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The Yearbook Part 1It was late in the afternoon when Betsy drove into the Colony Estates complex. She took another quick glance at the invitation, then started scanning the house numbers on Granada Avenue for the party address. LaTryce, one of her co-workers, had invited her to her new niece’s christening party. It was mainly a family gathering but certain family friends were invited. Betsy had no trouble finding the location as the house and yard were decorated with white and yellow crepe paper and balloons. She...reading time 18 mingenre
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Sister in law and meMy wife's brother's wife is a qualified doctor.Her husband also was a qualified doctor. They stay in another district. She had to attend some exam in Trivandrum. 2 days exam .the 3rd day results will be out and 4th day she will get the certificate. So it was a 4 days program. Her husband didn't get leave for continuous 4 days. So somebody had to accompany her.She and husband decided to keep me.So she requested my wife ( her sister in law) to send me with her. When my wife asked my opinion I rep...reading time 8 mingenre
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Ragna, the old neighbour ladyHi, first of all this is a true story happend some years ago, when I was in m*d t***ns, living with my parents. We had a summer house by the coast of Sweden and most weekends we spent there, and also most of the summer holiday. the house was like pair house, with two flats connected to each other. Our neighbour called Ragna was a lady around 60 I would guess, a bit religious they said, never drinking any alcohol as far as we know. She was always very friendly and my mom and Ragna seems to b...reading time 11 mingenre
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My first threesome After my first breakup with my girlfriend Ginny of 4 years, I started going out again with this girl, Danielle who was in her final year of college. We would often meet up during the weekends where I will picked her up from college and drived her to my house. We often would fucked whenever we were together. Even if she had her period, she would give me a good blow job while I played with her breast. Danielle is around 5'5" tall, with an amazing sexy body. She has a nice B size cup and big round ...reading time 10 mingenre
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Older woman make better lovers. Especially mothersOlder women make better lovers is a fact. If you don't believe me ask my twenty-six-year-old son Ethan. He will tell you I have the best pussy in the world and I'm more adventurous than any woman he has been with and the things I'll do are unlimited. I don't know we're Ethan got his looks. Because he looks nothing like his father or me. He is tall with broad shoulders, raven black hair, and deep blue eyes. He also didn't get his father's cock. Ethan is very well hung at eight inches in...reading time 8 mingenre
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Janice Joe
Older woman make better lovers. Especially mothersOlder women make better lovers is a fact. If you don't believe me ask my twenty-six-year-old son Ethan. He will tell you I have the best pussy in the world and I'm more adventurous than any woman he has been with and the things I'll do are unlimited. I don't know we're Ethan got his looks. Because he looks nothing like his father or me. He is tall with broad shoulders, raven black hair, and deep blue eyes. He also didn't get his father's cock. Ethan is very well hung at eight inches in...reading time 8 mingenre
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Janice Joe
My tenth anniversary presentWhat happens when you spend your anniversary with another woman??? My name is Roy, I am 33. My wife Anna Is 32. We have been very happily married for ten years today. I have never cheated or even looked at another woman. If you could ever see Anna as I do you would know why. She is beautiful with light curly brown hair to her shoulders, she stands 5 feet 4 inches tall with a 36 22 34 figure that makes all the men turn to look. Though she is busty her legs are her best assets. In the right ...reading time 24 mingenre
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My Senior High School YearWhen I was a senior in high school, I lost my virginity to my younger brother. But let me start at the beginning. It was the summer of 2014. Both of my parents are of Mexican decent as were both sets of my grandparents. My father died of cancer ten year prior. The family consisted of my mother and my younger brother Tomas. Tomas was in his first year of high school. He became very popular his first year of school. Most of my girlfriends were hot for him as well as most of the other girls ...reading time 17 mingenre
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Jo Jo of L.A.
Cum for dinnerThere were 2 things that Anita La Beck couldn't live without. One was food. She loved it and ate just about all the time, but was one of those lucky people who never put on an ounce; she always stayed at the same 130 pounds. The other thing she craved. men's sperm. She had been addicted to it since she was 18 years old, thats when she had given her first blowjob and the taste was just exquisite. Ever since then she couldn't get enough of that salty liquid. It had been several months since Ani...reading time 18 mingenre
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Forced into a ghetto whore - Chapter 2Natasha awoke, slowly and confused, in a room that she didn't know. It was a damp, dark room ; she felt the stench first, then tried to move, but she couldn't. She was lying on a bed, and when she tried to sit up and stand, she found herself immobilized. His wrists had been taped together and tied high to the bedpost, and each of her feet had been tied to two feet apart to the word bedposts. She wasn't alone, of course. She pulled, trying to strain in the bindings, but couldn't do it. She groa...reading time 75 mingenre
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Diary of a sperm donorBeing a single man in my mid-thirties was never easy. But it was the life I was used to. Since my poorly paid job entailed me working pretty much most days and weekends I never got around to meeting to many ladies. So, sex was always just me getting myself off every second day. Nothing wrong with it, me having a good wank. Certainly, helped keep me sane. Since this was the norm for me, I always felt what a waist it was cuming into a cleanex that would be flushed down the toilet after jerking my...reading time 16 mingenre
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The fiery roseIt was seven years ago.. Seven long years on an oddly cold summer night. If you asked me to remember everything about that night, I'd be at a loss, but the one thing I will remember. It was the night I met her. I was walking on a bridge over looking the lake down below. I remember thinking to myself, "Why put a side-walk on this long ass bridge? No one except my dumb-ass would walk it!" It was also that same night I had my final fight with my ex-fiancee. I walked out. Everything before then, to...reading time 15 mingenre
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VIPs in bondage - FourThe dark, stretch limousine cruised silently through the cold, deserted streets of Los Angeles, snaking through the streets inexorably towards its destination. It was late at night, just past midnight and in this business area of town on a Saturday night you rarely saw anyone around. The long car wound around one last corner and gently slowed to a stop in front of a non-descript grey stone building, whose windows were tinted out ? not that that was uncommon around here. Almost as it came to a ha...reading time 25 mingenre
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Dark Cloud
I heard it through the grapevineAs Kirsty and Rob were both in their early 50´s, it seemed a nice plan to get out of the rat race and to take things a little more easily and lead a less complicated life. So they had bought a finca with a vineyard in rural Spain, on the foot of a mountain range near Valencia. It had a substantial plot of land with an active and healthy vineyard, so they generally hired some helpers to work the land. Recently they took on Dia and Kono, two African men from Zimbabwe. They had made it to Europe an...reading time 39 mingenre
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The BossWhen my husband returned from one of his so-called seminars, which allowed him to slip away from home for three days, he told me that he had invited his manager to lunch on Sunday at noon. He was hoping for a promotion, but it depended a lot, he thought, on the welcome we were going to give him. Of course it turned into an argument. - You ignore me, my aspirations, I always have to give in to your wishes, I'm getting fed up! I got carried away. - Yes, but this is for a good cause, you wanted to...reading time 25 mingenre
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The Yearbook Part IIt was late in the afternoon when Betsy drove into the Colony Estates complex. She took another quick glance at the invitation, then started scanning the house numbers on Granada Avenue for the party address. LaTryce, one of her co-workers, had invited her to her new niece’s christening party. It was mainly a family gathering but certain family friends were invited. Betsy had no trouble finding the location as the house and yard were decorated with white and yellow crepe paper and balloons. She...reading time 19 mingenre
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Winter Falcon 1979
Company Property (Part6)Clair spoke softly to Maria. "I've discovered the most terrible things in the last few days, Maria. There is a poor woman here who has sex with a dog, and her husband is a pony slave!" Maria looked at Clair, indicating she was fully aware of the situation, "I know her, Clair. She loves her new life and is getting more love now than she ever did with Kyle. The dogs are all modified for size and endurance. They keep those Puppygirls quite busy." "She likes being a dog wife? why didn't you tell ...reading time 27 mingenre
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Emilio Falcon
Craigslist hook upI'm not ever going in chronological order with any of my stories that are true or partially true. Everybodies over 18 by a damn sight. I had some experiences in my youth playing with guys, but I considered myself only slightly bi, and even then only secretly. My most successful sexual relationship with a female was when she occasionally fucked me in the ass with a strap-on. I had hot girlfriends from time to time but I had a hard time ever making relationships work. The few encounters I'd had wi...reading time 10 mingenre
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Terry's secret I grinned to myself as I read the message. "I WANT SOME CHUBBY MATURE ASS." It read. I looked around for my husband. He was no where in sight. So I headed up to my room locking the door as I entered. I went to the closet and dug into my secret hidy hole retrieving my favorite butt plug and some other needed necessities. After I made sure I had done a proper job of cleaning myself out. I grabbed Frank. Frank is my favorite butt plug and is about nine inches long. He starts out kinda small....reading time 9 mingenre
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Being a team playerShe was a cheerleader at the State College and was also doing her student teaching that fall semester at a local high school. The afternoon football game was the last of the season, the last of her college career and traditionally there was a heck of a party put on by the team after the game. This is the story of that party and team spirit. And, oh, what team spirit she had! Jackie knew better but when the star halfback of the college football team had asked her to go over to his place to liste...reading time 32 mingenre
First times
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Uncle John (This story contains scenes of v******e and has been written to satisfy a particular fetish of a particular individual. Some of what is depicted is not indicative of either mine or the protagonist's fetishes, but merely to convey the depravity and "perviness" of Uncle John. Reader discretion is advised) I was bored. It was always the same with these kind of things. Family weddings were ok for an hour or so, catching up with relatives you hadn't seen for years was nice but the novelty soon wore...reading time 33 mingenre
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The Neighbors Wife Shu-chenTina had left for work I was up had my morning shower grabbed a robe sipping my coffee at the kitchen table. Now that school had started, I was going to miss fucking the neighbor’s daughter Annya every morning. I’ll just have to wait until the afternoon after she gets out of class. My little Taiwanese, pussy, or as she calls it sui gei. My cock was getting to a vibe just thinking. There was a knock I looked up and saw Shu-chen, Annya’s mom. She was standing at the patio door in her robe. I got ...reading time 8 mingenre
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Beth R
Little Tie-up Games - part 1So first I'll start with a little background on this story. I'm 35 6'2" and keep in fairly good shape. I work out alot and would say that with blonde short hair and green eyes I am a decent catch. I've always been hetrosexual. This is a true story that involves a former friend of mine for years named Andrew and his wife Amy. I'm now their slave, but that's geting ahead of myself. Andrew is in medicore shape, at about 5'11" and 210 lbs. His wife Amy would be a pretty girl, if she lost a few pound...reading time 10 mingenre
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HC Monkey
My elder sister and me On 5th night,when I woke up at midnight I found my sister is sleeping with her face and front part turned away from my body.The portion from her waist to feet were in the shape of a chair.Her saree was curled up and raised upto a few inches below her waist. Seeing her in this condition, for the first time in my life,some naughty things came mind. I had a strong desire to touch at least her thighs.I knew if I insert my right palm and fingers,into her saree in the present condition, I will ...reading time 25 mingenre
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Home at LastThey had been planning the relocation for a while now. The urgency to be together was apparent, but there was so much to do before it could be actualized. They had agreed to move in together. She would move her work to his town. She, however, felt like the library she had started so painstakingly, needed to keep running. She would not wind it up, she would find someone to keep doing what she was doing and start something similar on the other side. What delayed their being together was finding so...reading time 8 mingenre
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Jiana Brown
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