My elder sister and me
On 5th night,when I woke up at midnight I found my sister is sleeping with her face and front part turned away from my body.The portion from her waist to feet
were in the shape of a chair.Her saree was curled up and raised upto a few inches below her waist. Seeing her in this condition, for the first time in my life,some naughty things came mind. I had a strong desire to touch at least her thighs.I knew if I insert my right palm and fingers,into her saree in the present condition, I will be able to touch her thighs.But I was very much afraid thinking what will happen if my sister catches my naughty activity. I thought since she is in deep sleep ,she will not know if I restricted my action to touching her thighs only.Under this confidence, I slowly inserted my right palm into her saree.Even before touching her thighs,I could feel the heat of the air inside her saree.Ultimately I touched her thighs.oh!my God,the hair of the thighs were standing and the thighs were too hot.I kept the palm only a few minutes and withdrew it fearing she shouldn't wake up.On 6th night at midnight, I saw
her sleeping in the same condition. Normally sleeps wearing saree,blouse, bra and underskirt. I was not sure whether she was wearing lingerie when she is at home. When going out of home she was definitely wearing lingerie. Now I wanted to touch her lingerie ( if she wears it ) or if I am lucky ( if she doesn't wear lingerie) I wanted to touch.her ass cheeks. After making sure that she was in deep sleep, I slowly inserted my palm into her saree and and raised it above the thighs. She was not wearing any lingerie.My palm directly touched her ass cheeks.Although I wanted to move palm a little further, I didn't have the guts to do that.So after a few minutes,I withdrew my palm and left the further actions for the future. On 8th night O moved my palm and fingers further.I explored the areas between her ass hole and bottom tip of her pussy. First time I realized that pubic hair will grow in those areas, since I didn't have any pubic hair in those areas. But I enjoyed exploring in those areas. I took the risk of spending about 15 minutes in my activities. On 9th night, I repeated the same activities of 8th night but opened and touched her hymen and pressed it gently, also insertedmy middle finger into her pussyhole. Day by day ( or night by nightI was becoming bolder.
On 10th night, I found her sleeping facing me.After making sure that she is fast asleep I just lowered my lungi upto my knees ( as though it happened in my sleep,) exposing my underwear, beneath which was my fully erected cock. I just watched with my eyes half shut,so that she will not know I am watching. After some time, she kept her left palm on my underwear.I didn't know whether it was done in her sleep.Anyway I was sure that she could feel the erected cock of me beneath my underwear. This thought itself was giving me much thrill. Now she pressed
my underwear beneath of which was lying my cock. Now I was almost sure that she is doing this not in her sleep but in awakened condition. So I just hugged her tightly. Then I lowered my under wear fully exposing my cock. I was eagerly awaiting her next action. Quite unexpectedly she commented " you have reasonably big cock at this age of 14."
I replied " thank you verymuch my darling sister,I have kept it exposed for you to touch it." Now she lowered her left palm and fingers andbtouched and fondled it for some time. I reached heavens.I told her " sweetie, I will be more happy if if you press gently and fondle my balls as well" Immediately she lowered her palm and gently pressed and fondled my balls.Meanwhile, I explored with my right palm her full ass cheeks. Slowly I moved it from her asshole to bottom tip of her pussy. On 11th night,I asked sister " Darling, in the area between ass hole and bottom tip of the pussy, only females have pubic hair ?" Sister replied " why you are asking this question?" I instantly replied that I don't have any pubic hair in those areas" Sister replied " Impossible, there is no differentiation between male and must not have checked properly. " I replied " No darling I have checked it thoroughly "
Sister told me " In that case let me check it myself" As per her request, I turned away from her so that my buttocks was facing her.She gently inserted her warm and soft right palm into my ass Crack and moved it from my ass hole to bottom tip of my balls.She told ," you are right,you don't have any pubic hair in those areas. But don't worry, it is notna permanent feature. You are only 14,it will grow when you are 15 or maximum 16." Even though there was no pubic hair in those areas I didn't want her to stop her exploring in those areas.I told her " Darling, even though there is no pubic hair,please don't stop fondling in that areas,since I am thrilled when you do it" Now sister explored my area between ass hole and bottom tip of my balls.As per my request, she gently pressed my balls and fondled my entire cock. After about 10 minutes, my cock cummed into her palm.But at the age of 14, I had only very limited quantity of semen. She cleaned her palm and we slept awaiting 11th night.
On 11th night ,I told her " today before starting our activities, I want to tell you something. Last ten days although we had been touching each other, we have not seen our naked bodies. I am very much interested in seeing your beautiful naked body.I am sure you also will like to see mine." Hearing this, she gave me a naughty smile. I removed her blouse first exposing her bra.Under the bra I could clearly see her big breasts propping.Even the sight of her bra gave my cock a small erection.But I don't think she noticed it. Now I removed her bra,exposing her big breasts.I commented, " Darling,you have a beautiful, sexy and big breasts.You are still not married, So I don't know how at this age of 20, you developed such big breasts. If you don't get angry can I ask one question. Occasionally you used to fondle and press your own breasts?" She became very shy and replied " Darling, I don't want to hide anything from you. When I used to have sexual desires, I used to fondle and press myown breasts.What else I can do ?" I liked her frank admission and told her the same." I talked further " means,this is the first time somebody else ( not you) going to fondle and press your breasts"? I grabbed her one breast with both of my palms.They were so big that it was not possible to grab one breast with one palm.I fondled and pressed one bymone.Then swallowed them
She was enjoying. Then I told her next item of your dress which I will remove is your underskirt. But then you will become fully naked,since you don't wear lingerie . So before that,why can't you remove my lungi and underwear so that I will become fully naked just before you become fully naked.?" She immediately removed my.lungi and underwear. Then I removed her underskirt. She was feeling very shy,so she kept her both palms on her pussy. But I forcefully took away her both palms. I really enjoyed the sight of her fully naked body.Gave a tight kiss to her pussy. She asked " by the way is it the first time you are seeing fully naked body of a female? " Her unexpected question put me puzzled. I had 2 options. Either tell her the truth or give her a lie. When I took about 5 minutes to answer she reminded " you did not answer my question?"I decided to tell her the truth. I proceeded " Darling sister,although I feel embarrassed to answeryour question, I don't want to tell you a lie.2 years back( when I was only 12) on summer vacation, our younger brother ( he was only 5 at that time) and me were engaged in games in full swing in our house compound. Suddenly mom came shouting " During school days you both were bathing every alternate days.Now today is the fourth consecutive day, you didn't take bath. She dragged both of us into thebathroom and closed its door. Once inside ,she asked us tonremove our dress--shirt and Nickerson in brother 's case and shirt and underwear in my case.I was feeling a bit shy when I removed my underwear. Meanwhile mom started removing her dress.First she removed her saree,blouse and her rowka( country bra).After removing our dress when we turned towards her she was with her underskirt only. Her underskirt had a big opening on her left side. 4 inch wide on top and 2 inch wide atnthe bottom with a total length(height)of 7 inch.Through that opening, I could clearly see the junction between her left thigh ( which was slightly dark and very much fleshy)and a portion of her pussy surrounded by black, thick and bushy pubic hair. It was a fantastic sexual sight.My little cock was giving a minor erection for the first time.I looked at her with the corner of my eyes,without she noticing. Then she removed her underskirt as well. Now she became fully naked.Now I came to know that she never wore any lingerie.I again looked directly at her body and enjoyed. One thing I learned from her face expression. She enjoyed me looking at her naked body.But our brother with all his innocence started looking directly at her naked body. Mom got angry and yelled " what are you looking at? See your big brother, he is not watching." I controlled my laugh hearing mom's comment. My sister commented after hearing my story " Anyway I appreciate your frank admission that you had seen a female in full naked condition before.I am eager to know what happened afterwards in the bathroom. But those details you can tell me tomorrow night. Now we will start our activities for tomorrow. We immediately moved from the verandah to the adjacent bed room ( not the bedroom where mom was sleeping).the bedroom lamp was on. I enjoyed seeing her full naked body.First I concentrated on her front side. I commented" Darling you have a sexy and big breasts. I tightly kissed her breasts one by one and and came down and kissed her pussy very tightly.Now my average sized cock was fully erected. She touched it and commented " At the age of 14,you have a reasonably big cock.I enjoy it seeing it dancing. Now we moved to the bed. I jumped over my sister, spread her thighs a little apart and pushed my cock into her pussy hole and made to and fro motions for about 15 minutes until it cummed inside her pussy. The quantity of my semen was very little. Anyway we cleaned ourselves and slept awaiting the next night.
On 12th night,after making sure that mom was fast asleep, at 9.30 we directly occupied the bedroom. Immediately she asked me " I want a truthful answer from you.Now,since you have seen our mom and me in fully naked condition, please tell me which body you liked more"? I proceeded " my darling , I won't lie or exaggerate.Your body I found slightly better. Main reason is mom's breasts were not attractive since they were sagging. Afterall she has given birth to 5 offspring including us.Except that
all other parts of both of your bodies( overall body,thighs,pussy areas and buttocks etc.) Aware equally attractive. Although your body is fair complexioned and mom's is slightly dark,I liked both equally. Now I want to know from you some truthful answer. I had heard from some senior classmates that it won't be possible to push any cock into a virgins pussy,since her hymen will obstruct it.I know you are a virgin. But how yesterday my cock could enter your pussy without any obstruction? The only possibility is that you had been masturbating. Am I correct?" Sister replied after sometime ." See,my darling, there is no need of telling lies to you.What all you said was correct.I had my own sexual desires.As I had already admitted to you,to satisfy my desires partially, I occasionally fondled and pressed my breasts.That is the reason ,although I am still unmarried I have big breasts. If you want you can say,what I had been doing was masturbation. But in the correct sense it is not.The real masturbation ( in the case of females) is inserting the finger into the pussyhole and making to and fro motions. This may cause the breaking of hymen.But I never did it. For your information, the hymen can be broken in cases of virgins,due to some other reasons also. One reason is cycling.See at my age of 15 and 16 ( whenI was studying in fifth andsixth forms) full 2 years I used to go and come back from school cycling.So my hymen was broken due to this only." I instantly commented " sorry darling, it was only my doubt. I fully believe what you said just now." Sister interrupted " by the way,what about you . Do you masturbate?" I hesitatingly replied." Almost ten months back( starting of my age 14) I had occasionally done masturbation. But initially no semen was coming out.Only 3 months back,slightly semen started coming as you have seen yesterday when my cock cummed into your pussy."
Sister told " okay, now you start to explain the rest of the bathroom story,which you started yesterday " I instantly replied. " but to get the actual thrill,we should remove our dresses." We immediately removed all our dresses. I started narration." Immediately after sending our little brother out from bathroom,mom told me " Although he is very small,he is not as innocent as you,that is why I sent him out." She started bathing me.Applied soap andcleanedmy whole body.Starting from my forehead complete face excluding eyes ,reached neck and after finishing stomach, reached my cock area.She spent more time in this area which she as well as me enjoyed.with soap she fondled my whole little cock
including the balls.Then she turned me so that my buttocks was facing her.She cleaned my backside also. Now as per her instructions I pored hot water to my whole body and then dried my whole body.Then mom told" Darling, before getting dressed up, I need a small help from you." I was surprised thinking what type of help she is expecting from me. She started explaining " Darling, my palm can't reach my whole body,especially my backside from my neck to downwards.So please help me in cleaning those areas." I was most happy to hear this and told her " my darling mom ,why to resrict only the inaccessible areas( by your palms).I will do the cleaning of your entire body.She was extremely happy to hear my words and hugged me tightly. Now I started from her forehead ,full face excluding eyes and then reached her breasts via her neck.I never told her that her sagging breasts never attracted me.Otherwise she may feel bad.I cleaned her breasts.Yhen via stomach Ibreached her pussy areas.It was surrounded by thick, black and bushy pubic hair which I liked most.I cleaned that area very slowly. Inserted my middle finger into her pussy hole, pressed gently her kant.I could see from her facial expression, she was thoroughly enjoying it.Then I reached her both thighs. As I explained earlier, I liked her slightly dark,fleshy thighs.I slowly cleaned that areas,then reached her feet.Then I started her backside.Reached her ass cheeks.Explored the whole ass cheeks area which was extremely smooth and fleshy. Then my palm moved further and applied the soap in my favorite area between her ass hole and bottom tip of her pussy. I spent 15 minutes to clean that areas.Then she pored hot water to her whole body and dried it.Before,we dressed up,I toldmom" Mom the pubic hair is grown in the area between one's asshole and bottom tip of pussy( bottom tip of balls in case of males) only in the case of females?" Mom instantly replied " No. Not at all. Why you are asking this question?" I replied " since I don't have any pubic hair in those areas "Mom replied "No way,there is no differentiation between male and female.You must not have checked properly " I replied " No mom,I had checked it thoroughly " Mom commented " Is it ? Let me check it myself. As per her instructions, I bent my body forward and took the position so that my buttocks was facing her. She slowly inserted her palm into the ass Crack and gently moved and fondled the area between my ass hole and bottom tip of my balls.As though, known my mind she gently pressed my balls and fondled my whole cock.Finall she told me " you are right. But it is not a permanent feature. It will start growing after 2 or 3 years.
Sister liked mynarration.She told" I could never imagine that these things happened between mom and you happened when you were 12.Anyway you have admitted that you have started masturbating about 10 months back. Can I know,whom you are imagining while you masturbate?" It was a very tough question for me to answer. I kept silent for 5 minutes. Sister asked " do you imagine some girlfriends?" I immediately replied " No way.first of all I don't have any girlfriends. " Sister continued " hope you were not imagining me." I instantly replied "How,it can be ? Until 2 weeks back,I never had looked at you with sexual desires. Only when we started sleeping together, 2 weeks back,I started feeling sexual desires towards you.So question of imagining you,while masterbating does not arise."
Okay then I believe that you don't imagine anybody while masterbating--sister told.I replied absolutely .
When last 2 nights from your facial expressions,I observed you were enjoying me looking thoroughly your whole naked body,it reminded me 2 incidents. One is the similar action by our mom which I already explained.The 2nd one was a story from an English novel (which was narrated to me last year by one of my senior classmates.) In that novel,the hero was 15 years old.His mother was 35. One day they were alone in the house.Mom was thing bath. He was in adjacent hall.He heard mom crying loudly and calling him for help.When he entered the bedroom, he saw a big lizard. The frightened mom was standing in the corner.He immediately made the lizard to runaway from bath room.Now he had a nice look at mom's fully naked body.From her facial expression, he knew she was enjoying his action"
She told " Darling from my friends,I learned about masturbation among boys and girls. But I could not directly see any of them doing ( boy or girl) I can't request any girl to show me ,she doing masturbation. At least can I request you to show me you masturbating?" Although surprised by this unexpected request, I immediately agreed.First I fondled my sleeping little cock to get erected. The fact that my darling sister was watching me masturbating gave me extra thrill.So once it erected, I grabbed the front tip with my right palm and made to and fro motions tightly. After about ten minutes, cock cummed into my palm.As usual the quantity of semen was too little. I cleaned my palm.We both enjoyed. Now I told sister " Darling,the thing I had told yesterday thatI don't imagine any body during my masturbation is not fully correct. As I had already told you,since I never kept any sexual feelings towards you in those days,I could not imagine we engaging in sexual activities during my masturbation.But I was imagining that you are married to somebody with good job like a PG doctor. Further I used to imagine him fucking you left and right andboth of you enjoying". My darling sister enjoyed my narration.
My elder sister and me part 3.
One evening I was masturbating on first floor.sisterwas at ground floor. Unexpectedly sister came and saw me masturbating. I was embarrassed. But she observed me and left after five minutes without making any comments. In the night after dinner we went to sleep at 9.we always used to put the bedroom lamp.I was feeling embarrassed remembering what she saw in the evening. She asked me " when did you start masturbating and you do it regularly?" I instantly replied " I started it six months back.I do it once a week" She continued, doesn't matter, about 90% of boys and 70 % of girls do it before marriage. By the way most of them ( especially boys) imagine about somebody while masterbating. What about you ,do you imagine any of your girl friends?" I replied " Darling sister, I don't have any girlfriends. " She continued " you mean you don't imagine any body.? Tell me frankly ? " I reluctantly answered " my darling sister, I feel shy to answer your question " She encouraged me by saying
" you don't have to hide any thing from me. I won't tell anybody what you are telling me now" This emboldened me and I started." My sweetest sister, as you know last year summer vacation ( when I was 14) our mom bathed me and we had a combined bath.Although she had been bathing me from the age of five to ten when we were staying in our ancestral house, since I was very innocent, after seeing her fully naked I did not develop any sexual desires towards her. Somehow after shifting to our present house ( at my age ten) she stopped bathing me.I never asked her the reason. Quite unexpectedly last summer vacation ( I was fourteen) she gave me bathing and we had a combined bath.After the age of ten ,I was seeing
for the first time a lady in fully naked position. She also was seeing after a long four years. She teased me commenting " you have grown up sufficiently. I Instantly replied " because you are seeing me naked after long four years." She lovingly caught hold of my half erected cock and fondled it and nade it fully erected and further commented " My darling son it seems your cock is a bit bigger than your dad ( my husband) .I couldn't believe it and told her that. She explained " look just after marriage I saw your dad' cock. It was about four inches long and two and an half wide ( circumference). He was then 25 and me only 15.Now he is 41and me 31. Now his cock size is four and half inches long and three inches wide.But you are only 14 and so by the time you become 41,your cock size will be perhaps 5 inches long and three and an half inches wide. That is why Intold you that your cock is a bit bigger than that of your dad " Her sesual talk increased my sexual desires towards her. So after six months for the first time I started masturbating imagining her. Subsequently I started masturbating imagining our younger sister and also you." Sister really enjoyed hearing the narration of mine. She started " my darling brother, I knew that six months back our mom had bathed you and had a combined bath.But the subsequent developments I am hearing now only. Since you have narrated frankly, I will tell you some secrets.But don't reveal this to anybody else. Five years back when I was 16 and dad 36 some thing happened. As you know dad and me were too much affectionate towards each other.But didn't do anything more. One day during a summer vacation for about two weeks dad and nevwere all alone at home.So we had been sharing our parents' bed. Dad slowly started some filthy talks which both of us enjoyed. Dad told " my darling daughter, you are only 16. But your body and organs are much bigger for your age of 16.I think you are aware that." I instantly agreed.Dad continued " this observation I.made after seeing you in fully dressed conditions. Would you mind if I see you without anything on.?" I readily agreed. He first removed my blouse.At that agevI had not started wearing bra. So next dad removed my half skirt and I was with only petticoat. Although I had been wearing lingerie during night before going to sleep I used to remove that.So once my petticoat was removed I became totally nude. Dad was wearing only dhoty and under wear. His underwear was not at all in tight condition, but was extremely in loose condition. So when he removed the dhothi I could clearly see beneath his underwear his huge fully erected cock.After seeing me fully naked condition, naturally his cock started dancing.Now dad asked me " do you know what the couple do after marriage?" I instantly with dryness replied " not in full details. Partially I know something which I learned from my close friends " By this time dad had removed his underwear and became fully naked. Dad continued " my sweetest daughter I will explain in details and subsequently we will engage in those activities. I know that your mom ( my wife) six months back had a combined bath with your younger brother ( her own little son) and subsequently had several times fucking each other.Your mother ( my wife) was thinking I am not aware of their fucking. Anyway,in the situation, we don't have to feel any guilty conscience for what we are going to do now,OK?" I was already hot. Dad hugged me tightly and gave first a French kiss ( due to this bothnof our bodies became extremely hot) and subsequently kissed all over my body.Now dad told me something. " Although I told you we will do some things the couple do after marriage, what we are starting now is not generally done by all the couple including your mom and me. It is called 69. Now after paressing hard both of my boobs with both of his palms, he lowered his mouth downwards and reached my pussy area surrounded by thick black and bushy pubic hair. He gently spread the petals of my pussy and inserted his tongue in it through my ass Crack.I started screaming out of enjoyment. My clitoris was also bitten by him.This operations lasted for fifteen minutes.Then he brought my mouth towards his half erected huge cock. I fondled it and made it fully erected. Since I didn't know the details of 69,I awaited his instructions for my further actions. He asked me to swallow the full length of his huge cock,which I did.I made to and fro motions with my mouth until his cock cummed mouth. The cummed stuff was smelling like tender coconut water and tasting sweet,so I drank it.Now we took a rest for twenty minutes before starting our next activities so that his cock has to become normal which was now placid after cumming . I used to do cycling for going and coming back college. So my hymen was already punctured. After twenty minutes, I fondled nicely his placid cock and made it fully erected.He jumped over me, spread my both thighs and inserted his huge cock into my pussy hole. Pushed hard his cock and made to and fro motions. Since my hymen was already punctured the cock entered fully into my pussyhole. He carried on the activities for fifteen minutes until the cock cummed into my pussy.After cleaning ourselves we prepared to sleep. Before that we gad a little talk. He started " we have full two weeks at our disposal and in those days we will engage in different types of fucking " I agreed and asked him. " my darling dad, 69 was extremely enjoyable. But why you never resorted tonit with my mom?" Dad replied " I did not have confidence whether she will like it or not. So I didn't take the risk of doing it." I asked him again " Dad how you will compare your fucking with my mom( your wife) and that with me ?" He instantly replied " Main thing was pressing with my palms your warm,soft and big boobs. I had enjoyed it for about first one year of our marriage. But then she gave birth to you and her boobs started sagging."
We slept awaiting next night.
were in the shape of a chair.Her saree was curled up and raised upto a few inches below her waist. Seeing her in this condition, for the first time in my life,some naughty things came mind. I had a strong desire to touch at least her thighs.I knew if I insert my right palm and fingers,into her saree in the present condition, I will be able to touch her thighs.But I was very much afraid thinking what will happen if my sister catches my naughty activity. I thought since she is in deep sleep ,she will not know if I restricted my action to touching her thighs only.Under this confidence, I slowly inserted my right palm into her saree.Even before touching her thighs,I could feel the heat of the air inside her saree.Ultimately I touched her thighs.oh!my God,the hair of the thighs were standing and the thighs were too hot.I kept the palm only a few minutes and withdrew it fearing she shouldn't wake up.On 6th night at midnight, I saw
her sleeping in the same condition. Normally sleeps wearing saree,blouse, bra and underskirt. I was not sure whether she was wearing lingerie when she is at home. When going out of home she was definitely wearing lingerie. Now I wanted to touch her lingerie ( if she wears it ) or if I am lucky ( if she doesn't wear lingerie) I wanted to touch.her ass cheeks. After making sure that she was in deep sleep, I slowly inserted my palm into her saree and and raised it above the thighs. She was not wearing any lingerie.My palm directly touched her ass cheeks.Although I wanted to move palm a little further, I didn't have the guts to do that.So after a few minutes,I withdrew my palm and left the further actions for the future. On 8th night O moved my palm and fingers further.I explored the areas between her ass hole and bottom tip of her pussy. First time I realized that pubic hair will grow in those areas, since I didn't have any pubic hair in those areas. But I enjoyed exploring in those areas. I took the risk of spending about 15 minutes in my activities. On 9th night, I repeated the same activities of 8th night but opened and touched her hymen and pressed it gently, also insertedmy middle finger into her pussyhole. Day by day ( or night by nightI was becoming bolder.
On 10th night, I found her sleeping facing me.After making sure that she is fast asleep I just lowered my lungi upto my knees ( as though it happened in my sleep,) exposing my underwear, beneath which was my fully erected cock. I just watched with my eyes half shut,so that she will not know I am watching. After some time, she kept her left palm on my underwear.I didn't know whether it was done in her sleep.Anyway I was sure that she could feel the erected cock of me beneath my underwear. This thought itself was giving me much thrill. Now she pressed
my underwear beneath of which was lying my cock. Now I was almost sure that she is doing this not in her sleep but in awakened condition. So I just hugged her tightly. Then I lowered my under wear fully exposing my cock. I was eagerly awaiting her next action. Quite unexpectedly she commented " you have reasonably big cock at this age of 14."
I replied " thank you verymuch my darling sister,I have kept it exposed for you to touch it." Now she lowered her left palm and fingers andbtouched and fondled it for some time. I reached heavens.I told her " sweetie, I will be more happy if if you press gently and fondle my balls as well" Immediately she lowered her palm and gently pressed and fondled my balls.Meanwhile, I explored with my right palm her full ass cheeks. Slowly I moved it from her asshole to bottom tip of her pussy. On 11th night,I asked sister " Darling, in the area between ass hole and bottom tip of the pussy, only females have pubic hair ?" Sister replied " why you are asking this question?" I instantly replied that I don't have any pubic hair in those areas" Sister replied " Impossible, there is no differentiation between male and must not have checked properly. " I replied " No darling I have checked it thoroughly "
Sister told me " In that case let me check it myself" As per her request, I turned away from her so that my buttocks was facing her.She gently inserted her warm and soft right palm into my ass Crack and moved it from my ass hole to bottom tip of my balls.She told ," you are right,you don't have any pubic hair in those areas. But don't worry, it is notna permanent feature. You are only 14,it will grow when you are 15 or maximum 16." Even though there was no pubic hair in those areas I didn't want her to stop her exploring in those areas.I told her " Darling, even though there is no pubic hair,please don't stop fondling in that areas,since I am thrilled when you do it" Now sister explored my area between ass hole and bottom tip of my balls.As per my request, she gently pressed my balls and fondled my entire cock. After about 10 minutes, my cock cummed into her palm.But at the age of 14, I had only very limited quantity of semen. She cleaned her palm and we slept awaiting 11th night.
On 11th night ,I told her " today before starting our activities, I want to tell you something. Last ten days although we had been touching each other, we have not seen our naked bodies. I am very much interested in seeing your beautiful naked body.I am sure you also will like to see mine." Hearing this, she gave me a naughty smile. I removed her blouse first exposing her bra.Under the bra I could clearly see her big breasts propping.Even the sight of her bra gave my cock a small erection.But I don't think she noticed it. Now I removed her bra,exposing her big breasts.I commented, " Darling,you have a beautiful, sexy and big breasts.You are still not married, So I don't know how at this age of 20, you developed such big breasts. If you don't get angry can I ask one question. Occasionally you used to fondle and press your own breasts?" She became very shy and replied " Darling, I don't want to hide anything from you. When I used to have sexual desires, I used to fondle and press myown breasts.What else I can do ?" I liked her frank admission and told her the same." I talked further " means,this is the first time somebody else ( not you) going to fondle and press your breasts"? I grabbed her one breast with both of my palms.They were so big that it was not possible to grab one breast with one palm.I fondled and pressed one bymone.Then swallowed them
She was enjoying. Then I told her next item of your dress which I will remove is your underskirt. But then you will become fully naked,since you don't wear lingerie . So before that,why can't you remove my lungi and underwear so that I will become fully naked just before you become fully naked.?" She immediately removed my.lungi and underwear. Then I removed her underskirt. She was feeling very shy,so she kept her both palms on her pussy. But I forcefully took away her both palms. I really enjoyed the sight of her fully naked body.Gave a tight kiss to her pussy. She asked " by the way is it the first time you are seeing fully naked body of a female? " Her unexpected question put me puzzled. I had 2 options. Either tell her the truth or give her a lie. When I took about 5 minutes to answer she reminded " you did not answer my question?"I decided to tell her the truth. I proceeded " Darling sister,although I feel embarrassed to answeryour question, I don't want to tell you a lie.2 years back( when I was only 12) on summer vacation, our younger brother ( he was only 5 at that time) and me were engaged in games in full swing in our house compound. Suddenly mom came shouting " During school days you both were bathing every alternate days.Now today is the fourth consecutive day, you didn't take bath. She dragged both of us into thebathroom and closed its door. Once inside ,she asked us tonremove our dress--shirt and Nickerson in brother 's case and shirt and underwear in my case.I was feeling a bit shy when I removed my underwear. Meanwhile mom started removing her dress.First she removed her saree,blouse and her rowka( country bra).After removing our dress when we turned towards her she was with her underskirt only. Her underskirt had a big opening on her left side. 4 inch wide on top and 2 inch wide atnthe bottom with a total length(height)of 7 inch.Through that opening, I could clearly see the junction between her left thigh ( which was slightly dark and very much fleshy)and a portion of her pussy surrounded by black, thick and bushy pubic hair. It was a fantastic sexual sight.My little cock was giving a minor erection for the first time.I looked at her with the corner of my eyes,without she noticing. Then she removed her underskirt as well. Now she became fully naked.Now I came to know that she never wore any lingerie.I again looked directly at her body and enjoyed. One thing I learned from her face expression. She enjoyed me looking at her naked body.But our brother with all his innocence started looking directly at her naked body. Mom got angry and yelled " what are you looking at? See your big brother, he is not watching." I controlled my laugh hearing mom's comment. My sister commented after hearing my story " Anyway I appreciate your frank admission that you had seen a female in full naked condition before.I am eager to know what happened afterwards in the bathroom. But those details you can tell me tomorrow night. Now we will start our activities for tomorrow. We immediately moved from the verandah to the adjacent bed room ( not the bedroom where mom was sleeping).the bedroom lamp was on. I enjoyed seeing her full naked body.First I concentrated on her front side. I commented" Darling you have a sexy and big breasts. I tightly kissed her breasts one by one and and came down and kissed her pussy very tightly.Now my average sized cock was fully erected. She touched it and commented " At the age of 14,you have a reasonably big cock.I enjoy it seeing it dancing. Now we moved to the bed. I jumped over my sister, spread her thighs a little apart and pushed my cock into her pussy hole and made to and fro motions for about 15 minutes until it cummed inside her pussy. The quantity of my semen was very little. Anyway we cleaned ourselves and slept awaiting the next night.
On 12th night,after making sure that mom was fast asleep, at 9.30 we directly occupied the bedroom. Immediately she asked me " I want a truthful answer from you.Now,since you have seen our mom and me in fully naked condition, please tell me which body you liked more"? I proceeded " my darling , I won't lie or exaggerate.Your body I found slightly better. Main reason is mom's breasts were not attractive since they were sagging. Afterall she has given birth to 5 offspring including us.Except that
all other parts of both of your bodies( overall body,thighs,pussy areas and buttocks etc.) Aware equally attractive. Although your body is fair complexioned and mom's is slightly dark,I liked both equally. Now I want to know from you some truthful answer. I had heard from some senior classmates that it won't be possible to push any cock into a virgins pussy,since her hymen will obstruct it.I know you are a virgin. But how yesterday my cock could enter your pussy without any obstruction? The only possibility is that you had been masturbating. Am I correct?" Sister replied after sometime ." See,my darling, there is no need of telling lies to you.What all you said was correct.I had my own sexual desires.As I had already admitted to you,to satisfy my desires partially, I occasionally fondled and pressed my breasts.That is the reason ,although I am still unmarried I have big breasts. If you want you can say,what I had been doing was masturbation. But in the correct sense it is not.The real masturbation ( in the case of females) is inserting the finger into the pussyhole and making to and fro motions. This may cause the breaking of hymen.But I never did it. For your information, the hymen can be broken in cases of virgins,due to some other reasons also. One reason is cycling.See at my age of 15 and 16 ( whenI was studying in fifth andsixth forms) full 2 years I used to go and come back from school cycling.So my hymen was broken due to this only." I instantly commented " sorry darling, it was only my doubt. I fully believe what you said just now." Sister interrupted " by the way,what about you . Do you masturbate?" I hesitatingly replied." Almost ten months back( starting of my age 14) I had occasionally done masturbation. But initially no semen was coming out.Only 3 months back,slightly semen started coming as you have seen yesterday when my cock cummed into your pussy."
Sister told " okay, now you start to explain the rest of the bathroom story,which you started yesterday " I instantly replied. " but to get the actual thrill,we should remove our dresses." We immediately removed all our dresses. I started narration." Immediately after sending our little brother out from bathroom,mom told me " Although he is very small,he is not as innocent as you,that is why I sent him out." She started bathing me.Applied soap andcleanedmy whole body.Starting from my forehead complete face excluding eyes ,reached neck and after finishing stomach, reached my cock area.She spent more time in this area which she as well as me enjoyed.with soap she fondled my whole little cock
including the balls.Then she turned me so that my buttocks was facing her.She cleaned my backside also. Now as per her instructions I pored hot water to my whole body and then dried my whole body.Then mom told" Darling, before getting dressed up, I need a small help from you." I was surprised thinking what type of help she is expecting from me. She started explaining " Darling, my palm can't reach my whole body,especially my backside from my neck to downwards.So please help me in cleaning those areas." I was most happy to hear this and told her " my darling mom ,why to resrict only the inaccessible areas( by your palms).I will do the cleaning of your entire body.She was extremely happy to hear my words and hugged me tightly. Now I started from her forehead ,full face excluding eyes and then reached her breasts via her neck.I never told her that her sagging breasts never attracted me.Otherwise she may feel bad.I cleaned her breasts.Yhen via stomach Ibreached her pussy areas.It was surrounded by thick, black and bushy pubic hair which I liked most.I cleaned that area very slowly. Inserted my middle finger into her pussy hole, pressed gently her kant.I could see from her facial expression, she was thoroughly enjoying it.Then I reached her both thighs. As I explained earlier, I liked her slightly dark,fleshy thighs.I slowly cleaned that areas,then reached her feet.Then I started her backside.Reached her ass cheeks.Explored the whole ass cheeks area which was extremely smooth and fleshy. Then my palm moved further and applied the soap in my favorite area between her ass hole and bottom tip of her pussy. I spent 15 minutes to clean that areas.Then she pored hot water to her whole body and dried it.Before,we dressed up,I toldmom" Mom the pubic hair is grown in the area between one's asshole and bottom tip of pussy( bottom tip of balls in case of males) only in the case of females?" Mom instantly replied " No. Not at all. Why you are asking this question?" I replied " since I don't have any pubic hair in those areas "Mom replied "No way,there is no differentiation between male and female.You must not have checked properly " I replied " No mom,I had checked it thoroughly " Mom commented " Is it ? Let me check it myself. As per her instructions, I bent my body forward and took the position so that my buttocks was facing her. She slowly inserted her palm into the ass Crack and gently moved and fondled the area between my ass hole and bottom tip of my balls.As though, known my mind she gently pressed my balls and fondled my whole cock.Finall she told me " you are right. But it is not a permanent feature. It will start growing after 2 or 3 years.
Sister liked mynarration.She told" I could never imagine that these things happened between mom and you happened when you were 12.Anyway you have admitted that you have started masturbating about 10 months back. Can I know,whom you are imagining while you masturbate?" It was a very tough question for me to answer. I kept silent for 5 minutes. Sister asked " do you imagine some girlfriends?" I immediately replied " No way.first of all I don't have any girlfriends. " Sister continued " hope you were not imagining me." I instantly replied "How,it can be ? Until 2 weeks back,I never had looked at you with sexual desires. Only when we started sleeping together, 2 weeks back,I started feeling sexual desires towards you.So question of imagining you,while masterbating does not arise."
Okay then I believe that you don't imagine anybody while masterbating--sister told.I replied absolutely .
When last 2 nights from your facial expressions,I observed you were enjoying me looking thoroughly your whole naked body,it reminded me 2 incidents. One is the similar action by our mom which I already explained.The 2nd one was a story from an English novel (which was narrated to me last year by one of my senior classmates.) In that novel,the hero was 15 years old.His mother was 35. One day they were alone in the house.Mom was thing bath. He was in adjacent hall.He heard mom crying loudly and calling him for help.When he entered the bedroom, he saw a big lizard. The frightened mom was standing in the corner.He immediately made the lizard to runaway from bath room.Now he had a nice look at mom's fully naked body.From her facial expression, he knew she was enjoying his action"
She told " Darling from my friends,I learned about masturbation among boys and girls. But I could not directly see any of them doing ( boy or girl) I can't request any girl to show me ,she doing masturbation. At least can I request you to show me you masturbating?" Although surprised by this unexpected request, I immediately agreed.First I fondled my sleeping little cock to get erected. The fact that my darling sister was watching me masturbating gave me extra thrill.So once it erected, I grabbed the front tip with my right palm and made to and fro motions tightly. After about ten minutes, cock cummed into my palm.As usual the quantity of semen was too little. I cleaned my palm.We both enjoyed. Now I told sister " Darling,the thing I had told yesterday thatI don't imagine any body during my masturbation is not fully correct. As I had already told you,since I never kept any sexual feelings towards you in those days,I could not imagine we engaging in sexual activities during my masturbation.But I was imagining that you are married to somebody with good job like a PG doctor. Further I used to imagine him fucking you left and right andboth of you enjoying". My darling sister enjoyed my narration.
My elder sister and me part 3.
One evening I was masturbating on first floor.sisterwas at ground floor. Unexpectedly sister came and saw me masturbating. I was embarrassed. But she observed me and left after five minutes without making any comments. In the night after dinner we went to sleep at 9.we always used to put the bedroom lamp.I was feeling embarrassed remembering what she saw in the evening. She asked me " when did you start masturbating and you do it regularly?" I instantly replied " I started it six months back.I do it once a week" She continued, doesn't matter, about 90% of boys and 70 % of girls do it before marriage. By the way most of them ( especially boys) imagine about somebody while masterbating. What about you ,do you imagine any of your girl friends?" I replied " Darling sister, I don't have any girlfriends. " She continued " you mean you don't imagine any body.? Tell me frankly ? " I reluctantly answered " my darling sister, I feel shy to answer your question " She encouraged me by saying
" you don't have to hide any thing from me. I won't tell anybody what you are telling me now" This emboldened me and I started." My sweetest sister, as you know last year summer vacation ( when I was 14) our mom bathed me and we had a combined bath.Although she had been bathing me from the age of five to ten when we were staying in our ancestral house, since I was very innocent, after seeing her fully naked I did not develop any sexual desires towards her. Somehow after shifting to our present house ( at my age ten) she stopped bathing me.I never asked her the reason. Quite unexpectedly last summer vacation ( I was fourteen) she gave me bathing and we had a combined bath.After the age of ten ,I was seeing
for the first time a lady in fully naked position. She also was seeing after a long four years. She teased me commenting " you have grown up sufficiently. I Instantly replied " because you are seeing me naked after long four years." She lovingly caught hold of my half erected cock and fondled it and nade it fully erected and further commented " My darling son it seems your cock is a bit bigger than your dad ( my husband) .I couldn't believe it and told her that. She explained " look just after marriage I saw your dad' cock. It was about four inches long and two and an half wide ( circumference). He was then 25 and me only 15.Now he is 41and me 31. Now his cock size is four and half inches long and three inches wide.But you are only 14 and so by the time you become 41,your cock size will be perhaps 5 inches long and three and an half inches wide. That is why Intold you that your cock is a bit bigger than that of your dad " Her sesual talk increased my sexual desires towards her. So after six months for the first time I started masturbating imagining her. Subsequently I started masturbating imagining our younger sister and also you." Sister really enjoyed hearing the narration of mine. She started " my darling brother, I knew that six months back our mom had bathed you and had a combined bath.But the subsequent developments I am hearing now only. Since you have narrated frankly, I will tell you some secrets.But don't reveal this to anybody else. Five years back when I was 16 and dad 36 some thing happened. As you know dad and me were too much affectionate towards each other.But didn't do anything more. One day during a summer vacation for about two weeks dad and nevwere all alone at home.So we had been sharing our parents' bed. Dad slowly started some filthy talks which both of us enjoyed. Dad told " my darling daughter, you are only 16. But your body and organs are much bigger for your age of 16.I think you are aware that." I instantly agreed.Dad continued " this observation I.made after seeing you in fully dressed conditions. Would you mind if I see you without anything on.?" I readily agreed. He first removed my blouse.At that agevI had not started wearing bra. So next dad removed my half skirt and I was with only petticoat. Although I had been wearing lingerie during night before going to sleep I used to remove that.So once my petticoat was removed I became totally nude. Dad was wearing only dhoty and under wear. His underwear was not at all in tight condition, but was extremely in loose condition. So when he removed the dhothi I could clearly see beneath his underwear his huge fully erected cock.After seeing me fully naked condition, naturally his cock started dancing.Now dad asked me " do you know what the couple do after marriage?" I instantly with dryness replied " not in full details. Partially I know something which I learned from my close friends " By this time dad had removed his underwear and became fully naked. Dad continued " my sweetest daughter I will explain in details and subsequently we will engage in those activities. I know that your mom ( my wife) six months back had a combined bath with your younger brother ( her own little son) and subsequently had several times fucking each other.Your mother ( my wife) was thinking I am not aware of their fucking. Anyway,in the situation, we don't have to feel any guilty conscience for what we are going to do now,OK?" I was already hot. Dad hugged me tightly and gave first a French kiss ( due to this bothnof our bodies became extremely hot) and subsequently kissed all over my body.Now dad told me something. " Although I told you we will do some things the couple do after marriage, what we are starting now is not generally done by all the couple including your mom and me. It is called 69. Now after paressing hard both of my boobs with both of his palms, he lowered his mouth downwards and reached my pussy area surrounded by thick black and bushy pubic hair. He gently spread the petals of my pussy and inserted his tongue in it through my ass Crack.I started screaming out of enjoyment. My clitoris was also bitten by him.This operations lasted for fifteen minutes.Then he brought my mouth towards his half erected huge cock. I fondled it and made it fully erected. Since I didn't know the details of 69,I awaited his instructions for my further actions. He asked me to swallow the full length of his huge cock,which I did.I made to and fro motions with my mouth until his cock cummed mouth. The cummed stuff was smelling like tender coconut water and tasting sweet,so I drank it.Now we took a rest for twenty minutes before starting our next activities so that his cock has to become normal which was now placid after cumming . I used to do cycling for going and coming back college. So my hymen was already punctured. After twenty minutes, I fondled nicely his placid cock and made it fully erected.He jumped over me, spread my both thighs and inserted his huge cock into my pussy hole. Pushed hard his cock and made to and fro motions. Since my hymen was already punctured the cock entered fully into my pussyhole. He carried on the activities for fifteen minutes until the cock cummed into my pussy.After cleaning ourselves we prepared to sleep. Before that we gad a little talk. He started " we have full two weeks at our disposal and in those days we will engage in different types of fucking " I agreed and asked him. " my darling dad, 69 was extremely enjoyable. But why you never resorted tonit with my mom?" Dad replied " I did not have confidence whether she will like it or not. So I didn't take the risk of doing it." I asked him again " Dad how you will compare your fucking with my mom( your wife) and that with me ?" He instantly replied " Main thing was pressing with my palms your warm,soft and big boobs. I had enjoyed it for about first one year of our marriage. But then she gave birth to you and her boobs started sagging."
We slept awaiting next night.
Continue to read from the same author
previous story
My aunt and menext story
Mom and me part 4
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