Connecting With Neighbours Ch. 04


It was a gloomy Monday in Sydney, and Darcy was finalising the invoicing of clients for the previous week when out of the blue, the doorbell rang. He was slightly annoyed as he was not expecting any visitors, and he was on a productive roll, ploughing through the admin. He fully expected it would be a hawker of some description or some church group. To his extreme delight, it was Margot, but she seemed a bit anxious.

“Hi, Darcy,” she said, her eyes cast toward the ground briefly. To Darcy, she looked radiant in a knee-length white skirt and snug-fitted rose, pink blouse with a matching long length cardigan pulled tightly about her body. There was a chill breeze blowing up the street from the river. “I hope I haven’t caught you at a bad time, but I need to speak to you?”

“Not at all,” he said and opened the fly-screen security door and motioned for her to enter. He kissed her on the cheek as she passed, but she seemed keen to get inside.

“Margot, I am certainly pleased to see you, but I hope the topic is not as bad as the look on your face would indicate?”

“Oh, no,” she replied but looked meekly at the floor while she made it before reestablishing eye contact again. “Well, yes, it’s just…,” Margot quickly collected her thoughts before moving on. “Well, remember the last time we...” She trailed off.

“How could I forget?” He said, with maybe a little too much exuberance, even though he felt proud of the intense orgasmic experience he had shared with Margot.

“Yes, I cannot get the shower out of my mind either.” Her wan smile told him she was significantly troubled by something. “But what did you do to me? I mean,” she was obviously searching for the right words, “I have never had anything like that happen to me before. I have even tried since to reproduce that effect independently, and I can’t even get close. I have never even had that happen with my husband, even though I regularly come when making love with him.”

“What do you mean?” Darcy asked, a little confused and rather concerned. He placed what he hoped was, his hands on her shoulders.

“You know? I was urinating...” He could see Margot was trying to pick her words very carefully in an attempt to navigate her way through what was obviously a challenging subject. “Peeing, for want of a better way to say it.” As soon as she got past the initial mental block, Margot seemed more confident about getting what was troubling her off her chest. “You know, the fluid that came out of me when you made me climax in the shower? I was peeing and climaxing at the same time, wasn’t I?” The look on her face was a myriad of questions. “It has been worrying me. I even feel a bit ashamed, even embarrassed but it!” Her voice pleaded for answers as she kept her eyes cast downward.

“Margot,” Darcy whispered. He lifted her chin with his right hand, “It’s okay. It’s a natural thing to have happen, though not every woman...”

“No, it’s not!” she interrupted. There was flint in her eyes. “I’m not every woman!”

“I know you’re not. You are the most amazing, beautiful, sexy woman I know.” Darcy replied quickly. He surprised himself that his usual anxiety, fight or flight reflex, had not clouded his thought processes. In fact, he felt quietly in control of the situation. “It is a natural thing to have to happen when your G-spot is stimulated, and you climax.” He made the statement firmly, yet quietly, as he tried to show Margot, he empathised and was supportive. He took her hands and kissed them. “It is much like a guy when a climaxes, although, obviously, without the sperm.” He laughed a little nervously to cover his feelings of slight awkwardness at explaining such a topic while standing in his hallway with his sexy next-door neighbour.

“You seem to know a lot about it?” Margot asked in a surprised way. The clench of her shoulders had relaxed, though, he noticed as he has talked to her.

“How about I make us a warm cup of tea, and I can show you what it’s all about?”
Seeing her sudden look of shock and astonishment, he added, “On the internet, I mean.”

“Tea would be wonderful, thank you.” Margot accepted his offer and smiled gratefully. “But, my dear Darcy, how can you show me? I mean, I am not really interested in porn.” She put a caring hand on his arm.

“No, nothing porn related.” He responded in what he hoped was a reassuring manner. “Well, not straight away.” His sly smile was greeted with a playful slap.

Darcy suggested they go upstairs to his office and directed her to the front position for the ascent. His office, if you could call it that, was on the southern side of his house on the second floor. If viewed from the street, his office was inside a turret, on the left-hand side of his house. It was fronted by a carport and the second floor rose above it. The turret was about 3 meters (10 feet) wide, square and clad in cedar shingles. There were three sets of double casement windows, one each in the eastern, southern and western sides on the turret. It had a steep tiled roof which was topped with a ball-top roof finial; the turret and finial were traditional features of Australian federation architecture, as recommended by the architect when the house was renovated.

The interior of Darcy’s office was much like the rest of his house, with high ceilings, cornices, polished Brush-Box timber floors and coloured walls. The colour in this room was a lavender blue, which matched the outlook toward the river, some half kilometre down the road. Darcy’s desk was a bench, supported by two trestles. He had it placed under the window that faced south, and he had his screen placed to maximise the view from his chair. On the left of his desk was a single bed, hence the loose label of office, although the bed did come in handy in he needed to read through project briefs.

As they ascended, he watched the sensual sway of her hips and buttocks through her denim skirt and could not resist temptation. He cheekily ran his hand along her inner thigh under her skirt. Instinctively she pulled away and pushed her hand behind to stop his progress.

“Oh no, you don’t, you naughty man. That is off-limits today, sorry. Not a good time, if you know what I mean?”

“We could try the shower again?”

“What part of no, do you not understand?” Margot replied in mock frustration. The stern look on her face only lasted a moment or two and was quickly replaced with a cheerful smile. “Thank you for all your understanding, Darcy. I really do appreciate it.”

Darcy knew it was a heartfelt thank you for all that had transpired since she had arrived on his doorstep.

She sat on the red leather office chair he had recently purchased from Office-works while he googled a few internet sites related to female ejaculation. “Nice chair!” she said and put her hands on the arms and swung around like a child at play. “But, why red?”

“It was on a half-price sale.” He laughed.

“Bargain.” She smiled with approval.

“There! That should keep you occupied for a bit, while I’ll go and make the tea. Would you like something to eat with it?”

“Hmmm,” Margot had begun reading and had not fully heard the question. “What? Oh no, thanks.” She had turned her attention back to the screen and then had second thoughts. “Actually, Darcy, would you happen to have any Tim Tam biscuits by chance?”

“Not sure if we have Tim Tams, but I’ll see what I can do for my student.” Margot gave him a thumbs up but did not turn to look in his direction.

Darcy stood motionless at the doorway as she scrolled down the page to a drawn, labelled graphic of a vagina followed by a genuine closeup picture of a woman’s parts. He could tell she was totally engrossed, so he left her to it.

As he broached the top of the stairs, his hands full with cups and a small plate of cupcakes, he thought his eyes and ears were deceiving him; Margot was frantically trying to mute the sound but only achieved in increasing the volume. He laughed aloud and hastened to her side and hit the mute button.

“Not used to Macs, I see.” He laughed.

“Um, no, I guess it shows?” She laughed under her breath and out of desperation, hit the back button, which only served to take her back to the start of the video that had been playing as he entered.

“I followed a link and got this.” She gestured to the screen; her cheeks flushed bright red with embarrassment. The screen was full of a naked woman with voluptuous breasts, lying on a bed with a blue coloured vibrator stuffed deep inside her. From what he had seen, she had masturbated herself to a huge gushing orgasm. She had not only convulsed wildly on the bed as she came, but she had squirted jets of fluid high and wide, right onto the lens of the camera. Darcy, accidentally on purpose, nudged the space bar, making the video start again as he placed the cup in front of his transfixed guest. The video only went for one and a half minutes, but its content, plus the circumstances under which they were viewing it, was enough to get his penis standing in his jeans.

“Oh my god!” Margot expressed her dismay at the replayed scene. “Did I do something like that?”

“Yep,” he said in a casual voice, “you squirted like that. Maybe not as much or as far, but yes, like that. It was a bit hard to gauge quantity and distance in the shower, plus you were standing up.”

“Fuck me, look at how hard she is breathing?” Margot had not fully taken in all Darcy had said, but he could not help but notice she was a bit breathless herself. He pondered if it was from the visual stimulation or because she was reliving the time of her own first squirting orgasm; probably a combination of both, he decided but felt it not the time to delve into that line of investigation. With a tentative movement, he gently cupped her breast as the video finished. Her hand met his and covered it as he affectionally felt the swell of her mammary under his palm. She turned her head and smiled; the earlier concern had evaporated and was now replaced with love and gratitude.

“Thank you for showing me all this. It really makes more sense now.” They kissed tenderly.

“I hope I did not scare you or anything, with all that drama queen stuff, when I came to your door?” Margot pulled away slightly, placed her hands on either side of his face and looked meaningfully into his hazel eyes.

“No, not at all,” he reassured her. Without a second thought, he added, “My wife does it all the time. It can get very wet on occasions.” He laughed but wished he had not made any mention of that at all. He felt awkward and anxious suddenly, afraid he had, once again, said too much. But then, unable to stop himself, he blurted, “Although, she has never given me a facial as you did.”

Margot, who had just taken a sip of her tea, nearly sprayed the room with the mouthful, and after finally swallowing, laughed heartily. “Really?” she exclaimed and coughed a few times as she recovered.

“And how recent was that?” Margot enquired. Darcy was sure she knew he felt uncomfortable but still liked to turn the screws just that little bit more.

“We have not had sex for a few years. I was talking in the past tense, with emphasis on past.” He swallowed noticeably, and Margot realised she had hit a nerve.

“Sorry,” she squeezed his hand.

“It’s okay. No need to apologise. It is not your doing.” He scoffed with, what he hoped, sounded like a humous and dismissive tone.

“But I actually covered your face!” Margot exclaimed. She wanted to move the conversation beyond the awkward moment she had created.

“That was the amazing part.” I disclosed with total sincerity. “I loved the taste too.”

“Oh, you’re just saying that.”

“No, I am serious, really.” She could tell he was honest. “Apparently, the flavour can vary depending on what you have eaten. There are a few more variables, but I cannot remember what they are right now.”

“Are you some kind of expert?” She asked.

“Well, no. But it is something I do find exciting and interesting, I must confess. A further confession though, I did get the impression you were worried about it, so I did extra research so I could put your mind to rest if the need arose and guess what?”

“The need arose.” He laughed and added a comical, “Ta-dah!” Darcy nodded toward the screen.

“It’s strange, but I didn’t know if I would be attracted to the studious type.” She said blandly but tempered with a broad smile.

He pressed the back button twice, got back to the main menu's squirting video, and selected another video. It was a compilation of squirting orgasms. Darcy remained behind Margot as the first few short clips ran through, and he could tell Margot was getting excited. She was rubbing her thighs together, and the nub of her nipple pressed hard into his palm. Margot stopped the video and swivelled around in the chair, her face at the same level as his crotch.

“Thank you for showing all that information.” She toggled her fingers to indicate quotation marks as she said the word information. “It has definitely made me feel much better about, well, um, about myself, to be honest.” Her hands worked up and across the front of his jeans. “I see it has worked for you too.” She moved her hands against the insides of his thighs and then across the swell of his erection. “I told you I repay my debts, and since what you have shown me has only severed to increase my indebtedness, I had better see about reducing the size…,” Margot deliberately paused and massaged the length of his cock. A wicked smile crept across her lips as she looked, longingly, up into his eyes. “Of my indebtedness, I mean!” Her hand deftly unzipped the fly, popped the button at the waist and slipped into his jeans and cupped the meaty pole. He groaned aloud at her touch and moved his groin forward in an involuntary thrust.

"At least you don't have to worry about being too loud here, unlike that first time.”

She laughed and squeezed his penis. Quickly, she pushed both jeans and underwear down to knee level. Her hands snaked up along his bare thighs and started fondling his heavy balls. Darcy tried to get closer, eager to get her mouth onto his cock, but Margot put her hand upon his hip to restrain his movement.

"Right where you are is fine, Darcy. I can touch everything I need to touch from here.” Her warm breath flowed over his exposed genitals, which made him shiver with anticipation.

“Feel that?" He nodded and kept his eyes riveted on her hand as he enjoyed the gentle touch of her soft fingers on his thick shaft. Darcy briefly closed his eyes to let the image of his wonderful companion burn deeply into his mind. Suddenly there was a hot, wet touch on the tip of my rigid member. Was that her tongue? He looked down.

"I'm going to lick you, and I am going to suck your beautiful cock.” Her voice was full of commitment to her cause. “I hope you don’t have any objections?"

“What sort of question is that?” He stammered and groaned; his throat was dry at the mere thought of the prospect. Margot began to lap at the head. A bead of pre-cum had appeared in a single drop from the tiny slit at the top of the purple head. Margot’s tongue found it and stabbed the tip into the pearly drop and then smeared it around the sensitive cock head.

"Mmm, you taste salty but creamy. I like the taste of you!" she purred.

Margot locked her eyes onto Darcy’s as her mouth moved around the slit and the head. She smiled at little tremors that ran through his entire body, well pleased with herself as she teased him. She made soft suckling sounds as she pulled the head in and out from between her lips. She moaned, and he could feel the vibrations of her mouth around the shaft as she pushed her lips further down his jutted thickness.

Her lips tightly wrapped about the shaft as she moved up and down as if she were hoovering his cock. He could feel her every movement, every nuance of suctioned pressure she brought to bear on him. He wanted to reach down and get a grip of her head and begin to buck his hips and fuck her sweet, tender mouth, but, just he made a move to do so, she knocked his hands aside. She let his cock slip from her luscious lips and chastised him.

“No need for you to hold onto me. I am in control here.”

“Sorry,” he grinned.

“Oh, stop that! No need for you to apologise. You know what I mean.” The sexy smirk on her countenance went way beyond words. “Your job is just to enjoy. I’m having fun, believe me.” Margot winked and moved to engulf his rod again but lingered, poised just above the turgid head. “Oh, and Darcy, please fill me with your hot man juice as soon as you are ready.”

Margot continued to suck his cock with aplomb. Darcy’s felt his knees were about to buckle. He reached for the bed, but Margot objected.

"Perhaps I need to hurry up, yes?" Margot enquired.

Darcy had no answer. He just shrugged and pushed his hips forward with a hand at the base of his cock. Margot pushed him aside.

“I do not need your assistance. I think I know how to suck your cock, thank you very much.” The mock annoyance of her voice was undercut by a big grin on her face.
Her mouth fell upon on his cock again, accompanied by her hand, as she moved to the head. Her teeth grazed a slippery path around the rib of the purple knob and gently clenched now and then, making him jump with ecstasy. Margot's mouth was tight. A hot, wet vacuum around his thick, slippery penis. She groaned as he pushed his hips forward; a wet slurp came from her mouth as she re-gathered the excess saliva that dripped from the corner of her stretched lips. Darcy, his excitement on a nearly vertical trajectory, began to piston his hips.

“Hmmm,” she scowled. “I am capable of setting my own pace,” her brow furrowed as she pulled away briefly. Once satisfied that he was going to behave, Margot swallowed him whole and deep.

“Oh fuck, yessss,” he groaned and dropped his eyes to absorb what was physically taking place visually. "Just like that. Fuck yes, oh, my God, that feels so good.” Her cock sucking skill and technic, was, to Darcy’s mind at that stage, fucking unbelievable.

As Margot looked up at Darcy, she impaled her face with a long slow downward motion. She used a languid flattening of her tongue along the shaft at the bottom of the stroke and followed up with a long slow slurp-filled withdrawal. She was clearly enjoying it every bit as much he was. Darcy watched, mesmerised and felt dizzy, delirious almost, at the spectacle of having his cock serviced in such a salacious manner.

Margot withdrew her mouth and spat a large dollop of saliva onto his cock. She raised her finger to scoop up a larger amount with a deft hand. Without a word, she prised her hand between his legs and sort the entrance to his anus.

“Just relax,” she said as she relinquished the grip of her mouth upon his cock. “I have a little surprise for you. Can you spread your legs a little?”

“I’ll have to remove of jeans.” He replied and quickly pushed them off.

“Now, be a good boy and spread them!” she commanded. She knocked his knee with her free hand. Darcy did ask, he was told.

“Oh! What is this?” She asked as she reached for a small brown jar.

“It’s some Aesop’s moisturiser for men. I use it now and then for my face and around my eyes.”

“So, that’s the secret behind your youthful good looks?”She laughed. Margot unscrewed the lid and plunged her fingers into the pale yellow cream. She produced a large scoop with her finger and went in search of his anus again. It felt cool at the first touch as she spread the cream around the tight hole. Satisfied my rear opening was lubricated enough, she pushed the tip of her finger inside. He grunted, and she smiled wickedly and wiggled the tip.

“Just relax.” She encouraged. “I plan to repay the experience by giving you an orgasm, the likes of which you have never had.” There was a sense of self-gratification mixed with her comment.

Darcy concentrated as best he could on relaxing and must have succeeded, as her finger plunged knuckle deep inside his arse. “Ohhhh, fuck, That is incredible.”

Margot fucked her finger hard into his anus several times. Her knuckles hit his body just behind his balls. It felt so good, but he still wanted her to attend to his cock. He reached for her head and gently guided her closer. There was no resistance this time. At the same instant, she withdrew her index finger until the tip was just wedged into his sphincter. Her tongue snaked out, and the tip speared into the blind eye of his cock-head at the same time as she speared two fingers deep up his arse. He grunted aloud as she filled his rear passage. It was like shitting in reverse but better. Darcy placed his hand and her head; his fingers clasped her soft hair as he tried to impale her beautiful mouth, but she invaded his efforts sufficiently just to keep her tongue tip on the bulbous head. He felt so full inside his rectum, the width of the fingers putting amazing pressure on his prostate, while the opening flexed in spasms around the invaders. Margot’s mouth started moving up and down incredibly fast now, sucking the throbbing shaft, pushing it deeply into the back of her throat, her nose buried into the tuft of pubic hair above his crotch. Her fingers remained deeply inserted in his arse and constantly pressured the glands, increasing his need to come. His swollen cock was so hard that he could feel it punch against the back of her throat. She showed no sign of discomfort. On the contrary, she pushed ever harder and faster onto his cock. She pushed forward with her full intention to devour every available centimetre of man meat in her hot mouth. At the furthest point of penetration, she wiggled her face to ensure she had it all, followed by a wiggle of her fingers in his arse, all performed in perfect synchronisation.

Darcy’s legs were almost jellied. Her deep-throating attack made every nerve ending tingle in expectation of the release, which was being increased beyond description with the anal finger fucking she was administering. He grunted and groaned with her every touch, telling her repeatedly of his need to spatter his come juices deep inside her. He did not care where. He just needed to come, and her expert double-ended attack was expertly going to take him there, and soon.

"I'm going to cum, Margot.” He hissed and clutched her shoulders for support.

“Ooh… I’m...cum...,” His words were as lost as well his being. His world centred on, in and around his cock and his clutching anus. Darcy’s whole focus was drawn down into his lower stomach and crotch, rose along the shaft, and yearned to explode, deep inside her sexy mouth. “Oh, Margot... Yes, I love that, please...” He tried to keep his eyes open, but the intensity was overwhelming. He closed them again only to open them as she wiggled either her mouth or her fingers (or both).

“I fuck, I’m cumming. ” He pushed forward, hard into her mouth. Margot did not flinch. He went rigid, held his breath as she speared her face fully with his cock and crushed her fingers hard onto his prostate. The rush of her mouth, her tongue and throat pushed him beyond the limit, and he let fly. She suckled and swallowed the great gobs of cum he shot into her mouth. He could feel her throat and tongue working overtime; her free hand kneaded his tightened balls, her lips on his shaft, her fingers filling his arse; all combined to explosive effect, as she drank his load and squeezed every last drop into her tight mouth.

Even after he had cum deep down her throat, Margot stayed with her lips sealed around his cock. He could feel her tongue working over the softening member, cleaning him thoroughly. Slowly and carefully, she gently withdrew her fingers from his pulsing arse. Margot finally let his flaccid penis drop from her mouth. Her lipstick was rather smudged, but she had a huge smile on her face. She leant back in the chair with an air of a job well done.

She surveyed her fingers and grimaced. “Oh, yuck, I had better clean up!” She waved her fingers in his direction. “I have stinky fingers.”

She stood up and disappeared toward the ensuite bathroom along the hall, the same bathroom she and Darcy had used the previous day. Darcy collapsed to the floor; he was spent but elated, all at once. His senses were still flying around, somewhere on the ceiling.

When she returned, Margot got down onto the floor and rated her back against the bed. She pulled Darcy to her and kissed him. “Next time, I’ll have to use an enema before doing that.” She grinned wickedly. He wrapped his arms wrapped around her waist, and they looked deeply into each other’s eyes. No words passed between them, but there was a magnetism. Slowly their lips found each other, and they kissed. It was a kiss full of tenderness, full of a growing and deepening emotion.

“I just want to be careful not to get too carried away,” she said and gently stroked Darcy’s tasselled hair.

“What makes you say that?” He muttered into her shoulder as he shifted position to cover his naked lower body.

“I really enjoy what we have found together, but I think we both want to keep intact the marriages we have as well. Don’t you agree?”

“Yes, but I thought we have been over all of that?” He said.

“Just had to double-check.” She laughed softly.

“I could use a cup of coffee.” She suggested in her shy, little girl way. It was a side of her that he found extremely beguiling. “That rather large deposit of yours was very enjoyable. But there was so much I had a hard time swallowing it all, and, I hate to admit it, I do have a bit of dry throat now.”

He smiled and kissed her lips softly. Darcy did not mind the change of topic.

“Coffee?” He asked. “If that is what you want, that is what you shall have. White; one sugar?”

“Yes, please,” she said excitedly. “Could you find another squirting video I could watch before you go?”

“Sure, but I thought you would have had enough for the time being?”

“No harm in doing further research.”

Darcy typed a few commands into the computer and finally found what he was looking for. “She is gorgeous,” Margot commented as she looked over his shoulder.

“What is she doing, and what has this got to do with our research?”

“She is a supposed Japanese newsreader, as you can see from the set layout. However, while she is presenting the news all these guys come out of nowhere and spray their stuff all over her face and hair.”

“What?” Margot was shocked. “I don’t think that is something I really want to or need to see?”

Just as she finished her objection, the first guy arrived. He climbed a block of steps, obscured by the desk, which brought his crotch to the girls’ head level. He then pumped his cock and ejaculated a thick rope of sperm across her forehead. Some also landed on the lapel of her light grey suit jacket and the white blouse beneath.

“Oh my god,” Michele gasped. “That is gross.”

“Okay, I will fast forward to the squirting bit.”

“Please do.”

He moved the cursor and forwarded it to the start of the under desk action. “Okay, from here on, I think you will find it relevant.” The video was now forty-five minutes in, and the presenter was covered with many globs of goo. Some in her jet black hair, a lot across her quite beautiful face and in her eyelashes, yet she calmly read on. At this point, though, a guy was under the desk and started to stimulate her pussy area through her matching grey trousers. He was on the floor, pushed her legs wide apart, and pushed his fingers into her pubic area.

“I think you are up to no good. You’re trying to corrupt me. I know.” Margot announced.

Darcy held his hands up in total denial. She smiled and pulled the seat around to watch.

“Coffee!” She demanded. “Now, please.”

As he retreated from the room, he watched Margot intently. Despite her objections and protestations, she had quickly become engrossed in what she was seeing. On a personal level, Darcy was amazed at how they had grown together, on a sexual level definitely, but an emotional and conscious level as well. He certainly did not have with my wife anymore; they had lost those connections. It was probably more accurate, and from what Margot mentioned, she and her husband were in a similar position. As he made the coffees, Darcy reflected that the sexual exploration they had embarked upon together was a significant building block of their secret relationship and not the only one.

Coffees made, he returned upstairs. He deliberately climbed as quietly as possible, as he wished to see what Margot was up to. As he neared the office doorway, he saw that Margot still had her attention fully devoted to the onscreen action. However, he distinctly saw a movement of her left arm. It had been in her lap, but as he crossed the threshold, she casually moved it back onto the desk. He was fairly certain he could guess what she had been up to.

“Coffee for Margot,” Darcy announced. The video had moved on a fair bit, and the presenter was naked from the waist down, her blouse and jacket hung open, exposing the white bra underneath. A guy, whose face was censored by a blurred smudge, was seated on her seat behind the young woman, her legs spread wide as he fucked her pussy. Despite the intrusion, she still read the news. Margot turned to me, and her face flushed with excitement.

“You should have seen that,” she said hurriedly. “She was reading, and that guy on the floor was rubbing her down there,” Margot pointed to her lower body, “and she began to get really excited. He started using only his fingers on her at first but then got this bulbous vibrator thing and started massaging her crotch with it through her trousers. You should have seen how horny she was getting. She could hardly keep her mind on the job, which I don’t blame her. You could even see the wetness from her soaking through; there was a growing wet patch in the crotch of her trousers.”
Darcy carefully placed the coffee strategically for Margot next to the screen. He could not wait to hear her describe the action even though he had seen it previously, myself. The fact that the beautiful Margot felt the need to explain a highly charged sex video was fascinating.

“The guy then stripped her trousers off and massaged her through her panties. And, thank you for the coffee, I need it.” She laughed and then, without hesitation, continued. “She was getting increasingly excited as he pushed the vibrator harder onto her crotch. The girls head was rolling from side to side, and she could hardly breathe normally, not to mention speak. He then removed her panties and, after massaging her bare flesh with the vibrator, he started to finger her and rub her clitoris hard as well. She shuddered hard and toppled the stool over in the process, and then it happened; her whole body bucked as she clung onto the desk, barely able to stand. It was incredible, a huge puddle appeared on the floor as she squirted. It was amazing. It reminded me of the shower we had.” Margot sipped her coffee.

“Now, some other guy is screwing her from behind. I don’t get the guys coming in randomly and coming all over her face, though. That is a bit odd.” To his astonishment, Margot turned back to the screen. She drank deeply from her cup as her eyes took in the on-screen action. The newsreader was being pounded from behind, and her jacket, blouse, and bra had been removed at some stage. Her tits were gloriously moving, keeping time with each penetration of the obscured guy behind her.

“Wow, lovely breasts,” Darcy whispered into Margot’s ear.

“Yes, they do have a nice shape. I think she would only be in her early twenties.” Margot commented.

“She looks so innocent and such a beautiful, sweet looking woman.
I wonder why she let herself be used like this?” Margot’s question was not directed to anyone in particular. “Money, I suppose?”

“Possibly,” I said as he spread his hands around Margot’s rib cage to engulf her breasts. “These are better.”

“Maybe, but hers are firmer, I think. I liked the style of her suit, though.”

“ What is it with women and clothes ?” He thought to myself amusedly.

“I had better check.” He said and swiftly started to undo Margot’s blouse. When he had all the buttons undone, he reached up under her back and unhooked her bra and pulled the cups up over her globes. His hands engulfed her breasts again and he felt the warm fullness fill my palms.

“Cheeky,” Margot murmured and looked down at his busy digits and then back at the screen. Darcy pulled her nipples, which were already hard and full with the arousal of her recent viewing. She shuddered from the thrill of his pinch upon her nipples.

He kept one hand on her breast and managed to undo his jeans and push them down without disturbing nor drawing Margot’s attention. His cock was rock hard again with lust despite the ball drawing blow job Margot had given him. Right now, he wanted to fuck Margot’s lush body, more in response to the erotic nature of this unbelievable morning and this even more incredible sight of seeing her watch the Japanese Newsreader.

Margot was breathing very deeply as he rolled her nipple firmly in his fingertips. The girl on screen was still being fucked hard from behind, but she and the guy were both standing now. Darcy eased Margot’s hips up into a similar position and moved the chair out of the way; he was surprised there was no objection. He heaped her skirt up over her hips and quickly pulled her underwear down to her ankles. The pad in them fell to the floor, showing a slight trace of blood from the vestiges of her period, but he was too desperate to fuck her to care. Her wonderful body was now in an L shape, with her gorgeous rounded bottom pointed back toward him. Her rear passage was visible and looked very tempting, but he decided that had better wait; he did not know her views on anal sex nor if she had tried that before.

Darcy manipulated his cock and aimed it at her moist vaginal entrance. The heat from her lower body was intense as the head parted her outer lips. She seemed on the verge of objection when as he thrust ball deep into her. Darcy grabbed her hips and slammed in hard. Just like the Japanese girl, Margot’s head dipped low onto the desk as he drilled himself repeatedly into her body. The room filled with the sound of their copulating bodies slapping together. He could feel the cord of her tampon as it rubbed against his shaft, but he could not stop. He was on a headlong course to a fierce climax that the two women had fuelled. Mimicking the guy behind the presenter, Darcy grabbed Margot’s hips and fucked her deep and hard. She was grunting from the force of each impact but urged him on.

“Yessss...” she hissed through clenched teeth. “Fuck me, please, fuck me like that newsreader.”

Darcy needed no further urging. Relentlessly he entered her, slamming his crotch against her raised butt. All the while, he could feel her dripping pussy open to welcome every entry. The guy on screen was getting close, and so was he. We matched each other with ever quicker thrusts making the tits of our respective fuck buddies swing in time. The on-screen suddenly withdrew and climbed the step to give the presenter a facial. His thick ropey load landed across the bridge of her nose and went into her eyes, and then he drained the remaining ooze into her receptive mouth. Due to Margot’s condition, Darcy did not want to do the same, so he unloaded deep within her snug vaginal confines. He blasted her with three hard jets. Her ribbed channel squeezed his shaft and drained every last drop of come from my body. He shook with excitement and with exhilaration at having fucked, yet again, this gorgeous woman who just happened to have entered his life in such a profound way. He slowly withdrew and felt both satisfied and a bit apprehensive; he hoped he had not made Margot feel uncomfortable due to the time of the month.

“I think we have finished with this for now,” Darcy said as he closed the computer down, he was also still trying to catch his breath.

“Very informative,” Margot commented. Without a bat of an eyelid, she slipped the soiled pad into a plastic bag that was in the nearby waste paper basket.

“I hope I, um...”

“No! Not at all. In fact, having sex at this time can be the best sex. It’s all the hormones and stuff. A very scientific term that, stuff.” She laughed and kissed him affectionately.

They slowly gathered themselves and rearranged their clothing while catching their respective breaths.

They embraced and agreed to enjoy each other and the secret world of wonder and lust they had created and to ensure the outside world remained just that, outside and more important, unchanged.

“I guess you like to take control in sexual situations?” Darcy asked, as he suddenly remembered the way Margot had stopped him as he reached for her head.

“I suppose I do from time to time. That said, I do not mind taking a passive role either. It all depends on the situation, as you just found out. It all depends on the company as well.” She added in a whisper. As they talked, they made their way downstairs, hand in hand.

“What did you mean by you’d have to use an enema?” Darcy asked before he opened the door.

Margot looked up with a warmth and softness in her eyes. “I assume you know what an enema is and what it does?”

“Of course?” He replied.

“Well, if I were ever to fuck your backside, I’d want to do it properly.” She sounded matter-of-fact. “There is no point doing things half-arsed, to quote a phrase.” They both laughed.
Darcy nodded and agreed. “Too right. I suppose you have the tools to go about doing such a thing?”

“No, not yet,” She chuckled playfully. “But, and it’s only a but, no pun intended, if we decide it’s something worth exploring, I’m sure I can find what I need.”

“I guess I will have to explore that passivity then?” He smirked.

“I guess you will.” Margot reached up and kissed him lovingly.

“When do you see Gia?” Darcy inquired after a few moments.

“Next week, I think. It might even be Monday as the restaurant is closed. Why? Are you jealous?”

Darcy laughed, “Yes, a little, to be honest. But, my love, no,” He breathed in deeply and hugged her close. “No, I am happy for you. I'm delighted you have a new friend. If she seduces you, that is perfectly fine. Let’s face it; I have no hold upon you.”

“No, you do not. But I am glad you think that way. Too many guys think of women as possessions, property etc., and not equals.”

“I pity anyone who tries to put shackles, labels or any other misogynistic term on you.”

“Darcy, the feminist?” Margot asked in mock surprise.

“Why so surprised? We are all one in the eye of our maker, or so I’m lead to believe. It’s just the chauvinistic attitudes of those in powerful positions, past and present, that feel threatened by women and view them as weak and incapable of wielding power. I’d like to see some of these men give berth!” Darcy laughed. “They’d reach for all medication and oxygen masks they could lay their hands on at the signs of the first contraction.”

Margot laughed heartily and looked deeply into his eyes. Her admiration was undeniable.

“Sorry,” Darcy whispered. “I’ll get down off my soapbox now.”

“That was masterfully said.” She laid her head against his chest. “I love you.”
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