slips away a bit over time. She is his forever, never aging, never degrading, and always in a state of pure titillation. Living on a shaft the size of a fire hydrant."

Kelly reached a large wooden door and spoke, "He's being enlarged a little further, So she's in here waiting for them to bring him out of recovery, The doctor has limited the stretch to a few sizes smaller than his cock, to keep him satisfied, but no mortal man could ever copulate with her again."

Kelly asked Clair to sit down in the lobby, wanting to have an important talk with her, "Yes, Ma'am," Clair responded, a little concerned.

Just then, a woman Clair didn't recognize sat down with them. "Hello, Fim," Kelly asked. Why did you want to speak with us?"

The striking tan woman spoke." I wanted to inform you that Abdul is trying to pressure the board into giving up this Filly," She looked at Clair, and her eyes moved up and down, "Not that I can blame him; she's a work of art, But the company holds this property as irreplaceable."

Claire furrowed her brows as Kelly spoke, "So, let me get this straight. Abdul wants us to sell our most prized Female to him because he wants to impress others and own the most beautiful creature?"

Fim nodded gravely, her lips pressed into a thin line. "Yes, that's the gist of it. He believes acquiring the most exquisite Filly can solidify his status and influence in certain circles."

Kelly shook her head in disbelief. "This isn't just any female we're talking about. She symbolizes our dedication to sexual advancement and cannot be repeated, according to our science."

"I know, Kelly," Fim sighed, frustration evident in her voice. "But Abdul is relentless. He's been bombarding us with offers and demands, trying to sway us with promises of significant financial gain and future partnerships. I refuse to let Abdul's desires dictate our company's decisions. Our integrity and values are at stake here."

"I couldn't agree more," Dr. Kelly affirmed, a determined glint in her eyes. "We need to stand firm and clarify that our priorities lie with our research and the Master's wishes, not with fulfilling the whims of a billionaire."

Claire's eyes widened in alarm as Fim informed Kelly of Abdul's threat to steal her." That's outrageous! We can't let him get away with this." Kelly said in a raised voice. "We'll take every precaution to ensure the safety and security of our prized Female. Abdul may be powerful, but we won't let him bully us into submission."

"We'll need to bolster security around the stables, maybe even hire additional guards," Fim said, "Something I've been planning anyway. And, of course, there are other ways to handle things."

Dr. Kelly nodded solemnly. "We have access to a network of individuals who are committed to our cause, believe in our mission, and will not hesitate to intervene if necessary. Experts in security, intelligence, and even, if need be, in more unconventional methods of dealing with threats." She paused, her gaze unwavering. "Abdul may think he's untouchable because of his wealth and influence, but he's about to learn that there are consequences for crossing us. We will not allow him to bully or intimidate us; The Company will use every means to protect what is ours."

Kelly looked at Clair, "risking all this to flaunt the most beautiful Filly in front of the wealthy elite, Having her fuck his prized Stallions as the centerpiece to his extravagant feasts and parties. The man already has five lesser Fillys on lease, And they are fine examples."

"It's more than just Filly33, but what she represents regarding wealth and influence. The best in the world, He cannot stand to think of owning anything second place."

"Exactly," Dr. Kelly affirmed. "In a world where appearances and status hold immense value, possessing Something as rare and coveted as she becomes a way for individuals to assert their dominance and elevate their social standing. She is our prize, and Nobody will change that."

As Claire mulled over Dr. Kelly's words, a sense of unease settled in her stomach. Humiliated by the realization that she was being viewed more as a commodity than a living being, valued primarily for her rarity and perceived prestige. Something to decorate a show horse as he fucked her silly while the wealthy urged him on. It had become a strange life for her, But she was sure the company was a much safer master than Abdul. Fim left, and Doctor Kelly assured Clair that she would always stay in possession of the company.

"Besides," She smiled, "Our horses are more beautiful and larger than Abdul's." She spanked Clair's behind.

Clair jumped at the spank And thanked Doctor Kelly for the reassurance but didn't know what to think of the stallion's comment. "Is that my fate? A breeding Filly to the huge Stallions?" The idea offended and excited her. "Oh my, A giant stallion." She licked her lips. The thought was so dirty, but she couldn't stop thinking about it.
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