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390 stories found

Sleepover-My Daughter And Her FriendsDreamy sunlight flooded the chair where I dozed in peaceful contemplation, a book laying open on my lap. I had always been ambivalent about my own birthday. When my daughter Shae asked if she could have a pajama party on Saturday night, the night of my birthday, I was mostly relieved. I wasn’t going to schedule any parties for myself, and was mostly looking forward to a quiet evening of brandy and catching up on some of my books. Now I would have to do so with the company of two extra shrieking ... reading time 56 mingenre
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Anna Gordon
Deadly obsessionAn original story by David Flint-Copyright by David Flint Greg Mantell and his girlfriend Amanda Proctor are in the kitchen of their apartment preparing for the day with their breakfast,their coffee and so on.Amanda is busy at the counter preparing her breakfast of bagel and spread.Greg comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her and kisses her neck. Amanda-"MMM NAUGHTY boy.You know I like having my neck kissed." Greg-"MMM-HMM I know you do.that's why I'm doing it.I like kissing your ... reading time 83 mingenre
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David Flint
Family Affairs Extended Family Trish entered the house quietly, not wanting to wake anyone up. It was two o'clock in the morning, and she had just returned from a party at a friend's house. She quietly entered her room, almost completely closing her door before turning on her light. Her grandparents were staying in the room across the hall, and she didn't want to disturb them. Trish collapsed onto her bed. She was still upset that her boyfriend hadn't been able to make it to the party, especially since she was horny as hell! ... reading time 121 mingenre
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Kaylee Panee
The War of 2020The War of 2020 -Part 1- The summer air swept clouds of thick black smoke through the grassy hills. In West Virginia, the air was hot and polluted enough already. His eyes stung, watering as he turned away from the fire. Pulling out a bandana, he spit before covering his mouth. Another crop was lost to rival looters, the third one this week. They'd taken as much corn and soy as they could before setting the bare fields ablaze. We have been at War for over 5 years now, with no signs of it endi... reading time 63 mingenre
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M. O'Bryan
The Cursed BeautyThe Cursed Beauty Episode -1 The Enchanted Hut "Roopsi is an Apsara - a Demigoddess, she possesses supernatural magical powers and had been residing in Swarg. However, she was cursed by Indra, resulting in her expulsion from Swarg for three years. During this time on Earth, Roopsi lost her special powers due to the Curse. Eventually, after pleading for mercy, Indra restored half of her powers. Within the realm of Swarg, Roopsi had a unique sisterly connection with Avantika, another Apsara. Wh... reading time 56 mingenre
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Taboo!"Whats going on, XO? "Captain!, we have a situation! "What is it?? "Onboard scans detected an unauthorised item in the Weapons Bay, Sir, Security attempted to interdict it, but the situation is escalating rapidly... we have 4 deaths and 12 confirmed casulties, so far. "How did this happen, XO?... "Possibly sabotage, but more likely stupidity, Sir! "What are we dealing with here!, XO... is it a Nuclear, Chemical or a Biological threat? "None of those... it's an Illegal Organic, Sir! "An Organic?... reading time 167 mingenre
First times
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Mostly Harmless
Annie And Her Daddy Annie and I were in the car, off to a local amusement park. As we drove, Annie snuggled over next to me, pulling my arm back around her in the usual way. Carelessly, I slid my hand down onto her juicy round breast and began gently squeezing it as we cruised along the highway. "I love you hand there." Annie sighed and snuggled in closer. I could feel my cock thickening inside my underwear as I drove along. Annie put her hand on my thigh and gently slid it upwards. "Can I?" she asked. "Can you w... reading time 99 mingenre
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Shashi B Bansal
Annie And Me Annie and I were in the car, off to a local amusement park. As we drove, Annie snuggled over next to me, pulling my arm back around her in the usual way. Carelessly, I slid my hand down onto her beautiful breast and began gently squeezing it as we cruised along the highway. "I love you hand there." Annie sighed and snuggled in closer. I could feel my cock thickening inside my underwear as I drove along. Annie put her hand on my thigh and gently slid it upwards. "Can I?" she asked. "Can you wh... reading time 99 mingenre
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AmyP Hot Lips
Domesticating the Fucktoy Pt. 2Domesticating the Fucktoy Pt. 2 Chelsea painfully adapts to her new forced life as a plaything. Chelsea really was becoming quite adept in the kitchen. Her doting owners, Mike and Ryan, the two corrupt cops that had kidnapped her four months ago, would spoil her with new ingredients and recipes for her to try her hand on all the time. She had a book propped open on the counter, turned to the page titled “Chocolate Drizzle and Truffle Torte.” She pushed some blonde locks of hair out of her gentl... reading time 101 mingenre
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Little Matriarch Little Matriarch Written by Dirty Amber Note For Readers: Narrator of each part is mentioned at the start. I am sure most readers will find this note superfluous. ********************** Tom has three daughters, Lily [13], Tracey [11] and sam [10]. His brother and him had married their cousins, twins. After freak tragedies men were left alone and brooding. Lily takes over as matriarch. She first takes her father and shares him with her two sisters. Then she takes her grandfather and... reading time 162 mingenre
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Dirty Amber
Broken BlissI couldn't believe it. What was she thinking? And with Jones, of all people! I needed to get away. Jumping on my motorcycle, just a modest Honda 500, I took off out of my neighborhood, away from my cheating girlfriend. Images of walking in on her fucking that douche, Jones, refused to leave my mind. I never saw the car, before it hit me. * * * An annoying beeping sounds wakes me up. My eyes are slow to open, and even slower to focus. What happened, and where am I? "Ahh, Mister Dickens, glad... reading time 267 mingenre
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Desires For DaddyDesires For Daddy Part I By Dirty Amber Copyright 2012 Laura is a twelve years beautiful daughter who loves her widowed father more than daughter should do. She fails to find ways to express her love as she sees her father find release with regular beautiful women who were getting younger with each passing years. When her fourteen years old cousin arrives the door that had appeared frilly shut on her opens. Strong incest based story with explicit sex of all kinds. Sensitive readers should use ca... reading time 215 mingenre
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Dirty Amber
Libby's Game LIBBY'S GAME. The young male lay down in the morning sunlight, that streamed into the den, lightly warming his skin. His eyes closed and he slipped into a Dream... . . . The Pack-Leader wasn't going to return. The thought had coalesced slowly, from early on, when he simply wasn't around, to months having past without his presence in the den. Earlier, when only weeks had passed since the Pack-Leader... reading time 232 mingenre
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Mostly Harmless
Forbidden IslandForbidden Island an erotic novel by Eric Shon PROLOGUE Light from the setting sun glinted off the rim of the glass, the fine white wine within it running its legs down the bowl and back into the pool of white gold. The man holding the glass by its delicate stem between two fingers gazed from the veranda of his spacious home at the waves rushing up on the beach in an insistent whisper a mere hundred yards or so away, the warm December ocean breeze teasing the grey-flecked hairs at his tem... reading time 197 mingenre
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Eric Shon
The UndercoverI have always had a fascination of Pauline Réage’s ‘The Story of O’ – and the film(-s) – and the Crepax Comic about it. In the following I have tried my hand in a sort of updated ‘fantasy’ over the same subject. I hope you will enjoy it – and excuse errors etc. as English is not my native tongue. You are welcome to repost, but please have the courtesy to list me as the author. August 2018. o_girl1@hotmail. com The Undercover Chapter one Catherine and the sensation “I’ve got a scoop!” Cat burst... reading time 461 mingenre
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Merethe Madsen
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