Running for my life
The Group 2
My neighbors are super weird in my opinion, they have a daughter they try to dress like some 18th century Dutch maid. She looks to be what, 15 to 30, I don't know but they treat her like she's some sort of slave. I mean the never let her out of the house without them until yesterday, I found her in the hallway kneeling by her door looking totally distressed. All she had on was a towel and panties so I asked her if she was alright and she just pressed harder against the door. I knocked on her door but got no answer so I knew I couldn't just leave her like this so I pull on her arm to get her to stand up and she did. I led her to my apartment and figured she wasn't right in the head so I got on my computer to find if there was somebody I could call.
All the while she was kneeling by my door looking very afraid but everyone I found to call were all closed until I found one number. I call it and when I told them what I wanted she grabbed the phone and told them it was a mistake and hung up. I was confused and she told me that she wasn't crazy she had locked herself out of the house and when I found her she was in full panic. Her parents were out of town and she was panicking because she didn't know what to do.
The apartment manager was down stairs but he charged twenty five bucks for a lock out and she said she had no cash. She then said that if I didn't mind could she just hang out here until they got back on Monday, that she would stay out of my way and she didn't eat much. Fuck, this shit started off strange and was getting weirder by the second. I don't know but I don't like weird but what in the fuck do I do with this chick, no matter what she said this chick wasn't right in the head. I found her one of my old robes and she sat on the couch next to me.
She started telling me about the Robeys and that they weren't her parents but she was with them in a role play and they were doing sexual fantasy roll play. One of their parents had to be rushed to the hospital so they left her here and she got locked out. It still sounded weird but people in general were weird so I guess this was par for the course. “I'm sure the Robeys would compensate you for your troubles”, she said.
We sat down and this chick was playing with my dick through my shorts, now this girl was way out of my league so I was flattered. I looked down at her creamy thighs and I wanted to go somewhere and jack off. I wondered if she was going to have sex with me and I quicky dismissed the idea saying shit like that don't happen to guys like me.
Later I got in the shower and I admit I was really uneasy, I could almost hear the music from that Hitchcock film, you know “Dink dink dink” while in was in there. She did come in naked and got in with me, “Mind if I join you, I'll wash your back”, she said grabbing the soap and began lathering my back. This chick was really pretty with all that make up off and against my will my dick started getting hard. “MMM you got a nice dick”, she said and began washing it too. She was stroking my dick from behind and I just put my head back and enjoyed it.
I hadn't been with a woman in over two years so a woman's touch (Even from a strange woman) was really welcomed. She kept on stroking then she got on her knees and took my dick into her mouth and began gently sucking me. I shot in her mouth and she took the bath cloth and began washing my dick and it didn't get soft.
She got out of the shower and began drying off so I got out to not believing what just happened and she began drying me off too. As she was drying my legs she got on her knees again and when I turned around she kissed my still hard dick. “Damn, you got a really nice dick”, she said and kissed the head again. “I really get off sucking a nice dick”, she said and rubbed her fingers between her legs, “Damn I'm wet”, she said and got up. “Any way of helping a girl out”, she turned and held onto the sink. Almost without any control of my body on my part I walked up behind her and slipped my dick deeply into her tight pussy. I fuck her as hard as I could while she demanded “Harder harder”., I exploded inside of her and she turned, dropped to her knees and drank the rest of my offering. She got up and wiped her mouth and said, “There might be one drawback to me staying here, I like a lot of sex, I mean a whole lot. I mean it's all I can do to keep from sucking you some more but I promise if you want me to stop I will but it won't be for long”, she was holding my dick as she spoke.
Damn I was jacking off three sometimes four times a day, I wasn't all that good looking, I was kinda short and I didn't have that killer body. Now a chick who was telling me that she might demand too much sex from my was a my kind of dream come true so I just smiled. I looked at her and she had a beautiful body, the kind of body a guy like me can only dream of. Her face was pretty, not beautiful but very pretty and she was standing there holding my dick, damn I was in heaven.
“Are you hungry”, I asked and she smiled and said, “May I have some more of this for desert”, holding my dick still. Damn, I thought, it don't get much better than this. I warmed the left overs I had and we sat at the table and ate, she didn't have much conversation , just about my dick. We finished eating and she went into my bedroom and when I went to see what was up I was greeted with her on my bed with her legs in the air so I kissed her and put my sore dick into her. I slow fucked her as she moaned and then suddenly she came and announced that she wanted to suck my dick.
I was lying on the bed and she said that she wanted to watch Jerry Springer so I turned it on and she took my now very sore dick in her mouth and sucked me while watching Springer. She would suck my nuts every now and then but then put my dick back into her mouth. Now a guy like me don't get this very often, if ever so even if it got to be uncomfortable or hell even if it hurts I wasn't going to miss a moment of this.
She kept on sucking me and believe it or not I shot my fifth load into her mouth and she drank it greedily down then licked my dick clean. She got up and laid next to me and again the conversation went to my dick, that was the only subject she wanted to talk about. I tried to steer the conversation to the Robeys then to where she's from but she was steadfastly wanting to talk about my dick and how it wasn't a monster but just right. She said that, because of it's perfect size she wanted to try it up her ass and we could do that before bed.
I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror, I looked like a geek, a nerd, somebody who would spend the better part of their lives jacking off and looking at girls like this chick in dirty books. And by the way I had no idea her name, every time I asked she started talking about fucking or sucking my dick. I don't care, I know for a fact that shit like this don't happen to guys like me and I will never meet a girl like this ever again in my life. If she want to fuck me to death I sure as hell will give her a helping hand. I have have more sex today with this girl than I have had my entire life including the girl I had sex with for about an hour
I went into the living room and put a towel on the sofa and sat on it and before I could settle in she came in with some grease and began smearing it on my dick. She turned facing away from me and began to ease herself down onto my dick. Soon she had my whole dick inside of her ass and she reached around a guided my hand to her pussy so I started playing with her pussy, she started coming and even though she was coming she wouldn't let me stop playing with her pussy while she rode my raw dick in her ass. I wasn't sure if I had any more cum in my body but I would fuck this chick as long as my dick got hard.
I used to go over to the adult store on the other side of town and pay the fee and look through the magazines and they had a place where you could pay a couple of bucks and you could jack off there. I spent a lot of money there and while I was there jacking off to shit like what is happening to me now would be my fantasies. A chick demanding more and more of my dick and me trying my hardest to comply with all I had in me. Now I know for a fact shit like this never happen and more than likely this chick was insane but what should I do, I want this, it's been my life long dream and it was coming true.
The chick comes again and she collapse on me and said for me to play with her tits so she's sitting there on my dick and I'm playing with her tits. She is sitting on my ball, that's how deep I am in her ass and I'm squeezing her nipple and she's urging me to squeeze harder. She's squeezing my dick with her ass and then she began riding my dick again I squeeze her clit and she comes hard and fall on me breathing hard. She gets up and go into my bedroom leaving me with a raw hard on in the living room so I count myself lucky.
I sat there for a long time, my dick finally went soft so I go to my bedroom and she is lying on her stomach. Her pussy is wide opened and I lay beside her trying not to disturb her but she turn around, take my dick in her mouth and resume snoring. I lay there a long time not sure what to do but soon I drift off to sleep with my dick in her mouth, another dream come true.
The next day she got me hard a couple of times but my dick quit doing what I said and just hung there. I was sitting in the living room and then it dawn on me, you can't lock yourself out of these apartment, you needed a key to lock the doors. I got up and put on my shorts, shirt and shoes then went out into the hallway. I went to the other apartment and tried the door, it was unlocked so I slowly opened the door calling out if anyone was there. There in the living room was the Robeys, Mrs. Robeys throat was slashed and Mr. Robeys head was bashed in with a large cast iron skillet. I turned just in time to see the chick with one of my knives taking a swing at me, I ducked then ran down the hall. Now one thing I do quiet well is run for my life, I been doing it all of my life, from childhood until now and I do it very well. I just jumped the whole flight of stairs then went to the next landing and jumped those too. I hit the front door and cut across the yard trying to put as much leverage in each step as I could. This had served me well over the years and my years of running for my life and was serving me yet again.
Even with my best effort she had gained a step or two on me but I was wagering that I could keep up this pace longer that she could. Then I heard the most welcomed sound a person in my position could hear. Wooo wooo, it was the police but I kept on running, soon they were out of their cars ahead of us and I ran by them at light speed. They had their guns drawn and demanding that she put the knife down then I heard three shots and when I looked around she was lying on the ground so I fell to my knees and lay on the grass while I caught my breath.
They came up to me with their guns still drawn and I told them between breaths that she had kill some people in the apartment building down the street. They asked me if I was hurt I told them no and I walked with one of the cops back to the building and showed them the bodies. They questioned me in my apartment while some other people took pictures and then removed the bodies. One of the detectives told me she was responsible for over seven more murders in Texas, Ohio and Western Michigan.
Okay it's five days later and my dick still hurt, the word got around that I had captured a serial killer but that was a lie, it seems the press always got it wrong but one thing I can say, my life saving skills (My feet)sure served me well and after all this, I still got to live my fantasy and I survived my fantasy, problem now is what do I use for a fantasy when I jerk off now that I have lived them all?
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