Because of Hectorf


Janco was a bitter man; a man whose morals and ethics had been challenged and driven his him to the state he was in now as he raped his wife as she lay helplessly under him in their bed. He wasn’t totally brutal and his actions would leave no physical damage to her but the intensity of his brutal actions put a fear in Wendy’s eyes as never before.

Above her, Jan wanted desperately to punish her - to hurt her or even kill her but something held him back reminding him that it wasn’t his way. Frustrated, hurt and wanting revenge, he vented his feelings as he fu**ed his wife. There was no love and no caring in his actions as he drove himself into her depths.

Somehow, his ejaculation seemed to be delayed as he continued his onslaught. When Wendy cried, out, “Please! You’re hurting me,” Jan felt his pleasure. He was getting his revenge and pursued his taking of her with renewed energy. When he saw the tears in her eyes, he felt a glimmer of pleasure and just a little bit of guilt.

Finally, Jan felt his ejaculation rising and the ropes of semen shooting into her belly. It brought no joy as he rolled off of her and lay on the bed beside his wife. As he lay catching his breath and feeling a bit of guilt, he heard Wendy quietly sobbing and curbed his feelings of a need to console her.

As he lay, he thought of the afternoon when he had confirmed that Wendy was indeed having an affair with Hector Olson. He’d suspected for some time but it had been only earlier in the afternoon when Jan had followed the two to a hotel room in the Motel 6 and verified their clandestine meeting. “The bitch would pay,” Jan had resolved on seeing this.

As for Hector Olson, Jan knew him to be a loser. Far beneath his wife socially. Pitiful actually!
Who could blame ole Hector for wanting to dip his wick in a beautiful woman like Wendy?

Having observed the liaison and gone home Jan had gone home to await his wife’s arrival where he worked to suppress his anger as he waited. When had he thought back over the previous few months, he seemed to recall the time a couple of months ago when she’d begun her coolness towards him. He should have suspected then. Then there was that girls night out a couple of weeks ago.- why had she rushed to shower and change into her night clothing before he went to bed and refused to kiss him saying she had a sore on her lips.

His restraint failed him as is anger flowed forth lke never before.

It was then that Wendy arrived with their kids, Andy and Zoe. Seeing them, he said, “Kid’s, Your mother and I need to talk. Please go to your rooms.” When Wendy heard the words, she started to speak and her face clouded with concern only to be told to wait until the girls were in their room.

Then, Jan’d drawn his wife on to their patio where he said, “Care to tell me where you were this afternoon?” Wendy’s reaction was one of utter shock as her features went ashen as Jsn’s voice spoke with quiet fury. Then, he continued, , “Or about that girls night out a week ago Friday night?” His anger flowed freely as he spoke. “Why Wendy! I’ve tried to be there for you and I’ve loved you like no other.”

Suddenly Jen broke into tears and she spoke. “You were never supposed to know. Hector was just new and different and exciting and I kinda fell into our relationship. I don’t know why! He’s not a good lover and he just isn’t my kind of man for anything permanent. He means nothing to me, she said, “We can get past this and work things out. Please?”

“Can we get past this”. “ You’ve violated the trust between us and disgraced me. You are apparently sorry but are you sorry that you betrayed me or are you sorry you got caught. . .!” Jan’d said,

“Please! I’ve learned a terrible lesson,” Elie’d said, “Can we try to work through this for the kids sake.”

“Wendy! We wouldn’t even be talking here if it weren’t for the kids sake. You’re a slut and you’ve made me a cuckold. I’m willing to try on several conditions, First, you’ll go to the telephone and call ole Hector and break off that relation completely. I’ll be listening on the speaker phone so there’ll be no misunderstanding. Second, You’ll go to the health department and get checked for STD’s. Third, you’ll sign a nuptial agreement that says that if either party is found to hasve engaged in sexual activity outside our marriage, they will be divorced for cause and the entire community estate and the Kids belong the aggrieved partner,”

Hearing my terms, Wendy’d grew angry as she replied, “You don’t trust me. I’ll never sign that, Come on to bed and let me show you how much I love you. You know that you could never refuse me after that.”

Which brings us back to the present.

As Jan lay listening to her quite sobbing, he rose up and said, “ I’ll be out of here in a few minutes as soon as I pack some clothes and necessities.

For the first time, Wendy seemed genuinely frightened, “Where are you going? You can’t just leave the kids and me here without your support. Please! Can we talk?.

“We did.” Jan said as he left the bedroom and headed for the door.

An hour later, he’d checked into the small hotel just a block from his office. As he slowly placed his clothing in the dresser drawers and on hangers and put personal articles in the bathroom his heart was heavy. He grew maudlin as he felt a deep sadness as his anger dissipated.

Suddenly, he’d remembered it was long past the dinner hour and he hadn’t eaten. Next door at the diner Jan found them closing and the grill cold for the night. He settled for cherry pie and a malted milk before returning to his room and retiring for a deep sleep.

With morning, he found a call from Wendy on his cell phone and ignored it. At work that next day, Jan found it hard to work as he thought of his situation. By quitting time, he’d decided, on an equitable split, of their estate and arranged child support payments of $600 each, per month.
Again, he avoided telephone calls from Wendy as he sought dinner and bed. Again, totally fatigued, he slept soundly.

Next morning, Jan reviewed his incoming telephone calls and deleted them. He was determined to start a life anew even though he realized that he still loved his soon to be ex-wife Wendy very much. She could never be replaced in his heart.

It was Friday when the divorce papers were served and Jan’s lawyer reported that Wendy hadn’t taken it well. Saturday, Wendy’s father asked for a meeting and over lunch the older man made a plea for Jan to reconsider the divorce. He’d always been a good friend and Jan let him speak before saying, “There’s no way that I’ll ever go back to her. Too much has passed between us.”

The old man asked, “What could possibly have possessed you and your thinking when you made those demands on her?”

Jan replied, “That’s Wendy’s part of the story to tell. She refused those terms and I’m gone. The kids are provided for financially. Beyond that, there’s nothing I can tell you..

Wendy’s dad left the meeting early, before dessert and hostile, and the meeting was over. Then, Jan left and went to a movie where he got involved in the fantasy, Shortly, he felt his fatigue again and he returned to his room for sleep.

Back in his hotel, he decided to take the elevaor to his3rd floor room rather than the stairs as it was just easier. Back in his room, in bed, around midnight, he felt a burning in his chest and was sick to his stomach. He reached for his telephone and called 911.

An hour later, he lay in the hospital with an oxygen tube in his nose and various tubes and wires attached to him. He felt no pain. When he awoke next, he felt a huge device over his chest and curiously felt nothing. Then, he was back to sleep until he felt movement of someone over him. When he opened his eyes, he suddenly saw the blood covered device that had lain over him raised up and removed as the doctor deftly began sewing up the openings in his chest. For the first time, Jan could see about the room.

Then, next to the chair stood Wendy. “What the hell’s she doing here,” he thought through his clouded state of reasoning, “She didn’t even have his hotel address.” He felt a surge of anger followed by a mellow feeling of having the woman that he still loved close. Then, his thoughts turned to himself and he wondered, “What’s happened to me? Why am I here? Am I dying or have I been treated and on the road to recovery,” Then, he thought of Wendy. “Why in hell is that woman here.”

As he tried to ruminate on his situation, the medical people left him and Wendy approached. As she approached him she handed him a large envelope and said, “ the divorce papers are in this envelope fully signed by me as well as your marriage agreement for your choice which you may choose to execute.

It was then that Jan felt the tension in him abate and he returned to his drug induced state of a coma. Though asleep, his mind was clear and he mulled over the envelope. His choice was obvious and he rejoiced that his family could be whole again.

Some time, a bit later, Jan handed Wendy the agreement papers and asked for a pen and a notary public. A few hours later, the agreement was on file with the county recorder.

Then, suddenly Jan felt stronger and raised his head off the pillow and turned to address his wife. “Kiss me,” he said, I need a kiss.” As he spoke Wendy came forwars and planed the most passionate, deep soul kiss on him that he’d ever known. Jan tried to react as he felt her hand reach under the cover and grasp his limp cock.

Wendy’s hand on his penis was a gentle caress and brought an instantaneous erection. After a time, his wife backed away with the admonition, “Just wait until I get you home.” All the events of the past weeks was forgotten over the next few day and when Jan was released from the hospital he found his belonging back at home and in place leaving no trace of the trials of those past times.

Andy and Zoe, his kids, were happy to see their father at home and plied him with their attention as Wendy fixed a special dinner. All as relaxed and well at first. Then, he thought of his wife and of her giving herself to Hector. Why had she cheapened herself with a loser like Hector? She could have had any man she wanted so why Hector?” He felt a bad taste in his mouth. “The next few months weren’t going to be easy,” he thought,

Jan and Wendy had been making love through eye contact and body motions for days, They had been is a constantly aroused state of mutual seduction even as Jan lay in his hospital bed. As they worked with Andy and Zoe during the evening even the kids sensed something was up and seemed to understand. By 8 o’clock both kids went willingly to bed and left their parents to the business of making love.

Shortly thereafter, Wendy and Jan went to their bedroom together and moved to undress as they adored each other with their eyes. As Jan’s eyes watched her blouse and skirt fall away to expose
Wendy in her bra and panties he called out, “Stop! Let me look at you. I want to adore you with my eyes. Then, after his eyes had feasted, she turned and removed her bra and panties to allow him once again to enjoy her features. As she adopted several sexual alluring poses, and stripped asndogether they moved on to the bed.

There on the familiar bed, they moved closer and touched and caressed and kissed as they played to each other. It’d been too long since the two were together. . . too long since they’d felt the intimacy of lovers together.

Then, as Jan’s lips moved to suckle and lave her breasts he felt her passionate response. Suddenly, his cock was as hard as it’d ever been. When his fingers moved on to her groin and touched her threshold, he felt her response again. The fingers met te fresh flow of lubrication flowing from her private parts.

As his fingers began to explore her vagina, Wendy cried out, “Do it to me now. . . I want you in me now. . . Pleeeaaase !” When Jan startd to move over her, Jan suddenly pushed him back on to his back and said, “Lay still and enjoy. Don’t get to rambunctious until your heart’s stronger. I’ll do all the work.” With that, she moved over him and into the cowgirl position. Their eyes met and glowed with pure lust.

With that, Wendy rose up over his erect cock and grasped it with her hand. Guiding it directly into her pussy, she slowly lowered herself on to his man tool until it was buried completely in her depths.
Each was lost in the exotic feeling that emanated from their sexual union! Their eyes carried the message of greater intimacy and life was good again. . . or was it? Something didn’t seem right!

The sexual relations were good and the afterglow fantastic as they lay together in close contact and slept. With morning. Jan still retained that feeling, there was something not right. He couldn’t explain it but he felt it. As Wend prepared breakfast and to meet the day, Jan move quickly to Her purse and retrieved her telephone in order to set the tracking device in order. Then, he removed the transmitting chip from his telephone th hers and would now recorded all her telephone messages on to his computer. He felt a sense of guilt as he began checking his system.

By noon, Jan had discovered what he didn’t want to. Jan’s car was parked at an apartment complex across town and quick check of the registry displayed ole Hector’s apartment 203 at that address. It was with heavy heart that he gathered his cameras, note pad and went to observe. Then, as he drove, his anger grew to a fury. Soon, he had lost control and on arriving at room #203 with a jack handle
in hand he pounded on the door. “Open up you lecherous bastard!” he shouted and continued pounding.

When the door, opened, Ole Hector was grinning as he said, “What the hell are you doing here?” and tried to shut the door. In the background, he saw Wendy trying to dawn her panties and underwear. It was then that the jack handle connected with Hectors mouth and insured that some costly dental repairs were in order. Then a quick followup with a second one to his genitals sent him to the floor where a swift kick in the ribs resulted in some more broken bones. I wanted to hurt him - bad! Then, leaving a bawling, badly hurting Hector and my half dressed wife, I returned to my truck and drove away.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

By nightfall I’d driven to a new state and found lodging in a motel. V Next morning, I clled my lawyer and told him to start divorce proceedings and to set up two trust funds that’d pay Andy and Zoe each $600/month until they reached age 23. The rest of the money was to go to the Eastside Homeless Shelter. He could contact me by telephone if there were problems.

Then, Jan moved money from their checking account to his own account in his new location. It hadn’t been easy at first as he struggled to establish my new business! Often, there was barely enough income to keep food on his table but it grew and gradually he built up savings.

He was interviewing for a new office manager when Sheila came to his office and applied for the job. Sheila was poorly qualified in every respect and she was suffering from depression but she was willing to work for what Jan could afford to pay. Gradually, he’d learned that she’d run from a broken marriage and was really quite beautiful and wonderful. Though neither of them was ready for marriage, they’d soon developed a friends with benefits arrangement.

As the years passed, the business prospered and could afford a real office manager and Sheila became Jan’s aide. With their increasing income, Jan purchased a big five bedroom, five bath ranch house on five acres.

It was when Andy turned 23 years old that he sought Jan to thank his for is caring for them. Wendy was still in their old house but it was pretty dilapidated and run down. Hadn’t been cared for in years. Andy reported that his mother had remarried and had been successful in Real Estate Sales for a few years but her drinking had brought an end to that. Andy and Zoe still lived with her to care for her but Andy reported that he’d had a good job offer in a distant city.

Hearing this, Jan felt something he hadn’t felt in a long time. Be still loved his ex-wife and had to do something as she was hurting. When Andy left him, he carried Jan’s check fo $10,000 for the purpose of repairing and remodeling her house.

Then, he sought Sheila and said, “You know Ole Girl, we’re not getting any younger. Why don’t we get married and grow old together?”

The look on Sheila’s face was pricelessas she replied, "Why not."
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