Gemma 1: Torture!


This is a continuation of my Bad Girl file #1 story...

Friday, after school... early Evening.

Adding insult to injury, I was to be punished in my own time, not during school time... all the other girls were heading away for the long weekend, but here I was, heading to Mrs Granger's, the Head Mistresses, Office, to be caned for being caught for doing something that wasn't my idea anyway.
It wasn't fair!. I added it to the growing list of unfair things that "adults" had done to me recently.

The desk was a heavy Victorian piece, probably from back when the school first opened. Polished wood, gleaming, reflective. This end of it was more shiny than the other end.
I imagined generations of girls bent over it, leg's splayed, waiting for their punishment to be meted out... their dresses rubbing it, polishing it, just like I was.

As the minutes and seconds passed, my tit's were increasingly being crushed flat against the hard wood by the rest of my upper body... feet flat on the ground, knee's bent, legs wide, bum made to protude... aching from the unnatural position that I was keeping... wishing the Headmistress would come back and get on with it, get on with caning me.

Uncomfortable as I was, I was starting to perspire from the heat inside the Office and the strain of holding the same awkward position for so long. I squirmed to alleviate the discomfort, my dress polishing the desk's surface with the oils from my skin, like so many others before me.

Mrs Granger had answered her cell phone, said she would be along, then glanced at me and told me to stay where I was and that she would be back in a minute...
That had been, I looked at the seconds hand moving on the clock... 7 minutes and 13 seconds ago... 15... 16... 17... my legs hurt... my hips hurt... my back hurt... my tit's hurt, my neck hurt... I wanted to get caned, just so I enjoy standing up, afterwards. I alleviated the pressure by turning my head and scrutinising Mrs Granger's Shadow, an Irish Wolfhound, which was resting in the large wicker basket, against the wall.
Nice bit of dog meat, that!
He reminded me a little of Sultan, different colour but big bodied... tall and strong...
Yep... I smiled briefly... Good old Sultan!, my smile faltered... I wonder if he's found a new piece of ass to screw?... probably. It was a shame that Rachel, my Step-mum, had caught us at it... and sent me here, a long way from home... hoping this school would straighten me out and educate me simutaneously.
Yet here I was, eyeing up another dog and thinking the same salacious thoughts... some things wouldn't change, without good reason.

The scent of the Omega was pleasant... I rested my nose on my paws and drew it in deeply... liking it, appreciating it... no scent, no hint, of fear on her. Not like most of the young females, those who quivered in fear at the Mistresses approach. This one lay quietly, waiting for the next command to be issued...

This one was smart enough to be obedient to the 'Mistress's commands. She'd been ordered to "Stay" and, like a good dog, "Stay" she did... the long-legged girl even resembled a dog, bent over the table like that, I thought, approving of her horizontal spine and the movement of the tight muscular haunch's she was displaying as she waited for the 'Mistress to return. I looked at her lines... yes, this one was definitely built for speed... like a Greyhound... slim and lithe.

She turned her head back towards me, our eyes locking on each other. She was eye-balling me boldly now, and I tensed .... she was Omega! I was Beta! it was not her place to look at me in such a way!... as if she was challenging me, in some way!
Foolish, but bold of her, to challenge the heirachy of the pack! I felt the need to assert my dominanance over her... but I was intrigued by her boldness, nontheless.

I listened for the sound of foot steps... nothing... rested my face on the desk and imagined what would happen, if the dog was interested in me... Mmmmmm!... yeah!... I felt the tingling in my loin's start, reached down and drew my dress up, flipped it over the top of my bum and rubbed my butt cheeks with the palm's of my hands... hoping the dog would show some interest... that would brighten up my day, I thought, easing my fingers onto my thigh, stroking inwards... wanting the dog. Thinking about dog cock... touching me again... my panties were in the way... ears straining... nothing! I hooked my thumbs into the sides and eased it down, feeling the air on the naked bit's as I offered them to the dog!
Do you want to play?

He wasn't making any moves towards me! Was the dog a virgin?, didn't he see me as something he could fuck? I exhaled at the thought of introducing him to stud duties... listening and feeling him enjoy what I wanted to offer him.
Mrs Granger wasn't so smart, if she'd leave me alone with her dog... dumb of her, in fact! Obviously she wasn't training him to perform those duties... what a prude!
Perhaps I could further his education... teach him a thing or two... imagine that, Gemma!
Yes!, that'd feel nice!

A subtle change in the girls scent...
What was that?... what was that intriguing smell?

I stood and the girl's eye's and facial expression changed... she looked... I didn't know what she looked like, I'd never seen that look before... she looked... pleased... hungry!, she licked her lips, slightly.
"Good boy!" she said huskily, "Come on... over here!"... she was still acting like she was the superior, giving me commands!. Who did she think she was? Only the 'Mistress had the authority to command me!
Still, that smell!... acting against the 'Mistresses command to "Stay", I dared to take a step, out of the basket... looked and listened, nothing! . .. ... carefully, quietly, I stepped closer to the Omega... following my nose into the part that was attracting me, I felt the girl shiver with excitment as I SNIFFED her... "Good Boy!", she whispered... "Good boy!, do that again!"

Three big inhalations, muzzle under my butt, pressing against me ... and then he tongued me... I twitched at the pressure of his tongue on me... he did it again and I bucked gently away from it... from how it made me feel! Good!, so fucking good!, too fucking good!. It was torture!
Torture!, after so long with out it!. I kept jumping around as he licked me out... I reached out and grabbed the edge of the desk to try and keep still as the dog's tongue licked and rolled over me... I eased backward, off the desk slightly, to give him better access.
Bum!, vagina!, clitorus!... he was hitting all the good parts!... so good!
I started humping my body, anticipating the next stroke, wanting it, desperate for it, wanting an orgasm, desperate for that too. Wanting him to take me... bone me out.

I was constantly surrounded by the other girls! Stuck in a dormitory with 9 others... they showered when I showered... slept when I slept... I had neither the time or a place where I could ease my need... but now the dog's tongue made me twitch and moan as my body demanded my attention... satisfaction.
Bum!, vagina!, clitorus!, thighs! He worked his way across my skin, picking up speed, liking it... me... the taste of it, pressing his tongue against me, harder, harder... his tongue was slobbering wet with his saliva, I was slobbering wet from his tongue and my pussy was slobbering wet, despite the dog not having gone inside me yet... I was aching for it, for that moment he jumped on me, thrusting, entering, fucking, slipping in deep, stretching me out... lengthway's, sideway's, pumping, pumping, pumping... easing my need's, until we were coming, coming!
I couldn't take tongue any more!, I needed more than just his tongue!
I no longer cared about Mrs Granger returning... if she found me fucking her dog, then that was just too bad!
I had to get him into me!
"Stop licking and start fucking me!", I ordered the dog, desperate for him...

Lick, lick, lick!
Num!, Num!, Num!...
I'd never tasted anything as good as this girl!, smelt anything as good as this!... this liquid the girl was rubbing over my face with her body, smearing it all over my muzzle as I tried to keep up with her, teasing me by moving all the time. She was jumping around the desk... becoming more and more frantic... I didn't know if she was trying to help me or trying to escape me...
"Stop licking and start fucking me!" The Omega demanded... I was not to be ordered about by such as she! I stilled... my posture changing to one that showed my displeasure, letting her know I wasn't amused... know your place, bitch! or feel my wrath!

The licking stopped... the dog's breath gusted over me... I stilled... aching for him to finish it... Tortured body spasming... the feeling dying away... No!... no! I'd been close!
"Fuck me!" I demanded again... at the suddenly motionless dog.
The dog opened his mouth and gripped me in between his teeth... his mouth lightly clamped over and around my sex... a soft growl vibrating softly, in his throat.
Incisors touched my clit, pressing in against it, until I winced at their sharpness... canines to each side of it, digging into my mound and on my arse cheeks, molars pressing in, all of them sharp, he wasn't working them in to me or ripping and tearing at me... but I understood the threat!
He was the Boss!
I was his bitch, now!
His tongue had pressed in, broad, with hot air gusting out of his throat... I couldn't ignore the tongue as it continued to torture me... so, with my body still screaming for release, I held still...!

She understood now, I thought... I was over her!, a Beta member of the pack!, she? a mere underling! She should do what I wanted, when I wanted it... it was the natural order of things!
It would be best if she remembered that!
Hold still, bitch!, I growled gently... massaging her with my tongue, while maintaining the light grip on her.

Num, Num, Num!... I felt the little jerks that she made... increasing in speed, but she no longer tried to evade my tongue...
Num! num!, num, num!, num!...
I couldn't stand with my mouth open all day! My jaws were starting to ache!
I nibbled on her, grabbing the little tuft of fur down there, between my teeth and pulling it gently away from her body, so it tightened and released... the bitch was panting now...
Num! num!, num,
Nibble, nibble
Num!, num!, num! num!, num, num!, num!
Grab! stretch!
Nibble, nibble, nibble!
Num! num!, num...

All my emotions were pent up inside, but I was afraid to move as the dog ate me out, teeth scraping gently over my sensitised flesh, pulling and stretching my twat... like fingers, fingernail's digging in and grabing handful's of me... while his tongue consumed all I leaked out... unable to do anything to alleviate the tension that he was making inside me, it built up, built up... until I was whimpering for it to stop... inarticularly begging the dog to show mercy on me... stop the torture!, stop!...
I'd been desperate to have him in me... but my clitorus solved the problem... I shuddered as his tongue and teeth gave me the release I needed... an orgasm!. Small... barely worth mentioning, in the over all scheme of things!... but in that moment, after so long with out... it felt marvellous!... sweet!... and I loved the dog, felt so thankful towards him... thank you! thank you! I welcomed the little shudder's that went through and through me... the torment over... for now. I dropped my head back onto the desk and lay still, wanting to drift off to sleep after the release of all the tension that had been in me...

Wake up, Gemma!
You're lying, bare-arsed on Mrs Granger's desk... panties at your knee's and dress halfway up your back... sort your shit out, before she comes back!
I stood, groaning, as gravity had it's way with me... pulling my vertebrae into their natural position, feeling heavier all of a sudden, knee's sagging until I stiffened my leg's up... the dress fell down, I pulled my panties up... I felt hot and sticky, now...

The dog was still beside me... tail wagging slightly... I knelt and checked him out.
God!, he was a big boy! I reached out and manipulated his sheathe, gently squeezing it so I could feel the rigid bone, under the skin. I reached to rub his chest...
Rub, rub... stroke, stroke... smiling as he thickened up slightly... did the hunching-up thing, the tip of him showing... yeah! that felt good!

Out in the corridor, a door handle crashed down, the door opened, closed, footstep's, heels! signalled the return of Mrs Granger!

Gemma Grey was still bent over the table... bright pink in the heat of the room... she didn't look happy to see me... but then she was here to be caned... no girl was ever happy to be caned: resigned, angry or upset... but pleased... no, not yet. I'd be concerned if Gemma was happy about it.
I checked my watch... she'd been there for 20 minutes or so... damn! it had taken longer than I had thought... "You may stand, Gemma" I said... She hoisted herself up off the table, stifling a groan... leaving behind beads of moisture, sweat, where her body had lain. I quietly smelt the air, in the room... picked out the smell of her... the place needed some air freshener... send her away, Molly! and give the place a wee squirt!

I looked up at her... standing, she was a head taller than I was... impossibly tall!. Poor girl, she would always stand out, I bet she was getting all sorts of unwanted attention, looking like she did!
Another thought... I bet the other girls are jealous of her height, her look's, too...
"How are you settling in... are the other girls treating you well?" I asked...
She hesitated... a flicker of emotions that I could read easily enough... "Yes, Mrs Granger"
... ah... Omerta!... wise of her... I assumed the practice of beasting was still going on. Well, it would settle down, eventually, better in the long run that she kept her mouth shut... no one likes a narc.
I reveiwed why Gemma had been sent to me, this afternoon... given the high probabilty that she was the victim of beasting, in context of her crime... and that I'd left her stewing about it for so long...
"If you need to talk about thing's, the teachers and I are here to help!..." I said to her...
"I'm sorry I was called away. I simply don't have time to cane you now, Gemma!" I lied..., "I will overlook what you did, this time... You may go!"
With a grateful look and a murmered, "Thank you, Mrs Granger!" Gemma was gone, before I could change my mind.
Shadow rose up from his basket and took a tentative step after her... he'd been in the room all afternoon, he probably could do with stretching his leg's... "Of you go!" I told him and he walked out too.
I sprayed the room and wiped my table dry... cleaning away the wet imprint of the tall girl's body.
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