Company Property (Part3)
Emilio Falcon
Clair tried to dry her eyes as Maria massaged the gel onto her rear. Maria asked Clair to pull down her panties to uncover her bottom so she could access all the redness.
"Yes, dear," Bethany said, "She needs to get the medicine onto the sore spots.
Clair looked around the room and reluctantly pulled her panties down in the back while covering her womanly features. All eyes watched the show as the pretty woman rubbed the naked, tanned rear end of Clair.
"It'll be sore for a few days, but it's not bad." Maria told Clair," Give it a day or two, and you'll be good as new."
Daniels approached Clair from behind and put his hand into the gel jar. He rubbed more onto the red blotches, and Clair shuddered with fear.
"See baby? I went easy on you, Kinda fun actually, Thanks for that, My hand is a lucky motherfucker."
The men laughed, and Daniel made a sexy face, licking his lips. Clair responded with.
"Yes, sir. Thank you for going easy. I'll make sure I don't break the rules again."
"Now that your punishment is over, It's time to help with the clean up," Bethany ordered, "Little Filly, help clear the dishes from the table, and fellas, make sure to give her words of support while she's working."
Maria pulled Clair's panties up, causing the soreness of her bottom to sting.
"I'll just pull them up like a thong to keep the gel from rubbing off. Here we go. That'll work for tonight."
The thin strip of fabric was pulled into Clair's cheeks, and her ass looked like two halves of a red apple as she walked to the table and felt a hand rubbing her.
"You're doing fine, little filly," a man said, "That's a tight-ass honey!"
She was again beyond any humiliation she had known before, and It continued until the dishes were all cleared.
In the kitchen, things ran as usual. Working alongside Maria as they washed and dried the dishes. The other women hadn't spoken to her, but she was thankful to have Maria to talk to, even if their conversations were short.
"That really hurt Maria. How can they get away with treating us like that?"
Maria continued working and answered, "It's how things work here. They always planned for you to mess up early. It's a way to keep you obedient. The punishment would be much worse if they were really mad at you. You did great and didn't lose it, and they like you, so don't fight them."
She asked Clair to look around the kitchen and see if she noticed anyone missing. Clair looked and counted seven girls.
"Aren't there eight other girls who work the kitchen?"
Maria nodded, "Yes; now one of those girls needs to take care of the incident with you and Thor. You woke him up early, and he needs to be tended to.
Clair looked puzzled. "Tended to? What does that mean? He seemed well-behaved and very friendly. I'd take tending to him over washing dishes any day."
Maria smiled and looked at her. "You are so new here. You'll find out all about this place in good time. I can't say any more. I'm afraid Bethany will separate us if I do, and I like your company."
When the work was finished, Clair walked back to her room. On her nightstand was a note reading, "To Filly number 33, You have a Spa and Primp appointment first thing in the morning. A gown has been supplied for you. Proceed to building 2A first thing after wakeup-Overseer2."
Clair couldn't believe how cold and mechanical it sounded as she read. Removing her skimpy clothes and being careful of her sore rear end, she stepped into the shower. The warm water was pleasant as long as she kept her rump out of the stream.
"He really enjoyed hurting me. Sicko was hard as a rock. My poor bottom is all red." She looked in the mirror as she brushed her teeth and twisted to get a good look at the aftermath of her punishment, "I'm not going to give them the satisfaction of punishing me again. I'll do everything perfectly and bore them to death!"
She slept on her stomach for most of the night, Nude and without covers. Her poor rear end was throbbing, and she could feel her heartbeat in every pulse. As the speaker sang to life announcing the wakeup, Clair realized her bottom no longer hurt.
"Where did they get that gel? I feel fine, and the redness is gone!" She looked at the note and the rob on the nightstand, " Spa day? It couldn't be normal, not here. I better keep on my guard and not screw up. Maria sounded pretty sure about the punishments getting worse."
At first, she thought the robe was a joke, It was so short that her butt cheeks were exposed, and the robe only went two-thirds the way around. She would be revealed from the rear again. She tied the straps behind her and slipped on the two white slippers under the robe.
"Now I need to find building 2A. I hope it's a short walk; they didn't give me any panties."
Carefully walking outside, trying to keep herself as covered as possible, she read the number of signs on the buildings.
"It's like a small city. The buildings are all on a grid system like at high school."
She found row 2 and proceeded to 2A, Passing smiling workers who showed no shame, staring at her longingly. The entrance was nicely decorated with palm trees and potted tropical plants. The immense guilded doors moved easily as she entered a large round room with a balcony and reception desk. An attractive, dark-skinned woman greeted her and asked Clair for her identification number.
"Um, I don't know, mam. I guess the note called me Filly 33?"
The title embarrassed her, but it was the correct I.D. The woman, whose name-tag read "Vonda," smiled and checked her computer.
"Yes, OOh, you're a new one! It's your first treatment. It's a busy day today for you." She looked at Clair with a sheepish grin and pointed to a chair for her to sit and wait in.
Trying to sit in the chair and not expose her private parts proved challenging, but she was happy her bottom didn't hurt anymore. Feeling security, she sank into the deep chair cushions and closed her legs. There was even reading material on a little table beside the chair. Clair picked up a colorful magazine that was titled "Paradise Ranching." As she leafed through it, it became clear that it was adult-oriented. Most pictures involved nude or nearly nude women, and the theme seemed to be horseback riding. Then she noticed all the horses appeared to be stallions with erect penises.
"This is a strange magazine. It looked like Playboy but with the models beside or riding male horses with huge Ummm." She thought.
The locations and picture quality were terrific, and she was impressed by the models' beauty. She didn't find it gross, just unusual. This shocked her. Porn wasn't high on her list of interests. Vonda walked over to Clair with a large drink cup.
"I've been told you didn't get your breakfast this morning. I have your new blend here. Please drink it all before the doctor gets a look at you."
Clair nodded her head and took the cup. It was about thirty percent bigger than her regular serving, which pleased Clair because she was starving this morning, and the warm cream always put her in a good mood. She sipped her drink and looked at the magazine; it felt like her ordinary spa; she was enjoying the comfort of it and forgetting to close her legs. Even pulling a leg up to cuddle a pillow while staring intently at the massive penises of the stallions, lost in her own world.
Then her daydreams began about riding Thor, like the woman in the magazine, with the wind in her hair and Thor's mighty body below her. She patted his head and kissed his neck.
"Are the saddles padded so you don't get sore or chaffed when riding that way?"
She looked closely at the picture to see what the women were sitting on. The saddles did seem to be padded, but Clair noticed the woman was very wet.
"Oh my." Clair thought, "I guess riding nude is a little more fun than I first thought!"
Growing more fascinated as each page was revealed to her. The beauty of the animals combined with the gorgeous nude women riding them seemed like a perfect match. As she reached the last pages of the magazines, Many ads were listed. Most seemed to deal with equine gear and equipment, listing saddles from padded to Belly.
"Belly? Why does a horse need a saddle on its Belly? I guess I'm not the most versed girl on horses. Probably some kind of attachment for horses that pull carts." She decided.
As Clair placed the first magazine down, she read the next issue's title, "Becky finds first love in the stable." The cover picture showed a nude Brunette leaning over a barrel with a stallion noseing his way around her.
"That looks seductive... I'm curious about who she met and if he's okay with her posing nude. They sure made the horse seem attracted to her; funny ad."
She was about to open the magazine when Vonda said, "F33, have you finished your breakfast? If so, proceed to room 4 down the right side hallway."
Clair put down her reading material and brought her cup to Vonda. "I finished it all. I was hungry," she said with a sparkle. Somehow, she felt comfortable now.
"Good Filly, I knew you would enjoy it. We mix a little Pfalz-Ardenner Kaltblut into the brew. It's costly and rare, But we are told you only get the best shakes. The head office treats the prize fillies like show winners." Vonda said with that sly, knowing smile.
Clair didn't know what to think of what she had just heard but played it off and thanked Vonda as she walked down the hall to room 4.
Reaching room 4, she read the plack on the door, "Exams and Determinations." "So cold and unthinking, I thought this was a spa visit?" She murmured as the automatic door opened with a woosh.
Inside, an older woman wearing a white hospital gown carrying a clipboard approached her to ask, "What is your designation, little one?"
Clair was familiar with the routine now and answered, "F33, Mam."
"Excellent," She said, "Did you drink all of the serum Vonda gave you?"
"Yes, Mam," Clair responded.
"Again, Excellent! That makes the job at hand go so much easier. Hop up on the bed behind the curtain over there, and I'll be in in a minute to get your vitals."
She pointed to a pink curtain separating a small alcove from the other bays. Clair walked into the bay and noticed that the bed was equipped with stirrups for her legs, like the table at her gynecologist.
"Oh, I guess it's a checkup. I wonder if I should tell them I just had my physical last month?" Thinking better, she decided to do what they told her.
The "nurse" entered, said," Let's get that blood pressure taken, " and picked up Clair's arm, "You're so petite and pretty. I can see why everyone is excited about the company's new Filly."
She proceeded with all the standard checkup rituals, which seemed very professional to Clair, But the term Filly really made her wonder.
"Are we women just property to these people, like cattle on a farm?"
"Lay on your right side, child. I need to get you cleaned out before we move on."
"Cleaned out? What? Clair thought. She wanted to ask what the hell that meant, but Maria's words kept ringing in her head, "The punishments can get much worse." So she did as she was told. On her side, she felt her gown being lifted up, and a cold metal plug was inserted into her anus,
"There, Good girl, just relax and let it flow into you. It'll only take a few minutes, and after today, things like this will be a thing of the past for you; the doctor knows how to make a little female like you so much better."
Clair was genuinely mortified, Only to be made worse when she heard a man's voice behind her.
"Is she almost ready for hair removal?" The voice asked.
"Yes," said the nurse, "I just need to evacuate, and she's good to go." The pressure in her gut was relieving as the machine switched to the evacuation setting, and Clair felt very empty.
"So exciting, Little one. They will use the newest laser remover on you, and you will never have body hair again. You are so lucky. We normal girls have to shave constantly! The things that doctor comes up with are shocking."
This all seemed like a dream to Clair. She began to feel that the shake she drank contained a few "Added" ingredients that Vonda hadn't mentioned.
As the thoughts of the shake passed through her mind, Clair drifted off into sleep. She woke and found herself nude, lying inside a round tube from the neck down.
"How long have I been out?" She thought, "Where is my fricking gown!?"
A male voice spoke from a tiny speaker next to her head, "F33, remain still until the technicians need you to adjust."
She stopped moving and just lay there feeling warmth on her body, making her skin tingle and tickle. She heard an intercom in the room "crackle." Then, "Technicians apply more cream position F33s legs, insert the probe projector." She could see two slots, one on either side, slide open on the tube. Two sets of gloved hands started rubbing white cream on her body, and between her legs, she was nudged to roll over, which she did without resistance. Her fear kept her from resisting; she just wanted this to end. One set of hands pulled her ass cheeks apart, and another rubbed the cream into her crack. She felt a warm tingle in her crotch as a handheld device lasered the hair away.
"They are very thorough, much more so than the bikini wax I usually get," Clair said, and she enjoyed the touching and rubbing more than she wanted to admit. Embarrassed, her face turned bright red, But she did exactly what she was told to do.
Over the speaker, another male voice said, "Give her the level 3 skin tone. It'll go so lovely with that blond hair."
She was told to close and wait to open her eyes until she got the all-clear signal. Clair shut her eyes and felt herself being entirely slid into the tube. A bright burst of light flashed. Then, the bed was slid out into the room.
"You may open your eyes and put on the jumper resting on the table. You will then proceed to station X for labeling."
Clair opened her eyes and was alone in the sanitary white room. The giant machine she had been in was now dark and silent. Putting on the jumper, she noticed her skin had gone from slightly pale to a healthy, darker tone, and no hair was present on her now flawless body.
"Ohh my, even the little birthmark on my tummy is gone. These people are sitting on a fortune in the spa business!"
The clothing supplied to her was a light pink jumper with an adorable collar. It was soft and warm, Fitting her body like a glove. A buttoned flap was located at the posterior, and she assumed it was for using the toilet, Making her realize she barely needed to use it anymore.
"It must have something to do with my diet. I had eaten solid food since I arrived here, and the shakes were all I needed. It's very odd."
The automatic door slid open, and she entered the center room.
A few technicians mulled about performing tasks on machinery she couldn't recognize but seemed quite advanced. A round glass device lowered from the ceiling, coming only a foot from her face. It appeared to be a camera of some sort. Startled, Clair stopped in her tracks as the device seemed to scan her head to toe.
"State your I.D. and destination!"
Clair heard the voice and took a second to analyze it, "I don't think that's a living person speaking. Is the ranch run by an A.I. system?"
"Answer the question, female unit!" The tone was more demanding now.
"Umm, F33 and I need to go to station X." Clair's response flowed out of her automatically. She was shocked at the sound of her answer but was glad when she heard the computerized response.
"F33, Station X is accessible to your left. I'll open the door, and you will enter."
Just then, A door slid open leading to a short hallway, and she read a sign that said "Labeling."
"Looks like I'm at the right station." Clair felt nothing but curiosity at this point, "I don't think I'm in any danger as long as I do what they tell me. So far, so good!."
The nurse at the station told her to sit in a Chair in the center of the room. An armature with a pen device attached hung overhead.
"Turn your head to the left, and as she did, A technician pulled her blond hair from right to left, exposing Clair's right ear and neck.
"Sate your I.D. for verification."
"I'm F33," she responded.
"Filly 33, You are verified. Prepare for labeling. You will feel a slight warmth below your right ear. Do not be alarmed. The procedure is short."
The arm lowered, and a scanning light emerged from the tip and pointed at Clair. After a second, a red laser burst forward, and she felt a slight tingle followed by heat below her ear. Then it was over. She had no lingering pain, and Clair wondered what had been done to her.
"You are now scan-able for I.D. Proceed to the next station for assessment and grading."
Clair got up from the chair and fixed her hair. Lighted arrows on the floor marked her route to a table down the hall.
"Yes, dear," Bethany said, "She needs to get the medicine onto the sore spots.
Clair looked around the room and reluctantly pulled her panties down in the back while covering her womanly features. All eyes watched the show as the pretty woman rubbed the naked, tanned rear end of Clair.
"It'll be sore for a few days, but it's not bad." Maria told Clair," Give it a day or two, and you'll be good as new."
Daniels approached Clair from behind and put his hand into the gel jar. He rubbed more onto the red blotches, and Clair shuddered with fear.
"See baby? I went easy on you, Kinda fun actually, Thanks for that, My hand is a lucky motherfucker."
The men laughed, and Daniel made a sexy face, licking his lips. Clair responded with.
"Yes, sir. Thank you for going easy. I'll make sure I don't break the rules again."
"Now that your punishment is over, It's time to help with the clean up," Bethany ordered, "Little Filly, help clear the dishes from the table, and fellas, make sure to give her words of support while she's working."
Maria pulled Clair's panties up, causing the soreness of her bottom to sting.
"I'll just pull them up like a thong to keep the gel from rubbing off. Here we go. That'll work for tonight."
The thin strip of fabric was pulled into Clair's cheeks, and her ass looked like two halves of a red apple as she walked to the table and felt a hand rubbing her.
"You're doing fine, little filly," a man said, "That's a tight-ass honey!"
She was again beyond any humiliation she had known before, and It continued until the dishes were all cleared.
In the kitchen, things ran as usual. Working alongside Maria as they washed and dried the dishes. The other women hadn't spoken to her, but she was thankful to have Maria to talk to, even if their conversations were short.
"That really hurt Maria. How can they get away with treating us like that?"
Maria continued working and answered, "It's how things work here. They always planned for you to mess up early. It's a way to keep you obedient. The punishment would be much worse if they were really mad at you. You did great and didn't lose it, and they like you, so don't fight them."
She asked Clair to look around the kitchen and see if she noticed anyone missing. Clair looked and counted seven girls.
"Aren't there eight other girls who work the kitchen?"
Maria nodded, "Yes; now one of those girls needs to take care of the incident with you and Thor. You woke him up early, and he needs to be tended to.
Clair looked puzzled. "Tended to? What does that mean? He seemed well-behaved and very friendly. I'd take tending to him over washing dishes any day."
Maria smiled and looked at her. "You are so new here. You'll find out all about this place in good time. I can't say any more. I'm afraid Bethany will separate us if I do, and I like your company."
When the work was finished, Clair walked back to her room. On her nightstand was a note reading, "To Filly number 33, You have a Spa and Primp appointment first thing in the morning. A gown has been supplied for you. Proceed to building 2A first thing after wakeup-Overseer2."
Clair couldn't believe how cold and mechanical it sounded as she read. Removing her skimpy clothes and being careful of her sore rear end, she stepped into the shower. The warm water was pleasant as long as she kept her rump out of the stream.
"He really enjoyed hurting me. Sicko was hard as a rock. My poor bottom is all red." She looked in the mirror as she brushed her teeth and twisted to get a good look at the aftermath of her punishment, "I'm not going to give them the satisfaction of punishing me again. I'll do everything perfectly and bore them to death!"
She slept on her stomach for most of the night, Nude and without covers. Her poor rear end was throbbing, and she could feel her heartbeat in every pulse. As the speaker sang to life announcing the wakeup, Clair realized her bottom no longer hurt.
"Where did they get that gel? I feel fine, and the redness is gone!" She looked at the note and the rob on the nightstand, " Spa day? It couldn't be normal, not here. I better keep on my guard and not screw up. Maria sounded pretty sure about the punishments getting worse."
At first, she thought the robe was a joke, It was so short that her butt cheeks were exposed, and the robe only went two-thirds the way around. She would be revealed from the rear again. She tied the straps behind her and slipped on the two white slippers under the robe.
"Now I need to find building 2A. I hope it's a short walk; they didn't give me any panties."
Carefully walking outside, trying to keep herself as covered as possible, she read the number of signs on the buildings.
"It's like a small city. The buildings are all on a grid system like at high school."
She found row 2 and proceeded to 2A, Passing smiling workers who showed no shame, staring at her longingly. The entrance was nicely decorated with palm trees and potted tropical plants. The immense guilded doors moved easily as she entered a large round room with a balcony and reception desk. An attractive, dark-skinned woman greeted her and asked Clair for her identification number.
"Um, I don't know, mam. I guess the note called me Filly 33?"
The title embarrassed her, but it was the correct I.D. The woman, whose name-tag read "Vonda," smiled and checked her computer.
"Yes, OOh, you're a new one! It's your first treatment. It's a busy day today for you." She looked at Clair with a sheepish grin and pointed to a chair for her to sit and wait in.
Trying to sit in the chair and not expose her private parts proved challenging, but she was happy her bottom didn't hurt anymore. Feeling security, she sank into the deep chair cushions and closed her legs. There was even reading material on a little table beside the chair. Clair picked up a colorful magazine that was titled "Paradise Ranching." As she leafed through it, it became clear that it was adult-oriented. Most pictures involved nude or nearly nude women, and the theme seemed to be horseback riding. Then she noticed all the horses appeared to be stallions with erect penises.
"This is a strange magazine. It looked like Playboy but with the models beside or riding male horses with huge Ummm." She thought.
The locations and picture quality were terrific, and she was impressed by the models' beauty. She didn't find it gross, just unusual. This shocked her. Porn wasn't high on her list of interests. Vonda walked over to Clair with a large drink cup.
"I've been told you didn't get your breakfast this morning. I have your new blend here. Please drink it all before the doctor gets a look at you."
Clair nodded her head and took the cup. It was about thirty percent bigger than her regular serving, which pleased Clair because she was starving this morning, and the warm cream always put her in a good mood. She sipped her drink and looked at the magazine; it felt like her ordinary spa; she was enjoying the comfort of it and forgetting to close her legs. Even pulling a leg up to cuddle a pillow while staring intently at the massive penises of the stallions, lost in her own world.
Then her daydreams began about riding Thor, like the woman in the magazine, with the wind in her hair and Thor's mighty body below her. She patted his head and kissed his neck.
"Are the saddles padded so you don't get sore or chaffed when riding that way?"
She looked closely at the picture to see what the women were sitting on. The saddles did seem to be padded, but Clair noticed the woman was very wet.
"Oh my." Clair thought, "I guess riding nude is a little more fun than I first thought!"
Growing more fascinated as each page was revealed to her. The beauty of the animals combined with the gorgeous nude women riding them seemed like a perfect match. As she reached the last pages of the magazines, Many ads were listed. Most seemed to deal with equine gear and equipment, listing saddles from padded to Belly.
"Belly? Why does a horse need a saddle on its Belly? I guess I'm not the most versed girl on horses. Probably some kind of attachment for horses that pull carts." She decided.
As Clair placed the first magazine down, she read the next issue's title, "Becky finds first love in the stable." The cover picture showed a nude Brunette leaning over a barrel with a stallion noseing his way around her.
"That looks seductive... I'm curious about who she met and if he's okay with her posing nude. They sure made the horse seem attracted to her; funny ad."
She was about to open the magazine when Vonda said, "F33, have you finished your breakfast? If so, proceed to room 4 down the right side hallway."
Clair put down her reading material and brought her cup to Vonda. "I finished it all. I was hungry," she said with a sparkle. Somehow, she felt comfortable now.
"Good Filly, I knew you would enjoy it. We mix a little Pfalz-Ardenner Kaltblut into the brew. It's costly and rare, But we are told you only get the best shakes. The head office treats the prize fillies like show winners." Vonda said with that sly, knowing smile.
Clair didn't know what to think of what she had just heard but played it off and thanked Vonda as she walked down the hall to room 4.
Reaching room 4, she read the plack on the door, "Exams and Determinations." "So cold and unthinking, I thought this was a spa visit?" She murmured as the automatic door opened with a woosh.
Inside, an older woman wearing a white hospital gown carrying a clipboard approached her to ask, "What is your designation, little one?"
Clair was familiar with the routine now and answered, "F33, Mam."
"Excellent," She said, "Did you drink all of the serum Vonda gave you?"
"Yes, Mam," Clair responded.
"Again, Excellent! That makes the job at hand go so much easier. Hop up on the bed behind the curtain over there, and I'll be in in a minute to get your vitals."
She pointed to a pink curtain separating a small alcove from the other bays. Clair walked into the bay and noticed that the bed was equipped with stirrups for her legs, like the table at her gynecologist.
"Oh, I guess it's a checkup. I wonder if I should tell them I just had my physical last month?" Thinking better, she decided to do what they told her.
The "nurse" entered, said," Let's get that blood pressure taken, " and picked up Clair's arm, "You're so petite and pretty. I can see why everyone is excited about the company's new Filly."
She proceeded with all the standard checkup rituals, which seemed very professional to Clair, But the term Filly really made her wonder.
"Are we women just property to these people, like cattle on a farm?"
"Lay on your right side, child. I need to get you cleaned out before we move on."
"Cleaned out? What? Clair thought. She wanted to ask what the hell that meant, but Maria's words kept ringing in her head, "The punishments can get much worse." So she did as she was told. On her side, she felt her gown being lifted up, and a cold metal plug was inserted into her anus,
"There, Good girl, just relax and let it flow into you. It'll only take a few minutes, and after today, things like this will be a thing of the past for you; the doctor knows how to make a little female like you so much better."
Clair was genuinely mortified, Only to be made worse when she heard a man's voice behind her.
"Is she almost ready for hair removal?" The voice asked.
"Yes," said the nurse, "I just need to evacuate, and she's good to go." The pressure in her gut was relieving as the machine switched to the evacuation setting, and Clair felt very empty.
"So exciting, Little one. They will use the newest laser remover on you, and you will never have body hair again. You are so lucky. We normal girls have to shave constantly! The things that doctor comes up with are shocking."
This all seemed like a dream to Clair. She began to feel that the shake she drank contained a few "Added" ingredients that Vonda hadn't mentioned.
As the thoughts of the shake passed through her mind, Clair drifted off into sleep. She woke and found herself nude, lying inside a round tube from the neck down.
"How long have I been out?" She thought, "Where is my fricking gown!?"
A male voice spoke from a tiny speaker next to her head, "F33, remain still until the technicians need you to adjust."
She stopped moving and just lay there feeling warmth on her body, making her skin tingle and tickle. She heard an intercom in the room "crackle." Then, "Technicians apply more cream position F33s legs, insert the probe projector." She could see two slots, one on either side, slide open on the tube. Two sets of gloved hands started rubbing white cream on her body, and between her legs, she was nudged to roll over, which she did without resistance. Her fear kept her from resisting; she just wanted this to end. One set of hands pulled her ass cheeks apart, and another rubbed the cream into her crack. She felt a warm tingle in her crotch as a handheld device lasered the hair away.
"They are very thorough, much more so than the bikini wax I usually get," Clair said, and she enjoyed the touching and rubbing more than she wanted to admit. Embarrassed, her face turned bright red, But she did exactly what she was told to do.
Over the speaker, another male voice said, "Give her the level 3 skin tone. It'll go so lovely with that blond hair."
She was told to close and wait to open her eyes until she got the all-clear signal. Clair shut her eyes and felt herself being entirely slid into the tube. A bright burst of light flashed. Then, the bed was slid out into the room.
"You may open your eyes and put on the jumper resting on the table. You will then proceed to station X for labeling."
Clair opened her eyes and was alone in the sanitary white room. The giant machine she had been in was now dark and silent. Putting on the jumper, she noticed her skin had gone from slightly pale to a healthy, darker tone, and no hair was present on her now flawless body.
"Ohh my, even the little birthmark on my tummy is gone. These people are sitting on a fortune in the spa business!"
The clothing supplied to her was a light pink jumper with an adorable collar. It was soft and warm, Fitting her body like a glove. A buttoned flap was located at the posterior, and she assumed it was for using the toilet, Making her realize she barely needed to use it anymore.
"It must have something to do with my diet. I had eaten solid food since I arrived here, and the shakes were all I needed. It's very odd."
The automatic door slid open, and she entered the center room.
A few technicians mulled about performing tasks on machinery she couldn't recognize but seemed quite advanced. A round glass device lowered from the ceiling, coming only a foot from her face. It appeared to be a camera of some sort. Startled, Clair stopped in her tracks as the device seemed to scan her head to toe.
"State your I.D. and destination!"
Clair heard the voice and took a second to analyze it, "I don't think that's a living person speaking. Is the ranch run by an A.I. system?"
"Answer the question, female unit!" The tone was more demanding now.
"Umm, F33 and I need to go to station X." Clair's response flowed out of her automatically. She was shocked at the sound of her answer but was glad when she heard the computerized response.
"F33, Station X is accessible to your left. I'll open the door, and you will enter."
Just then, A door slid open leading to a short hallway, and she read a sign that said "Labeling."
"Looks like I'm at the right station." Clair felt nothing but curiosity at this point, "I don't think I'm in any danger as long as I do what they tell me. So far, so good!."
The nurse at the station told her to sit in a Chair in the center of the room. An armature with a pen device attached hung overhead.
"Turn your head to the left, and as she did, A technician pulled her blond hair from right to left, exposing Clair's right ear and neck.
"Sate your I.D. for verification."
"I'm F33," she responded.
"Filly 33, You are verified. Prepare for labeling. You will feel a slight warmth below your right ear. Do not be alarmed. The procedure is short."
The arm lowered, and a scanning light emerged from the tip and pointed at Clair. After a second, a red laser burst forward, and she felt a slight tingle followed by heat below her ear. Then it was over. She had no lingering pain, and Clair wondered what had been done to her.
"You are now scan-able for I.D. Proceed to the next station for assessment and grading."
Clair got up from the chair and fixed her hair. Lighted arrows on the floor marked her route to a table down the hall.
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