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The law officeGill had worked hard to achieve her aim in life, college university and here she was at 31 the junior partner in a London law firm. More importantly she hoped today would see her win a very big fraud case to cement her within the firm. The case hadn’t been big when David the head of offices had given it to her to run with, but one man’s testimony had changed all that, football stars and television celebrities had been dragged into it and more importantly the paparazzi. David throughout it all ha...reading time 13 mingenre
Group sex
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Gemma 1: Torture!This is a continuation of my Bad Girl file #1 story... Friday, after school... early Evening. Adding insult to injury, I was to be punished in my own time, not during school time... all the other girls were heading away for the long weekend, but here I was, heading to Mrs Granger's, the Head Mistresses, Office, to be caned for being caught for doing something that wasn't my idea anyway. It wasn't fair!. I added it to the growing list of unfair things that "adults" had done to me recently. ...reading time 14 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
Little Matriarch Little Matriarch Written by Dirty Amber Note For Readers: Narrator of each part is mentioned at the start. I am sure most readers will find this note superfluous. ********************** Tom has three daughters, Lily [13], Tracey [11] and sam [10]. His brother and him had married their cousins, twins. After freak tragedies men were left alone and brooding. Lily takes over as matriarch. She first takes her father and shares him with her two sisters. Then she takes her grandfather and...reading time 162 mingenre
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Dirty Amber
Pegging lessonI met this Hispanic girl through a dating site. She approached me actually, and I thought for once I could get lucky. She was very forward, and invited me out for drinks sometime. I like it when a girl makes the first move when it comes to dating. If she likes to make the first move with a date, she may be a little more aggressive in the bedroom. We'll call her Anna. So, the night came when Anna and I went out to get some drinks. We didn't spend much time at the bar. We just had a few drinks, a...reading time 20 mingenre
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Betrayal: A Bondage Trap It’s a beautiful warm mid summers day in a quiet secluded parkland. Trees are providing shade and protection from the harsh sun rays. I look around only to see trees all around me, a drive path just ahead of me that passes me from left to right, a large shelter on the left side with park benches in it with a car park on it’s left side. The drive path is made of gravel like a country homes driveway. From my position, the right side of the drive path leads out of my view. It leads to the exit o...reading time 56 mingenre
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New life for Ruth part three Ruth sat in the back seat of the car behind the young driver, she new she had more than an hours journey before her. She had almost run to the car so high was her sexual excitement plus the fact how would she explain to the neighbours the long raincoat on a hot August day. Underneath that long coat she wore the outfit delivered by Jacob Rees to her office the previous day, a tiny black pleated skirt, a sheer white blouse, blue and white school tie, white school socks and hold-up fishnet stockin...reading time 35 mingenre
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Three feet of cockIt was a hot August afternoon. Cicadas buzzed lazily in the trees. The oppressive heat of summer was just beginning to give way to the brisk comfort of autumn, and to celebrate the end of the season, Tristan and Perrie were hosting a barbecue for their friends. Little did they suspect, though, what would happen before the sun set on that day. Tristan and Perrie were a typical suburban couple. They had met in college, began dating, and soon fell in love. She was a Filipina and adored her curre...reading time 53 mingenre
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Aves de la NocheAves de la noche Birds of the night in Latin American culture relates to the complicated relationship between machismo and homosexuality. In a culture that emphasizes the manliness of most men homosexuality the acceptance of the faggot is a complicated but ever present issue. Gay men generally present as feminine but are very careful to segregate themselves from the overwhelmingly masculine majority. There are circumstances where the two cultures do cross but the rules are complicated and the ...reading time 95 mingenre
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Bobbi Satin
A Spark Ignites: Gretchen's Unexpected PassionGretchen was the most beautiful Amish girl you could find. She was slightly above medium height. She was slightly taller than medium height, with long blonde hair (sadly hidden under a bonnet), the biggest blue eyes and a nice round ass. Working at the Amish market was ideal for Gretchen. It wasn’t like her plain existence, but it seemed more inviting than that. She had always been a dutiful Amish girl, following the Ordnung, the strict rules and traditions of her community, without questi...reading time 28 mingenre
First times
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Black Caddy DaddyBlack Caddy Daddy Over the many years of cruising I have learned how to look for the signs of places and men who are looking for a little action. Learning to loiter with intent and recognize those who are loitering with intent is a more exact science now days but it can still be done. We live in a surveillance society now with cameras, security guards, lighting and cops watching public places so the days of open cruising are long gone. If you take your time, are cautious and learn from small mi...reading time 16 mingenre
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Bobbi Satin
Castigating Alexis [Non-consent] [Torture]Castigating Alexis Nightkoschei Marcus was a high school senior. Like many his age, he couldn't wait to finish school and get on with his life. Unlike many his age, Marcus was the son of a wealthy criminal family. Growing rich on drug sales and money laundering, his family mainly operated in America and, more recently, in Russia. Once he finished high school, Marcus would likely spend a few years going his own way, before ultimately joining the family business. That was the plan anyway. Latel...reading time 67 mingenre
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Routine All characters age is over 18 Routines, who says they are boring Its 7:30 Saturday morning and I’m in my recliner sipping my morning coffee. I’ve been up about an hour. Long enough to do my morning things of getting showered and shaved. Had a small bite of breakfast. Now I can relax with my morning coffee, anticipating the coming day. Without really watching it I have Kali’s favorite cartoon program on the TV. Upstairs on the second floor I hear the shower shut off and a few minutes later th...reading time 18 mingenre
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Summer Wolfe #1* Hi Guy's this story is a work in progress... I'm trying out a different style of telling the story, but I'm not sure if the website will display what I write correctly. Below is a Chapter written as I would normally do it. Late in Chapter Two I kick off what I want to try... if it looks muddled, that's me trying to explain what both people feel at the same time... it looks ok on my PC! So I'm hoping it will work here. Fingers crossed! (No, I can't even keep explanations short... sorry!) Nope....reading time 32 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
It's Super Effective - Spare the Rod, Spoil the MotherDisclaimer: I do not own Pokemon nor profit from it. This is a parody, protected under Fair Use in Section 107 of US Copyright Law. It's Super Effective - Spare the Rod, Spoil the Mother Synopsis: Pokemon AU - An evil Ash sadistically punishes and trains his mother, becoming a different kind of master. ----- "I..I can't!" The naked 33 year old woman groaned, her own juices flowing around her fingers and down the lower curves of her ass cheeks. Sitting on the floor, legs lewdly spread, the au...reading time 92 mingenre
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It's Super Effective - Spare the Rod, Spoil the MotherDisclaimer: I do not own Pokemon nor profit from it. This is a parody, protected under Fair Use in Section 107 of US Copyright Law. It's Super Effective - Spare the Rod, Spoil the Mother Synopsis: Pokemon AU - An evil Ash sadistically punishes and trains his mother, becoming a different kind of master. ----- "I..I can't!" The naked 33 year old woman groaned, her own juices flowing around her fingers and down the lower curves of her ass cheeks. Sitting on the floor, legs lewdly spread, the au...reading time 92 mingenre
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My Red Thong"So, how are you two boys doing?" I asked, walking into his room with a basket. "We're fine, Mom, and I can do my own laundry." "I know, Bruce, but I'm still your mom, and I'll do it if I damn-well please," I made clear, going to his hamper. "You don't mind if my unmentionables touch yours, do you?" I asked, putting his clothes on mine in the basket "Mom, seriously, you're making Jim uncomfortable." I leaned up and glanced at him. "Is that true, Jimmy? Does your mom do your laundry?" I look...reading time 23 mingenre
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Paying For The Roadside Assistance My wife Mandy and I were on our way back home after getting our son settled in at college. She was feeling a bit depressed over it, in fact she'd been feeling that way two weeks prior to Ricky's move. Empty nest syndrome is what her doctor calls it. I guess we guys handle things differently in fact I had plans to turn Ricky's old room into my she cave. And I was actually looking forward to settling into the peace and quiet of a normal life with Mandy and Cindy as well. But now this shit was hap...reading time 18 mingenre
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Taz Dragnor
Geneva’s Guidance I went most of my life fantasizing about sucking a man’s cock. This was not due to a porn addiction as I would agree is a contributing factor today. I grew up before computers and the internet. Porn was extremely limited for me. I can honestly say my desire to experience sucking a man’s penis came before I had any exposure to porn of any time including magazines. For me, it started with sexual conversations and innuendos about blowjobs and people saying things like suck my cock. I even overhea...reading time 22 mingenre
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Little Tie-up Games - part 2I found myself in a strange but happy situation with the 'game' that I played with one of my good friends and his wife. Things were simple, I wanted to be tied up. I really didn't have a need for sex because I was happy and faithful in my marriage. Andrew and Amy had found out about my fetish and offered a safe place for me to get my 'fix' as Andrew so commonly put it. They would contact me with a time that they had made themselves available to play. Their kids were out somewhere else and I had...reading time 20 mingenre
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HC Monkey
Laney' TaleRomantic Memories of Laney R. (first in a series) By Roger MffBest    Winsome young Laney R. her best friend, her next door neighbor and his dog who she helps out; then He “helps” her out learning of joys in life! A true story. It was innocent enough, that is, in the beginning. Later I lost my innocence and found sexual pleasures beyond my dreams.  My next door neighbor, Jim, was away from home.  “Would I help with his garden and his dog while he was gone?”  Of course,...reading time 19 mingenre
First times
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Connecting With Neighbours Ch. 04It was a gloomy Monday in Sydney, and Darcy was finalising the invoicing of clients for the previous week when out of the blue, the doorbell rang. He was slightly annoyed as he was not expecting any visitors, and he was on a productive roll, ploughing through the admin. He fully expected it would be a hawker of some description or some church group. To his extreme delight, it was Margot, but she seemed a bit anxious. “Hi, Darcy,” she said, her eyes cast toward the ground briefly. To Darcy, she...reading time 36 mingenre
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Neurophile (part 2)Chapter 2: The Best Girls in the World On the way home, just as I got onto the highway, I noticed that I was very low on gas. I chided myself for giving Bridget the rest of my money and prayed that I had enough to get home. I may have published works, but money on my end has been skimpy lately, barely trickling in. I let out another sigh and flipped on the radio to distract me from my woes. I was unimpressed with the current song and went to change the station, and that was when the car pu...reading time 17 mingenre
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E. Rod Dicka
Nice girl turns NastyZoe, 17 and soon to leave school and destined for university. Pretty, tall, golden blonde hair, blue eyes and a figure that could grace the cover of any magazine, extremely intelligent, you get the picture. All the boys and some of the girls at school had a crush on her. The way she held herself, the poise and the way she walked, not so much walk as glided into a room was spectacular. Even the teachers talked about her. A total transformation from the girl that started at the school aged 11...reading time 17 mingenre
First times
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The Kelly Brown Tales: Mr Cooper.Prequel: The Kelly Brown Tales: Sue #1) . . . The sheathe had stopped me from emptying myself into my son's friend, Sue. I'd snuck out of the house and had been hiding in the garden, behind the trellis fence, watching the young people in my Spa pool. I'd stood in the dark, fantasising about having sex with Kelly, Sean's girlfiend. But then the two of them had gone into the sauna, leaving the blonde one, Sue, alone in the Spa... I swapped my attention to her. Sean had some interesting video c...reading time 17 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
All In A Day's Work“Oh, I’m glad you’re here.” Sharon, a pretty blonde, looked up from her computer to see the head of her manager Danielle peering over the wall of her cubicle. “Where else would I be,” Sharon sarcastically thought to herself. Daniel stepped around the wall and entered Sharon’s cubicle. Sharon could tell by the way Danielle followed her initial greeting with a “so, how you doing” that she had some mundane task for her, that she couldn’t find anyone else to do. Without waiting for an answer, Dani...reading time 14 mingenre
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