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MarriedI married in 2018 and living my husband's family on their 33-acre property, his parents are quite well and so is he. He has only one sibling a younger sister 23 very shy and keeps to herself. It was more than year of me being married to her brother that she relaxed enough to talk to without being told too first. My parents died in 2016 (car accident) and I only have a younger brother 25 mechanic and single. Lost his job due to company he worked for closing down 2019. My in-laws hired my brother ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Surprised Sister....
Decided I could so I did.All names changed. I got hired by my great uncle Denis 69 and his new wife Lauren 51, his previous wife died of cancer 2017 and remarried November 2019. He has 2 children who are married and rarely visit him. I'm the oldest of his sister's only daughter and his sister 60 was the youngest of 4 and Denis the oldest. I'm Jacob 34 and single high school dropout, my father died in a car accident 2008 and I was living my mother Heather since dropping out of school and doing whatever job I could get. ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny Grand Nephew
My Misadventures with Mrs. LasalleA lot of strange things happened over the years involving my friend’s mother. I grew up six houses from the LaSalle's, and I was friends with their sons Kevin and Harry (who we called Hulk). My sister was friends with their sister as well. I spent a lot of time at Mrs. Lasalle’s house. Mrs. Lasalle liked to party with friends. She had pool parties and holiday parties. Always very friendly. She was always nice to me. One time something happened that didn’t really involve me, but it seemed like i...reading time 25 mingenre
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My wife new job part 4So I'm back with an update on my wife's progress with her new job as Mr Jones caregiver. She has been working hard on keeping all the black neighbors happy and healthy and for the record it has been a total of fifteen guys that on a daily basis have been fucking her pussy and it seems like her pussy never closes. reading time 1 mingenre
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My TurnIn relationships I was a total failure, never had a girlfriend and paid for the sex I've had. My career was the complete opposite I was doing very well and at 35 had my own home and a dog. The dog was my only companion, then my cousin 29 got divorced was left with nothing her ex just gave her the papers and left. In shock at first, but just signed the papers and didn't oppose the divorce. Which was duly granted, and she got of everything which wasn't really very much once all the loans and debts...reading time 3 mingenre
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Lucky Cousin.....
Unplanned I wasn't a marrying type of guy or that what I thought about myself. I had 2 brothers who had married and had children and so it wasn't a responsibility for me to continue the family line. I could as I thought have fun, that was how I lived my life. Dating women for sex without ever thinking of marriage, it was how my whole social life was arranged. I would meet a woman and once bedded I would move on. My career was going great and at 31 I was promoted and got a personal assistant Carol 39 wido...reading time 2 mingenre
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Unplanned Parenthood
The old gangGrowing up I was always with my friends in and out of school, we were a gang nothing bad. Just always together. Mostly boys and my best friend's sister, she was more of a boy then he was. A real tomboy, I can't remember seeing her in a dress all the time we were together at school or hanging around together. I left for university and my friend joined the marines, I lost contact with him after a year or so. Once finished university I got a good job and start my career. I finally was able to work ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Happy gang member.
Use to Play the Field I wasn't interest in relationships except for sex, at 32 and single having great career prospects. I had it made, then I got my boss's daughter 28 pregnant, she also worked at her family firm and was seen as reserved and unattainable. So, me being me made a point of trying to bed her. I succeeded and she got pregnant, I hadn't given much thought to precautions. as I always let the woman take of their own precautions. I've always believed every woman has the right to look after herself. But gett...reading time 2 mingenre
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Caught and now married
AlcoholI 29 was at a party and had a few too many and awoke next morning in bed with my buddy's mother 49 and I fucked her again before going home. She said she enjoyed our sexual encounter as she hadn't had any sex since her divorce 2 years earlier. Of course, I thought it was a once off encounter, but she wanted regular sex with me. I could've said I was drunk and tried to end it. But a fuck is a fuck and there was another bonus, I hadn't saw coming her daughter 25 the younger of her 2 children and q...reading time 1 mingenre
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Alcohol horny guy
My wife new job part 3So it's been 2 months since my wife started her new job as Mr Jones caregiver and as you all know she has been fucking him and all of ten of Mr Jones roommates and other friends in total I have counted fifteen black men. My wife still doesn't know that I have been noticing her extra activities. At first I was upset about the whole thing , but this situation has actually been very good for our marriage I have to admit. Last night before she went to work she mentioned that Mr Jones was having a ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Getting CaughtI was single and as the saying goes would anything with a heartbeat. Well, that heartbeat of a woman was my boss's wife. Well, I was getting plenty of sex and the wife and I nearly got caught and being seen together often she thought was dangerous. So, she decided I should seduce her timid daughter, the daughter I hadn't ever heard speak in 7 years working at their business and my first question was how will, I do that. She said I'll help, and she got the three of us away to the family lake hous...reading time 2 mingenre
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Very Horny man
Property Dispute I bought a house and several acres and moved in and was settling in, when a neighbor 59 I hadn't yet met came to my front and threaten me with legal action. He said I had stolen an acre of his land. I had my property refenced before moving in and I said I would check on it with the local council and do as they say. He then threatened to punch my lights out and I told him to leave. He threw a punch and as I was a martial arts trainer in the military, blocked and sat him on his ass. I then called...reading time 4 mingenre
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Lucky Ryan
Got Lucky at PartyI'd been away for some time and after I returned, I was more of a stranger than a local. But I still had friends and family in the town. At 34 I wasn't yet married and was doing very well career wise. Had no current girlfriend and was invited to a party and I decided to go, for no other reason than getting out of the house for a time. The party packed and I knew a few not all, I met a woman 32 who was also attending alone, and we hit it off. We ended up in bed together and she left the next day ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Meant to be
Slutty princess hi my name is alyssa and this is the time i got fucked by my boyfriend , his friends, were were all at me and my boyfriends house , they were watching the game i was getting them something to eat and drink , then on the break of the game they stepped outside to shotgun some beer but when they cane in littke did i know that had a surprise waiting for me , in one of the boys cars he had everthing they needed to tie me up , i see that bag when they walk in . im curious and confused.. my husband cal...reading time 4 mingenre
Group sex
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Growing Up in a small townI was raised in a small country town, and it wasn't doing well, the population was dwindling. I was the youngest of 3 and not a scholar like siblings, they had left for university and people around my age had mostly left also. I'd left school at 15 and worked for my grandfather in his garage. I became a mechanic and working just about anything that came my way. My grandfather decided to retire as he wasn't well, heavy smoker and drinker all his life saw to that. I was given the garage by him as ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Happy Horny Mechanic
It worked for meI was 24 and going to university and wanted to lose my virginity and so I paid a hooker. Now not virgin anymore I wanted more sex and didn't want to pay for it. On the internet and checking out sites for one off sexual relationships. I wasn't finding anyone close to my age I like the look of by their posted pictures or their being close enough for me to meet up with them. Then just by chance I mistakenly clicked on a mature woman's post, I was about to exit the page. When I noticed her body was ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Eager Beaver
I was a Wild Child I was an average at best student and finally I was allowed to leave school by my mother. She lived in the country and my father lived in the city, he didn't like the country and my mother had asthma and preferred the cleaner air of the country to city's air. I was a troubled birth, and my mother couldn't have any more children as a result. I've an older brother who is like my father and rarely visited our mother. But my mother was the money in the family, 3/4 of the family's wealth came from he...reading time 4 mingenre
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Wild Child tamed
A Rainy afternoonI'm divorced 34 no children and was having a lazy day at home; it was raining, and I decided to stay home and do nothing. After lunch the wind picked up and the rain got heavier, then the power went out and my backup power kicked in. Then I heard a loud crashing sound and went to investigate, I knew it wasn't in my yard, as I have nothing in my yard except my house. The neighbor's small garden shed had blown over the fence into my yard. No damage to my yard or the fence, the neighbor luckily had...reading time 3 mingenre
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Storm Lover
Fantastic Training 2 After doing electrical work for Lauren and later on she visited me while I was working at home and asked to check her. She then when out and went she home I went fixed her stove, I was asked to stay for dinner an accepted. Seeing was tense she gave me massage and then said I needed a full massage. Having roll over on my back after she had done it, she started on my front and started stroking my cock and she sucked me off and after we had sex. She trained me to please her sexually and I'm still f...reading time 1 mingenre
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Brett B
Phoenix Envy: Spring - Sun Zang ( Chun LI from There Was There Were)It sheaves of changing seasons' On a port of ever est., The Sky trenches purity - to symbol of the Sky. The metaphor clarity is the perception of the horizon. The gailing doors are strout always closed, The maiden of a rose For which there's a vein of growth always by the entrance The Assailing virtues of mortality The reverence of a flower always lair inside, Always lare the reverence of a flower concretion bloom The steps of concrete lair externally to its concretion. Lare the walking migrati...reading time 4 mingenre
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Phoenix Envy Glorious Goddess @
My wife new job part 2 Well guys I'm back with part 2 of my wife new job update and with that it's been a month now since my wife started her new job as Mr Jones health care provider. She has been working the night shift since day one and I guess that we are getting used to it. She has been working from 7pm to 1am and Saturday for overtime hours. Well today is Friday and I'm just getting home as I come in the house I noticed that the kids were not home. I wondered where she had taken them, then I remembered that th...reading time 3 mingenre
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I fucked Sandra againIt's Jesse I'm back just finished fucking Sandra stone again she can't stay away from my cock she worships it she begged me to let her suck it she said fuck my husband your dick is what I want not his little dick ass he could never fuck me like u Jesse please shove your big dick down my throat give me what Jamie can't his sorry ass can't feed me can't fuck me he's no good to me that's why I'm here I need to suck an fuck a man with a real dick omg dam I love giving u blowjobs I missed u so much I...reading time 2 mingenre
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My wife new job part 1My name is Carlos and my wife name is Marie, we have been married for 20 years now and have a very good relationship. Last weekend I was at my neighbors house playing poker with Mr Jones and 5 of his roommates Troy, Greg, Marcus, Terry and Tony aka Three Legs 🦵. They are all black gentleman in their 50s and 60s . That night Mr Jones asked me if I could ask my wife if she was interested in working with him as his health care provider. His recent provider had to move out of town and since he know...reading time 2 mingenre
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Perfect ResultI'm now 40 and 6 years ago I was working overseas and staying in a hotel. It was the only hotel in the area I was working and there wasn't much in the way of entertainment, except for drinking alcohol. I do drink, but not enough to a bar every day. Anyway, I started getting aroused by one of the 2 maids, she was 38 widowed and had a daughter 21 the other maid. The male owner of the hotel had a sexual interest in them, but his wife kept a very close eye on him. I knew they were having a rough tim...reading time 3 mingenre
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Perfectly happy..
I wanted SexI'd been overseas for years and finally came home and felt out of place. Not as connected as I thought I would be om my return. So, at first, I didn't date and stayed home most nights unless I went to see a movie. Overseas I was a party guy and got sex regularly and now back home I wasn't reacting to the women I met like I did overseas. Then I was promoted and was told to hire a personal assistant. The vacancy was a talking point among the staff at the business and some had hopes of getting the ...reading time 4 mingenre
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