Asteria in control
Asteria rode her motorcycle down the center of the old I-15 in southern Idaho. Catching the eyes of stray foxes, feral cats, and wolves as she plowed through the night, she wondered how many of them served as the eyes and ears of her enemies. Not that it mattered to her. She was a vampire hunter and she was tough. She was going to win no matter how much the vampires hedged their bets.
She pulled to a stop on a highway bridge and dismounted. There was a small town built around a rest stop in the distance and she wanted to scope it out first. She raised her high-tech binoculars and carefully scanned the area.
The buildings were old and dilapidated and covered in plywood boards and tattered plastic sheeting. There were a lot of stripped cars scattered around the empty streets. The only gasoline station in town was a hollowed out shell. In the infrared, the town was pitch black except for a large heat source in the extreme far end of town. She guessed that this was a living “blood bank” that some of the local vampires kept for themselves.
A quick three-sixty scan looking for heat signatures or anything unusual did not reveal a thing. Any vampires hanging around must not have fed for a while if they weren’t showing up on infrared. She did a check of her gear: pistols, one on each hip, plenty of ammo, combat knife, wooden stake, two flares, two flash grenades. Up in the sky, her cousin Selene was sleeping tonight.
Asteria dropped the forty feet to the scrub desert surface below and then took off into a run.
She ran quickly and silently, not directly toward the target but to a relatively concealed clump of brush over a small gully about a quarter-mile out from it. There were no sounds and nothing moving. The heat source was a late twentieth century city bus with steel plates bolted over all of the windows: a classic vampire lair.
She ran into the middle of the town and approached the bus from cover, finally creeping up to the folding door at the front of the bus. There were electronic sounds coming from inside that were barely audible over the idle whirring of the climate control unit on the top of the bus. The boarding door folded open when she pressed on it.
It was dark inside with only computer monitors for illumination. The chairs in the back of the bus had been removed. In their place were two rows of four women, each woman unconscious and in a seated position with her back to a wall. They were all hooked up to an IV drip in one arm and an IV blood bag in the other arm.
Asteria stopped next to the first woman on the right. She was young, probably in her mid twenties. A little computer off to her side was monitoring heart rate, blood pressure, and EEG through a set of electrodes. She was wearing a white latex bodysuit that gave her a lot of cleavage over her breasts and not much coverage over her genitals. Thick, white latex opera gloves were on each arm, although the gloves had no finger articulation and were more like mittens keeping the hand in a fixed palm blade. The woman was also wearing white latex knee-high boots which were as bulky as astronaut boots.
Asteria decided that she had to get at least one of these women out of there, tonight. She started shaking the woman in front of her, trying to stir her enough to wake her up.
The woman’s eyes opened.
“Are you ok? Can you move?”
The woman took some time to get her bearings, and then nodded. Asteria carefully removed the IV needles and the electrodes.
“Who are you?” the woman asked.
“Don’t worry, I’m on your side.”
“What about the others?”
“I’ll come back for them. Let’s get you out of there first.”
Asteria helped the woman to her feet and guided her down the hallway to the exit. The woman was able to walk on her own after a few moments, although her boots had no articulation at the ankles so she had to walk slowly. The woman seemed to hesitate climbing down out of the bus, so Asteria guided her down one step at a time.
“I feel strange now,” the woman confessed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Very strange… I… can’t… must… fight…”
The woman bent her knees to slightly crouch on her feet and parted her knees to expose her groin. “Help me. Help!”
“How? What’s happening?”
The woman stuck out her elbows to her sides and pointed her palms to where her genitals were strained against the latex covering her crotch.
“Save…. Hai… your… Haigure!”
Asteria stared in astonishment as the woman dropped her hands down to point at her crotch.
“Haigure. Haigure. Haigure,” the woman chanted over and over, each chant accompanied by that same movement framing her pelvis.
“Don’t move a muscle, sweetheart,” spoke the male voice from behind her. Asteria felt her muscles instantly lock into place.
“Haigure. Haigure. Haigure,” the woman chanted in perfect obliviousness to the external world.
“You may stop chanting, slave alpha, and return to your crèche. You, my dear, may turn around and face me.”
Spinning on her heel, Asteria saw that she was being commanded by a vampire. The man was tall and looked like a long-distance runner. He had closely cropped blonde hair and very pale skin. He was dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans like most of the college guys she used to know.
“A tall, sultry brunette who is obviously some kind of professional commando. How interesting.”
She focused on trying to move her muscles. She felt the vampire’s control as a lock, but if he hadn’t penetrated her mind deeply, she might have the willpower to override it.
Her hands started moving towards her pistols.
“Stop that. My, you are tough, aren’t you?”
He muscles locked up again, but she was able to override the control with a little less difficulty this time. Her hands started moving to grip the handles on her pistols.
“Stop stop stop! What are you? No human should be able to resist my control. Time to crank this down.”
He moved up close to steady her head with his hands and look deeply into her eyes. She couldn’t move her eyelids and couldn’t ignore the blazing eyes so close to her own.
“Now, don’t move a muscle while I scan your brain.”
She felt her muscles lock up even more tightly than before and the gentle brushstrokes of his mind began tracing gentle arcs across the surfaces of her brain. Her instinct was to flinch, to reveal some key information of her consciousness each time the brushstroke pressed against her thoughts. Resisting this temptation to betray a secret absorbed her concentration.
His face twisted. “Stop fighting me. I am your master.”
She gritted her teeth. He wasn’t her master yet. His face contorted as he exerted his mental power against her.
“What… are… you? Must… find… your levers.”
She began to move her hands up to grip her pistols again. If she could only fight him off a little longer, she’d win.
“But wouldn’t you much rather strip for me, darling?”
She felt her hands slowly twisting away from her guns to unzip her leather jacket. Her hands shook as she pulled it off of her shoulders and let it drop to the ground. She stripped off her Kevlar body armor next, revealing a plain black sports bra over her breasts.
“Keep going, darling. Strip it all off. Don’t be shy.”
She pulled off her bra to free her breasts and unbuckled her gun belt and let it drop. She bent over to unlace her boots before stripping out of her boots and socks. Her hands trembled and caught on her pant zipper, but pretty soon she was out of her pants as well. Her hands hesitated when it came to stripping out of her black panties.
“Panties too, darling. You know you want to.”
Her hands still resisted. The vampire pressed his forehead against her and mentally pushed against her thoughts.
“Panties. Off. Now,” he growled.
It took her several moments of experiencing the wind against her exposed skin for her to realize that she had blacked out while she was stripping her panties off. Now her muscles were frozen solid and she was totally naked.
The vampire pretended to swoon as he walked around her in a lazy circle to admire her curves.
“Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Just look at those proud, magnificent tits. You’re not a vampire or a werewolf, my dear, so you must be some kind of magically enhanced human. I can already sense your brain trying to rewire itself to override my control.”
He stepped back in front of her again to consider his options.
“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll let you get out of this as you were if you don’t come after me again.”
She felt her hands pull themselves into flat palms. Her feet planted themselves firmly on the ground.
“You see, haigure has no meaning in and of itself. It merely serves as my warning system.”
She trembled as her knees bent slightly and then splayed wide.
“Don’t worry, darling. That’s not the kind of rape that I specialize in.”
She gritted her teeth as her elbows poked out and her palms pointed down at her crotch.
“Ah, such resistance! Your programming won’t last long. Perhaps a couple of days. But enough time for me to escape. Now, every time you have a thought of hunting me down, you will be forced to go into this position and chant ‘haigure’ over and over again until you decide to leave me be. Do you understand? Oh, that’s right, I’m mind controlling you. Of course you understand. Very well, let’s give it a try.”
She used up the last of her willpower grunting the word “no.”
“First you say ‘hai’.”
“H-h-h… hai,” she sputtered.
“And thrust.”
Her hands thrust down towards her pelvis about a millimeter and then lifted back up again.
“Very good! Excellent. Now let’s try again. Hai.”
She thrust her palms deeper down to her pelvis again.
“Much better. Now try to do it all by yourself.”
“Hai… grrruh… eh,” she chanted before thrusting with her hands again.
“Haigurrrreh. Haigurre. Haigure,” she chanted as her hands worked up and down.
“By George, I think you’ve got it! And now, I must bid you adieu.”
Asteria chanted confidently, “Haigure. Haigure. Haigure.” Soon she was too preoccupied thrusting her hands up and down and chanting to notice that the bus and its vampire master had driven away into the night.
She pulled to a stop on a highway bridge and dismounted. There was a small town built around a rest stop in the distance and she wanted to scope it out first. She raised her high-tech binoculars and carefully scanned the area.
The buildings were old and dilapidated and covered in plywood boards and tattered plastic sheeting. There were a lot of stripped cars scattered around the empty streets. The only gasoline station in town was a hollowed out shell. In the infrared, the town was pitch black except for a large heat source in the extreme far end of town. She guessed that this was a living “blood bank” that some of the local vampires kept for themselves.
A quick three-sixty scan looking for heat signatures or anything unusual did not reveal a thing. Any vampires hanging around must not have fed for a while if they weren’t showing up on infrared. She did a check of her gear: pistols, one on each hip, plenty of ammo, combat knife, wooden stake, two flares, two flash grenades. Up in the sky, her cousin Selene was sleeping tonight.
Asteria dropped the forty feet to the scrub desert surface below and then took off into a run.
She ran quickly and silently, not directly toward the target but to a relatively concealed clump of brush over a small gully about a quarter-mile out from it. There were no sounds and nothing moving. The heat source was a late twentieth century city bus with steel plates bolted over all of the windows: a classic vampire lair.
She ran into the middle of the town and approached the bus from cover, finally creeping up to the folding door at the front of the bus. There were electronic sounds coming from inside that were barely audible over the idle whirring of the climate control unit on the top of the bus. The boarding door folded open when she pressed on it.
It was dark inside with only computer monitors for illumination. The chairs in the back of the bus had been removed. In their place were two rows of four women, each woman unconscious and in a seated position with her back to a wall. They were all hooked up to an IV drip in one arm and an IV blood bag in the other arm.
Asteria stopped next to the first woman on the right. She was young, probably in her mid twenties. A little computer off to her side was monitoring heart rate, blood pressure, and EEG through a set of electrodes. She was wearing a white latex bodysuit that gave her a lot of cleavage over her breasts and not much coverage over her genitals. Thick, white latex opera gloves were on each arm, although the gloves had no finger articulation and were more like mittens keeping the hand in a fixed palm blade. The woman was also wearing white latex knee-high boots which were as bulky as astronaut boots.
Asteria decided that she had to get at least one of these women out of there, tonight. She started shaking the woman in front of her, trying to stir her enough to wake her up.
The woman’s eyes opened.
“Are you ok? Can you move?”
The woman took some time to get her bearings, and then nodded. Asteria carefully removed the IV needles and the electrodes.
“Who are you?” the woman asked.
“Don’t worry, I’m on your side.”
“What about the others?”
“I’ll come back for them. Let’s get you out of there first.”
Asteria helped the woman to her feet and guided her down the hallway to the exit. The woman was able to walk on her own after a few moments, although her boots had no articulation at the ankles so she had to walk slowly. The woman seemed to hesitate climbing down out of the bus, so Asteria guided her down one step at a time.
“I feel strange now,” the woman confessed.
“What’s wrong?”
“Very strange… I… can’t… must… fight…”
The woman bent her knees to slightly crouch on her feet and parted her knees to expose her groin. “Help me. Help!”
“How? What’s happening?”
The woman stuck out her elbows to her sides and pointed her palms to where her genitals were strained against the latex covering her crotch.
“Save…. Hai… your… Haigure!”
Asteria stared in astonishment as the woman dropped her hands down to point at her crotch.
“Haigure. Haigure. Haigure,” the woman chanted over and over, each chant accompanied by that same movement framing her pelvis.
“Don’t move a muscle, sweetheart,” spoke the male voice from behind her. Asteria felt her muscles instantly lock into place.
“Haigure. Haigure. Haigure,” the woman chanted in perfect obliviousness to the external world.
“You may stop chanting, slave alpha, and return to your crèche. You, my dear, may turn around and face me.”
Spinning on her heel, Asteria saw that she was being commanded by a vampire. The man was tall and looked like a long-distance runner. He had closely cropped blonde hair and very pale skin. He was dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans like most of the college guys she used to know.
“A tall, sultry brunette who is obviously some kind of professional commando. How interesting.”
She focused on trying to move her muscles. She felt the vampire’s control as a lock, but if he hadn’t penetrated her mind deeply, she might have the willpower to override it.
Her hands started moving towards her pistols.
“Stop that. My, you are tough, aren’t you?”
He muscles locked up again, but she was able to override the control with a little less difficulty this time. Her hands started moving to grip the handles on her pistols.
“Stop stop stop! What are you? No human should be able to resist my control. Time to crank this down.”
He moved up close to steady her head with his hands and look deeply into her eyes. She couldn’t move her eyelids and couldn’t ignore the blazing eyes so close to her own.
“Now, don’t move a muscle while I scan your brain.”
She felt her muscles lock up even more tightly than before and the gentle brushstrokes of his mind began tracing gentle arcs across the surfaces of her brain. Her instinct was to flinch, to reveal some key information of her consciousness each time the brushstroke pressed against her thoughts. Resisting this temptation to betray a secret absorbed her concentration.
His face twisted. “Stop fighting me. I am your master.”
She gritted her teeth. He wasn’t her master yet. His face contorted as he exerted his mental power against her.
“What… are… you? Must… find… your levers.”
She began to move her hands up to grip her pistols again. If she could only fight him off a little longer, she’d win.
“But wouldn’t you much rather strip for me, darling?”
She felt her hands slowly twisting away from her guns to unzip her leather jacket. Her hands shook as she pulled it off of her shoulders and let it drop to the ground. She stripped off her Kevlar body armor next, revealing a plain black sports bra over her breasts.
“Keep going, darling. Strip it all off. Don’t be shy.”
She pulled off her bra to free her breasts and unbuckled her gun belt and let it drop. She bent over to unlace her boots before stripping out of her boots and socks. Her hands trembled and caught on her pant zipper, but pretty soon she was out of her pants as well. Her hands hesitated when it came to stripping out of her black panties.
“Panties too, darling. You know you want to.”
Her hands still resisted. The vampire pressed his forehead against her and mentally pushed against her thoughts.
“Panties. Off. Now,” he growled.
It took her several moments of experiencing the wind against her exposed skin for her to realize that she had blacked out while she was stripping her panties off. Now her muscles were frozen solid and she was totally naked.
The vampire pretended to swoon as he walked around her in a lazy circle to admire her curves.
“Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Just look at those proud, magnificent tits. You’re not a vampire or a werewolf, my dear, so you must be some kind of magically enhanced human. I can already sense your brain trying to rewire itself to override my control.”
He stepped back in front of her again to consider his options.
“I’ll make you a deal. I’ll let you get out of this as you were if you don’t come after me again.”
She felt her hands pull themselves into flat palms. Her feet planted themselves firmly on the ground.
“You see, haigure has no meaning in and of itself. It merely serves as my warning system.”
She trembled as her knees bent slightly and then splayed wide.
“Don’t worry, darling. That’s not the kind of rape that I specialize in.”
She gritted her teeth as her elbows poked out and her palms pointed down at her crotch.
“Ah, such resistance! Your programming won’t last long. Perhaps a couple of days. But enough time for me to escape. Now, every time you have a thought of hunting me down, you will be forced to go into this position and chant ‘haigure’ over and over again until you decide to leave me be. Do you understand? Oh, that’s right, I’m mind controlling you. Of course you understand. Very well, let’s give it a try.”
She used up the last of her willpower grunting the word “no.”
“First you say ‘hai’.”
“H-h-h… hai,” she sputtered.
“And thrust.”
Her hands thrust down towards her pelvis about a millimeter and then lifted back up again.
“Very good! Excellent. Now let’s try again. Hai.”
She thrust her palms deeper down to her pelvis again.
“Much better. Now try to do it all by yourself.”
“Hai… grrruh… eh,” she chanted before thrusting with her hands again.
“Haigurrrreh. Haigurre. Haigure,” she chanted as her hands worked up and down.
“By George, I think you’ve got it! And now, I must bid you adieu.”
Asteria chanted confidently, “Haigure. Haigure. Haigure.” Soon she was too preoccupied thrusting her hands up and down and chanting to notice that the bus and its vampire master had driven away into the night.
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