Deadly obsession


An original story by David Flint-Copyright by David Flint

Greg Mantell and his girlfriend Amanda Proctor are in the kitchen of their apartment preparing for the day with their breakfast,their coffee and so on.Amanda is busy at the counter preparing her breakfast of bagel and spread.Greg comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her and kisses her neck.
Amanda-"MMM NAUGHTY boy.You know I like having my neck kissed."
Greg-"MMM-HMM I know you do.that's why I'm doing it.I like kissing your neck.I like kissing other stuff too."With that Greg slips his hands within Amanda's blouse and proceeds to knead her ample tits.Amanda is an EXCEPTIONALLY beautiful young woman with dark hair and an IMPRESSIVE pair of tits that most women would die for.And Amanda liked the way they felt in Greg's hands.Greg continued kissing Amanda's neck while his hands continued to enjoy the feel of Amanda's soft ,full tits.It was almost like the two belonged together.
Amanda-"As much as I'm enjoying this,It HAS to stop.If we do ANYTHING out of our normal routine,I'll be late for work and today I CANNOT be late for work.You'll simply HAVE to accept a rain check for this evening."
Greg-"I don't want to."
Amanda-"I know you don't want to,but you HAVE to.I have a very important meeting that will be my career if I'm late for and I'm not going to be fired just because you like the way my tits feel in your hands."Greg is doing some serious kissing of Amanda's neck and he tickles her with his tongue.
Amanda-"OK,I like the way my tits feel in your hands too,but you'll just have to save the squeezin' for tonight."
Greg-"I'm going to hold you to that."
Amanda-"I wouldn't miss it.Two can enjoy that game buddy.The 'girls' have nerve endings.They like the attention as much as you like giving it."
Greg-"OK then,tonight after dinner,tit squeezin'."
Amanda-"It's a date."
Greg and Amanda finished their morning preparation with breakfast and dressing for work and exited their home together.Amanda worked in a law firm doing exactly what,Greg wasn't sure.Greg worked in route sales having a VERY profitable area where he represented his employer.But Greg and Amanda are not alone in their neighborhood when it came to their schedule.Someone else kept track of their goings on.In another building Prissy Mitchell was aware of Amanda and Greg's coming and goings.Prissy was a telecommuter so didn't have to leave the apartment except to pick up the nessities of life.But her assigned parking space in the complex was close to Amanda and Greg's spots so she could easily see them leave and arrive if she was at her own car.Prissy had a thing for Greg.And sshe wasn't used to not getting her way.Later that evening,when Amanda and Greg had returned home,Amanda was again the kitchen getting herself a glass of wine when Greg arrived home.
Greg-"Did you have a goold day?"
Amanda-"The IMPORTANT thing was I was on time for a meeting that could NOT be missed.So I'm not unemployed."
Greg-"I'm glad for that."
Amanda-"Yes,and I appreciate you behaving this morning."She took several large swallows of her wine.
Greg-"And you said we have a date for tonight."With that,Amanda lifted her arms in the air to give Greg free access to her tits.
Amanda-"I promised.Squeeze away."With that Greg took hold of Amanda's tits and squeezed mightily.Amanda enjoyed it as much as he did.As Greg was enjoying the feel of Amanda's soft flesh,Amanda enjoyed some more of her wine. Amanda wasn't sure which she was enjoying more,her wine or her tits being squeezed.Both was sublime she decided.Greg was kissing Amanda's neck at the same time he was squeezing her tits.And HE thought both were sublime.Greg started to put his lips in other places.On Amanda's shouder's,her arms,her tits,her tummy.Greg was making his way down to another place on Amanda's body where he enjoyed having his lips.Another place that he felt was sublime,always deliciuos,always soft and inviting.Amanda's pussy.Greg enjoyed having his mouth on Amanda's pussy almost as much as he enjoyed having his cock inside it.Amanda was an EQSUITELY beautiful woman with dark hair.Greg always felt he was a lucky man that Amanda was in his life.He had manuvered his way to being able to pay one hundred percent attention to Amanda's pussy with his tongue but still feel the softness in other areas that was Amanda's body.For her part,Amanda was enjoying the sensations Greg's tongue was affording her pussy.Amanda felt herself lucky too,sometimes Greg would spend an entire weekend day eating her pussy.Amanda would just lay back on her soft bed and luxuriate in the feeling in her pussy.And Greg was giving her that feeling presently.Greg was feasting on the sensuos juices that Amanda's body was cranking out ion response to his licking ,lapping efforts.Amanda had lifted her leg to rest it on the nearby kitchen counter causing her pussy lips to part and give Greg more easily obtained access to the inner sweetness that was her pussy,and Greg responded with deeper tongue action than before.Amanda was feeling Greg stab his tongue deeper into her pussy and feeling her euphoria climb another level.Amanda felt her orgasm approaching and a slow low moan accompanied the arrival of her cum to Greg's waiting tongue.While Greg always enjoyed Amanda's cum offering,this time he used it for a special purpose,Having her tasty cum on his tongue,Greg manuvered himself slightly to use it as lubricant to get into Amanda's asshole.Greg enjoyed Amanda's sweet asshole immensely.And as is usual,Amanda gasped a bit when she felt Greg's tongue enter her asshole after he licked around and across said hole.Amanda still had her leg propped on the counter but Greg took hold of her cheeks and opened Amanda's hole slightly and made it a little easier to get his tongue deeper inside.This was worth the wait.Greg had been forced to bide his time all day and think about the sweetness that always accompanied Amanda's sweet openings on her body but they were ALWAYS worth the wait.Greg thoroughly enjoyed tongue fucking Amanda's asshole to her second orgasm.And once he had it.Greg rose and releasing his blood engorged cock from his pants,he entered his woman's pussy.And none too soon as far as Amanda was concerned.While she did enjoy Greg's tongue action,every second made her yearn a bit more for the feel of his cock inside her.And this time,like all others,Greg moved tenderly,gently,at first to get Amanda's swollen pussy ready for his 'pole flesh' to enter again and again.Amanda simply reveled in the feel and allowed herself to be taken to a higher level of pleasure than she felt from cumming on Greg's tongue.Again and again and again,Amanda felt herself be deliciously speared by Greg and each time he moved in,Amanda let out a gasp until her third orgasm made itself known to both and Greg quickly re-positioned himself to get Amanda's cum on his tongue again.It was like Amanda was 'rewarding' Greg for a job well done.On Amanda's wind down,Greg was standing beside her at the counter holding her sweaty body and feeling the sweaty slickness up and down her arms,her torso,her ass ,all over.Amanda was gathering her thoughts when she realized Greg had given her three orgasms and yet he had not had one of his own.
Amanda-"You cum baby?"
Greg-"No,not yet. I was working on you."
Amanda-"You're so sweet.We'll have to fix that immeditately."Amanda and Greg had been together for years so she knew what he liked.She held his head gently in her hands and kissed his mouth fully.Lots of tongue.As Amanda kissed and used her tongue to play inside Greg's mouth,her hand took Greg's cock to give it some fun.Amanda took Greg's cock in her hand and pulled on it.She started stroking Greg's love flesh with serious long strokes.It wsn't so much that Greg preferred hand-jobs,but Amanda knew Greg liked hers.So Amanda continued her tongues playing inside Greg's mouth while her hand did some serious pulling of his cock.Greg was making his own moanings louder and louder as Amanda did the things she knew Greg liked.When Amanda felt Greg was getting close to losing his load,she let go of his shaft to squeeze his balls hard.As though she was forcing Greg's cum from it's hiding place.Her tongue was still in his mouth,after she squeezed Greg's balls hard enough to make a normal man drop to his knees,Amanda released her grips on his balls and took his cock back in her hand to stroke just as the first glob of cum landed on her wrist.Amanda changed her grip slightly to allow for his cum to gather in her palm and when Greg was finished,Amanda looked Greg in his eyes as she brought her hand to her face.She made sure Greg was watching as she licked his cum from her palm.Amanda stuck her tongue out so Greg could see his cum on the tip and then still with Amanda looking Greg in the eyes,she swallowed his white cream.After Amanda licked her hand clean,she took Greg by his and started for the bedroom.
Amanda-"Time for round two." With that,Amanda and Greg disapperared into the bedroom to finish the night fucking their hearts out.They would not stop until the time just before sunrise.Good thing it was Friday night.Neither one would have to be up the next day and neither one would be able to rise early.they would need the bulk of Saturday to recover from their Friday night fucking marathon.
Once Greg ventured outside his home,he went to check the mail at the communal mailbox and there he found Prissy also checking hers.
Prissy-"Hi,beautiful afternoon,not too hot."
Greg-"Yes,it's nice."He got his mail as Prissy watched.Greg was no slouch when it came to taking care of himself and Prissy could tell.Greg finished his quick look at the mail and turned to head back home.
Greg-"Have a good one."(waving with the mail in his hand)
Prissy-"You too."Then she said under her breath,it WILL be a good one when you're mine.
Greg returned to his home and found Amanda relaxing on the couch.
Amanda-"Anything good in the mail?"
Greg-"Are you kidding?When is there ever anything good in the mail?"
Amanda-"Sometimes you can get some good deals on something you like in the mail."
Greg-"Well today,all that came was bills,offers for credit cards we don't need,and catalogs for power tools.Any of that interest you?"
Greg-"That's what I thought.I'll pitch everything but the bills and that I'll put into the 'wish I didn't have this,but did'file.Tomorrow,we'll send out payments."Greg sit on the couch next to Amanda and cuddled a little.
Greg-"Any idea on what you'd like to eat?"
Amanda turned and kissed him-"Yeah,you.But I don't have the energy.Last night was AMAZING!"
Greg returned the kiss-"Same here. I wish I had the energy to do more than kiss."
Amanda-"Did you see anybody at the mailbox?"
Greg-"just that lady that parks near us.The pretty dark skinned one."
Amanda-"Oh? Did she have anything to say?"
Greg-"Yeah,nice day.Not too hot."
Amanda-"It's important to say something when you see people.Even if it's nothing more than 'nice day'."
Greg-"Well,she did that.So you said you wanted to eat me but didn't have the energy,what's your second choice?"
Amanda-"I don't know.Let's just sit here and cuddle until we come up with something."
Greg-"I like the sound of that."With that,Greg and Amanda relaxed in each other's arms as they watched TV. The whole weekend went by before Greg and Amanda regained their energy so they found themselves preparing for work again on Monday morning.Greg found a little company when he got to his car to leave for work.He was opening his door when he heard a voice.
Prissy-"Hey,how are you?"
Greg-"I'm ok.You?"
Prissy-"Couldn't be better.Off to a busy day?"
Greg-"They're all busy now a days.I'm sorry,do I know you?"
Prissy-"We're neighbors.We met at the Mailbox on Saturday afternoon.I'm Prissy,well Priscella but all my friends call me Prissy."
Greg-"Greg,all my friends call me Greg."Prissy laughed although Greg wasn't really trying to make a joke.He noticed the car she was standing beside.A small foreign sedan.
Greg-"I don't ever see you leaving in the morning or coming back in the afternoon.Your car is always right there in your space."
Prissy-"You are observant.I don't commute.I'm one of the few who get to telecommute."
Greg-"Oh,lucky you.It must be nice to commute from your bedroom to your living room."
Prissy-"Oh yeah,I watch the traffic jams on the morning news sometimes.I appreciate not being in them."
Greg-"Well,need to run.I don't want to be caught in one because I was talking.Have a good day."
Prissy-"HEY,you too. See you later."
Greg-"Later." Prissy watched Greg drive away in his SUV and thought to herself,It will indeed be a good day when you're mine.She then turned to head to he apartment.She turned around to see Amanda get into her car.Prissy saw Amanda smile in greeting as she buckled her seat belt.Prissy thought again 'you won't be smiling when I'm done with you.'
Prissy sat down at her computer in her living room and booted up,slipped her head phones on and logged into her website to start taking calls at her CSR tlecommuting job.
Later that day,Prissy started planning for the event that would put her into Greg's life instead of Amanda.Because in large part,her hours were her own and she pretty much only had to complete 40 hours per week online when the companies customer service department was open,Prissy was able to watch out her window to see her neighbors come and go.Right now the neighbor on Prissy's mind was Amanda.Prissy believed as long as Amanda was alive,she would be in Prissy's way.And that was unacceptable to Prissy.Prissy WOULD have her man.It was that simple.ANYONE in the way would HAVE to go.She knew when Amanda and Greg came and went from their apartment.Prissy would plan to be outside enjoying the cool air when Amanda left to go to her friends house for a night on the town.
Amanda and Greg were in the apartment chatting about Amanda's plans for the evening.An evening she had not only talked about several times before tonight,but also had gone and experienced many times.
Amanda-"You don't wait baby,I'm going out with the girls and we're not worried about what time we get back."
Greg-"Don't worry babe.I'll watch a movie and have a few beers. Just a boy's night in.You have fun."
Amanda-"Thanks baby.I'll probably see you tomorrow.I'll try to be quiet so you won't be disturbed when I get home."Amanda kissed Greg as she left and Greg went to the kitchen to get the first of what he expected to many beers. As Prissy worked at her computer,she let her mind wander slightly to what she was going to do when Amanda returned.About thirty minutes before Prissy knew Amanda would be back,Prissy logged off her computer and went to her closet to get the belt from her terry cloth bath robe.Once she had belt in hand,Prissy went outside to wait by the building where she knew Amanda would be parking and entering the common area.When Amanda arrived and parked in her assigned spot,Prissy wrapped her belt in her hands and left enough length to wrap it around a beautful neck.Amanda exited her parked car and entered the building not suspecting anything.After all she had entered the area many,many times before.As Amanda stepped up to the sidewalk,Greg was in the couch feeling no pain.Prissy was concealed by a large bush by the building as Amanda neared.At just the right moment,Prissy jumped out and got her bath robe belt wrapped tightly around Amanda's neck.Amanda felt her breath severely restricted and bodily knocked to the sidewalk before her mind could understand what was happening.All she KNEW was she couldn't breathe and she felt two hard objects in her back.Her eyes were going black so quickly,she gasped for air that was desperately needed but unavailable.Amanda tried to claw at the belt but it was so tight araound her neck that all her attempts were in vain.She felt her life ebbing quickly.She saw her loved ones and her happy memories.Greg was there but all he was doing was smiling at her.He wasn't helping her.Then Amanda saw the most beautiful sight she could ever hope to describe.A feeling of euphoria swept over her and she saw her beloved grandmother.Amanda hadn't seen her grandmother since she was a small child.Her grandmother always smiled,always smelled like freshly baked bread.Amanda reached out her hand to take her grandmother's and together they walked to what looked like a paradise.Prissy gritted her teeth as she felt the life slip out of Amanda.Prissy felt Amanda go still and the fight left.Prissy put her hand up to Amanda's mouth and felt nothing.Nothing.Amanda was no more.Greg now belonged to Prissy.Prissy reached into Amanda's purse and found her keys. Keys found and in hand,Prissy dragged Amanda with some difficulty behind some other shrubbery.Prissy quickly returned it to her apartment and then walked to Greg's home.She listened at the door for a moment and heard what Prissy expected was the TV.She gave a light rap on the door.No answer.Prissy knocked a bit harder.Nothing .Prissy tried the door bell.Still nothing.Curious,Prissy tried the key in the lock and opened the door slowly,quielty.Prissy opened the door a little wider and venturing inside,she spotted Greg passed out on the couch,and open beer siiting on a side table.The TV was on but Greg was asleep.As Prissy approached slowly,she froze as Greg shifted his position a bit,Prissy could smell the consumed alcohol.She spotted a scarf on the counter between the kitchen and the dining area.Prissy took the scarf and decided to try a little kink with Greg to get the stuff started.Prissy folded the scarf and tied it aroud Greg's head to blindfold his eyes.With the movements,Greg woke and Prissy whispered in his ears.
Prissy-"Don't open your eyes baby. I'm home and I'm going to have some fun."Greg smiled and allowed Prissy to do her thing thinking he was with Amanda.With Greg's eyes blindfolded,Prissy climbed on his lap and kissed him.Greg kissed back and embraced Prissy's oral attention.After a few mintues of kissing,Prissy worked with Greg's trousers to get them unfastened and worked down to his ankles.Prissy removed the trousers from Greg's ankles as well so he could part his legs.With Greg naked from the waist down and his cock somewhat at attention,Prissy removed her panties and lowered her pussy down onto Greg's cock.With her pussy full of cock,Prissy started moving up and down savoring the feel of Greg inside her.Greg held Prissy by her hips amd basically sat there feeling the fuck but being a bit to drunk to do anything about it.Prissy moved up and down with her arms draped over Greg's shoulders.She whispered 'yes' time and again under her breath as she felt her passions coming true.Prissy felt her orgasm nearing and so increased her tempo to intensify her orgasm.When she felt herself cum,she was pleasantly surprised to feel Greg cum also.Prissy slowed to a stop and savored the sensation of Greg's cock as she moaned into Greg's ear.After a minute of wind down,she leaned into Greg's ear.
Prissy-"Thank you.Good night baby."With that Prissy stood up and picked up her panties then left the apartment.When Greg heard the door close,he removed the blindfold and looked around.Seeing no one,Greg turned off the TV and went to the bedroom to go to bed,expecting to see Amanda in the bed waiting for him.In the bedroom,Greg looked but did not find Amanda. Still being drunk,he decided not to worry about what he didn't understand and went to bed falling into a deep sleep.
The next morning,Greg woke with a hangover.He turned over in the bed fully expecting to find Amanda there.When Greg felt around with his hand and found no one,he opened his eyes to check if he was actaully alone in the bed.Puzzled,Greg rolled back over and climbed out of bed. He walked into the other rooms on the apartment.Perhaps Amanda had come home later than she expected and was afraid she would wake him.But no,the other rooms were enpty also.Greg found his cell and dialed Amanda's number.It went to voice mail.The was odd.Amanda has never been away all night and not called to make Greg aware so he wouldn't worry.Greg called again.Again voice mail.Greg put some clothes on and checked the parking lot.There in it's ususal place was Amanda's car.Why no Amanda if her car was here? Getting more puzzled by the minute,Greg called her number a thrid time.Again,voice mail.This time Greg left a message not sure what kind of a result it would bring.
Greg-"Hey babe.I was just calling to see how your night was.I'm in the parking lot and see your car.Please call me when you get this.Thanks."
Greg went back inside their home and showered then got dressed.When he checked his phone in case Amanda had called while he was bathing,he found no missed calls,no voice mails.He decided he needed to call the police to see what they would advise him.
P.D.-"Hello,police.How can we help you?"
Greg-"Uh,yeah,how do I report a missing person?"
P.D.-"How long has the person in question been missing?"
Greg-"Since yesterday evening."
P.D.-"We prefer to give people who are busy and may have simply forgotten to inform family members about things they need to do the benefit of the doubt. Usually we ask that you not file any type of report until they have been out of contact for 24 hours after you expected to hear from them.People are busy these days.People forget to tell others routinely of things they planned.And often is the case that oen person reports another missing,then as we start trying to find them,they show all apologetic that they forgot to mention their plans.
Greg-"So are you telling me I have to wait until this evening?"
P.D.-"We're saying that you might give them the benefit of the doubt but we can take your report if you insist."
Greg-"So this evening,you say."
P.D.-"If the person was last seen last night,yes,that is what we suggest.But it's your call."
Greg-"Very well,I'll wait a bit longer."
P.D.-"Yes sir,give us a call if you find it's needed."
They broke the connection and Greg hit the end call button on his phone.Greg decided to check the mail.Maybe Amanda was chatting with some one at the mailboxes.But then,if she was,why wouldn't she answer her phone? At the mailboxes,Greg inserted his key and pulled their mail from the box.Prissy walked up to get hers.
Greg-"Say,you park near my girlfriend's car don't you?"
Prissy-"I think so,I think she's about four spaces away.Why?"
Greg-You haven't seen her today,have you.I mean while you were going about your day,you haven't seen Amanda have you? That's her name,Amanda."
Prissy-No,I haven't.Is anything wrong?"
Greg-"Well,she left last night to spend the evenings with friends.She hasn't come back but her car is parked in her spot."Prissy's eyes got big when Greg mentioned Amanda's car being parked in its usual place.
Prissy-"Wow,that's wierd.He car but no her?"
Greg-"Yeah,right. Her car but no her.So you haven't seen her around,maybe getting into someone else's car?"
Prissy-"No,I haven't.Gee,that's kind of scary.I now how bad it is to worry about someone and not know anything.But if I do see her,do you want me to call you,nock on your door?"
Greg-(trying to digest the events)"No,I don't expect that would do all that much.If you saw her,she would probably ge within a minute or two of coming home anyway.But hey,if you DO see her and she's with someone,see if you can ask her to call me."
Prissy-"Will do.I hope she gets home soon so you won't worry."
Greg-"Thanks,see you later."Greg returned to his home,mystified that he hadn't heard from Amanda yet.The evening came and then turned into night with no Amanda.Greg redialed the police.
P.D.-"Hello,police.How can I help you?"
Greg-"I called earlier about a missing person.I was advised to wait a while in case my girlfriend showed up and so far she hasn't."
P.D.-"How long has she been missing?"
Greg-"Five o-clock yesterday."
P.D.-"Very Well.We'll send some one to get your information."Greg gave the address and names to the police and waited for the kock on the door.In the meantime.he called Amanda's phone twice more.And got the same voice mail each time.Now Greg was starting to get frantic.Where could Amanda possibly be?The police arrived and took all of Greg's information.Greg showed the police Amanda's car and watched as they looked around the car.They announced they would 'dust' the car for prints.Greg didn't understand why the car should be checked for prints until they pointed out that he was concerned by not having heard anything from his girlfriend for 24 hours.What if something happened to her near her car and whoever did anything had touched the car.Perhaps opening the door and pulling Amanda out.Satisfied for the time being,Greg thanked them for their time and went back home.What could have happened? Greg saw Prissy out on the sidewalk as he walked back to his home.
Prissy-'Have you heard anything?"
Greg-(His thoughts all shuffling)"Uh,no. Still no Amanda.I'm really being to worry now."
Prissy-"I'm so sorry.Is there anything I can do for you? I mean if I can maybe make a meal or something,you'd be able to keep you energy up while you try and figure out what to do."
Greg-"It's very nice of you to offer,but no.I'll be fine."
Prissy-"OK,let me know if you change your mind. I'm willing to help any way I can."
Greg-"Thank You."Greg went back to work the next day but his mind was on his missing girlfriend.He couldn't wait for his day to be complete so he could return home and ask for some update.Sure enough,soon after he got home,Greg received a call.
P.D.-"Hello Mr.Mantell,we have some news for you but we need for you to come down to the precinct so we can give it to you."
Greg-"OK,I'll be right down."
At the precinct,Greg was met by the same officers who had come to his home when he filed the missing person report.
P.D.-"We need for you to come with us Mr Mantell."
Greg-"All right,so you found Amanda? Is she all right? Where are we going?"
The officers led Greg down a hall and stopped by a door labeled 'morgue'.When Greg read the sign,all hope he might have had disappeared.His smile left and he started to mumble.
Greg-"Wh,wh,what are we doing here?"
P.D.-"We're sorry to tell you this.But we believe we found Miss Proctor."Greg saw a figure under a sheet on a shiny table and got VERY nervous.This was NOT looking good.
P.D.-"We need you to identify her."The sheet was lifted and Greg saw Amanda's pale lifeless face.His tears started immediately and he nodded his head.
The officer pulled the sheet back over Amanda's head.Greg struggled with the words.
Greg-"What happened?"
P.D.-"We don't have all the answers yet but we found her behind some shrubbery farther in the complex.She was hidden pretty well but a thorough search discovered her."
Greg-"OK,that's where,but what happened?"
P.D.-"At present,we're still trying to figure out the details.But we do know that Miss Proctor was strangled.There was a terry cloth belt wrapped around her neck.We expect it was from a bath robe.We're very sorry.We assume you'll arrange for her body to be picked up for burial once the processing is finished?"
Greg was still struggling to digest all the information.
Greg-"yes,yes. When it she be ready?"
P.D.-"It won't be much longer.We just want to make sure we do all we can to learn all details needed to catch whoever did this.We'll call you when she's ready."
Greg-"Thank you.I'll be waiting for your call."Greg looked a bit lost as he searched for the way back out of the precinct.
P.D.-"We'll walk you out." Greg nodded as he walked partly numb out of the building.
When he returned home,Greg saw Prissy on the sidewalk like she had stepped out for a smoke.As Greg approached Prissy spoke.
Prissy-"Did you hear anything about your girlfriend?"
Greg-(Still somewhat numb)"Yeah,she's dead."Prissy pretended to be SCHOCKED by the news.
Prissy-"WHAT?? How?"
Greg-"Strangled. Police found her in the bushes back further in the complex."
Prissy-"Oh,man. That's terrible.She was so nice,from what I could tell.I'm SOO sorry.How can I help?"
Greg-"I don't see where there's anything anyone can do.Amanda's gone.I don't expect she'll be back."
Prissy-"Please let me do SOMETHING for you."
Greg(stopping to lookiat her)"Like what.What do you possibly think you can do to make this any better?"
Prissy-"Look.maybe I can't do much.Maybe you won't even like what I can do,whatever it is.But I want to be there for you. You shoudln't be alone at a time like this.You need somebody beside as you deal with this."
Greg-"That may be right,but you don't know me.You don't know what I might need.Look,I appreciate your wanting to help but I honestly don't see any way you can help right now.So please,I'm going home and you go to yours."
Prissy(looking a little hurt)"OK,I geuss that's fair.Maybe even expected.But I'm here if you change your mind."
Greg-"Thanks."With that Greg finished the walk from his car to his home.Prissy returned to her home.A short while later,the police officers who informed Greg knocked on Prissy's door.
P.D.-"Hello,we're with the police.We'd like to ask you some questions about a murder that occured here recently."
Prissy-"Excuse me? You want to talk to me? What the hell for?"
P.D.-"As we said,someone was murdered."
Prissy-"And you come knocking on MY door.What is this,find the closest sister and pin the rap on her?"
P.D.-"Look,we just need to ask some questions."
Prissy-"And I just want you to ask your QUESTIONS to someone else.I don't know know nothing about no murder.And I DON'T appreciate you STARTING with the closest sister for your questions.Now get the hell away from my door!"Prissy slammed the door shut.
The tow officers looked at each other and commented 'what a bitch to each other'.Prissy had her back to the door to let out silent scream.Then remembering Greg was suffering and lonely,Prissy smiled as she planned a way to get into Greg's good graces.Prissy spied a package of cookies sitting on her kitchen counter and she decided that was her way into Greg's life.She opened the cookies and spread them scream.Then remembering Greg was suffering and lonely,Prissy smiled as she planned a way to get into Greg's good graces.Prissy spied a package of cookies sitting on her kitchen counter and she decided that was her way into Greg's life.She opened the cookies and spread them out on a plate which she covered with plastic wrap and headed over to Greg's apartment .A few moments after Prissy knocked on the door,Greg opened to her smiling face.
Prissy-"I know you said you wanted to be alone and I accept that,but I just wanted to bring this to you.You can nibble as you see fit to keep your energy up. Bye."Greg smiled and accepted the plate then closed the door. He set the plate down on the table.He looked at the cookies and peeled back the covering and tried one.After one bite,Greg tossed the cookie into the trash.
Greg-"Tastes like store bought." A few days later Amanda's body had been released by the police and the funeral parlor had picked up her body and the time seemed to both fly AND stand still for Greg as he stood by the grave site.The pastor's sermon was going in one ear and leaving out the other.Prissy had gone to the funeral to pay her respects,having seen the obit in the local paper.With the funeral over,Greg still felt numb as he returned home.He wasn't home long before there was a knock on the door.He opened the door to see Prissy.Greg to go back to his living room leaving Prissy standing in the doorway.As Greg walked away,Prissy came in and shut the door.She joined Greg at the couch.
Prissy-"I know this is a REALLY hard time.But I really think I can help you through this."
Greg(sitting on the couch with his head down)-"How?"
Prissy-"You're alone when at a time when you're not used to being alone. I'm here."Prissy took Greg's chin in her hand and turned it a little so he could see her.
Prissy-"I'm here.I'll help you through this."Greg gave a slight nod.It wasn't that Prissy wasn't attractive.She was.She rivaled Amanda's beauty easily.Greg just felt numb inside.Prissy smiled and gave Greg a small peck on the cheek.Greg's eyes looked misty,Prissy gave him another peck.Greg looked at Prissy like he was a lost puppy.Even though Prissy knew why Greg was feeling this way,she couldn't help but feel that her heart was beaking for the lost puppy.Greg didn't really protest so Prissy took his face a little firmer in her hand and kissed him on the lips.At first Greg didn't respond.Then with a second kiss,he did.He kissed back slightly.Prissy took Greg's head in her hands and kissed him deeper.Greg returned the kiss.Then suddenly to Prissy's surprise,Greg took her in his arms and moved her down so she laid on the couch and kissed her deeply,passionately.Full embrace,tongues entertwined.This was what Prissy had been waiting for.She tasted the salt on Greg's tongue from his crying.When Greg broke the contact to her mouth,Prissy started kissing the rest of Greg's face.She still held his head in her hands.As Prissy kissed Greg's face and neck,her hands started caressing all over Greg's body.For his part,Greg started kissing Prissy's neck and shoulders. He started removing her blouse and kissing her tits.Prissy didn't have much in the way of tits but what she DID have were VERY nice.They were certainly squeezable and suckable.As Greg paid attention to her tits,Prissy started feeling Greg's cock with gusto.She enjoyed it's size and shape.She could tell,it would be pleasureable,she wouldn't be impaled. After Greg spent some time on Prissy's tits,he started working his way down to her pussy.Kissing her tummy and abdomen on the way down.Once Greg was in place for Prissy's pussy,she parted her legs to rest one on the top of the couch.Greg moved in and slid his tongue in between her folds deep. Prissy didn't recall the last time a man stabbed his tongue inside her so deep rather than just lick her lips.She enjoyed the sensations Greg was giving her as he consummed all the sexual juices she was secreting by the quart full.As Greg feasted on her pussy,Prissy could do little more than lock her fingers as best she could in his hair.She didn't want this feeling to stop any time soon.Greg ate her to one orgasm and didn't slow down as he began to work on a second one.Prissy felt she had died herself and gone to heaven as her second orgasm came and went.Still Greg continued.But he wouldn't be able to for long.Prissy's clit was starting to get SUPER sensitive.She,herself, would soon have to put an end to her pleasure or else she would be jumping to the ceiling.Finally after what seemed like ENDLESS orgasms,Greg did stop and look up at her with his chin glistening.Prissy pulled him up to kiss him again and lick her cum off his chin.She scrambled to get Greg's pants off him being careful not to hurt him around his erect cock.Once free of the clothes,Greg positioned his cock at Prissy's lips and thrust in.Prissy's pussy was already soaking wet from her orgams and all she could do was gasp as she felt Greg's cock get buried inside her.Greg started moving back and forth to take Prissy to a euphoric state she didn't recall ever feeling before.Prissy's eyes were glazed over as Greg was feeling his own orgasm approach.
Greg-"I'm coming." Greg started to pull out but Prissy found a way not only to hold onto him but also to squeeze his balls MIGHTILY to get all the cum out she could.Prissy did a little wind down as Greg's cock started to wither and eventually slip out of her.
Prissy-"That was AMAZING!"
Greg-"OK" The two of them fell asleep in each other arm's on the couch.
A few hours later,Prissy woke up first.She was aware of being in Greg's arms,being aware of his male essence,Prissy felt like a cat being completely comfortable and purring.She didn't care how she got to this place.She cared only that she WAS in this place.A little while later Greg woke and stretched his limbs,rubbing his eyes began to get his bearings.To see where he was and in whose presence he was.Seeing Prissy looking at him and smiling,Greg felt a bit awkward.
Greg-"I'm sorry."
Prissy-"I'm not."
Greg-"Did we?"
Prissy-(purring)Oh,yes. We most certainly DID fuck.It was amazing."
Greg-"I'm very sorry if I"
Prissy-"Nothing to feel sorry about.You were needing.I was able to tend to your need.And I enjoyed tending to your need."
Greg-"So you're not mad?"
Prissy-(laughing)"No silly,it was natural.And VERY enjoyable."
Greg-"OK. I'm not sure what I should be doing next."
Prissy-"That's exactly what I wanted to talk to you about.You're still reeling from the loss of your girlfriend. You have healing to do.I want to help you with that."
Greg-"What are you thinking you can do?"
Prissy-"I can take care of you."
Greg-"Take care of me?,I don't understand."
Prissy-"I can take care of you so that you can work on dealing with your loss.I can wash your clothes,clean your home,cook your meals, and other tbings."
Greg(his mind still fuzzy)-"I don't know about all that.I mean,it mght be nice not to have to worry about anything except my job,but I'm not sure about this."
Prissy-"Really,I'm not talking about anytning permanent.Let me bring a few outfits over just so I'll be able to see to a few of my needs,and I'll be able to stay here with you-temporarily- and free your mind of everything but dealing with your loss."Prissy could see Greg was thinking.As if she was trying to convince him to her idea,she kissed Greg deeply.There was somethng magical about Prissy's mouth even though there was somethng twisted in her mind.After Prissy's kiss,Greg finally spoke.
Greg-"OK,I guess that would be all right.But only for a few days."Inside Prissy squealed her delight.
Prissy-"Yes,just a few days."
Greg looked off in the distance and nodded his head.Prissy was intending to resume where they left off a short while ago and put her hands on Greg's head to hold it in place as she kissed him again.Deeply,passionately,Prissy's tongue exploring all of the inside of Greg's mouth,and then their tongues playing with each other like they were the best of friends.Prissy changed her postion without breaking her oral pleasure and began serious fondling of Greg's cock.For his part,Greg held Prissy tightly with one hand and started rubbing Prissy's pussy with his other hand.Prissy moaned her approval and got a GOOD handful of cock and started pulling it like she could disconnect it from Greg's body and put it away in a drawer.Greg did his own moaning from Prissy's attention.After several munites of kissing and cock pulling,Prissy broke the contact and turned around offering her ass to Greg.He had never seen so inviting an asshole so he embraced it fully.Wrapping his arms around Prissy's hips,Greg licked Prissy's ass and worked to get his tongue inside her hole to get it thoroughly licked inside and out.Prissy almost cryed out with the pleasure Greg was giving her.Greg put so much passion into the eating of Prissy's ass that she came rather quickly and turned back around again to ride Greg's cock intensely.Prissy threw her head back as she felt Greg's cock fill her so properly.Greg just moaned as Prissy took all of his cock that she could grab and ride.She squeezed her kegle muscles so hard that Greg opened his eyes in response to the pressure on his cock.And then as intensely as Prissy had been squeezing Greg's cock,Prissy released the pressure and shot her cum down Greg's cock shaft and he felt it ride down his crotch.And he soon followed suit.Prissy opened her eyes wide as she felt Greg's cum shoot deep inside of her.Prissy smiled wide and exclaimed 'YES,OH YES'. After a few minutes of 'cool down',Prissy looked lovingly at Greg and kissed him gently on his cheek.Prissy gave Greg a warm embrace as she climbed off and threw her clothes on.
Prissy-"I'll go to my home and get a few things and be back shortly."
Greg-"OK,you really think that's what we should do?"
Prissy-"Yes,I think I can help you a lot." With that,Prissy kissed Greg and left. As she left,the police who are investigating Amanda's murder saw Prissy leave Greg's apartment and met her at the door to her own apartment.They had no trouble smelling the sex on her.
P.D.-Hello,we're still trying to get some information regarding the death of Miss Proctor."
Prissy-"And I TOLD you,I don't know anything.Why are you still bugging me?"
P.D.-"As we said we're investigating.We were hoping to ask you some questions."
Prissy-"SINCE I don't anything as I said,I don't see any reason for you or anyone else to ask me anything.I STILL think you're just trying to pin something on the closest 'sister' you can find." Prissy glared at the officers.
P.D.-"We can see there is some relations between you and the boyfriend of the deceased."
Prissy practically blew up.
Prissy-"I don't EVEN appreciate ANYTHING you may have to say about me OR my boyfriend. Do NOT go there and harass him.He's suffering.Not that it's anything you would give a shit about.YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE,or you'll hear from our lawyer."
P.D.-"You and Mr Mantell have a lawyer?"
Prissy-"Yes,one the likes of which can ream you a NEW ONE! So stay the FUCK out of our lives,or you'll be sorry."With that Prisy stepped inside her apartment to gather her things and shower the sex off her.The two police officers mumbled something about Prissy being much too beligerant to be knowing nothing.They were convinced there was something more to her.
Prissy fumed momentarily as she thought of the police questions then thinking of her being with Greg brought the smile back to her face.She gathered several outfits,and her toiletries together and put them into a suitcase.Fastening them shut,Prissy returned to Greg's apartment and ventured inside.Greg was in the kitchen when Prissy came through the door with her suitcase.
Greg-"You said you were going to get a few things and stay here a short time to take care of me.That calls for a suitcase?"
Prissy-"Yes,really this looks like more than it is.It's really only a few things.I'll put them into the closet."
Greg-"You may a little trouble with that."
Greg-"Because I just lost my girlfriend,Her things are still in the closet."Prissy came over to hold Greg.
Prissy-"You let me worry about that."With that,Prissy kissed Greg and left for the bedroom.Greg went back to what he had been doing in the kitchen.He heard some sounds coming out of the bedroom and found a sight he was unprepared for.Prissy had indeed gotten her clothes in the closet.All of Amanda's clothes were laying in a heap on the bed.Greg found his eyes misting as he spied Amanda's things so callously splayed about.He sat on the bed and picked up one of the pieces and touched it to his face to smell Amanda's essence.Prissy saw this and determined she woud cut it off.She held Greg close and pretended to be sad herself.She took Greg's chin in her hand and nuzzled his cheek and kissed his lips again.Greg felt the kiss but this time did not reciprocate.Greg couldn't find it inside himself to accept Prissy's attempt to console while he held Amanda's article and smelled her female scent. Prissy wouldn't take that as an acceptable answer and gently removed Amanda's clothing from Greg's hand.Once Greg's hand was free,Prissy directed Greg's face back to hers and she proceeded to kiss him.She intended her charms would win out.Prissy held Greg close and used her tongue to lick out Greg's mouth thoroughly.Prissy's and Greg's tongues started playing with each other.Greg started to melt as Prissy seduced him with her kisses.Prissy pushed Greg down on the bed and laid on top holding his head in her hands and not giving his mouth any kind of a break.Greg could do nothing more than moan with his mouth filled by Prissy's tongue.Prissy used her hands to not only caress Greg's body but to also to take a firm hand hold of Greg's cock.Prissy loved the feel of Greg's cock in her hands,she stroked and pulled it mightily as she continued the oral assualt on Greg's mouth.Then Prissy shifted gears.Giving Greg's mouth and cock a break,she straddled his waist and removed her top,exposing her smaller but stull very nice tits.Greg reached up and took a handful of Prissy's tits making Prissy moan herself.She then stepped off Greg's waist to remove her bottom to reveal her very beautiful body.Completely nude,she then straddled Greg's neck and fed him her pussy.Greg took the offered meal and completely embraced it.He spread the lips apart enough to get his tongue inside so he could get in all of her sexual juices.Prissy threw her head back as Greg ate her pussy with enthusiasm.Greg apparently enjoyed the taste of Prissy's pussy thoroughly as he alternated between licking passionately and sucking Prissy's clit as those it was comfort food.Prissy creied out loud from the pleasure Greg was affording her.When Prissy came,she filled Greg's mouth with her ambrosia.Greg swallowed it down and took his licking down a few notches even taking care to kiss Prissy's pussy lips here and there.Then Prissy lifted up and repositioned herself to insert Greg's cock into her pussy.She closed her eyes and smiled as she felt Greg's male muscle enter her pussy fully.Greg also moaned at the sensation of their skin moving together.Prissy moved her hips to grind Greg's cock for her own enjoyment and Greg moved his hips to indicate his approval.It didn't take long for Prissy's second orgasm to to run down Greg's shaft and drip out of her pussy then down the inside of Geg's thighs.Prissy then moved to a routine grind to bring Greg to his own orgasm.It didn't take long with Prisy concentrating on Greg's pleasure before Prissy felt the cum 'reward' splash against the interior of her pussy.Again Prissy exclaimed 'yes' as she felt her reward. Prissy collapsed on top of Greg and again they drifted off to sleep.Prissy felt she had gone to heaven.She had her man and she was fucking him to her heart's content.And Greg seemed to be accepting her presense in his life.Prissy seemed succesful in putting Amanda's memory in the back of Greg's mind.
The next weekday morning,Greg readied himself to going to work.Hopefully with the shock of Amanda's murder and the funeral behind him,Greg would be able to concentrate more clearly on his job.All his co-workers and customers had expressed their condolences. Prissy's practically confinous fucking didn't hurt anything either. Greg was cumming a lot more than when Amanda was there.Not that he didn't enjoy an active sex life with Amanda,but Prissy seemed ready to go within a few hours after every fucking.Just as soon as Greg's cock was rested,Prissy was putting it back to good use again.And Prissy was proving useful in the kitchen.She had felt right at home in Greg's kitchen,for some reason,being able to find every pot and utensil she needed to make Greg's meals. When Greg returned home that Monday evening,he found Prissy in the kitchen putzing around and wearing only an apron. As Greg came in the door,she grinned like a dog geeting its owner and ran to embrace Greg along with kissing him passionately.
Prissy-"How was your day?"
Greg-"Better.I appreciate all your efforts.As they say,tomorrow is a new day."
Prissy-"I'm glad." As Prissy kissed Greg,he let his hands wander to Prissy's ass cheeks and gave them a nice squeeze.
Prissy-"You like my ass?"
Greg-"It's VERY nice.You're VERY beautiful."With that Prissy resumed her kissing with her tongue in Greg's mouth. After a few minutes,Prissy broke her kiss and told Greg.
Prissy-"It's time to give you a PROPER welcome home." With that,Prissy lowered Greg's pants zipper and pulled out his cock.Then taking hold of his stiffening cock,Prissy led Greg into the bedroom with her grip. As Prissy climbed onto the bed without letting go of Greg's cock,he quickly joined her so as not to allow his cock into some position that would allow for injury to his cock. On the bed Prissy immediately went for Greg's mouth,covering it with her own.She inserted her tongue deep into Greg's mouth and he wasted no time sucking on it.Prissy's tongue was just the rest of her.Beautiful and tempting at the same time.While Prissy was kissing Greg,her hand was giving his cock some serious stroking.Greg found himself getting lost in Prissy's attention.And Prissy seemed hell-bent on making sure she was giving it.After several minutes of kissing and cock stroking,Prissy changed gears and straddled Greg's head.She put her pussy in front of his mouth so he would have the meal she intended him to have.Greg again wasted no time in eating Prissy's pussy.Greg pulled on her lips with his own.He sucked her lips into his mouth.He licked the inside as far as he could get his tongue inside.Greg found Prissy's pussy quite delicious and when he sucked her clit into his mouth,Prissy nearly lost control.She shook and trembled with the sensation Greg's tongue was causing to her clit. And her pussy didn't waste much time in giving Greg his 'reward' for his selfless head.Prissy filled his mouth with her orgasm.Greg swallowed and moaned his approval.With her first orgasm out of the way,Prissy again switched position and laid fully on top of Greg easily slipping her pussy over Greg's cock.She had just cummed so she was very slippery and Greg's cock slipped in like a hand in water.Prissy rolled her eyes upward in her head as she felt the deliciousness of Greg's cock fillng her pussy.She moved back ad forth slowly deliberately at first and then as her passion increased,so did the tempo of her movement.Soon Prissy was moving with deliberate speed to concentrate using all her body to please her man.And Greg DID get pleased.Prissy again felt Greg's orgasm splash against the walls of her pussy and proceed to run back out,down their inner thighs and then bead down their legs before running out.Winding down,Prissy looked into Greg's eyes and smiled.
Prissy-"Now,you've been welcomed home."
Greg-(smiling back)"Nice welcome." With that Prissy kissed him once more and then rolled off to get Greg's second dinner for him.Greg stepped into the shower to rinse off the sweat and other body fluids.By the time he had exited the shower and gathered some lounging clothes,Prissy had a plate for him sitting on their table.Greg sat down and started eating.
Greg-"This is delicious.I appreciate everything you're doing.Everything.I don't know what I'd be doing if it weren't for you."
Prissy-"AWW,it's okay.Believe me,it's been my pleasure.I just want to help."
Greg-"When do you think you might be leaving?" The question hit Prissy like a brick.
Prissy-"Are you wanting me to go?"
Greg-"No,I just didn't want you to feel pressured to be here.After not only am I not having to worry about making meals,you've been fucking me SOO good."
Prissy-"As I said,it's been my pleasure. So you're not wanting me to go?"
Greg-"No,I'd appreciate it if you didn't."Prissy didn't feel a single iota of remorse for the way she got into Greg's life.No she just had to play it smart so no one would be aware if her part in Amanda's death. Later in the eveing after a bit of snuggling in the living room in front of the TV,Greg and Prissy went to bed.Prissy laid beside Greg with her arm draped across his chest.Greg fell asleep with the supposed comfort of Prissy's touch on his mind. The next morning,Greg found Prissy already awake and showering.He got a few things together for his clothing and then joined her in the shower.As the shower door opened,Prissy turned to greet Greg with a smile on her face.As Greg stepped inside,Prissy draped her arms over his shoulders and kissed him.Greg wasn't sure if it was the water or the passion in Prissy's kiss that woke him up more.He felt the touch of her wet warm skin next to his.Greg didn't know how long Prissy had been in the hot water or how much was left,he only knew he liked what he was feeling.Prissy was having that effect on him. After a minute of kissing,Prissy started soaping Greg up.Prissy's touch felt good to him .Prissy soaped up his face,shoulders,chest and she took extra effort to make sure Greg's cock was clean.Her reward was an erection that brought a smile to her face.After rinsing the suds off,Prissy turned around and offered her pussy to Greg.He pressed Prissy to the wall and took the offering.Prissy felt Greg's cock fill up her pussy and start hunping her in earnest.The warm water made Prissy feel extra good and she didn't waste any time having an orgasm then she just let Greg hold her arms and pump until she felt his cum splash inside of her.Then she tutned back to face Greg and rinse the sexual juices of both their bodies then Prissy kissed Greg and left him alone in the shower to gather his thoughts.The water was losing its warmth by the time Greg turned it off and exited.Prissy was already in the kitchen dressed in skimpy clothes that barely covered her beautiful body.Just the way she wanted it to be for her man.Greg was dressed for his sales job.Prissy put a breakfast of english muffin and spread down for Greg and he ate it before taking a sip of coffee to wash it down and kissing Prissy on his way out the front door.When the door closed behind him,Greg remembered saying goodbye to Amanda and waiting to smell her perfume as soon as he would get home.Prissy was nice and very beautiful but she was no Amanda.But perhaps with her sweetness,Prissy could one day replace Amanda in her own way.Obviously she could not be Amanda,but she could be Prissy.Greg made it to his suv and headed to work. When Greg got to work,his boss was waiting to see him.
Dan-"Hey Greg,I've ot some news for you."
Greg-(leaning on a counter in Dan's office)"What's up?"
Dan-"You're goint to have a new customer on your route."
Greg-"That big box discount store getting closer to opening up?"
Dan-"Yes,the place looks like a store now and they are in the process of getting the merchandise in the store.They are needing their vendors to present their orders so the shelves and stockroom and be readied."
Greg-"Sounds good.Do we know who the manager will be?"
Dan-"Actually yes,You know this one.Nicole Anderson got moved from one of their older stores and tapped to run this one."
Greg-"SHE'S been busy then,"Greg did indeen know Nicole.She had been on his route for years.An exceptionally beautiful dark haired woman with what looked like really nice tits under her uniform and really cute glasses when she needed to read something.
Greg-"Are we needing to see her today?"
Dan-"Yes,they called us.They want to see us today. I'll leave when you do it up to you,but see her today."
Greg-"You got it."With that Greg left the office with his paperwork for the day.He headed back to his suv and started his route.He pulled into the parking lot of the new store in the early afternoon.Walking inside,Greg saw a lot of hustle.But the store was taking shape.It was looking lot a messy store due to the construction and clutter needing to be cleaned before the store opened.Greg waved down a passing employee and asked for Nicole.The employee pointed her out in a far corner looking at a clipboard and talking to another person.Greg set out for her spot.As he got closer,Nicole smiled and nodded at the other person and shrugged off some obvious fatigue.She caught sight of Greg heading her way and smiled.They had done business for several years.When Greg reached her,he greeted her.
Greg-"Hi Nicole. Are they keeping you busy?"
Nicole-"AGHHH,I must have been crazy to accept this position.They said it was a promotion but it feels like a prison sentence." Greg chuckled.
Greg-"Lots of work,huh?"
Nicole-"I haven't seen anyone outside of this building for 3 months.Constant decisions.AND constant aggravation from corporate.They can't seem to make their mind up on anything.Everything they start off with gets changed a dozen times and then when they finally act like they have no fucking idea,I make the final decision.BUT,they've been here six times to see progress and they act pleased each time they're here.So what headache have you got for me today?"
Greg-"Hopefully I won't be making your job any worse than it already is.You know,when it comes to our company,this is not my first time.I can put together an order based on the best sellers,tweak it with suggestions for your intended clientelle and then submit to you fpr final approval.I have some idea about your neighborhood."
Nicole-"We've known each other for years and you've never ried to take advantage of the company with an exagerrated order before,so PLEASE do your thing and then let me sign off on it."
Greg-"(smiling)You got it.I'll try to take care of you."Greg leaned forward and gave Nicole a little peck on her cheek which she seemed to appreciate.No sooner did Greg head off to check out his shelf and cooler space based on a drawing provided by Nicole than another person came rushing up with yet another crises for Nicole to deal with.Greg sympathized with her. It couldn't be easy.Greg was fortunate to have a VERY good route and a boss that was experienced in dealing with his own corporate office.Greg found his shelf and detemined how much of the best sellers would fit along with some new products that were on their way out along with the allotted space in the cooler.Greg carried an ipad type machine to submit the order.An hour later with the info on board,Greg sought Nicole back out to get her approval.Ten minutes later,approval in hand,Greg left the building after giving his good byes to Nicole and promised her he would be there when the product arrived to get it straight on the shelf.Ncole thanked him and kept on with her exhausting workload.
Heading home,Greg was anxious to see Prissy and to not only find out about her day but also to tell her about his.Prissy was still dressed in the same skimpy outfit she was wearing when he left.It didn't leave much to the imagination.But Greg didn't have to imagine.Prissy had already showed him everything and he had tasted most everything too.When he got to the news of the large order,he got a response didn't expect.
Greg-"I got a new account today."
Prissy-"What's a new account?"
Greg-"A new store opened on my area that I needed to place an order for."
Prissy-"OK,You say this like it's good."
Greg-"It's VERY good.A new account taking a lot of product without any other store closing means more pay."
Prissy-"I'm happy for you."
Greg-"It's that new bid box discount store over on Connelly avenue.It's VERY big.We should be able to sell a LOT of merchandise there."
Prissy-"That's nice.I have my own job.I might get a raise once a year if I'm lucky,but the nice part is not having to fight traffic between my bedroom and my office in my apartment ."
Greg-"There IS something to be said for telecommutting. The new account moved a manager I've been working with before and she has been VERY busy."
Greg-"Yes,Nicole Anderson.I've know her for years.Poor thing looked exhauisted when I saw her today."
Prissy-"Poor thing.You've known this woman for years?"
Greg-"Yes,almost as long as I've been on the route.Why?"
Prissy-"Oh nothing.I just don't like other women around my man."
Greg-(surprised)"Your man? Are we a couple? I knew you were helping me deal with Amanda's death,but your man? When did you decide this?"
Prissy-"I'm sorry.I was just assuming since we've been getting along so well that,you know,maybe we might be a couple."
Greg-"Prissy,I appreciate everything you done.I do.But we're not a couple.At least not yet.We need to slow this down.Should you be sleeping in the other bedroom?"
Prissy-(looking alarmed at the thought)"NO,that won't be necesary.I really don't want to sleep alone.I promise,no more talk about us being a couple until you're ready for it."
Greg(looking at Prissy hard and taking a moment to consider her words)-"OK,one step at a time.I didn't ask for any of this.You made the offer."Prissy nodded her head in agreement.So,Greg has been knowing another woman for 'years'.Prissy will have to check into this. Prissy decided to let Greg relax for a while before she gave him his bedtime fuck.When she saw him yawn on the couch,she made her move.Prissy stood before Greg and offered her hand.Greg took it and rose to follow her into the bedroom.In the bedroom,Prissy first gave Greg a big hug and then looking into his eyes wth her own beautiful ones,proceeded to give him a passionate kiss.Greg certainly didn't mind Prissy's kisses.Prissy's tongue tasted so sweet and Prissy put it everywhere in his mouth.Greg first held her head in his hands as he kissed back,then he held her close as their kissing continued.There was something about Prissy's kisses that just seemed to make the world go away for awhile. Greg's mind went to another place as he tasted Prissy's lips and tongue. After several minutes,Prissy finally broke the kiss and looking still into Greg's eyes,removed his clothing.When Greg was standing nude before her,Prissy took his cock in her hand and started stroking and pulling it. Greg took hold of Prissy's ass cheeks and went back to kissing her as she played with his cock like it was her favorite toy.After a few more minutes of this,Prissy pushed Greg gently to the bed and climbed aboard to straddle his face.Prissy took care of her self and her pussy smelled sweet and inviting to Greg so he started eating her folds and and interior with enthusiasm.Before long,Prissy's body was twitching with each stab of Greg's tongue on her sensitive nerve endings.Greg wrapped his strong arms around Prissy's hips so she would stay in place until he had his fill of her pussy juices.Prissy arched her back and her head as she felt every sensation Greg's tongue was affording her.After she came in Greg's mouth and he had the chance to swallow it down,she repositioned her self to ride his cock.With her pussy already soaked from her orgasm,Prissy slid right down on top,filling her pussy with Greg's hardness.She started serious pumping and clutching Greg's chest with her nails,pulling and pinching on his nipples.Prissy's own orgasm came quickly running out her pussy and down Greg's balls to drip onto their sheets.Prissy didn't stop or slow down as she kept the tempo to give Greg his orgasm.And apparently something in the way Prissy fucked did the trick because she felt Greg tense up then relax after onlt a few mintues.As if most of the times Prissy felt Greg cum inside her,she exclaimed ' YES' and then collapsed on top nuzzling his face and neck.For his part,Greg caressed Prissy's body as he nodded off to a deep sleep,the kind you get when you've been fucked well.Prissy fell asleep at his side. Her arm rested on his chest,Greg's nipple in her finger tips as she fell into her own deep sleep.Tomorrow was another day.She would find out who this other woman was soon enough. Greg woke the next morning to Prissy licking and sucking his nipple.Prissy seemed eager to fuck just about any time she was awake.But for now Greg was enjoying the feel of her tongue on his nipple.And Prissy seemed to be enjoying the way Greg's nipple rolled in he mouth.As Greg rubbed the sleep from his eyes,Prissy gave his nipple a nibble.Just a little touch of erotic pain.Prissy seemed to be all about erotic.She started caressing Greg's chest and stomach as she nibbled and sucked on his nipple.Greg's hand found its way to Prissy's nipple as well.Prissy had smaller tits but they were VERY nice.Enough to take hold of.Enough to squeeze.Greg enjoyed their feel in his hand.When Prissy felt Greg's hand on her tit,she lifted her head and smiled her beautiful,wonderful smile to Greg.Prissy was no slouch in the looks department.Greg could appreciate her stunning beauty as he looked into her exquisite eyes.After a moment of looking at Greg smiling,Prissy moved up to kiss him deeply.Prissy's kisses were hypnotic,when she inserted her tongue in Greg's mouth,he almost considered calling in sick.After a minute of kissing,Prissy repositioned herself so that her pussy was over Greg's mouth.He didn't know when Prissy had awakened or what she may have done before he woke up,but her pussy smelled resh and inviting.Greg started eating it with enthusiasm.Prissy's body started to twitch as Greg worked to get his fill of her pussy juice at that start of the day.Greg wrapped his arms aroiund Prissy's hips as he had done before to hold her in place while he enjoyed the nectar her pussy was generating.Prissy leaned back and took hold of Greg's hard cock and started pulling on it.Greg only moaned his pleasure witb the taste of Prissy's pussy and the pulling of his cock.Prissy seemed to do everything right.When Prissy had talked him into letting her move in temporarily,Greg did not dream they would start fucking so quickly and often.Prissy started his day with a thorough fucking and ended it the same way.Now that Prissy had shot her first orgasm down Greg's throat,she moved her body again to ride Greg's cock to her second orgasm.Prissy started her ride slowly at first and then built up in intensity until she was rocking passionately to that second intended orgasm.Orgasm now come and gone,Prissy slowed the tempo but kept up her riding until she felt Greg reach his own orgasm.Feeling his cream in her pussy,Prissy wound down and took Greg's head in her hands and kissed him deeply again,allowing her spit to drip down into his mouth.Greg seemed to enjoy all her efforts.After a minute of 'cool down',Prissy climed off her cock and went to the kitchen to make Greg some breakfast.While she was preparing the meal,Prissy heard Greg in the shower,rinsing off their passion.A short while later,Greg joined her at the table and ate his breakfast.When Greg bid her goodbye for the day,Prissy received a kiss and squeeze on her butt cheek.With Greg gone for the day,Prissy set out to find out who the woman was that he has known 'for years'. Prissy not only was naturally familiar with Greg's car from seeing him in the parking lot,she also knew where he worked,having followed him a time or two.
When Greg got to work ,he found his boss Dan in the office as was usual for the start of the day.
Dan-"Your order for the new store went out this morning.You'll want to be there this morning to see the product placed correctly."
Greg-"Thanks,the truck has already left?"
Dan-"Yes-about an hour ago."
Greg-"Do you how many stops before the new store?"
Dan-"Only two.So the truck is likely there now."
Greg-"Thanks.I'll head over there right now so Nicole won't have to worry about it any more than necessary." Greg went back to his SUV and headed for Nicole's store. Twenty minutes later,he was pulling into the parking lot.Inside the store,he found an obviously frustrated and strung out Nicole dealing with the bill.Greg could see her nerves were frazzled.Greg assisted the driver and helper to get the product organized and efficient for Nicole to check the order.Nicole seemed grateful for Greg's help.When everything was unloaded and checked,Greg sent the two employees on.
Greg-"Nicole,I'll get this stocked and the displayed as you need it."
Nicole-(smiling wearily)"Thank you.I appreciate everything you can do."
Greg-"Sure,don't worry about anything here."Greg gave Nicole's shoulder a little squeeze.Then he set about unpacking the boxes and arranging the product on the shelves then into their correct place in the cooler.The store was coming together nicely,a testament to all of Nicole's hard work.When it was all finished,Nicole strolled by and hands on hips,she nodded and smiled.
Nicole-"Looks good."
Greg-"Told you I would take care of it."Then over the PA loudspeaker,Nicole was paged again and with a loud groan,she stomped off to deal with the new crises.Greg looked on the shelf and saw that his paperwork was needing her sign off so he scooped it up and folowed after her.Greg caught up with Nicole at a stock room door who looked a bit surprised he was still there.Greg looked at her a little sheepishly and held up the statements.Nicole looked at them,at him then nodded her head and went through the door.Greg followed her.Nicole walked rather quickly to a small room on the far side of the stockroom and motioned for Greg to follow her in.The room was mostly empty except for a small stack of boxes that could form a crude cot if someone was weary enough to demand sleep.Nicole sat on the boxes and held out her hand for the paperwork.
Nicole-"What did I forget?"
Greg-"To be honest,you didn't forget anything.I,on the other hand,forgot to get your signature on these statements.I know it's been rough."
Nicole-"Rough is not the word I would use.HELL is the word I would use.I put in a 16 hour day,and go home long enough to grab a five minute shower and lay down for a few hours and I'm back here again.I'm exhausted."
Greg-(massaging Nicole's shoulder's)"I can tell.But you don't have any more to worry about with my order.You saw the shelving.The cooler's in the same condition.A place for everything and everything in its place."
Nicole-"How long have I known you?"
Greg-"I's say ten years."
Nicole-"Can I trust you?"
Greg-"Sure,with anything you need Nicole." Nicole paused for a moment looking Greg in the eye before she said anything more.
Nicole-"I need to be fucked." The declaration caught Greg off guard.
Greg-"Yeah,I know what you mean."
Nicole-(still looking Greg in the eyes)"I'm serious."
Greg-"I believe you."
Nicole-"By you Greg.Here,now.I need you to fuck me.Can you do that for me?WILL you do that for me? I'm so frustrated and aggravated,will you give me a thorough fucking so I can get a little 'endorphins' flowing? Please?" Greg didn't know what to say.He was SURE that if he did fuck Nicole and his boss found about it,it would mean his job.And he was sure if Nicole's boss found about it,she would be fired too.
Nicole-"Please Greg,I see the wheels turning in your head.You're wondering about us getting caught and our bosses finding out then firing us."
Greg-"Uh,yeah.Exactly my thoughts." Nicole stood up and came close to Greg.She put her hand on the back of Greg's head and looked him in the eye while she spoke softly so close to him that their lips touched while she spoke.
Nicole-"Greg,I'm going out of my mind with the headaches of this place for the last month.This room we're in is off limits to everyone but upper management so no one comes this far into the stockroom.We're alone and no one will disturb us.Oh,they're probably wondering right now where I am but I'm desperate.I need to get fucked.I need a cock Greg.I need your cock.Now"With that final word,Nicole kissed Greg.At first lightly.Then a little harder.When Greg didn't protest or back away,Nicole kissed Greg all out.Lips mashed against each other.Nicole's tongue exploring the inside of Greg's mouth.Greg took Nicole in his arms and held her close as he kissed her back.Nicole moaned as she felt waves of tension start to rise in her body and dissipate.One of her hands found its way down to Greg's cock.While Nicole kept her kissing going,she pulled down Greg's zipper and took his cock out of his pants.Greg's eyes opened as he felt Nicole start stroking his cock.Greg had always thought Nicole to be pretty but that was as far as he let him mind go.He never DREAMED he would be kissing her and that she would be playing with his cock like she was.He'd always kept his dealings professional.But he had always liked Nicole and sympathized with the headache she had of getting the huge store ready to open.Now,almost as suddenly as Nicole had started kissing Greg,her head lowered to his cock and her mouth swallowed Greg's cock.Greg's eyes almost moved up into his head as Nicole sucked his cock like there would be no more tomorrow.Greg had to fight not to cum right there in Nicole's mouth as she devoured his cock.Greg managed to get her head up before she could taste his load and worked quickly to get her undressed.Nicole had a beautiful body with a nicely trimmed pussy that Greg just HAD to taste.Nicoole had not been able to give it the hygeine she would have liked but she still tasted good to Greg.He parted her legs wide and sunk his tongue deep inside her female folds and felt her jerk and shrieck as he worked to pleasure this beautiful stressed out woman of whom he was VERY fond.Greg found her pussy wet almost immediately and worked to lick up every drop he could while also enjoying the sensations he was giving her as he sucked her clit,flicking his tongue across her sensitive button.Greg spent a few more minutes eating Nicole's tasty pussy before he finally backed away and putting one of Nicole's shapely legs to his shoulder,he entered her soaking pussy and starting fucking her in earnest.Nicole looked up at his face and mouthed 'thank you' as Greg pumped back and forth until he felt Nicole's kehle muscles squeeze the hell out of his cock and he knew she had cum hard.Greg kept up his pumping until he felt his own orgasm approaching.
Greg-(breathlessly)"I'm coming Nicole." With that,Nicole scrambled to get her mouth close to Greg's cock.She took his shaft in her hands and started stroking as fast as she dared.When Nicole felt Greg twitch in her hand,she placed her mouth around his cock-head and kept her stroking until she felt Greg's cum land on her tongue,in the back of her mouth,other places she couldn't really tell.When she was satisfied she had pulled Greg's cock sufficiently to get all the cum available,she loosed her hold and smiled at Greg while she first stuck out her tongue so he could see his cum,then pulled her tongue back in her mouth and swallowed Greg's creamy offering.Nicole leaned back on the boxes for a minute,her beautiful tits heaving with her heavy breathing.
Nicole-"Oh,I needed that."
Greg-"I was glad I could help you out."Nicole smiled and rummaged around for her clothes,then getting dressed,she found a pen and signed the paperwork for Greg.He had found his own clothes and proceeded to get them put back on.
Nicole-"Thank you."
Nicole-"As tempting as that is,there can't be another time so long as we work for our current employers."Greg nodded and Nicole headed off to a back to her office.She needed to get a little primping done so it wouldn't be obvious she just got fucked.Greg headed the other direction to exit the bulding and head to his next customer.He didn't see Prissy standing near a door watching people come and go.Even though she sawe Greg leave,she needed to do what she could to find out the other woman Greg knew.She was looking around at people coming and going through several different doors.As she got close to one,she was in the right place at the right time to seal Nicole's doom.She caught sight of two workers smoking and she moved close enough to hear their conversation.
Worker-"You didn't hear this from me but Nicole got some little while ago."
2nd worker-"NO shit,how do you know?"
Worker-"I was looking for something in the stockroom that the super sent me for.I heard a strange sound,a shrieck."
2nd worker-"OK,you heard a shrieck."
Worker-"I was near that little room that's off limits.There she was,Nicole was fucking that beverage guy."
2nd worker-"Holy shit,FOR REAL??"
Worker-"Absolutely,he was giving it to her good.I'm telling Nicole Anderson looked like she was enjoying that fucking." Prissy was fuming.She headed to her car to see is she could find something that would fix that bitch.This 'Nicole Anderson' would pay for fucking her man.Rummaging through her car and trunk,Prissy found an ice pick left there after she'd gone to a family get together and they has needed a pick to break some ice blocks apart to chill some beer.Prissy had forgotten all about it being there.She picked up the ice pick and headed back to the building intent on finding a way in and exacting her revenge,AND her 'pounds of flesh'.As Prissy's perverted luck with have it,her chance came sooner than she had expected. She circled around the building coming up on another door on the other side of the building.As Prissy stood by a door,it opened.Out popped a beautiful woman.No sooner than the woman appeared that Prissy heard someone yell "Nicole Anderson". Nicole turned around at the sound of her name and motioned with her head that she would be back.That was all Prissy needed.As Nicole turned back around the way she had begun,Prissy sprung on her catching her by surprise.Prissy held her arm around Nicole's shoulder and clamped her hand over Nicole;s mouth so she could make any noise.Prissy was holding the ice pick so she could swing upwards and plunge the sharp point into Nicole's rib cage.Nicole's eyes grew wide with terror as she fought the pain and surprise but Prissy was too much.Prissy was determined and driven to exact her revenge and she kept plunging the ice pick into Nicole's ribcage and chest.the blood poured from Nicole's wound and her strength ebbed quickly.Adrenalin was flowing through Prissy's veins giving her the strength she needed to drag Nicole behind a dumpster and leave her crumpled dead body behind another crudely stacked pile of boxes.As Prissy left the scene,rain started to fall washing Nicole's blood away.Good,Prissy thought.The rain will keep people away the area long enough for the mess to be washed down the drain.Greg would be hers once again. On the way back to Greg's home,Prissy stopped at her own and dropped the bloody ice pick in a cardboard box where she had also put the bathrobe that she had taken the belt from which she had used to strangle Amanda.Prissy left the box in the back of a closet in her unused bedroom.Once her shower was done,Prissy headed back to Greg's to properly welcome him home from a hard day at work.
When Prissy heard Greg come through the door of the apartment,she practically bounced her way to him smiling broadly.Greg saw her coming and smiled,although his was not as big as hers.Not that he wasn't happy to see her,he was just tired from seeing clients all day long. Prissy took hold of Greg's head as she planted her intense kiss on his lips.Once she broke,Greg acted like he was catching his breath.
Greg-"WOW,what was that about?"
Prissy-"I'm just glad to see you!"
Greg-"Yeah,I can tell." with that Prissy planted another longer passionate kiss on Greg's lips.This time,Greg not only kissed her back as passionately as he got,but he also put his arms around her to embrace her.Prissy moaned her delight as she felt Greg hold her close and his tongue played with hers.Prissy seemed capable of incredibly long kisses as Greg breathed through his nose while their two tongues played in each others' mouths.He wasn't bothered by her kissing,just never did with Amanda.Once Prissy finally broke her kiss with a deep breath in of her own and a smile as big as the day was long,Prissy started removing Greg's shirt.
Greg-"Please,mot just yet.It was a rough day.I set up that new store.I'm really tired." Prissy looked disappointed but she obliged.
Prissy-"I guess it's different when you sit at a computer all day long and only have to deal with angry people who just want to yell at you."
Greg-"I guess.I get yelled at too. I'm the sales rep.If a product that sells well gets backordered and the store feels it's losing profit from sales that didn't happen,I get yelled at.The lady I worked with this morning got mad at me a few years ago when a driver put the order in her stock room instead of putting it on the shelf.Nicole found it and saved it for me the next time I showed up.She reamed me a new one."
Prissy-"Well,you don't have to worry about her anymore."
Prissy-"You said you went there today.You took care of the order yourself? She was happy? No yelling? No more worries."
Greg-"Yeah,but if a driver fucks up again,she'll know how to find me."
Prissy-"Well, right now you just sit down and I'll get you something cold to drink."
Greg sat on the couch and as promised,Prissy brought him a cold drink with just a shot of alcohol to take the edge off his nerves.Greg worked on the drink as Prissy went back to the kitchen to prepare a plate for Greg.Prissy set up a TV tray so Greg could eat his dinner while he watched TV and Prissy sat beside him close enough so their legs touched.Prissy always seemed to want to be touching Greg.Prissy kept watching Greg as he took bites and chewed slowly and played at watching TV.When Prissy saw that Greg's drink was nearly gone,she rose to refill it then sat back in her last position.By the time Greg finished his dinner,he was feeling more relaxed.Prissy put his plate in the sink and came back.intent in getting her cock.She sat down beside Greg and started playing with his hair,touching his face and neck to let him know she wanted to be fucked.Greg looked at her and smiled. Then it was his turn to put his lips on hers.Greg held Prissy close again and she set about sending her tongue into the playground that was Greg's mouth to seek its playmate.Once their tongues met,the two played like they were BFF's that couldn't stand to be apart.Greg leaned over with Prissy basically pinning her to the couch.Prissy not only didn't care,she was in extacy.She and her man were together.Once Greg let enough for Prissy to get her hands in between them,she started removing his shirt.She always enjoyed the sight of Greg's bare chest.She never saw him work out,but apparently between on snacking all day long and what she assumed was a day of moving heavy boxes around gave Greg a physique most would be envious of.Prissy kissed Greg's chest in multiple places.She teased his nipples and nibbled on them.Greg moaned his approval.When Prissy managed to stand up to get the rest of the way naked,Greg followed suit.Once they were out of their clothes and Greg was fully hard.Prissy took hold of what she believed was her cock and headed for the bedroom.Greg had no choice but to follow lest Prissy should rip his cock off.Once on the bed,Prissy laid down beside Greg and pulled mightily on his cock in between short sessions of stroking.Greg caressed and fondled all of Prissy's body.Her skin was beautiful and always smelled wonderful.Her tits were smaller but plenty for either a grab or a sucking.After a bit of this foreplay,Prissy had Greg lay flat on his back and she repositioned herself to straddle his face.Greg took the offered treat and proceeded to lick all the sweet goodness that Prissy was giving him.Good thing there was no calories in Prissy's pussy juice to speak off or Greg would get overweight from the amount she produced when Greg was giving the euphoric sensations.Greg sucked her lips,licked everywhere he could reach inside and found her clit,torturing it with his tongue and sucking it untl Prissy cried out and arched her back from her intense orgasm. Prissy's orgasm consumed,Greg took charge and laid Prissy beside him.He lifted her leg and parted her pussy lips slighlty then inserted his cock between.Prissy bit her lower lip as she felt Greg's cock slide past her outer lips and prepare itself to drill into her pussy.Greg put his arm around her shoulders and took hold of a tit while he held her leg and proceeded to pound her pussy.Prissy thought she was in heaven as Greg kissed her so she couldn't cry out in ecstacy while his cock devoured her pussy and his hand gripped her tit firmly.Two more orgasms racked Prissy's body before she felt Greg have his own.Winding down,Greg let Prissy's leg back down on the bed and whispered in her ear that he would be back in a minute.Prissy basked in the afterglow of her orgasms while she waited for Greg to return.And after a few minutes,Greg did return explaining tht he had gone to lock up and turn the lights off.Prissy nodded and reveled in the feel of Greg's arms around her as she drifted off to a deep sleep.Tomorrow was the start of the weekend and would be a new day for them since Prissy had taken care of her 'compitition' today.
The next morning,Greg woke to Prissy singing in the kitchen and remembered it was Saturday.He stepped into the shower to rinse off Prissy's sexual juices and then joined her in the kitchen dressed in light casual clothes.
Prissy-"I have something I want you to do today."
Greg-"OH? What is that?"
Prissy-"I want you to fuck me by the pool today."The complex had a resort worthy pool that was maintained professionally and kept in pristine condition.It was one of the reasons rent was as high as it was there.Tenants had a beautiful place to live with very nice amenities and that all cost money.Greg had never thought of taking Amanda to the pool for any erotic adventures but somehow,he wasn't surprised that Prissy had it on her mind.Sex always seemed to be on Prissy's mind.
Greg-"When are you wanting this?"
Prissy-"As soon as possible.Before the day gets too hot.I don't mind getting sweaty but not from the heat of the sun." They lived in an 'adults only' complex so there wouldn't be any danger of kids seeing something they shoudln't. Feeling rested from the previous nights fucking and a good nights sleep,Greg followed Prissy out to the poolside area.There was numerous very comfortable lounging chairs set up around the water so the tenants could sit and tan while very quiet fans blew cool breezes over them. Prissy led Greg over to a chaise and laid him down.There was another couple on their side but Prissy didn't seem to care about their presence.She was there to get fucked by 'her man' and she didn't care if anyone saw them.Greg smiled 'hello' at the other couple and they reciprocated.Their eyebrows raised as Prissy pulled off her bottom exposing her ass and pussy to them.With Greg laying back on the chaise,Prissy positioned herself so her asshole was right in front of Greg.He was not only comfortable with this,he started licking Prissy's ass almost immediately. When his tongue slid into Prissy's ass,he heard a slap.
Man-"OW,What was that for?"
Woman-"Don't you see that? What they're doing?" Prissy was smiling and moaning as Greg worked his tongue in and out of her ass as deeply as he could reach it.
Man-"I'm sorry.You want me to tell them to stop?"
Woman-"NO dammit! I'm ALWAYS asking you to eat my ass and you ALWAYS refuse.Not only SHE getting her ass eaten,she's being eaten in public."
Man-"I'm sorry,that doesn't do anything for me."
Woman-"It's mot SUPPOSED to turn YOU on.It's for MY enjoyment." Greg was now getting his tongue deep into Prissy's ass and sucking loudly on her sphincter.Prissy was not only smiling broadly.her eyes seemed to be rolling up into her head. The woman had apparently had enough not only of the show,but also that her man wouldn't eat her ass.
Woman-"FUCK! Make your OWN damn lunch!" With that the woman got up and left with a huff. The man did his own little curse and hurried off after her. Prissy on the other hand was about to cum from the attention Greg was giving her ass.With her orgasm dripping on Greg's upper chest,Prissy turned around and looking Greg in the eyes,she slid her pussy down on his cock and proceeded to ride him until she felt his cum spray the inside of her pussy for the second time in twenty four hours.With their having reached mutual orgasms in the process of provided an erotic show,Greg and Prissy headed back to their apartment to catch a mid-day nap.Prissy woke up first and decided to go to her own apartment to take care of a little matter while Greg slept.As she made the walk,she didn't notice the attention that was being paid to her. The police had never forgotten about the way she responded to their questions.But at the same time,they didn't have any evidence that could tie Prissy to Amanda's murder.The only thing the police had so far was the belt to the terry cloth bathrobe with Amanda's DNA on it from the fabric being forced into Amanda's skin, and Prissy's unco-operative attitude whenver the police asked to question.The two detectives watched as Prissy went to her apartment and disappear behind the door.About forty-five mintues later,they saw her exit the apartment,this time with a cardboard box about two square.They watched as Prissy dropped it into the dumpster and close the lid. One of them paid notice to where the box rested while the other watched Prissy head back to Greg's apartment and again disappear behind the door.The two detectives hurried over to the dumpster and looked inside.They didn't expect a pretty sight as it WAS a garbage dumpster but neither one looked forward to jumping into the big metal box.
P.D.#1-"They don't pay me enough to go dumpster diving."
P.D.#2-"I know that,but I did it last time.It's your turn." The detective made the obligatory jump into the dumpster and almost immediately registered his disgust.
P.D.#1-"AWW HELL.There is something BEYOIND disgusting in here.It's seeping into my shoes.I'm going to have to throw this entire outfit away."
P.D.#2-"Would you kindly stop your squawking and get the bitches box?" The detective groaned his disgust all the way to the box and all the way back.He lifted it out to the other detective's waiting hands.Apparently there was something disgusting the box had been sitting on because the second detective made his own disgust known as he dropped the box on the ground.As the first detective climbed back out of the dumpster,the second one opened the box and cheered.
P.D.#2-"JACKPOT!! A terry cloth bathrobe AND a bloody ice pick!" The first detective looked in the box and saw the same thing.
P.D.#1-"We've got her.I'm sure this is the murder weapon other part for the girl over here."
The two detectives rushed the box to their car with the one that climbed into the dumpster walking weird due to disgusting slop having found its way into his shoe.The two detectives put the box into their trunk and headed back to the station.The next morning they got the news they were looking for.The bathrobe has DNA in it and was consistent with the fibers from the belt that had Amanda's DNA. The box also contained the bloody ice pick with blood that was proven through by DNA to be Nicole's.The detectives had seen Prissy drop the box in the dumpster but they needed one more thing to put the case away.They needed Prissy's DNA to match to the bathrobe and they would have their murderer.They went back to the complex and just happened to find Prissy standing outside with a water bottle.They could not believe their luck,the only thing that would ruin their day was if Prissy took the bottle back to the apartment or if she threw it into a trash can with others.The two detectives watched as Prissy drained the bottle and tossed it into a nearby trash can.As Prissy returned back to the apartment,the detectives rushed to the can.BINGO!!! Only one water bottle laying on top of some fast food wrappers.The detectives picked the bottle to preserve what Prissy had left behind and went back to the station again.The next morning ,they had what they needed.Prissy's DNA on the water bottle MATCHED the DNA on the bathrobe.They had their SMOKING GUN!! They headed back to Greg's apartment and knocked on the door.Greg answered.
Greg-"Hello.What can I do for you? Do you have any new leads on Amanda's killer?"
P.D.#1-Yes we do sir.Is the woman here?"
Greg-"You mean Prissy? Yes,she;s in the kitchen."Prissy heard her name mentioned and came out of the kitchen smiling.When she saw the detectives,her smile vanished.
Prissy-"What the hell are you doing here? I TOLD you what we'd do if you harrassed my borfriend again!"
Greg-"Boyfriend? I told you we weren't a couple.You said you were trying to help me get over Amanda's death."
P.D.#2-"Sir,we believe this is the person responsible for your girlfriend's death."
Prissy-"BULLSHIT!! I told you I new nothing about it.I TOLD YOU!!!"
The two detectives twirled Prissy around and put handcuffs on her.Prissy looked at them GLARING!!
Greg-"I don't understand.Prissy is responsible? You're saying SHE killed Amanda? How?"
P.D.#1-"We're not going to discuss the particulars at present but we have what we need to fry this bitch.If you had only been more co-operative when we wanted to question you,we might not have been watching when you put that box in the dumpster yesterday!"
Prissy-"NO,NO,NOOOO!!! DON'T BELIVE THEM GREG! I LOVE YOU. I WOULD NEVER DO ANYTHING TO HURT YOU!! Greg was seeing a side of Prissy he had not seen before.As the first detective practically carried Prissy screaming and kicking out of the apartment,the second detective lowered his voice.
P.D.#2-"I'm not going into the particulars as we said.But we've got her.We're going to put her away." Greg had to sit down.His head was spinning.This was the same girl who had treated him so lovingly after he said his girlfriend was murdered.And she was the ONE who murdered her???
The trial was quick.The discarded items were enough to convict Prissy.Greg foiund out from his boss that Nicole had also been murdered.The bloody ice pick in Prissy's discarded box was proven to be the murder weapon.As Greg sat alone in his apartment,Prissy was locked up behind a huge metal door,screaming and beating on the small window while wearing her prison jumpsuit.
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