A Spark Ignites: Gretchen's Unexpected Passion

first times

Gretchen was the most beautiful Amish girl you could find. She was slightly above medium height. She was slightly taller than medium height, with long blonde hair (sadly hidden under a bonnet), the biggest blue eyes and a nice round ass.

Working at the Amish market was ideal for Gretchen. It wasn’t like her plain existence, but it seemed more inviting than that.

She had always been a dutiful Amish girl, following the Ordnung, the strict rules and traditions of her community, without question. It was all she knew. But she had always been curious about the outside world. The market gave her a safe exposure to the ways and customs of that world, while allowing her to remain true to her Amish identity. Or so she thought.

Gretchen worked there as a waitress. The market was a bustling hub of activity. Tourists and locals alike flocked to the stalls, drawn by the allure of handcrafted goods and the wholesome aroma of freshly baked bread that wafted through the air. Gretchen loved serving homemade pies and fresh-baked bread to locals and tourists alike, watching as familiar faces brightened at the taste of her people's special recipes. And the tips were good, too.

It was during these hours among the bustling crowds that she became close friends with the open-minded and adventurous Mary, a bright and spirited “English” girl (what they called anyone that wasn’t Amish) with fiery red curls and a contagious laugh, who worked alongside her. Their unlikely friendship flourished under the expansive arc of friendship pies and minutes stolen from their chores. Before long, they were the best of buddies.

The hours spent weaving stories together, sharing dreams, and finding laughter in their shared confidences, ignited in Gretchen a yearning for more. She couldn't help but feel a flutter of envy in her chest as she watched Mary living her seemingly unfettered romantic life with her boyfriend, Gary. The rhyming names they shared amused Gretchen, as if fate had weaved a playful thread through their lives.

Gretchen felt almost ashamed that she felt a tinge of envy about Mary’s romantic escapades. But Gary was a good man who treated her friend well.

Gretchen had a hometown boyfriend named Sammy. Their courtship had been pretty chaste so far. He was a taciturn lover, and thus far they had done little but steal kisses in his buggy as he drove her home from dinner or the dance, his fingers tracing idle patterns along the hem of an autumn-weight dress fanning out over yards of stiff amber petticoats. His daring gestures—the lifting of her skirt, the gentle caresses—brought a flush to her cheeks.

Yet she held onto her values fiercely. Gretchen had never given herself to him completely, but the anticipation was a thrill all its own. She didn’t know much about sex, but she knew enough to know they hadn’t done it yet.

Gary would come frequently to the market to meet Mary for lunch. This particular day, Gary arrived with a friend in tow. He was a towering figure, with a mop of curly hair and a grin that could melt the stiffest of hearts. The friend, Luke, was as tall as Gary, but his features were more chiseled, and his eyes held a twinkle of adventure that seemed to dance in the sunlight.

He caught Gretchen's gaze, and she felt a sudden jolt of attraction. There was something about him that captivated her, something that drew her in and made her forget all about her strict Amish upbringing. Luke’s piercing eyes seemed to undress her with every look. He had a warm smile that felt instantly inviting. His dark hair fell over his forehead and he carried a boyish charm about him that knotted her gut.

She knew she was in trouble the moment he winked at her, his full lips curling into a knowing smile that promised a world of pleasures she had only dreamed about. She had long been taught to be wary of the outside world—to appreciate the simplicity of her Amish upbringing. But there was something decidedly hard to resist about Luke's smile.

"This is Luke," Mary said. "He's a friend of Gary’s."

Gretchen offered a shy smile, feeling the heat in her cheeks deepen. "Hello, Luke," she murmured, her eyes flitting to the ground before meeting his again.

"Hi, Gretchen," he said, his voice deep and warm.

The three of them slid into a booth as Gretchen passed out food on the tray she was carrying. Mary waved at her and she came over to take their order.

Gretchen's heart skipped a beat as Luke flashed her a mischievous grin, his gaze lingering on her for just a moment, looking her up and down with a look that made her heart pound heavily. The market hummed with the usual cacophony of voices, but to Gretchen it was as if the world stood still.

Luke’s gaze made Gretchen tingle. She felt a blush rush up her cheeks, and she could not deny that spark it awoke in her.

She wrote down their orders and went back into the kitchen to ring it in. She tried not to think about Luke, but he was so handsome that she couldn’t help it. She wondered if he had a girlfriend. She wondered what it would be like if he kissed her.

She brought out their food when it was ready and left the tray in front of them. She flashed a quick smile at Mary. “There you are,” she said. Mary smiled in return and they began to eat.

Gretchen turned to head back inside, but she was stopped by Luke's voice. “Gretchen,” he said in that low purr of his, which shot shivers down her spine, “Why don't you take a break and come eat with us?”

"I don't know," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm not sure it's proper."

"Nonsense," Luke said, his grin widening. "You work hard. You deserve a break." There was a mischievous sparkle in his eyes as he extended one of his hands, the veins standing out against the tanned skin, hinting at the power and skill that lay within.

Gretchen hesitated. After a few seconds, she looked over at Mary. With a nod and a wink, Mary gave her the go-ahead, and Gretchen found herself settling into the booth beside Luke. As she settled into the chair, Gretchen's stomach fluttered. Her heart started to race.

As they ate, Luke leaned closer, his arm brushing against hers. "You know," he said, his voice low and seductive, "you're not like the other girls here."

Gretchen felt a rush of pleasure at the compliment. "How so?"

"You've got this... spark," he said, his eyes searching hers. "I've never seen anything like it."

He leaned in close again, his voice dropping to an intimate whisper as he complimented her. “You have the most beautiful eyes, you know that?”

Gretchen blushed. “Thank you,” she muttered softly.

“You fascinate me, Gretchen,” Luke said, leaning in closer and initiating a playful conversation that filled the air with an undeniable tension. “I’ve never met anyone quite like you before.” Gretchen found herself laughing at his jokes, the way he made mundane topics feel interesting and alive.

With every flirtatious remark, Luke drew her in deeper. Her heart raced at his words, and she felt a warmth creeping up her cheeks. She had never been the object of such intense attention, especially not from someone so undeniably charming.

“Gretchen,” he continued, “there’s so much more to know, more to the world. I’d love to show you more of the world beyond the market. When I look at you I feel like… I don’t know, like I want… to explore what’s possible. Like I want to see what could be.” His gaze bore into hers, his blue eyes gleaming, and suddenly she saw something there that she hadn’t even realized that she’d wanted—longing mixed with a whisper of rebellion against everything she’d ever known.

Luke’s hand on the back of the chair rested there half a second too long, the heat of his touch searing through the fabric of Gretchen’s dress. She felt her nipples go hard and wetness bloom between her legs, her body responding to his blatant interest in a way that simultaneously aroused and terrified her. Luke leaned in close to her, his hot breath on her ear, and murmured, “You’re even more beautiful than Mary said.”

Gretchen’s heart pounded in her chest as she met his gaze. She knew what was happening, knew the lines she was crossing, but she couldn't bring herself to care. The world outside her community had always called to her, whispered sweet nothings in her ear, and now it was offering her a taste of something she had never dared to dream of.

"Thank you," she murmured, her voice barely audible.

The rest of the lunch passed in a blur of flirtation and shared glances. Gretchen felt a strange reluctance to leave Luke's side. She thrilled at the possibility of coming out of her shell, if only briefly.

Gretchen noticed his leg pressing against hers under the table. His cologne combined with the smell of food to make her light-headed. The simple act of eating lunch with this stranger from a world so alien to her suddenly felt the most smoldering edge of erotic adventure she could imagine.

She felt his warmth touching the side of her shoulder. "You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," Luke said, his eyes filled with desire. Gretchen was taken aback by Luke's aggressiveness, but she couldn't deny the attraction she felt towards him.
His hand slid from the chair to her thigh. They traced the hem of her skirt, giving her a fluttering thrill.

Gretchen let out a gasp, her eyes widening, but Luke merely chuckled and began to trace lazy circles along the inside of her thigh. She squirmed in her seat as his thumb brushed against the seam of her panties. There was an obvious, growing tension between them, a wordless dance of yearning that neither could ignore.

Pretending to pass the salt, Luke's hand ventured higher, his fingers teasing the thin layer of cloth separating them from her most intimate place. Gretchen flinched ever so slightly. Her breath hitched. She forced herself to swallow in an attempt to keep her cool.

With every little gasp and tremble, Gretchen’s body betrayed her innocence, and she was painfully aware of the moisture gathering on her pussy. Yet she couldn't bring herself to pull away. Instead, she leaned into his touch. Her body was begging for more of the forbidden pleasure he offered.

Gretchen found herself wanting to give in to his desires. She longed to experience the fullness of sexual pleasure that she had been missing out on. It was as if the very fabric of her existence was being rewritten, her every inhibition shattered by the power of his allure.

The air grew thick with lust as they shared a secret smile. The innocent game of flirtation had turned into a dangerous dance, and Gretchen was ready to follow wherever it might lead.

Mary, noticing the sudden shift in the air, couldn't help but tease her innocent friend. "Gretchen," she giggled, her eyes sparkling with mischief, "you've never had sex before, have you?"

Gretchen’s cheeks burned hotter than a summer sun. She tried to bat the question away with a playful swat at air. But Luke's hand still on her thigh gave her away. His thumb moved a little higher.

"Well, if you ever want to know" he said, his voice a low purr "I'd be happy to show you." Gretchen grinned nervously.

Gretchen’s eyes snapped to his, wide with shock and arousal. She had felt Sammy’s fingers inside her before, but this felt much different. This was promise of something wild and untamed. Something she hadn't even let herself imagine. She knew if she let him, Luke would introduce her to a world of pleasure she had only dreamed of in secret. The thought was both scary and exciting.

Gretchen knew she had a choice to make—one that would shape her heart and challenge the boundaries of her world. Would she take the leap into the unknown, willing to welcome love in whatever form it manifested, or would she cling tightly to the safety of the life she had known?

Mary’s question hung in the air. Gretchen felt her face flush even deeper. She took a sip of lemonade trying to gather her thoughts before answering.

"Well," she began, her voice trembling. “Sammy and I have... you know, done some things.” She paused. Her eyes darted between Mary and Luke. “He’s lifted my skirt a few times while we were in the buggy. And... well he’s touched me down there.” She felt her face burn even hotter. She took another sip of lemonade. “He’s put his fingers inside me.” She felt the heat spread from her cheeks to her neck and down to her chest, her nipples hardening against the fabric of her dress.

Luke’s eyes went black with lust, his gaze dropping to her pert, round breasts before meeting hers again, a wicked grin playing on his lips. “But we’ve never… you know, gone all the way,” she finished, looking down slightly, her voice barely above a whisper.

The secret hung in the air, only between them. Mary giggled, a sly look in her eye, while Luke’s hand crept closer to the warm, wet spot he could feel through her dress. Gretchen’s body responded to his touch, her breath catching as she realized just how much she wanted to explore this new world of sensation with him. The line between friendship and desire was blurring and she was powerless to resist the siren call of the English boy with the wicked grin.

She found herself nodding. "Yes," she said almost inaudibly, "I want to know. I want to know what it's like." In that moment, the die was cast. Gretchen had made her decision. Her innocence was about to be claimed by the English stranger with the knowing smile and the skilled hands.

As the day turned to night, Mary and Gary said their goodbyes and left Gretchen alone with Luke. The air was charged with tension. Luke smiled again and looked right through her. She felt her knees go weak. She had never seen a man look at her like that. It frightened her but also aroused a wave of passion stronger than she had ever felt.

Luke leaned back in his chair. His gaze was fixed on lovely Gretchen. He reached across the table and put his hand on hers, his thumb moving in a slow circle on her hand.

"Gretchen," he said in a low, husky voice, "I can't get you out of my mind. I want to see you again, without all these prying eyes staring at us." He looked into her blue eyes, and the look in his eyes left no room for doubt about what was on his mind. "See me tonight after closing. I’ll be waiting for you."

Gretchen felt the pounding of her heart. She had never thought of sex in that way. She had never thought of sex as something to pursue. She had only thought of it as something that men did to women, something that a woman had to let him do.

"Okay," she heard herself say, as she took a deep breath to calm her anxiety. She thought of everything she had been taught about sexual encounters--the fear and the girlish excitement tugging at her heartstrings, and the strictness of her community's rules. Gretchen felt her head nodding in agreement to Luke's proposition. "I’ll be there," she managed to murmur, her voice heavy with desire.

The minute the words came out of her mouth, Gretchen excitedly began to anticipate their meeting that evening, but she felt a little bit of panic as well. She had just agreed to something she had both deeply feared and very much desired.

Gretchen knew that was no turning back. She was about to give her virginity to a man she barely knew, from a world as foreign to her as the stars. The prospect scared her a little. But the promise of the pleasure he offered was too tempting to resist.

With one final gentle squeeze of her hand, Luke let her go and stood up, his tall, lean frame blocking out the sunshine. He smiled at her with the energy of a kid being shot out of a cannon, brimming with what actually felt like a promise.

"See you tonight," he said, with his trademark swagger, walking away with that swagger that made Gretchen's knees wobble. Her eyes followed him.

The rest of the afternoon shifted into a different kind of work for Gretchen than usual. She worked the rest of the day in a haze, her mind filled with anticipation of her meeting with Luke later that night.

As the shadows become noticeably longer and the crowds at the market began to thin out, Gretchen knew it was time. Nervously, she smoothed down her dress and took a deep breath, feeling her heart beating against her breastbone like a big bass drum. She knew that she was ready, deep down past her considerable doubts and fears, to step into the unknown with Luke, ready not just to flirt with but to leap into the new world Luke had opened up to her and submit to the passion that awaited her in the warm embrace of the English world.

At the end of her shift, while Gretchen and Mary finished cleaning up the area and getting ready to leave for the day, Mary whispered, "I hope you know what you're getting yourself into."

Gretchen blushed. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"He's not like any other guy I've ever met," Mary said, "He likes to do things in bed that most men won't even try."

"Like what?" Gretchen asked, looking at her in surprise.

Mary laughed, "I don't think I should tell you. You'll have to find out for yourself.”

At the end of the shift, Gretchen got off work and left the restaurant to find Luke and Gary waiting out front in the parking lot. Luke got out and came to her. His eyes lit up when he saw her, and she felt that jolt of excitement again.

"Did you tell anyone about tonight?" he asked.

"No," she replied, "I didn't want anyone to know." He smiled,

"Good. Let's get in the car. I'm so fucking excited to get you in bed."

Gretchen smiled and nodded nervously, trying not to betray her own excitement at what she was about to do. She felt her face heat up and her knees weaken.

Gretchen got into the car with Luke and they drove off. Gary and Mary followed close behind in their car.

They drove into town to a little hotel that Gretchen had never seen before. Luke pulled in to the parking lot and stopped the car. He got out, opening the door to help Gretchen out of the car. He looked down at her dress. “So what do you have on under that dress?” he queried. Gretchen just grinned.

They got a room. Mary gave Gretchen a warm hug. “Good luck,” she said. Gretchen nodded and grinned nervously.

Luke came back over to her and took her hand, “Ready to go to the bedroom?” he said,

“I’m…ready,” Gretchen replied, sounding none too sure of herself. With a weak smile, she followed Luke into the bedroom and shut the door behind them.

"Gretchen," Luke murmured, his fingers tracing a path along her arm. "I want you. I want to make you feel things you've never felt before."

She gazed deep into his eyes to see the passion which she also felt inside of her. "I...want...to feel those things," Gretchen replied in a tone both eager and terrified.

Luke's lips claimed hers in a kiss that made her head spin. Their bodies melded together, hands exploring, lips tasting. Luke's touch was electric, igniting a fire deep within her that threatened to consume her. When he touched her, her insides burned with a flame as if a raging fire had been set inside her. She had never experienced anything like this, and she craved more.

He turned to her, “I’m going to undress you now,” he said. Gretchen nodded. She felt a shiver of anticipation as Luke slowly unbuttoned her dress, revealing her full, round breasts that spilled out like ripe peaches. He cupped them gently, his thumbs brushing over her hardened nipples, eliciting a soft moan that echoed through the quiet night.

His hands began to tremble as he untied her bonnet, letting her long blonde hair cascade down her back.

"Wow," said Luke, "You look even better with your hair down."

"And my dress off," Gretchen said, with a slight chuckle to calm her nerves.

"Yes," Luke acknowledged with a confident grin. He pushed Gretchen's hair back and firmly kissed her. She tingled, reveling in his strong kiss.

Her hands shaking, Gretchen removed the rest of her clothes, revealing her curvy figure and the soft, untouched mound of her pussy, already glistening with lusty desire.

Luke took in her naked beauty, his eyes roving over every inch of her body as if committing it to memory. With a grin, he said, “You are so fucking hot.”

She didn’t know what to say. She just stood in front of him, trembling. Finally, she mustered a soft, hesitant "Thank you."

Muttering something that sounded like a lustful growl, Luke quickly undressed and stood in front of her with his cock standing bold, rigid and very, very large.

The reality of what was happening hit Gretchen like a bolt of lightning, and she felt a rush of fear mingled with raging desire. She had a momentary impulse to leave and run back to the safety of her old life. But her burning lust for Luke overwhelmed her.

Gretchen gulped as she got her first look at Luke’s penis. It was much bigger than she thought it would be. It stood up straight and hard from his crotch. He noticed Gretchen staring at it. “It’s big,” he said, “I know you’re going to like it.”

She swallowed hard, not sure she was going to like it at all.

Luke sidled up to Gretchen. He put his arms around her, pressing her naked body against his. She could feel his hard cock against her stomach. She shivered a little.

He pulled her over to the bed and they got in together. He climbed on top of her and looked her in the eyes as she lay naked beneath him, “You have a beautiful body,” he told her, “I am going to have fun with this.” Gretchen grinned and nodded.

As they lay on the bed, wrapped in each other’s arms, the passion gleaming in their eyes, Luke's whispered words of desire sent Gretchen to new heights of pleasure. He lowered his mouth to hers and they started kissing. It was different than kissing Sammy. Luke was more forceful in his kiss. He opened her mouth and shoved his tongue in. He made her feel like she was going to drown. She pushed his tongue out with hers.

Gretchen began to moan softly as Luke ran his hands all over her body, massaging her in a way no man had ever done to her. His fingers teased and stroked. Gretchen ached for his touch.

His hand found her again, his fingers sliding into her, coaxing her to open up to him. He put his hand between her legs and she felt him rub her clitoris. He kept rubbing until she felt like she was going to cum. She let out a little sigh.

“Ohh!” she moaned. “I’m going to cum,” she told him. He stopped rubbing her and she looked up at him in surprise. “Why did you stop?” she asked.

“I want to make you cum with my dick in you,” he said, “I want to feel you cum all over it.” Gretchen nodded, not sure what he meant.

“Yes, Luke,” she said, her hips undulating towards him. “Please, I need you inside me.”

Gretchen gasped as his large penis slid into her. In that moment, Gretchen's world shattered into a million pieces of pure, unbridled pleasure. His strokes were slow and tender at first, allowing her to adjust to the new sensation, but soon grew faster and more forceful, his body moving in a rhythm that matched the pounding of her heart.

His thrust filled her, their bodies becoming one. They moved together, each new thrust pushing Gretchen closer to the edge of ecstasy. Her nails dug into his back, her breath coming in ragged gasps

She looked up at Luke, “I’m going to cum,” she said. He kept thrusting into her, “Cum on my dick,” he said. “Let me feel you cum all over it.” Gretchen looked up at him and nodded. She felt like she was going to explode.

“Ohh!” she cried out. “I’m cumming!” Luke kept fucking her. He was going at it hard and fast now. Gretchen could tell he was close too. She looked up

As they made love, Gretchen felt a part of herself unravel, the boundaries of their two worlds blurred, and she realized that she had found something she never knew she needed – a passion that transcended the confines of her Amish upbringing. The pleasure was unlike anything she had ever experienced, a wildfire that consumed her, leaving her gasping for breath.

Each moan and gasp that escaped her lips was a declaration of freedom, a testament to the power of desire and the thrill of the forbidden. And as she climaxed around him, her body writhing in the throes of ecstasy, she knew that she would never be the same again.

"Harder, Luke. Fuck me harder." Her words pushed him over the edge, and with a final thrust, he filled her. She felt him shoot into her and she felt his penis pulse as he came. She had never felt anything like it. It was so good. She milked him for every drop, their bodies slick with sweat and desire.

As their bodies finally stilled, Luke pulled out of Gretchen, leaving her feeling both empty and utterly satisfied. He rolled onto his side, propping himself up on one elbow, lifting her hair from her face and resting his elbow on the bed, so he could look down at her,, his eyes filled with a tenderness she hadn't expected from this brazen English boy.

As they lay together in the rumpled sheets, spent and satisfied, Gretchen knew that this was just the beginning. She wanted more of Luke's touch, his whispers, his body. And she knew that he felt the same. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to believe that this could be her life: a world of freedom and passion, unshackled from the constraints of her upbringing.

"Thank you," she whispered with a trembling voice, heavy with the meaning of what they'd just shared with each other. Luke laughed, a low, rumbling, booming sound that filled her with another wave of heat that rushed from her neck down to her stomach.

“No, Gretchen,” he whispered, leaning closer to her, “It’s I who should thank you.” He pulled her closer and wrapped his strong arms around her; His hands began to wander, first drawing gentle circles around her delicate waist, then up and over her pert round breast. his thumb brushing against the sensitive peak. Gretchen moaned into the kiss, her body arching into his touch, already hungry for more. They broke apart, both panting, and Luke leaned down to place a series of soft kisses along her jaw, his breath hot against her skin.

“You’re something special,” he murmured, his voice thick with lust. "I've never felt anything like this before." Gretchen felt a bloom of pride in her chest, her cheeks flushing with pleasure.

He pressed his arms around her against his chest and hugged her very tightly. She could feel the beating of his heart, grow louder and faster, echoing the pounding that she was now beginning to feel between her legs. For a moment, she allowed herself to revel in the feeling of being wanted, of being desired.

“That was amazing!” Gretchen said excitedly, “I want to do it again.”.

He smiled at her, “I’ll fuck you as many times as you want,” he said. “We’ll get a room for the weekend. We’ll stay here and fuck each other as many times as we can.”

Gretchen nodded eagerly, “Okay,” she agreed. “I’d like that.” She kissed him.

Gretchen and Luke lay together, wrapped in each other's arms, their breathing gradually evening out as the post-coital haze began to lift. As they drifted off to sleep, Gretchen felt a sense of contentment that she had never felt before.

She was still recovering from the wonderful and energetic bout she had spent making love with Luke, and her every curve was fitting nicely into his manly figure. His arm was wrapped around her, drawing her close, so close she could feel his body heat against her, so close there seemed no chance of escaping. His hand was on her butt and his fingers absently rubbed it. Her own fingers went to his chest and she could feel the pounding of a heartbeat under her touch. The quiet made it calm and cozy, , the perfect backdrop to their illicit tryst.

Gretchen’s only desire was to spend the weekend with Luke. She wanted him to fuck her some more.

They spent the rest of the weekend in bed. Luke fucked her every way he could think of. He made sure that brought her to climax multiple of times. He made her cum over and over. She was sore when they checked out of the room. Luke drove her back to the restaurant and dropped her off.

“I’ll come by this week,” he said, “Maybe we can get a room again.” Gretchen nodded, smiling.

“I can’t wait,” Gretchen said. The idea of seeing Luke again filled Gretchen’s heart with joy and her heart almost stopped beating. “Next week” she whispered softly into his chest. She kissed him, a long, lingering kiss. “See you then.”

He held her more tightly and she could feel his cock growing hard against her thigh.

“I’ll be waiting for you,” Luke said, his voice a low growl that sent a shiver down her spine.. She nodded, her eyes fluttering closed as she basked in the afterglow of their encounter.

The idea of getting through an entire week waiting to be with him was almost too much to bear but the sweet agony was one she would gladly endure. At that moment all that mattered was the feel of his skin against hers, the gentle, steady rise and fall of his chest, and the quiet whispers of the night.

As Gretchen walked into work, she noticed Mary serving. Mary smiled at her, “How was your weekend?” she asked.

“It was awesome!” Gretchen confessed, “He fucked me all weekend.”

Mary chuckled, “I knew he would,” she said. “What did you think?”

Gretchen thought a bit, “It was great!“ she said, “I’ve never felt anything like it! I want to do it again. Thank you so much for introducing us!”

Mary nodded. “Welcome to womanhood.” Then, with a little chuckle, “I think you are going to be seeing a lot of Luke in the future.”

Gretchen smiled. She hoped so. She wanted Luke to fuck her some more. She wanted to feel his big, stiff dick inside of her again. She wanted to feel him cum inside of her again.

She went to work with a smile on her face. She couldn’t wait for Luke to fuck her again. She hoped he would come by today. She couldn’t wait to feel his big penis inside of her again. She wanted to feel him make her cum.

She couldn’t wait. She had never felt anything like it. She wanted to feel it again and again. She worked hoping Luke would come by and take her back to his room. She wanted Luke to fuck her over and over. She wanted him to use her body any way he wanted. She couldn’t get enough.

She was going to be a very naughty Amish girl and fuck Luke every chance she got, in whatever way he wanted to. She was going to let him make her cum all he wanted. She went to work with a huge smile just thinking about it.
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